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TOPIC | Irrational fears are irrational
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I have two fears of my own: fear of falling (not heights) and a fear of buzzing.

My fear of falling I guess can come from the fact that I was extremely klutzy as a child. Sure, you'd think a child would get used to it, but really I was always afraid of the next time I'd fall, and I'd keep either falling face-first, or backwards. I'm not afraid of heights. I'm fine being in high places as long as I'm not on the very EDGE of something.

My fear of buzzing, more specifically the buzzing of insects...I don't know how it developed but yeah. I can look at insects just fine and as long as the buzzing isn't close to my head, I'm fine with it.
I have two fears of my own: fear of falling (not heights) and a fear of buzzing.

My fear of falling I guess can come from the fact that I was extremely klutzy as a child. Sure, you'd think a child would get used to it, but really I was always afraid of the next time I'd fall, and I'd keep either falling face-first, or backwards. I'm not afraid of heights. I'm fine being in high places as long as I'm not on the very EDGE of something.

My fear of buzzing, more specifically the buzzing of insects...I don't know how it developed but yeah. I can look at insects just fine and as long as the buzzing isn't close to my head, I'm fine with it.
I have an fear of ticks. To the point where I don't step on grass during late spring or early summer and I have memorized every mole I have so that if I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror I don't think it's a tick and I run my hand through my hair feeling for bumps and- yeah.
I have an fear of ticks. To the point where I don't step on grass during late spring or early summer and I have memorized every mole I have so that if I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror I don't think it's a tick and I run my hand through my hair feeling for bumps and- yeah.

Bleach. ONLY CLEANING TYPE BLEACH. (Hair bleach doesn't bother me at all.) Still don't know why the stuff makes me freak out so much. Last night I had to handle a bottle of the stuff, and SOMEONE didn't close it all the way, and I got 5 drops on me. I quickly handed it to the nearest flat surface, and I think I got a few layers of skin off from where those drops landed.

I also have a small issue with small spiders, but I love the big fuzzy ones and will let them climb on me all day long. Just not the small ones. Those need to die in a fire.

Bleach. ONLY CLEANING TYPE BLEACH. (Hair bleach doesn't bother me at all.) Still don't know why the stuff makes me freak out so much. Last night I had to handle a bottle of the stuff, and SOMEONE didn't close it all the way, and I got 5 drops on me. I quickly handed it to the nearest flat surface, and I think I got a few layers of skin off from where those drops landed.

I also have a small issue with small spiders, but I love the big fuzzy ones and will let them climb on me all day long. Just not the small ones. Those need to die in a fire.
I have my own website for things I've made!
SquishyPanda there a proper name for a fear of falling trees? there a proper name for a fear of falling trees?
Bloody Mary... --_--'''

I was at a friend's house one night and she and her sisters were like, "Go do the BM thing" so I did. Closed door and all. Little did I know that while one sister was locking/holding the door shut, the other had run outside around the house. I waited a moment or two and got restless, looked up, and saw a face in the window, laughing. I turned around and tried to get out but couldn't, and ended up banging on the door and sobbing for someone to let me out. To this day, ghost stories, but especially BM, terrifies me to my core. I was trying to get into Supernatural but I flat-out can't because nobody is willing to watch it with me, and I can't watch it alone.
Bloody Mary... --_--'''

I was at a friend's house one night and she and her sisters were like, "Go do the BM thing" so I did. Closed door and all. Little did I know that while one sister was locking/holding the door shut, the other had run outside around the house. I waited a moment or two and got restless, looked up, and saw a face in the window, laughing. I turned around and tried to get out but couldn't, and ended up banging on the door and sobbing for someone to let me out. To this day, ghost stories, but especially BM, terrifies me to my core. I was trying to get into Supernatural but I flat-out can't because nobody is willing to watch it with me, and I can't watch it alone.
Chiroptophobia. The fear of bats.
I've surprised myself in so many ways when it comes to bats.
I think they're cute;
Yet I hate them
I think they're cool;
Yet I hate them
I think they're unique;
Yet I hate them
I don't get myself sometimes.

I mean, there was a skeleton of a bat in a museum I went to, and I completely freaked out. It wasn't even alive. I dunno.

Oh and balloons.
I'm afraid of them still. Whenever someone comes from a party with a balloon, I find a place where that balloon is no where near me. It's kinda childish in a way.
Chiroptophobia. The fear of bats.
I've surprised myself in so many ways when it comes to bats.
I think they're cute;
Yet I hate them
I think they're cool;
Yet I hate them
I think they're unique;
Yet I hate them
I don't get myself sometimes.

I mean, there was a skeleton of a bat in a museum I went to, and I completely freaked out. It wasn't even alive. I dunno.

Oh and balloons.
I'm afraid of them still. Whenever someone comes from a party with a balloon, I find a place where that balloon is no where near me. It's kinda childish in a way.


I know what you mean...small children can be the most awful things. :(

I know what you mean...small children can be the most awful things. :(
Prepare for some ridiculously intense fears.
I apologize in advance.

Elevators. Heights. Sleep paralysis (i really can't sleep much some nights when I think about it)
Deep water I can't stand in, so drowning too.
Being trapped. Choking. Being followed.

Yeah, so basically Tower of Terror is the scariest thing in the world. Too bad because I'm staying in Disneyworld at the moment. The first ever elevator I went in as a baby was at my doctor's office. It ended up being so rickety and stuttering even my mom was nervous. Every time I always check the weight limit, make sure no one ever jumps and if some kid is pushing a ton of buttons when they shouldn't I really start to shake. The image of the cord snapping and everyone falling with strangers screaming around them as their final memory is honestly something I could only handle in movies and books. I'd rather walk up 50 flights of stairs than take one.
Escalators, however, are very cool.

I really think I've come closer to drowning multiple times than anything else. It's not so much looking out on a lake that scares me, just swimming in and the feeling of being helpless, I guess. I'm a paranoid person. Don't ever expect me to go on fast roller coasters...

I'm not deeply afraid of the dark.
Just of what lurks inside of it. Even right now.
I can blame my dad probably for that one. I was around 4 or 5 when this happened. As I was walking out the bedroom door after I told him I had a nightmare, he came up behind me and yelled something very loudly about a skeleton coming to get me. Of course, my eyes lit up like a deer in the headlights and I sprinted for dear life back to my parents room. There, I spent the next few minutes cowering under the covers and not leaving until they escorted me back to the other side of the house. I didn't even make it halfway to my bed before turning on the TV -- volume louder than one would find suitable for sleeping. Which I didn't do a lot of that night.

I always have a light somewhere when I go to bed. No matter if it's my phone, a lamp, a charger light, moonlight, alarm clock, anything. Otherwise, I can never sleep fully.

I better stop typing now. It's nearly 3 AM, and my rambling is getting out of control. Sorry for the long reply.
Prepare for some ridiculously intense fears.
I apologize in advance.

Elevators. Heights. Sleep paralysis (i really can't sleep much some nights when I think about it)
Deep water I can't stand in, so drowning too.
Being trapped. Choking. Being followed.

Yeah, so basically Tower of Terror is the scariest thing in the world. Too bad because I'm staying in Disneyworld at the moment. The first ever elevator I went in as a baby was at my doctor's office. It ended up being so rickety and stuttering even my mom was nervous. Every time I always check the weight limit, make sure no one ever jumps and if some kid is pushing a ton of buttons when they shouldn't I really start to shake. The image of the cord snapping and everyone falling with strangers screaming around them as their final memory is honestly something I could only handle in movies and books. I'd rather walk up 50 flights of stairs than take one.
Escalators, however, are very cool.

I really think I've come closer to drowning multiple times than anything else. It's not so much looking out on a lake that scares me, just swimming in and the feeling of being helpless, I guess. I'm a paranoid person. Don't ever expect me to go on fast roller coasters...

I'm not deeply afraid of the dark.
Just of what lurks inside of it. Even right now.
I can blame my dad probably for that one. I was around 4 or 5 when this happened. As I was walking out the bedroom door after I told him I had a nightmare, he came up behind me and yelled something very loudly about a skeleton coming to get me. Of course, my eyes lit up like a deer in the headlights and I sprinted for dear life back to my parents room. There, I spent the next few minutes cowering under the covers and not leaving until they escorted me back to the other side of the house. I didn't even make it halfway to my bed before turning on the TV -- volume louder than one would find suitable for sleeping. Which I didn't do a lot of that night.

I always have a light somewhere when I go to bed. No matter if it's my phone, a lamp, a charger light, moonlight, alarm clock, anything. Otherwise, I can never sleep fully.

I better stop typing now. It's nearly 3 AM, and my rambling is getting out of control. Sorry for the long reply.

Fear of zombies. I'm usually alright during the day... I can see, so I can escape with ease. But at night...

I spent the last two evenings playing 7 Days to Die with family. I love it, and we have lots of fun, but I won't sleep properly for a week or two after we stop playing.

Partake in anything remotely zombie-related and I can't sleep for days after. Max Brooks' books were the worst, in that regard. 7DTD is now a close second...

Fear of zombies. I'm usually alright during the day... I can see, so I can escape with ease. But at night...

I spent the last two evenings playing 7 Days to Die with family. I love it, and we have lots of fun, but I won't sleep properly for a week or two after we stop playing.

Partake in anything remotely zombie-related and I can't sleep for days after. Max Brooks' books were the worst, in that regard. 7DTD is now a close second...
You can't imagine how many times I refused to go to a restaurant with my parents because someone/one member of my family threw up there. I just downright refuse to go because I'm scared it'll happen again. I'm sorry the food in your restaurant is nice but thank you very much I prefer to starve than come back again and witness someone vomit.
You can't imagine how many times I refused to go to a restaurant with my parents because someone/one member of my family threw up there. I just downright refuse to go because I'm scared it'll happen again. I'm sorry the food in your restaurant is nice but thank you very much I prefer to starve than come back again and witness someone vomit.
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» I said to the almond tree, 'Sister, speak to me of god.' And the almond tree blossomed.
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