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TOPIC | [Guide]Workshop Workers - GW fodderteam!
Hey hey! So this isn't going to be a terribly fancy guide, because.. uh.. I'm bad at that. :T But I had set out to design a Perfect Pair for the Golem Workshop based on a couple of my favorite characters from Sgt Frog, and let me tell you, their teamwork is IMPECCABLE. Back to back bosses? No problem. Start on a four pack? A little dangerous, but generally doable. Did I mention that all this is possible while you have a useless fodder kid tagging along? Aw yiss. (And now we have a spiffy name, thanks to Flygone! Behold: the Workshop Workers!) Even better, you can actually start using your Workshop Workers pair as low as [b]level 15[/b], meaning you can start using them to[b] train fodder[/b] alongside themselves. Check the end of the post for detailed leveling guide! (Though if you're working up a full team of Glass Cannon / Workshop Cleric / Workshop Warrior from scratch, you might wanna leave the GC in there just so they're not stuck at a weird level. If you're using other dergs to boost-start them, 15 is where you can send them off together + a fodder!) Let me introduce you to my babies: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Kululu, aka the brains of the operation, the backbone, the support, the twisty noodly battle cleric. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Girokko, aka the brawn, the death machine of grace and fortitude, the sharp pointy warrior's business end. Now, I highly recommend that your [b]battle cleric be a Wind type[/b]. Disorient is incredibly useful, and Wind is strong against a number of the enemies. I highly recommend that your warrior NOT be Ice type. Girokko had to be for character reasons, but a [b]Fire, Arcane, Earth, or Nature[/b] dragon would stand up to the Workshop's mages a bit better. Still, even with a type disadvantaged warrior, this build works just fine, so I imagine with a stronger type advantage you'll have even LESS trouble. The only elements that are seriously in trouble in GW are Lightning (weak to Earth, Wind, and Arcane), Water (weak to Lightning and Ice), and Light (weak to Arcane and Lightning). Shadow might be in trouble too, as it's weak to both Light and Arcane, but those don't usually appear in the same pack, so if you focus on those first you'll be okay. Yada yada yada get to the stats, amirite? Stats are ranked in order of importance so if you have to skimp somewhere, skimp on the last one. With the new 105 set for the Warrior, it's possible you may have to use a Tincture for the full spread, especially if you're using a non-STR based dragon to start (something that starts with Meditate or Anticipate in their first slot like Faes or Bogsneaks) but I think Wildclaws, Guardians, Imperials, etc can go without. The old 103 set definitely didn't need a Tincture for those breeds, so if you'd rather forego it or can't quite squeeze the last two points up, the old 103 set is still listed below! [u][b]For the Battle Cleric:[/b][/u] [indent]Best Type: [b]Wind[/b], Nature, Earth[/indent] [b]Skills:[/b] [indent][item=meditate] Meditate [item=contuse] Contuse [item=rally] Rally [item=regeneration] Regeneration [item=disorient] Disorient[/indent] [b]Required Stones:[/b] [indent][item=Scholar] Scholar x 3 __ [item=Ambush] Ambush x 2[/indent] [b]Pre-stoned Stats:[/b] [indent]INT: 107 __ QCK: 51 __ AGI: 21 __ VIT: 16[/indent] [b]Stats (with stones):[/b] [indent]INT: 122 __ QCK: 60 __ AGI: 24 __ VIT: 16[/indent] [u][b]For the Warrior Tank:[/b][/u] [indent]Best Type: Nature, Fire, Earth, Arcane[/indent] [b]Skills:[/b] [indent][item=scratch] Scratch [item=eliminate] Eliminate [i](can add Sap, a backup Rally, or an Elemental Slash also, but these are not necessary to the build at all.)[/i][/indent] [b]Required Stones:[/b] [indent][item=berserker] Berserker x 3 __ [item=Ambush] Ambush x 2[/indent] [b]Pre-stoned Stats:[/b] [indent]STR: 90 __ QCK: 51 __ DEF: 52 __ VIT: 33 __ AGI: 10[/indent] [b]Stats (with stones):[/b] [indent]STR: 105 __ QCK: 60 __ DEF: 52 __ VIT: 33 __ AGI: 13[/indent] (If you're using an element that's strong against some of the mob typings in the Workshop, feel free to throw an Elemental Slash on there, but Girokko doesn't use em because Ice is... uh... generally not as effective against most of the enemies there, lol. A backup Rally helps if your Cleric eats it early, and Sap is good for when you have lots of extra breath on your Warrior.) *** The GW was updated recently and the Scrapmetal Trackers and Steelhounds have increased health. The old point spread for stats-with-stones was STR 103 / QCK 60 / DEF 55 / VIT 32 / AGI 16. Stats-without-stones was STR 88 / QCK 51 / DEF 55 / VIT 32 / AGI 13. This original version still works fine, but simply requires a fifth Scratch if you start on a hound pack. Rallied Scratch+Elim still kills them all in two shots just fine. The new stats above are recommended for the easy four-scratch start, but may require a Tincture.) Now's where I expect a lot of you are going WHAAAA?!! at the Warrior stats. To that I respond SCIENCE AND TEAMWORK, LITTLE BUDDY. The trick lies in how you arrange your kiddos - fodder kid should be in the leftmost spot. [b]Battle Cleric goes in the center. Warrior goes on the right.[/b] Cleric soaks the turnsteal with their first Ambush and uses Rally on the Warrior with their first turn. Warrior can now kick butt and take names BECAUSE a lvl 25 rally adds 30 STR to the target, meaning that your Warrior buddy can now Scratch-Eliminate EVERYTHING IN THE GOLEM WORKSHOP minus the bosses of course. The increased DEF / VIT helps your Warrior survive and not need constant healing to keep them going. Your Cleric buddy isn't meant to sit back and cool their heels either, mind. For the initial round of breath-building, the Cleric is probably gonna need to Meditate twice to make sure they can slap a Regen on whoever's getting picked on by the first pack. For every other round, assuming you've got the Breath for it, the typical first set order should go as follows: Cleric > Rally Warrior Warrior > Scratch Warrior > Eliminate Cleric > Disorient (use Contuse on Wind Mistrals + Water monkeys) Warrior > Eliminate **Note: If you're up against the Tracker Hound packs, Disorient and Contuse do NOT do enough damage to the Shadow-typed Trackers for Eliminate to work. Either use Scratch+Elim on a Shadow and Disorient+Elim on a Neutral, or just build breath to heal the Warrior and let them take care of all the dogs. That drops you TWO enemies before they even have a chance to do diddly squat. From there, your Cleric can grab another Meditate if they need, Disorient if you're looking to finish the fight fast and you have lots of breath, slap a heal on if you need it, whatever! The build is meant to be very flexible with attack order and VERY durable. I've only had to reset maybe a handful of times after multiple unlucky misses in a row. Generally I can just tank straight through until I feel like changing out my fodder kid. I've taken on bosses first turn, taken on multiple bosses in a row, taken on four-packs in a row, all with no problems. The most important thing to remember is that Rally WILL fade after 5 turns, and if your Cleric's dead, you WILL need two Scratches before Eliminate will strike true. (Or, if you have an extra Rally, you can give one to your Warrior and burn a turn on self-Rallying. This is usually the better way to go.) Your Cleric doesn't have the DEF or VIT the Warrior does, so they'll tend to be the one that gets punked (especially against those dang light squirrels... curse you, Swift Lumens!!) but as long as your Warrior has a fresh Rally on them, a Regen in effect, or at least half health, they can usually beast through to the next battle on their own, where your Cleric can then proceed to slap heals around. Have fun guys! Leave me some feedback, bump it if you like the build, throw me a tip if you feel like it! And above all, GET OUT THERE AND DESTROY SOME GOLEMS! 8D [b]Helpful Tips + Q&A:[/b] Rally actually heals a small, invisible bit of health (based on caster's INT) that doesn't show up in the health bar until the next battle. If your mage has a free turn but it's near the end of the battle and you don't want to use up a whole Regen, they can use a Rally to booster their own health or the Warrior's health by a little bit, which will show up when the next battle starts. If you need to build your Warrior's breath, you can use a Rallied Scratch to finish off most of the Lightning and Arcane mage enemies after you use a Disorient on them. (Not the Creepers, though, they're a bit too tough.) If your Cleric manages to put Confusion on a mage-type enemy, ignore that enemy and switch focus on the others. Mages hit for beans when they're Confused, so it's a good chance to build some breath or heal if you need! The top four elements to use for your Warrior are Fire, Nature, Earth, and Arcane. If using Nature, your only danger is the Frost Borer, so make sure they've got full health or use Regen on your Cleric's second turn to keep them safe. Fire's only danger is the Stone Borer, so the same applies there, plus your Cleric will be strong against it. Earth is weak to Wind, so kill any Mistral Minions in a pack first. Arcane is weak to Wind and Earth, but resists Lightning and Arcane, so focus on Mistrals and again, be careful of the Borer. For the Battle Cleric, Wind is absolute best choice because of Disorient and the type match-ups. With Disorient you can crit-kill any Lightning / Arcane enemy and get within one Scratch's worth on the mages. But if you absolutely can't stand having a Wind dragon, Nature plus Envenom gets the crit-kill / one-Scratch regular hit on Arcane / Light, and Leaf Bolt will get the crit-kill but not the one-Scratch. Weak to Plague / Ice / Fire, so watch out for the Frost Borer. Earth element with Boulder Bolt can still get the insta-kill on a crit for Lightning / Arcane, but also does not do enough damage to get within the one-Scratch range, and Petrify can mess up the Warrior's hits, so Fossilize is not very recommended. They are weak to Wind / Water / Nature, so watch out for the Mistral Minions. According to idlewildly and Lara8, bosses that are Disoriented can drop double loot! Very helpful for boss grinding - for the full information and tips on how to make sure they stay disoriented, [url=]check out their post here![/url] [quote="Ritter"]Just a little suggestion since Rally prices can skyrocket on the AH at times; the best places I've had luck grinding for Rally have been Sandswept Delta, Arena, and Mire. (Delta has been the best for me, averaging about 1 per 40 min)[/quote] [b]Q: Why not use Aid?[/b] A: I haven't tried it with Aid, because Aid is a one-use high-heal, which I felt could be a bit dangerous since the Cleric is so much more vulnerable to getting punked. Regen will persist a few turns even if your Cleric bites it, plus that way your Cleric doesn't have to spend every turn taking care of the Warrior - it'll automatically heal a received Scratch or two. Regen also persists and heals as the battle ends, if it's still up - ie, if you have it on your Cleric, and kill the last enemy with the Warrior, as it's bringing up the EXP window the Cleric will receive one more turn's worth of Regeneration since the battle technically ended at their turn. [b]Q: Why so much Defense instead of Vitality?[/b] A: Defense helps against physical attacks and keeps your Warrior from losing too much health against the physical enemies. It helps to keep them in an easily Regen-able zone as well - Regen heals consistently over every turn, so with a high DEF the Warrior generally won't take more damage from a Scratch than a Regen turn can heal. At 122 INT, the Cleric's Regen will heal 248 health per Regen turn. With the Warrior's high DEF, damage taken from regular attacks is as follows: Spiders: 171 per hit Tracker Hounds: 179 per hit Miths: 167 per hit Bosses: 239 Contused Bosses: 180 This doesn't take into account when the enemies use Shred or their elemental slashes, or crits, but basically thanks to having so much Defense, Regen can heal almost two Scratches/Bites worth of damage per turn, preventing you from having to use it terribly often and freeing up your Cleric to attack or prep extra breath for the next battle. [b]Q: Why so much Agility? Isn't it broken?[/b] A: If Agility is not broken (and the jury's out on that one for me, as I went digging and the last comprehensive study I saw done of AGI was done in 2013) it should theoretically be helping both dodge and crit rates, which is why the mage's is pretty high - critting a Disorient on a Lightning or Arcane enemy is a one-hit kill. It seems to work - at least, Kululu seems to get a pretty good number of Disorient crits. Plus, based on my own personal experience and not any real SCIENCE at all, it seems to help prevent dodging from the enemies. All the GW things manage to dodge my kiddos way less than my poor Mireflyer, who gets dodged to great irritation all the time. [b]Q: What's the speed of leveling?[/b] A: training start, lvl 1: 10:00 5 - 10:03 6 - 10:05 7 - 10:10 8 - 10:15 9 - 10:23 10 - 10:32 Two boss fights, no reloads necessary. Boss fights tend to move a bit slower, but the XP gain at the end is higher. [b]Stats screenshots?[/b] A: Sure! [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] *Kululu actually has Prismatic Meditate and Empathetic Regeneration instead of the regular Meditate and Regeneration. The difference is only cosmetic - the skills' mechanics still work exactly the same as their regular counterparts. ---------------------------------------------------------------- [quote="Leveling Guide"] (From lv 1-15, you can just straight follow [url=]Culex's guide[/url], though give your Cleric points in INT rather than STR, of course, and they'll need Rally / Regenerate rather than Eliminate.) Also, it's helpful to keep the [url=]Charts [/url]portion open in a second tab while you're leveling up to double check which enemies you can one-shot Rally-Eliminate (abbreviated ra-el below) and which ones need an extra Scratch first. (levels with boss kill notations are absolutely confirmed possible, as I did it on my own run, though of course you will have to heal a lot more rather than having your Cleric fight if you're in a higher level than your dergs are actually at.) Party setup order: fodder or bonus cannon / cleric / warrior Starting Stats at Lv 15: str/int - 73 (when rallied, str is 93) qck - 36 ((definitely can kill redrock bosses)) lv 16 str/int - 78 (when rallied, 99) qck - 36 (can ra-el all but strike/shale thresh/greatshell) lv 17 str/int - 89 (when rallied, 111) qck - 50 (switch to berserkers / scholars) (can ra-el everything in arena) (can ra-el almost all in vents; can scr-elim all even without rally) ((can kill boss hydras / boss beasts in rainsong for sure)) (can ra-scr-elim all in rainsong / boreal / crystal / harpy's but it's dangerous as heck. prepare to reset lots in the higher areas.) lv 18 str/int - 94 or 95 (rallied - 117 or 118) qck - 50 (can ra-el almost everything in rainsong / boreal) (can definitely kill yetis) (can two-shot up to the mire, but daaaangerous) lv 19 str/int - 100 (rallied - 124) qck - 50 (can ra-el half of crystal) (can kill ghostlight bosses) lv 20 str/int - 105 (rallied 130) qck - 50 (can ra-el all of crystal but sturgeons / bosses) (can two-shot to kelp) lv 21 str 105 / qck 50 / all points to def (rallied 131) int 109 / qck 50 lv 22 str 105 / qck 50 / def 42 (rallied 132) int 114 / qck 50 lv 23 str 105 / qck 60 / def 42 (rallied str 133) int 115 / qck 60 (it's best to stall out at Ghostlight through lv 24, depending on your Warrior's element. Kelp Beds is too rough on a lv 23 Earth or Fire based Warrior.) lv 24 str 105 / qck 60 / def 43 / vit 31 int 120 / qck 60 (can start fighting in the GW but you will probably have to refresh more and play a little more defensively / more heals prepped) lv 25 Finished!! Now go wreck stuff!! Once again, final stats are: STR 105 / QCK: 60 / DEF: 52 / VIT: 33 / AGI: 13 INT 122 / QCK: 60 / AGI: 24 / VIT: 16 [/quote]
Hey hey! So this isn't going to be a terribly fancy guide, because.. uh.. I'm bad at that. :T But I had set out to design a Perfect Pair for the Golem Workshop based on a couple of my favorite characters from Sgt Frog, and let me tell you, their teamwork is IMPECCABLE. Back to back bosses? No problem. Start on a four pack? A little dangerous, but generally doable. Did I mention that all this is possible while you have a useless fodder kid tagging along? Aw yiss.

(And now we have a spiffy name, thanks to Flygone! Behold: the Workshop Workers!)

Even better, you can actually start using your Workshop Workers pair as low as level 15, meaning you can start using them to train fodder alongside themselves. Check the end of the post for detailed leveling guide!

(Though if you're working up a full team of Glass Cannon / Workshop Cleric / Workshop Warrior from scratch, you might wanna leave the GC in there just so they're not stuck at a weird level. If you're using other dergs to boost-start them, 15 is where you can send them off together + a fodder!)

Let me introduce you to my babies:


Kululu, aka the brains of the operation, the backbone, the support, the twisty noodly battle cleric.


Girokko, aka the brawn, the death machine of grace and fortitude, the sharp pointy warrior's business end.

Now, I highly recommend that your battle cleric be a Wind type. Disorient is incredibly useful, and Wind is strong against a number of the enemies. I highly recommend that your warrior NOT be Ice type. Girokko had to be for character reasons, but a Fire, Arcane, Earth, or Nature dragon would stand up to the Workshop's mages a bit better. Still, even with a type disadvantaged warrior, this build works just fine, so I imagine with a stronger type advantage you'll have even LESS trouble. The only elements that are seriously in trouble in GW are Lightning (weak to Earth, Wind, and Arcane), Water (weak to Lightning and Ice), and Light (weak to Arcane and Lightning). Shadow might be in trouble too, as it's weak to both Light and Arcane, but those don't usually appear in the same pack, so if you focus on those first you'll be okay.

Yada yada yada get to the stats, amirite? Stats are ranked in order of importance so if you have to skimp somewhere, skimp on the last one. With the new 105 set for the Warrior, it's possible you may have to use a Tincture for the full spread, especially if you're using a non-STR based dragon to start (something that starts with Meditate or Anticipate in their first slot like Faes or Bogsneaks) but I think Wildclaws, Guardians, Imperials, etc can go without. The old 103 set definitely didn't need a Tincture for those breeds, so if you'd rather forego it or can't quite squeeze the last two points up, the old 103 set is still listed below!

For the Battle Cleric:
Best Type: Wind, Nature, Earth
Meditate Meditate Contuse Contuse Rally Rally Regeneration Regeneration Disorient Disorient
Required Stones:
Scholar Scholar x 3 __ Ambush Ambush x 2
Pre-stoned Stats:
INT: 107 __ QCK: 51 __ AGI: 21 __ VIT: 16
Stats (with stones):
INT: 122 __ QCK: 60 __ AGI: 24 __ VIT: 16

For the Warrior Tank:
Best Type: Nature, Fire, Earth, Arcane
Scratch Scratch Eliminate Eliminate
(can add Sap, a backup Rally, or an Elemental Slash also, but these are not necessary to the build at all.)
Required Stones:
Berserker Berserker x 3 __ Ambush Ambush x 2
Pre-stoned Stats:
STR: 90 __ QCK: 51 __ DEF: 52 __ VIT: 33 __ AGI: 10
Stats (with stones):
STR: 105 __ QCK: 60 __ DEF: 52 __ VIT: 33 __ AGI: 13

(If you're using an element that's strong against some of the mob typings in the Workshop, feel free to throw an Elemental Slash on there, but Girokko doesn't use em because Ice is... uh... generally not as effective against most of the enemies there, lol. A backup Rally helps if your Cleric eats it early, and Sap is good for when you have lots of extra breath on your Warrior.)

*** The GW was updated recently and the Scrapmetal Trackers and Steelhounds have increased health. The old point spread for stats-with-stones was STR 103 / QCK 60 / DEF 55 / VIT 32 / AGI 16. Stats-without-stones was STR 88 / QCK 51 / DEF 55 / VIT 32 / AGI 13. This original version still works fine, but simply requires a fifth Scratch if you start on a hound pack. Rallied Scratch+Elim still kills them all in two shots just fine. The new stats above are recommended for the easy four-scratch start, but may require a Tincture.)

Now's where I expect a lot of you are going WHAAAA?!! at the Warrior stats. To that I respond SCIENCE AND TEAMWORK, LITTLE BUDDY. The trick lies in how you arrange your kiddos - fodder kid should be in the leftmost spot. Battle Cleric goes in the center. Warrior goes on the right. Cleric soaks the turnsteal with their first Ambush and uses Rally on the Warrior with their first turn. Warrior can now kick butt and take names BECAUSE a lvl 25 rally adds 30 STR to the target, meaning that your Warrior buddy can now Scratch-Eliminate EVERYTHING IN THE GOLEM WORKSHOP minus the bosses of course. The increased DEF / VIT helps your Warrior survive and not need constant healing to keep them going.

Your Cleric buddy isn't meant to sit back and cool their heels either, mind. For the initial round of breath-building, the Cleric is probably gonna need to Meditate twice to make sure they can slap a Regen on whoever's getting picked on by the first pack. For every other round, assuming you've got the Breath for it, the typical first set order should go as follows:

Cleric > Rally Warrior
Warrior > Scratch
Warrior > Eliminate
Cleric > Disorient (use Contuse on Wind Mistrals + Water monkeys)
Warrior > Eliminate

**Note: If you're up against the Tracker Hound packs, Disorient and Contuse do NOT do enough damage to the Shadow-typed Trackers for Eliminate to work. Either use Scratch+Elim on a Shadow and Disorient+Elim on a Neutral, or just build breath to heal the Warrior and let them take care of all the dogs.

That drops you TWO enemies before they even have a chance to do diddly squat. From there, your Cleric can grab another Meditate if they need, Disorient if you're looking to finish the fight fast and you have lots of breath, slap a heal on if you need it, whatever! The build is meant to be very flexible with attack order and VERY durable. I've only had to reset maybe a handful of times after multiple unlucky misses in a row. Generally I can just tank straight through until I feel like changing out my fodder kid. I've taken on bosses first turn, taken on multiple bosses in a row, taken on four-packs in a row, all with no problems.

The most important thing to remember is that Rally WILL fade after 5 turns, and if your Cleric's dead, you WILL need two Scratches before Eliminate will strike true. (Or, if you have an extra Rally, you can give one to your Warrior and burn a turn on self-Rallying. This is usually the better way to go.) Your Cleric doesn't have the DEF or VIT the Warrior does, so they'll tend to be the one that gets punked (especially against those dang light squirrels... curse you, Swift Lumens!!) but as long as your Warrior has a fresh Rally on them, a Regen in effect, or at least half health, they can usually beast through to the next battle on their own, where your Cleric can then proceed to slap heals around.

Have fun guys! Leave me some feedback, bump it if you like the build, throw me a tip if you feel like it! And above all, GET OUT THERE AND DESTROY SOME GOLEMS! 8D

Helpful Tips + Q&A:

Rally actually heals a small, invisible bit of health (based on caster's INT) that doesn't show up in the health bar until the next battle. If your mage has a free turn but it's near the end of the battle and you don't want to use up a whole Regen, they can use a Rally to booster their own health or the Warrior's health by a little bit, which will show up when the next battle starts.

If you need to build your Warrior's breath, you can use a Rallied Scratch to finish off most of the Lightning and Arcane mage enemies after you use a Disorient on them. (Not the Creepers, though, they're a bit too tough.)

If your Cleric manages to put Confusion on a mage-type enemy, ignore that enemy and switch focus on the others. Mages hit for beans when they're Confused, so it's a good chance to build some breath or heal if you need!

The top four elements to use for your Warrior are Fire, Nature, Earth, and Arcane. If using Nature, your only danger is the Frost Borer, so make sure they've got full health or use Regen on your Cleric's second turn to keep them safe. Fire's only danger is the Stone Borer, so the same applies there, plus your Cleric will be strong against it. Earth is weak to Wind, so kill any Mistral Minions in a pack first. Arcane is weak to Wind and Earth, but resists Lightning and Arcane, so focus on Mistrals and again, be careful of the Borer.

For the Battle Cleric, Wind is absolute best choice because of Disorient and the type match-ups. With Disorient you can crit-kill any Lightning / Arcane enemy and get within one Scratch's worth on the mages. But if you absolutely can't stand having a Wind dragon, Nature plus Envenom gets the crit-kill / one-Scratch regular hit on Arcane / Light, and Leaf Bolt will get the crit-kill but not the one-Scratch. Weak to Plague / Ice / Fire, so watch out for the Frost Borer. Earth element with Boulder Bolt can still get the insta-kill on a crit for Lightning / Arcane, but also does not do enough damage to get within the one-Scratch range, and Petrify can mess up the Warrior's hits, so Fossilize is not very recommended. They are weak to Wind / Water / Nature, so watch out for the Mistral Minions.

According to idlewildly and Lara8, bosses that are Disoriented can drop double loot! Very helpful for boss grinding - for the full information and tips on how to make sure they stay disoriented, check out their post here!
Ritter wrote:
Just a little suggestion since Rally prices can skyrocket on the AH at times; the best places I've had luck grinding for Rally have been Sandswept Delta, Arena, and Mire. (Delta has been the best for me, averaging about 1 per 40 min)

Q: Why not use Aid?
A: I haven't tried it with Aid, because Aid is a one-use high-heal, which I felt could be a bit dangerous since the Cleric is so much more vulnerable to getting punked. Regen will persist a few turns even if your Cleric bites it, plus that way your Cleric doesn't have to spend every turn taking care of the Warrior - it'll automatically heal a received Scratch or two. Regen also persists and heals as the battle ends, if it's still up - ie, if you have it on your Cleric, and kill the last enemy with the Warrior, as it's bringing up the EXP window the Cleric will receive one more turn's worth of Regeneration since the battle technically ended at their turn.

Q: Why so much Defense instead of Vitality?
A: Defense helps against physical attacks and keeps your Warrior from losing too much health against the physical enemies. It helps to keep them in an easily Regen-able zone as well - Regen heals consistently over every turn, so with a high DEF the Warrior generally won't take more damage from a Scratch than a Regen turn can heal. At 122 INT, the Cleric's Regen will heal 248 health per Regen turn. With the Warrior's high DEF, damage taken from regular attacks is as follows:
Spiders: 171 per hit
Tracker Hounds: 179 per hit
Miths: 167 per hit
Bosses: 239
Contused Bosses: 180
This doesn't take into account when the enemies use Shred or their elemental slashes, or crits, but basically thanks to having so much Defense, Regen can heal almost two Scratches/Bites worth of damage per turn, preventing you from having to use it terribly often and freeing up your Cleric to attack or prep extra breath for the next battle.

Q: Why so much Agility? Isn't it broken?
A: If Agility is not broken (and the jury's out on that one for me, as I went digging and the last comprehensive study I saw done of AGI was done in 2013) it should theoretically be helping both dodge and crit rates, which is why the mage's is pretty high - critting a Disorient on a Lightning or Arcane enemy is a one-hit kill. It seems to work - at least, Kululu seems to get a pretty good number of Disorient crits. Plus, based on my own personal experience and not any real SCIENCE at all, it seems to help prevent dodging from the enemies. All the GW things manage to dodge my kiddos way less than my poor Mireflyer, who gets dodged to great irritation all the time.

Q: What's the speed of leveling?
A: training start, lvl 1: 10:00
5 - 10:03
6 - 10:05
7 - 10:10
8 - 10:15
9 - 10:23
10 - 10:32
Two boss fights, no reloads necessary. Boss fights tend to move a bit slower, but the XP gain at the end is higher.

Stats screenshots?
A: Sure!
*Kululu actually has Prismatic Meditate and Empathetic Regeneration instead of the regular Meditate and Regeneration. The difference is only cosmetic - the skills' mechanics still work exactly the same as their regular counterparts.

Leveling Guide wrote:
(From lv 1-15, you can just straight follow Culex's guide, though give your Cleric points in INT rather than STR, of course, and they'll need Rally / Regenerate rather than Eliminate.) Also, it's helpful to keep the Charts portion open in a second tab while you're leveling up to double check which enemies you can one-shot Rally-Eliminate (abbreviated ra-el below) and which ones need an extra Scratch first.

(levels with boss kill notations are absolutely confirmed possible, as I did it on my own run, though of course you will have to heal a lot more rather than having your Cleric fight if you're in a higher level than your dergs are actually at.)

Party setup order: fodder or bonus cannon / cleric / warrior

Starting Stats at Lv 15:
str/int - 73 (when rallied, str is 93)
qck - 36
((definitely can kill redrock bosses))

lv 16
str/int - 78 (when rallied, 99)
qck - 36
(can ra-el all but strike/shale thresh/greatshell)

lv 17
str/int - 89 (when rallied, 111)
qck - 50
(switch to berserkers / scholars)
(can ra-el everything in arena)
(can ra-el almost all in vents; can scr-elim all even without rally)
((can kill boss hydras / boss beasts in rainsong for sure))
(can ra-scr-elim all in rainsong / boreal / crystal / harpy's but it's dangerous as heck. prepare to reset lots in the higher areas.)

lv 18
str/int - 94 or 95 (rallied - 117 or 118)
qck - 50
(can ra-el almost everything in rainsong / boreal)
(can definitely kill yetis)
(can two-shot up to the mire, but daaaangerous)

lv 19
str/int - 100 (rallied - 124)
qck - 50
(can ra-el half of crystal)
(can kill ghostlight bosses)

lv 20
str/int - 105 (rallied 130)
qck - 50
(can ra-el all of crystal but sturgeons / bosses)
(can two-shot to kelp)

lv 21
str 105 / qck 50 / all points to def (rallied 131)
int 109 / qck 50

lv 22
str 105 / qck 50 / def 42 (rallied 132)
int 114 / qck 50

lv 23
str 105 / qck 60 / def 42 (rallied str 133)
int 115 / qck 60
(it's best to stall out at Ghostlight through lv 24, depending on your Warrior's element. Kelp Beds is too rough on a lv 23 Earth or Fire based Warrior.)

lv 24
str 105 / qck 60 / def 43 / vit 31
int 120 / qck 60
(can start fighting in the GW but you will probably have to refresh more and play a little more defensively / more heals prepped)

lv 25
Finished!! Now go wreck stuff!! Once again, final stats are:
STR 105 / QCK: 60 / DEF: 52 / VIT: 33 / AGI: 13
INT 122 / QCK: 60 / AGI: 24 / VIT: 16
ijcaSw5.gif 24e24jq.jpg tumblr_nu9dc9lcB81u8p7yoo7_100.png

Ooooh, this is neat! I'm gonna read this over again tomorrow and try it out myself some time. :D

Ooooh, this is neat! I'm gonna read this over again tomorrow and try it out myself some time. :D
@celeorien This I need this in my life, I cleared out all the familiars in the kelp beds a while ago and the workshop is a dangerous place. I may try this out!
@celeorien This I need this in my life, I cleared out all the familiars in the kelp beds a while ago and the workshop is a dangerous place. I may try this out!
@acheronta Yeah!! Lemme know how it runs for you and what element you use for your Warrior. Being an Ice type is pretty rough, but I needed it for the white eyes, lol. The sacrifices we make for lore...

@HollyBerry I feel that!! Part of the reason I was so keen on making a GW pair is I was just SO SICK AND TIRED of those eels and dolphins, lol! Kuwabara and Urameshi, the pair in my sig, are actually a Kelp Beds oriented Culex pair, but I found the battles either taking too long or being too dangerous to drag fodder along for them in GW. Let me know how you like it! This is the first time I've ever posted a guide anywhere, so I'm pretty nervous, haha!
@acheronta Yeah!! Lemme know how it runs for you and what element you use for your Warrior. Being an Ice type is pretty rough, but I needed it for the white eyes, lol. The sacrifices we make for lore...

@HollyBerry I feel that!! Part of the reason I was so keen on making a GW pair is I was just SO SICK AND TIRED of those eels and dolphins, lol! Kuwabara and Urameshi, the pair in my sig, are actually a Kelp Beds oriented Culex pair, but I found the battles either taking too long or being too dangerous to drag fodder along for them in GW. Let me know how you like it! This is the first time I've ever posted a guide anywhere, so I'm pretty nervous, haha!
ijcaSw5.gif 24e24jq.jpg tumblr_nu9dc9lcB81u8p7yoo7_100.png
Thank you @celelorien I've just tinctured two of my dragons as per your guide and I just have to say that they are awesome in the workshop (they are dragging along a fodder beast too). I had a couple battles with packs of 4, then got a delver and then a borer immediately after the delver - still going strong with no restarts and the fodder is already level 8.
Thank you @celelorien I've just tinctured two of my dragons as per your guide and I just have to say that they are awesome in the workshop (they are dragging along a fodder beast too). I had a couple battles with packs of 4, then got a delver and then a borer immediately after the delver - still going strong with no restarts and the fodder is already level 8.
Ohh, saving this for myself. Will see how this build does.
Ohh, saving this for myself. Will see how this build does.


This is beautiful and I'll be giving this a try once I get my Mire Two-Fodder Trainer up to Lv25. I've been wanting a reliable way to train in the Workshop. Thanks for sharing!


This is beautiful and I'll be giving this a try once I get my Mire Two-Fodder Trainer up to Lv25. I've been wanting a reliable way to train in the Workshop. Thanks for sharing!

@Sylvandyr @Maki

yoooo idk who else to ping

I'd like to get your opinions on this build re: efficacy in the GW? :D?
@Sylvandyr @Maki

yoooo idk who else to ping

I'd like to get your opinions on this build re: efficacy in the GW? :D?
Aaaaaa thank you all! X3

@wrecknrule Yeah, another big reason for making a GW build was so I could farm meat - I used to Mire farm for meat with a 2-fodder build but once they updated it, those boss toads kept wrecking everything. And the Kelp Beds just don't drop as much meat as I need - I have WAY too many Wildclaws and Nocts for that, lol! I hope the build does well for you! :D
Aaaaaa thank you all! X3

@wrecknrule Yeah, another big reason for making a GW build was so I could farm meat - I used to Mire farm for meat with a 2-fodder build but once they updated it, those boss toads kept wrecking everything. And the Kelp Beds just don't drop as much meat as I need - I have WAY too many Wildclaws and Nocts for that, lol! I hope the build does well for you! :D
ijcaSw5.gif 24e24jq.jpg tumblr_nu9dc9lcB81u8p7yoo7_100.png
@Jaxton Pinging myself, but this looks awesome! I've got every familiar from the Kelp Beds (other than the mantarune who hates me and refuses to drop), but I haven't gotten many of the Workshop ones yet because I am usually leveling fodder and I've never been able to do that in the Workshop before. I can't wait to try this!
@Jaxton Pinging myself, but this looks awesome! I've got every familiar from the Kelp Beds (other than the mantarune who hates me and refuses to drop), but I haven't gotten many of the Workshop ones yet because I am usually leveling fodder and I've never been able to do that in the Workshop before. I can't wait to try this!