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@Diariel Smoky Quartz is in (Digging=Fire/Plague/Shadow). you might have been looking at the Broken Bottle on the bottom, in blue, for the Glass Beaker. If this is not the cas please let me know where you see it saying "smoky quartz dropped in the coliseum" and i will fix it ;) also i will check to make shere AsAp. ((mite be in a day or 2 selibrating fathers day tomarow and have a bizy week this week))
@Diariel Smoky Quartz is in (Digging=Fire/Plague/Shadow). you might have been looking at the Broken Bottle on the bottom, in blue, for the Glass Beaker. If this is not the cas please let me know where you see it saying "smoky quartz dropped in the coliseum" and i will fix it ;) also i will check to make shere AsAp. ((mite be in a day or 2 selibrating fathers day tomarow and have a bizy week this week))
Thank you for this guide. I found the answer to my question. :)
Thank you for this guide. I found the answer to my question. :)
@Herddog Your welcome ^w^ Glad it could help! what was the question you got the answer for? If i can ask XD
@Herddog Your welcome ^w^ Glad it could help! what was the question you got the answer for? If i can ask XD
I was hoping that I could increase my chances at a rainbow goo by brewing a rainbow item...alas, no. I shall continue to throw one star items into the pot until I am level six before I get the goo I'm looking for. ;P
I was hoping that I could increase my chances at a rainbow goo by brewing a rainbow item...alas, no. I shall continue to throw one star items into the pot until I am level six before I get the goo I'm looking for. ;P
@Herddog Yap that is sadly how it goes ;-; I'm trying to get Ooze and Red is so hard to get!
@Herddog Yap that is sadly how it goes ;-; I'm trying to get Ooze and Red is so hard to get!
Wonderfully useful~ Thanks for posting this!
Wonderfully useful~ Thanks for posting this!
@Leun your welcome X3 glade its helpful XD
@Leun your welcome X3 glade its helpful XD
Hi All some things for why this massive Ping

1. I feel like I should apologize and inform you that there were some math mistakes in the Total (on the right hand side) of this Guild. I went over it and it should be fixed now. I'm sorry for this error and if it caused you any problems in your Brew planing. But if there is anyone out there that is willing to double check my math I would appreciate it immensely and most likely others as well XD

2. There is now XPpMin and Total XPpMin in this guide. Which means Xp per minute. So now you can see which items are best to lvl up your Alchemy Experience time wise.

3. Would you like to be on a ping list for updates like what #2 was showing and when new Items come available?

4. This Guide is getting lost in the forum. I would like for this guide to be ez for people to find and use. And I need help with ideas on how to do this.

((Hope I did not ping anyone more the one time. Sorry if I did.))
Hi All some things for why this massive Ping

1. I feel like I should apologize and inform you that there were some math mistakes in the Total (on the right hand side) of this Guild. I went over it and it should be fixed now. I'm sorry for this error and if it caused you any problems in your Brew planing. But if there is anyone out there that is willing to double check my math I would appreciate it immensely and most likely others as well XD

2. There is now XPpMin and Total XPpMin in this guide. Which means Xp per minute. So now you can see which items are best to lvl up your Alchemy Experience time wise.

3. Would you like to be on a ping list for updates like what #2 was showing and when new Items come available?

4. This Guide is getting lost in the forum. I would like for this guide to be ez for people to find and use. And I need help with ideas on how to do this.

((Hope I did not ping anyone more the one time. Sorry if I did.))
I would love to be on a ping list for updates :) And for finding the thread I bookmarked it for myself, I guess keeping it from falling off the first side is only be possible by regularly bumping it^^
I would love to be on a ping list for updates :) And for finding the thread I bookmarked it for myself, I guess keeping it from falling off the first side is only be possible by regularly bumping it^^
Ah, sure! I'd like to be on the update ping list for sure!
As for helpfulness, I usually send out the link for this post (as well as others) with messages I send out to new players. You could also have it added to the Useful Links masterpost, if it isn't already on there?
Ah, sure! I'd like to be on the update ping list for sure!
As for helpfulness, I usually send out the link for this post (as well as others) with messages I send out to new players. You could also have it added to the Useful Links masterpost, if it isn't already on there?
thDLJf3.png I buy ChickenSmoothie pets sEBxtxA.png
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