Santae Pet Site Hub
Emylee's Clan
You'll never make a saint of me... (by Mick Jagger xD)
Clan Info
(only exalting own dragons tho)
I am the author of these (german) books:
Space to Space
(SciFi-Timetravel-Crime-Fantasy Tetralogy)
Cyber Illusion (Science Fiction)
Crystal Transfer (Science Fantasy Trilogy)
Cyberzauber (Anthology)
Kara (for children ages 5 to 8)
Su Halcón Author's Website
We can not choose where we come from,
but we can choose where we go.
Click: The Bland - Like the Rest (animated video made by my son)
Click: Cutest train ever! (music + video by my son)
Click: Careless Comics (by my son)
Click: Falk Louis (artist)
Besides Gen 1 I am only buying Gen 2s from the AH - don't forget to use the Broadcast Message on your dragon if you sell them^^
The highest I sell are Gen 4 dergs, but most are Gen 2. I won't haggle, but always also take treasure or a mixed payment. Message me!
I am NOT accepting any more friend requests (from people I do not know) out of personal reasons. The same goes for nest borrowing requests. Please don't send me any of either, thank you. I might accept stud requests, but only up to the generation of the requested stud.
Received these little cuties for newbie donating during the registration window in June 2014^^
I joined FR in April 2014 and changed flights from Plague to Ice in May, only because I was not happy with the red eyes of my dragons at all. I will not forget the great time I had with the Plaguelings though :)
February 21, 2021, I changed flights from Ice to Light after seeing how beautiful their Primal works with Starmap and Constellation lol. After almost 7 years with the same flight it was about time and Light was my next choice for a long time already^^ (btw. taking 1500 gems for a change is outrageous!)
- 2nd gen search in the AH!
- end of 1-egg-nests for ancient dragons and different-species-breeding - I AM DEEPESTLY TIRED OF IT! :( :( :(
- showing if a dragon is for sale in the general search
- search function or other way of finding items in the hoard
- search function for locating items (in hoard/vault, on dragon XY, not owning etc.)
- manage dragons on AH right from their profile (f. e.
- removing captcha/dodging from the Coli, so I finally can go play there without being annoyed LIKE HELL ...
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@solairaider: I hope so too! XD