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TOPIC | FR Clan Name Generator[V2 Arcane Out]
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@Avalas - That's neat! It works ok for me. Is it only Arcane though or are you going to add more flights?
@Avalas - That's neat! It works ok for me. Is it only Arcane though or are you going to add more flights?
Excellent, just don't hit the self-destruct button!

^^ Do let me know if there's any other things you would like to see added and I will try my best. :3

Excellent, just don't hit the self-destruct button!

^^ Do let me know if there's any other things you would like to see added and I will try my best. :3

Arcane only at the moment; I was thinking of doing one for each of the flights. Arcane are the guinea pig, intense explorers of the unknown so it seemed fitting for them to go first. -cough-

I will be doing the other flights, but I do want to take my time with this one (as it will essentially cut down on any extra work I have to do in the long run). Then it'll be a copy/paste the code and add in the words required and blam new generator done.
Arcane only at the moment; I was thinking of doing one for each of the flights. Arcane are the guinea pig, intense explorers of the unknown so it seemed fitting for them to go first. -cough-

I will be doing the other flights, but I do want to take my time with this one (as it will essentially cut down on any extra work I have to do in the long run). Then it'll be a copy/paste the code and add in the words required and blam new generator done.
@Avalas I just got 'Moonmoon Army' lmao. Also got an undefined error on the third button for the first part of the compound noun.

edit: and another undefined error, same place.
@Avalas I just got 'Moonmoon Army' lmao. Also got an undefined error on the third button for the first part of the compound noun.

edit: and another undefined error, same place.
No not the Moonmoon Army!

Ah, thank you I'll go get my debugging gun and find that little fluff. >.> It will be... dealt with.

^-^ Let me know if there's any other combinations you'd like to see!

No not the Moonmoon Army!

Ah, thank you I'll go get my debugging gun and find that little fluff. >.> It will be... dealt with.

^-^ Let me know if there's any other combinations you'd like to see!

@Avalas You'll blast off that rust in no time!

Names generated (adjective + noun)
Mystical Pollux I like
Dark Rune Arcane clan gone over to the Shade?
Inexplicable Crystal This one's a mouthful
Murky Comet
Veiled Gem A mysterious magic-wielding clan?

Names generated (affix + noun)
Clan of Polaris
The Enchanted Pollux
The Enchanted Nebula Oooh, this one's pretty; puts me in mind of a star nursery
Clan of Falling Star
House of Crystal

Names generated (forced compound nouns + prefix)
Moonpulsar House I like this one, even if it's not scientific
Starcomet Clan Ditto
Polarisred giant Army ...Wut
Polarisstar of the Arcane So "North Star Star of the Arcane?
Skylinered giant Seers More giants, huh? ...Giant Faes?

Names generated (color + noun + noun)
Jade Beastplanet Planet of the Apes?
Blue Beastcomet Pattern emerging?
Red Claweuropa Nope
Coral Wingsfalling star lolwut
Shadow Bonesupernova lolWUT

Didn't run across any bugs or undefineds.
@Avalas You'll blast off that rust in no time!

Names generated (adjective + noun)
Mystical Pollux I like
Dark Rune Arcane clan gone over to the Shade?
Inexplicable Crystal This one's a mouthful
Murky Comet
Veiled Gem A mysterious magic-wielding clan?

Names generated (affix + noun)
Clan of Polaris
The Enchanted Pollux
The Enchanted Nebula Oooh, this one's pretty; puts me in mind of a star nursery
Clan of Falling Star
House of Crystal

Names generated (forced compound nouns + prefix)
Moonpulsar House I like this one, even if it's not scientific
Starcomet Clan Ditto
Polarisred giant Army ...Wut
Polarisstar of the Arcane So "North Star Star of the Arcane?
Skylinered giant Seers More giants, huh? ...Giant Faes?

Names generated (color + noun + noun)
Jade Beastplanet Planet of the Apes?
Blue Beastcomet Pattern emerging?
Red Claweuropa Nope
Coral Wingsfalling star lolwut
Shadow Bonesupernova lolWUT

Didn't run across any bugs or undefineds.

Bio Resources
After testing (my non-live code); I ended up only needing to make a very slight tweak to stop the 'undefined' popping up - so I made that live since it was only a small change! Finally caught 'em undefined's l assume. Now if only I could do that with Pokemon.

I may remove "Red Giant", as I was thinking about space when I added that in. I don't think it would be a problem in a smaller array with more consistent words to be paired with it. But, yes, it does seem... to mess up responses rather than improve on them.

And jeez - Shadow Bonesupernova made me snort my fanta. Ouchies, but funny.

I really don't have many 'common' nouns (like beast/claw I put in) that were small enough to be thrown together with others and not be too long. Will have to remedy this.

I'll be honest, some of them I put in just for the UWotM8/crazy-sauce factor. 'Cause I've always loved generators that return crazy stuff. (But yes, we do need reasonable results first, crazy-sauce should last haha).

Glad there was some you liked though! Not a total fail then! Haha!
After testing (my non-live code); I ended up only needing to make a very slight tweak to stop the 'undefined' popping up - so I made that live since it was only a small change! Finally caught 'em undefined's l assume. Now if only I could do that with Pokemon.

I may remove "Red Giant", as I was thinking about space when I added that in. I don't think it would be a problem in a smaller array with more consistent words to be paired with it. But, yes, it does seem... to mess up responses rather than improve on them.

And jeez - Shadow Bonesupernova made me snort my fanta. Ouchies, but funny.

I really don't have many 'common' nouns (like beast/claw I put in) that were small enough to be thrown together with others and not be too long. Will have to remedy this.

I'll be honest, some of them I put in just for the UWotM8/crazy-sauce factor. 'Cause I've always loved generators that return crazy stuff. (But yes, we do need reasonable results first, crazy-sauce should last haha).

Glad there was some you liked though! Not a total fail then! Haha!
@Avalas What about making a "reasonable" name generator and a "crazysauce" one? Once any and all bugs are ironed out of the code, all you'd need to do is separate the words, right?
@Avalas What about making a "reasonable" name generator and a "crazysauce" one? Once any and all bugs are ironed out of the code, all you'd need to do is separate the words, right?

Bio Resources
I could have the 11 flight generators + a free for all? (And that'd have some crazy ones in it). That would calm my need for crazy-sauce. Baldwin's making me cry.

Pretty much. Still trying to see if weebly will allow me to upload a txt file and call on it. (I officially can say I hate the WYSIWYG editor of it with my very soul).

Just curious, what'd you think I should do with the colours? I put every single one in just case. Not everyone in Arcane's gonna like pink or purple, but... considering some of the colours name's are Fire etc...

The compound nouns worked well when I had a much smaller array, but now... meh, don't like it much any more. May change it to something else.
I could have the 11 flight generators + a free for all? (And that'd have some crazy ones in it). That would calm my need for crazy-sauce. Baldwin's making me cry.

Pretty much. Still trying to see if weebly will allow me to upload a txt file and call on it. (I officially can say I hate the WYSIWYG editor of it with my very soul).

Just curious, what'd you think I should do with the colours? I put every single one in just case. Not everyone in Arcane's gonna like pink or purple, but... considering some of the colours name's are Fire etc...

The compound nouns worked well when I had a much smaller array, but now... meh, don't like it much any more. May change it to something else.
one of the names i got was "the enchanted moon", and i also got "mystifying polaris" :D
these names are really pretty... SPACE <3
one of the names i got was "the enchanted moon", and i also got "mystifying polaris" :D
these names are really pretty... SPACE <3
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