

Community created guides, helpful strategies, and more.
TOPIC | Quick familiar bonding
Edit: Um. This wasn't meant to be a guide actually, it was just a conversation starter. But it got moved here, so ^^; Sorry if it seems a bit odd and out of place and awkward sounding. I hope it's still useful?

I know there's a lot of complaints about how inefficient and time-consuming familiar bonding is and I thought I'd share how I bond with extra familiars in case anyone isn't aware of the method. It's still a pain, but much better than using a single screen

First of all, open up two windows side by side. One on the dragon and one on the page to change familiars:


Click on the heart to bond. While the bonding popup is still up, on the familiar change screen click on the next familiar:


Then you click okay on the bonding popup. The page will automatically refresh and show you the next familiar:


The end result is that you only need 3 clicks per familiar and the refresh is automatic. I hope people find this useful, and if anyone else has some tips on making the whole familiar bonding process a little less painful please share!
Edit: Um. This wasn't meant to be a guide actually, it was just a conversation starter. But it got moved here, so ^^; Sorry if it seems a bit odd and out of place and awkward sounding. I hope it's still useful?

I know there's a lot of complaints about how inefficient and time-consuming familiar bonding is and I thought I'd share how I bond with extra familiars in case anyone isn't aware of the method. It's still a pain, but much better than using a single screen

First of all, open up two windows side by side. One on the dragon and one on the page to change familiars:


Click on the heart to bond. While the bonding popup is still up, on the familiar change screen click on the next familiar:


Then you click okay on the bonding popup. The page will automatically refresh and show you the next familiar:


The end result is that you only need 3 clicks per familiar and the refresh is automatic. I hope people find this useful, and if anyone else has some tips on making the whole familiar bonding process a little less painful please share!
ur local tree hoarder extraordinaire
oooh I had just started using a similar method yesterday, but this is even better! Thanks for this! I'll try it out tomorrow!
oooh I had just started using a similar method yesterday, but this is even better! Thanks for this! I'll try it out tomorrow!
Any dragon in the 'Fodder Tab' available for sale. Fodder Tab dragons are 10k treasure for adults, 5k treasure for hatchlings. I also have leveled (up to lv 8) dragons in my Hib Den I'm willing to sell for 15k treasure min.
After I shorted my lair to get ready for a Nuzlocke challenge, I noticed all the prior familiars I had had to be systematically brought back in and clicked on instead of going down my list of dragons. D: It's a pain. I'm going to try this tomorrow.
After I shorted my lair to get ready for a Nuzlocke challenge, I noticed all the prior familiars I had had to be systematically brought back in and clicked on instead of going down my list of dragons. D: It's a pain. I'm going to try this tomorrow.
That's a really cool trick to know!
That's a really cool trick to know!
This is quite useful, thanks for the tip! :)
This is quite useful, thanks for the tip! :)
A light blue Fae dragon lying down surrounded by pink flower petals. She is wearing a pink daisy cabbie, and holds a pink rose in her mouth.
Glad to know this helps some people! I didn't mind familiars until I got more than the number of dragons I had...and then I got my first lvl25 and got an influx of coli familiars and bonding with them the usual method took waaaaay too long @.@
Glad to know this helps some people! I didn't mind familiars until I got more than the number of dragons I had...and then I got my first lvl25 and got an influx of coli familiars and bonding with them the usual method took waaaaay too long @.@
ur local tree hoarder extraordinaire


@ChroniclerCherry THANK YOU


@ChroniclerCherry THANK YOU
oh this is really cool... i kinda stopped familiar bonding because of how time consuming it was but this is so convenient, thank you!
oh this is really cool... i kinda stopped familiar bonding because of how time consuming it was but this is so convenient, thank you!
Tarnished Cerdae Necklace she/they
this is actually really nice for cycling through all my spare familiars, thanks! i have more familiars than dragons so i've kind of quit bonding with the extras because of how time consuming it is but this really helps
this is actually really nice for cycling through all my spare familiars, thanks! i have more familiars than dragons so i've kind of quit bonding with the extras because of how time consuming it is but this really helps
Oh wow, I didn't know about this at all :/ Thanks for the heads up!
Oh wow, I didn't know about this at all :/ Thanks for the heads up!