
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Do you use canon sizes in your lore?
Yes and no! I tend to keep them accurate especially when it's funny, but when the opportunity arises I make them a little less extreme so it's easier to work with.
Yes and no! I tend to keep them accurate especially when it's funny, but when the opportunity arises I make them a little less extreme so it's easier to work with.
~ W Y R M
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Nah. I'd rather imagine them whatever size I want to.
Nah. I'd rather imagine them whatever size I want to.
__________________My Random Progen, Faendal Avatar Dragon
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My Custom Progen, Iselene
I usually imagine my dergs as people/humanoids so I just kinda translate the sizes of the dergs into heights (imps are really tll, fae are like 5 feet tall)

Except veilspuns, those guys are angry fairies that are tiny all the time
I usually imagine my dergs as people/humanoids so I just kinda translate the sizes of the dergs into heights (imps are really tll, fae are like 5 feet tall)

Except veilspuns, those guys are angry fairies that are tiny all the time
Call me Soli!
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Fr +0
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Non-exalt (I love my dragons)
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For the most part yes! I like them, and having established guidelines also makes it exceptional when you *break* them. If spirals are all still meant to be tiny, having a spiral the size of a banescale means more!
For the most part yes! I like them, and having established guidelines also makes it exceptional when you *break* them. If spirals are all still meant to be tiny, having a spiral the size of a banescale means more!
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@ me with a zero
not an o!
I use them, but only reference them when it's significant to the story line, or can be played for humor. The rest of the time it's kept in the background.
I use them, but only reference them when it's significant to the story line, or can be played for humor. The rest of the time it's kept in the background.
I love the idea of different dragon breeds being vastly different sizes in a speculative biology way, but honestly in my lore I just make them all roughly the same size. I write my lore such that my dragons are more people than animals, and so it's hard for me to write about a society of "people" with political drama while also having to factor in the physical architecture required to accommodate different breed sizes. I just feel like it adds a layer of unnecessary complication that doesn't really serve the story I'm trying to write. I do love worldbuilding and I typically enjoy nitty gritty details like this, and so I appreciate canon providing the opportunity to go in that direction, but idk I just prefer to focus my FR lore on interpersonal drama instead lol
I love the idea of different dragon breeds being vastly different sizes in a speculative biology way, but honestly in my lore I just make them all roughly the same size. I write my lore such that my dragons are more people than animals, and so it's hard for me to write about a society of "people" with political drama while also having to factor in the physical architecture required to accommodate different breed sizes. I just feel like it adds a layer of unnecessary complication that doesn't really serve the story I'm trying to write. I do love worldbuilding and I typically enjoy nitty gritty details like this, and so I appreciate canon providing the opportunity to go in that direction, but idk I just prefer to focus my FR lore on interpersonal drama instead lol
Satin Violets brot | they/them
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Ehh, vaguely. I keep with the general arrangement of sizes (ex. "Spirals are smaller than Guardians") but the actual breed sizes are skewed to be a lot closer to one another because... it's just easier for me to imagine and design my lair that way.

I've got a lot of different breeds in my clan and I really don't want to figure out the nightmare that is designing architecture which accommodates for sizes ranging from barely one to well over 20 meters tall.
Ehh, vaguely. I keep with the general arrangement of sizes (ex. "Spirals are smaller than Guardians") but the actual breed sizes are skewed to be a lot closer to one another because... it's just easier for me to imagine and design my lair that way.

I've got a lot of different breeds in my clan and I really don't want to figure out the nightmare that is designing architecture which accommodates for sizes ranging from barely one to well over 20 meters tall.
23839.png probablynx #310083
• she/her • fr +9 •
i do kind of use canon sizes in my lore !!!

i dont think im very accurate with it, a lot of scaling down slightly, but i do take each breed's height into consideration.

im also building homes/villages for all my dragons in minecraft, so i do make smaller homes for smaller breeds, and massive homes for guardians, imperials, etc

also for public facilities, i usually make them massive, but also have areas for big dragons and small ones. bigger dragons usually would sit on rugs/cushions and smaller ones on chairs so they're getting a boost + a comfy place to sit.

i even made a ferris wheel, where half of the cars on it are huge, and the other half are just medium-small. (they're placed evenly, so it doesnt look as weird as i made it sound.)
i do kind of use canon sizes in my lore !!!

i dont think im very accurate with it, a lot of scaling down slightly, but i do take each breed's height into consideration.

im also building homes/villages for all my dragons in minecraft, so i do make smaller homes for smaller breeds, and massive homes for guardians, imperials, etc

also for public facilities, i usually make them massive, but also have areas for big dragons and small ones. bigger dragons usually would sit on rugs/cushions and smaller ones on chairs so they're getting a boost + a comfy place to sit.

i even made a ferris wheel, where half of the cars on it are huge, and the other half are just medium-small. (they're placed evenly, so it doesnt look as weird as i made it sound.)
da64ef312bfd4b00d218c14836b871f044bfa0a7.png Marcie | 28 | they/them | current icon dragon! :} e74fe9ca98503e92fc3b7b5bf41fefc156cac0e5.png
Yes! I love following canon sizes, it's a lot of fun.

I do have some dragons here and there who don't adhere to their listed sizes for lore reasons, but for the most part I keep the general sizes the same as site canon. It can add a lot of cool dynamics and scenarios that otherwise wouldn't happen if everyone were the same size.

I particularly like thinking about spirals curling around/draping themselves across bigger dragons to sleep, usually as a weird crown or scarf depending on the other dragon's size, which is only possible because they're significantly smaller than most other breeds. Also big breeds like Imperials, Guardians, and Ridgebacks acting as long-distance travel services for smaller breeds (acting as planes, boats, etc.).

It's also fun from a worldbuilding perspective, figuring out how buildings, businesses, etc. might be designed to accommodate as many different sizes as possible, or perhaps being directed at a specific size/breed and using that in their marketing. Clans that only have one breed within it would obviously only make things that work for them, but for the clans that have very broad and diverse breeds all living in the same place, it requires some level of equitable environmental design to make sure everyone has a way of getting what they need. Large, wide paths/roads between buildings to accommodate the largest breeds, shelf-like perches inside and outside large buildings for small breeds, there's potential for large doors to have smaller doors within them to allow access regardless of size, etc. It's also fun to picture a large building, with a smaller replica of it on top (the bottom is for larger breeds, the top one is for smaller breeds), or even 3 versions (large, medium, small) all stacked on top of each other like a cake, with ramps winding up the sides, all three of them providing the same service(s).

Anyway, I could sit here all day talking about and coming up with different worldbuilding ideas, but long story short, I love the size differences between breeds!
Yes! I love following canon sizes, it's a lot of fun.

I do have some dragons here and there who don't adhere to their listed sizes for lore reasons, but for the most part I keep the general sizes the same as site canon. It can add a lot of cool dynamics and scenarios that otherwise wouldn't happen if everyone were the same size.

I particularly like thinking about spirals curling around/draping themselves across bigger dragons to sleep, usually as a weird crown or scarf depending on the other dragon's size, which is only possible because they're significantly smaller than most other breeds. Also big breeds like Imperials, Guardians, and Ridgebacks acting as long-distance travel services for smaller breeds (acting as planes, boats, etc.).

It's also fun from a worldbuilding perspective, figuring out how buildings, businesses, etc. might be designed to accommodate as many different sizes as possible, or perhaps being directed at a specific size/breed and using that in their marketing. Clans that only have one breed within it would obviously only make things that work for them, but for the clans that have very broad and diverse breeds all living in the same place, it requires some level of equitable environmental design to make sure everyone has a way of getting what they need. Large, wide paths/roads between buildings to accommodate the largest breeds, shelf-like perches inside and outside large buildings for small breeds, there's potential for large doors to have smaller doors within them to allow access regardless of size, etc. It's also fun to picture a large building, with a smaller replica of it on top (the bottom is for larger breeds, the top one is for smaller breeds), or even 3 versions (large, medium, small) all stacked on top of each other like a cake, with ramps winding up the sides, all three of them providing the same service(s).

Anyway, I could sit here all day talking about and coming up with different worldbuilding ideas, but long story short, I love the size differences between breeds!
RazaSigRotate.gif AfamSig.gif
entirely situationally, 99% of the time I like to go by the canon sizes but for special exceptions like my clan's leader/sona being roughly 3-4x the size of a standard imperial I take the canon size and go "nope!"

also find it very funny that the 2 aethers I got to represent my partner and I, their sizes are practically the opposite of how we are irl (I'M the short one) while their dragon is quite a bit smaller than mine, so that's also one I ignore ONLY sometimes :p
entirely situationally, 99% of the time I like to go by the canon sizes but for special exceptions like my clan's leader/sona being roughly 3-4x the size of a standard imperial I take the canon size and go "nope!"

also find it very funny that the 2 aethers I got to represent my partner and I, their sizes are practically the opposite of how we are irl (I'M the short one) while their dragon is quite a bit smaller than mine, so that's also one I ignore ONLY sometimes :p