
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | [Dom Watch] Do it scared...
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[center][img][/img][br][br] [img][/img][/center][br] [center]..or not! Help Lightning bust some ghosts, and get some money while you do it![/center][br][br][br] [columns][color=transparent]>>>>>>[/color][nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]>>[/color][nextcol]----- [size=5][b][font=Helvetica][color=#000000]WHO'S CURRENTLY PUSHING?[/color][/font][/b][/size][br][size=4] [color=#000000]- Lightning is conquest pushing [/size] -----[nextcol][color=transparent]<<[/color][nextcol] [img][/img] [img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent] <<<<<[/color][/columns] [br] [center][img][/img][/center] [size=5][font=Helvetica][b]FLIGHT DOMINANCE LINKS[/b][/font][/size][br][columns][size=4] [img][/img] [b][color=#40E0D0]Lightning[/color][/b] - [url=]OOF Raffle[/url] - [url=]Prodartivity[/url] - [url=]Mob Menagerie[/url] [nextcol][size=4][br][img][/img] [b][color=#d3b460]Light[/color][/b] - [url=]OOF Boarding[/url] - [url=]Nest Buying[/url] [nextcol][size=4][br][img][/img] [b][color=#FF00FF]Arcane[/color][/b] - [url=]OOF Boarding[/url] - [url=]IF Hub[/url] [/size][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [br] [columns] [color=transparent]>[/color][nextcol][br][br][br] [img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]>[/color][nextcol]---------- [size=5][font=Helvetica][b][color=#000000]ANNOUNCED UPCOMING PUSHES (next 4 months)[/color][/b][/font][/size][br][size=4] [color=#000000]- [b]Nov 5 - Nov 11:[/b] Plague (Profit), Shadow (Conquest)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Nov 12 - Nov 18:[/b] Earth (Conquest, Double Dom)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Nov 19 - Nov 25:[/b] Earth (Festival)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Nov 26 - Dec 2:[/b] Light (Conquest, vs Arcane), Arcane (Conquest, vs Light)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Dec 3 - Dec 9:[/b] Wind (Conquest), Lightning (Profit)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Dec 10 - Dec 16:[/b] Fire (Conquest, NotN), Nature (Profit, DtB)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Dec 17 - Dec 23:[/b] Earth (Conquest, NotN)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Dec 24 - Dec 30:[/b] Plague (Profit, w/ Shadow), Water (Conquest, WitNY)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jan 14 - Jan 20:[/b] Wind (Conquest)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jan 21 - Jan 27:[/b] Ice (Festival)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Feb 4 - Feb 10:[/b] Light (Conquest, Valightine's)[/color] [/size] [nextcol][color=transparent]<<[/color][nextcol] [/columns] [br] The above list is only for announced upcoming pushes. [u][url=]The full list (up to a year from now) is available HERE[/url][/u]. [b]Flights are not required to announce their plans or decide in advance if they will push[/b], so this list is not comprehensive or certain.[br] Dom Watch [b]encourages flights to mention any other relevant push details if there are any[/b] (for example, involving OOF participation or the intensity of their pushes.) [br][br] [columns][color=transparent]>>>>>>>>>>>>[/color][nextcol]---------- [size=5][font=Helvetica][b][color=#000000]RESERVE POSTS (next 4 months)[/color][/b][/font][/size][br][size=4] [color=#000000]- [b]Nov 5 - Nov 11:[/b] Plague (Peyp, Ranmaru, HeadlessKing, Instar), Shadow (HoneyedBee, Seradis), Light (Dessy, novastellaris, Valoria), Arcane (QueenAlais, Neffi)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Nov 12 - Nov 18:[/b] Earth (Dracowolf), Light (Dessy, novastellaris, Valoria), Arcane (QueenAlais, Neffi)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Nov 19 - Nov 25:[/b] Earth (Dracowolf), Light (Dessy, novastellaris, Valoria), Arcane (QueenAlais, Neffi)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Nov 26 - Dec 2:[/b] Light (Dessy, novastellaris, Valoria), Arcane (QueenAlais, Neffi)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Dec 3 - Dec 9:[/b] Wind (cloudydawn, rifter), Lightning (Kywren, DeadlyInformant)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Dec 10 - Dec 16:[/b] Fire (eieru, furo, blazebrem), Nature (Goldia, kirathekat, Aikka)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Dec 17 - Dec 23:[/b] Earth (Dracowolf)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Dec 24 - Dec 30:[/b] Plague (Peyp, Ranmaru, HeadlessKing, Instar), Water (Arelia, brit)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jan 14 - Jan 20:[/b] Wind (cloudydawn, Rifter)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Feb 4 - Feb 10:[/b] Light (Dessy)[/color] [/size] [nextcol][color=transparent]<[/color][nextcol][br][br][br] [img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]<<<<<<<<<<<<[/color] [/columns] [br] This is a list of reserve posts requested by flight representatives. This option is available for flight-run pushes or push preparations that will run during the specified week. Flights are not required to reserve posts, and if no representative is specified, it will be assumed that the flight does not want a reserve post for that week.[br] Out of respect for pushing flights, reserve posters should always give priority to flights that are pushing during that week. Pushing flights should all get their reserved posts [i]before[/i] other flights. Please [b]do not[/b] announce that your flight is pushing if your flight isn't going to be primarily exalting dragons to your deity, as this would unfairly bump your flight up in the reserve post priority. [br][br][br] [columns][color=transparent]>[/color][nextcol] [img][/img][nextcol] [color=transparent]>[nextcol]----- [size=5][b][color=#000000][font=Helvetica]Push Announcements, Post Reservations, and Advertising[/font][/color][/b][/size] -----[nextcol][color=transparent]<[/color][nextcol] [img][/img][nextcol] [color=transparent]<[/color][/columns] [br] Feel free to ping, PM, leave a profile message, yodel, smoke signal, or carrier pigeon the current host if you'd like to announce that your flight has a planned push and/or would like to reserve a front page post in a future thread.[br] Dom Watch is a Dominance discussion thread, so we will only advertise threads that are very specifically Dominance-related in the OP. These include, but are not limited to: Dominance raffles, fodder buys, art for fodder threads. The only exception is during elemental holidays, where we will also advertise the flight's event hub.[br] Advertising other things (such as mercenary threads and personal raffles) are totally fine to do in the thread, but please take care not to overwhelm the discussion![br] Thanks everyone and have fun Dom Watching![br][br][br] ---------- [br] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=transparent]>>>[/color][nextcol] [size=6][url=][font=Helvetica][b]Dom Watch Ping List Google Form[/b][/font][/url][/size][br] [size=4][color=#000000](Want to get a ping whenever a new Dom Watch thread is up? Click the link above to add yourself!)[/color][/size][br] [/columns][br] Fill out the form to automatically add or remove yourself. Only your most recent response will count. You will be pinged once a week when a new Dom Watch thread is posted. The list itself will only be viewable by Dom Watch hosts and the ping list helpers.[br] Helpers: [b][url=]October[/url][/b], [b][url=]KyloRen[/url][/b][br] Please message above ping list helpers if you cannot use Google Forms, if you would like your name permanently excluded from the list, or if any other complications arise.[br] [br][br] ---------- [br] [columns][size=5][color=#000000][font=Helvetica][b]Dom Watching Resources:[/b][/font][/color][/size] [br][size=4]- [b][url=]Dom Watch Tracker[/url][/b][color=#000000] - Old DW links, history, statistics, and graphs galore![/color][br] - [b][url=]Dominance Tracker Guide[/url][/b] [color=#000000]by[/color] [url=]Alisette[/url][color=#000000] - Dom winners from the beginning of FR to now![/color][br] - [b][url=]Mercenary Group List[/url][/b][color=#000000] - A list of each flight's mercenary group. Maintained by[/color] [url=]Cinderfire[/url].[br] - [b][url=]Dominance, Flights, and You[/url][/b] [color=#000000]by[/color] [url=]Argante[/url][color=#000000] - An introduction to dominance and how to get involved![br][/size][nextcol] [color=transparent]<<<[/color][nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [br][br] [columns][img][/img][br][br][br][br] [nextcol][color=transparent]>>>[/color][nextcol][size=4][font=Helvetica][color=#000000][b]Credits:[/b][/color][/font][/size][br] [url=]Arekuru[/url][color=#000000] - DW Creator and original host from Dec 2014 Pilot to Sep 2015.[/color] [url=]Banyan[/url][color=#000000] - Dom Watch banner artist.[/color] [url=]Sylvandyr[/url][color=#000000] - Host from Sep 2015 to Apr 2016 and Jul 2017 to March 2018. Dom Watch Tracker Helper.[/color] [url=]acheronta[/url][color=#000000] - Host from Apr 2016 to Jul 2017.[/color] [url=]October[/url][color=#000000] - Host from March 2018 to June 2018. Current host starting from March 2019.[/color] [url=]Blanche[/url][color=#000000] - Host in hiatus. Current host starting from June 2018.[/color] [url=]Cinderfire[/url][color=#000000] - Host from June 2018 to March 2020.[/color] [url=]Sadistic[/url][color=#000000] - Current host starting from April 2020. Guest host from December 2019 to April 2020.[/color] [url=]KyloRen[/url][color=#000000] - Ping list helper.[/color] [url=]Osiem[/url][color=#000000] - Artist for the Flight Rising and neutral flags used in this thread.[/color] [url=]PoisonedPaper[/url][color=#000000] - Artist for the recolored assets (swords, quill, statues and books) used in this thread.[/color] [url=]Monotonous[/url][color=#000000] - BBCode helper.[/color][/columns]


..or not! Help Lightning bust some ghosts, and get some money while you do it!

>>>>>> frvs1a.png >>

- Lightning is conquest pushing

<< frvs1a.png



- OOF Raffle
- Prodartivity
- Mob Menagerie

- OOF Boarding
- Nest Buying

- OOF Boarding
- IF Hub




- Nov 5 - Nov 11: Plague (Profit), Shadow (Conquest)
- Nov 12 - Nov 18: Earth (Conquest, Double Dom)
- Nov 19 - Nov 25: Earth (Festival)
- Nov 26 - Dec 2: Light (Conquest, vs Arcane), Arcane (Conquest, vs Light)
- Dec 3 - Dec 9: Wind (Conquest), Lightning (Profit)
- Dec 10 - Dec 16: Fire (Conquest, NotN), Nature (Profit, DtB)
- Dec 17 - Dec 23: Earth (Conquest, NotN)
- Dec 24 - Dec 30: Plague (Profit, w/ Shadow), Water (Conquest, WitNY)
- Jan 14 - Jan 20: Wind (Conquest)
- Jan 21 - Jan 27: Ice (Festival)
- Feb 4 - Feb 10: Light (Conquest, Valightine's)

The above list is only for announced upcoming pushes. The full list (up to a year from now) is available HERE. Flights are not required to announce their plans or decide in advance if they will push, so this list is not comprehensive or certain.

Dom Watch encourages flights to mention any other relevant push details if there are any (for example, involving OOF participation or the intensity of their pushes.)

RESERVE POSTS (next 4 months)

- Nov 5 - Nov 11: Plague (Peyp, Ranmaru, HeadlessKing, Instar), Shadow (HoneyedBee, Seradis), Light (Dessy, novastellaris, Valoria), Arcane (QueenAlais, Neffi)
- Nov 12 - Nov 18: Earth (Dracowolf), Light (Dessy, novastellaris, Valoria), Arcane (QueenAlais, Neffi)
- Nov 19 - Nov 25: Earth (Dracowolf), Light (Dessy, novastellaris, Valoria), Arcane (QueenAlais, Neffi)
- Nov 26 - Dec 2: Light (Dessy, novastellaris, Valoria), Arcane (QueenAlais, Neffi)
- Dec 3 - Dec 9: Wind (cloudydawn, rifter), Lightning (Kywren, DeadlyInformant)
- Dec 10 - Dec 16: Fire (eieru, furo, blazebrem), Nature (Goldia, kirathekat, Aikka)
- Dec 17 - Dec 23: Earth (Dracowolf)
- Dec 24 - Dec 30: Plague (Peyp, Ranmaru, HeadlessKing, Instar), Water (Arelia, brit)
- Jan 14 - Jan 20: Wind (cloudydawn, Rifter)
- Feb 4 - Feb 10: Light (Dessy)


This is a list of reserve posts requested by flight representatives. This option is available for flight-run pushes or push preparations that will run during the specified week. Flights are not required to reserve posts, and if no representative is specified, it will be assumed that the flight does not want a reserve post for that week.

Out of respect for pushing flights, reserve posters should always give priority to flights that are pushing during that week. Pushing flights should all get their reserved posts before other flights. Please do not announce that your flight is pushing if your flight isn't going to be primarily exalting dragons to your deity, as this would unfairly bump your flight up in the reserve post priority.

> Grotesque-2-L.png >
Push Announcements, Post Reservations, and Advertising
< Grotesque-2-R.png <

Feel free to ping, PM, leave a profile message, yodel, smoke signal, or carrier pigeon the current host if you'd like to announce that your flight has a planned push and/or would like to reserve a front page post in a future thread.

Dom Watch is a Dominance discussion thread, so we will only advertise threads that are very specifically Dominance-related in the OP. These include, but are not limited to: Dominance raffles, fodder buys, art for fodder threads. The only exception is during elemental holidays, where we will also advertise the flight's event hub.

Advertising other things (such as mercenary threads and personal raffles) are totally fine to do in the thread, but please take care not to overwhelm the discussion!

Thanks everyone and have fun Dom Watching!

HZs3l3c.png >>> Dom Watch Ping List Google Form

(Want to get a ping whenever a new Dom Watch thread is up? Click the link above to add yourself!)

Fill out the form to automatically add or remove yourself. Only your most recent response will count. You will be pinged once a week when a new Dom Watch thread is posted. The list itself will only be viewable by Dom Watch hosts and the ping list helpers.

Helpers: October, KyloRen

Please message above ping list helpers if you cannot use Google Forms, if you would like your name permanently excluded from the list, or if any other complications arise.

Dom Watching Resources:

- Dom Watch Tracker - Old DW links, history, statistics, and graphs galore!

- Dominance Tracker Guide by Alisette - Dom winners from the beginning of FR to now!

- Mercenary Group List - A list of each flight's mercenary group. Maintained by Cinderfire.

- Dominance, Flights, and You by Argante - An introduction to dominance and how to get involved!
<<< LGR5.png


>>> Credits:

Arekuru - DW Creator and original host from Dec 2014 Pilot to Sep 2015.
Banyan - Dom Watch banner artist.
Sylvandyr - Host from Sep 2015 to Apr 2016 and Jul 2017 to March 2018. Dom Watch Tracker Helper.
acheronta - Host from Apr 2016 to Jul 2017.
October - Host from March 2018 to June 2018. Current host starting from March 2019.
Blanche - Host in hiatus. Current host starting from June 2018.
Cinderfire - Host from June 2018 to March 2020.
Sadistic - Current host starting from April 2020. Guest host from December 2019 to April 2020.
KyloRen - Ping list helper.
Osiem - Artist for the Flight Rising and neutral flags used in this thread.
PoisonedPaper - Artist for the recolored assets (swords, quill, statues and books) used in this thread.
Monotonous - BBCode helper.
"That was a nice distraction."
"The time I was able to spend with you... It was like memories of pure light."
"Sweet dreams. I'll be with you before long."
"That's how it's done."
Humans are the most irrational beings.

[b]Please do not post until the representatives have gotten their reserves![/b][br] [b]Pushing flights reserve first:[/b] - Lightning: @Kywren @DeadlyInformant [br] [b]Other Dom-event-running flights reserve after pushing flights:[/b] - Light: @Dessy @novastellaris @Valoria - Arcane: @QueenAlais @Neffi [br] Dom Watch pinglist was here. [quote=!!!]Hello Dom Watch! As many of you know, the recent [url=]Developer Update[/url] introduced an on-site pinglist feature. At the moment, only the creator of a pinglist can use it, which means that it can't quite be used for Dom Watch's needs. We have multiple hosts who need to be able to ping and asking everyone to sign up for two (or more, if future hosts are brought into the rotation) pinglists ends up being a bit of a pain for everyone! We are hoping that the system gets revised a bit, but for now, we will continue alerting everyone by pinging those who sign up through the form. If/when we shift to an on-site pinglist(s), we'll be sure to let everyone know and give time for people to switch over before cycling our form-based pinglist out. Thank you all and happy Dom Watching! [emoji=mirror happy][/quote]
Please do not post until the representatives have gotten their reserves!

Pushing flights reserve first:
- Lightning: @Kywren @DeadlyInformant

Other Dom-event-running flights reserve after pushing flights:
- Light: @Dessy @novastellaris @Valoria
- Arcane: @QueenAlais @Neffi

Dom Watch pinglist was here.
!!! wrote:
Hello Dom Watch!

As many of you know, the recent Developer Update introduced an on-site pinglist feature. At the moment, only the creator of a pinglist can use it, which means that it can't quite be used for Dom Watch's needs. We have multiple hosts who need to be able to ping and asking everyone to sign up for two (or more, if future hosts are brought into the rotation) pinglists ends up being a bit of a pain for everyone! We are hoping that the system gets revised a bit, but for now, we will continue alerting everyone by pinging those who sign up through the form. If/when we shift to an on-site pinglist(s), we'll be sure to let everyone know and give time for people to switch over before cycling our form-based pinglist out.

Thank you all and happy Dom Watching!
"That was a nice distraction."
"The time I was able to spend with you... It was like memories of pure light."
"Sweet dreams. I'll be with you before long."
"That's how it's done."
Humans are the most irrational beings.

[img][/img] [center][size=2]By: Breakpoint[/size][/center] [size=4][i]Ghosts have begun to appear in the strangest places in the Shifting Expanse, and it's really becoming a nuisance! Luckily there's a group of disgraced distinguished scientists who have set up a rather unique method of ghost capture! Need help with pesky poltergeists? Then it's time to give them a call! Send your dragons in to help clean up the Shifting Expanse....please.....there's so many spooks. Think of the hatchlings.[/i][/size] [img][/img] [columns] [size=5][url=][b]Out of Flight Raffle[/b][/url][/size] [size=4]Send in dragons for currency and raffle tickets! [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/size] [/columns] [columns] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [size=5][url=][b]Prodartivity[/b][/url][/size] [size=4]Purchase art, lore, stories, or other creative assets by sending in fodder. Funds from exalts go to artists and the dom bank.[/size] [/columns] [columns] [size=5][url=][b]Mob Menagerie[/b][/url][/size] [size=4]Have fun getting some mob variant RNG adopts! [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/size] [/columns] [center][b]Mob Menagerie Sneak Peak![/b] [size=2]by: netherguard[/size][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [size=5][url=][b]Ghost Nights: IRL Scavenger Hunt[/b][/url][/size] [size=4](Opens Oct 31st) Send in a small entrance fee and then get to ghost hunting in your real life![/size] [/columns] [columns] [size=5][url=][b]Scrimbly Spirits RNG[/b][/url][/size] [size=4]This is a cute little ghosties RNG adopt event to support lightning dom! [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/size] [/columns] [img][/img] You can earn each daily badge by participating in the push in any way that day. For example, exalting 1 dragon on Monday gets you Monday's badge. Send something to an event on Tuesday and get Tuesday's badge. Have fun and collect them all! [center][size=5][b]Daily badges[/b][/size][/center] [center][size=2]By: @Skelestial[/size][/center] [columns] [center][img][/img] [b]Sunday[/b][/center] [nextcol] [center][img][/img] [b]Monday[/b][/center] [nextcol] [center][img][/img] [b]Tuesday[/b][/center] [nextcol] [center][img][/img] [b]Wednesday[/b][/center] [nextcol] [center][img][/img] [b]Thursday[/b][/center] [/columns] [columns] [center][img][/img] [b]Friday[/b][/center] [nextcol] [center][img][/img] [b]Saturday[/b][/center] [/columns] [LIST] [*]If you miss a day, please send @Kywren a 1-way CR of 3 adult dragons with a message attached that it's for a missing Daily Badge. These dragons will be entered onto the sheet as if they were Raffle Dragons. [/LIST]
By: Breakpoint

Ghosts have begun to appear in the strangest places in the Shifting Expanse, and it's really becoming a nuisance! Luckily there's a group of disgraced distinguished scientists who have set up a rather unique method of ghost capture! Need help with pesky poltergeists? Then it's time to give them a call! Send your dragons in to help clean up the Shifting Expanse....please.....there's so many spooks. Think of the hatchlings.

Out of Flight Raffle
Send in dragons for currency and raffle tickets!

Uxc2wvm.png Prodartivity
Purchase art, lore, stories, or other creative assets by sending in fodder. Funds from exalts go to artists and the dom bank.

Mob Menagerie
Have fun getting some mob variant RNG adopts!
Uxc2wvm.png 34370.png
Mob Menagerie Sneak Peak!
by: netherguard

Uxc2wvm.png Ghost Nights: IRL Scavenger Hunt
(Opens Oct 31st) Send in a small entrance fee and then get to ghost hunting in your real life!
Scrimbly Spirits RNG
This is a cute little ghosties RNG adopt event to support lightning dom!
Uxc2wvm.png 16441.png


You can earn each daily badge by participating in the push in any way that day. For example, exalting 1 dragon on Monday gets you Monday's badge. Send something to an event on Tuesday and get Tuesday's badge. Have fun and collect them all!
Daily badges
By: @Skelestial
  • If you miss a day, please send @Kywren a 1-way CR of 3 adult dragons with a message attached that it's for a missing Daily Badge. These dragons will be entered onto the sheet as if they were Raffle Dragons.

Lightning Dom Organizer
FR +2
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [quote=OOF Raffle Preview][item=Fire Sprite][item=Arcane Sprite][item=Archivist's Spellscroll][item=Breed Change: Wildclaw][item=Breed Change: Sandsurge][/quote] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]____[/color][nextcol] [url=][size=5][b][color=darkgoldenrod][u]Illuminated Archives (Light OOF Boarding)[/u][/color][/b][/size][/url] [color=#808080]OOF & IF: October 15 - December 2, 2023 [/color] | [url=][color=darkgoldenrod]In-Flight Hub[/color][/url][/center][/columns] Light and Arcane will be battling from [b]November 26th to December 2nd[/b] and we'd love for you to help us store our dragons for the battle! Offer lair or hibernal den spaces to Light's [url=][color=sienna]Out-of-Flight Boarding[/color][/url] program to gain tickets to a boarder exclusive raffle as well as auxillary tickets to the upcoming [color=darkgoldenrod]Out-of-Flight Raffle[/color]! Moreover, you can also claim adorable flight-themed moth badges for every three spaces you offer! [center][img alt="A small red moth with a skeletal pattern on its body and yellow-green wings adorned with pustules cutely bobs up and down"][/img][img alt="A small smoke colored moth with a flame pattern on its body and wings adorned with a wispy smoke pattern cutely bobs up and down"][/img][img alt="A small pale yellow colored moth with a orange dots on its body and wings adorned with a sunburst pattern cutely bobs up and down"][/img][img alt="A small green moth with a bamboo shoot pattern on it's body and wings adorned with a green swirling pattern cutely bobs up and down"][/img] [img alt="A small brown moth with a wood grain pattern on its body and green wings adorned with pink flowers cutely bobs up and down"][/img][img alt="A small teal moth with a single lightning strike pattern on its body and teal wings adorned with a bright lightning pattern cutely bobs up and down"][/img][img alt="A small icy blue moth with a stripe pattern on its body and dark blue wings adorned with a elegant diamond pattern cutely bobs up and down"][/img][img alt="A small teal moth with a bubble pattern on its body and ombre blue wings adorned with a foamy tide pattern cutely bobs up and down"][/img] [img alt="A small purple moth with a light blue dot pattern on its body and purple wings adorned with a swirl pattern cutely bobs up and down"][/img][img alt="A small pink moth with a ombre pattern on its body and pink wings adorned with a runic pattern cutely bobs up and down"][/img][img alt="A small brown moth with a mountain range pattern on its body and brown wings adorned with a blocky earthy pattern cutely bobs up and down"][/img][url=][img alt="A small light blue colored moth with rainbow wings cutely bobs up and down"][/img][/url] [b]Quick Boarding Raffle Preview:[/b] [item=Lightning Sprite][item=Water Sprite][item=Breed Change: Coatl][skin=27331][img][/img] [url=]+ Leveling Service by celestialelysium[/url], [url=]+ Dragon Headshot Art by Irithyll[/url] [columns][emoji=butterfly size=1] There are both lair boarding badges and den boarding badges (sleepy moths) to collect! Bring home a cute moth today by offering your spaces for Light! [emoji=butterfly 3 size=1] There is an [url=][color=sienna][b]exclusive boarder's raffle[/b][/color][/url] with attractive prizes such as a [gamedb item=3327], [gamedb item=2424] and more! [emoji=butterfly 2 size=1] [b]In Light Flight?[/b] Check out how you can also earn these badges and IF prize unlocks in the [b][url=]Illuminated Archives IF Hub[/url][/b] [nextcol][url=][img alt="A small pale yellow colored moth with a orange dots on it's body and wings adorned with a sunburst pattern gently breathes as it sleeps"][/img][/url][/columns] [/center] ---------------------- [columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]____[/color][nextcol] [url=][size=5][b][color=darkgoldenrod][u]Nest Buying[/u][/color][/b][/size][/url] Get 6kt/g per nest, 3kt/g per egg, and win a badge for lending your nests to Light! [url=]Visit the nest buying thread here.[/url] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url][/columns]
OOF Raffle Preview wrote:
Fire Sprite Arcane Sprite Archivist's Spellscroll Breed Change: Wildclaw Breed Change: Sandsurge

light_small.png ____ Illuminated Archives (Light OOF Boarding)
OOF & IF: October 15 - December 2, 2023 | In-Flight Hub

Light and Arcane will be battling from November 26th to December 2nd and we'd love for you to help us store our dragons for the battle!

Offer lair or hibernal den spaces to Light's Out-of-Flight Boarding program to gain tickets to a boarder exclusive raffle as well as auxillary tickets to the upcoming Out-of-Flight Raffle! Moreover, you can also claim adorable flight-themed moth badges for every three spaces you offer!
A small red moth with a skeletal pattern on its body and yellow-green wings adorned with pustules cutely bobs up and downA small smoke colored moth with a flame pattern on its body and wings adorned with a wispy smoke pattern cutely bobs up and downA small pale yellow colored moth with a orange dots on its body and wings adorned with a sunburst pattern cutely bobs up and downA small green moth with a bamboo shoot pattern on it's body and wings adorned with a green swirling pattern cutely bobs up and down
A small brown moth with a wood grain pattern on its body and green wings adorned with pink flowers cutely bobs up and downA small teal moth with a single lightning strike pattern on its body and teal wings adorned with a bright lightning pattern cutely bobs up and downA small icy blue moth with a stripe pattern on its body and dark blue wings adorned with a elegant diamond pattern cutely bobs up and downA small teal moth with a bubble pattern on its body and ombre blue wings adorned with a foamy tide pattern cutely bobs up and down
A small purple moth with a light blue dot pattern on its body and purple wings adorned with a swirl pattern cutely bobs up and downA small pink moth with a ombre pattern on its body and pink wings adorned with a runic pattern cutely bobs up and downA small brown moth with a mountain range pattern on its body and brown wings adorned with a blocky earthy pattern cutely bobs up and downA small light blue colored moth with rainbow wings cutely bobs up and down

Quick Boarding Raffle Preview:
Lightning Sprite Water Sprite Breed Change: Coatl gem.png
+ Leveling Service by celestialelysium, + Dragon Headshot Art by Irithyll

There are both lair boarding badges and den boarding badges (sleepy moths) to collect! Bring home a cute moth today by offering your spaces for Light!

There is an exclusive boarder's raffle with attractive prizes such as a Water Sprite, Breed Change: Coatl and more!

In Light Flight? Check out how you can also earn these badges and IF prize unlocks in the Illuminated Archives IF Hub
A small pale yellow colored moth with a orange dots on it's body and wings adorned with a sunburst pattern gently breathes as it sleeps

light_small.png ____ Nest Buying

Get 6kt/g per nest, 3kt/g per egg, and win a badge for lending your nests to Light! Visit the nest buying thread here.
familiar_light_sprite_by_dogi_crimson-da7lnnx.gif __
» they/she/he
» Light Dom
» FRT +3
[center][center][img][/img][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxxx[/color][nextcol][center][br][url=][color=cc0099][size=6][b][u]Hyperspace Hibernation[/u][/b][/size][/color][/url][br][br]OOF and IF Dorming: October 22nd to December 3rd[br][url=]In-Flight Hub[/url][/center][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxxx[/color][nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] Arcane and Light are battling [b]November 26th to December 2nd[/b], and Arcane would love it if you offer space for us to store the overflow of dragon we're preparing for the battle! [center][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=2][b][i]Animated versions can be found [url=]here[/url]![/i][/b][/size][/center] [emoji=pink star size=1] Dormers earn the badge of their home flight upon offering their first lair/den space, and an additional badge of their choice for every additional 4 lair/den spaces offered. A total of 45 spaces (or more!) will allow a dormer to collect all 12 badges. [emoji=purple gem size=1] For each space you offer to Arcane, you earn 100 tickets per week to our upcoming Out-Of-Flight Raffle. If you offer three spaces for two weeks you earn 600 tickets. [emoji=planet size=1] For each space you offer, you receive one ticket to our [url=]Dormer Exclusive Raffle[/url]. [emoji=pink gem size=1] In Arcane? Check out our [url=]In-Flight Hub[/url] for dominance resources or questions! [quote=OOF Raffle Teaser] [center][item=companion comet] [item=goldenbeast] [skin=41907] [item=night sky bundle] [item=plague sprite][/center] [/quote]
arcaneshieldr.png xxxxx

Hyperspace Hibernation

OOF and IF Dorming: October 22nd to December 3rd
In-Flight Hub
xxxxx arcaneshieldl.png

Arcane and Light are battling November 26th to December 2nd, and Arcane would love it if you offer space for us to store the overflow of dragon we're preparing for the battle!
MluSSGk.png BlTFs6z.png VWXR5j3.png 8MsOMlB.png bdvc0Wu.png sGsemKf.png efQnatU.png NxgG9Jo.png 5tGe4VT.png VanBJHY.png 51p90J9.png NczRur1.png

Animated versions can be found here!

Dormers earn the badge of their home flight upon offering their first lair/den space, and an additional badge of their choice for every additional 4 lair/den spaces offered. A total of 45 spaces (or more!) will allow a dormer to collect all 12 badges.

For each space you offer to Arcane, you earn 100 tickets per week to our upcoming Out-Of-Flight Raffle. If you offer three spaces for two weeks you earn 600 tickets.

For each space you offer, you receive one ticket to our Dormer Exclusive Raffle.

In Arcane? Check out our In-Flight Hub for dominance resources or questions!
OOF Raffle Teaser wrote:
Companion Comet Goldenbeast Night Sky Bundle Plague Sprite
oooh, love lightning theme and daily badges!
hope everyone have fun this week ^^
oooh, love lightning theme and daily badges!
hope everyone have fun this week ^^
she/her- Fr +5 - Games / Events entusiast
Familiars in Flames & Lava cookies

I am not a creature that was born.
I am a fire that was set
This sounds so fun!! : D Yess
This sounds so fun!! : D Yess
deity_gladekeeper_by_dogi_crimson-dabusrb.gif 9X6Ea51.png
"If you miss a day, please send @/Kywren a 1-way CR of 3 adult dragons with a message attached that it's for a missing Daily Badge. These dragons will be entered onto the sheet as if they were Raffle Dragons."

@Kywren - ..... and for those of us whom for whatever reason miss doing something on a given
day (or like myself were extremely unwell earlier this week or irl is just busy, &/or whose's game
play style prefers their Lair to be a non-exalting one)... we can - obtain these daily badges how ?
Please & TY.

Having just said the above - I see tickets for the OOF Raffle may be purchased with kt/g,
one assumes contribution in this way is elidgible for the daily badges - forgive my above
"If you miss a day, please send @/Kywren a 1-way CR of 3 adult dragons with a message attached that it's for a missing Daily Badge. These dragons will be entered onto the sheet as if they were Raffle Dragons."

@Kywren - ..... and for those of us whom for whatever reason miss doing something on a given
day (or like myself were extremely unwell earlier this week or irl is just busy, &/or whose's game
play style prefers their Lair to be a non-exalting one)... we can - obtain these daily badges how ?
Please & TY.

Having just said the above - I see tickets for the OOF Raffle may be purchased with kt/g,
one assumes contribution in this way is elidgible for the daily badges - forgive my above
1582_200px_urbancountry26_by_miirshroom-dce92sn.png B18_L.pngc1-M13-1001.pngc2-M29-1001.pngc3-L15-1001.pngc4-L16-1001.pngc5-S18-1001.pngT10.pngB18_R.png
Oh woah, love the theme this week! Also, thank you all so much for running this and for your clear update on how to proceed with the pinglists!
Oh woah, love the theme this week! Also, thank you all so much for running this and for your clear update on how to proceed with the pinglists!
Duanwu will shamelessly eat your likes. Art by celaine.
Some day, there will be art here.
Wishlist | Lore [WIP] | Gallery | Archive
G1 sales thread here.
Harvest RaffleKeikoKat's Raffe
[center] I love the theme, this is so fun! [i]Who you gonna call?[/i] [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [/center]

I love the theme, this is so fun!

Who you gonna call?

Mundane | he/it | 29

Exalt Rescue
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