
Flight Rising Discussion

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Answering for the Wind portion of my lair!

1. What is the name of your clan?
The Southern Mill.
2. Is it considered a clan? A tribe? A group? Other?
Technically it's a loose group, but everyone there uses the word "clan".
3. How did the name originate?
Simple. It's the southernmost windmill in all Sornieth, assuming no-one's been brave or foolhardy enough to set one up in the Southern Icefield.
4. What form of leadership runs your clan? A council? A King/Queen/Other? If not, how does the clan operate?
Lion is technically the Clan leader, and he enforces the rules. However, the rules are few, so everyone just does their own thing.
5. What is the main income of your clan? Is there anyone that manages the money?
Exports of cold-weather plants are the main source of income, as they're generally only otherwise grown in the Southern Icefield, which is quite far away from much of the Windswept Plateau. A small amount of additional income comes from the resident fandragons' business of helping other fandergs adapt to their new homes in Sornieth.
6. Are certain things more valuable than currency that would be used as such?
Currency is not generally used within the group except for purchasing valuable exports.
7. Is your clan dedicated to one craft or few, OR do they specialize in many things?
The group specialises in many different things, and there is a dragon for many different roles.
8. Does your clan trade with other clans for wares, or do they prefer to keep to themselves?
The Southern Mill is quite remote and separated from the rest of the Millmeadows, but representatives often visit other Flights to trade valuable resources.
9. Is there any enemies to your clan? If so, how?
The group sees no outside threats due to its remote nature. Weather events pose the biggest threats, and even they are easy to wait out.
10. Does your clan squabble with these enemies or other clans often?
No, the group is quite peaceful.
11. Does your clan have many allies? If so, how do they usually interact with each other?
This remoteness has a downside of not having any allies. Negotiation with capitals of Flights is encouraged to keep the Clan from becoming out of touch with Sornieth.
12. Is there treaties or contracts involved in alliances or is it verbal/based off trust?
If any alliances were to be made, Lion would insist on there being a contract. All trades are already regulated by him.
13. Does your clan get along Beastclans or are they all enemies?
Beastclans are treated with distrust, but are rarely driven out unless they actively attack anyone or anything.
14. Does your clan accept Beastclan members? Why or why not?
The group has made a point to accept anyone who agrees to help them. This includes Beastclans, but none have attempted to join so far.
15. If yes, would they have any form of issues integrating into your clan? Would any dragons show distaste towards them?
Some dragons would regard them with distrust, but that is sometimes inevitable no matter which Clan they attempt to join.
16. Is any specific race of Beastclans disliked? Or certain races seen as less than others?
Talonok are most distrusted due to the relative frequency of their attacks on the Mill's supplies.
17. Are they treated like actual Familiars?
There are no rules or norms on this, as nobody has so far attempted to domesticate a Beastclan member.
18. Are there any race or animals treated as Familiars?
Some Clan members have domesticated wild animals to use as pets. The most intelligent animal to be a familiar is Goldenrod's Kyorinrin, who is more than happy to serve as a familiar to her.
19. Does your clan celebrate the Elemental Holidays? Why or why not?
Yes. They pride themselves in acceptance of other cultures, and some will use any excuse for a celebration.
20. IF yes, what do these festivities entail? Is it always monthly? Can anyone participate?
Festivities largely entail a feast followed by a dance with live music. Some traditional activities from the holiday's Flight are borrowed and practiced on the side.
21. Is any specific element more respected than others, or one more hated than others? If so, why?
Wind is more respected, as it is the element of the group. However, all other elements are respected, and there are no element-based prejudices.
22. IS any race of dragon more respected or more hated than others? If so, why?
No, there is no perceived reason to prefer different races over others.
23. Can all forms of elemental magic heal?
Yes. However, Plague-aligned dragons never use their magic to do so.
24. Is all magic absolutely elemental (strictly to the in-game lore magics) or are there general forms of magic any dragon can use? If so, how do they work?
All magic is elemental. Combinations of different elemental magic are possible, however, and any creature can use any type of magic.
25. Is any certain magic more powerful than others?
Generally speaking, magic of a given element is more powerful in its elemental region and/or if the caster is of that element. Like other skills, it also improves with practice.
26. Are there such thing as enchantments or curses? How would they work?
Yes, they exist as invisible elemental forces clinging to a certain creature or object. They are generally temporary.
27. Are tomes important to magic users? Why or why not?
No, catalysts are unnecessary for magic, although they certainly look cool.
28. Are certain things or places able to amplify ones magical abilities?
Some areas and objects are specifically modified to allow easier use of magic, but they are themselves nonmagical. For example, Arcane magic would function more powerfully in the chamber of an active Large Hadron Collider or a similar location, and any conductor can amplify Lightning magic.
29. Do dragon have to be in certain conditions to be able to perform their magic? (Ex. An Ice or Nature dragon would not be able to perform their abilities in the Ashfall Wastes.)
Magic can be performed anywhere with proper training, although an Ice or Nature dragon trying to cast in the Ashfall Wastes would not do so unless desperate.
30. Can a dragons magic become naturally more powerful over time or would they need any form of training to help them become more powerful?
Magic is an innate ability in all creatures that naturally becomes more powerful over time. However, not all dragons choose to become mages or even use their magic at all. Plentiful training is required to raise a dragon's magic to a significant enough level for them to use it at will. Also, a dragon must spend a large amount of rigorous training in a different elemental region to pick up its element.
31. In-game lore says only water can be seers, but can any dragon be able to do the same regardless of element? How do they receive future prophecies without the influence of a Deity?
Any elemental magic can be used for divination purposes, although it is arguably easier with Water dragons because it's part of their culture. Deities are not catalysts for any magic, divination included.
32. Does your clan have any dragons dedicated to researching and studying magic?
Goldenrod, the historian and general researcher, sometimes touches on that subject. She does so rarely, as she prefers more... concrete knowledge.
33. What about a court magister or someone who is very knowledgeable in magic/arcane that gives advice or helps with magic/arcane matters?
Medeis, the Arcane rep, is quite knowledgeable and powerful in that domain and thus helps others with magic-related matters.
34. Can dragons use magic to shape or create things?
Yes. With sufficient power and discipline, anything is possible with magic.
35. Can ones magic influence or read someones mind?
See above.
36. Do your dragons use magic to attack others in combat? Can any element engage in magic combat?
The most basic forms of magic are those that directly harm others. Most dragons have accidentally unleashed a portion of said magic when they were hatchlings, usually resulting in injured friends, broken furniture and distressed caretakers.
37. Do your dragons worship the deities?
Yes, the deities are responsible for creating their world and keeping magic in control. They deserve some thanks.
38. Do dragons worship only their deity of their element, or would they worship another deity, if at all?
Dragons generally worship the deity of their current home and/or their inborn element. Some dragons worship all of the deities. A few don't worship any at all.
39. Are there dragons that don't believe in the deities or hate them? If so, why?
Some dragons dislike some of the deities for various reasons - they basically serve as Sornieth's politicians. Politicians that also created all life in the world and behave like siblings. Yep.
A few dragons don't believe in the deities, despite the plentiful proof that they exist. They are dismissed as conspiracy theorists and are often given sufficient proof to change their minds within a week at most.
40. Are there dragons dedicated to convincing others to serve their deities?
Yes, but the deities do not endorse such activity in the slightest, and they are dismissed as "religious fruitcakes" by others.
41. What is exalting to your clan/dragons exactly? Is it noble? Foolish?
To exalt a dragon is to send a dragon's soul to a different dimension, in which they enter the care of their deity and usually fight for them. No one deity can possibly win this fight - it's mainly a show of strength.
42. How does one go about exalting another? Is it a ritual? A process? Does one decide for themself and leave? Does another help
Exaltation is the highest possible honour that a dragon can have, and is usually done after a dragon has lived a long and fulfilling life. This usually entails training to at least Level 5, but some decide that they want a different lifestyle and stay around for longer. The dragon then completes a ritual during which they die and a deity takes their soul.
43. Where would one go to be exalted?
Many Clans have an "exalting ground", in which the ritual is held. There are no requirements for the nature of the exalting ground, except that it must be in the domain of the target deity.
44. IS it considered blasphemous or crazy to not worship ones elemental deity?
Not at all! Some dragons prefer the ideals and values of a different deity to their inborn elemental alignment, and some choose not to worship deities at all.
45. Do the worship of the deities play a big role in your clan?
Apart from the Clan being a frequent pitstop on the way to exaltation to the Windsinger, no.
46. Do any of your clan members hate the Tidelord or are scared because he vanished? Are any helping to search?
Many are concerned, but none are outright scared. Some joke that "he's just gone to buy some milk".
47. Do dragons that come back from exalting seen as higher or lesser for leaving/being kicked out?
No dragons come back from exaltation except as ghosts or other undead.
48. Does your clan or any dragon do any form of sacrificial ritual for their deity? Or offer any items?
Exaltation is the sacrificial ritual.
49. Are any breed stronger than another in any way? Or are all breeds equal?
All breeds have their strengths and weaknesses, and these are mostly respected.
50. Can breeds of their "origin element" use their magic better? (Ex. A spiral dragon using wind magic better because the breed originated from Wind more than say a guardian dragon using wind magic)
No, although Wind Spirals are more common than Wind Guardians.
51. Are your dragon sizes more to that of in-game canon (Fae is the smallest, Imperial the biggest, etc.) or are they closer together?
52. Are all dragons similarly expressive or do they all uniquely show their emotions?
All dragons are similarly expressive, even Coatls and Fae.
53. Are your dragons able to fly? Or is wholly determined by their wing sizes?
All dragons except Gaolers and Snappers can fly naturally. Sufficient Wind magic can allow "flight" for dragons with vestigial or injured wings.
54. Do Ancients and Moderns get along with each other?
Yes, although the Quest for a Tailor who Supports Ancient Breeds is ongoing.
55. Can your Ancient and Modern dragons breed with each other despite in-game lore?
Yes, they can. However, Ancients breeding amongst each other is arguably much more common.
56. Do Ancients and Moderns socialize regularly or do they both have their separate areas within the clan?
They are together regularly. They are all dragons is the reason behind this.
57. How did you clan react to finding Ancients?
Anywhere between "Oh cool!", "So what?" and "*frantic scrabbling of notes*".
58. Do Ancients have a vastly different culture than those of Moderns?
They have mostly modified their own culture to better match that of Moderns.
59. What about the Obelisks?
Canon lore said they were more than happy to integrate themselves into every other Modern culture.
60. Are there any ceremonies that might be breed specific?
Apart from die-hard Gaoler culture, no.
61. Do dragons mate for life or no?
Yes, most dragons mate for life. However, they can have eggs with multiple different dragons.
62. Do dragons look down on others for not having a lineage? (G1 dragons)
No, all dragons have lineage, they might just be unknown and/or dead.
63. Do you have any disabled dragons? IF so how do they receive assistance for such? Are they considered less?
No, but if there were any disabled dragons they would be welcomed and assisted just like any other.
64. Are your dragons in your lore, anthro, human, or just simply dragon?
They're dragons.
65. Are your dragons more human like in terms of intelligence or are they more feral/animal like?
They have approximately human intelligence, with technology ranging from the Middle Ages to the 1920s.
66. How technologically advanced is your clan? Do they use magic to fuel technology? or just simply magic for all necessary things?
Not very. Magic is used in its place.
67. Does your clan grow/farm food? OR do they hunt for it all?
The Millmeadows is an area known for its agriculture. Food is frequently grown, despite the mill being defunct.
68. What does your clan do with abandoned eggs?
Generally searches for their parents before putting them up for adoption.
69. Does your clan have ambassadors/representatives? What do they do?
Representatives are in charge of delegating with foreign Flights.
70. Do your dragons hold marriage ceremonies of sorts if they were to mate?
Informal marriage ceremonies are common but unnecessary, and formal ones are typically reserved for the rich.
71. Is architect important in your clan? Do they live where infrastructure is important or no?
Most infrastructure is in the form of bamboo huts similar to those found in Aergate City but on a smaller scale.
72. Are there any forms of teachers to help with literacy/fighting/magic/history/etc?
All dragons help each other with teaching. Flight representatives aid with their specific magic, and Dreamer, Bolkando and Warsky help with fighting.
73. Besides forms of leader is there any jobs considered to be more valuable/ important than others?
74. Does your clan have a library?
Goldenrod has a small book collection in her hut.
75. What about cooks or any form of servants?
Neptune is the Clan's resident cook, but most dragons cook their own food.
76. Do you have a prison? How is it run? What would someone have to do to be imprisoned?
There is no prison - anyone found to be disobeying the rules is driven out or (in serious cases) turned over to the Aergate City Police.
77. Would your dragons have a trial for the offending person? How strict are the laws if your clan has any?
The rules are few but strict. Magic serves as an effective trial.
78. What is the most serious punishment and the lightest punishment for a crime?
Most serious is transportation to one of Aergate's prisons, and lightest is temporary lockdown.
79. Do Beastclans believe in any form of deity or God of their own? Do they try to convert dragons?
Beastclans have no god. However, they do have a similar exaltation system to dragons, and fight for Dominance every week to prove their strength.
80. Are there any planets that your dragons, or others, have found?
Not yet.
81. Are your dragons developing a way to go into space?
No, but some in the Lightning Flight are.
82. Sorneith canonically has 2 moons. What would they be named if your clan had to name them?
"Moon 1" and "Moon 2". It's hard to tell which is which without sufficient equipment, and the moons are often referred to collectively.
83. Is the Shade feared in your clan? Anyone "Shade-Touched"?
The Shade, as the driving force of destruction and evil in Sornieth, is feared. However, nobody needs to actually worry about it.
84. IS there anyone that worships the Shade? Are they open about it?
There exist cults to the Shade, but most in those cults have no idea of the true nature of what they're worshiping.
85. Does your clan believe in such a being?
Yes. Like the deities, there's irrefutable evidence of its existence.
86. IS there a certain dress code or expectation of style in your clan? Any developed styles over time?
No. Anyone can wear anything (or nothing) and no-one will bat an eye.
87. What about food? Any food that is considered your clans cultural food?
Plants that grow in cold weather are the most frequent in the Clan. The cook, Neptune, has invented a national dish for the Mill, called "Fried Rosy Similis".
88. What of slang? Or sayings? What about swears? Do certain dragons/ dragons of elements have certain sayings/swears? (Think when the Light Sprite yells "Baku Snout!" in G&G out of frustration)
Most sayings are based on the deities, such as "fuzzy as the Icewarden's feet" and "by the Stormcatcher's ears, that lightning struck close to home". Worshipped deities are referred to more colloquially e.g. "thank Noodledad our hut wasn't blown away in the storm".
89. Are fictional books in your lore similar to books in our real life? What about comics and toys?
Yes, books of fiction are similar to in real life, but set usually in Sornieth. What's more, there is a Sornieth equivalent of AO3 somewhere in the Tourmaline Archives.
90. If a dragon was to say try to invent something we have in our modern lives, like a TV or a car, How would other dragons react?
It would be considered a breakthrough if successful. Dragons are already doing this all over the Lightning flight.
91. Do dragons have certain things we do? Like desks for writing, full beds, shelves, etc. Or would they be very different to compensate for their style of living/being dragons? (Like instead of beds, they'd have nests)
Yes, although in a more primitive form. Stairs only exist in areas with high Snapper or Gaoler concentrations, or spaces where flying is difficult.
92. Do other forms of dimensions exist?
Yes, there are numerous parallel dimensions to canon Sornieth. These dimensions are home to different Clans with slightly different world rules, Dragons can easily interact between dimensions, and both will slightly reshape themselves to just match each other.
93. Does any form of heaven or limbo exist in your lore? Or any form of afterlife?
Where do you think dragons go when they're exalted?
94. Dos spirits exist? Can they possess or move things around?
Yes. These are usually undead who either were unable to go to the afterlife, chose to return or were forced back. They often assume semi-corporeal form fuelled largely by elemental magic.
95. Do dragons hunt for the paranormal if they do exist?
Some do, for a variety of reasons, be it research, training or something else.
96. Are there any folktales or legends that exist within your clan? Any Mythical creatures?
There are many legends about the exploits of the mythical Human Beastclan.
97. What about songs that would be commonly sung among your dragons?
There are numerous songs associated with these myths, alongside more modern songs being produced, released and shared at a breakneck pace.
98. Are hatchlings assigned a job when they're young or can be anything they please once they're of a certain age?
Upon entering puberty, dragons become entirely self-sufficient, although they may remain with their parents if they want.
99. Do some dragons sometimes eat outside their food groups? Like a Tundra eating meat/fish?
No, they are physically incapable of digesting it.


100. What does your clan do with gene scrolls/breed changes? Are they even a thing? Magic? Can they willingly change their breed at any time using one? Would they still carry characteristics of their old breed after they change? IS it instant? Gradual? Same with genes? Or do the patterns mix for a bit before changing to the new?
It is done with magical scrolls. Changes take effect instantly when a dragon reads the contents of the scroll aloud, then the scroll disintegrates. These scrolls are rare and expensive, although the Light Flight is beginning to produce them en masse with the help of the Lightning Flight.

That was fun!
Answering for the Wind portion of my lair!

1. What is the name of your clan?
The Southern Mill.
2. Is it considered a clan? A tribe? A group? Other?
Technically it's a loose group, but everyone there uses the word "clan".
3. How did the name originate?
Simple. It's the southernmost windmill in all Sornieth, assuming no-one's been brave or foolhardy enough to set one up in the Southern Icefield.
4. What form of leadership runs your clan? A council? A King/Queen/Other? If not, how does the clan operate?
Lion is technically the Clan leader, and he enforces the rules. However, the rules are few, so everyone just does their own thing.
5. What is the main income of your clan? Is there anyone that manages the money?
Exports of cold-weather plants are the main source of income, as they're generally only otherwise grown in the Southern Icefield, which is quite far away from much of the Windswept Plateau. A small amount of additional income comes from the resident fandragons' business of helping other fandergs adapt to their new homes in Sornieth.
6. Are certain things more valuable than currency that would be used as such?
Currency is not generally used within the group except for purchasing valuable exports.
7. Is your clan dedicated to one craft or few, OR do they specialize in many things?
The group specialises in many different things, and there is a dragon for many different roles.
8. Does your clan trade with other clans for wares, or do they prefer to keep to themselves?
The Southern Mill is quite remote and separated from the rest of the Millmeadows, but representatives often visit other Flights to trade valuable resources.
9. Is there any enemies to your clan? If so, how?
The group sees no outside threats due to its remote nature. Weather events pose the biggest threats, and even they are easy to wait out.
10. Does your clan squabble with these enemies or other clans often?
No, the group is quite peaceful.
11. Does your clan have many allies? If so, how do they usually interact with each other?
This remoteness has a downside of not having any allies. Negotiation with capitals of Flights is encouraged to keep the Clan from becoming out of touch with Sornieth.
12. Is there treaties or contracts involved in alliances or is it verbal/based off trust?
If any alliances were to be made, Lion would insist on there being a contract. All trades are already regulated by him.
13. Does your clan get along Beastclans or are they all enemies?
Beastclans are treated with distrust, but are rarely driven out unless they actively attack anyone or anything.
14. Does your clan accept Beastclan members? Why or why not?
The group has made a point to accept anyone who agrees to help them. This includes Beastclans, but none have attempted to join so far.
15. If yes, would they have any form of issues integrating into your clan? Would any dragons show distaste towards them?
Some dragons would regard them with distrust, but that is sometimes inevitable no matter which Clan they attempt to join.
16. Is any specific race of Beastclans disliked? Or certain races seen as less than others?
Talonok are most distrusted due to the relative frequency of their attacks on the Mill's supplies.
17. Are they treated like actual Familiars?
There are no rules or norms on this, as nobody has so far attempted to domesticate a Beastclan member.
18. Are there any race or animals treated as Familiars?
Some Clan members have domesticated wild animals to use as pets. The most intelligent animal to be a familiar is Goldenrod's Kyorinrin, who is more than happy to serve as a familiar to her.
19. Does your clan celebrate the Elemental Holidays? Why or why not?
Yes. They pride themselves in acceptance of other cultures, and some will use any excuse for a celebration.
20. IF yes, what do these festivities entail? Is it always monthly? Can anyone participate?
Festivities largely entail a feast followed by a dance with live music. Some traditional activities from the holiday's Flight are borrowed and practiced on the side.
21. Is any specific element more respected than others, or one more hated than others? If so, why?
Wind is more respected, as it is the element of the group. However, all other elements are respected, and there are no element-based prejudices.
22. IS any race of dragon more respected or more hated than others? If so, why?
No, there is no perceived reason to prefer different races over others.
23. Can all forms of elemental magic heal?
Yes. However, Plague-aligned dragons never use their magic to do so.
24. Is all magic absolutely elemental (strictly to the in-game lore magics) or are there general forms of magic any dragon can use? If so, how do they work?
All magic is elemental. Combinations of different elemental magic are possible, however, and any creature can use any type of magic.
25. Is any certain magic more powerful than others?
Generally speaking, magic of a given element is more powerful in its elemental region and/or if the caster is of that element. Like other skills, it also improves with practice.
26. Are there such thing as enchantments or curses? How would they work?
Yes, they exist as invisible elemental forces clinging to a certain creature or object. They are generally temporary.
27. Are tomes important to magic users? Why or why not?
No, catalysts are unnecessary for magic, although they certainly look cool.
28. Are certain things or places able to amplify ones magical abilities?
Some areas and objects are specifically modified to allow easier use of magic, but they are themselves nonmagical. For example, Arcane magic would function more powerfully in the chamber of an active Large Hadron Collider or a similar location, and any conductor can amplify Lightning magic.
29. Do dragon have to be in certain conditions to be able to perform their magic? (Ex. An Ice or Nature dragon would not be able to perform their abilities in the Ashfall Wastes.)
Magic can be performed anywhere with proper training, although an Ice or Nature dragon trying to cast in the Ashfall Wastes would not do so unless desperate.
30. Can a dragons magic become naturally more powerful over time or would they need any form of training to help them become more powerful?
Magic is an innate ability in all creatures that naturally becomes more powerful over time. However, not all dragons choose to become mages or even use their magic at all. Plentiful training is required to raise a dragon's magic to a significant enough level for them to use it at will. Also, a dragon must spend a large amount of rigorous training in a different elemental region to pick up its element.
31. In-game lore says only water can be seers, but can any dragon be able to do the same regardless of element? How do they receive future prophecies without the influence of a Deity?
Any elemental magic can be used for divination purposes, although it is arguably easier with Water dragons because it's part of their culture. Deities are not catalysts for any magic, divination included.
32. Does your clan have any dragons dedicated to researching and studying magic?
Goldenrod, the historian and general researcher, sometimes touches on that subject. She does so rarely, as she prefers more... concrete knowledge.
33. What about a court magister or someone who is very knowledgeable in magic/arcane that gives advice or helps with magic/arcane matters?
Medeis, the Arcane rep, is quite knowledgeable and powerful in that domain and thus helps others with magic-related matters.
34. Can dragons use magic to shape or create things?
Yes. With sufficient power and discipline, anything is possible with magic.
35. Can ones magic influence or read someones mind?
See above.
36. Do your dragons use magic to attack others in combat? Can any element engage in magic combat?
The most basic forms of magic are those that directly harm others. Most dragons have accidentally unleashed a portion of said magic when they were hatchlings, usually resulting in injured friends, broken furniture and distressed caretakers.
37. Do your dragons worship the deities?
Yes, the deities are responsible for creating their world and keeping magic in control. They deserve some thanks.
38. Do dragons worship only their deity of their element, or would they worship another deity, if at all?
Dragons generally worship the deity of their current home and/or their inborn element. Some dragons worship all of the deities. A few don't worship any at all.
39. Are there dragons that don't believe in the deities or hate them? If so, why?
Some dragons dislike some of the deities for various reasons - they basically serve as Sornieth's politicians. Politicians that also created all life in the world and behave like siblings. Yep.
A few dragons don't believe in the deities, despite the plentiful proof that they exist. They are dismissed as conspiracy theorists and are often given sufficient proof to change their minds within a week at most.
40. Are there dragons dedicated to convincing others to serve their deities?
Yes, but the deities do not endorse such activity in the slightest, and they are dismissed as "religious fruitcakes" by others.
41. What is exalting to your clan/dragons exactly? Is it noble? Foolish?
To exalt a dragon is to send a dragon's soul to a different dimension, in which they enter the care of their deity and usually fight for them. No one deity can possibly win this fight - it's mainly a show of strength.
42. How does one go about exalting another? Is it a ritual? A process? Does one decide for themself and leave? Does another help
Exaltation is the highest possible honour that a dragon can have, and is usually done after a dragon has lived a long and fulfilling life. This usually entails training to at least Level 5, but some decide that they want a different lifestyle and stay around for longer. The dragon then completes a ritual during which they die and a deity takes their soul.
43. Where would one go to be exalted?
Many Clans have an "exalting ground", in which the ritual is held. There are no requirements for the nature of the exalting ground, except that it must be in the domain of the target deity.
44. IS it considered blasphemous or crazy to not worship ones elemental deity?
Not at all! Some dragons prefer the ideals and values of a different deity to their inborn elemental alignment, and some choose not to worship deities at all.
45. Do the worship of the deities play a big role in your clan?
Apart from the Clan being a frequent pitstop on the way to exaltation to the Windsinger, no.
46. Do any of your clan members hate the Tidelord or are scared because he vanished? Are any helping to search?
Many are concerned, but none are outright scared. Some joke that "he's just gone to buy some milk".
47. Do dragons that come back from exalting seen as higher or lesser for leaving/being kicked out?
No dragons come back from exaltation except as ghosts or other undead.
48. Does your clan or any dragon do any form of sacrificial ritual for their deity? Or offer any items?
Exaltation is the sacrificial ritual.
49. Are any breed stronger than another in any way? Or are all breeds equal?
All breeds have their strengths and weaknesses, and these are mostly respected.
50. Can breeds of their "origin element" use their magic better? (Ex. A spiral dragon using wind magic better because the breed originated from Wind more than say a guardian dragon using wind magic)
No, although Wind Spirals are more common than Wind Guardians.
51. Are your dragon sizes more to that of in-game canon (Fae is the smallest, Imperial the biggest, etc.) or are they closer together?
52. Are all dragons similarly expressive or do they all uniquely show their emotions?
All dragons are similarly expressive, even Coatls and Fae.
53. Are your dragons able to fly? Or is wholly determined by their wing sizes?
All dragons except Gaolers and Snappers can fly naturally. Sufficient Wind magic can allow "flight" for dragons with vestigial or injured wings.
54. Do Ancients and Moderns get along with each other?
Yes, although the Quest for a Tailor who Supports Ancient Breeds is ongoing.
55. Can your Ancient and Modern dragons breed with each other despite in-game lore?
Yes, they can. However, Ancients breeding amongst each other is arguably much more common.
56. Do Ancients and Moderns socialize regularly or do they both have their separate areas within the clan?
They are together regularly. They are all dragons is the reason behind this.
57. How did you clan react to finding Ancients?
Anywhere between "Oh cool!", "So what?" and "*frantic scrabbling of notes*".
58. Do Ancients have a vastly different culture than those of Moderns?
They have mostly modified their own culture to better match that of Moderns.
59. What about the Obelisks?
Canon lore said they were more than happy to integrate themselves into every other Modern culture.
60. Are there any ceremonies that might be breed specific?
Apart from die-hard Gaoler culture, no.
61. Do dragons mate for life or no?
Yes, most dragons mate for life. However, they can have eggs with multiple different dragons.
62. Do dragons look down on others for not having a lineage? (G1 dragons)
No, all dragons have lineage, they might just be unknown and/or dead.
63. Do you have any disabled dragons? IF so how do they receive assistance for such? Are they considered less?
No, but if there were any disabled dragons they would be welcomed and assisted just like any other.
64. Are your dragons in your lore, anthro, human, or just simply dragon?
They're dragons.
65. Are your dragons more human like in terms of intelligence or are they more feral/animal like?
They have approximately human intelligence, with technology ranging from the Middle Ages to the 1920s.
66. How technologically advanced is your clan? Do they use magic to fuel technology? or just simply magic for all necessary things?
Not very. Magic is used in its place.
67. Does your clan grow/farm food? OR do they hunt for it all?
The Millmeadows is an area known for its agriculture. Food is frequently grown, despite the mill being defunct.
68. What does your clan do with abandoned eggs?
Generally searches for their parents before putting them up for adoption.
69. Does your clan have ambassadors/representatives? What do they do?
Representatives are in charge of delegating with foreign Flights.
70. Do your dragons hold marriage ceremonies of sorts if they were to mate?
Informal marriage ceremonies are common but unnecessary, and formal ones are typically reserved for the rich.
71. Is architect important in your clan? Do they live where infrastructure is important or no?
Most infrastructure is in the form of bamboo huts similar to those found in Aergate City but on a smaller scale.
72. Are there any forms of teachers to help with literacy/fighting/magic/history/etc?
All dragons help each other with teaching. Flight representatives aid with their specific magic, and Dreamer, Bolkando and Warsky help with fighting.
73. Besides forms of leader is there any jobs considered to be more valuable/ important than others?
74. Does your clan have a library?
Goldenrod has a small book collection in her hut.
75. What about cooks or any form of servants?
Neptune is the Clan's resident cook, but most dragons cook their own food.
76. Do you have a prison? How is it run? What would someone have to do to be imprisoned?
There is no prison - anyone found to be disobeying the rules is driven out or (in serious cases) turned over to the Aergate City Police.
77. Would your dragons have a trial for the offending person? How strict are the laws if your clan has any?
The rules are few but strict. Magic serves as an effective trial.
78. What is the most serious punishment and the lightest punishment for a crime?
Most serious is transportation to one of Aergate's prisons, and lightest is temporary lockdown.
79. Do Beastclans believe in any form of deity or God of their own? Do they try to convert dragons?
Beastclans have no god. However, they do have a similar exaltation system to dragons, and fight for Dominance every week to prove their strength.
80. Are there any planets that your dragons, or others, have found?
Not yet.
81. Are your dragons developing a way to go into space?
No, but some in the Lightning Flight are.
82. Sorneith canonically has 2 moons. What would they be named if your clan had to name them?
"Moon 1" and "Moon 2". It's hard to tell which is which without sufficient equipment, and the moons are often referred to collectively.
83. Is the Shade feared in your clan? Anyone "Shade-Touched"?
The Shade, as the driving force of destruction and evil in Sornieth, is feared. However, nobody needs to actually worry about it.
84. IS there anyone that worships the Shade? Are they open about it?
There exist cults to the Shade, but most in those cults have no idea of the true nature of what they're worshiping.
85. Does your clan believe in such a being?
Yes. Like the deities, there's irrefutable evidence of its existence.
86. IS there a certain dress code or expectation of style in your clan? Any developed styles over time?
No. Anyone can wear anything (or nothing) and no-one will bat an eye.
87. What about food? Any food that is considered your clans cultural food?
Plants that grow in cold weather are the most frequent in the Clan. The cook, Neptune, has invented a national dish for the Mill, called "Fried Rosy Similis".
88. What of slang? Or sayings? What about swears? Do certain dragons/ dragons of elements have certain sayings/swears? (Think when the Light Sprite yells "Baku Snout!" in G&G out of frustration)
Most sayings are based on the deities, such as "fuzzy as the Icewarden's feet" and "by the Stormcatcher's ears, that lightning struck close to home". Worshipped deities are referred to more colloquially e.g. "thank Noodledad our hut wasn't blown away in the storm".
89. Are fictional books in your lore similar to books in our real life? What about comics and toys?
Yes, books of fiction are similar to in real life, but set usually in Sornieth. What's more, there is a Sornieth equivalent of AO3 somewhere in the Tourmaline Archives.
90. If a dragon was to say try to invent something we have in our modern lives, like a TV or a car, How would other dragons react?
It would be considered a breakthrough if successful. Dragons are already doing this all over the Lightning flight.
91. Do dragons have certain things we do? Like desks for writing, full beds, shelves, etc. Or would they be very different to compensate for their style of living/being dragons? (Like instead of beds, they'd have nests)
Yes, although in a more primitive form. Stairs only exist in areas with high Snapper or Gaoler concentrations, or spaces where flying is difficult.
92. Do other forms of dimensions exist?
Yes, there are numerous parallel dimensions to canon Sornieth. These dimensions are home to different Clans with slightly different world rules, Dragons can easily interact between dimensions, and both will slightly reshape themselves to just match each other.
93. Does any form of heaven or limbo exist in your lore? Or any form of afterlife?
Where do you think dragons go when they're exalted?
94. Dos spirits exist? Can they possess or move things around?
Yes. These are usually undead who either were unable to go to the afterlife, chose to return or were forced back. They often assume semi-corporeal form fuelled largely by elemental magic.
95. Do dragons hunt for the paranormal if they do exist?
Some do, for a variety of reasons, be it research, training or something else.
96. Are there any folktales or legends that exist within your clan? Any Mythical creatures?
There are many legends about the exploits of the mythical Human Beastclan.
97. What about songs that would be commonly sung among your dragons?
There are numerous songs associated with these myths, alongside more modern songs being produced, released and shared at a breakneck pace.
98. Are hatchlings assigned a job when they're young or can be anything they please once they're of a certain age?
Upon entering puberty, dragons become entirely self-sufficient, although they may remain with their parents if they want.
99. Do some dragons sometimes eat outside their food groups? Like a Tundra eating meat/fish?
No, they are physically incapable of digesting it.


100. What does your clan do with gene scrolls/breed changes? Are they even a thing? Magic? Can they willingly change their breed at any time using one? Would they still carry characteristics of their old breed after they change? IS it instant? Gradual? Same with genes? Or do the patterns mix for a bit before changing to the new?
It is done with magical scrolls. Changes take effect instantly when a dragon reads the contents of the scroll aloud, then the scroll disintegrates. These scrolls are rare and expensive, although the Light Flight is beginning to produce them en masse with the help of the Lightning Flight.

That was fun!
Newmoon | She/her | FRT +17-19 (depending on daylight savings)

Fandergs | Wishlist

I made a cheap UMA! Click here to order it!
Posting here to remind myself to fill this out. I might not finish all of it but I’ll go as far as I can. I might edit this whenever my lore changes so I can use it as a reference when I'm writing a bio for one of my dragons.
1. What is the name of your clan?
(Pronounced Mont-rose)

2. Is it considered a clan? A tribe? A group? Other?
A city. There are provinces for the city in my tabs, although Starlet Capital is the center and where the castle and the council is mainly housed.

3. How did the name originate?
Montrose the III, archduke and a clansguard general. Enlisted and died in the old war where the newly budding Montrose was named after his sacrifice.

4. What form of leadership runs your clan? A council? A King/Queen/Other? If not, how does the clan operate?
It’s a council and monarchy, somewhat. A Queen-in-Council might be a more official term for it. The main executive power is the queen and since there is yet to be a Crown Prince, the king fills in for Apophy when absent. There is of course the clansguard, which is directly controlled by the council, and there are a few associations for trade and for the management of Beastclan pets and familiars.

5. What is the main income of your clan? Is there anyone that manages the money?
I don’t have a dragon to manage the treasury at the moment, but I’d like to imagine the one of the main incomes for my clan comes from trading and merchants as typical of most clans. I'm sure tourism from interested travelers that are want to sightsee brings in income as well.

6. Are certain things more valuable than currency that would be used as such?
Magic is a pretty oversaturated market in Montrose but for the clansguard mages, It’s easy to pay in magical favors. For some dragons, knowledge is also a valuable tool

7. Is your clan dedicated to one craft or few, OR do they specialize in many things?
Again, magic. Arcane mages get along the best here and can draw power from the ley-lines to recharge themselves. Other elements are not so lucky in the aspect that they cannot harvest Arcane magic, but scholars and the like travel here to study and keep track of the elemental ley-lines and other mages follow in suit, hoping to benefit from the thaumaturgical studies.

8. Does your clan trade with other clans for wares, or do they prefer to keep to themselves?
A lot of smaller subsets of clans in Montrose are supported more by trade and less by transaction

9. Is there any enemies to your clan? If so, how?
There were a couple of wars to fight for Montrose’s place by a few power hungry drakes. The current state of the city is peace.

10. Does your clan squabble with these enemies or other clans often?
See above. Squabbles usually occur in subsets of clans in the county and not on a large scale. To give some clarification, there are provinces in the clan which are more tight-knit and the closer to the center you get, it tends to be more populated and less friendly.

11. Does your clan have many allies? If so, how do they usually interact with each other?
There are some smaller clans and tribes dotted throughout the territory that Apophy respects and trusts. As such they can be considered allies.

12. Is there treaties or contracts involved in alliances or is it verbal/based off trust?
Not much in lore on this one. Might update later.

13. Does your clan get along Beastclans or are they all enemies?
Montrose is also known to be much more close-knit with Beastclan than a lot of other
clans are.

14. Does your clan accept Beastclan members? Why or why not?
To expand on the above, the clansguard still slaughters many beastclan tribes every day albeit only those who steal or encroach too far into the territory. A small circle of pacifist dragons push back against the slaughtering of beastclan as a whole and believe that violence should be completely unnecessary in the current modern development of the clan

15. If yes, would they have any form of issues integrating into your clan? Would any dragons show distaste towards them?
Some prideful dragons still consider allying with a Beastclan member to be “lowering” yourself. Familiars are often kept close to their masters to have that extra safety precaution.

16. Is any specific race of Beastclans disliked? Or certain races seen as less than others?
Centaurs are more populated in the Starwood Strand and are usually seen as pests

17. Are they treated like actual Familiars?
Yes, despite the fact Aytigin treats Ciel more like his emotional support animal. There is an association called B.I.C which helps Beastclan integrate into clan life and also helps in teaching them more high-class thaumaturgical magic to assist their masters. Familiars are starting to become a popularized concept amongst those who study both thaumaturgy and alchemy.

18. Are there any race or animals treated as Familiars?
If it's tame and intelligent you can make it a familiar.

19. Does your clan celebrate the Elemental Holidays? Why or why not?
There are a lot happy little creatures in Montrose. The most widely celebrated holiday is that of Arcane but there are plenty of celebrations for the other elemental holidays too.

20. IF yes, what do these festivities entail? Is it always monthly? Can anyone participate?
It usually consists of dragons outside their dens hanging up little decorations and doing crude illusion magic. The most popular performer for illusion magic is Cassiel and has a broad performance for most festivals which inspires a lot of imitation is his wake. There’s also a special holiday for Montrose celebrating their victory in the old war.

21. Is any specific element more respected than others, or one more hated than others? If so, why?
Most clans are self absorbed, and while Montrose has a wide variety of different elemental dragons in its clan, the most widely celebrated is of course, Arcane

22. IS any race of dragon more respected or more hated than others? If so, why?
Not particularly, although the fae population seems to be oddly large (ignore my bias for Fae’s, please)

23. Can all forms of elemental magic heal?
Canonically, there are are neutral magic spells that all dragons can perform. So yes.

24. Is all magic absolutely elemental (strictly to the in-game lore magics) or are there general forms of magic any dragon can use? If so, how do they work?
See above. Most magic is elemental but there are neutral spells.

25. Is any certain magic more powerful than others?
I like to imagine Arcane is a more of a pure magic type and thus is more powerful. I also like to imagine Plague is also up there as it’s much more destructive and chaotic in nature.

26. Are there such thing as enchantments or curses? How would they work?
Yes. I like to imagine magic like casting and enchanting are two different things, the former being the more popular form of magic. Curses I would like to imagine are a form of a dragon or creature being shade-touched

27. Are tomes important to magic users? Why or why not?
I like to imagine that tomes can be either 1 of 2 things:
A. a magic “handbook” containing studies, diagrams, etc
Or B. a form of enchantment similar to gene scrolls. You touch the tome on your side and activate it, without having to deplete your current magic stores

28. Are certain things or places able to amplify ones magical abilities?
Magic in certain areas is naturally stronger. Dragons can also cast spells to support their abilities, usually in the form of letting another borrow their magic and making them temporarily stronger

29. Do dragon have to be in certain conditions to be able to perform their magic? (Ex. An Ice or Nature dragon would not be able to perform their abilities in the Ashfall Wastes.)
Canon lore says that if you drain a dragon of all it's magic, it will die. This is also why dragons cannot change elements. With this in mind, I can only assume that dragons have the ability to perform magic in the domain of a different god and that they simply draw the magic from within themselves

30. Can a dragons magic become naturally more powerful over time or would they need any form of training to help them become more powerful?
I like to imagine that, just like in real life, some dragons are naturally more talented at magic and thus don't need as much training as others do. But to become powerful you need to practice and study just like any other skill.

31. In-game lore says only water can be seers, but can any dragon be able to do the same regardless of element? How do they receive future prophecies without the influence of a Deity?
I like sticking to canon lore as much as possible and expanding on the parts that aren't very fleshed out, so only water dragons can be seers.

32. Does your clan have any dragons dedicated to researching and studying magic?
So there's the court (also referred to as the Round Table) and then there is the Academy which is a branch of the court that focuses on magic. Thaumaturgy is a wide field and there are a million different positions you could have, including the study of magical energy coming from the Sornieth, magical energy that comes from living creatures, and magical energy that comes from plant-life.

33. What about a court magister or someone who is very knowledgeable in magic/arcane that gives advice or helps with magic/arcane matters?
Sure. In the Academy there are many variations of scholarly magic, although at the top of the rung are the magisters which are basically the executives and manage all of the branches in the academy.

34. Can dragons use magic to shape or create things?
Nature dragons can shape plants and the equivalent goes for Plague dragons. I can't imagine any dragon could spawn something out of mid-air though, maybe some forms of creation that manipulate the environment exist.

35. Can ones magic influence or read someones mind?
Skydancers can read another dragon's energy with their antennae's/head gem (canon lore) but it's not possible to just straight up read a dragon's mind.

36. Do your dragons use magic to attack others in combat? Can any element engage in magic combat?
Like I mentioned above, thaumaturgy is a wide field and mage is just a generalized term for magic-users. The magic users who specialize in combat are usually called sorcerers and work in the clansguard rather than the Academy.

37. Do your dragons worship the deities?
Dragons that don't worship deities are pretty rare in the modern day and age but there are some who refute all of the deities out of a personal vendetta. Some dragons, (like Aeolus, for example) don't care about the deities much either way and just like living their life.

38. Do dragons worship only their deity of their element, or would they worship another deity, if at all?
A dragon's element depends on which deity they were born closest to. I think it depends on where a dragon has lived most of their life. If they were born in Water but moved to Nature at a young age, they would probably worship The Gladekeeper instead.

39. Are there dragons that don't believe in the deities or hate them? If so, why?
I guess there are probably some conspiracy theorists out there that don't believe in the deities, although they probably aren't taken very seriously. As for those that hate the deities, I'm sure it's more common than one might think. The social pressure to worship a deity probably creates a complicated conflict inside some dragons.

40. Are there dragons dedicated to convincing others to serve their deities?

There are zealots out there that dedicate their whole life around worshipping their deity. My own dragons don't have much lore when it comes to deities and worshipping though. I'll work more on that

41. What is exalting to your clan/dragons exactly? Is it noble? Foolish?
N/A ( will write later)

42. How does one go about exalting another? Is it a ritual? A process? Does one decide for themself and leave? Does another help
N/A ( will write later)

43. Where would one go to be exalted?
N/A ( will write later)

44. IS it considered blasphemous or crazy to not worship ones elemental deity?
Not necessarily, although it's not the norm and might get you into an awkward conversation at your mate's family dinner

45. Do the worship of the deities play a big role in your clan?
Arcane is more all about science and magic but there's still chapels, priests, etc.

46. Do any of your clan members hate the Tidelord or are scared because he vanished? Are any helping to search?
The Tidelord is only ever relevant in Montrose when you're trying to celebrate Wavecrest Saturnalia and awkwardly trying to avoid mentioning the sensitive subject of Tidelord in front of your water-borne relatives

47. Do dragons that come back from exalting seen as higher or lesser for leaving/being kicked out?
N/A (writing this one out later too)

48. Does your clan or any dragon do any form of sacrificial ritual for their deity? Or offer any items?
There are these little souvenirs that craftsmen like to sell, which is basically a small statue of the Arcanist holding up a candle in his hands

49. Are any breed stronger than another in any way? Or are all breeds equal?Going with canon lore on this one. strength varies WILDLY among breeds with Imperials being at the top rung.

50. Can breeds of their "origin element" use their magic better? (Ex. A spiral dragon using wind magic better because the breed originated from Wind more than say a guardian dragon using wind magic)
A dragon of a certain element just straight up can't use another element's magic. Unless in the form of the aforementioned tomes.

51. Are your dragon sizes more to that of in-game canon (Fae is the smallest, Imperial the biggest, etc.) or are they closer together?
Again, going with in-game canon. It's kind of funny actually, because I never used to pay attention to the measurements on a dragon's page and I was super shocked when I found out the canon size differences between breeds 'cause I mentioned them to all be roughly the same size. But I think the differing sizes are fun and stretch the imagination's muscle.

52. Are all dragons similarly expressive or do they all uniquely show their emotions?
Some of my Fae's like Aytigin are quite expressive in comparison the average, monotone Fae that uses their fins to express their emotions. I excuse this fact by just saying that Aytigin grew up around a lot of different dragon breeds and learned to express themselves differently than a Fae monoclan would.

]53. Are your dragons able to fly? Or is wholly determined by their wing sizes?
Snappers can't fly unless they are talented in Wind or Arcane magic. The rest of 'em can fly just fine although I can imagine breeds like Aberrations and Guardians are a little slow and unsteady.

54. Do Ancients and Moderns get along with each other?
N/A (answering later)

55. Can your Ancient and Modern dragons breed with each other despite in-game lore?
See above. I stick to canon lore

56. Do Ancients and Moderns socialize regularly or do they both have their separate areas within the clan?
I like to imagine there are little circles of ancients but on a day-to-day basis, ancients integrate into a clan like any normal dragon would

57. How did your clan react to finding Ancients?
Fascination, excitement, apprehension

58. Do Ancients have a vastly different culture than those of Moderns?
They're different but they have a lot in common. They're still big social lizards that worship even bigger, more powerful lizards so eh

59. What about the Obelisks?
(N/A) answering later

60. Are there any ceremonies that might be breed specific?
N/A answering later
Posting here to remind myself to fill this out. I might not finish all of it but I’ll go as far as I can. I might edit this whenever my lore changes so I can use it as a reference when I'm writing a bio for one of my dragons.
1. What is the name of your clan?
(Pronounced Mont-rose)

2. Is it considered a clan? A tribe? A group? Other?
A city. There are provinces for the city in my tabs, although Starlet Capital is the center and where the castle and the council is mainly housed.

3. How did the name originate?
Montrose the III, archduke and a clansguard general. Enlisted and died in the old war where the newly budding Montrose was named after his sacrifice.

4. What form of leadership runs your clan? A council? A King/Queen/Other? If not, how does the clan operate?
It’s a council and monarchy, somewhat. A Queen-in-Council might be a more official term for it. The main executive power is the queen and since there is yet to be a Crown Prince, the king fills in for Apophy when absent. There is of course the clansguard, which is directly controlled by the council, and there are a few associations for trade and for the management of Beastclan pets and familiars.

5. What is the main income of your clan? Is there anyone that manages the money?
I don’t have a dragon to manage the treasury at the moment, but I’d like to imagine the one of the main incomes for my clan comes from trading and merchants as typical of most clans. I'm sure tourism from interested travelers that are want to sightsee brings in income as well.

6. Are certain things more valuable than currency that would be used as such?
Magic is a pretty oversaturated market in Montrose but for the clansguard mages, It’s easy to pay in magical favors. For some dragons, knowledge is also a valuable tool

7. Is your clan dedicated to one craft or few, OR do they specialize in many things?
Again, magic. Arcane mages get along the best here and can draw power from the ley-lines to recharge themselves. Other elements are not so lucky in the aspect that they cannot harvest Arcane magic, but scholars and the like travel here to study and keep track of the elemental ley-lines and other mages follow in suit, hoping to benefit from the thaumaturgical studies.

8. Does your clan trade with other clans for wares, or do they prefer to keep to themselves?
A lot of smaller subsets of clans in Montrose are supported more by trade and less by transaction

9. Is there any enemies to your clan? If so, how?
There were a couple of wars to fight for Montrose’s place by a few power hungry drakes. The current state of the city is peace.

10. Does your clan squabble with these enemies or other clans often?
See above. Squabbles usually occur in subsets of clans in the county and not on a large scale. To give some clarification, there are provinces in the clan which are more tight-knit and the closer to the center you get, it tends to be more populated and less friendly.

11. Does your clan have many allies? If so, how do they usually interact with each other?
There are some smaller clans and tribes dotted throughout the territory that Apophy respects and trusts. As such they can be considered allies.

12. Is there treaties or contracts involved in alliances or is it verbal/based off trust?
Not much in lore on this one. Might update later.

13. Does your clan get along Beastclans or are they all enemies?
Montrose is also known to be much more close-knit with Beastclan than a lot of other
clans are.

14. Does your clan accept Beastclan members? Why or why not?
To expand on the above, the clansguard still slaughters many beastclan tribes every day albeit only those who steal or encroach too far into the territory. A small circle of pacifist dragons push back against the slaughtering of beastclan as a whole and believe that violence should be completely unnecessary in the current modern development of the clan

15. If yes, would they have any form of issues integrating into your clan? Would any dragons show distaste towards them?
Some prideful dragons still consider allying with a Beastclan member to be “lowering” yourself. Familiars are often kept close to their masters to have that extra safety precaution.

16. Is any specific race of Beastclans disliked? Or certain races seen as less than others?
Centaurs are more populated in the Starwood Strand and are usually seen as pests

17. Are they treated like actual Familiars?
Yes, despite the fact Aytigin treats Ciel more like his emotional support animal. There is an association called B.I.C which helps Beastclan integrate into clan life and also helps in teaching them more high-class thaumaturgical magic to assist their masters. Familiars are starting to become a popularized concept amongst those who study both thaumaturgy and alchemy.

18. Are there any race or animals treated as Familiars?
If it's tame and intelligent you can make it a familiar.

19. Does your clan celebrate the Elemental Holidays? Why or why not?
There are a lot happy little creatures in Montrose. The most widely celebrated holiday is that of Arcane but there are plenty of celebrations for the other elemental holidays too.

20. IF yes, what do these festivities entail? Is it always monthly? Can anyone participate?
It usually consists of dragons outside their dens hanging up little decorations and doing crude illusion magic. The most popular performer for illusion magic is Cassiel and has a broad performance for most festivals which inspires a lot of imitation is his wake. There’s also a special holiday for Montrose celebrating their victory in the old war.

21. Is any specific element more respected than others, or one more hated than others? If so, why?
Most clans are self absorbed, and while Montrose has a wide variety of different elemental dragons in its clan, the most widely celebrated is of course, Arcane

22. IS any race of dragon more respected or more hated than others? If so, why?
Not particularly, although the fae population seems to be oddly large (ignore my bias for Fae’s, please)

23. Can all forms of elemental magic heal?
Canonically, there are are neutral magic spells that all dragons can perform. So yes.

24. Is all magic absolutely elemental (strictly to the in-game lore magics) or are there general forms of magic any dragon can use? If so, how do they work?
See above. Most magic is elemental but there are neutral spells.

25. Is any certain magic more powerful than others?
I like to imagine Arcane is a more of a pure magic type and thus is more powerful. I also like to imagine Plague is also up there as it’s much more destructive and chaotic in nature.

26. Are there such thing as enchantments or curses? How would they work?
Yes. I like to imagine magic like casting and enchanting are two different things, the former being the more popular form of magic. Curses I would like to imagine are a form of a dragon or creature being shade-touched

27. Are tomes important to magic users? Why or why not?
I like to imagine that tomes can be either 1 of 2 things:
A. a magic “handbook” containing studies, diagrams, etc
Or B. a form of enchantment similar to gene scrolls. You touch the tome on your side and activate it, without having to deplete your current magic stores

28. Are certain things or places able to amplify ones magical abilities?
Magic in certain areas is naturally stronger. Dragons can also cast spells to support their abilities, usually in the form of letting another borrow their magic and making them temporarily stronger

29. Do dragon have to be in certain conditions to be able to perform their magic? (Ex. An Ice or Nature dragon would not be able to perform their abilities in the Ashfall Wastes.)
Canon lore says that if you drain a dragon of all it's magic, it will die. This is also why dragons cannot change elements. With this in mind, I can only assume that dragons have the ability to perform magic in the domain of a different god and that they simply draw the magic from within themselves

30. Can a dragons magic become naturally more powerful over time or would they need any form of training to help them become more powerful?
I like to imagine that, just like in real life, some dragons are naturally more talented at magic and thus don't need as much training as others do. But to become powerful you need to practice and study just like any other skill.

31. In-game lore says only water can be seers, but can any dragon be able to do the same regardless of element? How do they receive future prophecies without the influence of a Deity?
I like sticking to canon lore as much as possible and expanding on the parts that aren't very fleshed out, so only water dragons can be seers.

32. Does your clan have any dragons dedicated to researching and studying magic?
So there's the court (also referred to as the Round Table) and then there is the Academy which is a branch of the court that focuses on magic. Thaumaturgy is a wide field and there are a million different positions you could have, including the study of magical energy coming from the Sornieth, magical energy that comes from living creatures, and magical energy that comes from plant-life.

33. What about a court magister or someone who is very knowledgeable in magic/arcane that gives advice or helps with magic/arcane matters?
Sure. In the Academy there are many variations of scholarly magic, although at the top of the rung are the magisters which are basically the executives and manage all of the branches in the academy.

34. Can dragons use magic to shape or create things?
Nature dragons can shape plants and the equivalent goes for Plague dragons. I can't imagine any dragon could spawn something out of mid-air though, maybe some forms of creation that manipulate the environment exist.

35. Can ones magic influence or read someones mind?
Skydancers can read another dragon's energy with their antennae's/head gem (canon lore) but it's not possible to just straight up read a dragon's mind.

36. Do your dragons use magic to attack others in combat? Can any element engage in magic combat?
Like I mentioned above, thaumaturgy is a wide field and mage is just a generalized term for magic-users. The magic users who specialize in combat are usually called sorcerers and work in the clansguard rather than the Academy.

37. Do your dragons worship the deities?
Dragons that don't worship deities are pretty rare in the modern day and age but there are some who refute all of the deities out of a personal vendetta. Some dragons, (like Aeolus, for example) don't care about the deities much either way and just like living their life.

38. Do dragons worship only their deity of their element, or would they worship another deity, if at all?
A dragon's element depends on which deity they were born closest to. I think it depends on where a dragon has lived most of their life. If they were born in Water but moved to Nature at a young age, they would probably worship The Gladekeeper instead.

39. Are there dragons that don't believe in the deities or hate them? If so, why?
I guess there are probably some conspiracy theorists out there that don't believe in the deities, although they probably aren't taken very seriously. As for those that hate the deities, I'm sure it's more common than one might think. The social pressure to worship a deity probably creates a complicated conflict inside some dragons.

40. Are there dragons dedicated to convincing others to serve their deities?

There are zealots out there that dedicate their whole life around worshipping their deity. My own dragons don't have much lore when it comes to deities and worshipping though. I'll work more on that

41. What is exalting to your clan/dragons exactly? Is it noble? Foolish?
N/A ( will write later)

42. How does one go about exalting another? Is it a ritual? A process? Does one decide for themself and leave? Does another help
N/A ( will write later)

43. Where would one go to be exalted?
N/A ( will write later)

44. IS it considered blasphemous or crazy to not worship ones elemental deity?
Not necessarily, although it's not the norm and might get you into an awkward conversation at your mate's family dinner

45. Do the worship of the deities play a big role in your clan?
Arcane is more all about science and magic but there's still chapels, priests, etc.

46. Do any of your clan members hate the Tidelord or are scared because he vanished? Are any helping to search?
The Tidelord is only ever relevant in Montrose when you're trying to celebrate Wavecrest Saturnalia and awkwardly trying to avoid mentioning the sensitive subject of Tidelord in front of your water-borne relatives

47. Do dragons that come back from exalting seen as higher or lesser for leaving/being kicked out?
N/A (writing this one out later too)

48. Does your clan or any dragon do any form of sacrificial ritual for their deity? Or offer any items?
There are these little souvenirs that craftsmen like to sell, which is basically a small statue of the Arcanist holding up a candle in his hands

49. Are any breed stronger than another in any way? Or are all breeds equal?Going with canon lore on this one. strength varies WILDLY among breeds with Imperials being at the top rung.

50. Can breeds of their "origin element" use their magic better? (Ex. A spiral dragon using wind magic better because the breed originated from Wind more than say a guardian dragon using wind magic)
A dragon of a certain element just straight up can't use another element's magic. Unless in the form of the aforementioned tomes.

51. Are your dragon sizes more to that of in-game canon (Fae is the smallest, Imperial the biggest, etc.) or are they closer together?
Again, going with in-game canon. It's kind of funny actually, because I never used to pay attention to the measurements on a dragon's page and I was super shocked when I found out the canon size differences between breeds 'cause I mentioned them to all be roughly the same size. But I think the differing sizes are fun and stretch the imagination's muscle.

52. Are all dragons similarly expressive or do they all uniquely show their emotions?
Some of my Fae's like Aytigin are quite expressive in comparison the average, monotone Fae that uses their fins to express their emotions. I excuse this fact by just saying that Aytigin grew up around a lot of different dragon breeds and learned to express themselves differently than a Fae monoclan would.

]53. Are your dragons able to fly? Or is wholly determined by their wing sizes?
Snappers can't fly unless they are talented in Wind or Arcane magic. The rest of 'em can fly just fine although I can imagine breeds like Aberrations and Guardians are a little slow and unsteady.

54. Do Ancients and Moderns get along with each other?
N/A (answering later)

55. Can your Ancient and Modern dragons breed with each other despite in-game lore?
See above. I stick to canon lore

56. Do Ancients and Moderns socialize regularly or do they both have their separate areas within the clan?
I like to imagine there are little circles of ancients but on a day-to-day basis, ancients integrate into a clan like any normal dragon would

57. How did your clan react to finding Ancients?
Fascination, excitement, apprehension

58. Do Ancients have a vastly different culture than those of Moderns?
They're different but they have a lot in common. They're still big social lizards that worship even bigger, more powerful lizards so eh

59. What about the Obelisks?
(N/A) answering later

60. Are there any ceremonies that might be breed specific?
N/A answering later
Great questions! I'm going to record mine on Datura's profile ^^ [url=][img][/img][/url]
Great questions! I'm going to record mine on Datura's profile ^^
104.png Wishlist
361.png Gene Plans
progen-small.pngsignature-badge.jpg kashan-icon-small.pngbadge-Strange-Sisters-small.png
Saving this for later!
Saving this for later!
I've done questions like these before but I don't remember if I've done this particular thread's questions so here we go!

1. What is the name of your clan?
The main clan is Windweave, while the secondary, forever young, clan is Breezebob
2. Is it considered a clan? A tribe? A group? Other?
They use clan, though they kinda operate more like a large family
3. How did the name originate?
My lore is set so I'm still in Wind (Earth for project reasons), and I wanted alliteration. And then the eternal youth members had to keep alliteration while being matchy to the main one
4. What form of leadership runs your clan? A council? A King/Queen/Other? If not, how does the clan operate?
My progens run the clan. Kyara does the major clan decisions while stuff like where the littles run around and other such small ones are made by Madarin
5. What is the main income of your clan? Is there anyone that manages the money?
Cloth is their primary trade, though jewelry is a strong second. I do have]Cen who handles the finances, while his mate Cin actually does the trading
6. Are certain things more valuable than currency that would be used as such?
The clan does prefer to barter over money, but they keep some on hand for those that don't use a barter system
7. Is your clan dedicated to one craft or few, OR do they specialize in many things?
Every clan member has a role, scattered through as many crafts and jobs as possible, to be as self-sufficient as possible
8. Does your clan trade with other clans for wares, or do they prefer to keep to themselves?
Keep to themselves, barring things that they cannot gather, grow, or make themselves. Which isn't much
9. Is there any enemies to your clan? If so, how?
10. Does your clan squabble with these enemies or other clans often?
11. Does your clan have many allies? If so, how do they usually interact with each other?
12. Is there treaties or contracts involved in alliances or is it verbal/based off trust?
If they had an alliance it would be marked in some way that wasn't verbal
13. Does your clan get along Beastclans or are they all enemies?
Most are fine. If a marauding group comes across the clan's territory they'll get chased off, but don't see full aggression unless they go after the clan itself
14. Does your clan accept Beastclan members? Why or why not?
Yes. Flarfy makes sure their needs (and wants that aren't demandingly excessive) are met
15. If yes, would they have any form of issues integrating into your clan? Would any dragons show distaste towards them?
No, they're used to Beastclans that aren't aggressive against them working with them
16. Is any specific race of Beastclans disliked? Or certain races seen as less than others?
Overall, no. Specific clans within species? Certainly, particularly those that keep trying to raid the clan
17. Are they treated like actual Familiars?
They're treated like apprentices, journeymen, in the clan to learn. The ones with the youthful clan act more like friends
18. Are there any race or animals treated as Familiars?
Oh, some most certainly like being treated like a familiar or pet
19. Does your clan celebrate the Elemental Holidays? Why or why not?
Naw. To them, they're seen more as an obligation. Maybe some small decorations out up at most
20. IF yes, what do these festivities entail? Is it always monthly? Can anyone participate?
21. Is any specific element more respected than others, or one more hated than others? If so, why?
Nope. All elements are needed for harmony
22. IS any race of dragon more respected or more hated than others? If so, why?
23. Can all forms of elemental magic heal?
Certainly. The clan healers are trained for it, but a lot of super minor injuries not worth going to the healers for a derg can self-heal, at cost of needing to eat and rest more for a day or two
24. Is all magic absolutely elemental (strictly to the in-game lore magics) or are there general forms of magic any dragon can use? If so, how do they work?
No general magic. Every derg has an element, and are best at their element. Some particularly powerful ones may be able to manipulate small magics of a different element, but cannot produce that element's magic themselves
25. Is any certain magic more powerful than others?
26. Are there such thing as enchantments or curses? How would they work?
That actually work? No. Put do the concepts exist? Yes
27. Are tomes important to magic users? Why or why not?
For Jade,the clan seer, tomes are useful for training and learning, but finds experience to be more important
28. Are certain things or places able to amplify ones magical abilities?
The clan has not found any particular location that does so
29. Do dragon have to be in certain conditions to be able to perform their magic? (Ex. An Ice or Nature dragon would not be able to perform their abilities in the Ashfall Wastes.)
They'd be weaker, but still able to access their magic. Weather conditions can affect them too, but to a lesser extent
30. Can a dragons magic become naturally more powerful over time or would they need any form of training to help them become more powerful?
Training. Lots of training
31. In-game lore says only water can be seers, but can any dragon be able to do the same regardless of element? How do they receive future prophecies without the influence of a Deity?
KEK. Jade's the clan seer, and she Wind element. She uses her tarot deck for individuals, but reads the skies for more general omens and such
32. Does your clan have any dragons dedicated to researching and studying magic?
Not really
33. What about a court magister or someone who is very knowledgeable in magic/arcane that gives advice or helps with magic/arcane matters?
Closest I have is Jade
34. Can dragons use magic to shape or create things?
35. Can ones magic influence or read someones mind?
36. Do your dragons use magic to attack others in combat? Can any element engage in magic combat?
Yes. Like coli in this instance
37. Do your dragons worship the deities?
Not actively. The clan isn't particularly religious
38. Do dragons worship only their deity of their element, or would they worship another deity, if at all?
Windsinger, being on his territory, gets the majority, but paying alms to the others does occur
39. Are there dragons that don't believe in the deities or hate them? If so, why?
It's less "don't believe" and more "they don't interact with us, meh"
40. Are there dragons dedicated to convincing others to serve their deities?
41. What is exalting to your clan/dragons exactly? Is it noble? Foolish?
Barring one or two, there's no canon children within the clan, exalting isn't really a thing
42. How does one go about exalting another? Is it a ritual? A process? Does one decide for themself and leave? Does another help
43. Where would one go to be exalted?
44. IS it considered blasphemous or crazy to not worship ones elemental deity?
45. Do the worship of the deities play a big role in your clan?
46. Do any of your clan members hate the Tidelord or are scared because he vanished? Are any helping to search?
That falls under "sh- happens" and is more or less ignored
47. Do dragons that come back from exalting seen as higher or lesser for leaving/being kicked out?
Kek. Nope
48. Does your clan or any dragon do any form of sacrificial ritual for their deity? Or offer any items?
Maybe some flowers, feathers, or bamboo, but that's about it
49. Are any breed stronger than another in any way? Or are all breeds equal?
They more or less all line up to be equal with strengths and weaknesses
50. Can breeds of their "origin element" use their magic better? (Ex. A spiral dragon using wind magic better because the breed originated from Wind more than say a guardian dragon using wind magic)
51. Are your dragon sizes more to that of in-game canon (Fae is the smallest, Imperial the biggest, etc.) or are they closer together?
The largest breeds are scaled down, but Fae are still ridiculously tiny
52. Are all dragons similarly expressive or do they all uniquely show their emotions?
This is something I follow canon lore more closely
53. Are your dragons able to fly? Or is wholly determined by their wing sizes?
They all can fly, even those who normally wouldn't be able to, though they have more of a glide than active flight
54. Do Ancients and Moderns get along with each other?
The only Ancients I have are eternal youth. They get along as well as children can
55. Can your Ancient and Modern dragons breed with each other despite in-game lore?
Breeding isn't really a thing in my lore
56. Do Ancients and Moderns socialize regularly or do they both have their separate areas within the clan?
They're kinda separate, seeing as all the ancients are part of Breezebob
57. How did you clan react to finding Ancients?
"Another lost child! Take them in!"
58. Do Ancients have a vastly different culture than those of Moderns?
They have their quirks brought about by instinct
59. What about the Obelisks?
Them too
60. Are there any ceremonies that might be breed specific?
61. Do dragons mate for life or no?
62. Do dragons look down on others for not having a lineage? (G1 dragons)
63. Do you have any disabled dragons? IF so how do they receive assistance for such? Are they considered less?
I have one that's colorblind, one that sees more colors than others, and a ghost. For all of them, it is what it is
64. Are your dragons in your lore, anthro, human, or just simply dragon?
65. Are your dragons more human like in terms of intelligence or are they more feral/animal like?
They're intelligent
66. How technologically advanced is your clan? Do they use magic to fuel technology? or just simply magic for all necessary things?
There's magitek elements, but mostly straight magic
67. Does your clan grow/farm food? OR do they hunt for it all?
They grow what they can and hunt and forage for the rest
68. What does your clan do with abandoned eggs?
omelets abandoned eggs are outside lore
69. Does your clan have ambassadors/representatives? What do they do?
Kinda? But they have their own jobs within the clan, so the rep bit is not as important
70. Do your dragons hold marriage ceremonies of sorts if they were to mate?
They move in together
71. Is architect important in your clan? Do they live where infrastructure is important or no?
They live in the Cloudsong, with flying balloons holding up platforms. This is extremely important and part of why they don't really care for visitors
72. Are there any forms of teachers to help with literacy/fighting/magic/history/etc?
Dedicated teachers, no
73. Besides forms of leader is there any jobs considered to be more valuable/ important than others?
74. Does your clan have a library?
Nope. Books are too much weight
75. What about cooks or any form of servants?
Pair of cooks
76. Do you have a prison? How is it run? What would someone have to do to be imprisoned?
Nope. Find a job or be booted. Theft hasn't been a problem because being told to work or leave has deterred thieves
77. Would your dragons have a trial for the offending person? How strict are the laws if your clan has any?
Nope. Just the boot
78. What is the most serious punishment and the lightest punishment for a crime?
Banned from the clan
79. Do Beastclans believe in any form of deity or God of their own? Do they try to convert dragons?
They likely do, but keep it to themselves
80. Are there any planets that your dragons, or others, have found?
81. Are your dragons developing a way to go into space?
82. Sorneith canonically has 2 moons. What would they be named if your clan had to name them?
They would politely but firmly request that be the responsibility of a different clan
83. Is the Shade feared in your clan? Anyone "Shade-Touched"?
Nope. The Shade is seen more as an ancient myth
84. IS there anyone that worships the Shade? Are they open about it?
85. Does your clan believe in such a being?
Not really
86. IS there a certain dress code or expectation of style in your clan? Any developed styles over time?
Dress for your job. Or don't
87. What about food? Any food that is considered your clans cultural food? Not really
88. What of slang? Or sayings? What about swears? Do certain dragons/ dragons of elements have certain sayings/swears? (Think when the Light Sprite yells "Baku Snout!" in G&G out of frustration) nope
89. Are fictional books in your lore similar to books in our real life? What about comics and toys? They don't have much in the way of books in general, so the few they do have are instruction manuals. No comics, toys are found within the area
90. If a dragon was to say try to invent something we have in our modern lives, like a TV or a car, How would other dragons react?
Mass confusion
91. Do dragons have certain things we do? Like desks for writing, full beds, shelves, etc. Or would they be very different to compensate for their style of living/being dragons? (Like instead of beds, they'd have nests) nests formed by pillows and blankets, though Breezebob tends to puddle together like kittens
92. Do other forms of dimensions exist?
93. Does any form of heaven or limbo exist in your lore? Or any form of afterlife?
94. Dos spirits exist? Can they possess or move things around?
Fleur is a ghost
95. Do dragons hunt for the paranormal if they do exist?
No paranormal hunters
96. Are there any folktales or legends that exist within your clan? Any Mythical creatures? Nope
97. What about songs that would be commonly sung among your dragons? [Insert Who Are You by The Who here]
98. Are hatchlings assigned a job when they're young or can be anything they please once they're of a certain age? Hatchings and young adults (aka until rtb) are expected to find something they like, though Breezebob members aren't held as much to the everyone has a job rule
99. Do some dragons sometimes eat outside their food groups? Like a Tundra eating meat/fish?
Nope. While some will try outside, their digestive systems aren't meant to handle such things and so cannot do it without falling ill
100. What does your clan do with gene scrolls/breed changes? Are they even a thing? Magic? Can they willingly change their breed at any time using one? Would they still carry characteristics of their old breed after they change? IS it instant? Gradual? Same with genes? Or do the patterns mix for a bit before changing to the new? They do not exist. If I change a Snapper to a Fae, that derg was always a Fae
I've done questions like these before but I don't remember if I've done this particular thread's questions so here we go!

1. What is the name of your clan?
The main clan is Windweave, while the secondary, forever young, clan is Breezebob
2. Is it considered a clan? A tribe? A group? Other?
They use clan, though they kinda operate more like a large family
3. How did the name originate?
My lore is set so I'm still in Wind (Earth for project reasons), and I wanted alliteration. And then the eternal youth members had to keep alliteration while being matchy to the main one
4. What form of leadership runs your clan? A council? A King/Queen/Other? If not, how does the clan operate?
My progens run the clan. Kyara does the major clan decisions while stuff like where the littles run around and other such small ones are made by Madarin
5. What is the main income of your clan? Is there anyone that manages the money?
Cloth is their primary trade, though jewelry is a strong second. I do have]Cen who handles the finances, while his mate Cin actually does the trading
6. Are certain things more valuable than currency that would be used as such?
The clan does prefer to barter over money, but they keep some on hand for those that don't use a barter system
7. Is your clan dedicated to one craft or few, OR do they specialize in many things?
Every clan member has a role, scattered through as many crafts and jobs as possible, to be as self-sufficient as possible
8. Does your clan trade with other clans for wares, or do they prefer to keep to themselves?
Keep to themselves, barring things that they cannot gather, grow, or make themselves. Which isn't much
9. Is there any enemies to your clan? If so, how?
10. Does your clan squabble with these enemies or other clans often?
11. Does your clan have many allies? If so, how do they usually interact with each other?
12. Is there treaties or contracts involved in alliances or is it verbal/based off trust?
If they had an alliance it would be marked in some way that wasn't verbal
13. Does your clan get along Beastclans or are they all enemies?
Most are fine. If a marauding group comes across the clan's territory they'll get chased off, but don't see full aggression unless they go after the clan itself
14. Does your clan accept Beastclan members? Why or why not?
Yes. Flarfy makes sure their needs (and wants that aren't demandingly excessive) are met
15. If yes, would they have any form of issues integrating into your clan? Would any dragons show distaste towards them?
No, they're used to Beastclans that aren't aggressive against them working with them
16. Is any specific race of Beastclans disliked? Or certain races seen as less than others?
Overall, no. Specific clans within species? Certainly, particularly those that keep trying to raid the clan
17. Are they treated like actual Familiars?
They're treated like apprentices, journeymen, in the clan to learn. The ones with the youthful clan act more like friends
18. Are there any race or animals treated as Familiars?
Oh, some most certainly like being treated like a familiar or pet
19. Does your clan celebrate the Elemental Holidays? Why or why not?
Naw. To them, they're seen more as an obligation. Maybe some small decorations out up at most
20. IF yes, what do these festivities entail? Is it always monthly? Can anyone participate?
21. Is any specific element more respected than others, or one more hated than others? If so, why?
Nope. All elements are needed for harmony
22. IS any race of dragon more respected or more hated than others? If so, why?
23. Can all forms of elemental magic heal?
Certainly. The clan healers are trained for it, but a lot of super minor injuries not worth going to the healers for a derg can self-heal, at cost of needing to eat and rest more for a day or two
24. Is all magic absolutely elemental (strictly to the in-game lore magics) or are there general forms of magic any dragon can use? If so, how do they work?
No general magic. Every derg has an element, and are best at their element. Some particularly powerful ones may be able to manipulate small magics of a different element, but cannot produce that element's magic themselves
25. Is any certain magic more powerful than others?
26. Are there such thing as enchantments or curses? How would they work?
That actually work? No. Put do the concepts exist? Yes
27. Are tomes important to magic users? Why or why not?
For Jade,the clan seer, tomes are useful for training and learning, but finds experience to be more important
28. Are certain things or places able to amplify ones magical abilities?
The clan has not found any particular location that does so
29. Do dragon have to be in certain conditions to be able to perform their magic? (Ex. An Ice or Nature dragon would not be able to perform their abilities in the Ashfall Wastes.)
They'd be weaker, but still able to access their magic. Weather conditions can affect them too, but to a lesser extent
30. Can a dragons magic become naturally more powerful over time or would they need any form of training to help them become more powerful?
Training. Lots of training
31. In-game lore says only water can be seers, but can any dragon be able to do the same regardless of element? How do they receive future prophecies without the influence of a Deity?
KEK. Jade's the clan seer, and she Wind element. She uses her tarot deck for individuals, but reads the skies for more general omens and such
32. Does your clan have any dragons dedicated to researching and studying magic?
Not really
33. What about a court magister or someone who is very knowledgeable in magic/arcane that gives advice or helps with magic/arcane matters?
Closest I have is Jade
34. Can dragons use magic to shape or create things?
35. Can ones magic influence or read someones mind?
36. Do your dragons use magic to attack others in combat? Can any element engage in magic combat?
Yes. Like coli in this instance
37. Do your dragons worship the deities?
Not actively. The clan isn't particularly religious
38. Do dragons worship only their deity of their element, or would they worship another deity, if at all?
Windsinger, being on his territory, gets the majority, but paying alms to the others does occur
39. Are there dragons that don't believe in the deities or hate them? If so, why?
It's less "don't believe" and more "they don't interact with us, meh"
40. Are there dragons dedicated to convincing others to serve their deities?
41. What is exalting to your clan/dragons exactly? Is it noble? Foolish?
Barring one or two, there's no canon children within the clan, exalting isn't really a thing
42. How does one go about exalting another? Is it a ritual? A process? Does one decide for themself and leave? Does another help
43. Where would one go to be exalted?
44. IS it considered blasphemous or crazy to not worship ones elemental deity?
45. Do the worship of the deities play a big role in your clan?
46. Do any of your clan members hate the Tidelord or are scared because he vanished? Are any helping to search?
That falls under "sh- happens" and is more or less ignored
47. Do dragons that come back from exalting seen as higher or lesser for leaving/being kicked out?
Kek. Nope
48. Does your clan or any dragon do any form of sacrificial ritual for their deity? Or offer any items?
Maybe some flowers, feathers, or bamboo, but that's about it
49. Are any breed stronger than another in any way? Or are all breeds equal?
They more or less all line up to be equal with strengths and weaknesses
50. Can breeds of their "origin element" use their magic better? (Ex. A spiral dragon using wind magic better because the breed originated from Wind more than say a guardian dragon using wind magic)
51. Are your dragon sizes more to that of in-game canon (Fae is the smallest, Imperial the biggest, etc.) or are they closer together?
The largest breeds are scaled down, but Fae are still ridiculously tiny
52. Are all dragons similarly expressive or do they all uniquely show their emotions?
This is something I follow canon lore more closely
53. Are your dragons able to fly? Or is wholly determined by their wing sizes?
They all can fly, even those who normally wouldn't be able to, though they have more of a glide than active flight
54. Do Ancients and Moderns get along with each other?
The only Ancients I have are eternal youth. They get along as well as children can
55. Can your Ancient and Modern dragons breed with each other despite in-game lore?
Breeding isn't really a thing in my lore
56. Do Ancients and Moderns socialize regularly or do they both have their separate areas within the clan?
They're kinda separate, seeing as all the ancients are part of Breezebob
57. How did you clan react to finding Ancients?
"Another lost child! Take them in!"
58. Do Ancients have a vastly different culture than those of Moderns?
They have their quirks brought about by instinct
59. What about the Obelisks?
Them too
60. Are there any ceremonies that might be breed specific?
61. Do dragons mate for life or no?
62. Do dragons look down on others for not having a lineage? (G1 dragons)
63. Do you have any disabled dragons? IF so how do they receive assistance for such? Are they considered less?
I have one that's colorblind, one that sees more colors than others, and a ghost. For all of them, it is what it is
64. Are your dragons in your lore, anthro, human, or just simply dragon?
65. Are your dragons more human like in terms of intelligence or are they more feral/animal like?
They're intelligent
66. How technologically advanced is your clan? Do they use magic to fuel technology? or just simply magic for all necessary things?
There's magitek elements, but mostly straight magic
67. Does your clan grow/farm food? OR do they hunt for it all?
They grow what they can and hunt and forage for the rest
68. What does your clan do with abandoned eggs?
omelets abandoned eggs are outside lore
69. Does your clan have ambassadors/representatives? What do they do?
Kinda? But they have their own jobs within the clan, so the rep bit is not as important
70. Do your dragons hold marriage ceremonies of sorts if they were to mate?
They move in together
71. Is architect important in your clan? Do they live where infrastructure is important or no?
They live in the Cloudsong, with flying balloons holding up platforms. This is extremely important and part of why they don't really care for visitors
72. Are there any forms of teachers to help with literacy/fighting/magic/history/etc?
Dedicated teachers, no
73. Besides forms of leader is there any jobs considered to be more valuable/ important than others?
74. Does your clan have a library?
Nope. Books are too much weight
75. What about cooks or any form of servants?
Pair of cooks
76. Do you have a prison? How is it run? What would someone have to do to be imprisoned?
Nope. Find a job or be booted. Theft hasn't been a problem because being told to work or leave has deterred thieves
77. Would your dragons have a trial for the offending person? How strict are the laws if your clan has any?
Nope. Just the boot
78. What is the most serious punishment and the lightest punishment for a crime?
Banned from the clan
79. Do Beastclans believe in any form of deity or God of their own? Do they try to convert dragons?
They likely do, but keep it to themselves
80. Are there any planets that your dragons, or others, have found?
81. Are your dragons developing a way to go into space?
82. Sorneith canonically has 2 moons. What would they be named if your clan had to name them?
They would politely but firmly request that be the responsibility of a different clan
83. Is the Shade feared in your clan? Anyone "Shade-Touched"?
Nope. The Shade is seen more as an ancient myth
84. IS there anyone that worships the Shade? Are they open about it?
85. Does your clan believe in such a being?
Not really
86. IS there a certain dress code or expectation of style in your clan? Any developed styles over time?
Dress for your job. Or don't
87. What about food? Any food that is considered your clans cultural food? Not really
88. What of slang? Or sayings? What about swears? Do certain dragons/ dragons of elements have certain sayings/swears? (Think when the Light Sprite yells "Baku Snout!" in G&G out of frustration) nope
89. Are fictional books in your lore similar to books in our real life? What about comics and toys? They don't have much in the way of books in general, so the few they do have are instruction manuals. No comics, toys are found within the area
90. If a dragon was to say try to invent something we have in our modern lives, like a TV or a car, How would other dragons react?
Mass confusion
91. Do dragons have certain things we do? Like desks for writing, full beds, shelves, etc. Or would they be very different to compensate for their style of living/being dragons? (Like instead of beds, they'd have nests) nests formed by pillows and blankets, though Breezebob tends to puddle together like kittens
92. Do other forms of dimensions exist?
93. Does any form of heaven or limbo exist in your lore? Or any form of afterlife?
94. Dos spirits exist? Can they possess or move things around?
Fleur is a ghost
95. Do dragons hunt for the paranormal if they do exist?
No paranormal hunters
96. Are there any folktales or legends that exist within your clan? Any Mythical creatures? Nope
97. What about songs that would be commonly sung among your dragons? [Insert Who Are You by The Who here]
98. Are hatchlings assigned a job when they're young or can be anything they please once they're of a certain age? Hatchings and young adults (aka until rtb) are expected to find something they like, though Breezebob members aren't held as much to the everyone has a job rule
99. Do some dragons sometimes eat outside their food groups? Like a Tundra eating meat/fish?
Nope. While some will try outside, their digestive systems aren't meant to handle such things and so cannot do it without falling ill
100. What does your clan do with gene scrolls/breed changes? Are they even a thing? Magic? Can they willingly change their breed at any time using one? Would they still carry characteristics of their old breed after they change? IS it instant? Gradual? Same with genes? Or do the patterns mix for a bit before changing to the new? They do not exist. If I change a Snapper to a Fae, that derg was always a Fae
1. What is the name of your clan?

My dragons identify as being citizens of the Basalt Islands if they were to use broad terms, but most of them would likely have no real answer to this question. The archipelago they are living within is small and removed, so there never really was a need to identify certain groups from others.

2. Is it considered a clan? A tribe? A group? Other?

They would be considered a collection of allied villages and in the case of Caldera, a small town. But they do consider themselves as being part of one interconnected community.

3. How did the name originate?

The chain of islands they have claimed for their own was home to an active volcano in the distant past that is now seemingly dormant. Because of this, the islands are almost entirely formed from various volcanic rocks and soils with basalt being the most common of these.

4. What form of leadership runs your clan? A council? A King/Queen/Other? If not, how does the clan operate?

For the most part, the villages within the archipelago have a civilian council that makes big decisions. There is a court located within Caldera, but aside from that most squabbles and big community decisions are managed by the locals.

5. What is the main income of your clan? Is there anyone that manages the money?

Ah yes, my favorite type of question! The Basalt Islands are primarily an exporting town that trades rare spices, perfumes, and incense in exchange for goods from the mainland. Households manage their own funds, although it is rare that coins are used outside of say taverns or entertainment venues due to the way most goods are simply traded.

6. Are certain things more valuable than currency that would be used as such?

See question 5

7. Is your clan dedicated to one craft or few, OR do they specialize in many things?

The islands are home to a variety of skills ranging from the fishermen that sail the bays to the farmers that grow the Pennatis Effusorium that the islands are famous for. For the most part, however, its rare to see metalworkers, warriors, or jewelry makers on account of the rarity of salvageable metals within the archipelago. One thing is for certain, however; The Basalt Islands produce the rarest perfumes and incenses in the world.

8. Does your clan trade with other clans for wares, or do they prefer to keep to themselves?

They trade, and they trade as if their lives depend on it. Because they do. Although the rocky soil is wonderful for herbs and spices, as well as the unique form of flower that only grows within the archipelago, there is little to no room left for lumber cultivation. Steel and metal tools are not feasible to produce either, so those too must be traded in. Because of this, the villages operate on friendly terms with just about anyone who reaches their shores.

9. Is there any enemies to your clan? If so, how?

Nobody organized, however there is a bit of a problem with pirates. Most times it can be managed with careful moderation of the open sea, but in the foggy winters it isn't unheard of for a ship or two to make their way in and raid the coastal villages. This is why there is now a steadily growing group of assassins and other retired fighters creating their own hidden defense force.

10. Does your clan squabble with these enemies or other clans often?

The winters are a rough time due to the dense fog that rolls in from the Icefields leaving villages vulnerable to the pirates, but these days there are more fearsome dragons and beastclan who are capable of fighting them off.

11. Does your clan have many allies? If so, how do they usually interact with each other?

The Basalt Islands are something of a refuge from those who no longer wish to live in the mainland, and accept dragons and beastclan from all walks of life. The only thing asked of these refugees is that they live in peace with the inhabitants of the islands. Because of this, the islands are seen as a neutral territory and claim no allies nor enemies.

12. Is there treaties or contracts involved in alliances or is it verbal/based off trust?

No, not necessarily. The lack of a central government makes most agreements touch and go and based upon the terms of the individuals involved. Sometimes contracts will be drafted for the well acquainted traders, but even that is merely at the will of those involved.

13. Does your clan get along Beastclans or are they all enemies?

Beastclans and dragons share the same rights and position within this society, although it is also recognized that dragons are far stronger than most of the beastclans. Because of this, fighting among the two of them is strictly prohibited.

14. Does your clan accept Beastclan members? Why or why not?

Yes, beastclans share the same rights as dragons and would be accepted as such.

15. If yes, would they have any form of issues integrating into your clan? Would any dragons show distaste towards them?

Most of the issues with integration come from culture shock, as the conflict between dragons and beastclans simply does not exist here like it does on the mainland. It is intimidating for the first few months for those who escaped here to escape the ever growing conflict of the mainland, but not unwelcome. The dragons who live here are aware of this, and do their best to avoid frightening the beastclans by maintaining their reduced shape within village limits. They believe that the conflict in the mainland is not only a tragedy, but inherently foolish and a result of the actions performed by their kin.

16. Is any specific race of Beastclans disliked? Or certain races seen as less than others?

No, everyone is given the same chance as anyone else.

17. Are they treated like actual Familiars?

Familiars in this world are in short those you have a contract with. The contract could be anything from a promise to take care of the creature like your own, to a simple agreement to work together. No matter what, both sides must contribute something of equal value to one another. Because of this, I would say that they can be based upon the relationship between the individuals involved. However, beastclans are never treated like pets or servants. For them, the contracts are always built upon working together or joining one another's household.

18. Are there any race or animals treated as Familiars?

See question 17

19. Does your clan celebrate the Elemental Holidays? Why or why not?

Not really, the presence of elemental worship is largely absent here.

20. IF yes, what do these festivities entail? Is it always monthly? Can anyone participate?

See question 19

21. Is any specific element more respected than others, or one more hated than others? If so, why?

Elements are merely the traditional discipline of certain territories in the mainland, and are in large part simply seen as part of a wheel that works in tandem to make the world work.

22. IS any race of dragon more respected or more hated than others? If so, why?

No. All dragons are seen as dragons, with breed simply being a way to describe someone.

23. Can all forms of elemental magic heal?

Magic is in and of itself its own thing, so yes all forms of magic can heal. There is only one true form, after all. But it probably doesn't work the way you would think it does, instead only being a sort of additional body system found in all life of Sorneith. It's function is somewhere between the nervous system, the immune system, and the endocrine system.

24. Is all magic absolutely elemental (strictly to the in-game lore magics) or are there general forms of magic any dragon can use? If so, how do they work?

Oooh boy. Okay, so in this world magic is an energy that can be located within the cellular systems of all living creatures. It is not strictly elemental, but there are certain ways of using it taught by different regions that would give that impression. In short, magic is the glue that holds atoms and the like to their shape and can be manipulated in a process similar to magnetism. Most of the time, though, it is impossible to work with magic in such a small scale so the spells are larger. It is possible to reform or destroy just about anything with magic as a result, but you can not create matter.

25. Is any certain magic more powerful than others?

See question 23

26. Are there such thing as enchantments or curses? How would they work?

No, there isn't.

27. Are tomes important to magic users? Why or why not?

In the same fashion as a textbook would be to a scholar, i'd suppose.

28. Are certain things or places able to amplify ones magical abilities?
29. Do dragon have to be in certain conditions to be able to perform their magic? (Ex. An Ice or Nature dragon would not be able to perform their abilities in the Ashfall Wastes.)
30. Can a dragons magic become naturally more powerful over time or would they need any form of training to help them become more powerful?
31. In-game lore says only water can be seers, but can any dragon be able to do the same regardless of element? How do they receive future prophecies without the influence of a Deity?
32. Does your clan have any dragons dedicated to researching and studying magic?
33. What about a court magister or someone who is very knowledgeable in magic/arcane that gives advice or helps with magic/arcane matters?
34. Can dragons use magic to shape or create things?
35. Can ones magic influence or read someones mind?
36. Do your dragons use magic to attack others in combat? Can any element engage in magic combat?
37. Do your dragons worship the deities?
38. Do dragons worship only their deity of their element, or would they worship another deity, if at all?
39. Are there dragons that don't believe in the deities or hate them? If so, why?
40. Are there dragons dedicated to convincing others to serve their deities?
41. What is exalting to your clan/dragons exactly? Is it noble? Foolish?
42. How does one go about exalting another? Is it a ritual? A process? Does one decide for themself and leave? Does another help
43. Where would one go to be exalted?
44. IS it considered blasphemous or crazy to not worship ones elemental deity?
45. Do the worship of the deities play a big role in your clan?
46. Do any of your clan members hate the Tidelord or are scared because he vanished? Are any helping to search?
47. Do dragons that come back from exalting seen as higher or lesser for leaving/being kicked out?
48. Does your clan or any dragon do any form of sacrificial ritual for their deity? Or offer any items?
49. Are any breed stronger than another in any way? Or are all breeds equal?
50. Can breeds of their "origin element" use their magic better? (Ex. A spiral dragon using wind magic better because the breed originated from Wind more than say a guardian dragon using wind magic)
51. Are your dragon sizes more to that of in-game canon (Fae is the smallest, Imperial the biggest, etc.) or are they closer together?
52. Are all dragons similarly expressive or do they all uniquely show their emotions?
53. Are your dragons able to fly? Or is wholly determined by their wing sizes?
54. Do Ancients and Moderns get along with each other?
55. Can your Ancient and Modern dragons breed with each other despite in-game lore?
56. Do Ancients and Moderns socialize regularly or do they both have their separate areas within the clan?
57. How did you clan react to finding Ancients?
58. Do Ancients have a vastly different culture than those of Moderns?
59. What about the Obelisks?
60. Are there any ceremonies that might be breed specific?
61. Do dragons mate for life or no?
62. Do dragons look down on others for not having a lineage? (G1 dragons)
63. Do you have any disabled dragons? IF so how do they receive assistance for such? Are they considered less?
64. Are your dragons in your lore, anthro, human, or just simply dragon?
65. Are your dragons more human like in terms of intelligence or are they more feral/animal like?
66. How technologically advanced is your clan? Do they use magic to fuel technology? or just simply magic for all necessary things?
67. Does your clan grow/farm food? OR do they hunt for it all?
68. What does your clan do with abandoned eggs?
69. Does your clan have ambassadors/representatives? What do they do?
70. Do your dragons hold marriage ceremonies of sorts if they were to mate?
71. Is architect important in your clan? Do they live where infrastructure is important or no?
72. Are there any forms of teachers to help with literacy/fighting/magic/history/etc?
73. Besides forms of leader is there any jobs considered to be more valuable/ important than others?
74. Does your clan have a library?
75. What about cooks or any form of servants?
76. Do you have a prison? How is it run? What would someone have to do to be imprisoned?
77. Would your dragons have a trial for the offending person? How strict are the laws if your clan has any?
78. What is the most serious punishment and the lightest punishment for a crime?
79. Do Beastclans believe in any form of deity or God of their own? Do they try to convert dragons?
80. Are there any planets that your dragons, or others, have found?
81. Are your dragons developing a way to go into space?
82. Sorneith canonically has 2 moons. What would they be named if your clan had to name them?
83. Is the Shade feared in your clan? Anyone "Shade-Touched"?
84. IS there anyone that worships the Shade? Are they open about it?
85. Does your clan believe in such a being?
86. IS there a certain dress code or expectation of style in your clan? Any developed styles over time?
87. What about food? Any food that is considered your clans cultural food?
88. What of slang? Or sayings? What about swears? Do certain dragons/ dragons of elements have certain sayings/swears? (Think when the Light Sprite yells "Baku Snout!" in G&G out of frustration)
89. Are fictional books in your lore similar to books in our real life? What about comics and toys?
90. If a dragon was to say try to invent something we have in our modern lives, like a TV or a car, How would other dragons react?
91. Do dragons have certain things we do? Like desks for writing, full beds, shelves, etc. Or would they be very different to compensate for their style of living/being dragons? (Like instead of beds, they'd have nests)
92. Do other forms of dimensions exist?
93. Does any form of heaven or limbo exist in your lore? Or any form of afterlife?
94. Dos spirits exist? Can they possess or move things around?
95. Do dragons hunt for the paranormal if they do exist?
96. Are there any folktales or legends that exist within your clan? Any Mythical creatures?
97. What about songs that would be commonly sung among your dragons?
98. Are hatchlings assigned a job when they're young or can be anything they please once they're of a certain age?
99. Do some dragons sometimes eat outside their food groups? Like a Tundra eating meat/fish?
1. What is the name of your clan?

My dragons identify as being citizens of the Basalt Islands if they were to use broad terms, but most of them would likely have no real answer to this question. The archipelago they are living within is small and removed, so there never really was a need to identify certain groups from others.

2. Is it considered a clan? A tribe? A group? Other?

They would be considered a collection of allied villages and in the case of Caldera, a small town. But they do consider themselves as being part of one interconnected community.

3. How did the name originate?

The chain of islands they have claimed for their own was home to an active volcano in the distant past that is now seemingly dormant. Because of this, the islands are almost entirely formed from various volcanic rocks and soils with basalt being the most common of these.

4. What form of leadership runs your clan? A council? A King/Queen/Other? If not, how does the clan operate?

For the most part, the villages within the archipelago have a civilian council that makes big decisions. There is a court located within Caldera, but aside from that most squabbles and big community decisions are managed by the locals.

5. What is the main income of your clan? Is there anyone that manages the money?

Ah yes, my favorite type of question! The Basalt Islands are primarily an exporting town that trades rare spices, perfumes, and incense in exchange for goods from the mainland. Households manage their own funds, although it is rare that coins are used outside of say taverns or entertainment venues due to the way most goods are simply traded.

6. Are certain things more valuable than currency that would be used as such?

See question 5

7. Is your clan dedicated to one craft or few, OR do they specialize in many things?

The islands are home to a variety of skills ranging from the fishermen that sail the bays to the farmers that grow the Pennatis Effusorium that the islands are famous for. For the most part, however, its rare to see metalworkers, warriors, or jewelry makers on account of the rarity of salvageable metals within the archipelago. One thing is for certain, however; The Basalt Islands produce the rarest perfumes and incenses in the world.

8. Does your clan trade with other clans for wares, or do they prefer to keep to themselves?

They trade, and they trade as if their lives depend on it. Because they do. Although the rocky soil is wonderful for herbs and spices, as well as the unique form of flower that only grows within the archipelago, there is little to no room left for lumber cultivation. Steel and metal tools are not feasible to produce either, so those too must be traded in. Because of this, the villages operate on friendly terms with just about anyone who reaches their shores.

9. Is there any enemies to your clan? If so, how?

Nobody organized, however there is a bit of a problem with pirates. Most times it can be managed with careful moderation of the open sea, but in the foggy winters it isn't unheard of for a ship or two to make their way in and raid the coastal villages. This is why there is now a steadily growing group of assassins and other retired fighters creating their own hidden defense force.

10. Does your clan squabble with these enemies or other clans often?

The winters are a rough time due to the dense fog that rolls in from the Icefields leaving villages vulnerable to the pirates, but these days there are more fearsome dragons and beastclan who are capable of fighting them off.

11. Does your clan have many allies? If so, how do they usually interact with each other?

The Basalt Islands are something of a refuge from those who no longer wish to live in the mainland, and accept dragons and beastclan from all walks of life. The only thing asked of these refugees is that they live in peace with the inhabitants of the islands. Because of this, the islands are seen as a neutral territory and claim no allies nor enemies.

12. Is there treaties or contracts involved in alliances or is it verbal/based off trust?

No, not necessarily. The lack of a central government makes most agreements touch and go and based upon the terms of the individuals involved. Sometimes contracts will be drafted for the well acquainted traders, but even that is merely at the will of those involved.

13. Does your clan get along Beastclans or are they all enemies?

Beastclans and dragons share the same rights and position within this society, although it is also recognized that dragons are far stronger than most of the beastclans. Because of this, fighting among the two of them is strictly prohibited.

14. Does your clan accept Beastclan members? Why or why not?

Yes, beastclans share the same rights as dragons and would be accepted as such.

15. If yes, would they have any form of issues integrating into your clan? Would any dragons show distaste towards them?

Most of the issues with integration come from culture shock, as the conflict between dragons and beastclans simply does not exist here like it does on the mainland. It is intimidating for the first few months for those who escaped here to escape the ever growing conflict of the mainland, but not unwelcome. The dragons who live here are aware of this, and do their best to avoid frightening the beastclans by maintaining their reduced shape within village limits. They believe that the conflict in the mainland is not only a tragedy, but inherently foolish and a result of the actions performed by their kin.

16. Is any specific race of Beastclans disliked? Or certain races seen as less than others?

No, everyone is given the same chance as anyone else.

17. Are they treated like actual Familiars?

Familiars in this world are in short those you have a contract with. The contract could be anything from a promise to take care of the creature like your own, to a simple agreement to work together. No matter what, both sides must contribute something of equal value to one another. Because of this, I would say that they can be based upon the relationship between the individuals involved. However, beastclans are never treated like pets or servants. For them, the contracts are always built upon working together or joining one another's household.

18. Are there any race or animals treated as Familiars?

See question 17

19. Does your clan celebrate the Elemental Holidays? Why or why not?

Not really, the presence of elemental worship is largely absent here.

20. IF yes, what do these festivities entail? Is it always monthly? Can anyone participate?

See question 19

21. Is any specific element more respected than others, or one more hated than others? If so, why?

Elements are merely the traditional discipline of certain territories in the mainland, and are in large part simply seen as part of a wheel that works in tandem to make the world work.

22. IS any race of dragon more respected or more hated than others? If so, why?

No. All dragons are seen as dragons, with breed simply being a way to describe someone.

23. Can all forms of elemental magic heal?

Magic is in and of itself its own thing, so yes all forms of magic can heal. There is only one true form, after all. But it probably doesn't work the way you would think it does, instead only being a sort of additional body system found in all life of Sorneith. It's function is somewhere between the nervous system, the immune system, and the endocrine system.

24. Is all magic absolutely elemental (strictly to the in-game lore magics) or are there general forms of magic any dragon can use? If so, how do they work?

Oooh boy. Okay, so in this world magic is an energy that can be located within the cellular systems of all living creatures. It is not strictly elemental, but there are certain ways of using it taught by different regions that would give that impression. In short, magic is the glue that holds atoms and the like to their shape and can be manipulated in a process similar to magnetism. Most of the time, though, it is impossible to work with magic in such a small scale so the spells are larger. It is possible to reform or destroy just about anything with magic as a result, but you can not create matter.

25. Is any certain magic more powerful than others?

See question 23

26. Are there such thing as enchantments or curses? How would they work?

No, there isn't.

27. Are tomes important to magic users? Why or why not?

In the same fashion as a textbook would be to a scholar, i'd suppose.

28. Are certain things or places able to amplify ones magical abilities?
29. Do dragon have to be in certain conditions to be able to perform their magic? (Ex. An Ice or Nature dragon would not be able to perform their abilities in the Ashfall Wastes.)
30. Can a dragons magic become naturally more powerful over time or would they need any form of training to help them become more powerful?
31. In-game lore says only water can be seers, but can any dragon be able to do the same regardless of element? How do they receive future prophecies without the influence of a Deity?
32. Does your clan have any dragons dedicated to researching and studying magic?
33. What about a court magister or someone who is very knowledgeable in magic/arcane that gives advice or helps with magic/arcane matters?
34. Can dragons use magic to shape or create things?
35. Can ones magic influence or read someones mind?
36. Do your dragons use magic to attack others in combat? Can any element engage in magic combat?
37. Do your dragons worship the deities?
38. Do dragons worship only their deity of their element, or would they worship another deity, if at all?
39. Are there dragons that don't believe in the deities or hate them? If so, why?
40. Are there dragons dedicated to convincing others to serve their deities?
41. What is exalting to your clan/dragons exactly? Is it noble? Foolish?
42. How does one go about exalting another? Is it a ritual? A process? Does one decide for themself and leave? Does another help
43. Where would one go to be exalted?
44. IS it considered blasphemous or crazy to not worship ones elemental deity?
45. Do the worship of the deities play a big role in your clan?
46. Do any of your clan members hate the Tidelord or are scared because he vanished? Are any helping to search?
47. Do dragons that come back from exalting seen as higher or lesser for leaving/being kicked out?
48. Does your clan or any dragon do any form of sacrificial ritual for their deity? Or offer any items?
49. Are any breed stronger than another in any way? Or are all breeds equal?
50. Can breeds of their "origin element" use their magic better? (Ex. A spiral dragon using wind magic better because the breed originated from Wind more than say a guardian dragon using wind magic)
51. Are your dragon sizes more to that of in-game canon (Fae is the smallest, Imperial the biggest, etc.) or are they closer together?
52. Are all dragons similarly expressive or do they all uniquely show their emotions?
53. Are your dragons able to fly? Or is wholly determined by their wing sizes?
54. Do Ancients and Moderns get along with each other?
55. Can your Ancient and Modern dragons breed with each other despite in-game lore?
56. Do Ancients and Moderns socialize regularly or do they both have their separate areas within the clan?
57. How did you clan react to finding Ancients?
58. Do Ancients have a vastly different culture than those of Moderns?
59. What about the Obelisks?
60. Are there any ceremonies that might be breed specific?
61. Do dragons mate for life or no?
62. Do dragons look down on others for not having a lineage? (G1 dragons)
63. Do you have any disabled dragons? IF so how do they receive assistance for such? Are they considered less?
64. Are your dragons in your lore, anthro, human, or just simply dragon?
65. Are your dragons more human like in terms of intelligence or are they more feral/animal like?
66. How technologically advanced is your clan? Do they use magic to fuel technology? or just simply magic for all necessary things?
67. Does your clan grow/farm food? OR do they hunt for it all?
68. What does your clan do with abandoned eggs?
69. Does your clan have ambassadors/representatives? What do they do?
70. Do your dragons hold marriage ceremonies of sorts if they were to mate?
71. Is architect important in your clan? Do they live where infrastructure is important or no?
72. Are there any forms of teachers to help with literacy/fighting/magic/history/etc?
73. Besides forms of leader is there any jobs considered to be more valuable/ important than others?
74. Does your clan have a library?
75. What about cooks or any form of servants?
76. Do you have a prison? How is it run? What would someone have to do to be imprisoned?
77. Would your dragons have a trial for the offending person? How strict are the laws if your clan has any?
78. What is the most serious punishment and the lightest punishment for a crime?
79. Do Beastclans believe in any form of deity or God of their own? Do they try to convert dragons?
80. Are there any planets that your dragons, or others, have found?
81. Are your dragons developing a way to go into space?
82. Sorneith canonically has 2 moons. What would they be named if your clan had to name them?
83. Is the Shade feared in your clan? Anyone "Shade-Touched"?
84. IS there anyone that worships the Shade? Are they open about it?
85. Does your clan believe in such a being?
86. IS there a certain dress code or expectation of style in your clan? Any developed styles over time?
87. What about food? Any food that is considered your clans cultural food?
88. What of slang? Or sayings? What about swears? Do certain dragons/ dragons of elements have certain sayings/swears? (Think when the Light Sprite yells "Baku Snout!" in G&G out of frustration)
89. Are fictional books in your lore similar to books in our real life? What about comics and toys?
90. If a dragon was to say try to invent something we have in our modern lives, like a TV or a car, How would other dragons react?
91. Do dragons have certain things we do? Like desks for writing, full beds, shelves, etc. Or would they be very different to compensate for their style of living/being dragons? (Like instead of beds, they'd have nests)
92. Do other forms of dimensions exist?
93. Does any form of heaven or limbo exist in your lore? Or any form of afterlife?
94. Dos spirits exist? Can they possess or move things around?
95. Do dragons hunt for the paranormal if they do exist?
96. Are there any folktales or legends that exist within your clan? Any Mythical creatures?
97. What about songs that would be commonly sung among your dragons?
98. Are hatchlings assigned a job when they're young or can be anything they please once they're of a certain age?
99. Do some dragons sometimes eat outside their food groups? Like a Tundra eating meat/fish?
HOH. saving a spot here i might come back and do these later
HOH. saving a spot here i might come back and do these later
Zeph / 22 / Redwood
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Note my lore very loosely follows anything canon.

1. What is the name of your clan?
Voices of the Lost

2. Is it considered a clan? A tribe? A group? Other?
Others do not consider it a clan and hesitate to consider it anything other than a group of terrible dragons, fearsome 'beasts' (also dragons), and fleeing usurpers. To those within, it is their family.

3. How did the name originate?
The name actually isn't known by outsiders. It was a name given by the leader, Pneumonic (General hibden tab). She was crazed for awhile and cruelly experimented on before she killed the old leader and, though not intentionally, took over the clan. Since then, a lot of feared (mostly misunderstood) dragons ended up there after realizing that Pneumonic wasn't actually as bad as outsiders claimed. She began taking in dragons widely viewed as insane, outsiders, and cruel only to find they really weren't. She gave them a voice when no one else would.

4. What form of leadership runs your clan? A council? A King/Queen/Other? If not, how does the clan operate?
I suppose its like a queen or president. There's no clear or obvious line of succession that's named since these events, in my lore, are very modern in FRs time period.

5. What is the main income of your clan? Is there anyone that manages the money?
There are those sent out to be traders for the clan and those who hunt for things of value that the traders can sell. There's no real currency per se, just a lot of trading. The traders know the clan well and what they want or need at any given time. Generally, these traders are also lesser known or can blend in better with the general populace.

6. Are certain things more valuable than currency that would be used as such?
Whatever the clan needs at any given time holds more value. The traders won't tell you that though.

7. Is your clan dedicated to one craft or few, OR do they specialize in many things?
Each individual specializes in a craft of their choosing, often taken as an apprentice when they come of age by someone in that profession.

8. Does your clan trade with other clans for wares, or do they prefer to keep to themselves?
Only when necessary are traders sent to retrieve specialized goods.

9. Is there any enemies to your clan? If so, how?
I mean... Technically the rest of Sornieth if you go by the idea that this is a group of feared individuals because of what they've done in their lives. I wouldn't personally say they have enemies, just people that avoid them like the plague because of how they're viewed.

10. Does your clan squabble with these enemies or other clans often?
No, they avoid others and others tend to avoid them. Just those that. They don't bother anyone so no one really cares enough to label them an actual enemy.

11. Does your clan have many allies? If so, how do they usually interact with each other?
Some. Usually newer clans that are unaware of who they are. Most find Pneumonic estranged but don't particularly have anything bad to say about her. She doesn't speak (not mute, just prefers action over words because words mean nothing to her), which is odd to many when they find out she's not mute.

12. Is there treaties or contracts involved in alliances or is it verbal/based off trust?
Purely trust. They do not value material things, and words are only as valuable as your actions. The clan is a very skeptical group, and they have good reason to be.

13. Does your clan get along Beastclans or are they all enemies?
In my lore, Beastclans are not quite as intelligent as the dragons themselves. Most are no better than animals and, for predators, often viewed as dangerous creatures not to be taken lightly. Some are taken as pets though. The furniture ones are enchanted in my lore, or something akin to a mimic from DnD.

14. Does your clan accept Beastclan members? Why or why not?
See above.

15. If yes, would they have any form of issues integrating into your clan? Would any dragons show distaste towards them?
The clan would be more wary of predatory pets at first, but they don't really treat them poorly or anything. They do respect creatures and their presence in the world. They do try to live peacefully amongst them.

16. Is any specific race of Beastclans disliked? Or certain races seen as less than others?
See above.

17. Are they treated like actual Familiars?
No, they are pets. They're not particularly intelligent in my lore and the ones that are are akin to an advanced monkey. Those ones are treated like actual beings; thats to say they interact like another clan but do not see them as pets.

18. Are there any race or animals treated as Familiars?
The long longnecks, maren, and any of that nature are treated as intelligent beings.

19. Does your clan celebrate the Elemental Holidays? Why or why not?
Festivals are based within the clan in my lore.. Some do, some don't. They just want to be at peace and most don't see it as their place to celebrate other elemental holidays when they've been taken under the wing of Plaguebringer on her land. They don't want to disrespect her, even if they do still hold respect for their prior deity. Festivals are also not celebrated separately if celebrated. Its like one big yearly festival.

20. IF yes, what do these festivities entail? Is it always monthly? Can anyone participate?
Anyone can participate if they want, though they're slowly fading out. They pay respect in other ways to their flight, usually in visiting the Wyrmwound or other places the clan holds sacred.

21. Is any specific element more respected than others, or one more hated than others? If so, why?
Plague is most respected due to the clans general view of Pneumonic, and that they live on Plague land. With Pneumonic being Plague and given the events leading to her seizure of power, they believe she might have been sent by Plaguebringer to bring the previous leader to justice. No elements are hated.

22. IS any race of dragon more respected or more hated than others? If so, why?
Nope. All are welcome and their differences embraced as long as they harm no one.

23. Can all forms of elemental magic heal?
Yes but, with the nature of Plague, they rarely use proper healing. No one is judged if they do get healed, but Plagueborn medics have a harder time understanding why it would be necessary or desired.

24. Is all magic absolutely elemental (strictly to the in-game lore magics) or are there general forms of magic any dragon can use? If so, how do they work?
Healing magics can be learned by anyone alongside protective magics. They just generally require more training because those magics aren't a truly 'natural' magic.

25. Is any certain magic more powerful than others?
Not really, no.

26. Are there such thing as enchantments or curses? How would they work?
Yes, but they are only put forth by the gods. It is a magic too powerful for a dragon alone to use, but it can be done by the gods' blessing (or curse).

27. Are tomes important to magic users? Why or why not?
Yes and no. Natural (elemental) magics come naturally to an individual, but unnatural magics do not. Tomes often carry the unnatural magics, or the complexities of natural magics to teach young.

28. Are certain things or places able to amplify ones magical abilities?
Sacred places such as the Wyrmwound can, but the sacred regions within each flight differ between clans. Not all possess such a connection either, so its usually just shamans that actually gain that ability.

29. Do dragon have to be in certain conditions to be able to perform their magic? (Ex. An Ice or Nature dragon would not be able to perform their abilities in the Ashfall Wastes.)
No, but they are often weaker when not within their element unless given blessed passage by the deity who keeps the land they walk upon.

30. Can a dragons magic become naturally more powerful over time or would they need any form of training to help them become more powerful?
Only if their deity deems it so, but note this doesn't need to be their natural-born deity.

31. In-game lore says only water can be seers, but can any dragon be able to do the same regardless of element? How do they receive future prophecies without the influence of a Deity?
These would be the aforementioned shamans. Shamans are generally chosen for each clan by the deity they follow, often the one whose land they live within.

32. Does your clan have any dragons dedicated to researching and studying magic?
Yes, these are often actually seen by the clan as a type of alchemist because the shaman name is very sacred to them. Wizards and witches are seen more as insults because they don't view the connotation as positive.

33. What about a court magister or someone who is very knowledgeable in magic/arcane that gives advice or helps with magic/arcane matters?
Those would be a mixture of shamans and alchemists.

34. Can dragons use magic to shape or create things?
Only those who are very good at it. That would fall under unnatural magics.

35. Can ones magic influence or read someones mind?
Influence, yes. Read, no. It would be a power of suggestion rather than a full control.

36. Do your dragons use magic to attack others in combat? Can any element engage in magic combat?
Not mostly. They have a value for natural arts and view elemental magic as a more religious or supplemental use. Natural magics can be used in combat though.

37. Do your dragons worship the deities?
Some do, some don't. Most do.

38. Do dragons worship only their deity of their element, or would they worship another deity, if at all?
They are free to worship whatever deity they present loyalty to, even if that would be none.

39. Are there dragons that don't believe in the deities or hate them? If so, why?
The reasons vary, but yes. Some might feel slighted and others just don't see omens and whatnot as what they are.

40. Are there dragons dedicated to convincing others to serve their deities?
Not in this clan but there are in others. If they come to believe, then great. If not, they're still welcome with open arms.

41. What is exalting to your clan/dragons exactly? Is it noble? Foolish?
Those would be the shamans. They don't actually go to any physical battle, but a more mental one. Its viewed differently between each individual but they're widely respected nonetheless.

42. How does one go about exalting another? Is it a ritual? A process? Does one decide for themself and leave? Does another help?
It is a ritual performed by other shamans. They don't leave their clans but for the journey to the Wyrmwound.

43. Where would one go to be exalted?
First, the Wyrmwound. Then back to the clan. Exalted never truly leave.

44. IS it considered blasphemous or crazy to not worship ones elemental deity?
Nope. Its a personal choice. Not everyone is open to reality, and some just haven't known any better. Whatever the reason, everyone has one.

45. Do the worship of the deities play a big role in your clan?
Not entirely. It depends on profession. A shaman would be more tied to a deity than most others.

46. Do any of your clan members hate the Tidelord or are scared because he vanished? Are any helping to search?
As they live in Plague, they don't see it as their job to search. As long as Plaguebringer is around, they are safe. They're worried for Water flight, though, and often send shamans to check on clans that have been kind to them.

47. Do dragons that come back from exalting seen as higher or lesser for leaving/being kicked out?
See previous questions abou exalting. It is part of their ritual to return.

48. Does your clan or any dragon do any form of sacrificial ritual for their deity? Or offer any items?
Not really. Their loyalty is what matters. They don't value material things. Action speaks for itself.

49. Are any breed stronger than another in any way? Or are all breeds equal?
All have potential to be stronger than another with time and training. That said, all are equal.

50. Can breeds of their "origin element" use their magic better? (Ex. A spiral dragon using wind magic better because the breed originated from Wind more than say a guardian dragon using wind magic)
It depends on if they have been given blessing by that deity. The stronger magic wod be the one who has blessed them.

51. Are your dragon sizes more to that of in-game canon (Fae is the smallest, Imperial the biggest, etc.) or are they closer together?
I view them similar to canon but not quite as drastic.

52. Are all dragons similarly expressive or do they all uniquely show their emotions?
Individuals show emotions differently, similar to people, but different breeds have different dispositions.

53. Are your dragons able to fly? Or is wholly determined by their wing sizes?
Wing size would determine that but most have reasonably sized wings, so most can fly.

54. Do Ancients and Moderns get along with each other?
Yep. They often view each other as a 'new' breed, so conversations are quite interesting.

55. Can your Ancient and Modern dragons breed with each other despite in-game lore?

56. Do Ancients and Moderns socialize regularly or do they both have their separate areas within the clan?
They socialize regularly.

57. How did you clan react to finding Ancients?
They're viewed as a new breed since they've been gone so long but they're glad not all was lost of their past.

58. Do Ancients have a vastly different culture than those of Moderns?

59. What about the Obelisks?
Thats similar to Ancients.

60. Are there any ceremonies that might be breed specific?
Not particularly, no.

61. Do dragons mate for life or no?
Some might.

62. Do dragons look down on others for not having a lineage? (G1 dragons)
Nope. Most of the clan has denounced their parentage in some way, or do not know it.

63. Do you have any disabled dragons? IF so how do they receive assistance for such? Are they considered less?
Yup! They're given assistance where needed but are otherwise treated like any other dragon.

64. Are your dragons in your lore, anthro, human, or just simply dragon?

65. Are your dragons more human like in terms of intelligence or are they more feral/animal like?
Humanlike intelligence.

66. How technologically advanced is your clan? Do they use magic to fuel technology? or just simply magic for all necessary things?
Its like a mixture of steam steampunk and magic.

67. Does your clan grow/farm food? OR do they hunt for it all?
The clan hunts and fishes but does farm for bugs and crops.

68. What does your clan do with abandoned eggs?
They're often taken in and adopted by the whole of the clan.

69. Does your clan have ambassadors/representatives? What do they do?
Yes but they tend to keep to themselves. Representatives simply represent the clan if the leader is not around.

70. Do your dragons hold marriage ceremonies of sorts if they were to mate?

71. Is architect important in your clan? Do they live where infrastructure is important or no?
Not really. They do build some things but overall tend to use what the land has provided.

72. Are there any forms of teachers to help with literacy/fighting/magic/history/etc?
No, just those who accept apprentices.

73. Besides forms of leader is there any jobs considered to be more valuable/ important than others?
No, all are important.

74. Does your clan have a library?
Yes, that's the job of alchemists and shamans to attend to it.

75. What about cooks or any form of servants?
Cooks, yes. Servants, no.

76. Do you have a prison? How is it run? What would someone have to do to be imprisoned?
No. Anyone that poses harm is either banished (most common) or killed. The clan accepts mistakes but not the intent to harm. It varies.

77. Would your dragons have a trial for the offending person? How strict are the laws if your clan has any?
Yes, the clan would hold a trial and all would decide what to do. The clan laws are pretty strict for what ones do exist.

78. What is the most serious punishment and the lightest punishment for a crime?
Attending to the elderly dragons is usually a punishment for the young ones, but older dragons might be confined to the more tedious duties around the clan. Severe punishments would be banishment or death for the absolute worst crimes.

79. Do Beastclans believe in any form of deity or God of their own? Do they try to convert dragons?

80. Are there any planets that your dragons, or others, have found?

81. Are your dragons developing a way to go into space?
Not really.

82. Sorneith canonically has 2 moons. What would they be named if your clan had to name them?
Probably something easy to remember such as First and Second Moon.

83. Is the Shade feared in your clan? Anyone "Shade-Touched"?
Yes and yes, but the Shade-Touched are often kept around if they can control those Shade magics well enough to not be a danger.

84. IS there anyone that worships the Shade? Are they open about it?
No and, if they were, absolutely not.

85. Does your clan believe in such a being?
Yes, they do believe there is a darkness which encompasses the realm that is kept at bay by higher powers.

86. IS there a certain dress code or expectation of style in your clan? Any developed styles over time?
No, not really.

87. What about food? Any food that is considered your clans cultural food?
Most hunt but, since they're a mixing pot, they have a lot of different foods.

88. What of slang? Or sayings? What about swears? Do certain dragons/ dragons of elements have certain sayings/swears? (Think when the Light Sprite yells "Baku Snout!" in G&G out of frustration)
Yeah, those are more of an elemental region thing.

89. Are fictional books in your lore similar to books in our real life? What about comics and toys?
Yeah, but more like a strampunk era/style.

90. If a dragon was to say try to invent something we have in our modern lives, like a TV or a car, How would other dragons react?
Fascination mostly. Probably a bit of confusion because they can carry themselves. They would likely acknowledge more usage there for injured, though.

91. Do dragons have certain things we do? Like desks for writing, full beds, shelves, etc. Or would they be very different to compensate for their style of living/being dragons? (Like instead of beds, they'd have nests)
Theyd be similar but accommodating to the dragon/s using them. Obviously a Wildclaws desk would be more akin to ours but an Imperial can't exactly fit in that.

92. Do other forms of dimensions exist?

93. Does any form of heaven or limbo exist in your lore? Or any form of afterlife?
Spirits go to serve their deities in protecting the realm from the Shade, and those that wish not to can watch over their loved ones from afar.

94. Dos spirits exist? Can they possess or move things around?
Yes. No, they can't possess or move things around.

95. Do dragons hunt for the paranormal if they do exist?
Nope. Well, some do but the paranormal exist far from anywhere these hunters could find them.

96. Are there any folktales or legends that exist within your clan? Any Mythical creatures?
Theres a mangled beast which parents tell their children to make them behave. Its not unlike the concept of the boogeyman and similar.

97. What about songs that would be commonly sung among your dragons?
Thats on an individual basis.

98. Are hatchlings assigned a job when they're young or can be anything they please once they're of a certain age?
They can choose what they wish to be once they are of age. They can change it later and adult apprentices aren't uncommon.

99. Do some dragons sometimes eat outside their food groups? Like a Tundra eating meat/fish?
No, but they might mix others in if its a small amount.

100. What does your clan do with gene scrolls/breed changes? Are they even a thing? Magic? Can they willingly change their breed at any time using one? Would they still carry characteristics of their old breed after they change? IS it instant? Gradual? Same with genes? Or do the patterns mix for a bit before changing to the new?
Not really. Some fall into the Wyrmwound and come out different but most I canon as being the breed I change them to all along. Otherwise, Pneumonic was experimented on and became what she is now. It depends on the lore I decide to run with but the scrolls themselves are not canon. Those that fall into the Wyrmwound tend to have gradual changes over time, often not very nice looking at first.
Note my lore very loosely follows anything canon.

1. What is the name of your clan?
Voices of the Lost

2. Is it considered a clan? A tribe? A group? Other?
Others do not consider it a clan and hesitate to consider it anything other than a group of terrible dragons, fearsome 'beasts' (also dragons), and fleeing usurpers. To those within, it is their family.

3. How did the name originate?
The name actually isn't known by outsiders. It was a name given by the leader, Pneumonic (General hibden tab). She was crazed for awhile and cruelly experimented on before she killed the old leader and, though not intentionally, took over the clan. Since then, a lot of feared (mostly misunderstood) dragons ended up there after realizing that Pneumonic wasn't actually as bad as outsiders claimed. She began taking in dragons widely viewed as insane, outsiders, and cruel only to find they really weren't. She gave them a voice when no one else would.

4. What form of leadership runs your clan? A council? A King/Queen/Other? If not, how does the clan operate?
I suppose its like a queen or president. There's no clear or obvious line of succession that's named since these events, in my lore, are very modern in FRs time period.

5. What is the main income of your clan? Is there anyone that manages the money?
There are those sent out to be traders for the clan and those who hunt for things of value that the traders can sell. There's no real currency per se, just a lot of trading. The traders know the clan well and what they want or need at any given time. Generally, these traders are also lesser known or can blend in better with the general populace.

6. Are certain things more valuable than currency that would be used as such?
Whatever the clan needs at any given time holds more value. The traders won't tell you that though.

7. Is your clan dedicated to one craft or few, OR do they specialize in many things?
Each individual specializes in a craft of their choosing, often taken as an apprentice when they come of age by someone in that profession.

8. Does your clan trade with other clans for wares, or do they prefer to keep to themselves?
Only when necessary are traders sent to retrieve specialized goods.

9. Is there any enemies to your clan? If so, how?
I mean... Technically the rest of Sornieth if you go by the idea that this is a group of feared individuals because of what they've done in their lives. I wouldn't personally say they have enemies, just people that avoid them like the plague because of how they're viewed.

10. Does your clan squabble with these enemies or other clans often?
No, they avoid others and others tend to avoid them. Just those that. They don't bother anyone so no one really cares enough to label them an actual enemy.

11. Does your clan have many allies? If so, how do they usually interact with each other?
Some. Usually newer clans that are unaware of who they are. Most find Pneumonic estranged but don't particularly have anything bad to say about her. She doesn't speak (not mute, just prefers action over words because words mean nothing to her), which is odd to many when they find out she's not mute.

12. Is there treaties or contracts involved in alliances or is it verbal/based off trust?
Purely trust. They do not value material things, and words are only as valuable as your actions. The clan is a very skeptical group, and they have good reason to be.

13. Does your clan get along Beastclans or are they all enemies?
In my lore, Beastclans are not quite as intelligent as the dragons themselves. Most are no better than animals and, for predators, often viewed as dangerous creatures not to be taken lightly. Some are taken as pets though. The furniture ones are enchanted in my lore, or something akin to a mimic from DnD.

14. Does your clan accept Beastclan members? Why or why not?
See above.

15. If yes, would they have any form of issues integrating into your clan? Would any dragons show distaste towards them?
The clan would be more wary of predatory pets at first, but they don't really treat them poorly or anything. They do respect creatures and their presence in the world. They do try to live peacefully amongst them.

16. Is any specific race of Beastclans disliked? Or certain races seen as less than others?
See above.

17. Are they treated like actual Familiars?
No, they are pets. They're not particularly intelligent in my lore and the ones that are are akin to an advanced monkey. Those ones are treated like actual beings; thats to say they interact like another clan but do not see them as pets.

18. Are there any race or animals treated as Familiars?
The long longnecks, maren, and any of that nature are treated as intelligent beings.

19. Does your clan celebrate the Elemental Holidays? Why or why not?
Festivals are based within the clan in my lore.. Some do, some don't. They just want to be at peace and most don't see it as their place to celebrate other elemental holidays when they've been taken under the wing of Plaguebringer on her land. They don't want to disrespect her, even if they do still hold respect for their prior deity. Festivals are also not celebrated separately if celebrated. Its like one big yearly festival.

20. IF yes, what do these festivities entail? Is it always monthly? Can anyone participate?
Anyone can participate if they want, though they're slowly fading out. They pay respect in other ways to their flight, usually in visiting the Wyrmwound or other places the clan holds sacred.

21. Is any specific element more respected than others, or one more hated than others? If so, why?
Plague is most respected due to the clans general view of Pneumonic, and that they live on Plague land. With Pneumonic being Plague and given the events leading to her seizure of power, they believe she might have been sent by Plaguebringer to bring the previous leader to justice. No elements are hated.

22. IS any race of dragon more respected or more hated than others? If so, why?
Nope. All are welcome and their differences embraced as long as they harm no one.

23. Can all forms of elemental magic heal?
Yes but, with the nature of Plague, they rarely use proper healing. No one is judged if they do get healed, but Plagueborn medics have a harder time understanding why it would be necessary or desired.

24. Is all magic absolutely elemental (strictly to the in-game lore magics) or are there general forms of magic any dragon can use? If so, how do they work?
Healing magics can be learned by anyone alongside protective magics. They just generally require more training because those magics aren't a truly 'natural' magic.

25. Is any certain magic more powerful than others?
Not really, no.

26. Are there such thing as enchantments or curses? How would they work?
Yes, but they are only put forth by the gods. It is a magic too powerful for a dragon alone to use, but it can be done by the gods' blessing (or curse).

27. Are tomes important to magic users? Why or why not?
Yes and no. Natural (elemental) magics come naturally to an individual, but unnatural magics do not. Tomes often carry the unnatural magics, or the complexities of natural magics to teach young.

28. Are certain things or places able to amplify ones magical abilities?
Sacred places such as the Wyrmwound can, but the sacred regions within each flight differ between clans. Not all possess such a connection either, so its usually just shamans that actually gain that ability.

29. Do dragon have to be in certain conditions to be able to perform their magic? (Ex. An Ice or Nature dragon would not be able to perform their abilities in the Ashfall Wastes.)
No, but they are often weaker when not within their element unless given blessed passage by the deity who keeps the land they walk upon.

30. Can a dragons magic become naturally more powerful over time or would they need any form of training to help them become more powerful?
Only if their deity deems it so, but note this doesn't need to be their natural-born deity.

31. In-game lore says only water can be seers, but can any dragon be able to do the same regardless of element? How do they receive future prophecies without the influence of a Deity?
These would be the aforementioned shamans. Shamans are generally chosen for each clan by the deity they follow, often the one whose land they live within.

32. Does your clan have any dragons dedicated to researching and studying magic?
Yes, these are often actually seen by the clan as a type of alchemist because the shaman name is very sacred to them. Wizards and witches are seen more as insults because they don't view the connotation as positive.

33. What about a court magister or someone who is very knowledgeable in magic/arcane that gives advice or helps with magic/arcane matters?
Those would be a mixture of shamans and alchemists.

34. Can dragons use magic to shape or create things?
Only those who are very good at it. That would fall under unnatural magics.

35. Can ones magic influence or read someones mind?
Influence, yes. Read, no. It would be a power of suggestion rather than a full control.

36. Do your dragons use magic to attack others in combat? Can any element engage in magic combat?
Not mostly. They have a value for natural arts and view elemental magic as a more religious or supplemental use. Natural magics can be used in combat though.

37. Do your dragons worship the deities?
Some do, some don't. Most do.

38. Do dragons worship only their deity of their element, or would they worship another deity, if at all?
They are free to worship whatever deity they present loyalty to, even if that would be none.

39. Are there dragons that don't believe in the deities or hate them? If so, why?
The reasons vary, but yes. Some might feel slighted and others just don't see omens and whatnot as what they are.

40. Are there dragons dedicated to convincing others to serve their deities?
Not in this clan but there are in others. If they come to believe, then great. If not, they're still welcome with open arms.

41. What is exalting to your clan/dragons exactly? Is it noble? Foolish?
Those would be the shamans. They don't actually go to any physical battle, but a more mental one. Its viewed differently between each individual but they're widely respected nonetheless.

42. How does one go about exalting another? Is it a ritual? A process? Does one decide for themself and leave? Does another help?
It is a ritual performed by other shamans. They don't leave their clans but for the journey to the Wyrmwound.

43. Where would one go to be exalted?
First, the Wyrmwound. Then back to the clan. Exalted never truly leave.

44. IS it considered blasphemous or crazy to not worship ones elemental deity?
Nope. Its a personal choice. Not everyone is open to reality, and some just haven't known any better. Whatever the reason, everyone has one.

45. Do the worship of the deities play a big role in your clan?
Not entirely. It depends on profession. A shaman would be more tied to a deity than most others.

46. Do any of your clan members hate the Tidelord or are scared because he vanished? Are any helping to search?
As they live in Plague, they don't see it as their job to search. As long as Plaguebringer is around, they are safe. They're worried for Water flight, though, and often send shamans to check on clans that have been kind to them.

47. Do dragons that come back from exalting seen as higher or lesser for leaving/being kicked out?
See previous questions abou exalting. It is part of their ritual to return.

48. Does your clan or any dragon do any form of sacrificial ritual for their deity? Or offer any items?
Not really. Their loyalty is what matters. They don't value material things. Action speaks for itself.

49. Are any breed stronger than another in any way? Or are all breeds equal?
All have potential to be stronger than another with time and training. That said, all are equal.

50. Can breeds of their "origin element" use their magic better? (Ex. A spiral dragon using wind magic better because the breed originated from Wind more than say a guardian dragon using wind magic)
It depends on if they have been given blessing by that deity. The stronger magic wod be the one who has blessed them.

51. Are your dragon sizes more to that of in-game canon (Fae is the smallest, Imperial the biggest, etc.) or are they closer together?
I view them similar to canon but not quite as drastic.

52. Are all dragons similarly expressive or do they all uniquely show their emotions?
Individuals show emotions differently, similar to people, but different breeds have different dispositions.

53. Are your dragons able to fly? Or is wholly determined by their wing sizes?
Wing size would determine that but most have reasonably sized wings, so most can fly.

54. Do Ancients and Moderns get along with each other?
Yep. They often view each other as a 'new' breed, so conversations are quite interesting.

55. Can your Ancient and Modern dragons breed with each other despite in-game lore?

56. Do Ancients and Moderns socialize regularly or do they both have their separate areas within the clan?
They socialize regularly.

57. How did you clan react to finding Ancients?
They're viewed as a new breed since they've been gone so long but they're glad not all was lost of their past.

58. Do Ancients have a vastly different culture than those of Moderns?

59. What about the Obelisks?
Thats similar to Ancients.

60. Are there any ceremonies that might be breed specific?
Not particularly, no.

61. Do dragons mate for life or no?
Some might.

62. Do dragons look down on others for not having a lineage? (G1 dragons)
Nope. Most of the clan has denounced their parentage in some way, or do not know it.

63. Do you have any disabled dragons? IF so how do they receive assistance for such? Are they considered less?
Yup! They're given assistance where needed but are otherwise treated like any other dragon.

64. Are your dragons in your lore, anthro, human, or just simply dragon?

65. Are your dragons more human like in terms of intelligence or are they more feral/animal like?
Humanlike intelligence.

66. How technologically advanced is your clan? Do they use magic to fuel technology? or just simply magic for all necessary things?
Its like a mixture of steam steampunk and magic.

67. Does your clan grow/farm food? OR do they hunt for it all?
The clan hunts and fishes but does farm for bugs and crops.

68. What does your clan do with abandoned eggs?
They're often taken in and adopted by the whole of the clan.

69. Does your clan have ambassadors/representatives? What do they do?
Yes but they tend to keep to themselves. Representatives simply represent the clan if the leader is not around.

70. Do your dragons hold marriage ceremonies of sorts if they were to mate?

71. Is architect important in your clan? Do they live where infrastructure is important or no?
Not really. They do build some things but overall tend to use what the land has provided.

72. Are there any forms of teachers to help with literacy/fighting/magic/history/etc?
No, just those who accept apprentices.

73. Besides forms of leader is there any jobs considered to be more valuable/ important than others?
No, all are important.

74. Does your clan have a library?
Yes, that's the job of alchemists and shamans to attend to it.

75. What about cooks or any form of servants?
Cooks, yes. Servants, no.

76. Do you have a prison? How is it run? What would someone have to do to be imprisoned?
No. Anyone that poses harm is either banished (most common) or killed. The clan accepts mistakes but not the intent to harm. It varies.

77. Would your dragons have a trial for the offending person? How strict are the laws if your clan has any?
Yes, the clan would hold a trial and all would decide what to do. The clan laws are pretty strict for what ones do exist.

78. What is the most serious punishment and the lightest punishment for a crime?
Attending to the elderly dragons is usually a punishment for the young ones, but older dragons might be confined to the more tedious duties around the clan. Severe punishments would be banishment or death for the absolute worst crimes.

79. Do Beastclans believe in any form of deity or God of their own? Do they try to convert dragons?

80. Are there any planets that your dragons, or others, have found?

81. Are your dragons developing a way to go into space?
Not really.

82. Sorneith canonically has 2 moons. What would they be named if your clan had to name them?
Probably something easy to remember such as First and Second Moon.

83. Is the Shade feared in your clan? Anyone "Shade-Touched"?
Yes and yes, but the Shade-Touched are often kept around if they can control those Shade magics well enough to not be a danger.

84. IS there anyone that worships the Shade? Are they open about it?
No and, if they were, absolutely not.

85. Does your clan believe in such a being?
Yes, they do believe there is a darkness which encompasses the realm that is kept at bay by higher powers.

86. IS there a certain dress code or expectation of style in your clan? Any developed styles over time?
No, not really.

87. What about food? Any food that is considered your clans cultural food?
Most hunt but, since they're a mixing pot, they have a lot of different foods.

88. What of slang? Or sayings? What about swears? Do certain dragons/ dragons of elements have certain sayings/swears? (Think when the Light Sprite yells "Baku Snout!" in G&G out of frustration)
Yeah, those are more of an elemental region thing.

89. Are fictional books in your lore similar to books in our real life? What about comics and toys?
Yeah, but more like a strampunk era/style.

90. If a dragon was to say try to invent something we have in our modern lives, like a TV or a car, How would other dragons react?
Fascination mostly. Probably a bit of confusion because they can carry themselves. They would likely acknowledge more usage there for injured, though.

91. Do dragons have certain things we do? Like desks for writing, full beds, shelves, etc. Or would they be very different to compensate for their style of living/being dragons? (Like instead of beds, they'd have nests)
Theyd be similar but accommodating to the dragon/s using them. Obviously a Wildclaws desk would be more akin to ours but an Imperial can't exactly fit in that.

92. Do other forms of dimensions exist?

93. Does any form of heaven or limbo exist in your lore? Or any form of afterlife?
Spirits go to serve their deities in protecting the realm from the Shade, and those that wish not to can watch over their loved ones from afar.

94. Dos spirits exist? Can they possess or move things around?
Yes. No, they can't possess or move things around.

95. Do dragons hunt for the paranormal if they do exist?
Nope. Well, some do but the paranormal exist far from anywhere these hunters could find them.

96. Are there any folktales or legends that exist within your clan? Any Mythical creatures?
Theres a mangled beast which parents tell their children to make them behave. Its not unlike the concept of the boogeyman and similar.

97. What about songs that would be commonly sung among your dragons?
Thats on an individual basis.

98. Are hatchlings assigned a job when they're young or can be anything they please once they're of a certain age?
They can choose what they wish to be once they are of age. They can change it later and adult apprentices aren't uncommon.

99. Do some dragons sometimes eat outside their food groups? Like a Tundra eating meat/fish?
No, but they might mix others in if its a small amount.

100. What does your clan do with gene scrolls/breed changes? Are they even a thing? Magic? Can they willingly change their breed at any time using one? Would they still carry characteristics of their old breed after they change? IS it instant? Gradual? Same with genes? Or do the patterns mix for a bit before changing to the new?
Not really. Some fall into the Wyrmwound and come out different but most I canon as being the breed I change them to all along. Otherwise, Pneumonic was experimented on and became what she is now. It depends on the lore I decide to run with but the scrolls themselves are not canon. Those that fall into the Wyrmwound tend to have gradual changes over time, often not very nice looking at first.
this was really fun, and helped me develop my lore a lot more. thank you! you can read my answers here if you wish!
this was really fun, and helped me develop my lore a lot more. thank you! you can read my answers here if you wish!
Saving a post, might do these if i have some time later :3
Saving a post, might do these if i have some time later :3
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