Below you will find the task list for the month of December! Each day will correspond with a certain task that involves doing something nice for friends and strangers. Hopefully they will be interesting enough to do!
In the instance that you cannot complete a task for whatever reason whether it be you don't like the task/can't complete the task/other, you are more than welcome to simply gift something to a stranger. If you're at a loss on finding someone to give things to, perhaps peruse through this list and pick a random player :)

December 1st
List up to 5 people (though you can do more if you wish!) you think make Flight Rising a better place for you and potentially for others! Tag them here and tell them why, spread the love <3
December 2nd
Donate apparel to your Flight's Free/Trade Apparel Thread or similar
December 3rd
Create a small starter pack for one or two newer players!
Optional: In doing this perhaps give them something a little harder to obtain
December 4th
Brew a Baldwin Item for someone and gift it to them
If you don't have a high level, brew whatever you can and give it as a random gift, it's the thought that counts!
December 5th
Donate familiars to your Flight's Free/Trade Familiar Thread or similar
December 6th
Write a really nice review of someone's lair or a few of their dragons. You can ping into here if you'd like to! Be sure to say plenty of nice things about their pretty dragons, it's always nice to know others appreciate your hard work
December 7th
Head on over to the Coli! The first significant drop you receive, gift to someone! Significant drop can mean either a familiar, apparel, egg, battlestone or chest item
December 8th
Help someone with a lair or hibernal den expansion (can be a newer or older player). If you need help with hibden stuff, this thread is quite lovely!
December 9th
Random Act of Kindness Day! Think of something nice to do for someone and do it, can be anything from gifting to writing a nice word or two about them or their dragons!
December 10th
Send in a donation to your flight and/or support your fellow flight members! Send in a donation to your Dom Bank or perhaps another program!
December 11th
Self Care Day 1! A third of the way through the challenge and you're all doing so well, take a day to do something for yourself. Buy that apparel piece you've been wanting for a little, or relax in the fairgrounds for example, the choice is yours
December 12th
Look at a bunch of hatcheries. Maybe even sign up for a ping list or two. Perhaps even buy a couple dragons ^^
December 13th
Give an item you can only get from Swipp to a random person, perhaps something a little harder to obtain
December 14th
Have some fun in the fairgrounds and donate your earnings to a random player or to your flight bank/program of choice! Challenging mode: Max out your fairgrounds and donate
December 15th
December 16th
Donate food to your Flight's Free Food Thread, or similar
December 17th
Look at some art/lore shops, sign up for ping lists, support our creative communities by potentially ordering something from a user. With this one you can do what is most comfortable for you and your budget. As always, if you just simply want to gift someone instead, go right ahead!
December 18th
Donate battle items to your Flight's Free battle item Thread or similar
December 19th
If you know who they are, ping the Breeders/original owners of some of your most favourite dragons and let them know why!
December 20th
Self Care Day 2! Just like the first one, this is another day for yourself! Take a break if you need it, you've most certainly earnt it <3
December 21st
December 22nd
Give a skin/accent to a random person, perhaps something that isn't a fest skin. If you can only afford to give fest skins, perhaps something that is older or suits their dragons more!
December 23rd
Participate in some forum games in Dragon Share! Dragon appreciation is very nice for both parties as not only do you get to feel good about your own dragons, but you can look at others' pretty dragons and make them warm and fuzzy too! Win win :D
December 24th
It's the night before Christmas! So let's all get together and share some of our favourite Christmas things, whether that be your favourite carol, a story you love, or another reason as to why you love this time of year. Challenging mode: Let's try and be a little bit creative and come up with FR christmas carols!
December 25th
It's Christmas, which means sharing the day with family and friends. Extend the warm festive fuzzies to your friends on FR. Ping them in here and write a message to your good friends on this site, or perhaps those that are like family. Let them know how much they mean to you. Christmas gifts are optional
December 26th
It's Boxing Day! Look through your hoard and give any stuff you don't really need away to members who might have not got much this holiday season
December 27th
Give a Nocturne egg or Night of the Nocturne Exclusive familiar to a member not doing so well this festival
December 28th
This time of year can be hectic and stressful, so please take a moment to be kind to yourself. Thus this is self care day 3! Remember to be kind to yourself, you've all done such wonderful things for others this past month <3
December 29th
Have some fun with others and participate in some lighthearted games and threads in the Forum Games section. You only need to participate in one if you'd like, otherwise the sky's the limit.
December 30th
Random Act of Kindness Day 2! Do something nice for someone! It's up to you what that is :D
December 31st
Give someone a gene/breed change scroll or an egg. This is designed to be the hardest challenge, seeing as it's at the end of the list. So be sure to save up ahead of time! Otherwise if you don't feel like you can make this a reality you can just gift a 'high-end' item instead!