
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | [WC] Secrets of the Deep - Wavecrest Hub
[center][img][/img][/center] [size=3]One of those trident-wielding Guardians calls everybody in your tour group over. It looks like he has an announcement to make. "Friends from other flights, I must tell you the truth: leviathans and horrors from the Midnight Zone have broken through our protective barrier and are invading our waters. We may have beaten back one last week, but there are hundreds more to take Yogthag's place. Our last remaining prophecy bubbles are tainted from their influence. And our deity is missing. Water is on our last legs. We need your help." This starts a great rumbling in the crowd. Some seem to think he's joking. Others are worried about how they're going to get home. Finally, someone calls out, "You mean, you've been lying to us?!" The Guardian hardly misses a beat. "No, we were[i] omitting the truth[/i]. Now, listen to me!" [columns][center][url=][img][/img][/url] [color=transparent]they arrive they arrive they arrive[/color] [color=559FB0]Events[/color] [nextcol] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [color=transparent]they arrive they arrive they arrive[/color] [color=7AB8A6]Extras[/color] [nextcol] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [color=transparent]they arrive they arrive they arrive[/color] [color=376A92]Credits[/color] [nextcol] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [color=transparent]they arrive they arrive they arrive[/color] [color=274F81]Pinglist[/color][nextcol][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center]
One of those trident-wielding Guardians calls everybody in your tour group over. It looks like he has an announcement to make.
"Friends from other flights, I must tell you the truth: leviathans and horrors from the Midnight Zone have broken through our protective barrier and are invading our waters. We may have beaten back one last week, but there are hundreds more to take Yogthag's place. Our last remaining prophecy bubbles are tainted from their influence. And our deity is missing. Water is on our last legs. We need your help."
This starts a great rumbling in the crowd. Some seem to think he's joking. Others are worried about how they're going to get home. Finally, someone calls out, "You mean, you've been lying to us?!"
The Guardian hardly misses a beat.
"No, we were omitting the truth. Now, listen to me!"

they arrive they arrive they arrive
they arrive they arrive they arrive
they arrive they arrive they arrive
they arrive they arrive they arrive
[center][img][/img][/center] [size=2]Living as they do in the Sea, Water dragons are vertical creatures. In addition to dividing their region into flat territories like most other flights, they also divide it into four Zones that denote how much light filters down through the waves. As your Submarine descends, your guide lists them for you: the bright Surface, the colorful Sunlight Zone, the mysterious Twilight Zone, and... And what, you ask? And the Midnight Zone. They do not elaborate.[/size] [color=transparent]if they did t heir mi nds w ould per is h ! !?! ![/color] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][size=5][color=559FB0][i]T H E[/color] [color=transparent]?h?[/color] [color=559FB0] [i] S U R F A C E[/color][/center][/size][/i][size=2]Home to most of Water's non-native residents, the Surface is a haven of travel and commerce. Its beaches attract vacationers from the nearby Wastes and Ruins, and its coastal towns are friendly and welcoming. The sand sparkles in the sun. [center][color=transparent]the day is the antithesis to the night it must drown[/color][/center][/size] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=][img],/romkugle-demo.regular.png[/img][/center][/url] [center][color=559FB0][size=2]The Out-of-Flight Raffle! Win raffle tickets through participating in events! Non-Water only.[/color][/center] [center][item=crimson wing silks][item=vista: swan lake][item=spare inventory crate][item=driftwood baron][item=unhatched fire egg][/center] The mood at the raffle grounds is subdued, although the actual raffle seems bigger than ever. You wonder if perhaps most of the celebrating is taking place underwater. Or it's because the Marriage of the Sea is canceled (for reasons only vaguely explained). Or it's just the natural byproduct of the Tidelord going missing. Or– a dragon steps up to a podium. [i]"Darkness can never be eliminated, only contained..."[/i]– or... it's something else...? [center][url=][img],/romkugle-demo.regular.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][color=559FB0][size=2]The In-Flight Raffle! Win tickets by participating in events! Water Flighters only.[/color][/center] [center][item=overcharged silverbeast][item=breed change: wildclaw][item=water sprite][item=golden seraph jewelry][item=unhatched water egg][/center] The Water flight is notoriously secretive, but the security on their private raffle this year is really something else. Bulky, trident-wielding Guardians patrol the perimeter of the raffle site. One of them stops your attempt to peek inside with a healthy glare. "No [i]foreigners[/i]. We don't want your type... stealing prizes. Because we... have really good prizes this year. [i]Really good[/i] prizes. And nothing else. So push off!" [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][color=559FB0][size=2]Read letters from dragons exalted from the Tidelord! [b]Open.[/b][/color][/center] The Tidelord's exalts are put into service in many traditional ways, from warding off Beastclan incursions to sorting and delivering prophecy bubbles. The strongest and most fearless have another duty, too; a duty they will not disclose, and a duty that only rarely comes about. It is coming about in a way that few could have imagined. But they still have time to write... [center] [img][/img][/center] [center][size=5][color=7AB8A6][i]T H E [/color][color=transparent]?e?[/color] [color=7AB8A6] [i] S U N L I G H T[/color] [color=transparent]?l?[/color] [color=7AB8A6] [i]Z O N E [/color][/center][/size] [/i][size=2]The crystal-clear waters of the Sunlight Zone are perfect for coral and tropical fish alike, spawning stunning reefs that for many dragons are the hallmark of the Sea. The beauty and safety of this Zone leads many young families to make their homes among its sandbars and shoals. [center][color=transparent]the coral is made of the bones of your family[/color][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][color=7AB8A6][size=2]Purchase a new pastry every day for a chance to win! [b]Open.[/b] Open to all flights.[/color][/center] The Water Flight is not particularly known for its baking– the pastries tend to get a little soggy. Momma Kyuth is the exception. She's run her one-dragon operation for as long as anyone can remember, turning out delicious treats like the classic Finnamon Roll. This year, she's holed up in the Fishspine Reef in the wreck of an abandoned Submarine, turning out special and suspiciously accurate fortune cookies! [center][url=][img],,/cienfuegos.ffp.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][color=7AB8A6][size=2]Dig deeper in the sands to find buried treasure! [b]Open![/b][/color][/size][/center] It's common for all manner of things to wash up on the shores of the Sea of One Thousand Currents. Locals often keep an eye out for beautiful shells and bits of seaglass, while visitors hope for caches of buried Maren treasure. The Deepsea Vagabonds and the Lights of the Abyss offer their services and expertise in digging for the most precious of treasures... for a reasonable fee. [color=transparent] th e y m a y n ot like what they find??[/color] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][color=7AB8A6][size=2]Submit your dressed-up dragon for a chance to play a role in an epic adventure! [b]Open![/b] Open to all flights.[/color][/center] It's an ill-kept secret in the Sea that scrying is a lot harder than it used to be. The Tidelord no longer whispers his visions of the future, and the surviving prophecy bubbles are... wrong. Infighting and malcontent ride the undercurrents of the deep and threaten to destroy the Sea if things go further. It will take a band of appropriately-dressed heroes to put things to rights! [center] [img][/img][/center] [center][size=5][color=325D7E][i]T H E [/color][color=transparent]?p?[/color] [color=325D7E] [i] T W I L I G H T[/color] [color=transparent]?m?[/color] [color=325D7E] [i]Z O N E [/color][/center][/size] [/i][size=2] The dimly-lit waters of the Twilight Zone are where prophecy is strongest. It is here where aspiring oracles move to hone their skills, and here where the elders of the Sea hold council. Carry a light with you always, just in case. [center][color=transparent]deep deep deep deep deep deep azure CRUSHES[/color][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][color=325D7E][size=2]Learn your future on a Submarine excursion and win prizes in the process! Or discover your real-life fortune from one of Water's talented mystics. Paid + RL sections [b]open[/b] to all flights.[/color][/center] There are no longer a lot of functioning 'Submarines', the results of a long-forgotten collaboration between Water and Lightning clans. Hulking machines that can withstand huge pressures and magical forces alike, they are typically put under close guard for fear of the technology being copied. The Leviathan VI is the behemoth that will be taking most visitors underwater this Wavecrest week; it's functional but not welcoming. The Sardine is docked in the Levitos port, barely seaworthy (but don't tell that to the line of dragons outside). Only the chrome AnchorBreak Mark III looks like something you would want to pay for... and, given by the ticket prices, you are not alone in thinking this. It's worth it, though, for a chance to venture down to the place where Water magic is strongest and get your fortune told! [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][color=325D7E][size=2]Write your own horrifying or not-so-horrifying Water creature! [b]Closed.[/b] Open to Water and non-Water members.[/color][/center] Levitos is host to the Royal Cryptozoological Society, a small organization holed up in a even smaller office. It purports to study the 'cryptozooids' of the Leviathan Trench, better known as beasts, abominations, or, well, leviathans, although it has sub-branches for the unusual fauna of the other Water regions. The Society is recruiting this Saturnalia, and is seeking written descriptions of newly-observed creatures... for the promise of a good sum in return, of course! [center] [img][/img][/center] [center][size=5][color=132236][i]T H E [/color][color=transparent]?e?[/color] [color=132236] [i] M I D N I G H T[/color] [color=transparent]?!?[/color] [color=132236] [i]Z O N E [/color][/center][/size] [/i][size=2]Deeper than the silty seabed, deeper than even the Spiral Keep, where no light enters or dares to enter... that is the Midnight Zone. No dragons live there, or could possibly live there; the darkness would crush your mind, body, and spirit alike. What does live there? What lurks in the depths? Nobody knows, or is telling. [center][color=transparent]H????O???M?????E????? ?????H???O??M?E?? ?????H????O?????M????E??? ????H??O??M????E??? ???H???O???M????E???? ?H???O????M????E? ??H???O????M????E??[/color][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=][img],,/youmurderer-bb.regular.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][color=132236][size=2]Send in dragons to do battle with a terrible monster and win exclusive badges! [b]Closed.[/b] Non-Water flighters only. [/color][/center] In the deepest recesses of the Sea lies a very old and very powerful barrier. Nothing can possibly get in, and absolutely nothing can possibly get out. ...Or so goes the official story. Wise dragons know that absolutes are for the foolish and foolhardy. Wise dragons know that things do get out. Things with many teeth, and many eyes, and many voices. Things that rival the [i]Tidelord[/i]. Something has escaped. The timing is pure coincidence, assure the festival runners. It happens occasionally. It would rather help if you sent your strongest warriors to do battle with it. The more, the better. Don't worry too much about it. [center][url=][img],,/youmurderer-bb.regular.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][color=132236][size=2]Play a game of intrigue and insanity! Closed, but feel free to join as a spectator or replacement![/color][/center] A soggy poster clings to a nearby Levitan lamppost, seemingly having just survived the rise to the surface. You almost don't give it a second glance, but the verbiage catches your eye: " A BRUSH WITH MADNESS: JOURNEY to the LEVIATHAN TRENCH. UNCOVER the SECRETS of the ANCIENTS. EXPEDITION BEGINNING WAVECREST WEEK. INQUIRE with ECHO for DETAILS." Underneath is a crude drawing of a silver Submarine and a waving blue Coatl. ...Sounds educational! [center][url=][img][/img][/center][/url] [center][color=132236][size=2]Roleplay and solve puzzles to rescue a mysterious dragon! [b]Open![/b] Water members only.[/color][/center] Weeks after the silencing of Tidelord's prophecies, a mysterious voice rings forth in the dreams of many a sleeping Water dragon. Coming from the depths, it asks for help and promises rich treasures to whoever saves it. Some fear a trick, but just as many cling to the vision as a sign of hope that the ocean will speak once more. Will you be brave enough to face what might lie beneath the waves? [color=transparent]Tidelord save us. Tidelord is dead. We cannot be saved.[/color]
Living as they do in the Sea, Water dragons are vertical creatures. In addition to dividing their region into flat territories like most other flights, they also divide it into four Zones that denote how much light filters down through the waves. As your Submarine descends, your guide lists them for you: the bright Surface, the colorful Sunlight Zone, the mysterious Twilight Zone, and...
And what, you ask?
And the Midnight Zone. They do not elaborate.
if they did t heir mi nds w ould per is h ! !?! !
T H E ?h? S U R F A C E
Home to most of Water's non-native residents, the Surface is a haven of travel and commerce. Its beaches attract vacationers from the nearby Wastes and Ruins, and its coastal towns are friendly and welcoming. The sand sparkles in the sun.
the day is the antithesis to the night it must drown

The Out-of-Flight Raffle! Win raffle tickets through participating in events! Non-Water only.
Crimson Wing Silks Vista: Swan Lake Spare Inventory Crate Driftwood Baron Unhatched Fire Egg
The mood at the raffle grounds is subdued, although the actual raffle seems bigger than ever. You wonder if perhaps most of the celebrating is taking place underwater. Or it's because the Marriage of the Sea is canceled (for reasons only vaguely explained). Or it's just the natural byproduct of the Tidelord going missing. Or– a dragon steps up to a podium. "Darkness can never be eliminated, only contained..."– or... it's something else...?
The In-Flight Raffle! Win tickets by participating in events! Water Flighters only.
Overcharged Silverbeast Breed Change: Wildclaw Water Sprite Golden Seraph Jewelry Unhatched Water Egg
The Water flight is notoriously secretive, but the security on their private raffle this year is really something else. Bulky, trident-wielding Guardians patrol the perimeter of the raffle site.
One of them stops your attempt to peek inside with a healthy glare.
"No foreigners. We don't want your type... stealing prizes. Because we... have really good prizes this year. Really good prizes. And nothing else. So push off!"
Read letters from dragons exalted from the Tidelord! Open.
The Tidelord's exalts are put into service in many traditional ways, from warding off Beastclan incursions to sorting and delivering prophecy bubbles. The strongest and most fearless have another duty, too; a duty they will not disclose, and a duty that only rarely comes about. It is coming about in a way that few could have imagined.
But they still have time to write...

T H E ?e? S U N L I G H T ?l? Z O N E
The crystal-clear waters of the Sunlight Zone are perfect for coral and tropical fish alike, spawning stunning reefs that for many dragons are the hallmark of the Sea. The beauty and safety of this Zone leads many young families to make their homes among its sandbars and shoals.
the coral is made of the bones of your family

Purchase a new pastry every day for a chance to win! Open. Open to all flights.
The Water Flight is not particularly known for its baking– the pastries tend to get a little soggy. Momma Kyuth is the exception. She's run her one-dragon operation for as long as anyone can remember, turning out delicious treats like the classic Finnamon Roll. This year, she's holed up in the Fishspine Reef in the wreck of an abandoned Submarine, turning out special and suspiciously accurate fortune cookies!
Dig deeper in the sands to find buried treasure! Open!
It's common for all manner of things to wash up on the shores of the Sea of One Thousand Currents. Locals often keep an eye out for beautiful shells and bits of seaglass, while visitors hope for caches of buried Maren treasure. The Deepsea Vagabonds and the Lights of the Abyss offer their services and expertise in digging for the most precious of treasures... for a reasonable fee. th e y m a y n ot like what they find??
Submit your dressed-up dragon for a chance to play a role in an epic adventure! Open! Open to all flights.
It's an ill-kept secret in the Sea that scrying is a lot harder than it used to be. The Tidelord no longer whispers his visions of the future, and the surviving prophecy bubbles are... wrong. Infighting and malcontent ride the undercurrents of the deep and threaten to destroy the Sea if things go further. It will take a band of appropriately-dressed heroes to put things to rights!

T H E ?p? T W I L I G H T ?m? Z O N E
The dimly-lit waters of the Twilight Zone are where prophecy is strongest. It is here where aspiring oracles move to hone their skills, and here where the elders of the Sea hold council. Carry a light with you always, just in case.
deep deep deep deep deep deep azure CRUSHES

Learn your future on a Submarine excursion and win prizes in the process! Or discover your real-life fortune from one of Water's talented mystics. Paid + RL sections open to all flights.
There are no longer a lot of functioning 'Submarines', the results of a long-forgotten collaboration between Water and Lightning clans. Hulking machines that can withstand huge pressures and magical forces alike, they are typically put under close guard for fear of the technology being copied. The Leviathan VI is the behemoth that will be taking most visitors underwater this Wavecrest week; it's functional but not welcoming. The Sardine is docked in the Levitos port, barely seaworthy (but don't tell that to the line of dragons outside). Only the chrome AnchorBreak Mark III looks like something you would want to pay for... and, given by the ticket prices, you are not alone in thinking this. It's worth it, though, for a chance to venture down to the place where Water magic is strongest and get your fortune told!
Write your own horrifying or not-so-horrifying Water creature! Closed. Open to Water and non-Water members.
Levitos is host to the Royal Cryptozoological Society, a small organization holed up in a even smaller office. It purports to study the 'cryptozooids' of the Leviathan Trench, better known as beasts, abominations, or, well, leviathans, although it has sub-branches for the unusual fauna of the other Water regions. The Society is recruiting this Saturnalia, and is seeking written descriptions of newly-observed creatures... for the promise of a good sum in return, of course!
T H E ?e? M I D N I G H T ?!? Z O N E
Deeper than the silty seabed, deeper than even the Spiral Keep, where no light enters or dares to enter... that is the Midnight Zone. No dragons live there, or could possibly live there; the darkness would crush your mind, body, and spirit alike. What does live there? What lurks in the depths? Nobody knows, or is telling.
H????O???M?????E????? ?????H???O??M?E?? ?????H????O?????M????E??? ????H??O??M????E??? ???H???O???M????E???? ?H???O????M????E? ??H???O????M????E??

Send in dragons to do battle with a terrible monster and win exclusive badges! Closed. Non-Water flighters only.
In the deepest recesses of the Sea lies a very old and very powerful barrier. Nothing can possibly get in, and absolutely nothing can possibly get out.
...Or so goes the official story.
Wise dragons know that absolutes are for the foolish and foolhardy. Wise dragons know that things do get out. Things with many teeth, and many eyes, and many voices. Things that rival the Tidelord.
Something has escaped. The timing is pure coincidence, assure the festival runners. It happens occasionally. It would rather help if you sent your strongest warriors to do battle with it. The more, the better. Don't worry too much about it.
Play a game of intrigue and insanity! Closed, but feel free to join as a spectator or replacement!
A soggy poster clings to a nearby Levitan lamppost, seemingly having just survived the rise to the surface. You almost don't give it a second glance, but the verbiage catches your eye:
Underneath is a crude drawing of a silver Submarine and a waving blue Coatl.

...Sounds educational!
Roleplay and solve puzzles to rescue a mysterious dragon! Open! Water members only.
Weeks after the silencing of Tidelord's prophecies, a mysterious voice rings forth in the dreams of many a sleeping Water dragon. Coming from the depths, it asks for help and promises rich treasures to whoever saves it. Some fear a trick, but just as many cling to the vision as a sign of hope that the ocean will speak once more. Will you be brave enough to face what might lie beneath the waves?

Tidelord save us. Tidelord is dead. We cannot be saved.
[center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/center][/url] [center][color=60ACB5][size=2]Find mysterious coded messages in Wavecrest events and unravel them together! [/color][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/center][/url] [center][color=60ACB5][size=2]Read a daily-updated story of discovery and terror! React appropriately for a shot at a small prize. The story is completed, but you may still read it![/color][/center] [img][/img] [columns][img][/img][color=transparent] the walls are wrong[/color][nextcol][code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code][nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [columns][img][/img][color=transparent] the floor is wrong[/color][nextcol][code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code][nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [img][/img] [code][url=[img][/img][/url][/code] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [img][/img] [size=2]This one changes images every time the page is refreshed![/size] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code]
Find mysterious coded messages in Wavecrest events and unravel them together!
Read a daily-updated story of discovery and terror! React appropriately for a shot at a small prize. The story is completed, but you may still read it!


tvkp6E8.png the walls are wrong
Kx4vQxJ.png the floor is wrong













This one changes images every time the page is refreshed!
[center][img][/img][/center] First of all, a massive thank-you to all the people I'm not mentioning by name: donators, idea-havers, advice-givers, cheerleaders, and anyone who directly or indirectly contributed to the Wavecrest efforts! This could not be done without the combined hard work of dozens of dedicated users. You da real MVP. Thank you to @GryffonJoi, @Limelight, @Saraku, and @Jousama for hammering down the initial theme of "Deep Sea" all the way back in July! Thank you to @Bluedragon for creating all(!!!) the amazing artwork featured in this hub thread, from banners to signatures, and thank you to @BandedLake for doing all(!!!) the wonderful graphics everywhere else! Thank you to the entire raffle crew, including (but probably not limited to) @Omiki, @Vauvenal, @Boundingfeather, @illimati, @brit, @Snowbelle, and @GryffonJoi, for putting together two fantastic and thematic raffles! Thank you to @tigressRising, @dracocharky, @Vauvenal, @brit, @Stanari, @nemodave, and @Mudy, who have all put together awesome events you should go sign up for right now! Thank you to @Tidelord, wherever you are! Please come back... [color=transparent]help...[/color]

First of all, a massive thank-you to all the people I'm not mentioning by name: donators, idea-havers, advice-givers, cheerleaders, and anyone who directly or indirectly contributed to the Wavecrest efforts! This could not be done without the combined hard work of dozens of dedicated users. You da real MVP.

Thank you to @GryffonJoi, @Limelight, @Saraku, and @Jousama for hammering down the initial theme of "Deep Sea" all the way back in July!

Thank you to @Bluedragon for creating all(!!!) the amazing artwork featured in this hub thread, from banners to signatures, and thank you to @BandedLake for doing all(!!!) the wonderful graphics everywhere else!

Thank you to the entire raffle crew, including (but probably not limited to) @Omiki, @Vauvenal, @Boundingfeather, @illimati, @brit, @Snowbelle, and @GryffonJoi, for putting together two fantastic and thematic raffles!

Thank you to @tigressRising, @dracocharky, @Vauvenal, @brit, @Stanari, @nemodave, and @Mudy, who have all put together awesome events you should go sign up for right now!

Thank you to @Tidelord, wherever you are! Please come back... help...

[center][img][/img][/center] Please ping me (@Kalideoscope) if you would like to be added to a pinglist for events opening! [quote]All Events: @PoppyPoptart, @Hexingisfun @Katsuokai @Syceris @Deladria @Espoir @Disillusionist @Argante @chatoyant @browncoatparadox @DazzlingSnek @TheWhiteTigerGod @Selah @Leopardmask @Nocturnisthedark @Spiderbee @queenmedosozoa @SariStar @KairinRose @catgame21234 @argylion @ThisOneIsBlue @MissKittypants @Elisse @Cheshly @Fallenarrow @NickyJade156 @ArcyN @Kaimon @Lightningwind @Gravebloom @icetail0912 @timetot @Taiyou @Maltshakes @Stellatrix13 @Univorn @felistopaz @fuwafuwa @SilentRiver @Eialyne @TwilightStars @Sylphiette @dividedAnimus @Canisia @Scatterspark[/quote] [color=transparent]in the dark there is no light THERE IS NO LIGHT THERE IS NO LIGHT THERE IS NO LIGHT I????T???????????H????????????E???????????R???????E???????????? ???????????????I??????????????S???????? ????????????????N???????????O????????????? ?????????????????L???????I?????????G??????????????H????????T?????????[/color]
Please ping me (@Kalideoscope) if you would like to be added to a pinglist for events opening!
in the dark there is no light THERE IS NO LIGHT THERE IS NO LIGHT THERE IS NO LIGHT I????T???????????H????????????E???????????R???????E???????????? ???????????????I??????????????S???????? ????????????????N???????????O????????????? ?????????????????L???????I?????????G??????????????H????????T?????????

As you prepare to enter the submarine, an extraordinarily large Guardian stops you.

"Hello! I regret to inform you that you are embarking on an extraordinarily dangerous voyage to fight some horrors that are probably from another dimension. Have a nice trip!"
There is a look of cheer in his eyes.

Currently Open:

OOF Raffle (event tickets)
IF Raffle (event tickets)
Dangerous Depths
Dreamrescue Dive [pregame]
Madness Mayhem Mafia (spectating and replacing)
Corrupted Prophecies
Secrets of the Depths
Momma Kyuth's Fortune Cookies
Tidepool Scavenging
Letters from the Exalts
As you prepare to enter the submarine, an extraordinarily large Guardian stops you.

"Hello! I regret to inform you that you are embarking on an extraordinarily dangerous voyage to fight some horrors that are probably from another dimension. Have a nice trip!"
There is a look of cheer in his eyes.

Currently Open:

OOF Raffle (event tickets)
IF Raffle (event tickets)
Dangerous Depths
Dreamrescue Dive [pregame]
Madness Mayhem Mafia (spectating and replacing)
Corrupted Prophecies
Secrets of the Depths
Momma Kyuth's Fortune Cookies
Tidepool Scavenging
Letters from the Exalts
[center][img][/img] [/center]
[center] [img][/img]

@Kalideoscope I'm so excited for this!! :D Can you add me to the pinglist?
@Kalideoscope I'm so excited for this!! :D Can you add me to the pinglist?
Gastrodon_unova_front.gif Poppy
+0 FR time
Of course!

9 months later, still want a ping? ;D
Of course!

9 months later, still want a ping? ;D