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TOPIC | Your Dragon's Opinion on the One Above
@Sleepyleo [url=][img][/img][/url] Vehemence beheld the spiral in her view; while her glazed eyes seemed to unveil nothing, her mouth curled into a toxic snarl. She had never seen so much purple in her life, and perhaps that made her uneasy- along with the spiral's mischievous frivolity. [b]"Trickster,"[/b] she hissed, [b]"you have nothing better to do than play your fool's errands, while the world crumbles around you." [/b] For whatever reason, she did not elaborate on what she meant. [b]"You are a creature with great potential. I can see it. You can aspire to be so much better than a shadow-jester."[/b] As she said this, something seemed to move behind her eyes. For a few seconds, she fell silent again, before lowering her head- her skewer-like horns pointing towards the spiral. [b]"In two days, you going to lose one of those cards, by the way. Keep a closer eye on it, and this will not happen."[/b] Despite her deadpan voice, her previous statements made this warning seem like a mockery. Somehow, despite the banescale not specifying, the spiral knew exactly which card she meant. Strange...


Vehemence beheld the spiral in her view; while her glazed eyes seemed to unveil nothing, her mouth curled into a toxic snarl. She had never seen so much purple in her life, and perhaps that made her uneasy- along with the spiral's mischievous frivolity.

"Trickster," she hissed, "you have nothing better to do than play your fool's errands, while the world crumbles around you." For whatever reason, she did not elaborate on what she meant. "You are a creature with great potential. I can see it. You can aspire to be so much better than a shadow-jester." As she said this, something seemed to move behind her eyes.

For a few seconds, she fell silent again, before lowering her head- her skewer-like horns pointing towards the spiral. "In two days, you going to lose one of those cards, by the way. Keep a closer eye on it, and this will not happen." Despite her deadpan voice, her previous statements made this warning seem like a mockery.

Somehow, despite the banescale not specifying, the spiral knew exactly which card she meant. Strange...

@MandiblesInferno [url=][img][/img][/url] "Im gusseing your a fortune teller are you not? In that case there's no point in telling my future. I already know it's something horrible."


"Im gusseing your a fortune teller are you not? In that case there's no point in telling my future. I already know it's something horrible."
My art shop:

@reilybug [url=][img][/img][/url] “Oh you’re someone who’s been through a lot I can tell.” His head tilted.”Well something good is bound to happen eventually! It just takes longer for some than others. Until then if you need a refreshment let me know! OH you’re someone who strikes me as the kind to like cinnamon!”


“Oh you’re someone who’s been through a lot I can tell.” His head tilted.”Well something good is bound to happen eventually! It just takes longer for some than others. Until then if you need a refreshment let me know! OH you’re someone who strikes me as the kind to like cinnamon!”
@Awwfur [url=][img][/img][/url] The Ludovician stretched its shark-like jaws before looking down at the small fae and his assortment of baked goods. "The Ludovician Sees you are new to World, and you are sweet and kind, as many things new to the World are; you have not seen the threads that hold the Cruel World together being pulled by hands on the other end by an unseen thread. The Ludovician Sees those, yes? It sees those, and it says, 'I like Cinnamon.'" To clear up any confusion caused by unclear speech, The Ludovician said again. "I like Cinnamon buns."
The Ludovician stretched its shark-like jaws before looking down at the small fae and his assortment of baked goods.
"The Ludovician Sees you are new to World, and you are sweet and kind, as many things new to the World are; you have not seen the threads that hold the Cruel World together being pulled by hands on the other end by an unseen thread. The Ludovician Sees those, yes? It sees those, and it says, 'I like Cinnamon.'"
To clear up any confusion caused by unclear speech, The Ludovician said again. "I like Cinnamon buns."
>friendly/open to chat! I love pings and messages
>About me
@Strangeflesh The Grouse explored the area with a soft step, clanking his clothes loudly. He maneuvered confidently among strangers until suddenly he bumped into someone. "I apologize to you," said the Grouse, slightly frightened. An aura unfamiliar to him emanated from the dragon, which for some reason he did not notice. At the same time, a strange familiar feeling visited the Skydancer. "Your eyes are closed as well as mine," the Grouse finally noticed in a calm, even tone and the tips of its wings fluttered "Does this mean that you see what I see?" The stranger did not answer, but words are not needed. Grouse nodded respectfully, understanding everything. The spirits whispered in the presence of a stranger. Skydancer disappeared into the crowd, not turning around, but remembering the feeling that overtook him when he met that dragon. [url=][img][/img][/url]

The Grouse explored the area with a soft step, clanking his clothes loudly. He maneuvered confidently among strangers until suddenly he bumped into someone.
"I apologize to you," said the Grouse, slightly frightened. An aura unfamiliar to him emanated from the dragon, which for some reason he did not notice. At the same time, a strange familiar feeling visited the Skydancer.
"Your eyes are closed as well as mine," the Grouse finally noticed in a calm, even tone and the tips of its wings fluttered
"Does this mean that you see what I see?"
The stranger did not answer, but words are not needed. Grouse nodded respectfully, understanding everything. The spirits whispered in the presence of a stranger. Skydancer disappeared into the crowd, not turning around, but remembering the feeling that overtook him when he met that dragon.

I think I'm getting too attached to these color pictures..
@Mamr [url=][img][/img][/url] "Is that...ANOTHER fortune telling deck!? Oooooh another fortune teller, then! Maybe? Yes? No? Do the Eleven lie to you like they do to me? I hope they aren't picking favorites! Maybe I just need to dress fancier like you do! Haha, yes! That must be it! Thank you, kind and wonderful dragon!"


"Is that...ANOTHER fortune telling deck!? Oooooh another fortune teller, then! Maybe? Yes? No? Do the Eleven lie to you like they do to me? I hope they aren't picking favorites! Maybe I just need to dress fancier like you do! Haha, yes! That must be it! Thank you, kind and wonderful dragon!"
Clara the Blaziken, She/Her, 2+ Fr time, Professional Idiot :))))
@ClaratheBlaziken (OOC: I loved Aldebaran's little tangent, he is hilarious!!) [center][url=][img][/img][/url] Seriadne had forgotten himself in his contemplative roam. But his ears pricked up at a cacophony of different voices, and his eyes panned over to investigate the source of the sounds. A large inter-flight gathering of dragons generally means three things: war, commerce, or a festival. The vocalizations of the dragons were not caterwauls of conflict, and there were no holidays taking place that Seriadne was aware of, so he had to guess there was some sort of transactional exchange taking place. Works for him. Seriadne had been looking to purchase manuscripts to busy himself with under a tangle of overgrown roots- really, it was much of the reason he moved across Sornieth to the Viridian Labyrinth-- that, and escaping the technicolor shrapnel and his squandered scholarly history in the Arcane lands. He shook his maned head in dismissal of old frustrations. [i]Nevermind that, now.[/i] Swallowing the emergent lump in his throat, Seriadne limped towards the gathering, with his wings tucked in and his head low. He was large enough to be noticed and flaxen enough to never blend in to the environments he found himself in, but that never stopped him from trying to de-materialize before. He tilted his head up to peer at the first dragon he'd seen- a darkly colored spiral with garish attire and a nicely minted deck of cards. It seems like he had been chattering to himself in the vicinity to extravagantly dressed dragons, some with similarly peculiar decks revolving around their respective forms. [i]Is this a collector's convention?[/i] Seriadne thought with a thrill, but receded further into himself at the mention of fortune telling. The spiral went on to mention his imaginary partnership with the Eleven, and somehow he'd ended up answering all of his own questions in his orated stream of consciousness. [i]What a nutjob.[/i] Seriadne scowled to himself, and turned away to look for someone who's [i]not[/i] completely and utterly obnoxious.[/center]
@ClaratheBlaziken (OOC: I loved Aldebaran's little tangent, he is hilarious!!)

Seriadne had forgotten himself in his contemplative roam. But his ears pricked up at a cacophony of different voices, and his eyes panned over to investigate the source of the sounds. A large inter-flight gathering of dragons generally means three things: war, commerce, or a festival. The vocalizations of the dragons were not caterwauls of conflict, and there were no holidays taking place that Seriadne was aware of, so he had to guess there was some sort of transactional exchange taking place. Works for him. Seriadne had been looking to purchase manuscripts to busy himself with under a tangle of overgrown roots- really, it was much of the reason he moved across Sornieth to the Viridian Labyrinth-- that, and escaping the technicolor shrapnel and his squandered scholarly history in the Arcane lands. He shook his maned head in dismissal of old frustrations. Nevermind that, now.

Swallowing the emergent lump in his throat, Seriadne limped towards the gathering, with his wings tucked in and his head low. He was large enough to be noticed and flaxen enough to never blend in to the environments he found himself in, but that never stopped him from trying to de-materialize before. He tilted his head up to peer at the first dragon he'd seen- a darkly colored spiral with garish attire and a nicely minted deck of cards. It seems like he had been chattering to himself in the vicinity to extravagantly dressed dragons, some with similarly peculiar decks revolving around their respective forms. Is this a collector's convention? Seriadne thought with a thrill, but receded further into himself at the mention of fortune telling. The spiral went on to mention his imaginary partnership with the Eleven, and somehow he'd ended up answering all of his own questions in his orated stream of consciousness.

What a nutjob. Seriadne scowled to himself, and turned away to look for someone who's not completely and utterly obnoxious.
@TheVillainsCat [url=][img][/img][/url] The little Mirror vixen looked up at the the cream colored Obelisk. Her tail flicked as she glared at him, carefully studying him. Eventually, she raised up on her hind legs, flaring her crest and spreading her wings, as this was the dominant stance of a Mirror. "You! Obelisk!" She was quite loud, and somewhat commanding. The nature dragon was trying to seem assertive. She wanted to [i]make sure[/i] that Seriadne was listening. "I am Windstone, leader of the great Hurricane Clan! What is your status? Are you a warrior, a healer, a sort of spy?" She furrowed her eyebrows, judging the arcane dragon greatly. After a while, Windstone relaxed a bit, closed her wings, and sat down. "Hmm... You seem to be an ordinary archivist, and you seem rather harmless... Well, then. You are no threat." Windstone's tail stopped waving, and her facial features relaxed. Suddenly, she stood up on two legs, looking straight into Seriadne's eyes. "I will spare you for now, archivist. However! If you prove yourself to be a danger, I will not hesitate to attack." The Mirror puffed out her chest, satisfied that she has made her point.
The little Mirror vixen looked up at the the cream colored Obelisk. Her tail flicked as she glared at him, carefully studying him. Eventually, she raised up on her hind legs, flaring her crest and spreading her wings, as this was the dominant stance of a Mirror.

"You! Obelisk!"

She was quite loud, and somewhat commanding. The nature dragon was trying to seem assertive. She wanted to make sure that Seriadne was listening.

"I am Windstone, leader of the great Hurricane Clan! What is your status? Are you a warrior, a healer, a sort of spy?"

She furrowed her eyebrows, judging the arcane dragon greatly. After a while, Windstone relaxed a bit, closed her wings, and sat down.

"Hmm... You seem to be an ordinary archivist, and you seem rather harmless... Well, then. You are no threat."

Windstone's tail stopped waving, and her facial features relaxed. Suddenly, she stood up on two legs, looking straight into Seriadne's eyes.

"I will spare you for now, archivist. However! If you prove yourself to be a danger, I will not hesitate to attack."

The Mirror puffed out her chest, satisfied that she has made her point.
tumblr_ns64q3eNW71tm17oeo6_75sq.png *Holly
*She/Her, They/Them
*Avatar Dragon
@SpiritCritter838 [url=][img][/img][/url] "What are you going on about?" asked a chocolate-brown Bogsneak from his comfortable spot in the shade. His warm eyes were enough to put most dragons at ease, as were his slow but sure words. As he spoke, he dipped his head politely to the strange Mirror- unusually small, but more noticeably [i]desperate[/i] to be respected. "He didn't challenge you, you know. No need to go out looking for conflict when it'll find you regardless- why rile up more tempers?"


"What are you going on about?" asked a chocolate-brown Bogsneak from his comfortable spot in the shade. His warm eyes were enough to put most dragons at ease, as were his slow but sure words. As he spoke, he dipped his head politely to the strange Mirror- unusually small, but more noticeably desperate to be respected. "He didn't challenge you, you know. No need to go out looking for conflict when it'll find you regardless- why rile up more tempers?"

@caelafireheart “WOOh!! Someone’s a mediator here, good on yo-u man~” A rather scruffy Aether enthusiastically elbowed the bog, he hummed to a beat you couldn’t quite understand, stumbling about before falling back with a loud *thwak* … Did he knock himself out? [url=][img][/img][/url]
“WOOh!! Someone’s a mediator here, good on yo-u man~” A rather scruffy Aether enthusiastically elbowed the bog, he hummed to a beat you couldn’t quite understand, stumbling about before falling back with a loud *thwak*

Did he knock himself out?
