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TOPIC | [RoR] Glowing Guise Discussion OVER

Why are you voting for me?

Why are you voting for me?
__KcGbFDF.png__ __ftsPxVm.png
Everyone is finding me scummy oh well.
Still don't think Heron is scum
Considering Nikki/SmashedFish scumteam
Everyone is finding me scummy oh well.
Still don't think Heron is scum
Considering Nikki/SmashedFish scumteam
|| D A W N
» she/they
» fr+15
‘ A folded paper moon
-like I’m wandering in-between ’

I'd really like someone to make an actual case on Dawn aside from "yeah but the rolefishing tho". I'd like to avoid what I'm afraid will end up the way Marut's did where everyone insisted there was a good case for it but nobody actually offered one and then you lynched a townie who didn't even have a case.
I'd really like someone to make an actual case on Dawn aside from "yeah but the rolefishing tho". I'd like to avoid what I'm afraid will end up the way Marut's did where everyone insisted there was a good case for it but nobody actually offered one and then you lynched a townie who didn't even have a case.
n0vnSpk.png 3bMwIy2.png
[quote name="Cheshly" date=2017-10-22 15:35:53] Unpopular opinion, [b]I'm not interested in a Silver lynch[/b]. I'm interested in a Heron, Dawn, Leremis, or SmashedFish lynch. [/quote] @Cheshly, do you have a towncase on Silver handy?
Cheshly wrote on 2017-10-22:
Unpopular opinion, I'm not interested in a Silver lynch. I'm interested in a Heron, Dawn, Leremis, or SmashedFish lynch.

@Cheshly, do you have a towncase on Silver handy?
n0vnSpk.png 3bMwIy2.png
@NekoNikki iso [quote name="NekoNikki" date=2017-10-16 20:05:56] [quote name="@ LordMeikai" date=2017-10-16 19:57:55] //Stance on Day 1 lynch?// Stalling gives maf a free kill. It kinda always sucks to take a wild guess but if we don't get a ball rolling we'll be sitting ducks lol. [/quote] Just to clarify that I understand this correctly, you're saying you'd rather random lynch than no lynch, right? Can I ask why if I'm getting that right? [s]For the record I'm clarifying now I'm not saying this as a "let's not lynch at all thing" I'm very against not lynching D1, I just always believe there's somebody at least slightly suspicious to go for and if there really is nothing there's always a way to pick that's got at least some informative value that's not just "We don't know who to kill, just kill NekoNikki because why not."[/s] [/quote] Good post fairly early on. I’ll note that she’s experienced with the game and could make this from scum, though. [quote name="NekoNikki" date=2017-10-16 20:30:13] @ LordMeikai No worries, I'm not asking you to change your opinion, it's just something I wanted to know about because "Random lynch is better than no lynch" isn't a mindset I've seen often. ^^ [/quote] Follow through to that; perspective [quote name="NekoNikki" date=2017-10-17 07:33:50] @ Cheshly Honestly, I wouldn't necessarily assume a connection between Tangle and Heron. I don't think any mafioso would do a move like that. There's no point to throwing a cohort under a bus unless you're using it to avoid suspicion and when not only is it a move that made people a little suspicious, but it's a move that would get one of your cohorts lynched, it's an unstrategenic move. It's a possibility, but at least to me I think if Heron flips scum it proves Tangle innocent. If you think about it, attracting the attention to Tangle could be a kind of strategy to get the town to lynch a townie after her death, so something beneficial to the mafia still occurs even though they're down a number. That's my thoughts on it anyways, I also just woke up so it might be phrased very badly. [/quote] Fair point. Reads as “dissolving easy mislynch”. [quote][url=]reads and theories[/url][/quote] Overall good stuff. Nikki’s definitely experienced, regardless of alignment. I’m leaning town by this point. [quote name="NekoNikki" date=2017-10-18 19:48:18]That being said, even if somebody is very townie, on D2 we still don't have enough information to go and say "Conf town". We all noticed what Ler did, you didn't have to point it out because all of us are reading the same day thread. And if people did miss it well...they're either not reading back or they're kinda blind, and honestly saying that somebody's conf town doesn't really do much of that anyways. [/quote] To me, regarding me calling Lere conftown. This stood out to me as mildly odd at the time, but I don’t think Nikki is intentionally suppressing info here. Still noting it, though. [quote name="NekoNikki" date=2017-10-19 19:19:11] Ugh, I should remember better than to take a day away from the internet when mafia games are happening. Anyways, looking back on the thread, I think I'd feel most comfortable with a Marut lynch just because of their behavior, but that resigned post is kinda??? Granted, I've been taking a class on lying (not in so many words) and relenting isn't typically a thing innocents do, but the post actually reads like a townie giving up, and I don't like that, it makes me nervous about the lynch. I don't think we should just not lynch though. I don't like the idea of giving the maf a free kill like that. So I'm going to place a vote on Marut for now, but I've seen lynches redirect in literally two minutes before days end before, so I'm open to discussion on who might be a good idea to lynch. So long as enough people are on we'd be able to change target if we find a better subject. [/quote] She townread Marut, voted for them, then said she’s open to retarget. I’d be more fine with this if I wasn’t reading it as “well this is a mislynch but we can do it unless someone has a better idea”- I’d preferred to have seen a better candidate offered. [quote name="NekoNikki" date=2017-10-19 19:47:07] @ LordMeikei I saw that too earlier, and I went to look to see if there was even a post about it: [quote name="Starsoul" date=2017-10-18 10:56:42] So even though I haven't been that active (sorry again!) I did go and look back at many of the posts made, particularly ones that seemed to have raised suspicion. So far, what I can tell is that it's pretty likely Marut is not a townie, and has many people suspecting them. Chelsy made a pretty good post about it, but I mostly want to look at this: [quote name="Marut" date=2017-10-16 06:33:30] Personal meta? (Your playstyle) Mostly quiet, unless I have something to say. I prefer to draw and act on my own conclusions,Are you happy with your role? Meh. [/quote] Now the part about their role has been brought up many times, so I'd like to focus on the more ignored part. They say their play style is quiet, and they don't really work with others to draw conclusions. Did they say that as to not draw attention to themselves, and do distance themselves more? That seems like something a mafia player might do, but idk-this is only my first time playing a mafia-styled game. Secondly, I'd like to look at the second part of the post. "Are you happy with your role? Meh." This could either mean that they are not happy because they didn't they a power role, or they are not happy with being mafia. Either way, it seems safe to say something seems off. Adding onto this, they said: [quote name="Marut" date=2017-10-18 09:43:59] Pretty sure I'm not allowed to comment more specifically on my role, so I won't but there are other reasons I might not be over the moon about my role, like Not Getting One. *(hint hint)* [/quote] This could be them either confirming they don't have a power role, or trying to convince everyone they aren't mafia when they are. Hopefully this makes up a bit for my lack of posts, please ping me with questions! [/quote] I believe this is the reasoning for why they voted for Marut. They haven't posted since, but at least there's a reason. [/quote] Nitpicky, but when’s “earlier”? Why didn’t she mention this sooner? [quote name="NekoNikki" date=2017-10-19 19:50:15] Also seeing as a Starsoul lynch is being mentioned, despite the fact that I just dug up that post, I'd be up for a Starsoul lynch as well. At worst they're an inactive townie not contributing to discussion, and considering the fact that all they did was make a single post, vote, and vanish, it's not the most townie behavior either. [/quote] Here, it’s “just dug up”. My paranoia wants to say mafia!Nikki was sitting on that post to push a mislynch later, but saw a chance and used it here.I don’t know for sure that I buy that, though. [quote name="NekoNikki" date=2017-10-21 19:32:56] So, assuming that our three choices to vote from are the ones who have votes, I will be voting for Marut, mostly because I believe Crystal is town after that mess from yesterday, and I'm still not entirely sure why Silver is up for lynch. (I've probably forgotten Heron's reasoning but @ Heronwing if you're on explain again.) Marut I know the reasoning for and to some extent, believe in it. That being said, Meikai lost most trust I had after the friending thing just because I think the idea of sussing somebody based on being friends with them is entirely ridiculous, so if people decided on lynching them, I'd be okay with that as well, but for now I'm placing the vote on Marut. [/quote] What happened between d2 and d3? [quote name="NekoNikki" date=2017-10-21 20:06:48] @ SmashedFish Some of Marut's opening post seemed very scummy. Their post on a Warrior lynch just before the lynch went through read as very off. Those were my reason for initially suspecting them. Now it's just a matter of "Of the targets we had available they were the one who seemed most scummy to me." On that note, I do remember some other reasons people were for or against a Marut lynch, including a lot of stuff discussed on D2 (when we almost lynched and then changed our minds last second) and the fact that it's possible a scan of Marut may have contributed to why Starsoul cast their vote. [/quote] Bad cases make the fish hurt on the inside- and again that’s to say nothing of the opinion switch. [quote name="NekoNikki" date=2017-10-21 22:30:43] @ LordMeikai Def true, we're the scummiest set of Fae out there. Xp I see your point with that, unfortunately it's probably just a bad coincidence, Marut happened to have the scummiest read D2 until the post that threw us all off and had us voting Starsoul, and as for D3's choice, they were the only person I thought was scummy up for lynch and I wasn't about to make any ties worse by nominating a fourth person to lynch. (Please excuse anything that might not make sense here. It's late over in EST and I've got a bit of a headache.) [/quote] [quote name="NekoNikki" date=2017-10-21 22:32:10] Wait they weren't the only, they were just the one up for lynch that I thought was most scummy. Ugh I can definitely type correctly. [/quote] Like, I get that opinions change, I do. I just don’t see any stated turning point or piece of definitive evidence here. All of a sudden, Marut goes from suspected townie up for mislynch, backed by what Nikki’s class is saying, to “the scummiest read D2”. [quote][url=]reads[/url][/quote] Some perspective in general. I don’t see a single case where Dawn’s lynch is “most beneficial”, tbh. She’s lurked all game, and is now under fire for one post which people are blowing up to hell and back- and, I suspect, misreading. No mafioso is going to just out and ask people to claim. This kind of situation gets frustrating to continuously watch. [quote name="NekoNikki" date=2017-10-23 11:48:05] Just a heads up for people, I have a Microbiology test tomorrow so I'm going to be spending a lot of tonight studying, expect infrequent and random posting mostly in response to pings until my classes are out tomorrow. (I will make sure I'm on during the last hour of the day though so I can cast a vote and discuss.) I'm also on for the next ten or so minutes. @ Cheshly 1) Dawnbreeze: In addition to being a little rolefishy, Dawnbreeze has been inactive, contributed little to the town, and constantly falls back on the excuse of being new to the game. I find in my experience the excuse of newbie only goes so far, especially when I know I've played several games with her already. (I can think of at least three off the top of my head, probably more if I look through my game history.) 2) Heronwing: Something about her has been pinging me off lately. I also don't like the sudden shift away from Silver now that she's been active and defending herself, it feels like she was going for somebody a little inactive who happened to be the first to suggest a mislynched townie, and then when she realized it wasn't going to be an easy mislynch, she backed off. Granted going after Ler, who up until today very few people had interest in going after is an interesting move, but it doesn't change my opinion on the whole Silver thing, especially since the only reason I even was interested in lynching her was for information on Heron and SmashedFish. SmashedFish: Our fishy little friend I do find a bit less suspicious than Heron and Dawn, but that isn't saying much. He's rubbed me wrong since D2 and unfortunately because of my test I don't have the time to look through the thread to see if he still does suspicious stuff, or is just tunneling, but I find the fact that he seemed to be agreeing with a lot of Heron's suspicions (minus the one on Ler, I don't think I've seen his commentary on that) a bit odd. It's possible the two of them are cohorts, hoping to steer the lynch wagon, or perhaps he just likes Heron's views a lot now. He'd also likely be an interesting lynch target. I could see how he lynches perhaps providing some information on Heron and Ler as well, since I think if he was scum they'd be his two most likely cohorts, but he is my least suspicious of the three, so take that as you will. [/quote] 1.Lurker lynch on day 4 is gross, please do not 2. Would like more info here, if possible 3. I still think Lere is very likely conftown. Coincidentally, I had no idea Heron shared my views. --- All this in mind, compared with the seemingly selective blindness towards SIlver, I almost want to call a Silver/Nikki/? scumteam likely. I still want to see Silver flip first, I think- but my lean isn’t overall town for Nikki. When you read this, could you give me the outline of your townlean on Silver?
@NekoNikki iso
NekoNikki wrote on 2017-10-16:
@ LordMeikai wrote on 2017-10-16:
//Stance on Day 1 lynch?//
Stalling gives maf a free kill. It kinda always sucks to take a wild guess but if we don't get a ball rolling we'll be sitting ducks lol.

Just to clarify that I understand this correctly, you're saying you'd rather random lynch than no lynch, right?

Can I ask why if I'm getting that right?

For the record I'm clarifying now I'm not saying this as a "let's not lynch at all thing" I'm very against not lynching D1, I just always believe there's somebody at least slightly suspicious to go for and if there really is nothing there's always a way to pick that's got at least some informative value that's not just "We don't know who to kill, just kill NekoNikki because why not."

Good post fairly early on. I’ll note that she’s experienced with the game and could make this from scum, though.
NekoNikki wrote on 2017-10-16:
@ LordMeikai

No worries, I'm not asking you to change your opinion, it's just something I wanted to know about because "Random lynch is better than no lynch" isn't a mindset I've seen often. ^^

Follow through to that; perspective
NekoNikki wrote on 2017-10-17:
@ Cheshly

Honestly, I wouldn't necessarily assume a connection between Tangle and Heron. I don't think any mafioso would do a move like that. There's no point to throwing a cohort under a bus unless you're using it to avoid suspicion and when not only is it a move that made people a little suspicious, but it's a move that would get one of your cohorts lynched, it's an unstrategenic move.

It's a possibility, but at least to me I think if Heron flips scum it proves Tangle innocent. If you think about it, attracting the attention to Tangle could be a kind of strategy to get the town to lynch a townie after her death, so something beneficial to the mafia still occurs even though they're down a number.

That's my thoughts on it anyways, I also just woke up so it might be phrased very badly.

Fair point. Reads as “dissolving easy mislynch”.

Overall good stuff. Nikki’s definitely experienced, regardless of alignment. I’m leaning town by this point.
NekoNikki wrote on 2017-10-18:
That being said, even if somebody is very townie, on D2 we still don't have enough information to go and say "Conf town". We all noticed what Ler did, you didn't have to point it out because all of us are reading the same day thread. And if people did miss it well...they're either not reading back or they're kinda blind, and honestly saying that somebody's conf town doesn't really do much of that anyways.

To me, regarding me calling Lere conftown. This stood out to me as mildly odd at the time, but I don’t think Nikki is intentionally suppressing info here. Still noting it, though.
NekoNikki wrote on 2017-10-19:
Ugh, I should remember better than to take a day away from the internet when mafia games are happening.

Anyways, looking back on the thread, I think I'd feel most comfortable with a Marut lynch just because of their behavior, but that resigned post is kinda???

Granted, I've been taking a class on lying (not in so many words) and relenting isn't typically a thing innocents do, but the post actually reads like a townie giving up, and I don't like that, it makes me nervous about the lynch.

I don't think we should just not lynch though. I don't like the idea of giving the maf a free kill like that.

So I'm going to place a vote on Marut for now, but I've seen lynches redirect in literally two minutes before days end before, so I'm open to discussion on who might be a good idea to lynch. So long as enough people are on we'd be able to change target if we find a better subject.

She townread Marut, voted for them, then said she’s open to retarget. I’d be more fine with this if I wasn’t reading it as “well this is a mislynch but we can do it unless someone has a better idea”- I’d preferred to have seen a better candidate offered.
NekoNikki wrote on 2017-10-19:
@ LordMeikei

I saw that too earlier, and I went to look to see if there was even a post about it:
Starsoul wrote on 2017-10-18:
So even though I haven't been that active (sorry again!) I did go and look back at many of the posts made, particularly ones that seemed to have raised suspicion. So far, what I can tell is that it's pretty likely Marut is not a townie, and has many people suspecting them. Chelsy made a pretty good post about it, but I mostly want to look at this:
Marut wrote on 2017-10-16:
Personal meta? (Your playstyle) Mostly quiet, unless I have something to say. I prefer to draw and act on my own conclusions,Are you happy with your role? Meh.
Now the part about their role has been brought up many times, so I'd like to focus on the more ignored part. They say their play style is quiet, and they don't really work with others to draw conclusions. Did they say that as to not draw attention to themselves, and do distance themselves more? That seems like something a mafia player might do, but idk-this is only my first time playing a mafia-styled game.
Secondly, I'd like to look at the second part of the post. "Are you happy with your role? Meh." This could either mean that they are not happy because they didn't they a power role, or they are not happy with being mafia. Either way, it seems safe to say something seems off. Adding onto this, they said:
Marut wrote on 2017-10-18:
Pretty sure I'm not allowed to comment more specifically on my role, so I won't but there are other reasons I might not be over the moon about my role, like Not Getting One. *(hint hint)*
This could be them either confirming they don't have a power role, or trying to convince everyone they aren't mafia when they are.
Hopefully this makes up a bit for my lack of posts, please ping me with questions!

I believe this is the reasoning for why they voted for Marut. They haven't posted since, but at least there's a reason.

Nitpicky, but when’s “earlier”? Why didn’t she mention this sooner?
NekoNikki wrote on 2017-10-19:
Also seeing as a Starsoul lynch is being mentioned, despite the fact that I just dug up that post, I'd be up for a Starsoul lynch as well. At worst they're an inactive townie not contributing to discussion, and considering the fact that all they did was make a single post, vote, and vanish, it's not the most townie behavior either.

Here, it’s “just dug up”. My paranoia wants to say mafia!Nikki was sitting on that post to push a mislynch later, but saw a chance and used it here.I don’t know for sure that I buy that, though.
NekoNikki wrote on 2017-10-21:
So, assuming that our three choices to vote from are the ones who have votes, I will be voting for Marut, mostly because I believe Crystal is town after that mess from yesterday, and I'm still not entirely sure why Silver is up for lynch. (I've probably forgotten Heron's reasoning but @ Heronwing if you're on explain again.) Marut I know the reasoning for and to some extent, believe in it.

That being said, Meikai lost most trust I had after the friending thing just because I think the idea of sussing somebody based on being friends with them is entirely ridiculous, so if people decided on lynching them, I'd be okay with that as well, but for now I'm placing the vote on Marut.

What happened between d2 and d3?
NekoNikki wrote on 2017-10-21:
@ SmashedFish

Some of Marut's opening post seemed very scummy.
Their post on a Warrior lynch just before the lynch went through read as very off.

Those were my reason for initially suspecting them. Now it's just a matter of "Of the targets we had available they were the one who seemed most scummy to me."

On that note, I do remember some other reasons people were for or against a Marut lynch, including a lot of stuff discussed on D2 (when we almost lynched and then changed our minds last second) and the fact that it's possible a scan of Marut may have contributed to why Starsoul cast their vote.

Bad cases make the fish hurt on the inside- and again that’s to say nothing of the opinion switch.
NekoNikki wrote on 2017-10-21:
@ LordMeikai

Def true, we're the scummiest set of Fae out there. Xp

I see your point with that, unfortunately it's probably just a bad coincidence, Marut happened to have the scummiest read D2 until the post that threw us all off and had us voting Starsoul, and as for D3's choice, they were the only person I thought was scummy up for lynch and I wasn't about to make any ties worse by nominating a fourth person to lynch.

(Please excuse anything that might not make sense here. It's late over in EST and I've got a bit of a headache.)
NekoNikki wrote on 2017-10-21:
Wait they weren't the only, they were just the one up for lynch that I thought was most scummy.

Ugh I can definitely type correctly.

Like, I get that opinions change, I do. I just don’t see any stated turning point or piece of definitive evidence here. All of a sudden, Marut goes from suspected townie up for mislynch, backed by what Nikki’s class is saying, to “the scummiest read D2”.

Some perspective in general.

I don’t see a single case where Dawn’s lynch is “most beneficial”, tbh. She’s lurked all game, and is now under fire for one post which people are blowing up to hell and back- and, I suspect, misreading. No mafioso is going to just out and ask people to claim. This kind of situation gets frustrating to continuously watch.
NekoNikki wrote on 2017-10-23:
Just a heads up for people, I have a Microbiology test tomorrow so I'm going to be spending a lot of tonight studying, expect infrequent and random posting mostly in response to pings until my classes are out tomorrow. (I will make sure I'm on during the last hour of the day though so I can cast a vote and discuss.) I'm also on for the next ten or so minutes.

@ Cheshly

1) Dawnbreeze: In addition to being a little rolefishy, Dawnbreeze has been inactive, contributed little to the town, and constantly falls back on the excuse of being new to the game. I find in my experience the excuse of newbie only goes so far, especially when I know I've played several games with her already. (I can think of at least three off the top of my head, probably more if I look through my game history.)

2) Heronwing: Something about her has been pinging me off lately. I also don't like the sudden shift away from Silver now that she's been active and defending herself, it feels like she was going for somebody a little inactive who happened to be the first to suggest a mislynched townie, and then when she realized it wasn't going to be an easy mislynch, she backed off. Granted going after Ler, who up until today very few people had interest in going after is an interesting move, but it doesn't change my opinion on the whole Silver thing, especially since the only reason I even was interested in lynching her was for information on Heron and SmashedFish.

SmashedFish: Our fishy little friend I do find a bit less suspicious than Heron and Dawn, but that isn't saying much. He's rubbed me wrong since D2 and unfortunately because of my test I don't have the time to look through the thread to see if he still does suspicious stuff, or is just tunneling, but I find the fact that he seemed to be agreeing with a lot of Heron's suspicions (minus the one on Ler, I don't think I've seen his commentary on that) a bit odd. It's possible the two of them are cohorts, hoping to steer the lynch wagon, or perhaps he just likes Heron's views a lot now. He'd also likely be an interesting lynch target. I could see how he lynches perhaps providing some information on Heron and Ler as well, since I think if he was scum they'd be his two most likely cohorts, but he is my least suspicious of the three, so take that as you will.

1.Lurker lynch on day 4 is gross, please do not
2. Would like more info here, if possible
3. I still think Lere is very likely conftown. Coincidentally, I had no idea Heron shared my views.

All this in mind, compared with the seemingly selective blindness towards SIlver, I almost want to call a Silver/Nikki/? scumteam likely. I still want to see Silver flip first, I think- but my lean isn’t overall town for Nikki. When you read this, could you give me the outline of your townlean on Silver?
n0vnSpk.png 3bMwIy2.png
Aight I'm back and catching up/making ISOs. Gonna do a Dawn and Silver one for now, and I fully anticipate being on until lockdown unless my laptop decides to hurl itself off a virtual cliff.
Aight I'm back and catching up/making ISOs. Gonna do a Dawn and Silver one for now, and I fully anticipate being on until lockdown unless my laptop decides to hurl itself off a virtual cliff.
tumblr_inline_nrfex33sDc1rbfe8q_500.gif Leremis
Ok right now I'm inclined to trust Smashed townread.
Still don't like Nikki tho (not because I'm salty for you voting me XD)
Ok right now I'm inclined to trust Smashed townread.
Still don't like Nikki tho (not because I'm salty for you voting me XD)
|| D A W N
» she/they
» fr+15
‘ A folded paper moon
-like I’m wandering in-between ’

Actually, you know what? I’ll get my own evidence off a @Dawnbreeze iso. I’m going to make the best possible scumcase that I can, because I feel like it still won’t hold up to anyone I actually want to lynch here. [quote name="Tanglefire" date=2017-10-17 04:38:26] [quote name="Dawnbreeze" date=2017-10-17 04:34:59] I'm for D1 lynches as well c: Since there is not much discussion going on, how about we list the people you want to lynch the most? For me it's Tangle and Heron because I don't trust you guys. At all. That wasn't serious [/quote] Serious version then? For me, while I am slightly squinting at Heronwing, I don't think she is actually acting how she would as a scum. So I'll keep an eye for any weird things coming for her for now, and refrain from voting her. That doesn't mean you are off radar. Other than that, I'm not really getting scummy vibes from anyone else. [/quote] [quote name="Dawnbreeze" date=2017-10-17 04:41:54] Sorry Tangle no serious version for u. I'm bad at catching scumvibes. [/quote] Injoke with friends masking a lack of desire to scumhunt [quote name="Dawnbreeze" date=2017-10-17 16:40:15] Hi I'm back! I honestly don't know about Heron and Warrior. I agree that some of their posts and responses are a little odd but I'd like to observe more before voting. [/quote] Lynch hesitation? Not terribly strong [quote name="Dawnbreeze" date=2017-10-18 06:05:01] @ CrystalRush Yes, I'm fine now c: I didn't vote because Warrior already had the majority, and I don know what I think of Heron. If someone gives good reason and convinces me I'm always up for a lynch. [/quote] No reason not to vote in a majority situation (though, tbf, maf lynches anyway here to bandwagon) [quote name="Dawnbreeze" date=2017-10-20 01:01:48] Alright it's Friday so I can be more active! Didn't vote today because there's already 7 people and another vote isn't necessary. I do want to see a Marut flip though. [/quote] More of the above [quote name="Dawnbreeze" date=2017-10-21 05:34:27] I'm not sure. If Warrior has thrown sus on Art and ND then the are definitely trying to get them mislynched (sorry I forgot and am too lazy to loop up previous post lol) [/quote] Possible ND scumteam? I’m in full ISO mode so ND’s next regardless [quote name="Dawnbreeze" date=2017-10-21 22:48:56] Anyone feel like roleclaiming? [/quote] PR fishing. This only matters if maf has the jailkeep because otherwise, she’d have claimed a role that a townie could have and counterclaim on. Mafia doesn’t come out of the blue to potentially die for free. --- Like, that’s the worst I got. I’ll grant that this could matter more in a different game, but given that I feel there’s so much more to be seen elsewhere, I’m comfortable with not lynching Dawn rn.
Actually, you know what? I’ll get my own evidence off a @Dawnbreeze iso. I’m going to make the best possible scumcase that I can, because I feel like it still won’t hold up to anyone I actually want to lynch here.
Tanglefire wrote on 2017-10-17:
Dawnbreeze wrote on 2017-10-17:
I'm for D1 lynches as well c:
Since there is not much discussion going on, how about we list the people you want to lynch the most?
For me it's Tangle and Heron because I don't trust you guys. At all.
That wasn't serious

Serious version then?

For me, while I am slightly squinting at Heronwing, I don't think she is actually acting how she would as a scum. So I'll keep an eye for any weird things coming for her for now, and refrain from voting her. That doesn't mean you are off radar.

Other than that, I'm not really getting scummy vibes from anyone else.
Dawnbreeze wrote on 2017-10-17:
Sorry Tangle no serious version for u. I'm bad at catching scumvibes.

Injoke with friends masking a lack of desire to scumhunt
Dawnbreeze wrote on 2017-10-17:
Hi I'm back!
I honestly don't know about Heron and Warrior. I agree that some of their posts and responses are a little odd but I'd like to observe more before voting.

Lynch hesitation? Not terribly strong
Dawnbreeze wrote on 2017-10-18:
@ CrystalRush
Yes, I'm fine now c:
I didn't vote because Warrior already had the majority, and I don know what I think of Heron. If someone gives good reason and convinces me I'm always up for a lynch.

No reason not to vote in a majority situation (though, tbf, maf lynches anyway here to bandwagon)
Dawnbreeze wrote on 2017-10-20:
Alright it's Friday so I can be more active!
Didn't vote today because there's already 7 people and another vote isn't necessary.
I do want to see a Marut flip though.

More of the above
Dawnbreeze wrote on 2017-10-21:
I'm not sure. If Warrior has thrown sus on Art and ND then the are definitely trying to get them mislynched (sorry I forgot and am too lazy to loop up previous post lol)

Possible ND scumteam? I’m in full ISO mode so ND’s next regardless
Dawnbreeze wrote on 2017-10-21:
Anyone feel like roleclaiming?

PR fishing. This only matters if maf has the jailkeep because otherwise, she’d have claimed a role that a townie could have and counterclaim on. Mafia doesn’t come out of the blue to potentially die for free.


Like, that’s the worst I got. I’ll grant that this could matter more in a different game, but given that I feel there’s so much more to be seen elsewhere, I’m comfortable with not lynching Dawn rn.
n0vnSpk.png 3bMwIy2.png

Ok thank god.

Let me know when you're done and what you've got. I badly need someone to bounce stuff off.

Ok thank god.

Let me know when you're done and what you've got. I badly need someone to bounce stuff off.
n0vnSpk.png 3bMwIy2.png
Wait, NightDancer's dead. Whoops.
Wait, NightDancer's dead. Whoops.
n0vnSpk.png 3bMwIy2.png