
Forum Games

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TOPIC | BM3: The Film Noir | FINISHED

I'd love to join, if there are still slots available!

I'd love to join, if there are still slots available!
@TheNightDancer @TrickingFate
Both added! :)
@TheNightDancer @TrickingFate
Both added! :)
Kirk, FR +2

I'd love to join! Haven't played any mafias yet, I'm signed for one tho.

I'd love to join! Haven't played any mafias yet, I'm signed for one tho.
@Kirkfan2255 I was just killed in my previous Mafia. Add me in please :)
@Kirkfan2255 I was just killed in my previous Mafia. Add me in please :)
  • she/her
  • +3 FRT
Oh man. I want to sign up for this, but don't have time to read the rules right now. I'll be back in a bit, I swear.

Oh man. I want to sign up for this, but don't have time to read the rules right now. I'll be back in a bit, I swear.

@nsts @RavenWolf
You're both in :)

You are certainly welcome in if you're interested!
@nsts @RavenWolf
You're both in :)

You are certainly welcome in if you're interested!
Kirk, FR +2
@kirkfan2255 if you dont mind, may i sign up? i've only been in three forum games, one ongoing and the other two inactive or killed very early
@kirkfan2255 if you dont mind, may i sign up? i've only been in three forum games, one ongoing and the other two inactive or killed very early
Absolutely, you've been added!
Absolutely, you've been added!
Kirk, FR +2

Thank you lots! However, I was curious about advisors - will the mods assist the 'Serial Killer' when they're confused or will they work completely alone, as they don't appear to have an 'advisor' role (even if they dont need it)?

Thank you lots! However, I was curious about advisors - will the mods assist the 'Serial Killer' when they're confused or will they work completely alone, as they don't appear to have an 'advisor' role (even if they dont need it)?
@kirkfan2255 but anybody can answer, I guess.

I'm slightly confused... maybe. I guess it's more about terminology than gameplay...
There are twelve roles and thirteen players. Does it mean that Mason is an expectation from the no hydra rule or it just doesn't count because the role requires two players to work, hence it's not a 'duplicate'?
And follow question just becuase I'm curious (I might be overthinking it sorry!):
If hydra was allowed and it was Mason role, there would be two independent pairs or four Masons that all know about others? Or it depends on GM's set up?
@kirkfan2255 but anybody can answer, I guess.

I'm slightly confused... maybe. I guess it's more about terminology than gameplay...
There are twelve roles and thirteen players. Does it mean that Mason is an expectation from the no hydra rule or it just doesn't count because the role requires two players to work, hence it's not a 'duplicate'?
And follow question just becuase I'm curious (I might be overthinking it sorry!):
If hydra was allowed and it was Mason role, there would be two independent pairs or four Masons that all know about others? Or it depends on GM's set up?