
Forum Games

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TOPIC | Flirt with a Dragon -- Lair Game~!
@CrowDazzle Najid definitely caught the eye of Brewmaster. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] ------- The sparkling oasis provided much relief from the desert's hot sand and brutal sun. But Brew supposed the sun [i]was[/i] setting and it would cool down soon enough. With a glance at the peach-stained horizon, Brew set off to one of the many buildings along the water's edge. The local palm trees drew long, lazy shadows across the cooling sand and dancing water. Music from one of larger buildings drifted into Brew's ears, and picked up roaring laughter from inside. Brew smiled to himself. "Sounds like my kind of place," he murmured to himself as he made way to the arching, wooden doors. His silks swayed as he pushed them open, and was greeted by the sight of many dragons, some at a polished stone bar near the back, and others huddled over tables. He quickly scanned the room, already wandering to the bar. He might as well have a drink-- walking out without ordering something would definitely draw some curious eyes. Speaking of curious eyes, Brew found his own traveling to a Imperial in gray rags. He commanded most of the space around him, but talked to no one, his small drink untouched on the polished stone. Brew was [i]very[/i] curious. He sidled up to the Imperial, leaving some room, of course, and ordered "the special," from the Skydancer bartender. The Imperial gave him a small glance, as if unused to people sitting so close. Brew caught his gaze and gave him a crooked smile. The Imperial looked unimpressed. "So, you seem like a traveler. What's your story?" Brewmaster asked, trying to make some conversation. The Imperial ignored him. Trying not to be put out, Brew opted for some other way of beginning. "Alright then, we'll start with names. I'm Brewmaster." The tan Imperial looked at him in surprise. "As much as I think your laugh will be truly magical, please don't laugh at my name. You'll hurt my feelings." He teased. The Imperial snorted, and finally spoke. "Yes, we wouldn't want your precious feelings hurt, now would we?" His voice setting Brew's mouth into a small smile. "We can prevent that very easily, don't you worry. What's your name? I'm assuming it's much better than 'Brewmaster,'" he joked. The Imperial studied him for a heartbeat, then answered: "Najid." (I'm sorry it's so long and that I took liberties with his personality)

Najid definitely caught the eye of Brewmaster.



The sparkling oasis provided much relief from the desert's hot sand and brutal sun. But Brew supposed the sun was setting and it would cool down soon enough. With a glance at the peach-stained horizon, Brew set off to one of the many buildings along the water's edge. The local palm trees drew long, lazy shadows across the cooling sand and dancing water. Music from one of larger buildings drifted into Brew's ears, and picked up roaring laughter from inside. Brew smiled to himself.
"Sounds like my kind of place," he murmured to himself as he made way to the arching, wooden doors.
His silks swayed as he pushed them open, and was greeted by the sight of many dragons, some at a polished stone bar near the back, and others huddled over tables. He quickly scanned the room, already wandering to the bar. He might as well have a drink-- walking out without ordering something would definitely draw some curious eyes.
Speaking of curious eyes, Brew found his own traveling to a Imperial in gray rags. He commanded most of the space around him, but talked to no one, his small drink untouched on the polished stone. Brew was very curious. He sidled up to the Imperial, leaving some room, of course, and ordered "the special," from the Skydancer bartender.
The Imperial gave him a small glance, as if unused to people sitting so close. Brew caught his gaze and gave him a crooked smile. The Imperial looked unimpressed.
"So, you seem like a traveler. What's your story?" Brewmaster asked, trying to make some conversation. The Imperial ignored him.
Trying not to be put out, Brew opted for some other way of beginning.
"Alright then, we'll start with names. I'm Brewmaster."
The tan Imperial looked at him in surprise.
"As much as I think your laugh will be truly magical, please don't laugh at my name. You'll hurt my feelings." He teased.
The Imperial snorted, and finally spoke.
"Yes, we wouldn't want your precious feelings hurt, now would we?" His voice setting Brew's mouth into a small smile.
"We can prevent that very easily, don't you worry. What's your name? I'm assuming it's much better than 'Brewmaster,'" he joked.
The Imperial studied him for a heartbeat, then answered: "Najid."

(I'm sorry it's so long and that I took liberties with his personality)
@Ecology My Jung seems to be captivated by... [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Your Zemeni! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [center]~~~[/center] It was a windy day when Jung was wandering through the Veridian Labyrinth and stumbled upon another Pearlcatcher that was tending to a small grove of saplings. She was smiling warmly and hadn't seemed to have noticed him yet. He was frozen. Part of him wanted to approach and say hi, the other part was ready to slip away. But that conflict ended when she turned and saw him. "H-hi!" He smiled, a jittery, nervous feeling welling up inside him. "I'm sorry for bothering you, I didn't know you were here. My name's Jung, by the way!"
My Jung seems to be captivated by...


Your Zemeni!

It was a windy day when Jung was wandering through the Veridian Labyrinth and stumbled upon another Pearlcatcher that was tending to a small grove of saplings.
She was smiling warmly and hadn't seemed to have noticed him yet. He was frozen. Part of him wanted to approach and say hi, the other part was ready to slip away. But that conflict ended when she turned and saw him.
"H-hi!" He smiled, a jittery, nervous feeling welling up inside him. "I'm sorry for bothering you, I didn't know you were here. My name's Jung, by the way!"
» Soulthreads
avatar dragon
dragons for sale
Omg I ship
Omg I ship
Free entry raffle:
@GuardianDragonak Your Equinox [url=] [img][/img] [/url] And My Badar [url=] [img][/img] [/url] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- They meet under the full moon, both creature's of it's pull. The clouds provided the narrow sightnes, causing them to almost collide. Badar pulled a hard left, as did the other, their bodies barley brushing as they avoided the near head on collision. He came to a full stop once cleared, beating his wings as he hovered. Both imperials hovered, staring at one another with a sort of shocked fascination. [b]"You..."[/b] Badar gaped, skin still tingling from where they touched. He could feel the magic still clinging to his scales. [b]"Your like me."[/b] He whispered at last, feeling his heart sore at the revelation. He could feel the moon above them, drawing them to it and to each other. [b]"I'm Equinox."[/b] Badar felt himself blush at the other's light tone, so much different from his own deeper tone. [b]"Badar, [i]or uhhh,[/i] Eclipse." [/b]He offered back. How he dreamed of one day finding another dragon of celestial movement. While Equinox was a brighter celestial being from the earth's movement in front of the sun, he was one born from the dark of the sun and moon upon their earth. Light and Dark, opposites but with so much in common. His heart ached to be closer to this being. [b]"Are you heading toward's the cliffs for tonight new moon?"[/b] Badar asked, frightened he may not even get the time of day from this sun child. Equinox smiled and nodded his head. [b]"I want to watch the sun rise."[/b] [b]"Mind if I join you?"[/b] Both imperials froze at the blunt question Badar let slip out. It was rather straight forward. [b]"Just for a little while, or until the sun rises? It's hard, being alone on night like this."[/b] Badar dipped his head, looking embarrassed to admit such things. The light laughter he received from Eqinox perked him back up. [b]"I don't mind. Lets go."[/b] The two celestial being flew together towards the cliffs, their magic brushing against each other's skin and scales. Above them, the moon shone down brightly, almost as if happy these two had finally found each other at last.

Your Equinox


And My Badar


They meet under the full moon, both creature's of it's pull. The clouds provided the narrow sightnes, causing them to almost collide. Badar pulled a hard left, as did the other, their bodies barley brushing as they avoided the near head on collision. He came to a full stop once cleared, beating his wings as he hovered. Both imperials hovered, staring at one another with a sort of shocked fascination.

"You..." Badar gaped, skin still tingling from where they touched. He could feel the magic still clinging to his scales. "Your like me." He whispered at last, feeling his heart sore at the revelation. He could feel the moon above them, drawing them to it and to each other.

"I'm Equinox." Badar felt himself blush at the other's light tone, so much different from his own deeper tone.

"Badar, or uhhh, Eclipse." He offered back. How he dreamed of one day finding another dragon of celestial movement. While Equinox was a brighter celestial being from the earth's movement in front of the sun, he was one born from the dark of the sun and moon upon their earth. Light and Dark, opposites but with so much in common. His heart ached to be closer to this being.

"Are you heading toward's the cliffs for tonight new moon?" Badar asked, frightened he may not even get the time of day from this sun child. Equinox smiled and nodded his head.

"I want to watch the sun rise."

"Mind if I join you?" Both imperials froze at the blunt question Badar let slip out. It was rather straight forward. "Just for a little while, or until the sun rises? It's hard, being alone on night like this." Badar dipped his head, looking embarrassed to admit such things. The light laughter he received from Eqinox perked him back up.

"I don't mind. Lets go." The two celestial being flew together towards the cliffs, their magic brushing against each other's skin and scales. Above them, the moon shone down brightly, almost as if happy these two had finally found each other at last.
@Crowdazzle He caught the eyes [url=] [img][/img] [/url] of her [url=] [img][/img] [/url] which was a big mistake The self-dubbed diplomate was thoroughly bored at the little gathering. Thea had volunteered to go to the fire flight in hopes of meeting some brightly plumed coatls. Instead, she was stuck speaking to a random handful of soot covered dragons about the best way to make armor. She would tear out her feathers if she heard about the amount of coals or smoke length again. Thankfully, she managed to semi-tactfully excuse herself for water. Which wasn't really a lie. The heat from the endless streams of magma dried her throat to the point where she wondered if it would ever be the same. On her way to the nearby bucket of water, a tiny exit caught her eyes. She spent no time squeezing herself into the hole and wiggling down. Thankfully, the tunnel become large enough for her to stand up in and was connected to many different tunnels. She did not expect to see a skydancer to appear from one of them. [i]Oh[/i], this could be a nice party after all. Skydancers, although leggy, were pretty in their own right and this one was gorgeous. His crystal scales sparkled in the dim cave and his wings seemed to be made out of fine glass. She decided she could make an exception to her coatls only rule. She cracked a smile and puffed out her wings before making her way over to her fellow escapee. "Hello there-." She cut herself off with a couple of rough coughs which slowly morphed into horse hacks. [i]The water,[/i] she remembered as she attempted to suppress the hideous noises escaping from her mouth. By the time she recovered, the moment, if there was one to begin with, was ruined. The Skydancer looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here. She was dying from both embarrassment and a parched throat. There was no way to recover. There was only one way out. "Have a good day." She managed to croak out before fleeing down the tunnels.
He caught the eyes


of her


which was a big mistake

The self-dubbed diplomate was thoroughly bored at the little gathering. Thea had volunteered to go to the fire flight in hopes of meeting some brightly plumed coatls. Instead, she was stuck speaking to a random handful of soot covered dragons about the best way to make armor. She would tear out her feathers if she heard about the amount of coals or smoke length again.

Thankfully, she managed to semi-tactfully excuse herself for water. Which wasn't really a lie. The heat from the endless streams of magma dried her throat to the point where she wondered if it would ever be the same. On her way to the nearby bucket of water, a tiny exit caught her eyes. She spent no time squeezing herself into the hole and wiggling down. Thankfully, the tunnel become large enough for her to stand up in and was connected to many different tunnels. She did not expect to see a skydancer to appear from one of them.

Oh, this could be a nice party after all.

Skydancers, although leggy, were pretty in their own right and this one was gorgeous. His crystal scales sparkled in the dim cave and his wings seemed to be made out of fine glass. She decided she could make an exception to her coatls only rule. She cracked a smile and puffed out her wings before making her way over to her fellow escapee.

"Hello there-." She cut herself off with a couple of rough coughs which slowly morphed into horse hacks. The water, she remembered as she attempted to suppress the hideous noises escaping from her mouth. By the time she recovered, the moment, if there was one to begin with, was ruined. The Skydancer looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here. She was dying from both embarrassment and a parched throat. There was no way to recover. There was only one way out.

"Have a good day." She managed to croak out before fleeing down the tunnels.
@Zafer [s]claim~ will write something later tomorrow[/s] I think that you pretty boy Esprit [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Catches warrior, Sensi's, eye. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [center]__________________________________________________________________________________________[/center] Too dry, too dusty, too crowded. That was Sensi's first impression of Dragonhome. That and the tunnels scared her. The call of things old was frightening, and she didn't exactly want to find [i]what[/i] was calling. She couldn't see how dragons could live so far underground, that was for sure. Her homeland of ice and whipping cold winds were much preferred to this dry arid place. Though... She supposed some of the occupants of this place made the trip worthwhile. Especially that lovely pastel Coatl she just saw pass by. A grin split her face and she rose to her full (not saying much) height. Strutting over to where the dragon that had caught her eye was stopped for the time being. "Hello, sir!" She exclaimed, sidling up to him and chirping mischievously. A gleam in her eyes under the skull-like mask that covered most of her face. "You are certainly a sight for sore eyes after staring at dull rocks for hours!" Her mother had always said she spoke her mind way too freely, and it would scare others away one day. Of course, that wasn't about to stop Senshi now. "Sorry if that's blunt! Just the truth!" Giving a wink -that was hidden, she realized afterward- and a grin, she flicked her tail around to tap against his side. "I'm Sensi~ If I wasn't on a mission right now, I'd definitely linger around here. Perhaps I'll run into you after I'm done with what I need to do. I'd like to get to know the personality under a pretty lovely face."" [center]___[/center] [b]Tza is off limits for this! Argai marks the end of my lair! All other dragons are open besides that ^^[/b]
@Zafer claim~ will write something later tomorrow

I think that you pretty boy Esprit


Catches warrior, Sensi's, eye.



Too dry, too dusty, too crowded. That was Sensi's first impression of Dragonhome. That and the tunnels scared her. The call of things old was frightening, and she didn't exactly want to find what was calling. She couldn't see how dragons could live so far underground, that was for sure. Her homeland of ice and whipping cold winds were much preferred to this dry arid place.

Though... She supposed some of the occupants of this place made the trip worthwhile. Especially that lovely pastel Coatl she just saw pass by. A grin split her face and she rose to her full (not saying much) height. Strutting over to where the dragon that had caught her eye was stopped for the time being.

"Hello, sir!" She exclaimed, sidling up to him and chirping mischievously. A gleam in her eyes under the skull-like mask that covered most of her face. "You are certainly a sight for sore eyes after staring at dull rocks for hours!" Her mother had always said she spoke her mind way too freely, and it would scare others away one day.

Of course, that wasn't about to stop Senshi now. "Sorry if that's blunt! Just the truth!" Giving a wink -that was hidden, she realized afterward- and a grin, she flicked her tail around to tap against his side. "I'm Sensi~ If I wasn't on a mission right now, I'd definitely linger around here. Perhaps I'll run into you after I'm done with what I need to do. I'd like to get to know the personality under a pretty lovely face.""


Tza is off limits for this! Argai marks the end of my lair! All other dragons are open besides that ^^
Dragons in my fodder/for sale lair tab aren't open for forum games!
@GhostBreath [font=Century](My apologies for the wait!) [i]My Iced… [url=] [img][/img] [/url] …senses the presence of your Kracht…[/i] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [center][s][b]——————————————————————————————————————————[/b][/s][/center] [center][font=Century][size=5][b]I[/b][/size]ced dug her claws into the snow damped soil, ears flicked back nervously. Her pearl, she'd lost her pearl. Glazed over yellow eyes were darting back and forth, although she couldn't see anything. Iced could feel the earth, she could feel the snow crunching in her palm. And the smell of damp fir trees. But none of what she picked up was her pearl. "No, no, can't lose it. I can't lose it again…" she began to panic, lunging into a pile of snow and ice and digging frantically. Her breathing became rapid and she felt like she was drowning. "My pearl, oh no, mother will be furious with me!" The young Pearlcatcher flopped down, back into a sitting position. She curled her tail around her feet and huffed out a breath, resisting the urge to cry. "Remember what Mystery taught you…suck it up and don't cry over something so…s-s-silly…" Iced reminded herself, trailing off as a tear fell. She froze and tensed up as she felt a rush of warm air. The knowledge that she wasn't alone came crashing down quite suddenly and she stood up, lashing her tail back and forth and baring her teeth like a threatened Hainu. "I — I know how to fight! Whoever you are! I can still hear you just fine!" She sniffed the air, but there wasn't any scent. That was odd… "Relax…" came a gentle, soothing voice. The warm air brushed against her wings and then she could sense the air moving away. Iced, against her better judgment, followed the…presence. Whatever it was was flying or floating, but she couldn't follow. Being blind rendered her unable to fly properly, so she was forced to run after it as best she could. As it picked up the pace. Finally, the presence stopped moving. "Dig here," he ordered, not harshly. "You'll find what you've lost here." Iced felt the warm air of the presence and his voice right next to her ear. She obeyed, digging into the snow, and ice, and dirt. Sure enough, she felt something smooth and cold to the touch. [i]My pearl![/i] She moved both her hands around it and wrapped it in her arms, cradling it close to her body. "Who…who are you?" "Just someone who wishes to help others," he replied, and the warmth moved away. Iced reached out with one hand and ran her hand along the warmth until it faded completely. Cold air was all that was left, bringing Iced into reality. A voice called on the wind, "…safe travels, dearest." "Thank you…" Iced murmured, shuddering as she pressed on, pearl clutched close to her body. "…whoever you are. Mysterious one." [center][s][b]——————————————————————————————————————————[/b][/s][/center] Okay, so, not really much of a flirt, but I still hope you liked it. :)

(My apologies for the wait!)

My Iced…


…senses the presence of your Kracht…



Iced dug her claws into the snow damped soil, ears flicked back nervously. Her pearl, she'd lost her pearl. Glazed over yellow eyes were darting back and forth, although she couldn't see anything. Iced could feel the earth, she could feel the snow crunching in her palm. And the smell of damp fir trees. But none of what she picked up was her pearl.

"No, no, can't lose it. I can't lose it again…" she began to panic, lunging into a pile of snow and ice and digging frantically. Her breathing became rapid and she felt like she was drowning. "My pearl, oh no, mother will be furious with me!"

The young Pearlcatcher flopped down, back into a sitting position. She curled her tail around her feet and huffed out a breath, resisting the urge to cry. "Remember what Mystery taught you…suck it up and don't cry over something so…s-s-silly…" Iced reminded herself, trailing off as a tear fell.

She froze and tensed up as she felt a rush of warm air. The knowledge that she wasn't alone came crashing down quite suddenly and she stood up, lashing her tail back and forth and baring her teeth like a threatened Hainu. "I — I know how to fight! Whoever you are! I can still hear you just fine!" She sniffed the air, but there wasn't any scent. That was odd…

"Relax…" came a gentle, soothing voice. The warm air brushed against her wings and then she could sense the air moving away. Iced, against her better judgment, followed the…presence. Whatever it was was flying or floating, but she couldn't follow. Being blind rendered her unable to fly properly, so she was forced to run after it as best she could. As it picked up the pace. Finally, the presence stopped moving. "Dig here," he ordered, not harshly. "You'll find what you've lost here."

Iced felt the warm air of the presence and his voice right next to her ear. She obeyed, digging into the snow, and ice, and dirt. Sure enough, she felt something smooth and cold to the touch. My pearl! She moved both her hands around it and wrapped it in her arms, cradling it close to her body. "Who…who are you?"

"Just someone who wishes to help others," he replied, and the warmth moved away. Iced reached out with one hand and ran her hand along the warmth until it faded completely. Cold air was all that was left, bringing Iced into reality. A voice called on the wind, "…safe travels, dearest."

"Thank you…" Iced murmured, shuddering as she pressed on, pearl clutched close to her body. "…whoever you are. Mysterious one."


Okay, so, not really much of a flirt, but I still hope you liked it. :)
[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] with [url=] [img][/img] [/url] "...You're still here? After all this time?" Zora asked softly, the other dragon simply nodded in response. He loved the way her eyes crinkled when she smiled. "Thank you for waiting, I just wanted to tell you that you're lovely and thank you for waiting all this time." @/LoversMasque (it's been 4 years my apologies)[/center]




"...You're still here? After all this time?" Zora asked softly, the other dragon simply nodded in response. He loved the way her eyes crinkled when she smiled.

"Thank you for waiting, I just wanted to tell you that you're lovely and thank you for waiting all this time."

@/LoversMasque (it's been 4 years my apologies)
wqnTQE2.png Adult Player | She/they | 3+ FR Time | Wishlist
  • i'm actually the prettiest yiny princess
NP: Better be really good at writing fanfiction. All my dergs are fandergs
NP: Better be really good at writing fanfiction. All my dergs are fandergs
@LoversMasque Your Majora [url=] [img][/img] [/url] caught the eye of my Hive [url=] [img][/img] [/url] *inhales* Okay, time to write a fanfic bout a mask and a bee nest. Here it goes: [b]Important note:[/b] Everyone on my second page is either a teanager or a child, and you're not allowed to say they're not because of the bloodlines and children because my fanfics will hurt [b]WARNING!![/B] this is LONG. I'm sorry in advance, I haven't written a story or a bio in so long, the creativity just tsunami'd through my head. "Woah, so this is what the Crystalspine Reaches looks like! It's so... pink? Okay, I get that this is the arcane region, but does everything really have to be this pink?" says Hive. "Be quiet young one, you weren't brought here to complain, if so then we would have left you with Machaia to practice your non-exsistent combat skills" says Hayate. "OOOH BUUUUURN!!" yells Teefur, and then gets tail-smacked by Frostblossom. To put into context, today is visiting day. Visiting day is when clans of all elements and all sorts invite other clans to visit them, even some beast-clan clans invite dragons to them and vice versa!! However, today, [b]The Riptide Delta[/b] clan was visiting [b][insert LoversMasque's clan name here][/b] clan, thanks to a lovely invitation from LoversMasque, the clan leader, who doesn't happen to be here today, but said that they were welcome to explore the lair all they like. While the group of younger dragons followed the older and dare I say sassy Hayate, Hive felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see Rikuto fluttering above her. "Wanna sneak away from the group? I heard there's a plant here that turns into a super bright pink dye if you crush it enough!! I'm pretty sure it's called arcanic petuniadil. We could use it to dye Exino's wraps pink and then blame it on Teefur cause he's always messing with everybody!! Do you want in on it?". Hive, though new to the clan, became quick friends with Rikuto, and has gotten comfortable with her new home, however, after being around Rikuto so much, she has developed a mischievous side to her, and a chance to prank a fellow juvenile derg is a very hard offer to resist, so of course she says: "Absolutely!! That would be so funny!! Lets move to the back of the group so no one will notice us go missing." and so, Hive pretended to get distracted with a strange glowing flower that had some purple berries on it and got Rikuto to "check it out". After the group moved away far enough, the dergs sneaked off towards a massive pink crystal spire that was on the edge of Starfall Isles and the [b][insert LoversMasque's clan name here][/b] clan's lair. "Maybe the plants grow close to these pink rock things and thats what would possibly give them their intense pink colour? As soon as I get my claws on some, I am gonna study the heck out of them!!" says Rikuto. Yeah, though mischievous as all heck, her vast knowledge of plants is slightly terrifying, as in, she can describe any plant to you, in perfect detail, including what they do if you eat them (her favorite form of plant study), touch them and if you fling them at the cute dragons that you want to give them too, but are too scared to directly give them to. "Could be", says Hive "Lets just hope we find it before Serasea notices, she's gonna get worried and sad and we both know what happens when she gets sad." "Yeah, I still can't believe she actually got so sad when Bryter killed a butterfly that she wouldn't talk to him for a week until he decided that he would bring her the most absolute massive flock of butterflies and trap them in her room for her to see with a sorry card when she came back from dinner. Her face was so confused and happy at the same time!!" said Rikuto, with a giggle "Now they're inseparable!! Its the most damn adorable thing ever!!" "Yeah, its actually really sweet" says Hive with an amused smile on her face". Suddenly, there's a voice behind the both of them. "What are you doing here?". The buddy-chum-pals turn around to see a pink-coloured dragon behind them with a cover over their face, a nice shawl and some strange green-glowing claws. Rikuto freezes in place holding some pink-ish shrubs while Hive blushes and thinks [i]Oh my god he's handsome, and this is his first impression of me!! Ah quick, act carefree and natural!![/i] The strange pearlcatcher sits down on the grass, gazing at them curiously "Aren't you from [b]The Riptide Delta[/b] clan? If you're lost, I can bring you too them if you like, I saw where they went." he says. You swear you can see him smiling through the face cover. "Uh.. well um we are actually not lost at all, we are just looking for these pink flowers that make this really bright pink dye for... an.. uh... art project, yep definitely an art project." [i]Oh no, that was way too obvious, he definitely knows it not for an art project[/i]. "I doubt it, the plants you were describing are well known for being used as a strong colorant that most dragons use to dye fur, feathers and apparel items. Were you trying to prank someone in your clan by dying something of theirs?" Okay, he is most definitely smiling now, and damn are those teeth sharp. [i]Oh wow, damn, his face, or the part of it that is visible, is so dang hot.[/i] "um, Hive? You are so pink. Like dang, you are pinker than this crystal spire!! Are you alright?!" Rikuto is on the ground laughing, and now not only is Hive blushing from how damn hot this mystery derg is but also how embarrassed she is. The mystery derg was now chuckling while Hive were sitting on the grass with the most flustered look on her face. The pearlcatcher stands and sticks out his uh, hand? Sure, lets go with hand. He sticks out his hand and says "My name's Majora, and yours is Hive, right?" As she takes his hand, Hive sees his cheeks are brushed pink. She tries to cover her face with her hood, but fails incredibly and says "Yeah, it is, do you know where we can get some arcanic petuniadils? We haven't had much luck finding them..." "Yeah, and we need them so we can prank one of our clan-mates!!" Rikuto wheezes, still giggling uncontrollably. "Yeah, sure I can, they grow right beside my cave. Speaking of which, it's almost lunch soon, do you guys wanna grab some of the flowers and stay at my cave for a little while for lunch? I am curious to find out about your pranking plan." He smiles mischievously at Hive and Rikuto. Hive is so surprised by the offer, that she freezes up and somehow,even though it seems impossible, gets pinker, while Rikuto, seeing her friend is paralyzed, says "Yeah!! That sounds great!! Maybe you can give us a tour of your clan territory too? Listening to Hayate grumble on about the history of the place makes me want to fall asleep" "It would be a pleasure to give you guys a tour. I would really want to get to know you guys too, especially you Hive." says Majora, gleaming. [i]Oh damn. He's smooth af too. He is most definitely way hotter now.[/i] thinks Hive. As the group starts walking towards Majora's cave, Hive whispers to Rikuto "Thanks for talking for me, I was so frozen!!" "Don't mention it, you got the hots for him, don't you?" Rikuto whispers back. Hive blushes a little and nods her head. Rikuto smiles and says "Ey, its cool, i'll let you guys 'get to know eachother'!!". Rikuto excuses herself to go find Hayate and tell him that they'll be eating lunch with Majora and as soon as she's gone, Hive and Majora are talking about themselves and their clans. This most definitely sounds like the start of a love story in my opinion. Alright, to the next person, have fun!!
Your Majora


caught the eye of my Hive


*inhales* Okay, time to write a fanfic bout a mask and a bee nest. Here it goes:

Important note: Everyone on my second page is either a teanager or a child, and you're not allowed to say they're not because of the bloodlines and children because my fanfics will hurt

WARNING!! this is LONG. I'm sorry in advance, I haven't written a story or a bio in so long, the creativity just tsunami'd through my head.

"Woah, so this is what the Crystalspine Reaches looks like! It's so... pink? Okay, I get that this is the arcane region, but does everything really have to be this pink?" says Hive. "Be quiet young one, you weren't brought here to complain, if so then we would have left you with Machaia to practice your non-exsistent combat skills" says Hayate. "OOOH BUUUUURN!!" yells Teefur, and then gets tail-smacked by Frostblossom.

To put into context, today is visiting day. Visiting day is when clans of all elements and all sorts invite other clans to visit them, even some beast-clan clans invite dragons to them and vice versa!! However, today, The Riptide Delta clan was visiting [insert LoversMasque's clan name here] clan, thanks to a lovely invitation from LoversMasque, the clan leader, who doesn't happen to be here today, but said that they were welcome to explore the lair all they like.

While the group of younger dragons followed the older and dare I say sassy Hayate, Hive felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see Rikuto fluttering above her. "Wanna sneak away from the group? I heard there's a plant here that turns into a super bright pink dye if you crush it enough!! I'm pretty sure it's called arcanic petuniadil. We could use it to dye Exino's wraps pink and then blame it on Teefur cause he's always messing with everybody!! Do you want in on it?".

Hive, though new to the clan, became quick friends with Rikuto, and has gotten comfortable with her new home, however, after being around Rikuto so much, she has developed a mischievous side to her, and a chance to prank a fellow juvenile derg is a very hard offer to resist, so of course she says:

"Absolutely!! That would be so funny!! Lets move to the back of the group so no one will notice us go missing." and so, Hive pretended to get distracted with a strange glowing flower that had some purple berries on it and got Rikuto to "check it out". After the group moved away far enough, the dergs sneaked off towards a massive pink crystal spire that was on the edge of Starfall Isles and the [insert LoversMasque's clan name here] clan's lair.

"Maybe the plants grow close to these pink rock things and thats what would possibly give them their intense pink colour? As soon as I get my claws on some, I am gonna study the heck out of them!!" says Rikuto.

Yeah, though mischievous as all heck, her vast knowledge of plants is slightly terrifying, as in, she can describe any plant to you, in perfect detail, including what they do if you eat them (her favorite form of plant study), touch them and if you fling them at the cute dragons that you want to give them too, but are too scared to directly give them to.

"Could be", says Hive "Lets just hope we find it before Serasea notices, she's gonna get worried and sad and we both know what happens when she gets sad." "Yeah, I still can't believe she actually got so sad when Bryter killed a butterfly that she wouldn't talk to him for a week until he decided that he would bring her the most absolute massive flock of butterflies and trap them in her room for her to see with a sorry card when she came back from dinner. Her face was so confused and happy at the same time!!" said Rikuto, with a giggle "Now they're inseparable!! Its the most damn adorable thing ever!!" "Yeah, its actually really sweet" says Hive with an amused smile on her face".

Suddenly, there's a voice behind the both of them. "What are you doing here?". The buddy-chum-pals turn around to see a pink-coloured dragon behind them with a cover over their face, a nice shawl and some strange green-glowing claws. Rikuto freezes in place holding some pink-ish shrubs while Hive blushes and thinks Oh my god he's handsome, and this is his first impression of me!! Ah quick, act carefree and natural!!

The strange pearlcatcher sits down on the grass, gazing at them curiously "Aren't you from The Riptide Delta clan? If you're lost, I can bring you too them if you like, I saw where they went." he says. You swear you can see him smiling through the face cover. "Uh.. well um we are actually not lost at all, we are just looking for these pink flowers that make this really bright pink dye for... an.. uh... art project, yep definitely an art project." Oh no, that was way too obvious, he definitely knows it not for an art project.

"I doubt it, the plants you were describing are well known for being used as a strong colorant that most dragons use to dye fur, feathers and apparel items. Were you trying to prank someone in your clan by dying something of theirs?" Okay, he is most definitely smiling now, and damn are those teeth sharp. Oh wow, damn, his face, or the part of it that is visible, is so dang hot.

"um, Hive? You are so pink. Like dang, you are pinker than this crystal spire!! Are you alright?!" Rikuto is on the ground laughing, and now not only is Hive blushing from how damn hot this mystery derg is but also how embarrassed she is. The mystery derg was now chuckling while Hive were sitting on the grass with the most flustered look on her face. The pearlcatcher stands and sticks out his uh, hand? Sure, lets go with hand. He sticks out his hand and says "My name's Majora, and yours is Hive, right?" As she takes his hand, Hive sees his cheeks are brushed pink.

She tries to cover her face with her hood, but fails incredibly and says "Yeah, it is, do you know where we can get some arcanic petuniadils? We haven't had much luck finding them..." "Yeah, and we need them so we can prank one of our clan-mates!!" Rikuto wheezes, still giggling uncontrollably. "Yeah, sure I can, they grow right beside my cave. Speaking of which, it's almost lunch soon, do you guys wanna grab some of the flowers and stay at my cave for a little while for lunch? I am curious to find out about your pranking plan." He smiles mischievously at Hive and Rikuto.

Hive is so surprised by the offer, that she freezes up and somehow,even though it seems impossible, gets pinker, while Rikuto, seeing her friend is paralyzed, says "Yeah!! That sounds great!! Maybe you can give us a tour of your clan territory too? Listening to Hayate grumble on about the history of the place makes me want to fall asleep" "It would be a pleasure to give you guys a tour. I would really want to get to know you guys too, especially you Hive." says Majora, gleaming.

Oh damn. He's smooth af too. He is most definitely way hotter now. thinks Hive. As the group starts walking towards Majora's cave, Hive whispers to Rikuto "Thanks for talking for me, I was so frozen!!" "Don't mention it, you got the hots for him, don't you?" Rikuto whispers back. Hive blushes a little and nods her head. Rikuto smiles and says "Ey, its cool, i'll let you guys 'get to know eachother'!!". Rikuto excuses herself to go find Hayate and tell him that they'll be eating lunch with Majora and as soon as she's gone, Hive and Majora are talking about themselves and their clans.

This most definitely sounds like the start of a love story in my opinion.

Alright, to the next person, have fun!!