
Forum Games

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TOPIC | Flirt with a Dragon -- Lair Game~!
@GhostBreath claimed. dragons with familiars are being kept c: Punk, my necromancer seems to have a fascination.. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] ______ Punk's eyes whisked over the darkly colored Spiral in the distance, those hues reminded him of his time in the land of Plague; the dragon did too though something was off about that. Much like how his soft exterior became a surprise when his magic was unleashed. He fluttered closer, his soft white and pink feathers settling as he landed on a pillar near the dragon who finally seemed to notice him-- though neither dragon was making any attempt to remain hidden. The dragon fascinated Punk, from his gold adornments, the skull over his head, and to the dried blood. "You look like death but it doesn't take a magician to see your intent behind that." He finally said from the safe distance of his pillar, stretching along the top of it and allowing the rim of his hat to fall forward on his face, obscuring his eyes. His mouth formed a thin smile as the Spiral finally turned to face him. He was certainly handsome. Punk wasn't really sure if this dragon would be hostile but he was having fun with it. "..I know a thing or two about bringing the dead back to life."
@GhostBreath claimed.
dragons with familiars are being kept c:

Punk, my necromancer seems to have a fascination..




Punk's eyes whisked over the darkly colored Spiral in the distance, those hues reminded him of his time in the land of Plague; the dragon did too though something was off about that. Much like how his soft exterior became a surprise when his magic was unleashed.

He fluttered closer, his soft white and pink feathers settling as he landed on a pillar near the dragon who finally seemed to notice him-- though neither dragon was making any attempt to remain hidden. The dragon fascinated Punk, from his gold adornments, the skull over his head, and to the dried blood.

"You look like death but it doesn't take a magician to see your intent behind that." He finally said from the safe distance of his pillar, stretching along the top of it and allowing the rim of his hat to fall forward on his face, obscuring his eyes.

His mouth formed a thin smile as the Spiral finally turned to face him. He was certainly handsome. Punk wasn't really sure if this dragon would be hostile but he was having fun with it. "..I know a thing or two about bringing the dead back to life."

> Skin Shop

@Kaldwin Claim! [s]I cannot tell you how long ive been waiting to do this[/s] Lullaby has caught the eye of adorable Sandy! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [center]---------[/center] Sandy was walking around. Tercatto was talking to a wind flight member, and didn't want to leave Sandy by himself, or with anyone from the clan. As Sandy babbled along, he saw another little Hatchling. Large floods of goop rained from his eyes, as he watched other dragons fly and soar. [i]The little Hatchling was Sad![/i] Sandy concluded, and hopped right over. "I...Me...uh..." Sandy stuttered. This little dragon wasn't just sad, he was Cute! Sandy tried to remember his Dragon lessons, and closed his eyes. "No you sad! Smile? Uh...Me Sandy, You cute!" He yelped. Tercatto looked over from the other side, and laughed. The other dragon wipe down the goop. "I'm not sad. These are just my eyes." He said softly, then looked st Sandys wavering colors. "What about you?" Sandy was confused. "Me Sandy. Unkie Terrie call me Ghost. Who you cute?" The spiral kid laughed, goop raining from his eyes some more. "I'm Lullaby. You're pretty cute to." Sandy smiled, a new feeling inside his stomach. He'll ask Nara about it later. Now? He gets to talk to the other cute kid!
@Kaldwin Claim!
I cannot tell you how long ive been waiting to do this
Lullaby has caught the eye of adorable Sandy!



Sandy was walking around. Tercatto was talking to a wind flight member, and didn't want to leave Sandy by himself, or with anyone from the clan. As Sandy babbled along, he saw another little Hatchling. Large floods of goop rained from his eyes, as he watched other dragons fly and soar. The little Hatchling was Sad! Sandy concluded, and hopped right over. "I...Me...uh..." Sandy stuttered. This little dragon wasn't just sad, he was Cute! Sandy tried to remember his Dragon lessons, and closed his eyes. "No you sad! Smile? Uh...Me Sandy, You cute!" He yelped. Tercatto looked over from the other side, and laughed. The other dragon wipe down the goop. "I'm not sad. These are just my eyes." He said softly, then looked st Sandys wavering colors. "What about you?" Sandy was confused. "Me Sandy. Unkie Terrie call me Ghost. Who you cute?" The spiral kid laughed, goop raining from his eyes some more. "I'm Lullaby. You're pretty cute to." Sandy smiled, a new feeling inside his stomach. He'll ask Nara about it later. Now? He gets to talk to the other cute kid!

claim! @Moshipuppy Your Lionheart caught the attention of my Rother. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] ----- While gathering in the Ashfall Wastes, Rother spotted a familiar dragon in the distance. He immediately froze and was caught in a trance, believing that the far away dragon was a darling friend of his. Stuck in his position, he stared and admired, completely awestruck with their glittering red wings and ivory horns which glowed golden. His heart pounded with infatuation. He was snapped from the trance when the dragon turned their head, revealing it to be hidden behind a welder’s mask. His face dropped slightly, remembering that his friend had long since passed. However, his infatuation lingered, and it urged him to talk to the doppelganger. Every small turn away he made, he was stricken with a sense of doom and developed only a stronger need to walk up to them. The urge was fueled with thoughts of ‘what if’, which brought hope and fear that the dragon was truly their friend. The urge came to a point he couldn’t ignore, and thus he approached the red Imperial. His excitement rose as he drew closer to them. When he finally spoke to them, relief flooded him, as his sight of reality merged with delusions of talking to his best friend. “Hello there. What is a beautiful smith doing here, out in the open?” The smile hidden under his headdress never wavered as the two conversed. When the two bid farewell, [i]Lionheart’s[/i] image and voice was burned into his mind. As he contemplated their conversation, he suddenly remembered spotting fire lilies earlier from gathering. He began wondering if a bouquet of the red lilies would rival the brilliant crimson of Lionheart’s scales, but concluded that rubies might match better. When Rother returned home, he headed straight into the clan’s smithery after storing away the fruits of his gathering. In the smithery, he worked to create a metal bouquet of flowers, the centres of each holding a red gem. After tireless days and nights, he perfected the sculpture and sent it away to Lionheart’s clan. While he did think doing so could be alarming, he buried the thought every time it arose. After the metal bouquet was sent, he created a single bloom for himself, as a memento of Lionheart. [size=1][size=1]Was Rother a little too much of a creep in this? I tried keeping him in character but he has some really obsessive behaviours regarding his dead best friend... Sorry if it creep you out ^^' [/size][/size] ----- My lair ends at Neibraghr, and everyone is fair game.

Your Lionheart caught the attention of my Rother.



While gathering in the Ashfall Wastes, Rother spotted a familiar dragon in the distance. He immediately froze and was caught in a trance, believing that the far away dragon was a darling friend of his. Stuck in his position, he stared and admired, completely awestruck with their glittering red wings and ivory horns which glowed golden. His heart pounded with infatuation.

He was snapped from the trance when the dragon turned their head, revealing it to be hidden behind a welder’s mask. His face dropped slightly, remembering that his friend had long since passed. However, his infatuation lingered, and it urged him to talk to the doppelganger. Every small turn away he made, he was stricken with a sense of doom and developed only a stronger need to walk up to them. The urge was fueled with thoughts of ‘what if’, which brought hope and fear that the dragon was truly their friend. The urge came to a point he couldn’t ignore, and thus he approached the red Imperial.

His excitement rose as he drew closer to them. When he finally spoke to them, relief flooded him, as his sight of reality merged with delusions of talking to his best friend. “Hello there. What is a beautiful smith doing here, out in the open?”

The smile hidden under his headdress never wavered as the two conversed. When the two bid farewell, Lionheart’s image and voice was burned into his mind. As he contemplated their conversation, he suddenly remembered spotting fire lilies earlier from gathering. He began wondering if a bouquet of the red lilies would rival the brilliant crimson of Lionheart’s scales, but concluded that rubies might match better.

When Rother returned home, he headed straight into the clan’s smithery after storing away the fruits of his gathering. In the smithery, he worked to create a metal bouquet of flowers, the centres of each holding a red gem. After tireless days and nights, he perfected the sculpture and sent it away to Lionheart’s clan. While he did think doing so could be alarming, he buried the thought every time it arose. After the metal bouquet was sent, he created a single bloom for himself, as a memento of Lionheart.

Was Rother a little too much of a creep in this? I tried keeping him in character but he has some really obsessive behaviours regarding his dead best friend... Sorry if it creep you out ^^'

My lair ends at Neibraghr, and everyone is fair game.
Bump! Skip me!
Bump! Skip me!

@RainingStorm Ooooh my boyo Emergold has taken a fancy to StrawCloak. Time to do a bit of courting! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] ----- Oh, she was such a sight to behold. It was just a standard digging mission around the Shrieking Wilds, bringing back any dusty and dirty artifacts the find to the Ivy Curtains. Emergold was usually hard at work with his nose to the grindstone, clawing away the moss and dirt always bring home something. But when he lifted his head up from a mud, that's when he caught the most amazing sight. A magnificent guardian walked past, a dove flittering behind them every step. Honeydew scales, a brown cloak drapped over her scales and the most impressive rack of antlers held high on their head. Emergold had to freeze, just truly amazed. He.... he had to approach. He had to introduce himself properly. He pulled himself away from the ground and lifted himself high, confident steps as he closed the gap between them. "Excuse me." He spoke, soundly as polite as he could as he looked down at the small female before him. "I'm sorry if this seems a little impromptu, but I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Emergold, treasure hunter of the Ivy Curtains clan. And just what you name be madame?" He may or may not have forgotten the fact that his face was still dirt brown from his 'treasure hunting.' (Ignore the second ping. I messed something up.)
Ooooh my boyo Emergold has taken a fancy to StrawCloak. Time to do a bit of courting!



Oh, she was such a sight to behold. It was just a standard digging mission around the Shrieking Wilds, bringing back any dusty and dirty artifacts the find to the Ivy Curtains. Emergold was usually hard at work with his nose to the grindstone, clawing away the moss and dirt always bring home something. But when he lifted his head up from a mud, that's when he caught the most amazing sight.

A magnificent guardian walked past, a dove flittering behind them every step. Honeydew scales, a brown cloak drapped over her scales and the most impressive rack of antlers held high on their head. Emergold had to freeze, just truly amazed. He.... he had to approach. He had to introduce himself properly. He pulled himself away from the ground and lifted himself high, confident steps as he closed the gap between them.

"Excuse me." He spoke, soundly as polite as he could as he looked down at the small female before him. "I'm sorry if this seems a little impromptu, but I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Emergold, treasure hunter of the Ivy Curtains clan. And just what you name be madame?" He may or may not have forgotten the fact that his face was still dirt brown from his 'treasure hunting.'

(Ignore the second ping. I messed something up.)
Every dragon has a story, has a personality, has a life.
Claim! (It might be a day or two before I get it done, though)
Claim! (It might be a day or two before I get it done, though)
@TheRebelPilot What's this? Solstice seems to be a [i]little[/i] flustered around Sunny! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] "'Rizon!" Solstice all but ran to the [url=]Skydancer[/url] snoozing under the shade of a tent. His shout jerked Horizon awake and he let out a cross between a snort and a strangled yelp of a squashed Augite Protector. "Wha-? What's happening? Is a serial killer chasing you? Don't worry Sol, I'll protect you!" Solstice would've found his friend's deceleration flattering if he wasn't yawning every 3 seconds. He risked a glance over his shoulder and found that [i]she[/i] was coming closer by the second. His face paled as he dove behind Horizon and tugged the edge of his pink cloak over himself, trying in vain to cover himself up. "Sol, what're you doing-[i]gack[/i]!" Solstice yanked Horizon by his cloak so that his friend was awkwardly laying semi on top of him with his back bent in an unnatural angle; it was effective in covering Solstice up, but not the most comfortable for either of them. "Dude! If you wanted me to do the limbo, strangling me with [i]my[/i] own [i]cloak[/i] is not the best way to go about it!" "Shut up and act natural!" Solstice whisper-yelled and hunkered himself down even more. He felt more than heard his friend mutter something under his breath before the sound of [i]her[/i] walking closer reached his ears. "Heeeey Sunny, what's new with you?" Wow, real smooth Horizon. "Hey to you too, Horizon. I'm was just about to call it a day, what're you doing?" "Oh you know, just getting [i]strangled[/i] by my own [i]cloak[/i]!" Solstice tightened his grip on said fabric in response. "Totally nothing out of the-[i]ack![/i] Ordinary! My cloak sometimes does this funny thing where it rebels against me for [i]some reason[/i]; there's probably some small curse woven in there by someone, I'll get it checked out sooner or later." "Do you need any help getting it off?" Solstice instinctively tightened his death-grip on Horizon's cloak as he started freaking out. "NO, I'll be fine." Horizon quickly choked out. "In fact, can we keep this little...incident between the two of us? It'll be pretty embarrassing if my clanmates found out my cloak tried to kill me." Solstice heart thundered in his chest as he waited for Sandy to respond. "Alright...but get it fixed alright?" Horizon nodded a bit too quickly, but eventually the sound of her footsteps faded. Solstice sighed in relief as he let go of his friend's cloak. "Thanks 'Rizon." He frowned when he felt Horizon shift into a more comfortable position. "You can get off of me now." He struggled underneath his friend's weight, but found himself stuck. "Nope! Not until you tell me what that was all about." Solstice knew Horizon was crossing his arms as he demanded an explanation from him. Solstice groaned as he accepted his role as a mattress. "Fine, but promise you won't laugh." Horizon just shrugged as he waited. "I...IhaveacrushonSunny." Solstice blurted out, his face hot with embarrassment. "HAH! I KNEW IT!" He squirmed underneath his friend as he tried to punch him. "Shut it!" "Oh how the roles have switched." Horizon chuckled before he quieted. "Why do you like her?" Solstice ceased his squirming as he thought about it. "Well...Sunny’s really nice and she doesn't seem like the type of person to judge someone. Also, her food is so good, I can't get enough of it!" "...Am I talking to your stomach or your heart right now?" questioned Horizon. "What're you talking about? My stomach is my heart and vice versa." He heard Horizon groan above him. "I seriously didn't need that image in my head. Well then," Solstice felt his friend's weight lighten and he craned his neck to see Horizon sliding off him. "I just wanted to hear those words from you." He stooped down and offered his hand to Solstice. He grabbed his hand and Horizon hefted him up before slinging his arm around Solstice. "You know Sol, you're hopeless." "I know."

What's this? Solstice seems to be a little flustered around Sunny!



"'Rizon!" Solstice all but ran to the Skydancer snoozing under the shade of a tent. His shout jerked Horizon awake and he let out a cross between a snort and a strangled yelp of a squashed Augite Protector. "Wha-? What's happening? Is a serial killer chasing you? Don't worry Sol, I'll protect you!" Solstice would've found his friend's deceleration flattering if he wasn't yawning every 3 seconds. He risked a glance over his shoulder and found that she was coming closer by the second. His face paled as he dove behind Horizon and tugged the edge of his pink cloak over himself, trying in vain to cover himself up. "Sol, what're you doing-gack!" Solstice yanked Horizon by his cloak so that his friend was awkwardly laying semi on top of him with his back bent in an unnatural angle; it was effective in covering Solstice up, but not the most comfortable for either of them. "Dude! If you wanted me to do the limbo, strangling me with my own cloak is not the best way to go about it!"

"Shut up and act natural!" Solstice whisper-yelled and hunkered himself down even more. He felt more than heard his friend mutter something under his breath before the sound of her walking closer reached his ears. "Heeeey Sunny, what's new with you?" Wow, real smooth Horizon. "Hey to you too, Horizon. I'm was just about to call it a day, what're you doing?" "Oh you know, just getting strangled by my own cloak!" Solstice tightened his grip on said fabric in response. "Totally nothing out of the-ack! Ordinary! My cloak sometimes does this funny thing where it rebels against me for some reason; there's probably some small curse woven in there by someone, I'll get it checked out sooner or later."

"Do you need any help getting it off?" Solstice instinctively tightened his death-grip on Horizon's cloak as he started freaking out. "NO, I'll be fine." Horizon quickly choked out. "In fact, can we keep this little...incident between the two of us? It'll be pretty embarrassing if my clanmates found out my cloak tried to kill me." Solstice heart thundered in his chest as he waited for Sandy to respond. "Alright...but get it fixed alright?" Horizon nodded a bit too quickly, but eventually the sound of her footsteps faded. Solstice sighed in relief as he let go of his friend's cloak. "Thanks 'Rizon." He frowned when he felt Horizon shift into a more comfortable position. "You can get off of me now." He struggled underneath his friend's weight, but found himself stuck. "Nope! Not until you tell me what that was all about." Solstice knew Horizon was crossing his arms as he demanded an explanation from him. Solstice groaned as he accepted his role as a mattress. "Fine, but promise you won't laugh." Horizon just shrugged as he waited. "I...IhaveacrushonSunny." Solstice blurted out, his face hot with embarrassment.

"HAH! I KNEW IT!" He squirmed underneath his friend as he tried to punch him. "Shut it!" "Oh how the roles have switched." Horizon chuckled before he quieted. "Why do you like her?" Solstice ceased his squirming as he thought about it. "Well...Sunny’s really nice and she doesn't seem like the type of person to judge someone. Also, her food is so good, I can't get enough of it!" "...Am I talking to your stomach or your heart right now?" questioned Horizon. "What're you talking about? My stomach is my heart and vice versa." He heard Horizon groan above him. "I seriously didn't need that image in my head. Well then," Solstice felt his friend's weight lighten and he craned his neck to see Horizon sliding off him. "I just wanted to hear those words from you." He stooped down and offered his hand to Solstice. He grabbed his hand and Horizon hefted him up before slinging his arm around Solstice. "You know Sol, you're hopeless."

"I know."
@BloodSentry Claim! [s]I'm addicted to this game someone help me[/s] Unsure of whether he's realized, Equinox [url=] [img][/img] [/url] has Icily rethinking being a bachelor... [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [center]---------[/center] Icily has only made three promises to himself: To never ever, let someone call him ugly, to always make someone feel loved, and to [b]never[/b] fall in love with a warrior. He broke the last one tonight. He was walking on a small patch of the shifting expanse, watching as heat lightning broke across the sky, a field of dry grass infront of him. He heard someone humming, and looked up. A skydancer clad in golden armor was dancing across the field, heat lighting helping his look. Blue wings shimmered in the moonlight, bright blue claws moving around, Icily was in awe. Any flirtatious remark seemed to pale when he saw this dragon, and he sighed. What he would enter over for one- The thought was cut off by a crack. The crumbling rock Icily was on was a cliff, and it wasn't feeling to great. To late to fly, Icily stumble for to dry land he reached out, just as the rock fell below him, and- Talons grabbed his. The warrior looked at him, electric blue eyes shimmering. He pulled the fancily clad skydancer up, who's face was a pink as his eyes. [i]"Th-thanks."[/i] Icily murmered under his breath, close enough to smell the copper from the dragons homeland. He smelled amazing. The skydancer introduced himself as Equinox, and Icily gave his name in return. He coughed some a little, and sighed. Now or never. [i]"You-You dance amazingly."[/i] Icily started, as the second dragon turned red. [i]"Would...would you be up for showing me how you do that?"[/i] [center]---------[/center] [i]My dragons sexualities and Mates are in their Bios, please respect.[/i]
@BloodSentry Claim!
I'm addicted to this game someone help me
Unsure of whether he's realized, Equinox


has Icily rethinking being a bachelor...


Icily has only made three promises to himself: To never ever, let someone call him ugly, to always make someone feel loved, and to never fall in love with a warrior. He broke the last one tonight. He was walking on a small patch of the shifting expanse, watching as heat lightning broke across the sky, a field of dry grass infront of him. He heard someone humming, and looked up. A skydancer clad in golden armor was dancing across the field, heat lighting helping his look. Blue wings shimmered in the moonlight, bright blue claws moving around, Icily was in awe. Any flirtatious remark seemed to pale when he saw this dragon, and he sighed. What he would enter over for one- The thought was cut off by a crack. The crumbling rock Icily was on was a cliff, and it wasn't feeling to great. To late to fly, Icily stumble for to dry land he reached out, just as the rock fell below him, and-
Talons grabbed his. The warrior looked at him, electric blue eyes shimmering. He pulled the fancily clad skydancer up, who's face was a pink as his eyes.
"Th-thanks." Icily murmered under his breath, close enough to smell the copper from the dragons homeland. He smelled amazing. The skydancer introduced himself as Equinox, and Icily gave his name in return. He coughed some a little, and sighed. Now or never. "You-You dance amazingly." Icily started, as the second dragon turned red. "Would...would you be up for showing me how you do that?"

My dragons sexualities and Mates are in their Bios, please respect.

@Moshipuppy Your lovable Bear [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Seems to have caught the eye of the happy Aleka! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Aleka stared, wide-eyed at the Marketplace of the area. Despite the overwhelming heat of the Ashfall Waste, there was a bustling market in the area that sold many variety of wares. The Nocturne perched on a tent-top lightly, with a smile on her face. It was always so busy and exciting at Marketplaces! She had been sent to shop here by the clan healer, Nenkal, in order to get some supplies native to the area. Aleka scouted the bustling scene, looking for any shop that appeared to be selling healing supplies. She spotted some sort of tent that looked to be selling plants, so she supposed this might be where they sold herbs like the ones Nenkal had asked for. She took off from her perch and glided over to the shop. What greeted her was a large array of potted plants set up to show potential customers. Aleka sighed, pretty sure none of these were herbs, according to the tags she glanced over. Suddenly, to her side, a small crash could be heard from a shop over. "Oh no! I am so sorry!" exclaimed a low voice. Aleka turned to look at what had happened and saw a stunning Snapper staring at a broken pot in front of him. He looked saddened at what had occurred, and almost apologetic at the merchant he had presumably just bought it from. Aleka was stunned for a moment before flapping over to the other dragon. "Uhm, hello - My name's Aleka and I'm sorry you broke your pot!" she blurted suddenly. The Snapper almost seemed surprised at the sudden conversation, though his eyes still kept a soft light to them. "Oh no, it's alright. I'm a tad prone to breaking things," he replied, chuckling softly. "I'll just have to buy another one." He continued with a gentle smile. Aleka stared at him, round eyed. "Alright? Prone to breaking things?" she repeated questioningly. "Buy another one? Oh! Let me!" The Snapper, again, looked surprised by the Nocturne. "Oh, no, you don't have to-" he attempted to protest, but Aleka was already pointing to the merchant which pot she wanted. After she handed over her money and received the new item, she turned to the icey colored Snapper. Aleka finally got a good look at the other dragon now. He was a light gray dragon with contrasting dark apparel. An emblem floated just above his forehead with the Ice Flight symbol represented. A handsome dragon. Quickly, she held her talons out which held the pot. "Uhm. . . Here. I picked the prettiest pot. . . Fit for the most beautiful dragon-" ----- [b]For the next person: Not all my dragons have updated bios! If they have offspring with another member of the clan, they have a mate so please do not pick them uwu. Everyone after Storm (including her) is off limits as well, please.[/b]
Your lovable Bear


Seems to have caught the eye of the happy Aleka!


Aleka stared, wide-eyed at the Marketplace of the area. Despite the overwhelming heat of the Ashfall Waste, there was a bustling market in the area that sold many variety of wares.

The Nocturne perched on a tent-top lightly, with a smile on her face. It was always so busy and exciting at Marketplaces! She had been sent to shop here by the clan healer, Nenkal, in order to get some supplies native to the area.

Aleka scouted the bustling scene, looking for any shop that appeared to be selling healing supplies. She spotted some sort of tent that looked to be selling plants, so she supposed this might be where they sold herbs like the ones Nenkal had asked for.

She took off from her perch and glided over to the shop. What greeted her was a large array of potted plants set up to show potential customers. Aleka sighed, pretty sure none of these were herbs, according to the tags she glanced over.

Suddenly, to her side, a small crash could be heard from a shop over.

"Oh no! I am so sorry!" exclaimed a low voice. Aleka turned to look at what had happened and saw a stunning Snapper staring at a broken pot in front of him. He looked saddened at what had occurred, and almost apologetic at the merchant he had presumably just bought it from.

Aleka was stunned for a moment before flapping over to the other dragon. "Uhm, hello - My name's Aleka and I'm sorry you broke your pot!" she blurted suddenly.
The Snapper almost seemed surprised at the sudden conversation, though his eyes still kept a soft light to them. "Oh no, it's alright. I'm a tad prone to breaking things," he replied, chuckling softly. "I'll just have to buy another one." He continued with a gentle smile.

Aleka stared at him, round eyed. "Alright? Prone to breaking things?" she repeated questioningly. "Buy another one? Oh! Let me!"

The Snapper, again, looked surprised by the Nocturne. "Oh, no, you don't have to-" he attempted to protest, but Aleka was already pointing to the merchant which pot she wanted.

After she handed over her money and received the new item, she turned to the icey colored Snapper. Aleka finally got a good look at the other dragon now. He was a light gray dragon with contrasting dark apparel. An emblem floated just above his forehead with the Ice Flight symbol represented. A handsome dragon.

Quickly, she held her talons out which held the pot. "Uhm. . . Here. I picked the prettiest pot. . . Fit for the most beautiful dragon-"

For the next person: Not all my dragons have updated bios! If they have offspring with another member of the clan, they have a mate so please do not pick them uwu. Everyone after Storm (including her) is off limits as well, please.

Back from a hiatus, busy writing lore!
[center][size=2]@LilyCatcher [url=] [img][/img] [/url] and [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Lilac was nestled in a small corner of the bustling market, elbow deep in a machine that hadn't worked since it had been created. He was so occupied trying to fix the metal menace he didn't notice the eyes that had settled on him. From across the market the ridgeback had noticed the fae tucked away and the site had intrigued him. Ibex wandered over, eyes fixed on the dragon who was covered in smudges of oil and streaks of grease. "You have a way with machines," He cooed, leaning over the tiny creature. To the fae Ibex was looming, casting a long shadow that covered his work space and seemingly blocked out the sun itself. "From across this market I felt your talent and had to come investigate. I hope you do not mind my interruption." "You did?" Lilac inquires, peering up at the ridgeback. Most of the odd ridgeback's face was hidden beneath a leafy hood and his eyes seemed to be covered with a thick cloth. Ibex circled, noticing the shadow he had cast upon the poor faes work space and gave a curt nod. "I did indeed. You are a very talented man, one who will create wonderful machines in the future." The words were abrupt and startling, never before had a stranger wandered over and comment on his skills. A claw ran gently against Lilacs camo scales, a grin slipping onto Ibex's snout. "Please do excuse me." He muttered. "It is not everyday I meet someone with talent such as yours and such beautiful scales. Continue on this path and they will recognize your abilities and perhaps even your looks." "Pardon?" Lilac's brows furrow and the ridgeback turns away from the fae, grin sly. "They shall reward you for your efforts, provide you with happiness, provide you with someone who could match your beauty. The last task shall be difficult but it shall happen if you continue among this path." Ibex seemed to vanish without another word the only thing left of the odd man covered in plants was a card. [i]Church of the Black Arrow Arum[/i]... Had a priest just flirted with him? ----- My lair ends with Hephaestus




Lilac was nestled in a small corner of the bustling market, elbow deep in a machine that hadn't worked since it had been created. He was so occupied trying to fix the metal menace he didn't notice the eyes that had settled on him. From across the market the ridgeback had noticed the fae tucked away and the site had intrigued him. Ibex wandered over, eyes fixed on the dragon who was covered in smudges of oil and streaks of grease.

"You have a way with machines," He cooed, leaning over the tiny creature. To the fae Ibex was looming, casting a long shadow that covered his work space and seemingly blocked out the sun itself. "From across this market I felt your talent and had to come investigate. I hope you do not mind my interruption."

"You did?" Lilac inquires, peering up at the ridgeback. Most of the odd ridgeback's face was hidden beneath a leafy hood and his eyes seemed to be covered with a thick cloth. Ibex circled, noticing the shadow he had cast upon the poor faes work space and gave a curt nod.

"I did indeed. You are a very talented man, one who will create wonderful machines in the future." The words were abrupt and startling, never before had a stranger wandered over and comment on his skills. A claw ran gently against Lilacs camo scales, a grin slipping onto Ibex's snout.

"Please do excuse me." He muttered. "It is not everyday I meet someone with talent such as yours and such beautiful scales. Continue on this path and they will recognize your abilities and perhaps even your looks."

"Pardon?" Lilac's brows furrow and the ridgeback turns away from the fae, grin sly.

"They shall reward you for your efforts, provide you with happiness, provide you with someone who could match your beauty. The last task shall be difficult but it shall happen if you continue among this path." Ibex seemed to vanish without another word the only thing left of the odd man covered in plants was a card. Church of the Black Arrow Arum... Had a priest just flirted with him?

My lair ends with Hephaestus
Chipped Blackened Legbones Fascinator Greystone Deer