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TOPIC | Flirt with a Dragon -- Lair Game~!
(@ghostbreath omg I totally ship them)
(@ghostbreath omg I totally ship them)



skipperoo me


skipperoo me
I know this can be frustrating… And it can feel like so much effort to progress such a small amount, but I want you to know that I’m proud of you.
[center]@TropicalPancakes Your Vylad [img][/img] Interests the ex-guard become chef, Ariel [img][/img] [img][/img] The party had been loud. Too loud for the ridgeback's liking. Sure, it was to celebrate the newfound friendship of the two clans but still. So, she stayed a good distance away from the party. For a while, she just enjoyed the silence, staring at the bright skies above. Though, her body tensed as she picked up on the quiet sounds of someone approaching. Her instincts told her to attack, to fight to the death with whatever it was. But, she shook the thoughts away as a male skydancer came into sight. At first, the two said nothing, both staring at the sky. It seemed both had realized they were both supposed to be at the party but left. So, she didn't attack him. Taking a deep breath, the ridgeback decided to finally break their silence. [b]"I'm guessing you like to stay out of parties too?"[/b][/center]

Your Vylad

Interests the ex-guard become chef, Ariel


The party had been loud. Too loud for the ridgeback's liking. Sure, it was to celebrate the newfound friendship of the two clans but still. So, she stayed a good distance away from the party.

For a while, she just enjoyed the silence, staring at the bright skies above. Though, her body tensed as she picked up on the quiet sounds of someone approaching. Her instincts told her to attack, to fight to the death with whatever it was. But, she shook the thoughts away as a male skydancer came into sight.

At first, the two said nothing, both staring at the sky. It seemed both had realized they were both supposed to be at the party but left. So, she didn't attack him. Taking a deep breath, the ridgeback decided to finally break their silence.

"I'm guessing you like to stay out of parties too?"
I got no idea what I'm doing, I'm just some lost idiot
@CaffieneAddict Your Autumn, my Oracle. Enjoy :3 [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Oracle watched with bored interest as Amiss lead the jaguar patterned Coatl around the camp, introducing her to his clanmates. He could barely hear what they were saying nor did he really care, but the guest was what piqued his interest. How could she not catch his attention; with those magnificent colors and stunning pattern on her sleek body and wings, an ordinary dragon would've immediately fell to their knees at the sight of her, but not him. Oracle blinked out of his thoughts as Amiss and the guest came nearer to where he was, only stopping to talk with Emperor, his son. When had he grown up so fast? Oracle remembered when Emperor barely reached his chest, but now he was a good head or so taller than him and he carried himself with poise befitting of his position. Oracle snapped out of his thoughts as Amiss and the guest approached him. He put on his most charming smile as they halted in front of him, she was even more beautiful up close. "Autumn, this is Oracle, our seer." said Amiss, ever the hospitable one. "Oracle, this is Autumn, she'll be with us for a while." Oracle smile deepened at that little fact; he dipped his head down and as he lifted his head up, he locked eyes with Emperor. Sadness and disapproval filled his son's piercing eyes as he gazed at him; Oracle broke away first, he already knew what his son was saying. [i]Why? [/i] "It's a pleasure to meet you, Autumn. I have a feeling we'll be getting rather well acquainted during your stay. Please do not hesitate to ask me anything, I will always find time to answer your questions." Oracle smiled at the Coatl and she returned it with her own before Amiss pulled her away to who knows where. He glanced to see Emperor rooted in his place, hurt and anger written on his face. Oracle stared at him with an unreadable expression on his; his son will never understand what he feels on a daily basis. The urge. The need. The [i]pain[/i] And he prayed that he never will.

Your Autumn, my Oracle. Enjoy :3



Oracle watched with bored interest as Amiss lead the jaguar patterned Coatl around the camp, introducing her to his clanmates. He could barely hear what they were saying nor did he really care, but the guest was what piqued his interest. How could she not catch his attention; with those magnificent colors and stunning pattern on her sleek body and wings, an ordinary dragon would've immediately fell to their knees at the sight of her, but not him.

Oracle blinked out of his thoughts as Amiss and the guest came nearer to where he was, only stopping to talk with Emperor, his son. When had he grown up so fast? Oracle remembered when Emperor barely reached his chest, but now he was a good head or so taller than him and he carried himself with poise befitting of his position. Oracle snapped out of his thoughts as Amiss and the guest approached him. He put on his most charming smile as they halted in front of him, she was even more beautiful up close.

"Autumn, this is Oracle, our seer." said Amiss, ever the hospitable one. "Oracle, this is Autumn, she'll be with us for a while." Oracle smile deepened at that little fact; he dipped his head down and as he lifted his head up, he locked eyes with Emperor. Sadness and disapproval filled his son's piercing eyes as he gazed at him; Oracle broke away first, he already knew what his son was saying.


"It's a pleasure to meet you, Autumn. I have a feeling we'll be getting rather well acquainted during your stay. Please do not hesitate to ask me anything, I will always find time to answer your questions." Oracle smiled at the Coatl and she returned it with her own before Amiss pulled her away to who knows where. He glanced to see Emperor rooted in his place, hurt and anger written on his face. Oracle stared at him with an unreadable expression on his; his son will never understand what he feels on a daily basis.

The urge.

The need.

The pain

And he prayed that he never will.

Oooh! You got me interested in the story behind those two!


Oooh! You got me interested in the story behind those two!

I got no idea what I'm doing, I'm just some lost idiot
@BloodSentry Your Nightingale [url=] [img][/img] [/url] and my Divina! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] - Divina was never the type to make the first move. She had tried before, and those experiences weren’t something she'd like to repeat. She had learned to enjoy life as it went by, to watch for moments and treasure them when they happened, but never to pursue them. She didn’t make the first move; she didn’t need to. Beautiful things happened on their own. She had no reason to chase after life, but right now, Divina was tempted to change that philosophy. Divina hadn’t slept well last night—she hadn’t been sleeping well at all, lately—so she had taken to walking through the town in the early mornings, when the world is still and quiet and almost seems to be holding its breath while waiting for the Sun to rise. She’s not quite sure what, exactly, drew her to that particular café on that day at that exact time when [i]she[/i] was there. Exhaustion clung to Divina like a second shadow, and the chill in the morning air drove her into the nearest café for something to warm her up and give her energy. Divina had certainly came for the coffee, but she had stayed for the Imperial. She was, quite possibly, one of the loveliest people Divina had ever set eyes on. Her hair was as dark and enchanting as a night sky, and her eyes were as green and lush as a forest. The Imperial was beautiful, but what really drew Divina in was that far-away look in her eyes, like she was in a world of her own making. Pen and paper lay strewn out before her, and a cooling cup of tea sat beside her, forgotten momentarily as the Imperial wrote. It was an effort not to stare as Divina waited for her order, and she bit her lip as she thought. She never made the first move, but what if she did nothing now and lived to regret it? She darted her eyes back behind the counter as the employee began filling cup, then looked down at herself and groaned. Divina looked like a mess. Anxiously, she ran a hand through her hair, trying to smooth the fly-aways and work out the small tangles, but then the barista was coming back with her coffee in hand. She took it with a smile, trying to hide the fact her stomach was in knots, then risked another glance at the Imperial- she had stopped writing for a brief moment to take a sip of her tea and glance out the window. It was now or never. With a grin she hoped looked more confident than she felt, Divina walked over to the breathtaking Imperial who looked like she could breathe life into worlds with a single stroke of her pen and [i]by the Eleven, what she should even say, she was being so ridiculous right now-[/i] “Hello, I’m Divina,” she said, and almost froze when the other girl looked at her with those wide, emerald green eyes. [i]It's too late to turn back now[/i], she reminded herself, and forced herself to keep talking. “Is this seat taken?” As the Imperial smiled at her and adjusted her things so Divina could sit beside her, her heart nearly skipped a beat. She had never been the type to make the first move- but maybe she could be.
Your Nightingale


and my Divina!



Divina was never the type to make the first move. She had tried before, and those experiences weren’t something she'd like to repeat. She had learned to enjoy life as it went by, to watch for moments and treasure them when they happened, but never to pursue them. She didn’t make the first move; she didn’t need to. Beautiful things happened on their own. She had no reason to chase after life, but right now, Divina was tempted to change that philosophy.

Divina hadn’t slept well last night—she hadn’t been sleeping well at all, lately—so she had taken to walking through the town in the early mornings, when the world is still and quiet and almost seems to be holding its breath while waiting for the Sun to rise. She’s not quite sure what, exactly, drew her to that particular café on that day at that exact time when she was there. Exhaustion clung to Divina like a second shadow, and the chill in the morning air drove her into the nearest café for something to warm her up and give her energy. Divina had certainly came for the coffee, but she had stayed for the Imperial.

She was, quite possibly, one of the loveliest people Divina had ever set eyes on. Her hair was as dark and enchanting as a night sky, and her eyes were as green and lush as a forest. The Imperial was beautiful, but what really drew Divina in was that far-away look in her eyes, like she was in a world of her own making. Pen and paper lay strewn out before her, and a cooling cup of tea sat beside her, forgotten momentarily as the Imperial wrote. It was an effort not to stare as Divina waited for her order, and she bit her lip as she thought. She never made the first move, but what if she did nothing now and lived to regret it? She darted her eyes back behind the counter as the employee began filling cup, then looked down at herself and groaned. Divina looked like a mess. Anxiously, she ran a hand through her hair, trying to smooth the fly-aways and work out the small tangles, but then the barista was coming back with her coffee in hand. She took it with a smile, trying to hide the fact her stomach was in knots, then risked another glance at the Imperial- she had stopped writing for a brief moment to take a sip of her tea and glance out the window. It was now or never.

With a grin she hoped looked more confident than she felt, Divina walked over to the breathtaking Imperial who looked like she could breathe life into worlds with a single stroke of her pen and by the Eleven, what she should even say, she was being so ridiculous right now-

“Hello, I’m Divina,” she said, and almost froze when the other girl looked at her with those wide, emerald green eyes. It's too late to turn back now, she reminded herself, and forced herself to keep talking. “Is this seat taken?”

As the Imperial smiled at her and adjusted her things so Divina could sit beside her, her heart nearly skipped a beat. She had never been the type to make the first move- but maybe she could be.
  • she / they
  • fr +2
  • rp friendly
@CalicoRadio [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Aurora watched Fluorite from the corner of her eye. [i]Now THIS is a fine specimen.[/i] Tall, blue and handsome. Just her type. Planning her route carefully to "accidentally" bump into him on the way to the refreshments, she smoothed out her dress and composed herself. Checking her scales to make sure they were shiny and clean, she sprayed herself with a little Eau de Seafood, before being satisfied with her overall appearance. Aurora sauntered off towards Fluorite, craning her neck and fluttering her eyelids. Practically treading on his front talons, she made sure he got a good whiff of her perfume, and said nothing to him, maintaining a cold and regal sir as she passed him on her way towards the refreshments table. [i]I'll let him make the first move.[/i] To her dismay, the male Imperial barely reacted at all. Affronted, she grabbed a glass of squid champagne and dramatically whipped around, walking back to where Fluorite was. If he wasn't going to do it, she was. As she brushed past Fluorite, she "accidentally" bumped into him, so that the fabric around her neck got snagged on the edge of his breastplate. The two Imperials were now nose to nose. Aurora made no attempt to disentangle the two of them as she sidled closer to him, thrusting her head under his neck. "Sorry, I have bad eyesight and don't want to tear my dress. Looks like we're going to have to stay like this for a bit."



Aurora watched Fluorite from the corner of her eye.
Now THIS is a fine specimen.
Tall, blue and handsome. Just her type.
Planning her route carefully to "accidentally" bump into him on the way to the refreshments, she smoothed out her dress and composed herself.
Checking her scales to make sure they were shiny and clean, she sprayed herself with a little Eau de Seafood, before being satisfied with her overall appearance. Aurora sauntered off towards Fluorite, craning her neck and fluttering her eyelids. Practically treading on his front talons, she made sure he got a good whiff of her perfume, and said nothing to him, maintaining a cold and regal sir as she passed him on her way towards the refreshments table.
I'll let him make the first move.
To her dismay, the male Imperial barely reacted at all. Affronted, she grabbed a glass of squid champagne and dramatically whipped around, walking back to where Fluorite was. If he wasn't going to do it, she was.

As she brushed past Fluorite, she "accidentally" bumped into him, so that the fabric around her neck got snagged on the edge of his breastplate. The two Imperials were now nose to nose. Aurora made no attempt to disentangle the two of them as she sidled closer to him, thrusting her head under his neck.
"Sorry, I have bad eyesight and don't want to tear my dress. Looks like we're going to have to stay like this for a bit."
Free entry raffle:
@SkyeFyre Your Montague [url=] [img][/img] [/url] and my Neo [url=] [img][/img] [/url] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- He hadn't meant to catch the pretty white bird. It was just so pretty and free, he had stared at it for all of 10 seconds before he took off after it. Of course it sqwaked and flew off, the large imperial hot on it's tail feathers. Neo clamped his claws around the frightened little bird, creating a cage in between his paws. Carefully he touched back down to the earth, peering curiously inside the cage he had made. The poor little thing beat it's wings and screeched for it's life. Neo frowned, he gave his paws an experimental shake, trying to make the bird stop and see he meant it no harm. Obviously this was the last resort as it cried, loudly. The imperial let out his own squawk as a a mass of scales, wings, and fabric plowed into him. He instantly let go of the bird, instead grappling with his attacker as they snarled and snapped. Neo grunted as his back hit the ground. His ears swiveled back and pressed tightly against his head as he growled up at the attacker, but it died in his throat as soon as he caught emerald green shining beneath waves of rainbows. [b]"Keep your dirty paws [i]OFF MY BIRD[/i]!"[/b] Neo flinched back as the other roared in his face. His bird? Said bird, the terrified dove from before, fluttered down from the sky and promptly landed on the rainbow male's shoulder. A few feathers ruffled, but otherwise unharmed. [b]"What in the world even compelled you to chase after it?[/b]" Neo blinked up at the other, seeming somewhat confused. Well, he actually was. [b]"Pretty?"[/b] Neo offered. The smaller imperial tilted his head, now the one confused. [b]"The bird?" [/b]At this, the dark male shook his head. Before he would have said '[i]yes[/i]' about the bird, but he found something far more beautiful to behold. "[b]You[/b]." To prove his point, Neo stretched his neck up and bumped the other male's chin with his nose. The bird squawked, the rainbow male squawked, and Neo just laughed. Maybe he should chase after pretty bird more often? Especially if they belonged to such a beautiful owner?

Your Montague


and my Neo


He hadn't meant to catch the pretty white bird. It was just so pretty and free, he had stared at it for all of 10 seconds before he took off after it. Of course it sqwaked and flew off, the large imperial hot on it's tail feathers. Neo clamped his claws around the frightened little bird, creating a cage in between his paws. Carefully he touched back down to the earth, peering curiously inside the cage he had made. The poor little thing beat it's wings and screeched for it's life. Neo frowned, he gave his paws an experimental shake, trying to make the bird stop and see he meant it no harm. Obviously this was the last resort as it cried, loudly.

The imperial let out his own squawk as a a mass of scales, wings, and fabric plowed into him. He instantly let go of the bird, instead grappling with his attacker as they snarled and snapped. Neo grunted as his back hit the ground. His ears swiveled back and pressed tightly against his head as he growled up at the attacker, but it died in his throat as soon as he caught emerald green shining beneath waves of rainbows.

"Keep your dirty paws OFF MY BIRD!" Neo flinched back as the other roared in his face. His bird? Said bird, the terrified dove from before, fluttered down from the sky and promptly landed on the rainbow male's shoulder. A few feathers ruffled, but otherwise unharmed. "What in the world even compelled you to chase after it?" Neo blinked up at the other, seeming somewhat confused. Well, he actually was.

"Pretty?" Neo offered. The smaller imperial tilted his head, now the one confused.

"The bird?" At this, the dark male shook his head. Before he would have said 'yes' about the bird, but he found something far more beautiful to behold.

"You." To prove his point, Neo stretched his neck up and bumped the other male's chin with his nose. The bird squawked, the rainbow male squawked, and Neo just laughed. Maybe he should chase after pretty bird more often? Especially if they belonged to such a beautiful owner?

Aww, that's really cute <3

Skip me

Aww, that's really cute <3

Skip me