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TOPIC | Help Wanted - WaveSat CYOA - DONE
(Pyrotechnic disposal experts, you say? Yes, that's me. I am from Fire flight, after all.) -Panzerkunst

Panzer sneaks a piece of Blood-red Velvet Cake from the bakery before heading down to the beach though--he hasn't had a chance to get breakfast after waking up early, and digging is hungry work!

Panzer tries to keep away from the rest of his group, though, so as to let the experts help them and to maximize the area searched. Some of the ones he finds get away from him, so he's a bit scorched by the time the all-clear is called, but there's nothing as serious as the lava pools in his home.

[ Fortunately they wanted the fireworks recovered and not just "removed", or he would have just gone about setting them all off; that would have needed a landscaping crew afterwards, instead! ]

(The Tidelord just used a "special prophecy bubble" to forecast clear weather for the festival... I can't decide whether to be scared that he can control the weather, or to be amused that he "wasted" a "special" prophecy on something silly like telling what tonight's weather would be like, or to be confused at what his priorities are. "Tidelord don't care" may be the motto of his priests, but I wouldn't be surprised if he just cares about things that the rest of us don't care about. We could use more intel on this, but I don't know how to find that yet. ) -Panzerkunst

Whatever. It's party time. Time for dancing and celebrating! (Doesn't hurt that he's apparently a VIP at this party, right?)
(Pyrotechnic disposal experts, you say? Yes, that's me. I am from Fire flight, after all.) -Panzerkunst

Panzer sneaks a piece of Blood-red Velvet Cake from the bakery before heading down to the beach though--he hasn't had a chance to get breakfast after waking up early, and digging is hungry work!

Panzer tries to keep away from the rest of his group, though, so as to let the experts help them and to maximize the area searched. Some of the ones he finds get away from him, so he's a bit scorched by the time the all-clear is called, but there's nothing as serious as the lava pools in his home.

[ Fortunately they wanted the fireworks recovered and not just "removed", or he would have just gone about setting them all off; that would have needed a landscaping crew afterwards, instead! ]

(The Tidelord just used a "special prophecy bubble" to forecast clear weather for the festival... I can't decide whether to be scared that he can control the weather, or to be amused that he "wasted" a "special" prophecy on something silly like telling what tonight's weather would be like, or to be confused at what his priorities are. "Tidelord don't care" may be the motto of his priests, but I wouldn't be surprised if he just cares about things that the rest of us don't care about. We could use more intel on this, but I don't know how to find that yet. ) -Panzerkunst

Whatever. It's party time. Time for dancing and celebrating! (Doesn't hurt that he's apparently a VIP at this party, right?)
Rule #1:
There are always exceptions to the rules.



I never saw my shadow till I saw the light
now I need more light to drown it out
((ahh i forgot to check back after MAGEND had been posted - hopefully it's not too late to finish up? )) [center][b][MAGDEN3][/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] "Oh, gosh... Really?" Caspia looked somewhat downtrodden. She scuffed her tail on the floor despondently. "And here I was so sure..." She sighed, before shaking herself. "Well, what's done is done. Either way, I'm glad I was able to help! And it [i]is[/i] starting to get kind of late..." She leant her long neck out of the tent opening, gazing up at the darkening sky for a moment. "I'll go find some place to spend the night, then." Turning back to the other Imperial, she gave a cheerful thumbs-up. "I'll be back tomorrow if you need anything else fetching, haha!" With that she turned and headed off along the beach, low sun casting a long shadow on the sand behind her. [center][b]> [ENDGAME][/b][/center] It was a hobby of Caspia's to get up and watch the sun rise every morning. She didn't need a huge amount of sleep; so the dawn found her watching the sun creep above the horizon with bright, shining eyes. This was going to be a good day, she decided. She could[i] feel[/i] it. The messenger from security interrupted her reverie. They tapped her brusquely on the shoulder and delivered their summons in an urgent tone. Caspia frowned at the ominous news. "A meeting at headquarters? Well... well, yes, I suppose I'd better come along, then. Lead on." She listened raptly to the Guardian's speech, occasionally turning to whisper in awe to their neighbours ([i]saboteurs? goodness me - I didn't think there was anything like [/i]that [i]going on[/i]). She cheered with the rest at the good news, flushing proudly - even if she'd only been fetching and carrying, she was glad to have helped. But the mood was quickly soured. She was far more sombre when the Guardian finished his speech and approached her. "I'll do whatever I can to help, of course!", she said, swatting her tail for emphasis. Then she did a double-take. "Wait, did you say [i]eggs[/i]? Not... [i]missing eggs?![/i] Oh, the poor darlings!" Her mind made up, she turned and galloped towards the shoreline, crashing into the water with single-minded determination (and only pausing to assure that, yes, the bauble allowing her to breathe underwater was still attached to her mantle). Nobody was going to make off with dragon eggs on [i]her[/i] watch! [center][b]> [EGGS][/b][/center] "I'm here to help!", she called, swimming down to the stall. It was a centre of tumultuous activity, not that Caspia was surprised - missing eggs were a serious thing, after all. She listened raptly to the explanation, though she felt herself begin to quake when the mention of Relic Eels and the like came up. She was a scholar, after all, not a fighter - but she swallowed the feelings of unease. She'd do this for the hatchlings! Though no native water dragon, she was a practised swimmer after all her time spent at the beach back home; so she followed the groups into the caves with relative ease, casting her eyes about for any clue of the missing eggs. Light from the entrance scattered from her mane and cast a sprinkling of dots on the walls; but the further they swam, the darker it became, and Caspia found herself squinting to try and make out the vague shapes that loomed before her. Boulder - boulder - wait a second... She dove down in a swirl of bubbles, before her head snapped back up excitedly. "Here! There's one here, everyone!" She lifted the egg diligently, cradling it in her arms as if it was extremely delicate while a few of her fellow dragons swam over. "There, there," she cooed, stroking its rough shell, "it's all right now. Oh, you poor darling." Over the next few hours, the remaining eggs were recovered - all, but one. The sun was high in the sky, casting shimmering white patterns on the ocean's surface, when Caspia surfaced for a break. She sat on the sand, drying her wings with a downtrodden expression. What if they never found the missing egg? What if it just remained lost, in a dark cave, forever? What if it had already been snatched up and taken far away? What if something even [i]worse[/i] had happened to it? She suddenly found herself imagining the inside of an unhatched egg, and promptly shooed the mental image away, wringing her tail out to distract herself. No - they'd definitely find it, they [i]had[/i] to. There had to be a way to help, though - something to make it easier... A way to find lost things... It hit her like a breaking wave. Eyes widening, she jumped to her feet, still dripping seawater as she rushed across the beach, back to the fortune-telling stall that she'd visited in the very beginning. If there was anything to help recover a lost egg, this would be it. She was submerged again as the team rallied to do another sweep. Moods were low, and as she followed one dragon through a tight (to an Imperial, anyway) opening in a cave, Caspia could hardly blame them. She, however, was feeling a little more optimistic. Reaching the middle of an open cave, she steadied herself, before reaching round to her mantle and fussing with a piece of the net. Her actions became clear when she pulled a length of cord loose to reveal what she'd had tied into it; one of the other dragons gave her an odd look, and Caspia proudly held it forward. "It's a dowsing rod!" she exclaimed happily, cheery voice echoing oddly in the underwater space. "The dragons at the stall said I could borrow it, since it was an emergency and all. I thought, what better way to find a lost egg? Right, here's hoping..." She held the rod out expectantly, and waited. At first, nothing happened. Caspia's face fell as nothing continued to happen for several long, short moments. She jiggled the rod slightly in her hands. "Maybe... maybe I'm holding it wrong -" Then she stopped, and her eyes lit up. The rod, however faint, had given a definite tug. She swam in the direction indicated, using her long body and tail to propel her through the water while her claws clasped the dowsing rod. It gave another tug, urging her through a passage in the rock she hadn't noticed before. "It's working! It's picking something up!" She wriggled through the passage with care, nearly snagging her mantle on a rough outcrop of rock. It seemed to go on forever, and got narrower as she swam; but still, the dowsing rod pulled her forward. She swam slower still, twisting her body through a particularly narrow gap, before suddenly stopping short. Her mantle of shells had gotten caught again - this time, for good. The ring of shells simply wouldn't fit any further. She paused, trying not to let claustrophobia sink in, and took several long, deep breaths. She could almost make out something up ahead - was that light? The dowsing rod was shaking stronger than ever in her claws. She had to be close. Maybe if... She took another deep breath, and then freed the mantle - and the water-breathing bauble attached to it - from around her neck. Suddenly she was free, and could again swim forward; but now the weight of the water seemed to be bearing in from all sides. She held her breath desperately, surging forward through the narrow passage. Nearly there... she had to be nearly there... The crevice opened out into a small chamber. Light was filtering down from above through a small hole in the cragged ceiling, just big enough for a harpy to fit through; and there, lying innocently in a clump of weed, was the last egg. Caspia almost dropped the dowsing rod in glee, darting forward to gently pick up the little one. She opened her mouth to speak to it, issuing a cloud of bubbles - and clamped it shut again in shock. Right, the bauble. Crossing her arms so that both rod and egg were carefully pressed against her chest, she turned around carefully in the small space, before heading back down the passage. The glint of her seashell mantle was a welcome sight; she squeezed her body back through the narrow opening, slinging the mantle loosely around her neck and taking a deep breath in relief. Then she turned to the egg in her arms. "Right, then. Let's get you home." [center][b]> [PARTY][/b][/center] The day seemed like it had only just begun, but already the sun was setting in the sky as Caspia relaxed on the beach, swirling a drink in her hand. When the groups had all returned, she'd thrown herself into the festivities, dancing and laughing and singing her throat sore. She'd filled a small pouch with gifts and trinkets from the bazaar, and when she happened to bump into Mureido passing through the market she'd pointed him in Fred's direction with a wink and a nudge, leaving the two of them to talk "business" together. The sky over the sea was huge and clear, lit up in vibrant hues; Caspia didn't need a prophecy to know that tomorrow was going to be another beautiful day. There was a sharp crack, and a firework went up; the crowd cheered, and Caspia gasped, watching in awe as it burst and filled the sky with burning stars. Another soon followed it, and then a third, and then the darkening sky was alive with crackling, dancing light. She smiled, and leaned back, watching the fireworks reflected in the wide sea. Not a bad show, if she did say so herself. [center][b][THE END][/b][/center]
((ahh i forgot to check back after MAGEND had been posted - hopefully it's not too late to finish up? ))


"Oh, gosh... Really?" Caspia looked somewhat downtrodden. She scuffed her tail on the floor despondently. "And here I was so sure..."
She sighed, before shaking herself. "Well, what's done is done. Either way, I'm glad I was able to help! And it is starting to get kind of late..."
She leant her long neck out of the tent opening, gazing up at the darkening sky for a moment. "I'll go find some place to spend the night, then." Turning back to the other Imperial, she gave a cheerful thumbs-up. "I'll be back tomorrow if you need anything else fetching, haha!"
With that she turned and headed off along the beach, low sun casting a long shadow on the sand behind her.

It was a hobby of Caspia's to get up and watch the sun rise every morning. She didn't need a huge amount of sleep; so the dawn found her watching the sun creep above the horizon with bright, shining eyes. This was going to be a good day, she decided. She could feel it.
The messenger from security interrupted her reverie. They tapped her brusquely on the shoulder and delivered their summons in an urgent tone. Caspia frowned at the ominous news. "A meeting at headquarters? Well... well, yes, I suppose I'd better come along, then. Lead on."

She listened raptly to the Guardian's speech, occasionally turning to whisper in awe to their neighbours (saboteurs? goodness me - I didn't think there was anything like that going on). She cheered with the rest at the good news, flushing proudly - even if she'd only been fetching and carrying, she was glad to have helped. But the mood was quickly soured. She was far more sombre when the Guardian finished his speech and approached her.
"I'll do whatever I can to help, of course!", she said, swatting her tail for emphasis. Then she did a double-take. "Wait, did you say eggs? Not... missing eggs?! Oh, the poor darlings!"
Her mind made up, she turned and galloped towards the shoreline, crashing into the water with single-minded determination (and only pausing to assure that, yes, the bauble allowing her to breathe underwater was still attached to her mantle). Nobody was going to make off with dragon eggs on her watch!

> [EGGS]

"I'm here to help!", she called, swimming down to the stall. It was a centre of tumultuous activity, not that Caspia was surprised - missing eggs were a serious thing, after all. She listened raptly to the explanation, though she felt herself begin to quake when the mention of Relic Eels and the like came up. She was a scholar, after all, not a fighter - but she swallowed the feelings of unease. She'd do this for the hatchlings!

Though no native water dragon, she was a practised swimmer after all her time spent at the beach back home; so she followed the groups into the caves with relative ease, casting her eyes about for any clue of the missing eggs. Light from the entrance scattered from her mane and cast a sprinkling of dots on the walls; but the further they swam, the darker it became, and Caspia found herself squinting to try and make out the vague shapes that loomed before her. Boulder - boulder - wait a second...
She dove down in a swirl of bubbles, before her head snapped back up excitedly. "Here! There's one here, everyone!" She lifted the egg diligently, cradling it in her arms as if it was extremely delicate while a few of her fellow dragons swam over. "There, there," she cooed, stroking its rough shell, "it's all right now. Oh, you poor darling."
Over the next few hours, the remaining eggs were recovered - all, but one. The sun was high in the sky, casting shimmering white patterns on the ocean's surface, when Caspia surfaced for a break. She sat on the sand, drying her wings with a downtrodden expression. What if they never found the missing egg? What if it just remained lost, in a dark cave, forever? What if it had already been snatched up and taken far away? What if something even worse had happened to it? She suddenly found herself imagining the inside of an unhatched egg, and promptly shooed the mental image away, wringing her tail out to distract herself. No - they'd definitely find it, they had to. There had to be a way to help, though - something to make it easier... A way to find lost things...

It hit her like a breaking wave. Eyes widening, she jumped to her feet, still dripping seawater as she rushed across the beach, back to the fortune-telling stall that she'd visited in the very beginning. If there was anything to help recover a lost egg, this would be it.

She was submerged again as the team rallied to do another sweep. Moods were low, and as she followed one dragon through a tight (to an Imperial, anyway) opening in a cave, Caspia could hardly blame them. She, however, was feeling a little more optimistic. Reaching the middle of an open cave, she steadied herself, before reaching round to her mantle and fussing with a piece of the net. Her actions became clear when she pulled a length of cord loose to reveal what she'd had tied into it; one of the other dragons gave her an odd look, and Caspia proudly held it forward.
"It's a dowsing rod!" she exclaimed happily, cheery voice echoing oddly in the underwater space. "The dragons at the stall said I could borrow it, since it was an emergency and all. I thought, what better way to find a lost egg? Right, here's hoping..."

She held the rod out expectantly, and waited. At first, nothing happened. Caspia's face fell as nothing continued to happen for several long, short moments. She jiggled the rod slightly in her hands. "Maybe... maybe I'm holding it wrong -"
Then she stopped, and her eyes lit up. The rod, however faint, had given a definite tug.
She swam in the direction indicated, using her long body and tail to propel her through the water while her claws clasped the dowsing rod. It gave another tug, urging her through a passage in the rock she hadn't noticed before. "It's working! It's picking something up!"
She wriggled through the passage with care, nearly snagging her mantle on a rough outcrop of rock. It seemed to go on forever, and got narrower as she swam; but still, the dowsing rod pulled her forward. She swam slower still, twisting her body through a particularly narrow gap, before suddenly stopping short. Her mantle of shells had gotten caught again - this time, for good. The ring of shells simply wouldn't fit any further.
She paused, trying not to let claustrophobia sink in, and took several long, deep breaths. She could almost make out something up ahead - was that light? The dowsing rod was shaking stronger than ever in her claws. She had to be close. Maybe if...

She took another deep breath, and then freed the mantle - and the water-breathing bauble attached to it - from around her neck. Suddenly she was free, and could again swim forward; but now the weight of the water seemed to be bearing in from all sides. She held her breath desperately, surging forward through the narrow passage. Nearly there... she had to be nearly there...

The crevice opened out into a small chamber. Light was filtering down from above through a small hole in the cragged ceiling, just big enough for a harpy to fit through; and there, lying innocently in a clump of weed, was the last egg. Caspia almost dropped the dowsing rod in glee, darting forward to gently pick up the little one. She opened her mouth to speak to it, issuing a cloud of bubbles - and clamped it shut again in shock. Right, the bauble.
Crossing her arms so that both rod and egg were carefully pressed against her chest, she turned around carefully in the small space, before heading back down the passage. The glint of her seashell mantle was a welcome sight; she squeezed her body back through the narrow opening, slinging the mantle loosely around her neck and taking a deep breath in relief. Then she turned to the egg in her arms. "Right, then. Let's get you home."

The day seemed like it had only just begun, but already the sun was setting in the sky as Caspia relaxed on the beach, swirling a drink in her hand. When the groups had all returned, she'd thrown herself into the festivities, dancing and laughing and singing her throat sore. She'd filled a small pouch with gifts and trinkets from the bazaar, and when she happened to bump into Mureido passing through the market she'd pointed him in Fred's direction with a wink and a nudge, leaving the two of them to talk "business" together. The sky over the sea was huge and clear, lit up in vibrant hues; Caspia didn't need a prophecy to know that tomorrow was going to be another beautiful day.

There was a sharp crack, and a firework went up; the crowd cheered, and Caspia gasped, watching in awe as it burst and filled the sky with burning stars. Another soon followed it, and then a third, and then the darkening sky was alive with crackling, dancing light. She smiled, and leaned back, watching the fireworks reflected in the wide sea. Not a bad show, if she did say so herself.


(Thanks for the ping! I didn't get one yesterday.)


Grant nodded quickly to the Imperial and took his place to rest while she did her thing. He thought about everything he had gone through and was grateful the tasks were fun and simple.

As he woke and was brought before the two leader to hear their plight. Listening carefully, he once again made a choice based upon himself and his build.

"I can certainly help you one last time. This is one piece of history I want to see come to a close." He smiled lightly.

D: Assist in finding the hidden prophecy bubble.


(from [ENDGAME])

Grant used some clues he had found to help locate which direction the thief might have gone.

He took to the sky and saw a form running. He called to the Patrol's to get their attention and lead them to where the Bubble was.

Satisfied with all that had happened, he couldn't help but beam and he decided to stay one more night for the party before returning home.

(Thanks for the ping! I didn't get one yesterday.)


Grant nodded quickly to the Imperial and took his place to rest while she did her thing. He thought about everything he had gone through and was grateful the tasks were fun and simple.

As he woke and was brought before the two leader to hear their plight. Listening carefully, he once again made a choice based upon himself and his build.

"I can certainly help you one last time. This is one piece of history I want to see come to a close." He smiled lightly.

D: Assist in finding the hidden prophecy bubble.


(from [ENDGAME])

Grant used some clues he had found to help locate which direction the thief might have gone.

He took to the sky and saw a form running. He called to the Patrol's to get their attention and lead them to where the Bubble was.

Satisfied with all that had happened, he couldn't help but beam and he decided to stay one more night for the party before returning home.

Had a blast! Looking forward to the prize draw, that female PC is calling my name!

Had a blast! Looking forward to the prize draw, that female PC is calling my name!
Immensely relieved that he hadn't lost anything, Yuuki made his way to bed.
Yuuki swelled up with pride at the patrol leader's praise. He had helped to avert what could have been a potential catastrophe. He immediately decided to assist the patrol in looking for the missing fireworks.
But...why would anyone have fireworks underwater?
Immensely relieved that he hadn't lost anything, Yuuki made his way to bed.
Yuuki swelled up with pride at the patrol leader's praise. He had helped to avert what could have been a potential catastrophe. He immediately decided to assist the patrol in looking for the missing fireworks.
But...why would anyone have fireworks underwater?
Demiguy; He/Him or They/Them
Rattle is more then relieved to have found the last egg, for a bit she was honestly worried they'd never find it and it would be lost forever before it even hatched. Even one egg was too much of a loss.

The fireworks were the best part in Rattle's opinion although the bubble explosion was almost as pretty. She's delighted at the tiny faces that watch from the sidelines with awe, puffing up with pride and being just a tad more dramatic then usual in her actions but she doesn't think anyone minds cause they're all acting a bit dramatic themselves. For her first festival this was extremely enjoyable she thinks as she reunites with her clanmates and they share their adventures and experiences and enjoyment.
(This has been a wonderful time. Thank you so much for doing this! I hope the other festivals are just as good but this Saturanlia has been one of a kind!)
Rattle is more then relieved to have found the last egg, for a bit she was honestly worried they'd never find it and it would be lost forever before it even hatched. Even one egg was too much of a loss.

The fireworks were the best part in Rattle's opinion although the bubble explosion was almost as pretty. She's delighted at the tiny faces that watch from the sidelines with awe, puffing up with pride and being just a tad more dramatic then usual in her actions but she doesn't think anyone minds cause they're all acting a bit dramatic themselves. For her first festival this was extremely enjoyable she thinks as she reunites with her clanmates and they share their adventures and experiences and enjoyment.
(This has been a wonderful time. Thank you so much for doing this! I hope the other festivals are just as good but this Saturanlia has been one of a kind!)

Relieved and satisfied with a job well done, Ander relaxed and got himself a drink before settling in the sand to watch the fireworks.


(This was so much fun and such a good ending! Thanks for making this~)

Relieved and satisfied with a job well done, Ander relaxed and got himself a drink before settling in the sand to watch the fireworks.


(This was so much fun and such a good ending! Thanks for making this~)
ZIuG4kr.png 1523821381-siggy.png

Tulip searches diligently for the egg. Hoping it's alright. A wave of relief floods over him when he spots the egg. But it's about to hatch! He won't let it hatch alone in the cave. He rushes it to the caregivers, arriving just as the shell starts to crack.

All eggs found. Success.

(Head on to the [PARTY])


At the party Tulip met up with his clan mates, eager to share the days adventure. Together they enjoyed the festival's finale.


Tulip searches diligently for the egg. Hoping it's alright. A wave of relief floods over him when he spots the egg. But it's about to hatch! He won't let it hatch alone in the cave. He rushes it to the caregivers, arriving just as the shell starts to crack.

All eggs found. Success.

(Head on to the [PARTY])


At the party Tulip met up with his clan mates, eager to share the days adventure. Together they enjoyed the festival's finale.

Dragon Shop:
Item Shop:
Wishlist on profile
[MAGEND] proceeding to ENDGAME...

[ENDGAME] C- Join the group searching for stolen fireworks.

[FIREWKS] Yay! Aurora sighed with relief, glad to escape unsinged. Now on to PARTY...

[PARTY] Haha, typical Tidelord. Aurora knew finding the fireworks would be great- they look so pretty over the water!


Thanks so much for having this event! It was so much fun!
[MAGEND] proceeding to ENDGAME...

[ENDGAME] C- Join the group searching for stolen fireworks.

[FIREWKS] Yay! Aurora sighed with relief, glad to escape unsinged. Now on to PARTY...

[PARTY] Haha, typical Tidelord. Aurora knew finding the fireworks would be great- they look so pretty over the water!


Thanks so much for having this event! It was so much fun!
@Bluetrillium no time for a rp post now, but here:

[A: go look for the eggs!

I loved this so much btw !!! Made my Wavesat so fun !!
@Bluetrillium no time for a rp post now, but here:

[A: go look for the eggs!

I loved this so much btw !!! Made my Wavesat so fun !!