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TOPIC | [Lightning Event] Dress for Success!
[b]Username:[/b] BeingOfNature [b]Theme of the day:[/b] Thor'sday [b]Dragon's name:[/b] Godaiin [b]Dragon's link/picture:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]RP or Explanation:[/b] Godaiin strutted onto the stage, his metalworks gleaming brightly. "Evenin' fellow dragons and dragoness'," he dipped his head swiftly, before looking up. "My name is Godaiin. I come from the Lunaerium Clan and I am their newly appointed Electrician, along with my charming wife, Godalahath." At this, he ducked his head and gazed towards the back, looking briefly, before raising an arm and giving a small wave to someone - his wife. "I have a strong affinity with electrical things, and many of the clan mates turn to me to fix their electrical goods and other bits and bobs. I create some electrical items too, like my Tesla Wire Power Pack Booster. Although I must say, Godalahath certainly does make my rather ramshackle looking creations into more extravagant things!" He gave a booming chuckle, much like a thunderclap, before bowing his goodbye and exiting the stage, electrical charges jumping off and onto any close metalworks.
Username: BeingOfNature
Theme of the day: Thor'sday
Dragon's name: Godaiin
Dragon's link/picture:

RP or Explanation:

Godaiin strutted onto the stage, his metalworks gleaming brightly.
"Evenin' fellow dragons and dragoness'," he dipped his head swiftly, before looking up.
"My name is Godaiin. I come from the Lunaerium Clan and I am their newly appointed Electrician, along with my charming wife, Godalahath."
At this, he ducked his head and gazed towards the back, looking briefly, before raising an arm and giving a small wave to someone - his wife.
"I have a strong affinity with electrical things, and many of the clan mates turn to me to fix their electrical goods and other bits and bobs. I create some electrical items too, like my Tesla Wire Power Pack Booster. Although I must say, Godalahath certainly does make my rather ramshackle looking creations into more extravagant things!"

He gave a booming chuckle, much like a thunderclap, before bowing his goodbye and exiting the stage, electrical charges jumping off and onto any close metalworks.
Seeking Old Dragons! Forever collecting October 1st 2013 dragons. Previously BeingOfNature
Old Art Thread
3DS FC: 0259-0316-2794 Pokemon Y
[b]Username:[/b] Kie [b]Theme of the day:[/b] Children of Lightning! [b]Dragon's name:[/b] Astrape [b]Dragon's link/picture:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]RP or Explanation:[/b] Astrape whirls in, a vivd streak of blue and gold until she settles down. Unlike actual lightning however, there is no booming thunder to follow her. "Ladies, gentledragons, evening to you all! The name's Astrape - as in the goddess of lightning herself - and I am the ambassador of the Lightning Flight to my clan. I'm also their part-time engineer, but really, with all the tinkering I've done with their machines it's more like full-time." All the while, her claws are toying around with a mess of recycled copper and glass, twisting the wire and settling the glass just so. The claws seem to flurry like her words, and for a moment she is silent, until a quick "Aha!" breaks it. She holds out a little glowing lantern, encased by copper with a few little loops at the end. She affixes the bauble on her tail, clearly grinning at her new invention. "Neat, isn't it?"
Username: Kie
Theme of the day: Children of Lightning!
Dragon's name: Astrape
Dragon's link/picture:


RP or Explanation:

Astrape whirls in, a vivd streak of blue and gold until she settles down. Unlike actual lightning however, there is no booming thunder to follow her.

"Ladies, gentledragons, evening to you all! The name's Astrape - as in the goddess of lightning herself - and I am the ambassador of the Lightning Flight to my clan. I'm also their part-time engineer, but really, with all the tinkering I've done with their machines it's more like full-time."

All the while, her claws are toying around with a mess of recycled copper and glass, twisting the wire and settling the glass just so. The claws seem to flurry like her words, and for a moment she is silent, until a quick "Aha!" breaks it.

She holds out a little glowing lantern, encased by copper with a few little loops at the end. She affixes the bauble on her tail, clearly grinning at her new invention. "Neat, isn't it?"
[b]Username:[/b] akitcougar [b]Theme of the day:[/b] Thor'sday - Children of Lightning! [b]Dragon's name:[/b] Nyaukah (romanization of наука, the Russian word for science, with a couple extra letters thrown in for pronunciation) [b]Dragon's link/picture:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]RP or Explanation:[/b] K-rack ka[b]BOOM[/b] "Awh, for the love of science," a grey Ridgeback swore. "SPARKY!" "[i]That is Sparky Sparky Boom Ma'am to you, Nyaukah,[/i]" the irritable golem said as she hovered over Nyaukah's shoulder. Her wings creaked as she flapped lazily, propelled by lightning. "[i]And it was supposed to explode. We [/i]are[i] making exalt cannons for Bossman.[/i]" "Sometimes I wish Euron hadn't given you a personality with that blasted magic of his," Nyaukah muttered darkly as he pulled a spare gear off his scarf. He flicked his tail around and turned his portable light on, illuminating the mechanism he was working on. "[i]I heard that.[/i]" "You're worse than my mate, you know?" Nyaukah said, but a smile was on his face as Sparky handed him a screwdriver. For all that the golem had a personality, she was very useful in the lab. "I heard something explode. Are you fooling around or actually working?" Calyx, the clan's patriarch and guardian, called from the entrance to Nyaukah's rooms. "Yeah, yeah, Sparky and I are doing just fine!" the Ridgeback replied. He coughed as he accidentally inhaled some fumes. "I'm not in the mood to tell your mate that you got another scar from your experiments. See to it I don't have to." "Yadda, yadda, you can be worse than Bossman sometimes, you know?" "That's Stormcatcher to you, Wind-born," Calyx growled. "Now get back to work."
Username: akitcougar
Theme of the day: Thor'sday - Children of Lightning!
Dragon's name: Nyaukah (romanization of наука, the Russian word for science, with a couple extra letters thrown in for pronunciation)
Dragon's link/picture:

RP or Explanation: K-rack kaBOOM

"Awh, for the love of science," a grey Ridgeback swore. "SPARKY!"

"That is Sparky Sparky Boom Ma'am to you, Nyaukah," the irritable golem said as she hovered over Nyaukah's shoulder. Her wings creaked as she flapped lazily, propelled by lightning. "And it was supposed to explode. We are making exalt cannons for Bossman."

"Sometimes I wish Euron hadn't given you a personality with that blasted magic of his," Nyaukah muttered darkly as he pulled a spare gear off his scarf. He flicked his tail around and turned his portable light on, illuminating the mechanism he was working on.

"I heard that."

"You're worse than my mate, you know?" Nyaukah said, but a smile was on his face as Sparky handed him a screwdriver. For all that the golem had a personality, she was very useful in the lab.

"I heard something explode. Are you fooling around or actually working?" Calyx, the clan's patriarch and guardian, called from the entrance to Nyaukah's rooms.

"Yeah, yeah, Sparky and I are doing just fine!" the Ridgeback replied. He coughed as he accidentally inhaled some fumes.

"I'm not in the mood to tell your mate that you got another scar from your experiments. See to it I don't have to."

"Yadda, yadda, you can be worse than Bossman sometimes, you know?"

"That's Stormcatcher to you, Wind-born," Calyx growled. "Now get back to work."
[b]Username:[/b] fairypenguin [b]Theme of the day:[/b] Children of Lightning [b]Dragon's name:[/b] Basho [b]Dragon's link/picture:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]RP or Explanation:[/b] *whirr click click* The metallic eyes snap towards and focus on you. *beep beep boop BEEEEEP* "Draconic Language Pack, Activated," a calm, female voice proclaims. "He.llo," a mechanical voice clanks out. "" *FWOOOOOOOOSH* The flames on the dragon flare up, and he vrooms away.
Username: fairypenguin
Theme of the day: Children of Lightning
Dragon's name: Basho
Dragon's link/picture:


RP or Explanation:
*whirr click click* The metallic eyes snap towards and focus on you.

*beep beep boop BEEEEEP* "Draconic Language Pack, Activated," a calm, female voice proclaims.

"He.llo," a mechanical voice clanks out. ""

*FWOOOOOOOOSH* The flames on the dragon flare up, and he vrooms away.
[b]Username:[/b] Shelie [b]Theme of the day:[/b] Children of Lightning [b]Dragon's name:[/b] Decesso [b]Dragon's link/picture:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]RP or Explanation:[/b] Decesso decided that the only way to show his lightning pride was to gather up every scrap of apparel in the lair that was aqua coloured. The aqua arm bow he found hidden in a dusty corner of the lair is the perfect finishing touch!
Username: Shelie
Theme of the day: Children of Lightning
Dragon's name: Decesso

Dragon's link/picture:


RP or Explanation:

Decesso decided that the only way to show his lightning pride was to gather up every scrap of apparel in the lair that was aqua coloured. The aqua arm bow he found hidden in a dusty corner of the lair is the perfect finishing touch!
[b]Username:[/b] Aceraxe [b]Theme of the day:[/b] Thor'sday - Children of Lightning [b]Dragon's name:[/b] Cyborg [b]Dragon's link/picture:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]RP or Explanation:[/b] The Coatl pads into the tent with jerky, robotic movements, small sparks occasionally leaping off her head and body. She blinks, saluting with her tail, the tiny lantern attached to it jingling. "[i]Crrrk[/i]-! Initializing....." She says in an uneven voice, occasionally twitching wildly and flaring out her feathers, "Initialization Complete. Action Entered: Introduction Sequence." She blinks her bright cyan eyes, "Hello. I am Cyborg. I am built to serve with power and -[i]rRRK!![/i] grace." Cyborg beeps loudly, sparks jumping all about her body. She tilts her head, tail curling and uncurling behind her, "Action Completed. Activating Rest Mode." the snake-like dragon yawns quietly, before sitting down in a delicate mass and closing her eyes, quickly slipping into a twitchy little nap.
Username: Aceraxe
Theme of the day: Thor'sday - Children of Lightning
Dragon's name: Cyborg
Dragon's link/picture:


RP or Explanation:

The Coatl pads into the tent with jerky, robotic movements, small sparks occasionally leaping off her head and body. She blinks, saluting with her tail, the tiny lantern attached to it jingling.
"Crrrk-! Initializing....." She says in an uneven voice, occasionally twitching wildly and flaring out her feathers, "Initialization Complete. Action Entered: Introduction Sequence." She blinks her bright cyan eyes, "Hello. I am Cyborg. I am built to serve with power and -rRRK!! grace." Cyborg beeps loudly, sparks jumping all about her body. She tilts her head, tail curling and uncurling behind her, "Action Completed. Activating Rest Mode." the snake-like dragon yawns quietly, before sitting down in a delicate mass and closing her eyes, quickly slipping into a twitchy little nap.
[b]Name[/b] Teeka [b]Theme[/b] Thor'sday [b]Dragon name[/b] Plumeria [b]Picture[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Explaination[/b] Plumeria has very odd notions about what makes the bulb of her eska light up and therefore wears specific combinations of metals.
Name Teeka
Theme Thor'sday
Dragon name Plumeria

Explaination Plumeria has very odd notions about what makes the bulb of her eska light up and therefore wears specific combinations of metals.
[b]Username:[/b] drought [b]Theme of the day:[/b] Children of Lightning [b]Dragon's name:[/b] Lightning [b]Dragon's picture:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]RP or Explanation:[/b]...danger...adventure...SCIENCE! These things are what drive Lightning from one edge of the known land to other, always in pursuit of her current experiment where ever it may lead. Followed by her trusty mechanical sidekick Lightning plans to never rest, she'll keep exploring both the world and the limit of science until her bones give out!
Username: drought
Theme of the day: Children of Lightning
Dragon's name: Lightning
Dragon's picture:


RP or Explanation:...danger...adventure...SCIENCE! These things are what drive Lightning from one edge of the known land to other, always in pursuit of her current experiment where ever it may lead. Followed by her trusty mechanical sidekick Lightning plans to never rest, she'll keep exploring both the world and the limit of science until her bones give out!
[b]Username:[/b] spookysage [b]Theme of the day:[/b] Children of Lightning [b]Dragon's name:[/b] Dean [b]Dragon's link/picture:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]RP or Explanation:[/b] "Lightning, huh?" Dean comes slouching out of the shadows, stretching until something makes a popping noise. "Guess that's my cue." "I mean, I'm not the only engineer in the clan - Beck's pretty handy too, [i]and[/i] comes from a lightning clan." He tugs his goggles upward to roll distinctly non-cyan eyes. "But so what? That just means I try harder. "And for the record," he says with a smirk, letting his goggles snap back onto his face, "I always tuck away all the loose ends before I start dangling around machinery."
Username: spookysage
Theme of the day: Children of Lightning
Dragon's name: Dean
Dragon's link/picture:


RP or Explanation:
"Lightning, huh?" Dean comes slouching out of the shadows, stretching until something makes a popping noise. "Guess that's my cue."

"I mean, I'm not the only engineer in the clan - Beck's pretty handy too, and comes from a lightning clan." He tugs his goggles upward to roll distinctly non-cyan eyes. "But so what? That just means I try harder.

"And for the record," he says with a smirk, letting his goggles snap back onto his face, "I always tuck away all the loose ends before I start dangling around machinery."
[b]Username:[/b] vulcanchicks [b]Theme of the day:[/b] Children of Lightning [b]Dragon's name:[/b] Starspirit [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]RP or Explanation:[/b] Starspirit laughs and adjusts her goggles. "Yeah, I'm Lightning! You can't really see my eyes, but I promise they're both there!" She peers out from under the lenses before winking. "See? Electric blue, baby!"
Username: vulcanchicks
Theme of the day: Children of Lightning
Dragon's name: Starspirit


RP or Explanation: Starspirit laughs and adjusts her goggles. "Yeah, I'm Lightning! You can't really see my eyes, but I promise they're both there!" She peers out from under the lenses before winking. "See? Electric blue, baby!"