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TOPIC | [Lightning Event] Dress for Success!
[b]Username:[/b] Reocailura [b]Theme of the day:[/b] Children of Lightning [b]Dragon's name:[/b] Valens [b]Dragon's link/picture:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]RP or Explanation:[/b] "Come on Tephra! I don't want to miss the chance to meet my fellow connoisseurs of Lightning fashion! Then we can stop by the shop and pick up one of those golems!" A large imperial covered with chemical burns dashes between the tents of the Thundercrack Carnivale, pursued by [url=]a dusky Spiral[/url] and a lumbering Grizzly. His wings are supported by a pair of steampunk braces, powered by an electrical source. Both dragons are equipped with safety lenses and scarves flap over their shoulders. "But Valens, we've been presenting at the Science Fair [i]all day![/i]And we didn't even finsh the project until late last night! I'm [i]tired[/i]" "That's what coffee's for! You can sleep when you're dead!" the pale imperial bellows over his shoulder before disappearing into the fashion tent.
Username: Reocailura
Theme of the day: Children of Lightning
Dragon's name: Valens
Dragon's link/picture:


RP or Explanation:

"Come on Tephra! I don't want to miss the chance to meet my fellow connoisseurs of Lightning fashion! Then we can stop by the shop and pick up one of those golems!"
A large imperial covered with chemical burns dashes between the tents of the Thundercrack Carnivale, pursued by a dusky Spiral and a lumbering Grizzly. His wings are supported by a pair of steampunk braces, powered by an electrical source. Both dragons are equipped with safety lenses and scarves flap over their shoulders.

"But Valens, we've been presenting at the Science Fair all day!And we didn't even finsh the project until late last night! I'm tired"

"That's what coffee's for! You can sleep when you're dead!" the pale imperial bellows over his shoulder before disappearing into the fashion tent.
[b]Username:[/b] Glitz [b]Theme of the day:[/b] Children of Lightning [b]Dragon's name:[/b] Hadron [b]Dragon's link/picture:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]RP or Explanation:[/b] Hadron walks around cautiously. As a relatively young dragon, she doesn't want to appear too new to this, nor does she want to accidentally zap someone with her tiny golem. She notices that she looks similar to other dragons who've entered today. Although she isn't wearing much, she believes that sometimes a more simple look is better.
Username: Glitz
Theme of the day: Children of Lightning
Dragon's name: Hadron
Dragon's link/picture:


RP or Explanation:
Hadron walks around cautiously. As a relatively young dragon, she doesn't want to appear too new to this, nor does she want to accidentally zap someone with her tiny golem. She notices that she looks similar to other dragons who've entered today. Although she isn't wearing much, she believes that sometimes a more simple look is better.
[b]Username:[/b] Amphiptere [b]Theme of the day:[/b] Children of Lightning! [b]Dragon's name:[/b] Stormwing [b]Dragon's link/picture:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]RP or Explanation:[/b] Even though he had left his home in the The Shifting Expanse for a home in Windsinger's domain. Stormwing was every bit a child of lightning, he was ever looking for a way to improve the clan's overall efficiency. With the help of the resident healer, he concocted potions to help refocus the hunter's skills and allow them to end a battle quicker. He even went out into the field to test and see the result for himself. But he was no fool and built an armor to protect himself and improve his magic. While he and the others fought, his golem collected the data for later analysis.
Username: Amphiptere
Theme of the day: Children of Lightning!
Dragon's name: Stormwing
Dragon's link/picture:


RP or Explanation: Even though he had left his home in the The Shifting Expanse for a home in Windsinger's domain. Stormwing was every bit a child of lightning, he was ever looking for a way to improve the clan's overall efficiency. With the help of the resident healer, he concocted potions to help refocus the hunter's skills and allow them to end a battle quicker. He even went out into the field to test and see the result for himself. But he was no fool and built an armor to protect himself and improve his magic. While he and the others fought, his golem collected the data for later analysis.
[b]Username:[/b] dtwrites [b]Theme of the day:[/b] Thor'sday: Children of Lightning! [b]Dragon's name:[/b] RollingThunder [b]Dragon's link/picture:[/b] [url=] [img][/img][/url] [b]RP or Explanation:[/b] The small fae fluttered into the room and landed gently on the stage. He seemed nervous, constantly wringing his tiny paws. Except for that he held very still. The nice lady Wild Claw had told him to be still long enough for the judges to get a good look. Clearing his throat, he began in a tiny voice, "I didn't mean to leave home, actually. I just had to follow SummerLightning on her quest. She's my world." The fae seemed to take a deep breath. "Anyway, we are now living in a Nature clan. We work in the electrical systems there." The fae bowed deeply and flew off the stage into the seating area for candidates. He seemed to wear the hint of a smile.
Username: dtwrites
Theme of the day: Thor'sday: Children of Lightning!
Dragon's name: RollingThunder
Dragon's link/picture:

RP or Explanation: The small fae fluttered into the room and landed gently on the stage. He seemed nervous, constantly wringing his tiny paws. Except for that he held very still. The nice lady Wild Claw had told him to be still long enough for the judges to get a good look.

Clearing his throat, he began in a tiny voice, "I didn't mean to leave home, actually. I just had to follow SummerLightning on her quest. She's my world." The fae seemed to take a deep breath. "Anyway, we are now living in a Nature clan. We work in the electrical systems there."

The fae bowed deeply and flew off the stage into the seating area for candidates. He seemed to wear the hint of a smile.
[b]Username:[/b] Vhyxalas [b]Theme of the day:[/b] Thors'day [b]Dragon's name:[/b] Flicker [b]Dragon's link/picture:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]RP or Explanation:[/b] [i]"aaaAAAAHHhahahahaaaahhh!"[/i] With a dull thud, a solidly built pearlcatcher lands at the edge of the carnival throng. Her bright blue eyes stared out fiercely from behind a spiked and charred birdskull helm, seemingly taken from a raptor of prey larger than the dragon herself. Her pearl, large and bluish and slightly scratched, was secured in a harness on her back, allowing her to fly unimpeded. She began to walk towards one of the event tents, her iron-and-leather armor clanking and jingling with every step, punctuated by the clack of bones around her neck. The hum of barely-contained electricity echoed from the device strapped to the dragon's sides--a glass chamber armored with vicious, arc-like blades to channel the lightning inside. Swishing her tail and humming contentedly, she began to weave her way through the crowd, a spot of orange among the arcs of cyan light that flew overhead. Flinging her wings out, she forced the dragons around her to back away. "Step back, yeh half-sparklit farmhands, thaer's a true dragon 'a the lightning aroun'!" Murmurs began to sneak through the crowd as they stared at this odd newcomer. Ragtag appearance aside, there was something about the pearlcatcher's demeanor that, even among the gathering of scientists and engineers. A little too grandiose, a little too off-kilter. She seemed half-mad. "Ah, see ye'all now may [i]look [/i]like the Stormcatcha's fine workers, but do yeh acshully [i]live [/i]it? See I, I live it. I may look like fiyah, and work like a sparkie, but I live in a clan of light! Ahh, didn't expect tha' now did yeh? I defend 'em, I do. Weapons, see, light's all well 'n good for seein' but yeh can't 'xcactly kill stuff wi' it. Well, [i]they[/i] thinks they can. They think [i]I'm[/i] crazy, can yeh believe [i]that[/i]?" She cocked her head to one side, eliciting many sarcastic mutters from nearby dragons. "Mah sparkshooters like this bae here"--she lovingly patted the sizzling weapon at her side-- "can shoot naer anythin' outta the sky; birds, beasts, dragons.." She grinned a bit too enthusiastically at that last bit. "Aheeyy I jest, I jest--mostleh. Look 'atcha in all yer glitterin' blue finery, pfah! The Boss'd take one look an' laugh at yeh. I wear th' gear fer mah work 'n the trophies've its success, and one dae I'll die innit!" At this point, she was interrupted by a pair of large black ridgebacks, who picked her up to escort her away. She thrashed indignantly, trying unsuccessfully to power up her device. "I'll use this nae, don't yeh make me! Hey, I never got ta show off meh pearlstrapper and--grarh [i]getcher claws off that, yeh sparkless plebian brute![/i]" Suddenly the dark sky clouded over even further, and high winds rushed through the carnival venue. The center of the storm parted somewhat, just enough to reveal a gap to the heavens ringed by violent lightning. A raging shout echoed from the stormfront, rumbling the ground so deep the Earthshaker must have felt it in Dragonhome. [b]YOU DISHONOR MY GRAND FESTIVAL. GET. BACK. TO. WOOOOORRRRRRRK![/b] Immediately, the sky returned to its regular, ambiently stormy state. The two ridgebacks holding the pearlcatcher were so startled by the Stormcatcher's appearance they released her and turned tail. Much of the crowd began to disperse, eager to not displease the deity further. Only Flicker stood proudly, puffing up her chest and shouting to her disappeared audience. "Yeh see? Even the Boss hi'[i]self[/i] wants yeh ta take me serious! [i]See?[/i]"
Username: Vhyxalas
Theme of the day: Thors'day
Dragon's name: Flicker
Dragon's link/picture:


RP or Explanation:


With a dull thud, a solidly built pearlcatcher lands at the edge of the carnival throng. Her bright blue eyes stared out fiercely from behind a spiked and charred birdskull helm, seemingly taken from a raptor of prey larger than the dragon herself. Her pearl, large and bluish and slightly scratched, was secured in a harness on her back, allowing her to fly unimpeded.

She began to walk towards one of the event tents, her iron-and-leather armor clanking and jingling with every step, punctuated by the clack of bones around her neck. The hum of barely-contained electricity echoed from the device strapped to the dragon's sides--a glass chamber armored with vicious, arc-like blades to channel the lightning inside.

Swishing her tail and humming contentedly, she began to weave her way through the crowd, a spot of orange among the arcs of cyan light that flew overhead. Flinging her wings out, she forced the dragons around her to back away.

"Step back, yeh half-sparklit farmhands, thaer's a true dragon 'a the lightning aroun'!"

Murmurs began to sneak through the crowd as they stared at this odd newcomer. Ragtag appearance aside, there was something about the pearlcatcher's demeanor that, even among the gathering of scientists and engineers. A little too grandiose, a little too off-kilter. She seemed half-mad.

"Ah, see ye'all now may look like the Stormcatcha's fine workers, but do yeh acshully live it? See I, I live it. I may look like fiyah, and work like a sparkie, but I live in a clan of light! Ahh, didn't expect tha' now did yeh? I defend 'em, I do. Weapons, see, light's all well 'n good for seein' but yeh can't 'xcactly kill stuff wi' it. Well, they thinks they can. They think I'm crazy, can yeh believe that?" She cocked her head to one side, eliciting many sarcastic mutters from nearby dragons.

"Mah sparkshooters like this bae here"--she lovingly patted the sizzling weapon at her side-- "can shoot naer anythin' outta the sky; birds, beasts, dragons.." She grinned a bit too enthusiastically at that last bit.

"Aheeyy I jest, I jest--mostleh. Look 'atcha in all yer glitterin' blue finery, pfah! The Boss'd take one look an' laugh at yeh. I wear th' gear fer mah work 'n the trophies've its success, and one dae I'll die innit!"

At this point, she was interrupted by a pair of large black ridgebacks, who picked her up to escort her away. She thrashed indignantly, trying unsuccessfully to power up her device.

"I'll use this nae, don't yeh make me! Hey, I never got ta show off meh pearlstrapper and--grarh getcher claws off that, yeh sparkless plebian brute!"

Suddenly the dark sky clouded over even further, and high winds rushed through the carnival venue. The center of the storm parted somewhat, just enough to reveal a gap to the heavens ringed by violent lightning. A raging shout echoed from the stormfront, rumbling the ground so deep the Earthshaker must have felt it in Dragonhome.


Immediately, the sky returned to its regular, ambiently stormy state. The two ridgebacks holding the pearlcatcher were so startled by the Stormcatcher's appearance they released her and turned tail. Much of the crowd began to disperse, eager to not displease the deity further. Only Flicker stood proudly, puffing up her chest and shouting to her disappeared audience.

"Yeh see? Even the Boss hi'self wants yeh ta take me serious! See?"
[b]Username:[/b] Bumblebeeflower [b]Theme of the day:[/b] Children of Lightning! [b]Dragon's name:[/b] AquaticShock [b]Dragon's link/picture:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]RP or Explanation:[/b] The energetic Spiral smiles silently, seeming to be very excited to be in the booth with all the other dressed up dragons. Mutely, she gave a little twirl to show her clothing off before handing Thor a piece of parchment with long, neat and very... loopy claw writing as was usual for Spirals. On the parchment read... [center][i]Hello! My name is AquaticShock! I know I've got nature eyes but I think I'm a Lightning dragon at heart. When I was just a little hatchling I LOVED watching the storms The Stormcatcher and his workers made at all times of the day from the tall trees. I'd always come home to the den soaking wet from the rain which is how I got my name. When I was a bit older, I thought I'd try some SCIENCE! experiments of my own. I made myself a lab and everything, and started doing my work. day it went all kinda wrong. It was during a lightning storm and my work station was struck by lightning, the current traveled to me and that's how I got my look! Kind of lost my voice in the process though. All in the name of Science, though, right? With some more modifications, I soon got myself these antlers and my little glowy bulb. I keep these wraps on my arms and legs since they've become really sensitive since the Lightning incident. I don't mind though, I think it all just makes me more of Lightning dragon on the outside as well as on the inside. The bows are just cause they make me look pretty though. [/i][/center]
Username: Bumblebeeflower
Theme of the day: Children of Lightning!
Dragon's name: AquaticShock
Dragon's link/picture:

RP or Explanation: The energetic Spiral smiles silently, seeming to be very excited to be in the booth with all the other dressed up dragons. Mutely, she gave a little twirl to show her clothing off before handing Thor a piece of parchment with long, neat and very... loopy claw writing as was usual for Spirals. On the parchment read...

Hello! My name is AquaticShock! I know I've got nature eyes but I think I'm a Lightning dragon at heart. When I was just a little hatchling I LOVED watching the storms The Stormcatcher and his workers made at all times of the day from the tall trees. I'd always come home to the den soaking wet from the rain which is how I got my name.

When I was a bit older, I thought I'd try some SCIENCE! experiments of my own. I made myself a lab and everything, and started doing my work. day it went all kinda wrong. It was during a lightning storm and my work station was struck by lightning, the current traveled to me and that's how I got my look! Kind of lost my voice in the process though. All in the name of Science, though, right?

With some more modifications, I soon got myself these antlers and my little glowy bulb. I keep these wraps on my arms and legs since they've become really sensitive since the Lightning incident. I don't mind though, I think it all just makes me more of Lightning dragon on the outside as well as on the inside. The bows are just cause they make me look pretty though.
She/Her (Asexual flag) G8AyR6r.png lAvpyOQ.png 11efmKl.png
xCVbB5p.png ZwbGqUa.png R1dejfm.png AkSGmT9.png
r8v91MH.png BXvcePR.png DaRKClX.png
[b]Username:[/b]Seiun [b]Theme of the day:[/b]Children of Lightning [b]Dragon's name:[/b]Freja [b]Dragon's link/picture:[/b][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]RP or Explanation:[/b] - My, my, it IS a delight to see so many... colleagues... in here. Rich colored skydancer walks in with elegance, her head is held up. Althoug there is nothing in her colors to shout or even whisper 'Lightning'. It's all about her eyes and the way she looks at surroundings. Freja IS a scientist and a leader of clan's Lightning dragons, giving them knowledge fitting their soul homelands and flight. She actually have now time to dress up and decided what the clean and tidy working outfit is a best carnival costume to have... especially then over dragons in her clan aside from sparklings are indeed thinking it's a carnival costume. - ...And it's over, excuse me, I need to go back to my work!
Theme of the day:Children of Lightning
Dragon's name:Freja
Dragon's link/picture:

RP or Explanation:
- My, my, it IS a delight to see so many... colleagues... in here.
Rich colored skydancer walks in with elegance, her head is held up. Althoug there is nothing in her colors to shout or even whisper 'Lightning'. It's all about her eyes and the way she looks at surroundings. Freja IS a scientist and a leader of clan's Lightning dragons, giving them knowledge fitting their soul homelands and flight.
She actually have now time to dress up and decided what the clean and tidy working outfit is a best carnival costume to have... especially then over dragons in her clan aside from sparklings are indeed thinking it's a carnival costume.
- ...And it's over, excuse me, I need to go back to my work!
[b]Username:[/b] SilverDarkness [b]Theme of the day:[/b] Children of Lightning [b]Dragon's name:[/b] Quasar [b]Dragon's link/picture:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]RP or Explanation:[/b] A small Imperial appears in front of you. The air seems to sizzle with lightning as he looks around and locks his gaze on you. It is exceptionally strange, as his eyes shine with wisdom, yet in size he could almost pass for a hatchling. As if he knew what you are thinking, he tells you, with a voice that contains the echo of a thunder: "Never measure anything by it's size! Lightning is destructive when great in size, but even a tiny spark can still cause disaster!" With those words, he becomes enveloped in a blue crackling light and disappears. You are not certain if he just played a trick on you with mist and mirrors or if something not quite normal has actually happened.
Username: SilverDarkness
Theme of the day: Children of Lightning
Dragon's name: Quasar
Dragon's link/picture:


RP or Explanation: A small Imperial appears in front of you. The air seems to sizzle with lightning as he looks around and locks his gaze on you. It is exceptionally strange, as his eyes shine with wisdom, yet in size he could almost pass for a hatchling. As if he knew what you are thinking, he tells you, with a voice that contains the echo of a thunder: "Never measure anything by it's size! Lightning is destructive when great in size, but even a tiny spark can still cause disaster!" With those words, he becomes enveloped in a blue crackling light and disappears. You are not certain if he just played a trick on you with mist and mirrors or if something not quite normal has actually happened.
Interested in joining Felisfire? Click the link below, and I'll be happy to be your guide through the game :) It's something you don't want to miss!
[b]Username:[/b] Meyoline [b]Theme of the day:[/b] Children of Lightning (I love the fact that you wrote Thor'sday :D) [b]Dragon's name:[/b] MidnightDream [b]Dragon's link/picture:[/b] [center] [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [b]RP or Explanation:[/b] While she is not native to the Lightning Flight, MidnightDream has always been a very, VERY curious dragon, so when her Lightning Flight clan-mate Siel was working on an experiment, MidnightDream wandered a little too close, and the result was... well... [i]electrifying.[/i]
Username: Meyoline
Theme of the day: Children of Lightning (I love the fact that you wrote Thor'sday :D)
Dragon's name: MidnightDream
Dragon's link/picture: RP or Explanation: While she is not native to the Lightning Flight, MidnightDream has always been a very, VERY curious dragon, so when her Lightning Flight clan-mate Siel was working on an experiment, MidnightDream wandered a little too close, and the result was... well... electrifying.
[color=cornflowerblue]The Doctor stepped upon stage with an odd look. "What day is it again?" He shook his head. "No matter..."[/color] [center][img][/img] [/center] [color=cornflowerblue] "I noticed a few of my friends down there, it is nice to see you!" He smiled around at the ever-growing throng around them. "Reading is always a noble past time. Stories and legends are important because they teach us so much." With another warm smile he gestured to the few dragons who had been picked out. "These are the few who stood out as special for the day."[/color] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] Grats to ClockworkMoose' Robinton [b]Masquerades and Illusions[/b] [item=Masquerade Duds] [item=Phantasmal Halfmask] [item=Red and Gold Flair scarf] [item=Pleated Ruff] [item=Simple Gold bracelets] [item=Blushing pink rose][/center] Winner of today's round: @ClockworkMoose Honorable Mention: @Getu @Faylon @Rosenarok @Iztarshi @kozakura
The Doctor stepped upon stage with an odd look. "What day is it again?" He shook his head. "No matter..."
"I noticed a few of my friends down there, it is nice to see you!" He smiled around at the ever-growing throng around them. "Reading is always a noble past time. Stories and legends are important because they teach us so much." With another warm smile he gestured to the few dragons who had been picked out. "These are the few who stood out as special for the day."
Grats to ClockworkMoose' Robinton

Masquerades and Illusions
Masquerade Duds Phantasmal Halfmask Red and Gold Flair Scarf
Pleated Ruff Simple Gold Bracelets Blushing Pink Rose

Winner of today's round: @ClockworkMoose
Honorable Mention: @Getu @Faylon @Rosenarok @Iztarshi @kozakura
singerrunesig.png wowbox.png