
Find a Dragon

Search for the perfect dragon.
TOPIC | Purple Nocs, New genes
I'm happy to say that I finally have enough treasure to buy some more dragons without going broke. Yay! I'm looking for a few things in particular.

  • Preferably dark colors
  • Purples, blues, greens
  • I'd like one to represent the shadow flight maybe?
  • Newer genes

In general:
  • I only want to spend treasure
  • I don't want to spend over 50kt on a dragon
  • I'd like newer genes
  • I love shadow and nature looking dragons!
  • You can take a look at my lair for a general idea of what I like

  • A starmap tundra, preferably pink/purple!
I'll be subscribed. Also probably won't reply if I'm not interested. Thank you in advance!
I'm happy to say that I finally have enough treasure to buy some more dragons without going broke. Yay! I'm looking for a few things in particular.

  • Preferably dark colors
  • Purples, blues, greens
  • I'd like one to represent the shadow flight maybe?
  • Newer genes

In general:
  • I only want to spend treasure
  • I don't want to spend over 50kt on a dragon
  • I'd like newer genes
  • I love shadow and nature looking dragons!
  • You can take a look at my lair for a general idea of what I like

  • A starmap tundra, preferably pink/purple!
I'll be subscribed. Also probably won't reply if I'm not interested. Thank you in advance!
This girl has brothers if you prefer a male: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
This girl has brothers if you prefer a male:


These kids' prices are haggleable and items are always welcome, if one happens to be what you're looking for c: [columns] [url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol][center][img][/img] [img][/img] #45843633 [i]Eldritch Horror #1[/i] Eldritch Pinstripe Eldritch Trail Mantis Capsule Ice Common [b]Price: [/b]75,000t, 83g [/center][/columns] [columns] [url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol][center][img][/img] [img][/img] #45843634 [i]Eldritch Horror #2[/i] Eldritch Pinstripe Eldritch Trail Fern Capsule Ice Common [b]Price: [/b]75,000t, 83g [/center][/columns] EDIT: @instrumental, c'mere and talk shop.
These kids' prices are haggleable and items are always welcome, if one happens to be what you're looking for c:

small_male.png #45843633
Eldritch Horror #1
Eldritch Pinstripe
Eldritch Trail
Mantis Capsule
Ice Common
Price: 75,000t, 83g

small_female.png #45843634
Eldritch Horror #2
Eldritch Pinstripe
Eldritch Trail
Fern Capsule
Ice Common
Price: 75,000t, 83g

EDIT: @instrumental, c'mere and talk shop.
aaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaa49763919121_34ac4bea71_m.jpg
@Cuddleh I love that first boy!! How much are you willing to haggle, or what items would you want as payment?

@Cohena I bought that boggie. She's gorgeous!!
@Cuddleh I love that first boy!! How much are you willing to haggle, or what items would you want as payment?

@Cohena I bought that boggie. She's gorgeous!!
[img][/img] Would you be interested in a ping for these two's Halloween nest? Hatchlings run between 25-35kt/g except in the case of primal.
Would you be interested in a ping for these two's Halloween nest? Hatchlings run between 25-35kt/g except in the case of primal.
hello yes hi hello yes hi hello yes hi
Hey! I just saw Cuddleh's ping about the noc; I went ahead and took him out of the AH for the time being. If it'd work for you, I could bring him down to 50kt? As for item stuff, I'm mostly on the lookout right now for silk and rose thorn apparels, if you happen to have any of either?
Hey! I just saw Cuddleh's ping about the noc; I went ahead and took him out of the AH for the time being. If it'd work for you, I could bring him down to 50kt? As for item stuff, I'm mostly on the lookout right now for silk and rose thorn apparels, if you happen to have any of either?

[center]So I got this Noc pair... It's soon RTB 50kt for Wasp but probably around 75kt for Starmap! (depends on colors tho) [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] (Unnamed) and MilkyWay 45137839 / 45300964 [columns] Nocturne 100% Wasp 50% - Starmap 50% Midnight to Cerulean Bee 100% Violet to Teal Lace 50% - Smoke 50% Ice to Orca [nextcol] [img][/img][img][/img] [/columns] [center] Would you be interested in this kind of tundras? I'm starting some lineages (it's getting quite complicated actually I'm so good at that... XDD) Here are previews for the starter pair of the main lineage (Plum Starmap, Purple/Blue Toxin) [img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img] In any case, good luck in your search![/center]
So I got this Noc pair...
It's soon RTB
50kt for Wasp but probably around 75kt for Starmap! (depends on colors tho)

(Unnamed) and MilkyWay
45137839 / 45300964
Nocturne 100%
Wasp 50% - Starmap 50%
Midnight to Cerulean
Bee 100%
Violet to Teal
Lace 50% - Smoke 50%
Ice to Orca

Would you be interested in this kind of tundras? I'm starting some lineages
(it's getting quite complicated actually I'm so good at that... XDD)

Here are previews for the starter pair of the main lineage
(Plum Starmap, Purple/Blue Toxin)


In any case, good luck in your search!
Potato Wannabe

Wheeeewze ♥
Selling these sunset Nocturnes: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] All on the AH for gems, but feel free to pay in treasure!
Selling these sunset Nocturnes:




All on the AH for gems, but feel free to pay in treasure!
.........................wY5BsxP.png > she/her
> FR+8
> pings ok
> buy my dragons
> avatar dragon
> i've got the dr who brainrot
[center]I have these guys if they interest you! :D [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center]
I have these guys if they interest you! :D





you confiscate my kazoo but little do you know that i have a second, hidden kazoo between my toes
Not a shadow baby, but I've got this dark green Nocturne for sale! :) [columns][quote][i][b]Kune - Male Nocturne Nature Common Eyes Emerald Iridescent | Jade Butterfly | Spearmint Glimmer Matching eyes, perfect nature rep, all green range, close range colors, [b]15kt on AH[/b][/quote][nextcol][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/columns]
Not a shadow baby, but I've got this dark green Nocturne for sale! :)
Kune - Male Nocturne
Nature Common Eyes
Emerald Iridescent | Jade Butterfly | Spearmint Glimmer
Matching eyes, perfect nature rep, all green range, close range colors, 15kt on AH

Cloud - She/Her
jYG68HT.png tWfSaVj.png