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TOPIC | Progen Offspring Quest! FINISHED!
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@Amut - sounds good! I'll ping you in this thread with their offspring when he's scattered the way I want him. If this thread is gone or something I'll PM you just to be sure you're not interested c: Talk to you then!
@Amut - sounds good! I'll ping you in this thread with their offspring when he's scattered the way I want him. If this thread is gone or something I'll PM you just to be sure you're not interested c: Talk to you then!
to PsychoticRomance 70834

Cute lil flyin' dergin

Kiwi's Hatchery

Tiger head linking to my carrd
Wow, got a whole bunch of replies all of a sudden. :)

I don't find tracking your dragons like that weird at all. It sounds quite interesting. I'd like a little more lore though (because frankly Bonnie sounds exactly like ye olde barkeep of DnD fame, if that project to make Dungeons & Dragons stats hadn't fallen through, I would so point you in each other's directions to try to make campaign seeds.) So I'm afraid I'll have to pass for now. Good luck on developing your lore.

Lots of darks and purples in your pairing. Looks nice! My gosh that is a lot of lore *happy claps*. I'd love a hatchling when you hatch your next nest. Would your clan, by any chance, be interested in bags of holding? Because I'm fairly sure I could convince one of my Clan's messengers to consider respelling their bag to take a new owner in exchange for allowing one of our scribes to have a peek into your library. (Just thinking of reasons to get the two groups talking, here. :D)

Ooh, Irithia and Revel have very interesting history. I would be interesting to see what you come up with. Keep me in mind when your new clutch hatches.

Well I already grabbed Duskcaller. Your desert artifact lore sounds fantastic (and actually ties in very well with another dragon I'm expecting from another user). Hit me up when you get your lore down, a Choose Your Own Adventure lair sounds terrific! (And it sounds like you stumbled on some Second Age machinery, heh.)

If I'm buying fodder, they get fodder prices. If I'm buying lorebabies, well, I have to support lorebuilding, right? :p

Ideally it would be from both progens, but I do have a couple that are from one progen parent due to lore. It sounds like yours would fit right into the lore category. I gotta say I really love Glacier's lore though (Ah, that she would've met my Excidium, my sworn triple-basic mirror who's devoted to serving the Clan and God that gave him a home. They would've gotten on terrifically, though he would have insisted on offspring, lol.). Yedome also sounds like a great mediator to talk your hatchling into my Clan. :)

Can I pick up the White/Moon/Thistle gal?

@Chaosarceus Goodness gracious, did you scatter Greninja to get that awesome color combo?! (And oh boy can I sympathize with that Palkia's tert must do. My custom progen ended up with a brown tert, and it's why it's not gened to this day.) I'd love to see what they can make, but I'll have to warn you that I'm gonna be a bit picky about the hatchling terts (even though the scries are extremely appealing!). But they've got pretty great primary/secondary combinations that I'm sure skinner or poison will be able to handle most of the funny tert possibilities. Let's see what they make. ^_^
Wow, got a whole bunch of replies all of a sudden. :)

I don't find tracking your dragons like that weird at all. It sounds quite interesting. I'd like a little more lore though (because frankly Bonnie sounds exactly like ye olde barkeep of DnD fame, if that project to make Dungeons & Dragons stats hadn't fallen through, I would so point you in each other's directions to try to make campaign seeds.) So I'm afraid I'll have to pass for now. Good luck on developing your lore.

Lots of darks and purples in your pairing. Looks nice! My gosh that is a lot of lore *happy claps*. I'd love a hatchling when you hatch your next nest. Would your clan, by any chance, be interested in bags of holding? Because I'm fairly sure I could convince one of my Clan's messengers to consider respelling their bag to take a new owner in exchange for allowing one of our scribes to have a peek into your library. (Just thinking of reasons to get the two groups talking, here. :D)

Ooh, Irithia and Revel have very interesting history. I would be interesting to see what you come up with. Keep me in mind when your new clutch hatches.

Well I already grabbed Duskcaller. Your desert artifact lore sounds fantastic (and actually ties in very well with another dragon I'm expecting from another user). Hit me up when you get your lore down, a Choose Your Own Adventure lair sounds terrific! (And it sounds like you stumbled on some Second Age machinery, heh.)

If I'm buying fodder, they get fodder prices. If I'm buying lorebabies, well, I have to support lorebuilding, right? :p

Ideally it would be from both progens, but I do have a couple that are from one progen parent due to lore. It sounds like yours would fit right into the lore category. I gotta say I really love Glacier's lore though (Ah, that she would've met my Excidium, my sworn triple-basic mirror who's devoted to serving the Clan and God that gave him a home. They would've gotten on terrifically, though he would have insisted on offspring, lol.). Yedome also sounds like a great mediator to talk your hatchling into my Clan. :)

Can I pick up the White/Moon/Thistle gal?

@Chaosarceus Goodness gracious, did you scatter Greninja to get that awesome color combo?! (And oh boy can I sympathize with that Palkia's tert must do. My custom progen ended up with a brown tert, and it's why it's not gened to this day.) I'd love to see what they can make, but I'll have to warn you that I'm gonna be a bit picky about the hatchling terts (even though the scries are extremely appealing!). But they've got pretty great primary/secondary combinations that I'm sure skinner or poison will be able to handle most of the funny tert possibilities. Let's see what they make. ^_^
Long Patrol and Hibden
for forum games, please.
QF3R6o0.png mFu1NtF.png
Heh, when I joined you could pick your terts so it's not really impressive. I was just lucky enough to join early before too many people complained about terts being confusing.

Well how did you know I was planning on putting poison/spinner on Palkia? XD He looks so good with metallic/alloy but man I'm done with these gem genes for now. Triple gem gening my first genone? Not doing that again for a while! Whew! It's pretty hard to tell what to do with his tert. It's not terrible, sure, but it could be better and I'm not sure I'm willing to gamble that lovely azure secondary that goes so nicely with Greninja! When I get him gened up I'll have them breed, though that'll be 15 days or so... would you still be interested?

Heh, when I joined you could pick your terts so it's not really impressive. I was just lucky enough to join early before too many people complained about terts being confusing.

Well how did you know I was planning on putting poison/spinner on Palkia? XD He looks so good with metallic/alloy but man I'm done with these gem genes for now. Triple gem gening my first genone? Not doing that again for a while! Whew! It's pretty hard to tell what to do with his tert. It's not terrible, sure, but it could be better and I'm not sure I'm willing to gamble that lovely azure secondary that goes so nicely with Greninja! When I get him gened up I'll have them breed, though that'll be 15 days or so... would you still be interested?

Ferberus tumblr_inline_odefuuK3iq1s3vc1u_400.png Calico Ferberus

Hm? You're #40737 I'm #10642 and I didn't get to pick my tert. Very strange.

Heh, I like what Poi/Tox does, adding different colors to a dragon. That and Skink/Spinner are my favorite treasure genes for that reason. Sure! Hit me up when you get him gened and nested.

Hm? You're #40737 I'm #10642 and I didn't get to pick my tert. Very strange.

Heh, I like what Poi/Tox does, adding different colors to a dragon. That and Skink/Spinner are my favorite treasure genes for that reason. Sure! Hit me up when you get him gened and nested.
Long Patrol and Hibden
for forum games, please.
QF3R6o0.png mFu1NtF.png

Ooo, bags of holding would definitely attract the attention of the clan's mages and craftsdragons - some of them to see if they could replicate it, others because they would want one. The group of dragons who run an apparel shop in Lantern Port would be especially interested in seeing if they could make a less powerful, non-owner-specific version they could sell. (Now I'm really tempted to reread my old D&D books and see what sorts of items my dragons might want to make. xD) The library is always open to visitors (unless they've previously been banned for some reason), but if dragons in your clan wanted to borrow materials long term, they could probably negotiate something! Our librarians would also be interested in purchasing any texts, tomes, scrolls, or other written materials your clan might gather in its travels.

I'm seriously considering coughing up the gems for a boon of fertility so that I can hatch a nest from my progens on my birthday on Saturday. I have another pair important to my lore hatching a nest then, and I have some lore ideas that might be interesting depending on what sort of personalities hatch. If I do end up hatching one then, I'll be sure to let you know! Otherwise it will probably be next week sometime. :3

Ooo, bags of holding would definitely attract the attention of the clan's mages and craftsdragons - some of them to see if they could replicate it, others because they would want one. The group of dragons who run an apparel shop in Lantern Port would be especially interested in seeing if they could make a less powerful, non-owner-specific version they could sell. (Now I'm really tempted to reread my old D&D books and see what sorts of items my dragons might want to make. xD) The library is always open to visitors (unless they've previously been banned for some reason), but if dragons in your clan wanted to borrow materials long term, they could probably negotiate something! Our librarians would also be interested in purchasing any texts, tomes, scrolls, or other written materials your clan might gather in its travels.

I'm seriously considering coughing up the gems for a boon of fertility so that I can hatch a nest from my progens on my birthday on Saturday. I have another pair important to my lore hatching a nest then, and I have some lore ideas that might be interesting depending on what sort of personalities hatch. If I do end up hatching one then, I'll be sure to let you know! Otherwise it will probably be next week sometime. :3
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There's something to be said for a Storm's Eye Bag of Holding. During a wargame someone had the bright idea to loosen the stitching at the top of one, stuff one of our imperials into the bag and then lob it at the opposing side in the middle of a volley. The bag was destroyed, of course, but it certainly did give the proper element of surprise to rally a successful counterattack. And now we can say our bags can fit an imperial*. (I really need to go read through my Draconomicon again.)

Hah, the negotiations on those bags would be steep then, and I can see any hatchling of yours coming over to try to figure out how we did such large bags, since the recipe isn't for sale and we only have 2 mages that can make them and keep them stable until they're attached.

(We won't even discuss the amount of ju-ju and reality warping that went into making the Talonclasp Pendants function as keys to make portable folds in spacetime. lol)

*Temporarily. May cause dizziness, vertigo, projectile rivets, rips in spacetime and appearances of The Doctor .... Contact the Arcanist for any reality warps lasting longer than 5 hours.
There's something to be said for a Storm's Eye Bag of Holding. During a wargame someone had the bright idea to loosen the stitching at the top of one, stuff one of our imperials into the bag and then lob it at the opposing side in the middle of a volley. The bag was destroyed, of course, but it certainly did give the proper element of surprise to rally a successful counterattack. And now we can say our bags can fit an imperial*. (I really need to go read through my Draconomicon again.)

Hah, the negotiations on those bags would be steep then, and I can see any hatchling of yours coming over to try to figure out how we did such large bags, since the recipe isn't for sale and we only have 2 mages that can make them and keep them stable until they're attached.

(We won't even discuss the amount of ju-ju and reality warping that went into making the Talonclasp Pendants function as keys to make portable folds in spacetime. lol)

*Temporarily. May cause dizziness, vertigo, projectile rivets, rips in spacetime and appearances of The Doctor .... Contact the Arcanist for any reality warps lasting longer than 5 hours.
Long Patrol and Hibden
for forum games, please.
QF3R6o0.png mFu1NtF.png

Haha, yeah, some of my dragons would be perfectly fine to leave it at "oh, this is a really neat and useful bag," but some just can't leave well enough alone and want to figure out how everything works. (Not to say they actually could figure it out, but they would go nuts trying to poke at it. They might come up with an alternate, less useful/powerful one, or invent something else as a byproduct instead...) xD (Also that imperial is a brave, brave soul...)

Talonclasp Pendants as keys for portable folds in spacetime? Better not let my dragons near those. We have enough problems keeping the veil between this realm and the spirit one somewhat stable. xD;;

Haha, yeah, some of my dragons would be perfectly fine to leave it at "oh, this is a really neat and useful bag," but some just can't leave well enough alone and want to figure out how everything works. (Not to say they actually could figure it out, but they would go nuts trying to poke at it. They might come up with an alternate, less useful/powerful one, or invent something else as a byproduct instead...) xD (Also that imperial is a brave, brave soul...)

Talonclasp Pendants as keys for portable folds in spacetime? Better not let my dragons near those. We have enough problems keeping the veil between this realm and the spirit one somewhat stable. xD;;
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Heeee, that's going to be such fun to play with. (And yes, he is, also he was a bit crazy at the time.)

Talonclasp keys were so difficult to make we only have two. But they're quite invaluable for moving the Vault from place to place.

Yeah, I'm gonna have fun with your hatchling, I can see that already.

Heeee, that's going to be such fun to play with. (And yes, he is, also he was a bit crazy at the time.)

Talonclasp keys were so difficult to make we only have two. But they're quite invaluable for moving the Vault from place to place.

Yeah, I'm gonna have fun with your hatchling, I can see that already.
Long Patrol and Hibden
for forum games, please.
QF3R6o0.png mFu1NtF.png

Oh, scholars and mages. If it ain't broke, go ahead and break poke at it until you figure out how it works or change it into something entirely different.

Out of curiosity, which imperial is it?

Moving such a thing around would be quite the hefty endeavor without the aid of magic/magical items - a rather spiffy invention!

Sounds like they're going to have quite a lot of fun in your clan! ^_^

Oh, scholars and mages. If it ain't broke, go ahead and break poke at it until you figure out how it works or change it into something entirely different.

Out of curiosity, which imperial is it?

Moving such a thing around would be quite the hefty endeavor without the aid of magic/magical items - a rather spiffy invention!

Sounds like they're going to have quite a lot of fun in your clan! ^_^
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@Salathielly Oh indeed, but then again, we got Bogsneaks from that kind of tinkering. So it can't be all that bad. It would be this fellow here, Scarlatti, mostly because he can explode on cue (his accent's in the mail). [center] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [/center] To make a long story (and an unwritten one) short, we had a cocky little hotshot come in and thought he could run the place's security better than the General could. The General knows her lairmates much better and challenged him to a simple wargame: Stop her from breaking into the stationary Hoard. The hotshot would have the lair at his disposal, she'd have 3 of the most worthless companions he could think of. The General proved her mettle and literally only "lost" because one of the couriers and Scarlatti did a hail-mary with the bag of holding and chucking it (and him) at the General before she realized that was game plan. But everyone pretty much knew she let them have that move win on the technicality of it. The wargame was fun to plan and outline out, actually. I just haven't written the narrative to go with the outline yet.

Oh indeed, but then again, we got Bogsneaks from that kind of tinkering. So it can't be all that bad.

It would be this fellow here, Scarlatti, mostly because he can explode on cue (his accent's in the mail). To make a long story (and an unwritten one) short, we had a cocky little hotshot come in and thought he could run the place's security better than the General could. The General knows her lairmates much better and challenged him to a simple wargame: Stop her from breaking into the stationary Hoard.

The hotshot would have the lair at his disposal, she'd have 3 of the most worthless companions he could think of. The General proved her mettle and literally only "lost" because one of the couriers and Scarlatti did a hail-mary with the bag of holding and chucking it (and him) at the General before she realized that was game plan. But everyone pretty much knew she let them have that move win on the technicality of it.

The wargame was fun to plan and outline out, actually. I just haven't written the narrative to go with the outline yet.
Long Patrol and Hibden
for forum games, please.
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