@reliquiaen awesome, I'll send them along momentarily! [emoji=familiar heart size=1] Thank you!
reliquiaen awesome, I'll send them along momentarily!
Thank you!
O c h i b a
fr time +1 (MST)
she/her • they/them
Lightning to Ice
Wishlist (Nunivak's bio)
[quote=Water CFCE Hosts][columns][item=Sopping Tidelord Sackdoll][nextcol][color=transparent]o[/color][nextcol][size=3]@Aava, @AzaRein, @beanutbutter, @Dangerpuddle, @DeepflowManah, @EnglishRose, @Fendwellr, @Halcandra, @inkwardlychaotic, @Kaixin, @Kataracts, @MermaidCove, @NuovoSangue, @Plushieee, @RedWind, @Soulsaurora, @torreywolf[br][br][b]Flight moderator:[/b] @[/size][br][br][b]Please host for current CFCE members only![/b][/columns][/quote]
[s]LF 2 water nests, lmk what food you'd like![/s] found!
Water CFCE Hosts wrote:
@Aava , @AzaRein , @beanutbutter , @Dangerpuddle , @DeepflowManah , @EnglishRose , @Fendwellr , @Halcandra , @inkwardlychaotic , @Kaixin , @Kataracts , @MermaidCove , @NuovoSangue , @Plushieee , @RedWind , @Soulsaurora , @torreywolf
Flight moderator: @
Please host for current CFCE members only!
LF 2 water nests, lmk what food you'd like! found!
Always looking to buy Navy/Lemon gen1s, especially yellow/gold range terts!
[quote=Ice CFCE Hosts][columns][img]http://flightrising.com/images/layout/revamp/banners/ice_small.png[/img][nextcol][color=transparent]o[/color][nextcol][size=3]@Axqu, @Croissants, @Fulminare, @GentleGentoo, @Itarille, @Kalia, @KaylenAldanae, @Ochiba, @RubescentClaret, @ShinyWoobat, @Tserin, @winterbright[br][br][b]Flight moderator:[/b] @[/size][br][br][b]Please host for current CFCE members only![/b][/columns][/quote]
looking for one ice nest please, let me know what kind(s) of food you'd like!
Ice CFCE Hosts wrote:
@Axqu , @Croissants , @Fulminare , @GentleGentoo , @Itarille , @Kalia , @KaylenAldanae , @Ochiba , @RubescentClaret , @ShinyWoobat , @Tserin , @winterbright
Flight moderator: @
Please host for current CFCE members only!
looking for one ice nest please, let me know what kind(s) of food you'd like!
[quote=Arcane CFCE Hosts][columns][item=Arcane Sprite][nextcol][color=transparent]o[/color][nextcol][size=3]@8Spitfire8, @arcaneidolriots, @Bluesette, @carpecat, @ceryskies, @ChromaBoreala, @CrownedLadybug, @DruidicOracle, @ElvenArtist, @Greylag, @KameTurtle, @KhepriRose, @KittyTheLioness, @Koobi, @MyDiamond, @Nalabyte, @SeymourKrelborn, @velvetpaws[br][br][b]Flight moderator:[/b] @[/size][br][br][b]Please host for current CFCE members only![/b][/columns][/quote]
[quote=Light CFCE Hosts][columns][img]http://i.imgur.com/ZQGfAQY.png[/img][nextcol][color=transparent]o[/color][nextcol][size=3]@Ajax4life14, @Deluxe, @Drymm, @IllusiveFox, @Jessyta, @KeirAutomaton, @Kristi, @LonesomePaws2, @lynxedlight, @lyricalmyxteries, @Malreau, @MinkPelt, @Morifind, @Otterbeans, @Pistis, @QuietGhost, @SarcasticHawke, @SoItGoes, @SongofSummer, @Thalassarche, @TheWhiteHart, @TornadoTorrie[br][br][b]Flight moderator:[/b] @Pennywhistle[/size][br][br][b]Please host for current CFCE members only![/b][/columns][/quote]
Looking for 2 Arcane and 1 Light nest, please specify food type or random gift!
Arcane CFCE Hosts wrote:
@8Spitfire8 , @arcaneidolriots , @Bluesette , @carpecat , @ceryskies , @ChromaBoreala , @CrownedLadybug , @DruidicOracle , @ElvenArtist , @Greylag , @KameTurtle , @KhepriRose , @KittyTheLioness , @Koobi , @MyDiamond , @Nalabyte , @SeymourKrelborn , @velvetpaws
Flight moderator: @
Please host for current CFCE members only!
Light CFCE Hosts wrote:
@Ajax4life14 , @Deluxe , @Drymm , @IllusiveFox , @Jessyta , @KeirAutomaton , @Kristi , @LonesomePaws2 , @lynxedlight , @lyricalmyxteries , @Malreau , @MinkPelt , @Morifind , @Otterbeans , @Pistis , @QuietGhost , @SarcasticHawke , @SoItGoes , @SongofSummer , @Thalassarche , @TheWhiteHart , @TornadoTorrie
Flight moderator: @Pennywhistle
Please host for current CFCE members only!
Looking for 2 Arcane and 1 Light nest, please specify food type or random gift!
I can host, no food needed :)
Tserin I can host the light nest, type of food the pair will eat is fine :D
Tserin I can host the light nest, type of food the pair will eat is fine :D
I can host an arcane nest! a random gift would be fine!
I can host an arcane nest! a random gift would be fine!
LF a Nature nest, please let me know if you want any food :)
LF a Nature nest, please let me know if you want any food :)