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TOPIC | Kalia's trading hub
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Kind of crossroad of all my trade threads - easier to keep track :)
Please respond in the thread u're interested in.
Or if u have some general question/request, write here :)
No need to ping me, I'm subscribed.

What's in game:
Give familiar, get familiar!
Items and other stuff for trade/sell
Frozen Wings Hatchery
My rejected festival skins and accents
YA Pretties-for-fodder

Recycled threads:
Unused (Dragon trading)
Unused (Item trading)
Unused (Item trading)
Unused (Item trading)
Unused (Item trading)
Kind of crossroad of all my trade threads - easier to keep track :)
Please respond in the thread u're interested in.
Or if u have some general question/request, write here :)
No need to ping me, I'm subscribed.

What's in game:
Give familiar, get familiar!
Items and other stuff for trade/sell
Frozen Wings Hatchery
My rejected festival skins and accents
YA Pretties-for-fodder

Recycled threads:
Unused (Dragon trading)
Unused (Item trading)
Unused (Item trading)
Unused (Item trading)
Unused (Item trading)
[center][b][size=5]Wishlist[/size][/b][/center] For the items on the list I can pay in stuff listed in posts above, perhaps pay some difference in currency, but please don't send a plain sale offer - if I wanted to buy these things I'd go to AH :) [b]Familiars[/b] [url=]List of familiars I'm missing[/url] Also missing, but have them Awakened already, so they don't show above: [item=Boolean][item=cog frog][item=Bone Fiend][item=skycat][item=golden idol] [item=cancer][item=leo][item=Virgo][item=libra][item=Scorpio][item=Aquarius][item=Sagittarius][item=taurus][item=Gemini][item=Tendriltrail Jellyfish] [b]Apparel[/b] [item=Celadon Fillet][item=red butterfly necklace][item=water's charm]x5 [item=Lavender Carousel Bridle][item=Lavender Carousel Sandal][item=Spring Carousel Bridle][item=Spring Carousel Sandal][item=Tarnished Carousel Bridle][item=Sapphire Carousel Sandal][item=Gothic Carousel Sandal] [item=Cheery Mushroom Cap][item=Cheery Mushroom Frill][item=Cheery Mushroom Collar][item=Chipper Mushroom Cap][item=Chipper Mushroom Capelet][item=Peppy Mushroom Cap][item=Peppy Mushroom Basket][item=Peppy Mushroom Frill][item=Peppy Mushroom Collar] [item=Heliodor Arm Enhancement (Front)][item=Heliodor Leg Enhancement (Back)][item=Malachite Ocular Enhancement] [item=Spessartine Arm Enhancement (Back)][item=Spessartine Arm Enhancement (Front)][item=Spessartine Ocular Enhancement][item=Spessartine Leg Enhancement (Back)][item=Spessartine Jaw Enhancement][item=Spessartine Wing Enhancements] [item=Cinnabar Arm Enhancement (Back)][item=Cinnabar Arm Enhancement (Front)][item=Cinnabar Ocular Enhancement][item=Cinnabar Leg Enhancement (Back)][item=Cinnabar Leg Enhancement (Front)][item=Cinnabar Jaw Enhancement][item=Cinnabar Tail Enhancement][item=Cinnabar Wing Enhancements] [item=Charoite Spine Enhancement][item=Charoite Ocular Enhancement][item=Charoite Leg Enhancement (Back)][item=Charoite Leg Enhancement (Front)][item=Charoite Wing Enhancements] [item=Quartz Arm Enhancement (Back)][item=Quartz Arm Enhancement (Front)][item=Quartz Leg Enhancement (Back)][item=Quartz Leg Enhancement (Front)][item=Quartz Jaw Enhancement][item=Quartz Tail Enhancement][item=Quartz Wing Enhancements] [item=Opal Arm Enhancement (Back)][item=Opal Arm Enhancement (Front)][item=Opal Spine Enhancement][item=Opal Ocular Enhancement][item=Opal Leg Enhancement (Back)][item=Opal Leg Enhancement (Front)][item=Opal Jaw Enhancement][item=Opal Tail Enhancement][item=Opal Wing Enhancements] [item=Peridot Arm Enhancement (Back)][item=Peridot Arm Enhancement (Front)][item=Peridot Spine Enhancement][item=Peridot Ocular Enhancement][item=Peridot Leg Enhancement (Back)][item=Peridot Leg Enhancement (Front)][item=Peridot Jaw Enhancement][item=Peridot Tail Enhancement][item=Peridot Wing Enhancements] [columns] [outfit=1570505] [nextcol] [item=Patched Beggar locket] [/columns] [columns] [outfit=1695002] [nextcol] [item=spiffy monocle][item=spiffy tail spat] [/columns] [columns] [outfit=1570509] [nextcol] [item=kelly green ovalcrown][item=kelly green bodice][item=kelly green garniture][item=kelly green gloves][item=kelly green locket] [/columns] [columns] [outfit=2533439] [nextcol] [item=hoary scale gorget][item=Malachite Arm Enhancement (Front)][item=Malachite Leg Enhancement (Back)][item=Malachite Wing Enhancements] [/columns] [columns] [outfit=2533443] [nextcol] [item=Quartz Ocular Enhancement] [/columns] [b]Scenes/Vistas[/b] [item=Scene: Forbidden Portal]x2[item=Scene: Kelp Beds]x10[item=Scene: Summer Sunset]x6[item=Scene: Frostbite Falls][item=Scene: Shoreline Serenity]x3[item=Scene: Titan's Fall]x3[item=Scene: Autumn Storm]x10[item=Scene: Winter]x∞[item=Scene: Winter Night]x∞ [b]Genes/Vials[/b] [b] If you have ANY spare MP/gem scrolls/vials you'd like to trade away, let me know - I have a thousand new ideas per day, so probably can use anything xD[/b] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [item=Tertiary Gene: Soap] [nextcol] [color=transparent]_________[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [item=Tertiary Gene: Soap] [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [item=secondary gene: bee] [nextcol] [color=transparent]_________[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [item=Tertiary Gene: Soap] [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [item=scroll of eternal youth] [nextcol] [color=transparent]_________[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [item=scroll of eternal youth] [item=vial of naivety] [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [item=vial of glowing sight] [nextcol] [color=transparent]_________[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [item=vial of glowing sight] [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [item=vial of button sight] [nextcol] [color=transparent]_________[/color] [nextcol] [/columns] [b]Hibernal den upgrades[/b] [item=Secondary Gene: Hex][item=Primary Gene: Cinder][item=Secondary Gene: Blaze][item=Primary Gene: Boa][item=Secondary Gene: Saddle][item=Primary Gene: Mosaic][item=Secondary Gene: Breakup] [item=Breed Change: Aether][item=Breed Change: Auraboa][item=Breed Change: Dusthide][item=Breed Change: Pearlcatcher][item=Breed Change: Spiral][item=Breed Change: Snapper] [b]Other stuff:[/b] [item=Accent: Moonpearl F][item=prismatic token-][item=spare inventory crate-] [center][b][size=5]Sidelist[/size][/b] [b](may accept as price-matching in main trade, but not really looking for them)[/b][/center] [item=dragonfly-][item=giant darner-][item=mute swan][item=black swan] [item=firebug-] [item=gold ore-][item=black wolf pelt-][item=chrysoberyl-][item=translucent fins-][item=amphibious wing-][item=copper ore][item=spectre loop][item=dryad's saddle-] [item=scroll of renaming-][item=vial of hypnotic sight-][item=vial of tempered sight] [item=prismatic token-][item=spare inventory crate-] [center][b][size=5]Trade-pending[/size][/b] [b](got some agreement for these, just need to finalize)[/b][/center] -

For the items on the list I can pay in stuff listed in posts above, perhaps pay some difference in currency, but please don't send a plain sale offer - if I wanted to buy these things I'd go to AH :)

List of familiars I'm missing
Also missing, but have them Awakened already, so they don't show above:
Boolean Cog Frog Bone Fiend Skycat Golden Idol
Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Aquarius Sagittarius Taurus Gemini Tendriltrail Jellyfish

Celadon Fillet Red Butterfly Necklace Water's Charm x5

Lavender Carousel Bridle Lavender Carousel Sandal Spring Carousel Bridle Spring Carousel Sandal Tarnished Carousel Bridle Sapphire Carousel Sandal Gothic Carousel Sandal

Cheery Mushroom Cap Cheery Mushroom Frill Cheery Mushroom Collar Chipper Mushroom Cap Chipper Mushroom Capelet Peppy Mushroom Cap Peppy Mushroom Basket Peppy Mushroom Frill Peppy Mushroom Collar

Heliodor Arm Enhancement (Front) Heliodor Leg Enhancement (Back) Malachite Ocular Enhancement
Spessartine Arm Enhancement (Back) Spessartine Arm Enhancement (Front) Spessartine Ocular Enhancement Spessartine Leg Enhancement (Back) Spessartine Jaw Enhancement Spessartine Wing Enhancements
Cinnabar Arm Enhancement (Back) Cinnabar Arm Enhancement (Front) Cinnabar Ocular Enhancement Cinnabar Leg Enhancement (Back) Cinnabar Leg Enhancement (Front) Cinnabar Jaw Enhancement Cinnabar Tail Enhancement Cinnabar Wing Enhancements
Charoite Spine Enhancement Charoite Ocular Enhancement Charoite Leg Enhancement (Back) Charoite Leg Enhancement (Front) Charoite Wing Enhancements
Quartz Arm Enhancement (Back) Quartz Arm Enhancement (Front) Quartz Leg Enhancement (Back) Quartz Leg Enhancement (Front) Quartz Jaw Enhancement Quartz Tail Enhancement Quartz Wing Enhancements
Opal Arm Enhancement (Back) Opal Arm Enhancement (Front) Opal Spine Enhancement Opal Ocular Enhancement Opal Leg Enhancement (Back) Opal Leg Enhancement (Front) Opal Jaw Enhancement Opal Tail Enhancement Opal Wing Enhancements
Peridot Arm Enhancement (Back) Peridot Arm Enhancement (Front) Peridot Spine Enhancement Peridot Ocular Enhancement Peridot Leg Enhancement (Back) Peridot Leg Enhancement (Front) Peridot Jaw Enhancement Peridot Tail Enhancement Peridot Wing Enhancements
Steam grey
Patched Beggar Locket
Pristine 2
Spiffy Monocle Spiffy Tail Spat
Kelly Green Ovalcrown Kelly Green Bodice Kelly Green Garniture Kelly Green Gloves Kelly Green Locket
Hoary Scale Gorget Malachite Arm Enhancement (Front) Malachite Leg Enhancement (Back) Malachite Wing Enhancements
Quartz Ocular Enhancement

Scene: Forbidden Portal x2 Scene: Kelp Beds x10 Scene: Summer Sunset x6 Scene: Frostbite Falls Scene: Shoreline Serenity x3 Scene: Titan's Fall x3 Scene: Autumn Storm x10 Scene: Winter x∞ Scene: Winter Night x∞


If you have ANY spare MP/gem scrolls/vials you'd like to trade away, let me know - I have a thousand new ideas per day, so probably can use anything xD
50483123.png Tertiary Gene: Soap _________ 50483124.png Tertiary Gene: Soap
56163709.png Secondary Gene: Bee _________ 69651497.png Tertiary Gene: Soap
95654667.png Scroll of Eternal Youth _________ 55374063.png Scroll of Eternal Youth
Vial of Naivety
87717040.png Vial of Glowing Sight _________ 88368012.png Vial of Glowing Sight
95556430.png Vial of Button Sight _________

Hibernal den upgrades
Secondary Gene: Hex Primary Gene: Cinder Secondary Gene: Blaze Primary Gene: Boa Secondary Gene: Saddle Primary Gene: Mosaic Secondary Gene: Breakup
Breed Change: Aether Breed Change: Auraboa Breed Change: Dusthide Breed Change: Pearlcatcher Breed Change: Spiral Breed Change: Snapper

Other stuff:
Accent: Moonpearl F
(may accept as price-matching in main trade, but not really looking for them)
Mute Swan Black Swan

Copper Ore Spectre Loop
Vial of Tempered Sight

(got some agreement for these, just need to finalize)
@Kalia Sorry if I'm not supposed to post here, but I'd like to trade your dragon here for my 5 dusk jadevines. I hope that's ok? They are over 40g each in the AH and I'd like him for a breeding project ^^ [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@Kalia Sorry if I'm not supposed to post here, but I'd like to trade your dragon here for my 5 dusk jadevines. I hope that's ok? They are over 40g each in the AH and I'd like him for a breeding project ^^

Need more den tasks and den gem slots. Too many pretty dragons and I'm all maxed out. I have a dragon hoarding problem.
Sure, this thread is as fine as any other :)
He's coming your way in CR.
Sure, this thread is as fine as any other :)
He's coming your way in CR.
thanks for explaining it to me so simply :) i unfortunately do not have the things you are seeking in any capacity as yet. i will bookmark this tho for the future. :)
thanks for explaining it to me so simply :) i unfortunately do not have the things you are seeking in any capacity as yet. i will bookmark this tho for the future. :)
w8o0xW1.png gU2ykYl.png
Sure, you're welcome to stop by any time you like :)
If you have some other stuff to trade (not from the wishlist), you can offer it too - the worst that may happen is that I say "no, thanks".
Sure, you're welcome to stop by any time you like :)
If you have some other stuff to trade (not from the wishlist), you can offer it too - the worst that may happen is that I say "no, thanks".
ok I did some work and I think I figured out some trades!

I can buy you three of the gem market items you need
flaxen mane and tail and the silver fillagree
110+150+135=395 gems in worth

water runestone LAH 75
accent eroded LAH 60
Accent Enchanted Collector LAH 85
Accent Liberator LAH 40
Skin King of the Storm LAH 80
Accent: Wave From Neptune LAH 45
=385 gems in worth

Is this ok?
ok I did some work and I think I figured out some trades!

I can buy you three of the gem market items you need
flaxen mane and tail and the silver fillagree
110+150+135=395 gems in worth

water runestone LAH 75
accent eroded LAH 60
Accent Enchanted Collector LAH 85
Accent Liberator LAH 40
Skin King of the Storm LAH 80
Accent: Wave From Neptune LAH 45
=385 gems in worth

Is this ok?
My available lineage/subspecies hatches
XXX race with Prizes
Bogsneak Beauties Legacy
Most probably - yes.
You checked my "clean-up attempt" thread, right? I haven't updated it in half a year, and honestly I'm not even sure I still have the items you listed. Would you be willing to give me a few days to update it? I'm away from home for the weekend, so most probably won't have a chance to do it before I'm back to work xD
Most probably - yes.
You checked my "clean-up attempt" thread, right? I haven't updated it in half a year, and honestly I'm not even sure I still have the items you listed. Would you be willing to give me a few days to update it? I'm away from home for the weekend, so most probably won't have a chance to do it before I'm back to work xD
Of course, no problem! No rush at all.
Of course, no problem! No rush at all.
My available lineage/subspecies hatches
XXX race with Prizes
Bogsneak Beauties Legacy
OK, this week was a mad one... I managed to update fest items and skins (not NotN nor chests/vistas/scenes nor anything else though).
I have all the skins/accents you want, but not the runestone. I have the Moonbeam Aqueduct scene instead if that's what you wanted the runestone for.
If you'd like, you can browse the list again, maybe there's something else you'd like. If not, let me know and we'll figure something out :)
OK, this week was a mad one... I managed to update fest items and skins (not NotN nor chests/vistas/scenes nor anything else though).
I have all the skins/accents you want, but not the runestone. I have the Moonbeam Aqueduct scene instead if that's what you wanted the runestone for.
If you'd like, you can browse the list again, maybe there's something else you'd like. If not, let me know and we'll figure something out :)
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