TOPIC | Theme Week: Gecko Dragons!

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Barbados here has it!
And Unrequited!
Look upon them...
Here's Plaxy! She's a witch. Kind of. Lots of magic. Huge fan of how her Gecko gene adds more pink to her look!
Here is Phan~
I like how his Gecko ties into the blue accent colors he has!
My only one so far!
Her name is Lillian, and I really love her ^^
Koshamos! My random progen, whose color combo had me struggling for ages. Gecko fits him like a glove, and so does the Everlux breed for the lair's record keeper!
yeah gecko!!! i need me but so far i just have this guy c:
Kallyno! little library custodian!
I only have one. However he's quickly become one of my favorites. His name is Dart. He studies and befriends little amphibians and reptiles, despite having poisonous scales.
[center][emoji=aether star size=1]
Aether suits the Gecko gene perfectly!! I love him!!
Undreg is my only dragon with Gecko gene. I quite liked how it looked on him and then I fully regened him to match his new tertiary better. He was originally part of other player's fodderlocke and after he sadly died he was sent to me following my compliments to him during a forum game. In my clan he became an exorcist and a summoner and he has kept his fodderlocke past as a form of near-death experience when he tried to become a mercenary. While he dressed up fancy to show spirits that he is someone to be taken seriously he never felt the need to change his genes for that, until now.[/columns]
[b]GECKOS YAY![/b]
This is Meringue, Leopard gecko themed :]
[b]MUSHROOMS YAY![/b] Gecko makes for very cool mushroom lookin patterns, too!!

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