
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | Theme Week: Custom Progenitor Dragon!
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[url=][img][/img][/url] I regretted sunshine almost immediately when i tried to gene him, until the day cherub came out. Instantly saved up and applied it to him! Never exalted, never scattered, and never applied anything else than what he has genes wise~
I regretted sunshine almost immediately when i tried to gene him, until the day cherub came out. Instantly saved up and applied it to him!
Never exalted, never scattered, and never applied anything else than what he has genes wise~
[url=][img][/img][/url] My lovely 8 year old Progen, Phorcys!

My lovely 8 year old Progen, Phorcys!
Garen is a simple man! I can be very picky when it comes to apparel so most of my dragons go by the unofficial rule of "all natural but nice looking." I'm just fond of his simplistic blue/white aesthetic. I'm having a blast oggling everyone's custom progens here. For real... so many cool designs and ideas [emoji=tundra love size=1] [url=][img][/img][/url]
Garen is a simple man! I can be very picky when it comes to apparel so most of my dragons go by the unofficial rule of "all natural but nice looking." I'm just fond of his simplistic blue/white aesthetic.

I'm having a blast oggling everyone's custom progens here. For real... so many cool designs and ideas

This is Euros, my custom progen: [url=][img][/img][/url] Underneath the skin she looks like this: [img][/img] She left the clan for a while and gave the job of the clanleader to someone else. She used the time to travel sornieth and make some awesome experiences and friends. She changed during those travles, but she won't tell how those changes came to be. She's back now and didn't want to take up the mantle of leadership, instead she's now the head of the clan healers.
This is Euros, my custom progen:


Underneath the skin she looks like this:
She left the clan for a while and gave the job of the clanleader to someone else. She used the time to travel sornieth and make some awesome experiences and friends. She changed during those travles, but she won't tell how those changes came to be. She's back now and didn't want to take up the mantle of leadership, instead she's now the head of the clan healers.
[url=][img][/img][/url] My darling Ossuary! The dirt asexual matriarch herself!

My darling Ossuary! The dirt asexual matriarch herself!
  • Tender/Vulture
  • FR+3
  • She/They
  • Actual Turkey Vulture
This is my custom progen Midnight! [url=][img][/img][/url]
This is my custom progen Midnight!
earthdomgoat100.png earthdomstoat100.png
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] Apollo here has been exalted and brought back recently actually! He used to be a Guardian, but recently I spent the time geneing him up, changing his breed (Love obbies!), and dressing him up! Now he's a proud immortal with a flair for music![/center]

Apollo here has been exalted and brought back recently actually!
He used to be a Guardian, but recently I spent the time geneing him up,
changing his breed (Love obbies!), and dressing him up! Now he's
a proud immortal with a flair for music!

Call me Dex

she/her | 25+ | Taurus | INTP
Mostly here to make some pretty dragons, collect rocks, and run The Delphi Exchange!
Free dragons for newbies and new Light Converts! :3
Nightmaw [url=][img][/img][/url]
Nightmaw 57533449_350.png
t37T4b4.jpg AtXvu0n.gif
[url=][img][/img][/url] Chocofraxis, the Queen Mother of the Clan of Amata. Her great-granddaughter Amata is the current clan queen. Choco has been through two mates, 7 children and several generations of her lineage. Started as a Guardian, one breed change once I really came to like Pearls and her second mate was one, a gift from the player who got me in over here, and has had never had a tert because her red blends too much to a fire primary in everything and she won't breed again so no reason to add a gene.
Chocofraxis, the Queen Mother of the Clan of Amata. Her great-granddaughter Amata is the current clan queen. Choco has been through two mates, 7 children and several generations of her lineage.

Started as a Guardian, one breed change once I really came to like Pearls and her second mate was one, a gift from the player who got me in over here, and has had never had a tert because her red blends too much to a fire primary in everything and she won't breed again so no reason to add a gene.
Nest Rentals! I offer Fire nests here at 2kt a pair, no lunch boxes needed. Warning that I am a 12-hr shift night worker and might miss a day on incubation here and there. :(
Feel free to ping me anywhere! I try to subscribe to threads I create, but pings are always cool.
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