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TenderVulture's Clan

Ancient Lair
near the
Blight Sanctum icon

Clan Info

Dear Staff: I use multiple devices. Please do not ban me for multiaccounting. Thank you!

Creator of the Graveyard Gaoler subspecies.

Welcome to Bonehome. We are the Local Bonegays. Location:

Location on Llanai's world map: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/545386191533375496/869997551997288509/WM5_Territory_Map_CENTRAL.jpg

All my dragons are queer (not straight and/or not cis and/or perisex) and disabled until proven otherwise.

Just barely underground at Plague's borders with Shadow and Water (we move around a lot), building cathedrals and catacombs of bone and flesh.

No longer "Just a pair of dragons", trying to make a home out of dead things in the Wandering Contagion and spread disease wherever we travel. We have babies now! We still want to make Plaguemomma smile! Need a place to dump your unwanted ugly dragons? We'll take them too!

Clan Theme: Skulls and Trombones by Two Steps From Hell


Upcoming Clutches: Newton and Hermann

Clans we have connections with, either by blood or adoption- (WIP)

AngelDrag0n's Clan-Home Clan of Sweetness

Willowfrost's Clan-Home Clan of Halja

Starscream7799's Clan-Home Clan of Foghorn

Manfred's Clan-Home Clan of Oilslick and Howlback

HehehDragons's Clan-Home Clan of Reaper

Twiss's Clan-Home Clan of Eowyn

JawzDawg's Clan-Home Clan of Kingtide

KittyGoesMeow's Clan and/or HeySeven's Clan-(Home Clan(s)?) of Harbinger

crazyflower’s Clan-Home Clan of Noms

LM2’s Clan-Home Clan of Corequenque

MarcoJay’s Clan-Home Clan of Pernis

b0nnie’s Clan-Home Clan of Halley

epher’s Clan-Home Clan of Senet and Serhild

GiantLizard’s Clan-Home Clan of Taffy

rekyrem’s Clan-Home Clan of Hattie

Stripe10’s Clan-Home Clan of Donnchad

ORDERoftheASP’s Clan-Home Clan of Ragnaill

NTex’s Clan-Home Clan of Roddy

aigiala's Clan-Home Clan of Groovetrip (adopted from allaboutirony's Clan)

Drakonyc666‘s Clan-Home Clan of Constance

Euruptodon-Home Clan Unknown

theforgottenones’s Clan-Home Clan of Gnu

CherryLimeSalt’s Clan-Home Clan of Aquitaine

Kanneko’s Clan-Home Clan of Silver

CanisAlbus’s Clan-Home Clan of Rokusho, Bellamy, Flora, and Jenine

Stripey’s Clan-Home Clan of Prettyboy

Yutyrannical‘s Clan-Home Clan of Yuunai

Megs’s Clan-Home Clan of Shale

mandrakey’s Clan-Home Clan of Goose

PastelLight’s Clan and Pastel Light Hatchery-Home Clan of Greenie

poshcoyote’s Clan-Home Clan of Blackwater

Strikhedoniak's Clan-Home Clan of River and Lysander

shapelesshorror’s Clan-Home Clan of Shriek and Gooplet

WhaleWhaleWhale’s Clan-Home Clan of Smokey

Unknown Clan-Home Clan of Vile

Blitzindite's Clan-Home Clan of Cass

cheetopotatokat's Clan-Home Clan of Squorbie

mortelatte's Clan-Home Clan of Clawreich

Unknown Clan-Home Clan of Toxie

Limanya's Clan-Feist's/Fulmar's Home Clan

Wardove's Clan-Paua's Home Clan

liebrenado’s Clan-Home Clan of Angus

MaosreDawnmist’s Clan-Home Clan of Hazel

EarthlyDelights’s Clan-Home Clan of Sanke

Yogura’s Clan-Home Clan of Flower

HauntedWhale’s Clan-Home Clan of Wetpaper

Lightbringer’s Clan-Home Clan of Sunbeam

DeadWapiti’s Clan-Home Clan of Hugger/Garote and Kaheru

telekinesiskid’s Clan-Home Clan of Liefa

birthdayhat’s Clan-Home Clan of Always-Autumn

bombcollar’s Clan-Home Clan of Delicacy

TantricTraces’s Clan-Home Clan of Poppet

Cryptnoch’s Clan-Home Clan of Beatrix

Mystif’s Clan-Home Clan of Pinkeye

sealoflove’s Clan-Home Clan of Talia

Ennaia’s Clan-Home Clan of Eris

MeratahsBleau‘s Clan-Home Clan of Gertrude

Aloners’s Clan-Home Clan of Kali

KreepyKitten’s Clan-Home Clan of Ezrael

kittyk2000‘s Clan-Home Clan of Tidelad

Evaria and Lost Hearts Hatchery-Home Clan of Koa and Navi

VioletChachki‘s Clan-Home Clan of Cornclaw

Haruu‘s Clan-Home Clan of Cadere

Urgathoa‘s Clan-Home Clan of Caryan

AshRiot‘s Clan-Home Clan of Deidre

WolfandCrow‘s Clan-Home Clan of Perdix

Himushi‘s Clan-Home Clan of TheRadiance

TwistedTricks’s Clan-Home Clan of Annis and Annan

Kaheru-Home Clan Unknown

PrismDragonfly’s Clan and Kittens in Mittens Hatchery-Home Clan of Macabre

dodostad’s Clan-Home Clan of Owro

Cronan’s Clan-Home Clan of Fog

desmodium’s Clan-Home Clan of Brisa

emiliarate’s Clan-Home Clan of BacteriaBetty

Vinsomer’s Clan-Home Clan of Caern

Fenryr’s Clan-Home Clan of Unnamed

Lidgeon’s Clan-Home Clan of Unnamed

SOMNOIENCE’s Clan-Home Clan of Bowstring

Planete’s Clan-Home Clan of Onesalan

LilBirbFluff’s Clan-Home Clan of Mishap

TheStarDragoness’s Clan-Home Clan of Yahira

Kelley’s Clan-Home Clan of Cloudburst

Lukas-Home Clan Unknown

Tricky’s Clan-Home Clan of Miaplacidus

corprus’s Clan-Home Clan of Tambora and Pepik

WitchHunt’s Clan-Home Clan of Vist

Darquesse’s Clan-Home Clan of Brockenbow

Dessedence’s Clan-Home Clan of Poppin

Salamanderpie’s Clan-Home Clan of Cynar

lucia00’s Clan-Home Clan of Resistance

Grfsh’s Clan-Home Clan of Muddyeyes

Salvage-Home Clan Unknown

Merestrider-Home Clan Unknown

EmandRye's Clan-Home Clan of Glashtyn

Lichenlach-Home Clan Unknown

Creepercat's Clan-Home Clan of Skerry

AmeliaNaito's Clan-Home Clan of Coral

Pegasus2o5's Clan-Home Clan of Shipwreck

Nimrook's Clan-Home Clan of Mair

Lionsong's Clan-Home Clan of Bog

Sangre-Home Clan Unknown

Mantakorra's Clan-Home Clan of Abbess

Smockle's Clan-Home Clan of Tholos

Spacemilk's Clan-Home Clan of Cygnus

Ranseur's Clan-Home Clan of Arvias

aencisor's Clan-Home Clan of Mugwort

Virabelasan's Clan-Home Clan of Sonderegger

Dreamsnare's Clan-Home Clan of Teutorix

Shakura's Clan-Home Clan of Carrra

D4RKB0N3Z's Clan-Home Clan of Crag

Moonpiebandit's Clan-Home Clan of Xeno

WickedGuacamole's Clan-Home Clan of Hanyr

YukiKoizumi's Clan-Home Clan of YeehawJunction

sunnythewitch's Clan-Yahev

sylvannull's Clan-Home Clan of Ren, Assessor, and Einsley

Countercurse's Clan-Home Clan of Lich

Lanturn's Clan-Home Clan of Burger

UberBorealis's Clan-Home Clan of Gnomon

Ziggs's Clan-Home Clan of Metus

Milithor's Clan-Home Clan of Longdark

supperfuzzygoat's Clan-Home Clan of Silk

Dagomor's Clan-Home Clan or Hreidarr

Jahkailija's Clan-Home Clan of Huntokar

ArchSerpent's Clan-Home Clan of Equinox

GaleTheWhale's Clan-Home Clan of Shiban Long

Druddigon's Clan-Home Clan of Seastar

Cupcake-Home Clan Unknown

Aeothyr's Clan-Home Clan of Gwen

Talamir-Home Clan Unknown

Swampcat-Home Clan Unknown

Cathatt's Clan-Home Clan of Meir

Eiram's Clan-Home Clan of Shoalstalker

Cheryy's Clan-Home Clan of Wemba

Quickbrook's Clan-Home Clan of Trendal

ktlynnhutch's Clan-Home Clan of Magnu

Hesker's Clan-Home Clan of Daria

Eikai's Clan-Home Clan of Abyssaell

Shadowtime’s Clan-Home Clan of Arwin

Drizziel’s Clan-Home Clan of Amara


Factions and Locations:

Bonehome-The main clan. Contains everyone living under Ossuary and Palace. The Bone Zone, and all that.

The Crypt/The Ribcage. Bonehome's famous unnavigable catacombs lined with bones. Prey bones, beastkin bones, dragon bones. Or at least it would be, if anyone had actually died. The medical wing and science labs are here, and it also serves as part basement, part unofficial place to do weird stuff with skeletons. Overlaps with the Carrion Church. Ossuary, Dolmen, Oilslick, Tzompantli, Constance, Searcher, Scrimshaw, Schnabel, Platelet, Plasma, Squorbie, Dogma, Cadere, Resistance.

The Hibernal Den-A cozy, dimly lit cave in Bonehome (the coziest, in fact). The walls are lined with pelts, tapestries, and skulls of all kinds, and it smells just like home. The most comforting part of Bonehome.

Bonebark Forest-A swampy slash of pines near the edge of the clan's territory facing Shadow. Good place for catching frogs. Here be swamp monsters, ghosts, scientists, and lost children. Hattie, Mordred, Euruptodon, Gnu, Greenie, Blackwater, Lysander, Vile, Wetpaper, Flower, Gooplet, Owro, Merestrider, Salvage, Cypress, Thonotosassa, Chubbycheeks, Sonderegger.

The Folklore Squad-A nomadic band of pseudo-intellectuals who go folklore collecting and have no idea what they've gotten into. Sunbeam, Eris, Ezreal, Koa, Cornclaw, Fleetfeet, Macabre.

Bonewood Beach-A beachcomber's paradise. All sorts of cool dead things wash up here. Home to beach bums of all sorts. Has a lot of sandbars and small islands, so not accessible to ships, but is great for swimming! Just...try not to swim out past the dropoff. Foghorn, Kingtide, Smokey, Delicacy, Talia, Tidelad, Perdix, Glashtyn, Mair, Seastar.

The Carrion Church-High up on a hill, surrounded by pines, is a small shrine made of bones and meat to The Plaguebringer and the turkey vultures the clan claims as their emblem and as her avatar. Here, the clan dumps their trash, performs outdoor rituals and sacrifices, maintain the shrine, and care for the vultures. It even has special wooden and bone perches for the vultures to rest on, which have banners flying on top that can be seen for miles around. Cathartes, Squorbie, Kali, Deidre, Kaheru, Tambora, Pepik.

Bone Dividers by Poisonedpaper

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ThatBeePerson's avatar
May 22, 2024 22:56:54
Your clan is very cool...
davietoowavey's avatar
May 06, 2024 13:16:50
Kettle was on the front page!
wildewinged's avatar
January 25, 2024 19:32:59
Oh cool, thanks for letting me know!
sentio's avatar
January 23, 2024 20:19:04
Kali (#46797747) was on the front page! (eepy lil guy in the bio ^w^)
C0RVIDCORE's avatar
December 25, 2023 04:09:13
LOVE UR HOLLOW JNIGHT DRAGONS. takes what my queer little hands can carry and runs
Birdsofwax's avatar
November 24, 2023 07:52:47
Yaal was featured on the front page!
Drakessis' avatar
October 26, 2023 00:31:56
Mako was on the front page!
Strangeflesh's avatar
October 24, 2023 19:47:00
thoughts on the new genes? and will be allowed in the grave gaos?
Strangeflesh's avatar
August 23, 2023 12:12:21
NEW ABBY GENES, also what do you think of the new npc?
Firefly15's avatar
July 07, 2023 22:50:18
Ybrietas was on the homepage, she's stunning :)
Fox0war's avatar
July 07, 2023 22:49:22
Ybrietas was front page and they're SO beautiful! Love the lil bit of writing too <3
spelltag's avatar
June 06, 2023 19:39:32
Naira was on the front page! What a pretty dragon!
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Date Joined
Apr 26, 2018

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AdoniPike1261 (#361217)

thinkign about BEes hhng
Willowfrost's avatar
Willowfrost (#257526)

noot noot
CanisAlbus' avatar
CanisAlbus (#143977)
Manfred's avatar
Manfred (#78737)

home of weed city
Swampman's avatar
Swampman (#338142)

Deep in the mire, something stirs...
allaboutirony's avatar
allaboutirony (#80285)

A family of misfits
FireShark2006's avatar
FireShark2006 (#253999)

No. Leave.
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MadMad7 (#287962)
MuppQueen's avatar
MuppQueen (#389169)

Positive Mental Attitude
Megs' avatar
Megs (#192948)

To punish and enslave.

Recent Activity

Sep 14
Became friends with queerdragon69
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Aug 11
Became friends with TPFS
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Jun 18
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Imperial Female, 1 Nocturne Male

Recent Achievements

Jun 15
Swag! (Love is in the Air)
Jun 15
Seasonal Sundries (Winter)
Jun 15
Festive Favors: Wavecrest Saturnalia
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