
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | El's Lair Reviews & Improvements OPEN
Type of Service: Lair Complimenting
Number of Dragons reviewed/reccomended: 5
Lair Tabs/types of dragons to avoid: Both lair and den are fair game but just avoid last page on dens for each tab as well as gen 1 lair tab.
Other Comments: Thank you for the service. :)
Type of Service: Lair Complimenting
Number of Dragons reviewed/reccomended: 5
Lair Tabs/types of dragons to avoid: Both lair and den are fair game but just avoid last page on dens for each tab as well as gen 1 lair tab.
Other Comments: Thank you for the service. :)
Type of Service: Lair Complementing
Number of Dragons reviewed/reccomended: 5
Lair Tabs/types of dragons to avoid: Sale and the HibDen
Other Comments: Do I pay you after? And can I throw some purple sludge in as a mixed payment?
Type of Service: Lair Complementing
Number of Dragons reviewed/reccomended: 5
Lair Tabs/types of dragons to avoid: Sale and the HibDen
Other Comments: Do I pay you after? And can I throw some purple sludge in as a mixed payment?
antlers_left_by_broqentoys-dcsi472.png X
Call me Six
Aromantic • Asexual • Agender
@nekothecat Hey, thats fine! Since you didn’t state how many total dragons you’ve wanted, I chose the two you asked for and 3 others. Hope thats okay. Also thanks on the username! I was actually on the fence of joining, but when I saw the Username I just had to! [url=][img][/img][/url] First off, I like how you are restating the red from the eyes with the Gothic tea. I am weak for when clashy eyes get incorporated into the outfit and are no longer clashy. Like this! I know Baldwin claws are great for this job, so maybe you can add them to the outfit to elevate that idea even further! I also think the Wolf Cape really suits her so well! It really makes her have this dark god vibes! However, my main thought on how to improve her is by incorporating the coral tert into her outfit. As of now, thats the only pink on her, and I think that you can improve that by adding the Strawberry plumes. [outfit=1375660] [url=][img][/img][/url] Oooh another Wolf Cape executed well. I really like how the filigree set and the Goldenrod look together. They look cohesive but have enough contrast to make things still look interesting. The Sandwaste socks restate the secondary color, which again I love? Seriously, I never actually looked at this apparel piece before, but this is a 10/10 use of it. However, the quiver clashes with the rest of the outfit a lot! If being an Archer is important for your lore, maybe try something like what I linked below? Another thing I think you can improve on is restating those accent colors such as blood and ice. I also really respect the choice to keep those wings basic, it really adds to his charm. [outfit=1375751] [url=][img][/img][/url] OwO Since Clay is just the best color, I had to pick her even BEFORE finding out she was a third-gen imp! And she has siblings, and I am SO SO SO tempted not to buy. First off, the CLEAVER matches so well aaaaaaahhhh. I tried to dress solely based on the cleaver aesthetic because she has such potential. Me? Like tail tufts? Noooooooo. Aaah I could use this outfit myself. [outfit=1375758] [url=][img][/img][/url] Oooh, dragons like this are so fun to dress. So many apparels sets match, you can make them anything in lore. Veined is a good gene and the obsidian really shows it off. :))) I quite like the boots on him even if I didn’t include it in my outfit. The obsidian blend is such a good combo with the subtle blues. I quite like him! [outfit=1375766] [url=][img][/img][/url] I quite like how you’ve made a Tun look intimidating. The Shadow eyes compliment the claws so well. Again, I love all of your use of the headdresses in your lair. We all have that favorite type of apparel, and your lair is a love letter to the animal headdresses. However, the gold and blues in that coat don’t match anything else on the tun. I quite like the Inkwell tail feathers.

Hey, thats fine! Since you didn’t state how many total dragons you’ve wanted, I chose the two you asked for and 3 others. Hope thats okay. Also thanks on the username! I was actually on the fence of joining, but when I saw the Username I just had to!

First off, I like how you are restating the red from the eyes with the Gothic tea. I am weak for when clashy eyes get incorporated into the outfit and are no longer clashy. Like this! I know Baldwin claws are great for this job, so maybe you can add them to the outfit to elevate that idea even further! I also think the Wolf Cape really suits her so well! It really makes her have this dark god vibes! However, my main thought on how to improve her is by incorporating the coral tert into her outfit. As of now, thats the only pink on her, and I think that you can improve that by adding the Strawberry plumes.

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Oooh another Wolf Cape executed well. I really like how the filigree set and the Goldenrod look together. They look cohesive but have enough contrast to make things still look interesting. The Sandwaste socks restate the secondary color, which again I love? Seriously, I never actually looked at this apparel piece before, but this is a 10/10 use of it. However, the quiver clashes with the rest of the outfit a lot! If being an Archer is important for your lore, maybe try something like what I linked below? Another thing I think you can improve on is restating those accent colors such as blood and ice. I also really respect the choice to keep those wings basic, it really adds to his charm.

Not Found



Since Clay is just the best color, I had to pick her even BEFORE finding out she was a third-gen imp! And she has siblings, and I am SO SO SO tempted not to buy. First off, the CLEAVER matches so well aaaaaaahhhh. I tried to dress solely based on the cleaver aesthetic because she has such potential. Me? Like tail tufts? Noooooooo. Aaah I could use this outfit myself.

Not Found

Oooh, dragons like this are so fun to dress. So many apparels sets match, you can make them anything in lore. Veined is a good gene and the obsidian really shows it off. :))) I quite like the boots on him even if I didn’t include it in my outfit. The obsidian blend is such a good combo with the subtle blues. I quite like him!

Not Found

I quite like how you’ve made a Tun look intimidating. The Shadow eyes compliment the claws so well. Again, I love all of your use of the headdresses in your lair. We all have that favorite type of apparel, and your lair is a love letter to the animal headdresses. However, the gold and blues in that coat don’t match anything else on the tun. I quite like the Inkwell tail feathers.
Resident Trickster Rabbit God
Studier of Color Theory
Giver of Earth Nests
Type of Service: Lair Review and Improvement

Number of Dragons reviewed/reccomended: 5 maybe? If any more stick out to you feel free to do more!

Lair Tabs/types of dragons to avoid: Please only stick to the Glacial Shallows tab! That's where all my permas are. I'd also love if you could include some apparel recommendations for Gateway the bog on the second page of my lair.

Other Comments: I came back from a long hiatus around a month ago, the majority of my apparel/genes may be a bit out of date, though I'm actively touching that up. Also don't mind everyone's bio's being a huge WIP.
Type of Service: Lair Review and Improvement

Number of Dragons reviewed/reccomended: 5 maybe? If any more stick out to you feel free to do more!

Lair Tabs/types of dragons to avoid: Please only stick to the Glacial Shallows tab! That's where all my permas are. I'd also love if you could include some apparel recommendations for Gateway the bog on the second page of my lair.

Other Comments: I came back from a long hiatus around a month ago, the majority of my apparel/genes may be a bit out of date, though I'm actively touching that up. Also don't mind everyone's bio's being a huge WIP.
Type of Service: Lair Review and Improvement

Number of Dragons reviewed: How about top and bottom three if that works?

Lair Tabs/types of dragons to avoid:
My main tab is the Sky Runners. Everything else is fodder.

Other Comments: The only two with completed lore are Grace and Phantom, but I def want your opinion on my bio template. I wanted it to be simple but effective if that makes sense. I'm brand new to coding so I'm not sure how much better I can do lol.
Type of Service: Lair Review and Improvement

Number of Dragons reviewed: How about top and bottom three if that works?

Lair Tabs/types of dragons to avoid:
My main tab is the Sky Runners. Everything else is fodder.

Other Comments: The only two with completed lore are Grace and Phantom, but I def want your opinion on my bio template. I wanted it to be simple but effective if that makes sense. I'm brand new to coding so I'm not sure how much better I can do lol.

Call me Max!


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Ooh I haven't had a lair review done for a while, I'd love to make use of your services!

Type of Service: Lair Complimenting!
Number of Dragons reviewed/recommended: Would you be willing to do 7? 5 is fine too if you'd rather not!
Lair Tabs/types of dragons to avoid: None!
Other Comments: There are a few fandragons in the hibernal den so feel free to poke your head in there as well!
Also, I am a lore clan, but I'm going through and giving dragons lore as I get inspired for them, so the ones who currently have lore are scattered a bit all over the place! Obviously feel free to gush about whoever you want, lore or no, but if that's something you look at in your reviews, now you know you can keep an eye out for it lol

Ooh I haven't had a lair review done for a while, I'd love to make use of your services!

Type of Service: Lair Complimenting!
Number of Dragons reviewed/recommended: Would you be willing to do 7? 5 is fine too if you'd rather not!
Lair Tabs/types of dragons to avoid: None!
Other Comments: There are a few fandragons in the hibernal den so feel free to poke your head in there as well!
Also, I am a lore clan, but I'm going through and giving dragons lore as I get inspired for them, so the ones who currently have lore are scattered a bit all over the place! Obviously feel free to gush about whoever you want, lore or no, but if that's something you look at in your reviews, now you know you can keep an eye out for it lol
"But the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible.

This I did."

@pheelthemoment After is fine :) [url=][img][/img][/url] Oooh, this is SUCH a good outfit. I could see myself ripping off this outfit. The Combination of the Ghastcrown and the antlers works surprisingly well and the antlers match the wings too I love. Times like this make me wish that we could layer lanterns… Hmm, this is a nice usage of the new Ice fest apparel. It really looks cohesive and I thought it was part of the NotN set you used. I also like that you used stained, because it helps tie the look together. Since she has such a complex outfit, I feel like most popular genes would look too busy you know? [url=][img][/img][/url] Your broadcast messages are just so good, and this gal is no exception. Also, when Crackle slaps it slaps hard. I could totally put her in my earth tab and she wouldn’t look out of place. I also approve of how you went springs breadth over summer swelter, I feel as if that really elevates her look. As much as I love a good gold-range, sometimes I feel that they can get kind of repetitive, and this girl doesn’t have that problem! Her being an XYZ adds a lot of depth to the look, you could have gone with an XXX for 90% of the effect but you didn’t. She is so special as a result! [url=][img][/img][/url] My Cabbage Merchant fandragon is SWOONING. I love how another good crackle looks with speckle, gives off those nice fall vibes. Brb ordering a pumpkin spice latte. Man, I feel really tempted to dress her, but so many things would work well for her it’d take ages! I feel like you’ve slapped 3 rare genes on a dragon and made something COHESIVE. It's really cool that she gives off such an aesthetic without any browns or greens, she is really unique in that aspect. [url=][img][/img][/url] Oooh, he gives off old FR vibes in the best possible way. Spring as a color gets a lot of hate on this site, and while I am personally neutral on it, I feel like he could change some of the Spring Hater’s minds. It clearly is the best possible tert color for him because it FEELS like the midpoint between his 2 other colors. I find it hard for smoke to work sometimes on XYZs because it is hard to match the smoke with a primary and secondary, but I feel as if you’ve done a good job here. It ties his whole color scheme together. :) I quite like the minimal touches of apparel you’ve given him. In particular, the aviator scarf matches his secondary. He also has some super cute art in his bio color me impressed. [url=][img][/img][/url] My goodness, you have quite the “unpopular and difficult to use” gene NAILED. Instead of just buying what takes up 90% of the AH, you’ve decided to do your own thing with your lair and I kinda love it. I don’t know how to best express this, but she gives off Pokemon vibes. God, that is a compliment. Like, Gamefreak could release a pokemon with the same basic color palette, and I’m sure even the Genwunners would love it! The uses of Tiger and Thylacine complement and contrast with each other perfectly! I almost feel as if she was bred specifically to match the green silks, as she fits them almost perfectly. Also, “strongly hated by” lol. She did nothing wrong!

After is fine :)

Oooh, this is SUCH a good outfit. I could see myself ripping off this outfit. The Combination of the Ghastcrown and the antlers works surprisingly well and the antlers match the wings too I love. Times like this make me wish that we could layer lanterns… Hmm, this is a nice usage of the new Ice fest apparel. It really looks cohesive and I thought it was part of the NotN set you used. I also like that you used stained, because it helps tie the look together. Since she has such a complex outfit, I feel like most popular genes would look too busy you know?

Your broadcast messages are just so good, and this gal is no exception. Also, when Crackle slaps it slaps hard. I could totally put her in my earth tab and she wouldn’t look out of place. I also approve of how you went springs breadth over summer swelter, I feel as if that really elevates her look. As much as I love a good gold-range, sometimes I feel that they can get kind of repetitive, and this girl doesn’t have that problem! Her being an XYZ adds a lot of depth to the look, you could have gone with an XXX for 90% of the effect but you didn’t. She is so special as a result!


My Cabbage Merchant fandragon is SWOONING. I love how another good crackle looks with speckle, gives off those nice fall vibes. Brb ordering a pumpkin spice latte. Man, I feel really tempted to dress her, but so many things would work well for her it’d take ages! I feel like you’ve slapped 3 rare genes on a dragon and made something COHESIVE. It's really cool that she gives off such an aesthetic without any browns or greens, she is really unique in that aspect.


Oooh, he gives off old FR vibes in the best possible way. Spring as a color gets a lot of hate on this site, and while I am personally neutral on it, I feel like he could change some of the Spring Hater’s minds. It clearly is the best possible tert color for him because it FEELS like the midpoint between his 2 other colors. I find it hard for smoke to work sometimes on XYZs because it is hard to match the smoke with a primary and secondary, but I feel as if you’ve done a good job here. It ties his whole color scheme together. :) I quite like the minimal touches of apparel you’ve given him. In particular, the aviator scarf matches his secondary. He also has some super cute art in his bio color me impressed.


My goodness, you have quite the “unpopular and difficult to use” gene NAILED. Instead of just buying what takes up 90% of the AH, you’ve decided to do your own thing with your lair and I kinda love it. I don’t know how to best express this, but she gives off Pokemon vibes. God, that is a compliment. Like, Gamefreak could release a pokemon with the same basic color palette, and I’m sure even the Genwunners would love it! The uses of Tiger and Thylacine complement and contrast with each other perfectly! I almost feel as if she was bred specifically to match the green silks, as she fits them almost perfectly. Also, “strongly hated by” lol. She did nothing wrong!
Resident Trickster Rabbit God
Studier of Color Theory
Giver of Earth Nests
aaa omg thank you!! this was such a nice read! i loved seeing some of my older dragons getting love - Calabsas and Falcata were actually the first two dragons i ever bought off the AH! and yesss i love trying to work underappreciated genes c: thank you so much!
aaa omg thank you!! this was such a nice read! i loved seeing some of my older dragons getting love - Calabsas and Falcata were actually the first two dragons i ever bought off the AH! and yesss i love trying to work underappreciated genes c: thank you so much!
@Lasagnagsag Edit because I am a fool and did not properly ctrl c ctrl v bbcode Ayy, a fandragon lair. While I am not in any of your fandoms, I know how hard it can be to have an accurate fandragon with the existing genes and apparel! So I take my hat off to you good sir or madam. [url=][img][/img][/url] Oooh. Before I go into accurate representation of the picture in the bio, I am going to talk about her as a dragon first! You’ve used 2 genes that I am always exited to see, Ringlets and Vipera! The colors you’ve chosen contrast nicely with each other, creating the ice rep look without being all white or blue range colors! I always love it when players do something unique like that! Also, dust is one of the least used grey ranges, and I am happy you are giving it some love! If I saw this dragon in isolation on the AH, I’d consider buying her. So you’ve taken a pretty Dragon, but this is also a fandragon! Again, I have no clue what this is about, but judging by the picture in the Bio, you’ve done a great job. The picture gives off the same vibes as the dragon, and is also showcasing the same color scheme I liked so much on her! I feel like you’ve done a great job showcasing the done of the picture. The one thing I would try to improve on her is that the winter wind might make her a tad busy in my eyes. But thats mostly pretty subjective. Some apparel I think also fits the theme is the black and white flair scarf and the white antlers. [url=][img][/img][/url] Oooh, a teal-range. I quite like how the fest apparel looks. The Opal matches the seapetal set super well! I give to you another outfit idea with some apparel pieces you might not have considered! Algae poison is a great gene, yet nobody talks about it. I really think that this matches the picture swimmingly. The Opal takes this to the next level, and clawtips and embers also pair with it really well, so hopefully it is helpful. I also like the choice of Nocturne, it fits the picture super well. [outfit=1376076] [url=][img][/img][/url] I’m not going to make suggestions on the outfit, because the tert matches the outfit so darned well. The outfit matches the character in the bio, but even if this wasn’t a fandragon I’d pick them anyway! Because, the TERT and the OUTFIT. I am impressed. I cannot imagine the lengths you’d go to to get the layering on the chest area, that is truely impressive. This looks cohesive, I’d guess you were using 3 sets max? 10. For aestetic I cannot improve it, but maybe you can put a pair of Wolly antenne on him to capture the teal (hair?) on his head! Another minor nitpick I have with him is that you are using flint, a midtoned cool grey as your secondary. Morph is a cheap secondary gene, and can fix that problem to match better with his darker apparel. [url=][img][/img][/url] I feel like I’m breaking some unspoken rule by picking 3 dragons that are next to each other, but then you shouldn’t have put such good dragons next to each other! I’m going to address the Moquito in the room. Which is like the Elephant in the room expect I am probably the only person who notices it but it is still worth pointing out? Right? The rose. It clashes. You’ve got god tier genes, an outfit I am definitely not stealing, and it matches the picture swimmingly. But the rose. Again, I do not know much about these games, so maybe it is there for lore reasons idk. But. On the more positive hand, Phalo toxin. Why isn’t this popular. I shouldn’t know enough about FR to review lairs and then figure out that combo slaps NOW. And there is no good XYZ with it on the AH. Why must you hurt me in this way? What did I ever do to you? Also, you’ve used a kelpie mane on a complex outfit, and it isn’t too busy for my delicate sensibilities. Another thing you excel at is toeing the line between busy and boring. [url=][img][/img][/url] Aaarrrgggghhh it was so hard to pick a 5th, but an actually feasible usage of shadow won me over. Shadow, you are an A list color, but you match with nothing, and therefore I can’t have you in my lair yet. He gives me hope that one day that will change! The Rings match the glimmer splendidly, brings my joy to see matching this perfect! Another thing I noticed here happens to go hand-in-hand with one of the other things I’ve notice about your lair. You could of used the Ebony Armor set, all of it, and it would of looked pretty much the same if you didn’t click on the dragon. But you included a cape and just a 10/10 use of the breeches. This is like biting into a cupcake and discovering it has a filling, surprise and joy! All of the little touches in your lair makes me feel like you’ve put a lot of effort in, which I find super cool!
Edit because I am a fool and did not properly ctrl c ctrl v bbcode

Ayy, a fandragon lair. While I am not in any of your fandoms, I know how hard it can be to have an accurate fandragon with the existing genes and apparel! So I take my hat off to you good sir or madam.


Oooh. Before I go into accurate representation of the picture in the bio, I am going to talk about her as a dragon first! You’ve used 2 genes that I am always exited to see, Ringlets and Vipera! The colors you’ve chosen contrast nicely with each other, creating the ice rep look without being all white or blue range colors! I always love it when players do something unique like that! Also, dust is one of the least used grey ranges, and I am happy you are giving it some love! If I saw this dragon in isolation on the AH, I’d consider buying her.

So you’ve taken a pretty Dragon, but this is also a fandragon! Again, I have no clue what this is about, but judging by the picture in the Bio, you’ve done a great job. The picture gives off the same vibes as the dragon, and is also showcasing the same color scheme I liked so much on her! I feel like you’ve done a great job showcasing the done of the picture. The one thing I would try to improve on her is that the winter wind might make her a tad busy in my eyes. But thats mostly pretty subjective. Some apparel I think also fits the theme is the black and white flair scarf and the white antlers.


Oooh, a teal-range. I quite like how the fest apparel looks. The Opal matches the seapetal set super well! I give to you another outfit idea with some apparel pieces you might not have considered! Algae poison is a great gene, yet nobody talks about it. I really think that this matches the picture swimmingly. The Opal takes this to the next level, and clawtips and embers also pair with it really well, so hopefully it is helpful. I also like the choice of Nocturne, it fits the picture super well.

Not Found

I’m not going to make suggestions on the outfit, because the tert matches the outfit so darned well. The outfit matches the character in the bio, but even if this wasn’t a fandragon I’d pick them anyway! Because, the TERT and the OUTFIT. I am impressed. I cannot imagine the lengths you’d go to to get the layering on the chest area, that is truely impressive. This looks cohesive, I’d guess you were using 3 sets max? 10. For aestetic I cannot improve it, but maybe you can put a pair of Wolly antenne on him to capture the teal (hair?) on his head! Another minor nitpick I have with him is that you are using flint, a midtoned cool grey as your secondary. Morph is a cheap secondary gene, and can fix that problem to match better with his darker apparel.


I feel like I’m breaking some unspoken rule by picking 3 dragons that are next to each other, but then you shouldn’t have put such good dragons next to each other! I’m going to address the Moquito in the room. Which is like the Elephant in the room expect I am probably the only person who notices it but it is still worth pointing out? Right? The rose. It clashes. You’ve got god tier genes, an outfit I am definitely not stealing, and it matches the picture swimmingly. But the rose. Again, I do not know much about these games, so maybe it is there for lore reasons idk. But. On the more positive hand, Phalo toxin. Why isn’t this popular. I shouldn’t know enough about FR to review lairs and then figure out that combo slaps NOW. And there is no good XYZ with it on the AH. Why must you hurt me in this way? What did I ever do to you? Also, you’ve used a kelpie mane on a complex outfit, and it isn’t too busy for my delicate sensibilities. Another thing you excel at is toeing the line between busy and boring.


Aaarrrgggghhh it was so hard to pick a 5th, but an actually feasible usage of shadow won me over. Shadow, you are an A list color, but you match with nothing, and therefore I can’t have you in my lair yet. He gives me hope that one day that will change! The Rings match the glimmer splendidly, brings my joy to see matching this perfect! Another thing I noticed here happens to go hand-in-hand with one of the other things I’ve notice about your lair. You could of used the Ebony Armor set, all of it, and it would of looked pretty much the same if you didn’t click on the dragon. But you included a cape and just a 10/10 use of the breeches. This is like biting into a cupcake and discovering it has a filling, surprise and joy! All of the little touches in your lair makes me feel like you’ve put a lot of effort in, which I find super cool!
Resident Trickster Rabbit God
Studier of Color Theory
Giver of Earth Nests
@TheBreadCrumb Aww yw. And really, I should be thanking you. I get inspiration and ideas for every lair I get to fangirl over. [url=][img][/img][/url] For instance, HIM. I did not know that Aqua Toxin was a quality gene combo, but I’m putting it on my list of color/gene combos I might one day get. It also goes super well with the Skink, screaming Lightning Flight even if I saw him naked on the AH. He can wear so many cool apparel sets, I dressed him for ya. [outfit=1376123] [url=][img][/img][/url] Oooh another good use of crackle. He gives off major blacksmith vibes, surprised he is not named Hephestus. Speck/Frec/Crackle is a good gene combination and every time I see it it sparks joy. He would look amazing in so many sets. I’d totally buy him if he was on the AH. This is such a good use of Obsidian, the blue undertones contrast with the orange. I do appreciate a good matchy eye, and he nails it. [url=][img][/img][/url] Ooooh, a matchy xyz. I quite like the teal runes on her. I also appreciate that shes not an XXY, it took me quite a while to notice. She gives off major sea-monster vibes, and you can dress her up with pretty much anything. Cherub is usually a hit-or-miss gene, but today it is such a hit. The stripes of black and grey on the fae tail look so great. She looks like she’d really rock some glowing clawtips oh my god. I love how you’ve used black, I feel like it is really underrated compared to Obsidian or Eldritch. [url=][img][/img][/url] Oooh Beige irishim is a good combo. Pistachio runes contrasts really well, a solid choice in complementary colors. I quite like the lore idea of a jewelry maker, that is not a common lore trope. He’d look great with antlers. He has really old FR vibes due to the irishim, and I say that in the best possible way. The ice eyes are such a nice touch, it really adds to his calming vibes. He seems really soft and hugable. I love how the blue accents in the beige match the pistachio. [url=][img][/img][/url] A pottery maker, I don’t think I’ve ever seen that in somebodies lore before. Piebald and stained are a quality gene combo. I love the layering of the wraps and the teacups, I don’t think I’ve ever seen this layering combo before. Thistle is an underrated color, and the stained adds a nice color to the wings. The primary really matches the pots, I can’t believe I only just noticed. She gives off the vibes as an old watercolor painting I love it. Really cute.

Aww yw. And really, I should be thanking you. I get inspiration and ideas for every lair I get to fangirl over.


For instance, HIM. I did not know that Aqua Toxin was a quality gene combo, but I’m putting it on my list of color/gene combos I might one day get. It also goes super well with the Skink, screaming Lightning Flight even if I saw him naked on the AH. He can wear so many cool apparel sets, I dressed him for ya.

Not Found


Oooh another good use of crackle. He gives off major blacksmith vibes, surprised he is not named Hephestus. Speck/Frec/Crackle is a good gene combination and every time I see it it sparks joy. He would look amazing in so many sets. I’d totally buy him if he was on the AH. This is such a good use of Obsidian, the blue undertones contrast with the orange. I do appreciate a good matchy eye, and he nails it.


Ooooh, a matchy xyz. I quite like the teal runes on her. I also appreciate that shes not an XXY, it took me quite a while to notice. She gives off major sea-monster vibes, and you can dress her up with pretty much anything. Cherub is usually a hit-or-miss gene, but today it is such a hit. The stripes of black and grey on the fae tail look so great. She looks like she’d really rock some glowing clawtips oh my god. I love how you’ve used black, I feel like it is really underrated compared to Obsidian or Eldritch.


Oooh Beige irishim is a good combo. Pistachio runes contrasts really well, a solid choice in complementary colors. I quite like the lore idea of a jewelry maker, that is not a common lore trope. He’d look great with antlers. He has really old FR vibes due to the irishim, and I say that in the best possible way. The ice eyes are such a nice touch, it really adds to his calming vibes. He seems really soft and hugable. I love how the blue accents in the beige match the pistachio.

A pottery maker, I don’t think I’ve ever seen that in somebodies lore before. Piebald and stained are a quality gene combo. I love the layering of the wraps and the teacups, I don’t think I’ve ever seen this layering combo before. Thistle is an underrated color, and the stained adds a nice color to the wings. The primary really matches the pots, I can’t believe I only just noticed. She gives off the vibes as an old watercolor painting I love it. Really cute.
Resident Trickster Rabbit God
Studier of Color Theory
Giver of Earth Nests