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TOPIC | plague outfits
can y'all drop some of your favorite plague-y outfits <3 i need some inspiration bonus points for super busy outfits + mirrors / skydancers / imperials because that's where i'm struggling most but anything is good :D for starters here are my pretty much completed plague-y outfits [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
can y'all drop some of your favorite plague-y outfits <3 i need some inspiration

bonus points for super busy outfits + mirrors / skydancers / imperials because that's where i'm struggling most but anything is good :D

for starters here are my pretty much completed plague-y outfits


These are my two favorites. The first one's a real mess and the second is more in the clean bone-armor/collector style.
Plasma Rotclaw
Skeletal Cleaner

Sorting through more outfits; these are also mildly Plague-y. These are just generally barbarian-style, what I imagined as a necromancer but really might just be Plague magic, possibly a dead or dying tree, and another possibly barbarian-esque outfit.
Bewitching Depths
Rooting Tar-Trap
Melted Skull
These are my two favorites. The first one's a real mess and the second is more in the clean bone-armor/collector style.
Plasma Rotclaw
Skeletal Cleaner

Sorting through more outfits; these are also mildly Plague-y. These are just generally barbarian-style, what I imagined as a necromancer but really might just be Plague magic, possibly a dead or dying tree, and another possibly barbarian-esque outfit.
Bewitching Depths
Rooting Tar-Trap
Melted Skull
Cheerful Chime Almedha | share project
Lore Starts Here (WIP)
I collect Pulsing Relics!
candle-smol.png ____
ooh your dragons are lovely!! corbeau is absolutely gorgeous, using the gladeboughs for a plague outfit is interesting but works so well! and voleur looks like a vagabond..i dig her vibes c: here are my plague-iest friends! [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
ooh your dragons are lovely!! corbeau is absolutely gorgeous, using the gladeboughs for a plague outfit is interesting but works so well! and voleur looks like a vagabond..i dig her vibes c:

here are my plague-iest friends!




Ooh, I love the outfits you've got so far! Very unique but still very plaguey. I love the naturey aspects the first guy has, it represents the relationship between nature and plague really well. Here's some of my plaguey dragons! [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
Ooh, I love the outfits you've got so far! Very unique but still very plaguey. I love the naturey aspects the first guy has, it represents the relationship between nature and plague really well.
Here's some of my plaguey dragons!
Feel free to click and feed my creatures!
Pretty plagueys! I only really have one that I would call noticeably plague-themed. [url=][img][/img][/url]
Pretty plagueys! I only really have one that I would call noticeably plague-themed.
hdUkGga.png SkdP4dm.pngQWVLgKo.png
ahh all these plague babs are so beautiful! i used to be in plague, so i have a handful. *-* [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
ahh all these plague babs are so beautiful! i used to be in plague, so i have a handful. *-*




Hmm... Digging through the ol' Dressing Room, I think these are my plaguiest. (Note: Some may be modeled by and/or designed for others' dragons! Just something to keep in mind ^^)
Beautifully Toxic
Cheat Fate
Moth's Kin
Pink Pox
Flesh and Bone
Not Found
Wasted, Wounded
teeth teeth teeth teeth
Hmm... Digging through the ol' Dressing Room, I think these are my plaguiest. (Note: Some may be modeled by and/or designed for others' dragons! Just something to keep in mind ^^)
Beautifully Toxic
Cheat Fate
Moth's Kin
Pink Pox
Flesh and Bone
Not Found
Wasted, Wounded
teeth teeth teeth teeth
lovin' what i see so far!

as i don't have any outfits of the breeds you want (one skydancer, but his outfit's tailored specifically for him) and lots of my stuff uses layering that just don't translate to other breeds, i'll just throw some of my favourite apparel sets at ya for inspiration.
all of my outfits are mainly made out of:

- birdskull
- vet scars
- wraps, 'specially bloody and maroon
- carapace arm/infectalons, white raven armour/talons
- the colony mushroom sets
- sanddune rags, crown of bones and skeletal chimes
- cobwebs
- the rest of our fest stuff
- the latest notn sets- not just the callouses!
- mantles, (weathered) scale armour, nightshrouds and blood/venom scale sets have all made multiple appearances
- glowing claws, often red or green, really help

best thing i can say is don't try to stick to one set. plague's about using what you get, so outfits that are mishmashes of parts from different sets tend to look and feel the most plaguey.
lovin' what i see so far!

as i don't have any outfits of the breeds you want (one skydancer, but his outfit's tailored specifically for him) and lots of my stuff uses layering that just don't translate to other breeds, i'll just throw some of my favourite apparel sets at ya for inspiration.
all of my outfits are mainly made out of:

- birdskull
- vet scars
- wraps, 'specially bloody and maroon
- carapace arm/infectalons, white raven armour/talons
- the colony mushroom sets
- sanddune rags, crown of bones and skeletal chimes
- cobwebs
- the rest of our fest stuff
- the latest notn sets- not just the callouses!
- mantles, (weathered) scale armour, nightshrouds and blood/venom scale sets have all made multiple appearances
- glowing claws, often red or green, really help

best thing i can say is don't try to stick to one set. plague's about using what you get, so outfits that are mishmashes of parts from different sets tend to look and feel the most plaguey.
[url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] Plague is pretty easy to achieve but it is kinda a lot of recycling the same looks so I try and not have too many with the actual typical aesthetic.




Plague is pretty easy to achieve but it is kinda a lot of recycling the same looks so I try and not have too many with the actual typical aesthetic.