
Level 1 Skydancer
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Pinpush Mirror Doll
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Male Skydancer
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Personal Style


Bewitching Ruby Pendants
Bewitching Ruby Nightshroud
Haunting Amber Nightshroud
Bewitching Ruby Grasp
Bewitching Ruby Taildecor
Maroon Head Wrap
Maroon Tail Wrap
Faerie Rose Thorn Crown


Accent: From The Depths


Scene: Serpent Shrine


4.43 m
7.33 m
454.36 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 06, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245


but i wrote it so here it is

     Skajin the Necromancer
       no one would approve

Theme: The Warrior Song
━━ story ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
The moon flew through the night sky at a quick clip. There were stories in the past that the moon appeared to have a companion every now and again, two moons, nearly identical, side-by-side in the dark. Skajin had never seen two. He’d only barely noticed there was one.

Skajin stole across the burial grounds, oddly-shaped mounds lifting the flat landscape of the Steppes. Mounds the size of Guardians, mounds the size of Faes… or hatchlings. Skajin wasn’t interested in these old bones━useless.

Across the field of lost futures, freshly turned dirt covered a Pearlcatcher. Skajin had offered those empty condolences to the family, but felt their suffering was worth her peace. He’d seen the body. She’d been dreadfully ill. Wings wasted and thin, the strong outline of bones underneath withering skin.

Skajin was no longer so naive to believe he was actually doing her any favors anymore: he’d not come so far yet. Perhaps, one day, he could truly coax a soul back into a body and return a dragon from immortal, ethereal service to the gods, but not yet. A stint in service to him would do well enough.

A foul smoke rose from Skajin’s hands as he worked a vile piece of Plague magic: magic intended for the living, but particularly potent on the dead. She was not strong enough to survive, not a worthy sacrifice to the Mother of Plague. She would not be strong enough to fly with the Father of Winds, either.

The Pearlcatcher, suddenly stiffened, though not from any natural process of the last vestiges of life leaving the body. Her eyes popped open, revealing a sickly, milky green. Her head turned, instinct looking for danger or energy. She cupped one claw, and looked around. Searching for her missing Pearl, probably.

Perhaps, she’d be strong enough to walk Sornieth once more. He’d give her the power, he’d give her a touch of Plague and the strength it brought. But he couldn’t give her life. That power was for the gods alone.
Singed Webbing
Sparrow Skull
Etched Tusk
Small Legbones
━━ history ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Plaguebringer Bone Scrimshaw
Ghastly Houndskull
Umberhorn Qiriq Horn
Fractured Tusk
Necromancy is frowned upon by most Plague dragons. Dead dragons, after all, were deemed unworthy of life. Skajin seemed to have no such interest in the social niceties, though, viewing it as largely unnecessary. Paradoxically, as Skajin is a very much live-nechromancer, he doesn’t much see the point of life━the dead often get so much more done than their living counterparts, at least where he is concerned.

Skajin was never interested in power or popularity; in fact, he rather hates the idea of both. As it is said, though, some dragons just want to see the world burn, whether they are Fire dragons or not. Skajin believes that life was a mistake in the first place, and doesn’t revere the gods for their position in creation. There is too much pain and injustice to make life worth the trouble it takes to preserve it. Though he agrees with the Lightweaver that her creation of Imperials were a mistake, he thinks her scope is unimaginative. Perhaps Emperors were the best thing to happen to dragonkind after all. If the gods won’t see the destructive nature of their creations, perhaps their creations will destroy themselves as an act of their flawed nature.

None but Skajin know of his beginnings. As a young dragon, he managed to escape a disease that ravaged his clan. Most Plague dragons might say it was the world’s way or purging the unworthy. Though Skajin never went back to see what became of the dragons he knew, whether they survived or not, it could be why he has no love for the gods or the world or other dragons. He’s adopted their thought. Their death was their fault, even if other dragons or the gods brought it about. Though Skajin would never state outright he believes he’s just as powerful and important as a god, he certainly behaves like it.

Skajin is the utmost corruption of a Plague dragon. He believes in death, but he does not believe in life. He despises all the gods, all dragons, all beasts, and, perhaps, himself most of all. He only appreciates the dead, for leaving the world and hastening the end of life on Sornieth in some small way. He knows he’s too cowardly to do the same.
━━ familiar ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Skajin has no friends; none living anyway. Though he despises his past and the dragons therein, he keeps one memento: a Mirror doll he played with as a child. It’s patched and ratty now, like Skajin, but he immediately replaces lost button eyes and sews it back together whenever it falls apart, stuffs it with new material whenever it loses a bit of its insides. Though he doesn’t remember it, he used to call the doll Meer. He doesn’t call it anything now, though it’s always tucked away in his travel pack.
Pinpush Mirror Doll            
━━ interactions ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Raptor Effigy Inadage - Your typical zombie, nothing special about her. But she does seem to have some sort of potent residual life force with her. Skajin raises more dead with her around than he ever did on his own.
Typics - If Skajin regrets anything, it’s raising Typics’ sister from the grave. Typics is unrelenting in his search and getting closer all the time because, you know, Snappers never sleep. Haunting Houndskull            
Featherfall Pack Leshen - helps Typics hunt down Skajin, though he doesn’t care whether they’re able to save Inadage or not.
━━ notes ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
» Anyone who knows Skajin’s fullname, Skajin Livingwill, has the feeling he chose this name for himself rather than earning it from someone else.
» meta. Any children Skajin has with Inadage are not his children, but rather zombies they have raised together.
» Though Skajin has many dragons hunting him, there are yet more he doesn’t know watching but not interfering, Tohil and Aroer among them.
aesthetic: Bones and stuff. Actually, to be honest, probably not. More like. Rotting flesh or something.
likes: Hm. See aesthetic.
dislikes: Pretty things?

code by epher #101073
lore by almedha #96931

Wardrobe Goals:
Pomegranate Plumed Headdress
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