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TOPIC | Share Emperors or dragons who've met one
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@KalicoKat [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Balder and Bellatrix fought against the most powerful Emperor Dragon in existence. The Great Emperor Dragon Jubileus. The Umbra Witches and the Lumen Sages fought against Jubileus and prevailed when the Luman Sage Alraune sacrificed her life to heal and give the surviving Witches and Sages the power they needed the defeat Jubileus. The battle almost wiped out the Clans of Light and Shadow but it came with a great cost. Jubileus had 11 Heads



Balder and Bellatrix fought against the most powerful Emperor Dragon in existence. The Great Emperor Dragon Jubileus. The Umbra Witches and the Lumen Sages fought against Jubileus and prevailed when the Luman Sage Alraune sacrificed her life to heal and give the surviving Witches and Sages the power they needed the defeat Jubileus. The battle almost wiped out the Clans of Light and Shadow but it came with a great cost.
Jubileus had 11 Heads

"I-I see..."

So the myth he heard wasn't too far off after all. There are times that they went crazy, killing everything in the way. This made him sadder after hearing the words spoken from a true Emperor. They have to suffer on this for years and years...

His issue become small compared to her.

He could tell that the memories weren't pleasant to her either, seeing her heads reacted. He looked down, still having hard time to shake off the feeling. His innocent life got ruined by someone, and now he is also pinned as a monster.

He looked up back to her, smiled slightly.

"T-thank you...but...I wish both of us don't have to suffer with it..."

"I-I see..."

So the myth he heard wasn't too far off after all. There are times that they went crazy, killing everything in the way. This made him sadder after hearing the words spoken from a true Emperor. They have to suffer on this for years and years...

His issue become small compared to her.

He could tell that the memories weren't pleasant to her either, seeing her heads reacted. He looked down, still having hard time to shake off the feeling. His innocent life got ruined by someone, and now he is also pinned as a monster.

He looked up back to her, smiled slightly.

"T-thank you...but...I wish both of us don't have to suffer with it..."
sqXOa1X.gif Frionivalis | FR +14 or +15 (UTC +7) | A lore lair

Meepball Adopts Tailor Fae Subspecies
Sparkle Dreams Hatchery
My Experimental Writing, Feedbacks needed!
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Hope was made to see if emporers could be made on demand, lets just say they failed and only managed to create one with two heads


Hope was made to see if emporers could be made on demand, lets just say they failed and only managed to create one with two heads
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Three headed


Three headed
And if a silence filled the air do you think that anyone would even care? Would they be aware... of the mounting snow...
@Sciencemonkey "You summon an emperor? What other kinds of... Summons... do you have?" Ishara is almost nervous to ask, but curious about the types of beings Darklight can control. @myriadofstars Hewn city looks interesting, I like a lot of your dragons in there! And Davik is very pretty. [emoji=guardian happy size=1] @EmpressSectonia Balder and Bellatrix are certainly intimidating dragons, and defeating an Emperor so large is certainly quite a feat! I read a good bit of Balder's bio, and I hope to come back and read more of it! Ishara is sorry for all the pain that this Emperor has caused your clan. @Frionivalis Kethys, the Light-eyed head speaks this time. His voice is deep and somehow soothing. "While it is true that we suffer, at least we are ourselves. Some never regain that." Shotho, the head on Ishara's other side with Shadow eyes snorts in response. "Some would argue that they are the fortunate ones, to never know what death and destruction they have caused." Ishara whirls her head around to smack Shotho in the neck with her horns. "Just because we have to deal with your negativity when it arises doesn't mean everyone should." She gives Tessera an apologetic look. @Alfamangle An Emperor with only two heads is still an Emperor! Ishara looks down at Hope adoringly. They are very cute for an Emperor. "It is nice to have company, isn't it? Do you ever disagree about anything?" @DeathPhoenix I love Sunscream's bio!

"You summon an emperor? What other kinds of... Summons... do you have?" Ishara is almost nervous to ask, but curious about the types of beings Darklight can control.


Hewn city looks interesting, I like a lot of your dragons in there! And Davik is very pretty.

@EmpressSectonia Balder and Bellatrix are certainly intimidating dragons, and defeating an Emperor so large is certainly quite a feat! I read a good bit of Balder's bio, and I hope to come back and read more of it!

Ishara is sorry for all the pain that this Emperor has caused your clan.


Kethys, the Light-eyed head speaks this time. His voice is deep and somehow soothing. "While it is true that we suffer, at least we are ourselves. Some never regain that."

Shotho, the head on Ishara's other side with Shadow eyes snorts in response. "Some would argue that they are the fortunate ones, to never know what death and destruction they have caused."

Ishara whirls her head around to smack Shotho in the neck with her horns. "Just because we have to deal with your negativity when it arises doesn't mean everyone should." She gives Tessera an apologetic look.


An Emperor with only two heads is still an Emperor!

Ishara looks down at Hope adoringly. They are very cute for an Emperor. "It is nice to have company, isn't it? Do you ever disagree about anything?"


I love Sunscream's bio!
kKraFP4.png MUYNhfy.png
kKraFP4.png Kaliqo.gif

True, they are still themselves. Sharing the same body. Yet his case is a confusing one. He got personality split after all. Into...4 of them. The sound from light eyed one make him even more relaxed. Too bad, no one would believe him that he actually met a friendly Emperor.

His expression changed slightly after he heard shadow eyed that is a questionable topic. Reminded him about his negative personalities. He just back to smiling again after.

"I don't mind haha. I'm used to hearing my negative thoughts hitting with my positive side all the time. But I think yours is fortunate. You can continue living on"

Dealing with four personalities in one is not an easy matter, only those who also being one would understand.

But he agree that this emperor is a fortunate one. Even they don't remember their past.

True, they are still themselves. Sharing the same body. Yet his case is a confusing one. He got personality split after all. Into...4 of them. The sound from light eyed one make him even more relaxed. Too bad, no one would believe him that he actually met a friendly Emperor.

His expression changed slightly after he heard shadow eyed that is a questionable topic. Reminded him about his negative personalities. He just back to smiling again after.

"I don't mind haha. I'm used to hearing my negative thoughts hitting with my positive side all the time. But I think yours is fortunate. You can continue living on"

Dealing with four personalities in one is not an easy matter, only those who also being one would understand.

But he agree that this emperor is a fortunate one. Even they don't remember their past.
sqXOa1X.gif Frionivalis | FR +14 or +15 (UTC +7) | A lore lair

Meepball Adopts Tailor Fae Subspecies
Sparkle Dreams Hatchery
My Experimental Writing, Feedbacks needed!
@KalicoKat I got a couple emperors :D Tethys was a “hatchling” found my my Viking lord Ragnar while out sailing. They found him in a tied ups sack. They were surprised to find a three headed, four winged hatchling but kept him safe from hunters. He’s more of a peaceful emperor and keeps himself secluded from most of the clan. They think it was because he was a hatchling. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Endymion was found within the Redwood Forest that bordered a section of the clan. Selene, the Witchborne found him while on her walk and found that she was able to soothe him by singing soft lullabies. He was the beast in the woods but with Selene’s magic and occasional singing he no longer bothers travelers unless they pose a threat to the clan. He also has three heads like Tethys, six legs, and four wings. Two wings are smaller than the main two. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] My last one is probably my most tragic. Moacir was kidnapped as a hatchling by some cultist like group. Him and various others were experimented on to create a non-Imperial emperor. He was the only one the group had to survive to adulthood. He didn’t merge like normal emperors but rather was surgically and magically added/replaced parts. His wings were removed and a larger pair was added but useless to him, two front and two back legs were added to his own though they are smaller and he has limited to no use in them. He’s labeled a failure because of his lack of use to his “new” parts. However, he has become paranoid and hears whispers that he’s sure are the owners of the stolen parts. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

I got a couple emperors :D

Tethys was a “hatchling” found my my Viking lord Ragnar while out sailing. They found him in a tied ups sack. They were surprised to find a three headed, four winged hatchling but kept him safe from hunters. He’s more of a peaceful emperor and keeps himself secluded from most of the clan. They think it was because he was a hatchling.


Endymion was found within the Redwood Forest that bordered a section of the clan. Selene, the Witchborne found him while on her walk and found that she was able to soothe him by singing soft lullabies. He was the beast in the woods but with Selene’s magic and occasional singing he no longer bothers travelers unless they pose a threat to the clan.
He also has three heads like Tethys, six legs, and four wings. Two wings are smaller than the main two.


My last one is probably my most tragic. Moacir was kidnapped as a hatchling by some cultist like group. Him and various others were experimented on to create a non-Imperial emperor. He was the only one the group had to survive to adulthood. He didn’t merge like normal emperors but rather was surgically and magically added/replaced parts. His wings were removed and a larger pair was added but useless to him, two front and two back legs were added to his own though they are smaller and he has limited to no use in them. He’s labeled a failure because of his lack of use to his “new” parts. However, he has become paranoid and hears whispers that he’s sure are the owners of the stolen parts.

@KalicoKat [b][color=purple]"I can summon all sorts of things. Up to 100 random dead in the area's ground, Sigil, of course, as well as my undead clanmates like Melancholia."[/b] He drops to the ground, makes a small drawing, adds magic to it, and another fae jumps out... [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b][color=darkred]"What's going on?"[/b]
"I can summon all sorts of things. Up to 100 random dead in the area's ground, Sigil, of course, as well as my undead clanmates like Melancholia."
He drops to the ground, makes a small drawing, adds magic to it, and another fae jumps out...


"What's going on?"
Lore Clan, FR+2, She/her
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Two dragon emperor, pretty bitter about it so he doesn't let the other guy grow a head.


Two dragon emperor, pretty bitter about it so he doesn't let the other guy grow a head.
How long will it take to get an XXX when every colour is a possibility? Follow the journey here:
@KalicoKat [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Mortis is an emperor, in a way. He comes to the clan as an imperial (HEADCANNON WARNING), but dies after a few days. He is later left in a cave with his mate, Amarr, who cleanses him of the shade. Doing this resurects him, and he seems to act alright, but many of the dragons fear him. Mittanni sees him as a threat to Sornieth, Skivek, having lost the clan she was closest to, is outright terrified of him, and Lucis furor, while posessed by the shade, tries to bring him under the shades controll. When this happens, Amarr and Mittanni cleanse her, but mortis gradually becomes more and more unhenged. He attempts to vaporize himself at the great Furnace, but his clan saves him. He then leaves and heads to the wrymwound, where he is helped by a sympathetic tundra, the clan's female nature representatave, Rafflesia, who helps him bathe in the Wyrmwound. he is then consumed by it and lands with several other dead imperials, creating a true, multiheaded emperor. (i will draw a pic later.) Mortis, still in his right mind, is how the clan defeats the emperor. Everyone who has a strong relationship with Mortis: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Mittanni: a gaoler charged with seeking a particularly agressive strain of the shade that had made its way into Lucis Furor. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Skivek: Having lost two clans to emperors and three to other causes (lucis furor to be exact), is unable to act calmly around Mortis bor...obvious reasons. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Amarr: Mortis's mate and the thirteenth most powerful sorceress in Sornieth [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Rafflesia: Another dragon who is halfway between being dead and being living. She is sympathetic to Mortis. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Lucis Furor: A shade-touched skydancer, who, before she was posessed, was an oracle and mentor to visiting dragons. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Dominix and Fortizar: Two Imperial dragons built by Stratus to keep Mortis company later on. They are Cytherlings and are suppoused to be brothers. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Gwythait: Mortis and Amarr's daughter. She has inherited none of their personality traits and is, much to the frustration of many dragons, a relentless rainbow of joy.


Mortis is an emperor, in a way. He comes to the clan as an imperial (HEADCANNON WARNING), but dies after a few days. He is later left in a cave with his mate, Amarr, who cleanses him of the shade. Doing this resurects him, and he seems to act alright, but many of the dragons fear him. Mittanni sees him as a threat to Sornieth, Skivek, having lost the clan she was closest to, is outright terrified of him, and Lucis furor, while posessed by the shade, tries to bring him under the shades controll. When this happens, Amarr and Mittanni cleanse her, but mortis gradually becomes more and more unhenged. He attempts to vaporize himself at the great Furnace, but his clan saves him. He then leaves and heads to the wrymwound, where he is helped by a sympathetic tundra, the clan's female nature representatave, Rafflesia, who helps him bathe in the Wyrmwound. he is then consumed by it and lands with several other dead imperials, creating a true, multiheaded emperor. (i will draw a pic later.) Mortis, still in his right mind, is how the clan defeats the emperor.

Everyone who has a strong relationship with Mortis:


Mittanni: a gaoler charged with seeking a particularly agressive strain of the shade that had made its way into Lucis Furor.


Skivek: Having lost two clans to emperors and three to other causes (lucis furor to be exact), is unable to act calmly around Mortis bor...obvious reasons.


Amarr: Mortis's mate and the thirteenth most powerful sorceress in Sornieth


Rafflesia: Another dragon who is halfway between being dead and being living. She is sympathetic to Mortis.


Lucis Furor: A shade-touched skydancer, who, before she was posessed, was an oracle and mentor to visiting dragons.



Dominix and Fortizar: Two Imperial dragons built by Stratus to keep Mortis company later on. They are Cytherlings and are suppoused to be brothers.


Gwythait: Mortis and Amarr's daughter. She has inherited none of their personality traits and is, much to the frustration of many dragons, a relentless rainbow of joy.
I have a subspecies. click here to view it.This is a tutorial that you might find useful. interaction thread, please me your /drs posts here! this is a wiki that desperately needs people.bYt72YT.pngv2PJF9u.png
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