
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | Chat with a Wandering Zephyr?
[img][/img] Naoki nodded in understanding at Isamu's words of travelling wisdom. "I like my home in Clan Warden, but I can't just stay still. My job's a nice, uh..." She glanced away for a moment, apparently struggling to find the word. Her Sparrowmouse peeped loudly, startling Naoki -- and apparently snapping her back to the conversation. "Compromise. It's a nice compromise. Do things for my clan, go out and see new clans, all at once. As for the familiars, I dunno myself, but I've shipped some pretty cute ones. Maybe that's what they like. The cuteness." She nodded towards Isamu's Foo. "That one, though -- Less of a 'cute' one and more of a beauty, if ya ask me. Where'd you meet the fella? Got a name?
Naoki nodded in understanding at Isamu's words of travelling wisdom. "I like my home in Clan Warden, but I can't just stay still. My job's a nice, uh..."
She glanced away for a moment, apparently struggling to find the word. Her Sparrowmouse peeped loudly, startling Naoki -- and apparently snapping her back to the conversation.
"Compromise. It's a nice compromise. Do things for my clan, go out and see new clans, all at once. As for the familiars, I dunno myself, but I've shipped some pretty cute ones. Maybe that's what they like. The cuteness."
She nodded towards Isamu's Foo. "That one, though -- Less of a 'cute' one and more of a beauty, if ya ask me. Where'd you meet the fella? Got a name?
~FR Time +1~
~Friend Request & RP friendly~

Isamu waits for the Nocturne to finish her thought, giving her as much time as she needs. He's in no hurry, so it's no issue if he has to wait a little.

"Ah, that is a good thing as well; means your clan cares to make sure you have a way to get out your wanderlust but still be able to help the place you call home. When I had a home, I honestly stayed put for my own reasons, but I think my issue is just an urge to fly, so I just need open skies; but nowadays, I just travel instead of staying in one region."

Cue Isamu to look over at the Mantled Foo before petting said familiar. "I can agree with you on that; not sure if they are male or female, but I call my friend here 'Taiki' for now." The Foo lets out a sound of acknowledgment upon hearing their name; it seems they already accept the name.

(For everyone else[so future interactions]: Front post will get this note too, but if you want a chance to encounter a different dragon, put 'foxes please', and I'll roll a percentile die to see if you encounter someone other than Isamu; there's only a slight chance tho, so don't worry. You can also leave out the asking for foxes if you just want Isamu.

1-80: Isamu
81-90: ????
91-100: ????

I might raise and lower the chances between the two ???? depending on your home element, but those are the rough chances.)

Isamu waits for the Nocturne to finish her thought, giving her as much time as she needs. He's in no hurry, so it's no issue if he has to wait a little.

"Ah, that is a good thing as well; means your clan cares to make sure you have a way to get out your wanderlust but still be able to help the place you call home. When I had a home, I honestly stayed put for my own reasons, but I think my issue is just an urge to fly, so I just need open skies; but nowadays, I just travel instead of staying in one region."

Cue Isamu to look over at the Mantled Foo before petting said familiar. "I can agree with you on that; not sure if they are male or female, but I call my friend here 'Taiki' for now." The Foo lets out a sound of acknowledgment upon hearing their name; it seems they already accept the name.

(For everyone else[so future interactions]: Front post will get this note too, but if you want a chance to encounter a different dragon, put 'foxes please', and I'll roll a percentile die to see if you encounter someone other than Isamu; there's only a slight chance tho, so don't worry. You can also leave out the asking for foxes if you just want Isamu.

1-80: Isamu
81-90: ????
91-100: ????

I might raise and lower the chances between the two ???? depending on your home element, but those are the rough chances.)
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Formerly GembondFairy if you think you recognize me somehow
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] “Kitteh!” The hatchling yelped - one of the few words she (sort of) knew in draconic. She tumbled over her paws in her excitement to get to the Foo, leaving her companions to greet the skydancer. “Hello! Some tea would be lovely!” Latin greeted, incredibly relieved to have some company besides the hatchling who’s main language was anchient Egyptian - a language not even found on Sornieth (though the nocturne translator somehow seemed to understand it, despite having never heard it before.) and she didn’t even speak [i]that[/i] very well. But Anput was slowly starting to learn Coatl, and even more slowly learning common draconic. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] “I second her, if you have anymore.” Oh... Latin had forgotten about him. Rexos. Sinister wandering piper who the clan has designated as her travel guide whenever she wanted to go somewhere with the hatchling. [i]Why[/i] this dragon who was as likely to take over her mind via magical flute music as smile was one of the few dragons in the clan who knew how to take care of a hatchling, she had no idea. But unfortunatly, he was, and he was the only one willing to travel the continent looking for someone to explain why an Egyptian goddess had shown up in the form of an eternally youthful coatl. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]


“Kitteh!” The hatchling yelped - one of the few words she (sort of) knew in draconic. She tumbled over her paws in her excitement to get to the Foo, leaving her companions to greet the skydancer.

“Hello! Some tea would be lovely!” Latin greeted, incredibly relieved to have some company besides the hatchling who’s main language was anchient Egyptian - a language not even found on Sornieth (though the nocturne translator somehow seemed to understand it, despite having never heard it before.) and she didn’t even speak that very well. But Anput was slowly starting to learn Coatl, and even more slowly learning common draconic.


“I second her, if you have anymore.” Oh... Latin had forgotten about him. Rexos. Sinister wandering piper who the clan has designated as her travel guide whenever she wanted to go somewhere with the hatchling. Why this dragon who was as likely to take over her mind via magical flute music as smile was one of the few dragons in the clan who knew how to take care of a hatchling, she had no idea. But unfortunatly, he was, and he was the only one willing to travel the continent looking for someone to explain why an Egyptian goddess had shown up in the form of an eternally youthful coatl.

antlers_left_by_broqentoys-dcsi472.png X
Call me Six
Aromantic • Asexual • Agender
[center][size=2](Tea you say? I know exactly who to use here) [s]oh wait, I pinged you DX sorry.. Stupid habit. I even read where you said "don't ping me"[/s] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Chamomile had been traveling for the latter part of the day. She wasn't familiar with Dragonhome, but the tea she was going to make for their clans anniversary required a very rare ingredient from here. Her Searing Jackalope was getting tired of walking, so he decided to curl up in Cami's scarves. "Silly boy." She chuckled. It was windy here, tough calmer than the fleshy lands she called home. A small rest stop came into view, some water resting in a small pond. "Oh thank Plaguebringer." She huffed, running to the stop, only to see a Skydancer relaxing with a cup of tea. He grabbed another cup, asking if she wanted some of the tea he was drinking. She chuckled. "What kind?" She asked, though, to be honest she didn't hate any kind of tea. Being a tea maker, she had a nice palate for all kinds of tea. She shook her head. "I'm not flier. I mean, I can fly, but I ain't graceful at it." She chuckled, watching her Jackalope jump off her, running to the pond.
(Tea you say? I know exactly who to use here)
oh wait, I pinged you DX sorry.. Stupid habit. I even read where you said "don't ping me"


Chamomile had been traveling for the latter part of the day. She wasn't familiar with Dragonhome, but the tea she was going to make for their clans anniversary required a very rare ingredient from here. Her Searing Jackalope was getting tired of walking, so he decided to curl up in Cami's scarves.

"Silly boy." She chuckled. It was windy here, tough calmer than the fleshy lands she called home. A small rest stop came into view, some water resting in a small pond. "Oh thank Plaguebringer." She huffed, running to the stop, only to see a Skydancer relaxing with a cup of tea.

He grabbed another cup, asking if she wanted some of the tea he was drinking. She chuckled. "What kind?" She asked, though, to be honest she didn't hate any kind of tea. Being a tea maker, she had a nice palate for all kinds of tea.

She shook her head. "I'm not flier. I mean, I can fly, but I ain't graceful at it." She chuckled, watching her Jackalope jump off her, running to the pond.
oooooooooo YLVUOKI.pngo K H U Z D U L
- - - - - - - - - - -
oo Avatar dragon
About me
Pings ok!
• Did you hatch an
Abyss/Copper/X gen1,
but don't want them?
Don't exalt them! Hit me up ;)
(Me: *having to struggle to not get distracted by Touhou music*)


The Mantled Foo looked at the Coatl, before quickly getting to their feet......And looking like they are ready to play! Guess they know to play with hatchlings, not hurt them.

Isamu nods, before getting out the second cup for the Pearlcatcher and pouring some tea into it before offering it. "Well this isn't something I see often; a group with a hatchling among them! She seems......rather eager to see something cat-like; does she like cats? And besides that, what are you traveling for? Shouldn't a kid be staying put while they are growing; at least that's what I have been told to do if I have any kids.....Not much use it was though." Wonder what Isamu means by that.

"...........Does that kid know to be careful with Taiki? They are extremely docile, but they might still hurt her by mistake if she is too rough while playing."
(Me: *having to struggle to not get distracted by Touhou music*)


The Mantled Foo looked at the Coatl, before quickly getting to their feet......And looking like they are ready to play! Guess they know to play with hatchlings, not hurt them.

Isamu nods, before getting out the second cup for the Pearlcatcher and pouring some tea into it before offering it. "Well this isn't something I see often; a group with a hatchling among them! She seems......rather eager to see something cat-like; does she like cats? And besides that, what are you traveling for? Shouldn't a kid be staying put while they are growing; at least that's what I have been told to do if I have any kids.....Not much use it was though." Wonder what Isamu means by that.

"...........Does that kid know to be careful with Taiki? They are extremely docile, but they might still hurt her by mistake if she is too rough while playing."
tumblr_inline_n6kdvfauea1qlye38.gif tumblr_oz1eo985NS1u402sco1_75sq.pngtumblr_oz3c1bde9P1u402sco3_75sq.pngtumblr_oz1dx60TjP1u402sco7_75sq.pngtumblr_inline_n6kdukB9pN1qlye38.gif
Formerly GembondFairy if you think you recognize me somehow
[center][font=times new roman][url=] [img][/img] [/url] A large and rather primitive-looking imperial landed on the ground. Folding his wings neatly behind his back, he licked his maw, slightly stained with fresh blood. Hunting had always put him in a good mood. With a cover shielding his eyes, he couldn't see the stranger nearby, but he could feel and smell their presence. Normally, he was hostile to outsiders; however, since he was in a good mood, perhaps he could humor them for a bit. "No tea for me thank you. You'd like to hear about my travels eh?," he replied with a toothy grin. "I don't travel often anymore, but I'd be happy to regale you with stories of my youth. I shall warn you, however, that they are not for the faint of heart." The smile he gave was considered unnerving for some.


A large and rather primitive-looking imperial landed on the ground. Folding his wings neatly behind his back, he licked his maw, slightly stained with fresh blood. Hunting had always put him in a good mood. With a cover shielding his eyes, he couldn't see the stranger nearby, but he could feel and smell their presence. Normally, he was hostile to outsiders; however, since he was in a good mood, perhaps he could humor them for a bit.

"No tea for me thank you. You'd like to hear about my travels eh?," he replied with a toothy grin. "I don't travel often anymore, but I'd be happy to regale you with stories of my youth. I shall warn you, however, that they are not for the faint of heart." The smile he gave was considered unnerving for some.
@Fourr (SAME HAT)

Isamu hummed while he tried to think of how to describe the tea he was drinking, happy to explain it to a fellow traveler.

"I'm not quite sure if it has a real name; it was a special type made commonly in my birth clan, and we made it partly with what we always had with us, and partly with what can be foraged, so depending on where we were, it would taste a bit different. Always tastes like a spring breeze in my opinion; the brew I have right now is the Wind blend, just to remind me of where I come from."

Isamu chuckles at the Wildclaw's mention of average flying ability, before making a remark. "Well, guess it wouldn't be fair for me to do a flying contest against you then; and I'm sure you would beat me in a footrace, honestly, since I fly faster than I run."
@Fourr (SAME HAT)

Isamu hummed while he tried to think of how to describe the tea he was drinking, happy to explain it to a fellow traveler.

"I'm not quite sure if it has a real name; it was a special type made commonly in my birth clan, and we made it partly with what we always had with us, and partly with what can be foraged, so depending on where we were, it would taste a bit different. Always tastes like a spring breeze in my opinion; the brew I have right now is the Wind blend, just to remind me of where I come from."

Isamu chuckles at the Wildclaw's mention of average flying ability, before making a remark. "Well, guess it wouldn't be fair for me to do a flying contest against you then; and I'm sure you would beat me in a footrace, honestly, since I fly faster than I run."
tumblr_inline_n6kdvfauea1qlye38.gif tumblr_oz1eo985NS1u402sco1_75sq.pngtumblr_oz3c1bde9P1u402sco3_75sq.pngtumblr_oz1dx60TjP1u402sco7_75sq.pngtumblr_inline_n6kdukB9pN1qlye38.gif
Formerly GembondFairy if you think you recognize me somehow
*quietly waits for someone to do the 'foxes please' thing*


Normally, an Imperial would be a welcomed sight in Isamu's opinion, but one like a sight he would not expect if it wasn't for where he was. The Skydancer quickly puts the spare cup away when he hears that the Imperial doesn't want any tea, before having to think for a moment.

"...........Regale me with some of those tales of your youth then; I am not faint of heart, so I'm sure I can take it." Right now the Skydancer is hoping fear doesn't give off a smell, since those grins and smiles are making Isamu slightly regret his choice in a rest stop.
*quietly waits for someone to do the 'foxes please' thing*


Normally, an Imperial would be a welcomed sight in Isamu's opinion, but one like a sight he would not expect if it wasn't for where he was. The Skydancer quickly puts the spare cup away when he hears that the Imperial doesn't want any tea, before having to think for a moment.

"...........Regale me with some of those tales of your youth then; I am not faint of heart, so I'm sure I can take it." Right now the Skydancer is hoping fear doesn't give off a smell, since those grins and smiles are making Isamu slightly regret his choice in a rest stop.
tumblr_inline_n6kdvfauea1qlye38.gif tumblr_oz1eo985NS1u402sco1_75sq.pngtumblr_oz3c1bde9P1u402sco3_75sq.pngtumblr_oz1dx60TjP1u402sco7_75sq.pngtumblr_inline_n6kdukB9pN1qlye38.gif
Formerly GembondFairy if you think you recognize me somehow

Cami hummed. "Sounds good! I'd love some." She clapped, taking a seat next to the Skydancer. She sipped the tea, a content smile making it's way to her face. "You're right, it does taste springy. A bit windy." She nodded. "It's good!" She giggled.

"Allow me to introduce myself." She took her hat off, her deep red eyes holding a gleeful glint. "I'm Chamomile, but you can call me Cami." She bowed slightly before looking to her familiar. "And that little bugger is Zeke. As fast, almost faster than me. But I still out run him." She chuckled, Zeke bouncing up to the Foo.

"Are you familiar with Dragonhome by chance?" She asked, wanting to get this stupid root and return home before she gets lost. "I'm looking for an ingredient for some tea I'm suppose to be making. But it's rare, and I haven't had the best of luck finding it." She paused. "It's called a Beetwood root? I heard it can only be found here."

no, I didn't totally make up that root name xD

Cami hummed. "Sounds good! I'd love some." She clapped, taking a seat next to the Skydancer. She sipped the tea, a content smile making it's way to her face. "You're right, it does taste springy. A bit windy." She nodded. "It's good!" She giggled.

"Allow me to introduce myself." She took her hat off, her deep red eyes holding a gleeful glint. "I'm Chamomile, but you can call me Cami." She bowed slightly before looking to her familiar. "And that little bugger is Zeke. As fast, almost faster than me. But I still out run him." She chuckled, Zeke bouncing up to the Foo.

"Are you familiar with Dragonhome by chance?" She asked, wanting to get this stupid root and return home before she gets lost. "I'm looking for an ingredient for some tea I'm suppose to be making. But it's rare, and I haven't had the best of luck finding it." She paused. "It's called a Beetwood root? I heard it can only be found here."

no, I didn't totally make up that root name xD
oooooooooo YLVUOKI.pngo K H U Z D U L
- - - - - - - - - - -
oo Avatar dragon
About me
Pings ok!
• Did you hatch an
Abyss/Copper/X gen1,
but don't want them?
Don't exalt them! Hit me up ;)

Like I didn't make up that tea on the spot?

"Nice to meet you, Cami; my name is Isamu." The Skydancer said, taking off his hat as well, taking a few seconds to blink and let his good eye readjust to being out in direct light rather than under the shade of his hat. "That is quite the fast friend you got there; I would worry about Taiki thinking he is food, but they just got some food, and know not to hunt other familiars." Taiki just watches the Jackalope with curiosity in their eyes, not making a move to try to play just yet.

Cue the Skydancer to think for a moment, trying to remember if he has heard about that plant before. "Hm......I'm somewhat familiar with Dragonhome, but not on where to find that root exactly. Any idea on a specific sub-region it is native to? If it's a root, maybe we can find the Beetwood plant easier if we know where it's normally found?"

Like I didn't make up that tea on the spot?

"Nice to meet you, Cami; my name is Isamu." The Skydancer said, taking off his hat as well, taking a few seconds to blink and let his good eye readjust to being out in direct light rather than under the shade of his hat. "That is quite the fast friend you got there; I would worry about Taiki thinking he is food, but they just got some food, and know not to hunt other familiars." Taiki just watches the Jackalope with curiosity in their eyes, not making a move to try to play just yet.

Cue the Skydancer to think for a moment, trying to remember if he has heard about that plant before. "Hm......I'm somewhat familiar with Dragonhome, but not on where to find that root exactly. Any idea on a specific sub-region it is native to? If it's a root, maybe we can find the Beetwood plant easier if we know where it's normally found?"
tumblr_inline_n6kdvfauea1qlye38.gif tumblr_oz1eo985NS1u402sco1_75sq.pngtumblr_oz3c1bde9P1u402sco3_75sq.pngtumblr_oz1dx60TjP1u402sco7_75sq.pngtumblr_inline_n6kdukB9pN1qlye38.gif
Formerly GembondFairy if you think you recognize me somehow