
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | Most likely a be a cultist above you
@Matlock26th [url=][img][/img][/url] Again, cloak makes it's work well. Especially cloak painted with mystical runes. And these runes on Andromeda... She's not just a cult member, she created this cult!
Again, cloak makes it's work well. Especially cloak painted with mystical runes. And these runes on Andromeda... She's not just a cult member, she created this cult!
1636172654371.png 7kXqKFJ.png Feel absolutely free to ping me!
@OlaRecto idk,,, i just get weird vibes from him... [url=][img][/img][/url]
idk,,, i just get weird vibes from him...
i eat rock s and di rrt
@MarianaTheRat With a name like Koolaid.... need i say more? [emoji=spiral laughing size=1] [url=][img][/img][/url]

With a name like Koolaid.... need i say more?
Claim! Such a fun thread @ketzel99 A lot of your dragons have very fun lore but I picked this girl who doesn't seem to have lore yet? [url=][img][/img][/url] The hood makes her look very mysterious, very cult-like. That beautiful skin also really adds something to her. I would easily see her be part of a necromancy-cult.
Claim! Such a fun thread


A lot of your dragons have very fun lore but I picked this girl who doesn't seem to have lore yet?


The hood makes her look very mysterious, very cult-like. That beautiful skin also really adds something to her. I would easily see her be part of a necromancy-cult.
@nekosysteme [url=][img][/img][/url] Those intense eyes. That almost skull-like "discoloration" on the head. The association between winter and spring... an awakening?
Those intense eyes. That almost skull-like "discoloration" on the head. The association between winter and spring... an awakening?
[url=][img][/img][/url] @taniquetil This dragon definitely has thoughts on religion. Specifically her own, which she'd like to tell you about, right now.

@taniquetil This dragon definitely has thoughts on religion. Specifically her own, which she'd like to tell you about, right now.
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No travelers, please! // Modern breeds preferred
@Bafa59 [url=][img][/img][/url] Between the name, appearance (cloaks are good cult clothes I guess), broadcast message, and the fact that they have a child named Conspiracy, Gotterdammerung is giving me some [i]serious[/i] doomsday cult vibes.
Between the name, appearance (cloaks are good cult clothes I guess), broadcast message, and the fact that they have a child named Conspiracy, Gotterdammerung is giving me some serious doomsday cult vibes.
organized signature? i don't know her

she/her - autistic - friend requests welcome
if you're looking for fandragons, Starlight and Aether have links and plans respectively!
Wishlist - Clan Lore
@kimnoodles [url=][img][/img][/url] lighthouse for sure, looks like a charismatic leader of some sort of technological cult. some of his parts looks like they might be mechanically enhanced and i can see him preach on how technology can improve the performance of all bodies and elevate them to a state of higher beings


lighthouse for sure, looks like a charismatic leader of some sort of technological cult. some of his parts looks like they might be mechanically enhanced and i can see him preach on how technology can improve the performance of all bodies and elevate them to a state of higher beings

Bonepriest Venom Singed Webbing
@puziot [url=][img][/img][/url] Stichija looks like an acolyte of the Plaguebringer (which is a little funny, given she's a Nature dragon) who gradually started to go more and more off the rails. I can just imagine her leading a small but devoted group of dragons, spiraling into pure fanaticism.


Stichija looks like an acolyte of the Plaguebringer (which is a little funny, given she's a Nature dragon) who gradually started to go more and more off the rails. I can just imagine her leading a small but devoted group of dragons, spiraling into pure fanaticism.
A light blue Fae dragon lying down surrounded by pink flower petals. She is wearing a pink daisy cabbie, and holds a pink rose in her mouth.
@ChristianCutie [url=][img][/img][/url] shade cult, anyone? [s]her actual lore is very nice i love her[/s]

shade cult, anyone?
her actual lore is very nice i love her
hello! feel free to message me! no need to ping me on any thread i make, i'm following it!