
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | Top 5 Above You - Write More Edition
[center][b]@Hululuco[/b][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][b]Blueblood[/b]: My first thought when looking at this dragon, was that she looks very cultured xD. Guardian is a very smart breed to use for that aesthetic, as they already have quite a presence, with their size alone. I like how the familiar also adds to the appearance of wisdom as well. She may be basic, but I like her a lot. [/columns] [columns][b]Wildette[/b]: At first glance, scrolling through your dragons she made me stop and smile. I love how posh she is, yet in her bio, you state she is a mechanic of sorts. I love the juxtaposition. The picture of her walking into parts shop with her monocle ready to examine everything for quality gave me a good chuckle. I don't know if that is where you were going with character, but I kind of hope it its. [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][b]Celcius[/b] : I am loving the colours here. Pinstripe is one of my favorite genes. [s]I also love the name[/s]. You also did a good job of making her look very chef-y with out over doing it. The simple elegance is nice. It took me a minute to realize she had a cleaver ... but I also love that. am I sounding like a broken record yet? xD [/columns] [columns][b]Meat[/b]: I am a sucker for these nice deep, rich reds. He is also very sparkly. Kudos for that as well. Ridgebacks (males in particular) are one of those breeds that have been growing on me. This is an example of why. I wouldn't mind having a nice gem of a guy like this one in my lair. [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][b]Cottonwing[/b] : There is a lot to like about this guy. The male caotl pose has to be one of the most user friendly on the site. It lends it's self so easily to so many good dress-ups. This guy is no excepting. Also, I don't know if it's just my tired brain, but the birds almost play an optical illusion- the bird on the armor seems to disappear, and it looks like the coatl is holding the other end of the string. I like it. [/columns]

50811588_350.png Blueblood: My first thought when looking at this dragon, was that she looks very cultured xD. Guardian is a very smart breed to use for that aesthetic, as they already have quite a presence, with their size alone. I like how the familiar also adds to the appearance of wisdom as well. She may be basic, but I like her a lot.
Wildette: At first glance, scrolling through your dragons she made me stop and smile. I love how posh she is, yet in her bio, you state she is a mechanic of sorts. I love the juxtaposition. The picture of her walking into parts shop with her monocle ready to examine everything for quality gave me a good chuckle. I don't know if that is where you were going with character, but I kind of hope it its. 51778208_350.png
53562061_350.png Celcius : I am loving the colours here. Pinstripe is one of my favorite genes. I also love the name. You also did a good job of making her look very chef-y with out over doing it. The simple elegance is nice. It took me a minute to realize she had a cleaver ... but I also love that. am I sounding like a broken record yet? xD
Meat: I am a sucker for these nice deep, rich reds. He is also very sparkly. Kudos for that as well. Ridgebacks (males in particular) are one of those breeds that have been growing on me. This is an example of why. I wouldn't mind having a nice gem of a guy like this one in my lair. 65877258_350.png
52673320_350.png Cottonwing : There is a lot to like about this guy. The male caotl pose has to be one of the most user friendly on the site. It lends it's self so easily to so many good dress-ups. This guy is no excepting. Also, I don't know if it's just my tired brain, but the birds almost play an optical illusion- the bird on the armor seems to disappear, and it looks like the coatl is holding the other end of the string. I like it.
@Punchline Caedir is cool, wouldn't expect cotton candy to look good on a fire themed dragon. It blends really well with that accent. The accent really works on his secondary, it looks like the fire is lighting his wings. [url=][img][/img][/url] I usually prefer dragons with apparel but Flutesola is really pretty. I love her colors, she reminds me of a bee. Metals capsule is a perfect look to imitate honey. Her genes look great together and I love female skydancers. [url=][img][/img][/url] Cirelle has a cool water look going on, I love that accent on her. Her colors go surprisingly well with each other and the accent and I love starmap and constellation. The blues you added in her out outfit look good, especially the deepsea bulb and gloomwillow guide. [url=][img][/img][/url] Gefroy's colors look so pretty together, he's too good to be fodder. The eerie cyan set is one of my favorites and it's perfect for him. The grasp really looks nice with his wings. His tert adds just enough blue to his body and I like his matching eyes. [url=][img][/img][/url] Adontikas has some lovely earthy colors, his primary works pretty well with it. The supplicant rings match his secondary and tert perfectly, I really like that. The purples from his eyes and primary add some nice subtle color to him too. [url=][img][/img][/url]
@Punchline Caedir is cool, wouldn't expect cotton candy to look good on a fire themed dragon. It blends really well with that accent. The accent really works on his secondary, it looks like the fire is lighting his wings.


I usually prefer dragons with apparel but Flutesola is really pretty. I love her colors, she reminds me of a bee. Metals capsule is a perfect look to imitate honey. Her genes look great together and I love female skydancers.


Cirelle has a cool water look going on, I love that accent on her. Her colors go surprisingly well with each other and the accent and I love starmap and constellation. The blues you added in her out outfit look good, especially the deepsea bulb and gloomwillow guide.


Gefroy's colors look so pretty together, he's too good to be fodder. The eerie cyan set is one of my favorites and it's perfect for him. The grasp really looks nice with his wings. His tert adds just enough blue to his body and I like his matching eyes.


Adontikas has some lovely earthy colors, his primary works pretty well with it. The supplicant rings match his secondary and tert perfectly, I really like that. The purples from his eyes and primary add some nice subtle color to him too.

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+ Nags +
Amateur Artist
Professional Procrastinator
Fandragon Fanatic
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@Lasagnagsag You've got a lot of pretty fandragons, most I don't know the source of, but it's clear you've put a lot of effort into them! Anyways, onto the review. [center][url=][img][/img][/url] From her outfitless pic in her bio, Amana's tapir and toxin genes match each other nicely, with the teal in abyss toxin flowing into the bluer parts. Her wig, the plants, flatfins and mushrooms make her look like a waterlogged spirit coming from the forest. The background you picked for her matches the tone that she sets, and the scenery picture in her bio. [url=][img][/img][/url] Doomund's radioactive crackle looks so striking on him! The way that it blends into shamrock crystal while standing out against denim facet ties his colours together well.  His red eyes that complement his body is also a nice touch. Is he meant to be a tribute to your snake in his bio? It's cute with the mouth open. [url=][img][/img][/url] This dark primary boy is great! I like how Vinchi's eggplant iridescent has shades of purple and blue in it. Yellow circuit blends in with the edge of the carmine wings really nicely, and it looks like a pretty sunset. His uncommon wind eyes made me think that they were a cyan colour, but it just adds on as the fourth colour in the elementary colours set (red, yellow, green, blue).  [url=][img][/img][/url] What a nice pink and blue dragon! Cyan circuit really stands out against his wings and makes it look like an aftereffect of using magic. The spikes, flower petals and the soft silks in his outfit is a good show that he's playful and dangerous at the same time. [url=][img][/img][/url] I'm not familiar with Dark Souls, but ShadowOfYharnam is a cool enough dragon to stand on his own.The dark cloak covering his face, dark bindings and the overlap of inkwell feathered wings on his wings make him look off, as if it's something trying to resemble a Coatl but failing. Only seeing the tongue while all other parts of the body is hidden makes it seem like an imposter to be wary of. I like your use of snakes and golden candles too, since they're the only other sign of colour on him. [/center]

You've got a lot of pretty fandragons, most I don't know the source of, but it's clear you've put a lot of effort into them! Anyways, onto the review.
From her outfitless pic in her bio, Amana's tapir and toxin genes match each other nicely, with the teal in abyss toxin flowing into the bluer parts. Her wig, the plants, flatfins and mushrooms make her look like a waterlogged spirit coming from the forest. The background you picked for her matches the tone that she sets, and the scenery picture in her bio.

Doomund's radioactive crackle looks so striking on him! The way that it blends into shamrock crystal while standing out against denim facet ties his colours together well.  His red eyes that complement his body is also a nice touch. Is he meant to be a tribute to your snake in his bio? It's cute with the mouth open.

This dark primary boy is great! I like how Vinchi's eggplant iridescent has shades of purple and blue in it. Yellow circuit blends in with the edge of the carmine wings really nicely, and it looks like a pretty sunset. His uncommon wind eyes made me think that they were a cyan colour, but it just adds on as the fourth colour in the elementary colours set (red, yellow, green, blue). 

What a nice pink and blue dragon! Cyan circuit really stands out against his wings and makes it look like an aftereffect of using magic. The spikes, flower petals and the soft silks in his outfit is a good show that he's playful and dangerous at the same time.

I'm not familiar with Dark Souls, but ShadowOfYharnam is a cool enough dragon to stand on his own.The dark cloak covering his face, dark bindings and the overlap of inkwell feathered wings on his wings make him look off, as if it's something trying to resemble a Coatl but failing. Only seeing the tongue while all other parts of the body is hidden makes it seem like an imposter to be wary of. I like your use of snakes and golden candles too, since they're the only other sign of colour on him.
vpK3i5m.png Mf8oDc5.png fC7kNsQ.png
Accent Shop
PWYW Doodle Shop
My Dragons Sales
Drawing all 177 XXXs
@lostplanetvoltia it's always great to see an organized lair with so much effort put into each dragon, and the variety and uniqueness with them. you've done a nice job sorting them, it makes everything nice and clean to navigate rather than dumping 60 dragons into one page. [s]totally not guilty of that, haha...[/s] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] i gotta say, this boy is quite hot (i know, overused joke). i always loved fiery aesthetics, i find the color combos really neat, and for a second i thought his outfit was all one item. the skin he's got on is just... mwah. love it. his bio suggests an introverted personality which i can relate to. if i don't get my personal space i go crazy, and heatwing's story of struggling to find a place for himself even back at home because he didn't live up to expectations is an ouch. though it's not a super long lore blurb, it gives you an idea of why he's the way he is, and i like that! [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] listen, you can't have a bright blue and pink dragon and expect me to NOT pick that one. god the charming sage is my favorite of the sage sets and it goes great on shimrio here! it matches her pastel colors well. what i also love about her is the gallery of various artwork in her bio. i've always supported giving any and all artists regardless of skill level recognition and it was heartwarming to see all that presented. when i get the chance i'll be checking out the artists and shops listed there :eyes: [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] ooh, a lovely golden veilspun gal! her name is really pretty and rolls off the tongue nicely. i love the use of branches here (thank you staff for making this a tert saver), and i also love the way you tied it into her lore! her relationship with xavtumal is so sweet and i adore their dynamic. i do hope that one day they can both go out to sea where they can be happy together. i'm giving althea a 10/10! [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] aleta's one fantastic looking water rep! her bright primary actually works extremely well with the blues of her look. if it weren't mentioned that she's an emissary of the water flight, i'd have thought she were a sea goddess of some sort. ocean-based aesthetics are another thing i admire (even if i don't want to be in the ocean myself) and i'll never get tired of them. you've got a cool set of flight reps, and i feel like if i hung out with aleta near the ocean i wouldn't be as afraid of it! [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] even if i'm not into marvel and the like, i had to pick venom here. venom is by far my favorite marvel movie, and this fandragon portrays him nicely. you've kinda inspired me to get a venom dragon myself, not gonna lie! the veined is a nice touch on him as well! you've got a stunning lair overall with a lot of thought put into it, i can tell! honorable mentions to jinx, slimer, and jackiebob, their colors and outfits are super matchy and nicely done! i wish you luck on your projects, and i hope you're doing well. stay safe! :> ----- next person, please stick to my [url=]main lore dragons tab[/url]! (i'd appreciate it if pronouns were checked too, if listed)

it's always great to see an organized lair with so much effort put into each dragon, and the variety and uniqueness with them. you've done a nice job sorting them, it makes everything nice and clean to navigate rather than dumping 60 dragons into one page. totally not guilty of that, haha...


i gotta say, this boy is quite hot (i know, overused joke). i always loved fiery aesthetics, i find the color combos really neat, and for a second i thought his outfit was all one item. the skin he's got on is just... mwah. love it. his bio suggests an introverted personality which i can relate to. if i don't get my personal space i go crazy, and heatwing's story of struggling to find a place for himself even back at home because he didn't live up to expectations is an ouch. though it's not a super long lore blurb, it gives you an idea of why he's the way he is, and i like that!


listen, you can't have a bright blue and pink dragon and expect me to NOT pick that one. god the charming sage is my favorite of the sage sets and it goes great on shimrio here! it matches her pastel colors well. what i also love about her is the gallery of various artwork in her bio. i've always supported giving any and all artists regardless of skill level recognition and it was heartwarming to see all that presented. when i get the chance i'll be checking out the artists and shops listed there :eyes:


ooh, a lovely golden veilspun gal! her name is really pretty and rolls off the tongue nicely. i love the use of branches here (thank you staff for making this a tert saver), and i also love the way you tied it into her lore! her relationship with xavtumal is so sweet and i adore their dynamic. i do hope that one day they can both go out to sea where they can be happy together. i'm giving althea a 10/10!


aleta's one fantastic looking water rep! her bright primary actually works extremely well with the blues of her look. if it weren't mentioned that she's an emissary of the water flight, i'd have thought she were a sea goddess of some sort. ocean-based aesthetics are another thing i admire (even if i don't want to be in the ocean myself) and i'll never get tired of them. you've got a cool set of flight reps, and i feel like if i hung out with aleta near the ocean i wouldn't be as afraid of it!


even if i'm not into marvel and the like, i had to pick venom here. venom is by far my favorite marvel movie, and this fandragon portrays him nicely. you've kinda inspired me to get a venom dragon myself, not gonna lie! the veined is a nice touch on him as well!

you've got a stunning lair overall with a lot of thought put into it, i can tell! honorable mentions to jinx, slimer, and jackiebob, their colors and outfits are super matchy and nicely done! i wish you luck on your projects, and i hope you're doing well. stay safe! :>

next person, please stick to my main lore dragons tab! (i'd appreciate it if pronouns were checked too, if listed)
@Dynami It was so hard to pick just five dragons from your lair but these stood out to me the most. [url=][img][/img][/url] [indent]Her colours, apparel and skin just go so well together. All of them give her such an otherwordly appearance. The grasp especially works with the lighter accents and adds to the twisty feel of her.[/indent] [url=][img][/img][/url] [indent]Reshabar is such a pretty earth rep! I love all her gentle blue accents from her apparel and genes, I didn't know that sand has those blue accents. The opal tert matches the crystalcourt cascades so perfectly.[/indent] [url=][img][/img][/url] [indent]Rei also has an otherworldly feel to her, like a spirit you'd see in a swamp. The mint python/morph goes really well with the learned sage apparel and the kelpie mane. The subtle glows from the firefly work really well too! And I love her lore it's super interesting, I can tell you've put a lot of thought into it![/indent] [url=][img][/img][/url] [indent]The ice eyes of this boy against his darker colours really ups the creep factor. I like the mechanical feel his apparel gives him especially how the steel gaunlets/boots match up with the wasp. Again his lore is really interesting and well thought out. His art's super cool too![/indent] [url=][img][/img][/url] [indent]And last but not least Soul! I'll admit I'm a sucker for coatl permas [s]isn't everyone[/s] but they're just gorgeous! The colours work really well together (honestly thought they were an XYX at first glance) and go with the familiar and scene too. I love the dark sclera eyes on them, the edge of the eye it shows gives a touch of a pink that makes them even more eyecatching.[/indent]
@Dynami It was so hard to pick just five dragons from your lair but these stood out to me the most.
Her colours, apparel and skin just go so well together. All of them give her such an otherwordly appearance. The grasp especially works with the lighter accents and adds to the twisty feel of her.
Reshabar is such a pretty earth rep! I love all her gentle blue accents from her apparel and genes, I didn't know that sand has those blue accents. The opal tert matches the crystalcourt cascades so perfectly.
Rei also has an otherworldly feel to her, like a spirit you'd see in a swamp. The mint python/morph goes really well with the learned sage apparel and the kelpie mane. The subtle glows from the firefly work really well too! And I love her lore it's super interesting, I can tell you've put a lot of thought into it!
The ice eyes of this boy against his darker colours really ups the creep factor. I like the mechanical feel his apparel gives him especially how the steel gaunlets/boots match up with the wasp. Again his lore is really interesting and well thought out. His art's super cool too!
And last but not least Soul! I'll admit I'm a sucker for coatl permas isn't everyone but they're just gorgeous! The colours work really well together (honestly thought they were an XYX at first glance) and go with the familiar and scene too. I love the dark sclera eyes on them, the edge of the eye it shows gives a touch of a pink that makes them even more eyecatching.
He/Him, FR +8
Fandragon tabs:1 2 3
List of G1s
@Hintfox It was kind of hard trying to pick one your dragons, since a lot of them were really pretty! Anways, here are the ones I like best. [url=][img][/img][/url] I am weak towards black, white, and red dragons. They just work so well together, and Lambda pulls the look really well. Judging from from her message, and her herbs, I would say that she's perhaps some sort of witch that specializes in using plants for her potions. Maybe she lives in a shed within the forest, though not a lot of people tend to tread over there. Either way, Lambda is incredibly lovely. [url=][img][/img][/url] Prelude is an absolutely stunning dragon to me. Skydancers are one of my favourite breeds in FR, especially if they have light/pastel colours. Not sure what his role in the clan is, but I would think that judging by his name, he maybe a muscian. One that specializes in soft and enchanting melodies. [url=][img][/img][/url] Your Arcane Rep looks cute! While I am usually not the one for Reps having unmatching eyes, I think I can make for Libra. Besides her eyes, her colours and genes certainly remind me of the setting night sky. When sunset starts to fade, the sky starts to turn into a shade of pink with stars already glittering before the night arrives. That's the feeling I get from her, making her an utterly perfect dragon to represent the Arcane Flight. [url=][img][/img][/url] While I don't know much about Games of Thrones, I do know a little bit of Melissandre. That she is a priestess for the Lord of Light apparently, but not much else. I really like the simplicity to her design, not too much but just enough for it to seem that she's already fully dress. [url=][img][/img][/url] I'm fond of dragons in the shade of brown, since they seem rather natural and nice to me. Jackalope is certainly one of the loveliest ones I have seen so far, having both a hardworking and soft vibe to her. Hopefully she gets to fly someday!
It was kind of hard trying to pick one your dragons, since a lot of them were really pretty! Anways, here are the ones I like best.

I am weak towards black, white, and red dragons. They just work so well together, and Lambda pulls the look really well. Judging from from her message, and her herbs, I would say that she's perhaps some sort of witch that specializes in using plants for her potions. Maybe she lives in a shed within the forest, though not a lot of people tend to tread over there. Either way, Lambda is incredibly lovely.

Prelude is an absolutely stunning dragon to me. Skydancers are one of my favourite breeds in FR, especially if they have light/pastel colours. Not sure what his role in the clan is, but I would think that judging by his name, he maybe a muscian. One that specializes in soft and enchanting melodies.

Your Arcane Rep looks cute! While I am usually not the one for Reps having unmatching eyes, I think I can make for Libra. Besides her eyes, her colours and genes certainly remind me of the setting night sky. When sunset starts to fade, the sky starts to turn into a shade of pink with stars already glittering before the night arrives. That's the feeling I get from her, making her an utterly perfect dragon to represent the Arcane Flight.

While I don't know much about Games of Thrones, I do know a little bit of Melissandre. That she is a priestess for the Lord of Light apparently, but not much else. I really like the simplicity to her design, not too much but just enough for it to seem that she's already fully dress.

I'm fond of dragons in the shade of brown, since they seem rather natural and nice to me. Jackalope is certainly one of the loveliest ones I have seen so far, having both a hardworking and soft vibe to her. Hopefully she gets to fly someday!
[center]@BlankRSlate1217 [url=][img][/img][/url] so I hear this guy's a cult leader... not saying I would follow him for his looks, but I would [i]totally[/i] follow him for his looks. His colours set off each other and that wind primal perfectly in ways that make my mind go ??? and !!! at the same time - tangerine ringlets?? on turquoise starmap?? make rad wind dragons?? It's very reminiscent of wind flight's kites and I'm so here for it. [url=][img][/img][/url] Noriaki's genes make him so [i]interesting[/i] - the piebald's white and the trail's cream and the maize ghost all play off each other so nicely, and the brown/red/ivories of his apparel just add to his interestingness. I get a very blood-and-metal ritual priest vibe from him, which I presume is very overzealous for a guard and also might not be good for his continued health and safety. What an eye-catching dragon! [url=][img][/img][/url] The pop of shamrock opal drew my eye to Bianca in the first place - what an interesting writer dragon! Her humanised portrait looks very keen and determined, which she must be to set off on her own. The encouraging quill is a perfect match for her lore (if only we had a green version!) and I'm sure they get along very well indeed. [url=][img][/img][/url] Perhaps it's the starcon-filigree combination, but Dan has such an elegant vibe to him. The ash lace headpiece here is a small but perfect piece of apparel for him, and sets off his red eyes really nicely - the only drop of colour in an otherwise monochrome dragon. I know nothing about Danny Phantom other than the main character is green (sometimes?) so I can only assume Dan is a darker alter-ego... very elegant, and perfectly deadly. [url=][img][/img][/url] I had to pick Syph for that accent, headdress, and pants combination - I can confidently say I'd never have thought of it, and it works incredibly. I keep thinking she's wearing more, but she's really not! She has a whole ruined priestess/devoted emulator of her cult going on from 3 pieces of customisation, and that's just incredible. Major kudos! Also, shoutout to Sakura for being one of the coolest xyz combinations I've seen! copper really is a godly colour.


so I hear this guy's a cult leader... not saying I would follow him for his looks, but I would totally follow him for his looks. His colours set off each other and that wind primal perfectly in ways that make my mind go ??? and !!! at the same time - tangerine ringlets?? on turquoise starmap?? make rad wind dragons?? It's very reminiscent of wind flight's kites and I'm so here for it.


Noriaki's genes make him so interesting - the piebald's white and the trail's cream and the maize ghost all play off each other so nicely, and the brown/red/ivories of his apparel just add to his interestingness. I get a very blood-and-metal ritual priest vibe from him, which I presume is very overzealous for a guard and also might not be good for his continued health and safety. What an eye-catching dragon!


The pop of shamrock opal drew my eye to Bianca in the first place - what an interesting writer dragon! Her humanised portrait looks very keen and determined, which she must be to set off on her own. The encouraging quill is a perfect match for her lore (if only we had a green version!) and I'm sure they get along very well indeed.


Perhaps it's the starcon-filigree combination, but Dan has such an elegant vibe to him. The ash lace headpiece here is a small but perfect piece of apparel for him, and sets off his red eyes really nicely - the only drop of colour in an otherwise monochrome dragon. I know nothing about Danny Phantom other than the main character is green (sometimes?) so I can only assume Dan is a darker alter-ego... very elegant, and perfectly deadly.


I had to pick Syph for that accent, headdress, and pants combination - I can confidently say I'd never have thought of it, and it works incredibly. I keep thinking she's wearing more, but she's really not! She has a whole ruined priestess/devoted emulator of her cult going on from 3 pieces of customisation, and that's just incredible. Major kudos!

Also, shoutout to Sakura for being one of the coolest xyz combinations I've seen! copper really is a godly colour.
@halcy [url=][img][/img][/url] I love love love matchy XYZs, and I'd totally buy him if he had any other eye type (sorry arcanist). Coal and tan are fantastic soft colors, and they work together here. I'm neutral on peacock, but I adore this use of it. The layering on the wings is exquisite, really adds some depth to his look. This is also such a solid flowerfall use, you've really taken advantage of how two-toned this one is. [url=][img][/img][/url] To preface this, I hate orca so the fact that I like her enough to give her a shout-out is super impressive. Her mate has driftwood, but Slate pairs perfectly with orca. I also love underbelly, so I would totally buy a hatchling from this pair. It really ties in some of her more warm-toned apparel. I love brown ranges, and this one looks so good! [url=][img][/img][/url] This dragon has such a sense of contrast about him. The trail is a really pretty focal point, you were smart to only cover a bit of his wings. The hues in the python really sell the look, and keep up the 2-toned ness. I think he would look AWESOME with some of the new Chitin set, it matches his colors super well. However, the silks also look super super cool here. [url=][img][/img][/url] You've used colors I'm not particularly a fan of here, but it works so well together maybe I should reconsider. I feel like all of your Trail dragons are so amazing, makes me want to buy more of the gene. I thought he was an XYY Metals at first, the Sand capsule pairs so well with the secondary. I love what you've done with the tail here! He looks like he could fit in a bunch of different skins, which is a good quality to have. [url=][img][/img][/url] Stained is my all time favorite gene, so I saved this floofer for last. The eyes match so so well, I thought they were the more blue ice eyes! You've used a mantle, one of my favorite apprel pieces! It matches his design super super well. I feel like you could use some viel layering if you wanted to add more to his outfit. Or sylvan or seraph. This is my personal favorite dragon in your lair, this is exactly my taste.


I love love love matchy XYZs, and I'd totally buy him if he had any other eye type (sorry arcanist). Coal and tan are fantastic soft colors, and they work together here.
I'm neutral on peacock, but I adore this use of it. The layering on the wings is exquisite, really adds some depth to his look. This is also such a solid flowerfall use, you've really taken advantage of how two-toned this one is.


To preface this, I hate orca so the fact that I like her enough to give her a shout-out is super impressive. Her mate has driftwood, but Slate pairs perfectly with orca. I also love underbelly, so I would totally buy a hatchling from this pair. It really ties in some of her more warm-toned apparel. I love brown ranges, and this one looks so good!

This dragon has such a sense of contrast about him. The trail is a really pretty focal point, you were smart to only cover a bit of his wings. The hues in the python really sell the look, and keep up the 2-toned ness. I think he would look AWESOME with some of the new Chitin set, it matches his colors super well. However, the silks also look super super cool here.

You've used colors I'm not particularly a fan of here, but it works so well together maybe I should reconsider. I feel like all of your Trail dragons are so amazing, makes me want to buy more of the gene. I thought he was an XYY Metals at first, the Sand capsule pairs so well with the secondary. I love what you've done with the tail here! He looks like he could fit in a bunch of different skins, which is a good quality to have.

Stained is my all time favorite gene, so I saved this floofer for last. The eyes match so so well, I thought they were the more blue ice eyes! You've used a mantle, one of my favorite apprel pieces! It matches his design super super well. I feel like you could use some viel layering if you wanted to add more to his outfit. Or sylvan or seraph. This is my personal favorite dragon in your lair, this is exactly my taste.

Resident Trickster Rabbit God
Studier of Color Theory
Giver of Earth Nests
@Elilhairrah PFPKAFRKJNFIAJENOFNAOENFUN. I spat out my water at the sight of this absolute masterpiece. The spring breath looks so much like cabbage particles, it was made for it. The tunic looks so much like the actual outfit. Overall 11/10 dragon. [url=][img][/img][/url] Of course, I had to pick your profile dragon. She has such a unique color scheme. The striation accent colors, and the antique ghost match so well. I also love how well the apparel matches the colors. [url=][img][/img][/url] Oh my gosh. Her colors and apparel match so well. The accent color on the butterfly matches the gems on the cascades. I noticed she's unnamed, and I wanted to tell you that I can help you with naming any dragon that needs it. [url=][img][/img][/url] You have such a good taste in dragon colors and gene combinations! I love how the beige capsule looks so good with the spinner! The apparel also looks amazing! I don't know how people can take seemingly random pieces of apparel and make it look so good! I also love how you layered the sylvian headpeices! [url=][img][/img][/url] This is an amazing example of how simple and few pieces of apparel can look so flipping phenomenal! Does she only have three pieces of apparel?!?!?!?! She is so pretty. I love the color scheme you have for her! Everything about her looks so amazing! [url=][img][/img][/url]
PFPKAFRKJNFIAJENOFNAOENFUN. I spat out my water at the sight of this absolute masterpiece. The spring breath looks so much like cabbage particles, it was made for it. The tunic looks so much like the actual outfit. Overall 11/10 dragon.

Of course, I had to pick your profile dragon. She has such a unique color scheme. The striation accent colors, and the antique ghost match so well. I also love how well the apparel matches the colors.

Oh my gosh. Her colors and apparel match so well. The accent color on the butterfly matches the gems on the cascades. I noticed she's unnamed, and I wanted to tell you that I can help you with naming any dragon that needs it.

You have such a good taste in dragon colors and gene combinations! I love how the beige capsule looks so good with the spinner! The apparel also looks amazing! I don't know how people can take seemingly random pieces of apparel and make it look so good! I also love how you layered the sylvian headpeices!

This is an amazing example of how simple and few pieces of apparel can look so flipping phenomenal! Does she only have three pieces of apparel?!?!?!?! She is so pretty. I love the color scheme you have for her! Everything about her looks so amazing!
Art Shop! We're Open!
@DawnSky101 Nikka is beautiful, I love all the purples on her. Her planned outfit looks great. That accent is perfect for her and it adds a nice blue to her. Her outfit is nice and busy but not too overwhelming. [url=][img][/img][/url] I usually don't like rosette but it looks surprisingly good on Valor. Her completed outfit is really nice, I like how the raven woodtrail looks with the rest of her plague apparel. I like how you used the green clawtips to match the hazebeacon, it looks better than red would have. [url=][img][/img][/url] Runi is a lovely wildclaw. She has the perfect colors for a wind dragon. I love how you used the dryad's guise in her outfit, it looks great with the other apparel. I like how the tail rings match the golden color of her claws. [url=][img][/img][/url] Nepthys has a really nice plan, I love the combination of pink and blue on her. I like how the layering with the halo makes it look like she has a cute little crystal nose horn. The sage cover fits really nicely under the cloak. [url=][img][/img][/url] Braden is a good earth rep, stained gives him a nice faded stone look. The ivory scale set matches him perfectly and the crystalcourt cascades give his outfit a nice splash of color. I like how it matches the accents of gold in his genes too. [url=][img][/img][/url]
@DawnSky101 Nikka is beautiful, I love all the purples on her. Her planned outfit looks great. That accent is perfect for her and it adds a nice blue to her. Her outfit is nice and busy but not too overwhelming.


I usually don't like rosette but it looks surprisingly good on Valor. Her completed outfit is really nice, I like how the raven woodtrail looks with the rest of her plague apparel. I like how you used the green clawtips to match the hazebeacon, it looks better than red would have.


Runi is a lovely wildclaw. She has the perfect colors for a wind dragon. I love how you used the dryad's guise in her outfit, it looks great with the other apparel. I like how the tail rings match the golden color of her claws.


Nepthys has a really nice plan, I love the combination of pink and blue on her. I like how the layering with the halo makes it look like she has a cute little crystal nose horn. The sage cover fits really nicely under the cloak.


Braden is a good earth rep, stained gives him a nice faded stone look. The ivory scale set matches him perfectly and the crystalcourt cascades give his outfit a nice splash of color. I like how it matches the accents of gold in his genes too.

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Amateur Artist
Professional Procrastinator
Fandragon Fanatic
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