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TOPIC | [Lore] The Lore of Chasm Peak
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[center][img][/img] [size=5][b][u]The Gilded Hall[/u][/b][/size] [/center] [size=4][b][u]Summary:[/u][/b][/size] The Gilded Hall is an impressive, golden-colored building located at the center of Chasm Peak. It hosts the clan's largest library, historical museum and archives, and art collection. It is also the hub for any major political events. [size=4][b][u]History:[/u][/b][/size] The building was originally constructed out of a mixture of orthoclase, sandstone, fools gold and impure sacridite. It was commissioned by Coran, the Golden Archivist and founder of the Godless Flight of Time, as a place to house all of his records for future generations. It remained standing for centuries, tended to first by Coran and later on by the Golden Sage Kumobi. When Clan Leader Cor arrived and established Chasm Peak a few decades ago, she made it very clear she would not try to take over the Hall and would leave its upkeep to the remnants of the Clan of the Four. However, during the Sky War the building was destroyed and looted by the enemy. The items that Kumobi managed to rescue were transported to Chasm Peak for safekeeping. After the end of the war, most of the stolen goods were returned, with the thieves and soldiers who had destroyed the building being severely punished by their superiors. A shard of sacridite was gifted to Chasm Peak as a symbol of peace and remorse from the Sky Clan. This shard was used to grow a new foundation upon which the Gilded Hall was rebuilt. After restoration efforts started to settle down, Kumobi retired and assigned the title of Golden Scribe to his protégé, Amanath. [size=4][b][u]Caretakers:[/u][/b][/size] [columns] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Coran[/b] The Golden Archivist [nextcol] [color=transparent]fillerfiller[/color] [nextcol] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Kumobi[/b] The Golden Sage [nextcol] [color=transparent]fillerfiller[/color] [nextcol] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Amanath[/b] The Golden Scribe [/columns] [size=4][b][u]Items of Note:[/u][/b][/size] TBD [center][img][/img][/center] Terms Referenced: [columns] [center] [url=][img][/img] [size=4][b]Godless Flights[/b][/size][/url] [nextcol][center][url=][img][/img] [size=4][b]The Clan of the Four[/b][/size][/url] [nextcol][center][url=][img][/img] [size=4][b]The Sky War[/b][/size][/url] [/columns]
The Gilded Hall


The Gilded Hall is an impressive, golden-colored building located at the center of Chasm Peak. It hosts the clan's largest library, historical museum and archives, and art collection. It is also the hub for any major political events.


The building was originally constructed out of a mixture of orthoclase, sandstone, fools gold and impure sacridite. It was commissioned by Coran, the Golden Archivist and founder of the Godless Flight of Time, as a place to house all of his records for future generations. It remained standing for centuries, tended to first by Coran and later on by the Golden Sage Kumobi.

When Clan Leader Cor arrived and established Chasm Peak a few decades ago, she made it very clear she would not try to take over the Hall and would leave its upkeep to the remnants of the Clan of the Four. However, during the Sky War the building was destroyed and looted by the enemy. The items that Kumobi managed to rescue were transported to Chasm Peak for safekeeping. After the end of the war, most of the stolen goods were returned, with the thieves and soldiers who had destroyed the building being severely punished by their superiors. A shard of sacridite was gifted to Chasm Peak as a symbol of peace and remorse from the Sky Clan. This shard was used to grow a new foundation upon which the Gilded Hall was rebuilt. After restoration efforts started to settle down, Kumobi retired and assigned the title of Golden Scribe to his protégé, Amanath.

The Golden
The Golden
The Golden

Items of Note:



Terms Referenced:
[center][img][/img] [size=5][b][u]The Sky War[/u][/b][/size] [/center] [size=4][b][u]Summary:[/u][/b][/size] The Sky War was a war between the Clan of Chasm Peak and the Sky Clan, lasting around 3 years. It was a notoriously bloody war, with Chasm Peak coming out victorious. Some of the key players on the side of Chasm Peak included Cor and Azral (the clan leader and her mate, the head of the Shattered Knights and second-in-command), the Smoldering General Nemesis, and the Frenetic Four, a group of royal advisors that consisted of Paint, a logistics organizer; Fermata, a tactician; Endra, a scout; and Proxima, an assassin. On the side of the Sky Clan was the Council of Wings, the leaders of the Sky Clan. Members of the Council were Grus, Corvus, Aquila, Tucana, Pavo, Columba, Apus and Phoenix. [size=4][b][u]Timeline:[/u][/b][/size] Around a decade after the establishment of Chasm Peak, the Sky Clan made contact. [center][img][/img][/center] Terms Referenced: [columns][center] [url=][img][/img] [size=4][b]The Clan of the Four[/b][/size][/url] [/columns]
The Sky War


The Sky War was a war between the Clan of Chasm Peak and the Sky Clan, lasting around 3 years. It was a notoriously bloody war, with Chasm Peak coming out victorious.

Some of the key players on the side of Chasm Peak included Cor and Azral (the clan leader and her mate, the head of the Shattered Knights and second-in-command), the Smoldering General Nemesis, and the Frenetic Four, a group of royal advisors that consisted of Paint, a logistics organizer; Fermata, a tactician; Endra, a scout; and Proxima, an assassin. On the side of the Sky Clan was the Council of Wings, the leaders of the Sky Clan. Members of the Council were Grus, Corvus, Aquila, Tucana, Pavo, Columba, Apus and Phoenix.


Around a decade after the establishment of Chasm Peak, the Sky Clan made contact.

Terms Referenced:
[center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=5][b][u]Factions by Date of Establishment (Alphabetized)[/u][/b][/size][/center] [size=5][b][u]Ancient Times[/u][/b][/size] [LIST] [*] [size=4][b][url=]The Clan of the Four[/url] [/b][/size] [*] [size=4][b][url=]The Creation Flight[/url] [/b][/size] [*] [size=4][b][url=]The Death Flight[/url] [/b][/size] [*] [size=4][b][url=]The Madness Flight[/url] [/b][/size] [*] [size=4][b][url=]The Time Flight[/url] [/b][/size] [*] [size=4][b][url=]The Wild Flight[/url] [/b][/size] [/LIST] [size=5][b][u]Establishment of Chasm Peak[/u][/b][/size] [LIST] [*] [size=4][b][url=]TBD[/url] [/b][/size] [/LIST] [size=5][b][u]Current Times[/u][/b][/size] [LIST] [*] [size=4][b][url=]TBD[/url] [/b][/size] [/LIST] [center][img][/img][/center]
Factions by Date of Establishment (Alphabetized)

Ancient Times

Establishment of Chasm Peak
  • [url=]TBD[/url]

Current Times
  • [url=]TBD[/url]

[center]image [size=5][b][u]The Godless Flight of Death[/u][/b][/size] [/center] [size=4][b][u]Summary:[/u][/b][/size] Disciples of Death believed in the inevitable and had a strong respect for death. Their mindset was to leave life with no regrets. This flight was mostly made up of survivors from other clans that had been demolished in inter-clan wars. They were known for their military might, but they also had established customs such as funeral rites and prayers sent to the dead. Shadow magic was also common in this flight. The Death Flight and the other three original Godless Flights merged together to form the Clan of the Four. [size=4][b][u]Leader(s):[/u][/b][/size] [columns] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Jasper[/b] Death's Companion [nextcol] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Sicarius[/b] The Grand Master of the Butterfly Knights [nextcol] [/columns] [size=4][b][u]Members:[/u][/b][/size] [columns] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Dopson[/b] The War God [/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] Terms Referenced: [columns][center] [url=][img][/img] [size=4][b]Godless Flights[/b][/size][/center] [nextcol][center][url=][img][/img] [size=4][b]The Clan of the Four[/b][/size][/url] [/center] [/columns]
The Godless Flight of Death


Disciples of Death believed in the inevitable and had a strong respect for death. Their mindset was to leave life with no regrets. This flight was mostly made up of survivors from other clans that had been demolished in inter-clan wars. They were known for their military might, but they also had established customs such as funeral rites and prayers sent to the dead. Shadow magic was also common in this flight.

The Death Flight and the other three original Godless Flights merged together to form the Clan of the Four.

The Grand
Master of the
Butterfly Knights

The War


Terms Referenced:
[center]image [size=5][b][u]The Godless Flight of Creation[/u][/b][/size] [/center] [size=4][b][u]Summary:[/u][/b][/size] Disciples of Creation revered the sanctity of life and had a love of the arts. Many healers decided to join this flight as it aligned with their own morals. They were the largest flight as they would take in any dragons that were seeking sanctuary. To this day, descendants of the Creation Flight are often famous for their creations such as paintings, stories or sculptures. The Creation Flight and the other three original Godless Flights merged together to form the Clan of the Four. [size=4][b][u]Leader(s):[/u][/b][/size] [columns] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Mikleo[/b] Stillwater Thaumaturge [/columns] [size=4][b][u]Members:[/u][/b][/size] TBD [center][img][/img][/center] Terms Referenced: [columns][center] [url=][img][/img] [size=4][b]Godless Flights[/b][/size][/center] [nextcol][center][url=][img][/img] [size=4][b]The Clan of the Four[/b][/size][/url] [/center] [/columns]
The Godless Flight of Creation


Disciples of Creation revered the sanctity of life and had a love of the arts. Many healers decided to join this flight as it aligned with their own morals. They were the largest flight as they would take in any dragons that were seeking sanctuary. To this day, descendants of the Creation Flight are often famous for their creations such as paintings, stories or sculptures.

The Creation Flight and the other three original Godless Flights merged together to form the Clan of the Four.





Terms Referenced:
[center]image [size=5][b][u]The Godless Flight of Time[/u][/b][/size] [/center] [size=4][b][u]Summary:[/u][/b][/size] The youngest of the four original Godless Flights, disciples of Time devoted themselves to preserving history and advancing the knowledge of dragonkind. They focused on the past and the future alike, and helped discover many new technologies. Most of what we know now about the history of this area is due to the well-kept records of the Time Flight. The Time Flight and the other three original Godless Flights merged together to form the Clan of the Four. [size=4][b][u]Leader(s):[/u][/b][/size] [columns] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Coran[/b] The Golden Archivist [/columns] [size=4][b][u]Members:[/u][/b][/size] [columns] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Talgo[/b] The 5th Sacrifice [/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] Terms Referenced: [columns][center] [url=][img][/img] [size=4][b]Godless Flights[/b][/size][/center] [nextcol][center][url=][img][/img] [size=4][b]The Clan of the Four[/b][/size][/url] [/center] [/columns]
The Godless Flight of Time


The youngest of the four original Godless Flights, disciples of Time devoted themselves to preserving history and advancing the knowledge of dragonkind. They focused on the past and the future alike, and helped discover many new technologies. Most of what we know now about the history of this area is due to the well-kept records of the Time Flight.

The Time Flight and the other three original Godless Flights merged together to form the Clan of the Four.

The Golden

The 5th


Terms Referenced:
[center]image [size=5][b][u]The Godless Flight of the Wild[/u][/b][/size] [/center] [size=4][b][u]Summary:[/u][/b][/size] The first Godless Flight that was established, disciples of the Wild were wanderers and lovers of freedom and instinct. They were one with nature and had incredible knowledge about the land and the creatures that lived there. Many disciples of the Wild specialized in certain types of biomes, and would be consulted as the expert when the flight traveled through those areas. The Time Flight and the other three original Godless Flights merged together to form the Clan of the Four. [size=4][b][u]Leader(s):[/u][/b][/size] [columns] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Elasia[/b] Lady of the Wild [/columns] [size=4][b][u]Members:[/u][/b][/size] TBD [center][img][/img][/center] Terms Referenced: [columns][center] [url=][img][/img] [size=4][b]Godless Flights[/b][/size][/center] [nextcol][center][url=][img][/img] [size=4][b]The Clan of the Four[/b][/size][/url] [/center] [/columns]
The Godless Flight of the Wild


The first Godless Flight that was established, disciples of the Wild were wanderers and lovers of freedom and instinct. They were one with nature and had incredible knowledge about the land and the creatures that lived there. Many disciples of the Wild specialized in certain types of biomes, and would be consulted as the expert when the flight traveled through those areas.

The Time Flight and the other three original Godless Flights merged together to form the Clan of the Four.

Lady of
the Wild




Terms Referenced:
[center]image [size=5][b][u]The Godless Flight of Madness[/u][/b][/size] [/center] [size=4][b][u]Summary:[/u][/b][/size] Under the influence of the Abyss, the Madness Flight was established by converting members from other Godless Flights. They relished chaos and worshipped the Abyss as their savior. The Madness Flight also performed ritual sacrifices that boosted the power of the Abyss. After being defeated in the Shattered War, they were banished and cast down into the darkness for their deeds, where their descendants supposedly remain to this day. [size=4][b][u]Leader(s):[/u][/b][/size] [columns] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Malik[/b] The Emissary of Madness [nextcol] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Gilneas[/b] The Record Keeper [nextcol] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Archleone[/b] The Manic General [/columns] [size=4][b][u]Members:[/u][/b][/size] [columns] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Charybdis[/b] The Abyssal Vessel [/center] [/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] Terms Referenced: [columns][center] [url=][img][/img] [size=4][b]Godless Flights[/b][/size][/center] [nextcol][center][url=][img][/img] [size=4][b]The Abyss[/b][/size][/url] [/center] [/columns]
The Godless Flight of Madness


Under the influence of the Abyss, the Madness Flight was established by converting members from other Godless Flights. They relished chaos and worshipped the Abyss as their savior. The Madness Flight also performed ritual sacrifices that boosted the power of the Abyss. After being defeated in the Shattered War, they were banished and cast down into the darkness for their deeds, where their descendants supposedly remain to this day.

The Emissary
of Madness
The Record
The Manic

The Abyssal


Terms Referenced:
[center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=5][b][u]Character Stories (Alphabetized by Name)[/u][/b][/size][/center] [LIST] [*] [size=4][b][url=]Faradis - The Cliff of Wishes[/url] [/b][/size] [*] [size=4][b][url=]Larch - The Really, Really Big Rock[/url] [/b][/size] [/LIST] [center][img][/img][/center]
Character Stories (Alphabetized by Name)

[img][/img] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=5][b][u]Faradis - The Cliff of Wishes[/u][/b][/size] [/center] Legend has it that if you go to the northern cliffs at the edge of Chasm Peak's territory at sunrise and toss a leaf into the ocean, your wish will be granted... Orange-pink rays streak across the pale blue sky as the sun rises over the ocean in front of you. The scent of bitter saltwater fills your nostrils, while the sounds of seagulls crying echo from ear to ear. Far, far below, waves crash against the base of the cliff, awe-inspiring in their sheer power and size. Legend has it that if you toss a leaf off the Cliff of Wishes at sunrise, your wish will come true. You're not so sure about this, but you have nothing left to lose. Your sister is deathly sick, and only a miracle will save her. You fumble in your pocket for the leaf you brought— half dried out, and crumbled from the journey. Trembling, you take a deep breath and pray, then let the leaf fall from your shaking fingers. You watch as it spirals down, dancing to and fro in the breeze, until it touches the water and disappears underneath. Nothing happens for a long time. You sit down on the hard stone and breathe in the air. What now, is there no hope left? Suddenly, a rainbow forms in the sky above. You stare at it in amazement, enthralled by its beauty. It isn't raining... A dragon appears before you, shimmering hues, and with kind eyes. She holds your leaf in her paw. "Is this your wish?" You nod, too shocked to speak. She crushes it in her palm and lets the bits scatter in the wind. Her body glows with an ethereal light as she fades in and out of view. When she opens her eyes again, it feels like she is seeing right through to your soul. "Return home," she says gently. Then she vanishes into sparkles that rapidly disappear. You do as you are told. The smile on your sister's face when she greets you at the entrance to the den says it all. It's the first time she's been out of bed in months. The two of you cry tears of joy as you embrace, and later that night you send a prayer of thanks to the mysterious dragon from the Cliff of Wishes that had saved your family. [img][/img] [size=2]A/N: This was written for [url=]EarthDom's Campfire Tales[/url], 11/24/2023.[/size]
Faradis - The Cliff of Wishes

Legend has it that if you go to the northern cliffs at the edge of Chasm Peak's territory at sunrise and toss a leaf into the ocean, your wish will be granted...

Orange-pink rays streak across the pale blue sky as the sun rises over the ocean in front of you. The scent of bitter saltwater fills your nostrils, while the sounds of seagulls crying echo from ear to ear. Far, far below, waves crash against the base of the cliff, awe-inspiring in their sheer power and size.

Legend has it that if you toss a leaf off the Cliff of Wishes at sunrise, your wish will come true. You're not so sure about this, but you have nothing left to lose. Your sister is deathly sick, and only a miracle will save her. You fumble in your pocket for the leaf you brought— half dried out, and crumbled from the journey. Trembling, you take a deep breath and pray, then let the leaf fall from your shaking fingers.

You watch as it spirals down, dancing to and fro in the breeze, until it touches the water and disappears underneath. Nothing happens for a long time. You sit down on the hard stone and breathe in the air. What now, is there no hope left?

Suddenly, a rainbow forms in the sky above. You stare at it in amazement, enthralled by its beauty. It isn't raining... A dragon appears before you, shimmering hues, and with kind eyes. She holds your leaf in her paw.

"Is this your wish?"

You nod, too shocked to speak. She crushes it in her palm and lets the bits scatter in the wind. Her body glows with an ethereal light as she fades in and out of view. When she opens her eyes again, it feels like she is seeing right through to your soul.

"Return home," she says gently. Then she vanishes into sparkles that rapidly disappear. You do as you are told.

The smile on your sister's face when she greets you at the entrance to the den says it all. It's the first time she's been out of bed in months. The two of you cry tears of joy as you embrace, and later that night you send a prayer of thanks to the mysterious dragon from the Cliff of Wishes that had saved your family.


A/N: This was written for EarthDom's Campfire Tales, 11/24/2023.
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