
Creative Corner

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TOPIC | triweekly writing prompts! DISCONTINUED
[center][size=2] welcome to [/size] [b][size=5][size=5]- Triweekly Writing Prompts! -[/size][/size][/b] [b][size=5][color=brown]>> CURRENT PROMPT <<[/color][/size][/b][quote=prompt][size=5][font=century gothic]They were always wrong. But finally, they understood why.[/size][/quote] _ [size=5][color=red]This thread is no longer running. Thank you to everyone who ever gave a prompt a try or shared their writing, whether privately or publicly. You all are what kept this thread going for so long <3[/color][/size] _ [size=4]3 prompts a week! feel free to use these for dragon lore, original writing, fanfiction, comics/art, poetry, whatever! i love seeing people's creative products.[/size] ----- want to stretch your writing skills? ever had too many ideas, and been unable to write any of them down? ever had no ideas at all? fear not, friends, for this is the place to find them! fairly straightforward thread - every [b]Monday, Thursday, and Saturday[/b] (that I remember to oops) I'll update the prompt with something new and interesting, and you can write whatever it inspires! prompts can be anything ranging from humor, to angst, to happiness, to motivational little things, etc. You do not have to follow the prompt exactly, and you do not have to share your writing - you can choose to post whatever you write up on this thread, pm it to me, or keep it to yourself. It's your writing, and it's up to you! That being said, feel free to post whatever is inspired in you on this thread - this is a place for sharing your own work, commenting on other's work, interacting with eachother's writing, and all-around fun! [b][size=4][color=brown]>> RULES/GUIDELINES/NOTES <<[/color][/size][/b] [LIST] [*]Prompts are posted every [u]Monday, Thursday, and Saturday.[/u] [*][b]Previous day's prompts are [url=]here.[/url] [/b](I will update this... eventually...) [*]I highly encourage you to read and comment/constructively criticize others' works, as long as they haven't stated they're averse to it! Interaction over one's writing is always fun. [*]If you DON'T want any comments/constructive criticism on a specific piece of yours, please state so clearly at the beginning of that work! [*]If you post your own writing, it would be nice if you could include the prompt so that in the future people can see which prompt it was inspired by! [*][b]Even if you miss a day/prompt, always feel free to write for it.[/b] [*]To be put on the pinglist for daily prompts, just post saying so! I'd prefer if you didn't ping me, but I won't be upset about it if you do. [*]If your writing contains upsetting themes such as death, blood/violence, gore, etc. please include trigger warnings before it in a visible place. Keep in mind that this is Flight Rising, and all gore should be kept in line with existing lore. [*]If you want to submit a prompt, you can pm me! Keep in mind that I may not use it, but I will appreciate it regardless. [b]Please do not submit more than one prompt at a time, so as to not overwhelm[/b]—thank you! [*]Please do not ping me if you want me to see your writing—I am subbed to this thread! You can always pm me if you want to discuss lore :D [/LIST] [b][size=4][color=brown]PINGLIST[/color][/size][/b] people on the pinglist will be pinged for each new prompt! (assume i add/remove automatically, if your name is still not on there after 24 hours feel free to ping/pm me again) [quote=pinglist] @/Nightlilac @/goldrush @/naranciag @/sunwolf @/sanzang @/Hemmalaya @/stolen @/Quarth @/WanderingPaws @/kimnoodles @/finnamony @/kawiikatz @/Peachycupcake525 @/xSTORMDRAGONx @/TheGrayGhost @/moonstrucksmorns @/CatInDisguise @/DriftingDreams @/Xuelian @/Mercurythewolf @/Pinkish13 @/SkySerenade @/pandakitty1 @/PuppyLuvr06 @/shr00mlightz @/AllHailWebby @/Hyzenthlaay @/Illusia @/AwkwardTrash @/LavenderSelkie @/wolfdragon3036 @/StarryLune @/ulvesang @/styygian @/Orodruin @/Crizona @/Lavend3rDragon @/PeacefulPyro @/ThatOneRose @/SocklessWonder @/Wyrmlight @/fuzzysherbet @/Quilava2010 @/AlterZero @/DewFeather @/LapisWings @/SouthernHawker @/Await @/darcyrambles @/supersticky @/Vershton @/Starbunnies @/Silvfyre @/PurpleSun @/Sterlingstars @/Glimmers @/FallingUpstairs @/Cinmoren @/Cotinga @/ufology @/TashaTheGraceful @/W1F1N1GHTM4R3 @/wahooley @/BlurryReflection @/Feathershine22 @/Kattata @/counterklock @/brambee @/Severynn @/Celestiyl @/Sunsire @/Juxtapose @/EagerNicol @/ButterBees @/Accismus @/Lightsun68 @/Matlock26th @/flotsamjetsam @/Juditheee @/Pocketdog @/Born2bwild @/zekrommoo7 @/itsobnoxiouslove @/DragonsofPyrrhia @/Domination @/ViolentViolet77 @/Stellunas @/winterninja @/Ainsley @/RottingFlesh @/Lestyn @/Jekra @/Palimpsest11011 @/ceruleansky @/404ANACONDA @/Ackie @/Sasha @/CiderDragonfly @/mercymii @/Zikitty @/BalticDeerOwl @/Dreamsuns @/SpectralRose @/DragonQueenHi @/Calloumi @/ponds @/VioletKatGrove @/Gadriel @/TalonsCreations @/UFO @/Hamuu @/DarkElite020 @/Potatoad @/GreenMoon @/ErthisiaKay[/quote] have fun writing! :D [/center]
welcome to
- Triweekly Writing Prompts! -

prompt wrote:
They were always wrong. But finally, they understood why.

This thread is no longer running. Thank you to everyone who ever gave a prompt a try or shared their writing, whether privately or publicly. You all are what kept this thread going for so long <3

3 prompts a week! feel free to use these for dragon lore, original writing, fanfiction, comics/art, poetry, whatever! i love seeing people's creative products.
want to stretch your writing skills? ever had too many ideas, and been unable to write any of them down? ever had no ideas at all? fear not, friends, for this is the place to find them!

fairly straightforward thread - every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday (that I remember to oops) I'll update the prompt with something new and interesting, and you can write whatever it inspires! prompts can be anything ranging from humor, to angst, to happiness, to motivational little things, etc. You do not have to follow the prompt exactly, and you do not have to share your writing - you can choose to post whatever you write up on this thread, pm it to me, or keep it to yourself. It's your writing, and it's up to you!

That being said, feel free to post whatever is inspired in you on this thread - this is a place for sharing your own work, commenting on other's work, interacting with eachother's writing, and all-around fun!

  • Prompts are posted every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday.
  • Previous day's prompts are here. (I will update this... eventually...)
  • I highly encourage you to read and comment/constructively criticize others' works, as long as they haven't stated they're averse to it! Interaction over one's writing is always fun.
  • If you DON'T want any comments/constructive criticism on a specific piece of yours, please state so clearly at the beginning of that work!
  • If you post your own writing, it would be nice if you could include the prompt so that in the future people can see which prompt it was inspired by!
  • Even if you miss a day/prompt, always feel free to write for it.
  • To be put on the pinglist for daily prompts, just post saying so! I'd prefer if you didn't ping me, but I won't be upset about it if you do.
  • If your writing contains upsetting themes such as death, blood/violence, gore, etc. please include trigger warnings before it in a visible place. Keep in mind that this is Flight Rising, and all gore should be kept in line with existing lore.
  • If you want to submit a prompt, you can pm me! Keep in mind that I may not use it, but I will appreciate it regardless. Please do not submit more than one prompt at a time, so as to not overwhelm—thank you!
  • Please do not ping me if you want me to see your writing—I am subbed to this thread! You can always pm me if you want to discuss lore :D

people on the pinglist will be pinged for each new prompt! (assume i add/remove automatically, if your name is still not on there after 24 hours feel free to ping/pm me again)
pinglist wrote:
@/Nightlilac @/goldrush @/naranciag @/sunwolf @/sanzang @/Hemmalaya @/stolen @/Quarth @/WanderingPaws @/kimnoodles @/finnamony @/kawiikatz @/Peachycupcake525 @/xSTORMDRAGONx @/TheGrayGhost @/moonstrucksmorns @/CatInDisguise @/DriftingDreams @/Xuelian @/Mercurythewolf @/Pinkish13 @/SkySerenade @/pandakitty1 @/PuppyLuvr06 @/shr00mlightz @/AllHailWebby @/Hyzenthlaay @/Illusia @/AwkwardTrash @/LavenderSelkie @/wolfdragon3036 @/StarryLune @/ulvesang @/styygian @/Orodruin @/Crizona @/Lavend3rDragon @/PeacefulPyro @/ThatOneRose @/SocklessWonder @/Wyrmlight @/fuzzysherbet @/Quilava2010 @/AlterZero @/DewFeather @/LapisWings @/SouthernHawker @/Await @/darcyrambles @/supersticky @/Vershton @/Starbunnies @/Silvfyre @/PurpleSun @/Sterlingstars @/Glimmers @/FallingUpstairs @/Cinmoren @/Cotinga @/ufology @/TashaTheGraceful @/W1F1N1GHTM4R3 @/wahooley @/BlurryReflection @/Feathershine22 @/Kattata @/counterklock @/brambee @/Severynn @/Celestiyl @/Sunsire @/Juxtapose @/EagerNicol @/ButterBees @/Accismus @/Lightsun68 @/Matlock26th @/flotsamjetsam @/Juditheee @/Pocketdog @/Born2bwild @/zekrommoo7 @/itsobnoxiouslove @/DragonsofPyrrhia @/Domination @/ViolentViolet77 @/Stellunas @/winterninja @/Ainsley @/RottingFlesh @/Lestyn @/Jekra @/Palimpsest11011 @/ceruleansky @/404ANACONDA @/Ackie @/Sasha @/CiderDragonfly @/mercymii @/Zikitty @/BalticDeerOwl @/Dreamsuns @/SpectralRose @/DragonQueenHi @/Calloumi @/ponds @/VioletKatGrove @/Gadriel @/TalonsCreations @/UFO @/Hamuu @/DarkElite020 @/Potatoad @/GreenMoon @/ErthisiaKay

have fun writing! :D
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writing prompts
Heads up warning for anyone wanting to read through this thread: there are untagged tws of blood, death, murder, violence, etc. probably more too tbh.

(a tw is a trigger warning, for those of you who might have not seen the term before!)
Heads up warning for anyone wanting to read through this thread: there are untagged tws of blood, death, murder, violence, etc. probably more too tbh.

(a tw is a trigger warning, for those of you who might have not seen the term before!)
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writing prompts
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poem shop
writing prompts
[center]annnd done! to start things off, the prompt for today: [quote=February 28 2021][font=century gothic][size=5][i]It's not fair,[/i] they think, [i]but I guess it's not like it matters, anyways.[/i] "Alright," they say at last, "fine. But you go first." [/size][/quote][/center]
annnd done! to start things off, the prompt for today:
February 28 2021 wrote:
It's not fair, they think, but I guess it's not like it matters, anyways.
"Alright," they say at last, "fine. But you go first."

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writing prompts
[center]Put me down for daily pinglist! I love doing these things, they keep me sharp haha. Can't do anything big today thanks to homework but here goes![/center] Prompt: [center][quote=February 28 2021][font=century gothic][size=5][i]It's not fair,[/i] they think, [i]but I guess it's not like it matters, anyways.[/i] "Alright," they say at last, "fine. But you go first." [/size][/quote][/center] ------------------ [right]Characters: [url=]Ammonite (Narrator)[/url] [url=]Temerity[/url][/right] It seemed Temerity was happy to not have to be told twice. The desert-colored Mirror happily rushed ahead, scrambling up the side of one crumbling wall and taking a look at the sight before them. In Ammonite's opinion, they had no business being in the Hewn City. She had made a point of pulling all of their patrols from this area ever since the Emporer had started wandering the area. There were still some dragons from the Order that braved this area for their own reasons, but it didn't feel necessary to her to send anyone inside unless there was something there they wanted. It was easy enough to keep a distant eye on the inner goings-on with the scouts. Well. Until one went missing. Ammonite felt sure that it wasn't their job to take on a rescue mission, but Temerity was never happier than when faced with a challenge, and it seemed the hostile terrain and inhabitants of the Hewn city fit that description perfectly. It was stupid, but in the end, there was little Ammonite could do to dissuade her, and she certainly wouldn't let her volunteer to go alone. Fair? No, not in the least, but they'd gone far enough that their Captains and General would not accept a lack of results. A job better fit for one of their scouts? She certainly thought so. A fog bank had moved in sometime in the last hour, cutting down their visibility, but that was of little concern to their heat-sensitive eyes. If anything, it made seeing anything living even easier. Too bad an Emporer could hardly be considered living. "Let's... just keep this quick, alright? This place gives me the creeps. Our scouts are smart, they wouldn't stay in the city if they didn't have to. And if they did, they'd look for shelter with high vantage points." Temerity wasn't listening (when was she ever, really), already striding deeper into the fog. She made no effort to keep her voice low, but the oppressive haze around them did a lot to muffle their voices. Thank the deities, or else Ammonite was sure they'd have been discovered by now. "We'd be able to cover more ground if you picked up the pace, you know!" "And run into more roving packs of... whatever those were?" She glanced back towards the direction of their last encounter, but the remnants of their scuffle had long been swallowed up by the fog. "No thank you." The buildings abruptly ended, a scar carved into the ground where the Emporer must have come through. Temerity took a running leap and even still needed to use her wings to clear it. Ammonite had no choice but to walk, sliding carefully down the mudbank. She'd need a bath later, she was sure of it. "It doesn't befit a Tempest Order warrior to be a scaredy-cat, y'know." Temerity teased from the opposite bank, playing with a few bits of rubble as she waited for her. "I am NOT a scaredy-cat. I'm cautious." "Mmmmhm. Okay. If you say so. Sounds like a fraidy-cat to me. Shaking like a leaf. A jittery mess." "Temerity --" Ammonite had stopped, eyeing something before her in the ground. "--a blood-running-cold kind of --" "Temerity, I --" "-- cold sweat, goosepimpled, fear of the deities put into 'em kind of --" "Temerity!" Her fellow clanmate finally looked down to see what all the fuss was about, the playful teasing nature of her expression fading as she saw what Ammonite had stopped for. Ammonite held up what remained of a tattered bag, the maps scattered and pressed into the mud and muck that surrounded her. It was one of their clan's, only recently destroyed. "That can't be more than ten minutes old. They must have just come through here..." "Already on it, sister. I've got their scent. Pick up the pace, we might already be too late!"
Put me down for daily pinglist! I love doing these things, they keep me sharp haha. Can't do anything big today thanks to homework but here goes!

February 28 2021 wrote:
It's not fair, they think, but I guess it's not like it matters, anyways.
"Alright," they say at last, "fine. But you go first."

It seemed Temerity was happy to not have to be told twice.

The desert-colored Mirror happily rushed ahead, scrambling up the side of one crumbling wall and taking a look at the sight before them.

In Ammonite's opinion, they had no business being in the Hewn City. She had made a point of pulling all of their patrols from this area ever since the Emporer had started wandering the area. There were still some dragons from the Order that braved this area for their own reasons, but it didn't feel necessary to her to send anyone inside unless there was something there they wanted. It was easy enough to keep a distant eye on the inner goings-on with the scouts.

Well. Until one went missing.

Ammonite felt sure that it wasn't their job to take on a rescue mission, but Temerity was never happier than when faced with a challenge, and it seemed the hostile terrain and inhabitants of the Hewn city fit that description perfectly. It was stupid, but in the end, there was little Ammonite could do to dissuade her, and she certainly wouldn't let her volunteer to go alone. Fair? No, not in the least, but they'd gone far enough that their Captains and General would not accept a lack of results. A job better fit for one of their scouts? She certainly thought so.

A fog bank had moved in sometime in the last hour, cutting down their visibility, but that was of little concern to their heat-sensitive eyes. If anything, it made seeing anything living even easier. Too bad an Emporer could hardly be considered living.

"Let's... just keep this quick, alright? This place gives me the creeps. Our scouts are smart, they wouldn't stay in the city if they didn't have to. And if they did, they'd look for shelter with high vantage points."

Temerity wasn't listening (when was she ever, really), already striding deeper into the fog. She made no effort to keep her voice low, but the oppressive haze around them did a lot to muffle their voices. Thank the deities, or else Ammonite was sure they'd have been discovered by now. "We'd be able to cover more ground if you picked up the pace, you know!"

"And run into more roving packs of... whatever those were?" She glanced back towards the direction of their last encounter, but the remnants of their scuffle had long been swallowed up by the fog. "No thank you."

The buildings abruptly ended, a scar carved into the ground where the Emporer must have come through. Temerity took a running leap and even still needed to use her wings to clear it. Ammonite had no choice but to walk, sliding carefully down the mudbank. She'd need a bath later, she was sure of it.

"It doesn't befit a Tempest Order warrior to be a scaredy-cat, y'know." Temerity teased from the opposite bank, playing with a few bits of rubble as she waited for her.

"I am NOT a scaredy-cat. I'm cautious."

"Mmmmhm. Okay. If you say so. Sounds like a fraidy-cat to me. Shaking like a leaf. A jittery mess."

"Temerity --" Ammonite had stopped, eyeing something before her in the ground.

"--a blood-running-cold kind of --"

"Temerity, I --"

"-- cold sweat, goosepimpled, fear of the deities put into 'em kind of --"


Her fellow clanmate finally looked down to see what all the fuss was about, the playful teasing nature of her expression fading as she saw what Ammonite had stopped for.

Ammonite held up what remained of a tattered bag, the maps scattered and pressed into the mud and muck that surrounded her. It was one of their clan's, only recently destroyed. "That can't be more than ten minutes old. They must have just come through here..."

"Already on it, sister. I've got their scent. Pick up the pace, we might already be too late!"
See a Mirror, pick it up, all week long you'll have
too many mirrors and no more food
help me please they're eating everything
On an unrelated note, if you have nice Mirrors to sell...
[center]everyone's hyped over the map update, and so am i, so here's a prompt somewhat relating to it! [quote=March 1 2021][font=century gothic][size=5]Ever since the earth was uncovered, the tombs ring empty with the cries of the forgotten. [/size][/quote] @Nightlilac[/center]
everyone's hyped over the map update, and so am i, so here's a prompt somewhat relating to it!
March 1 2021 wrote:
Ever since the earth was uncovered, the tombs ring empty with the cries of the forgotten.
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writing prompts
Oh, I love this! Add me to the pinglist, please! [quote]Ever since the earth was uncovered, the tombs ring empty with the cries of the forgotten.[/quote] ----------------- It was his first time seeing an emperor and even from this distance the beast was terrifying. He had heard through the grapevine that all the good loot was around these parts, that the localized seismic activity the three-headed menance was producing had unearthed invaluable artifacts. He knew some dragons who would pay handsomely for these. Watching the monstrocity's march though, he started having second thoughts. There were already some dragons scattered around the newly dug archeological site by the time he gathered enough courage to get closer. He cursed himself under his breath. Those vultures would have already raided the ruins, plucking all the broken pots and ancient sculptures and leaving nothing but scraps behind, scraps that his employers didn't pay him to dig up. Next time the beast moved, he needed to be the first behind its feet. Trembling like a leaf, he scuttled much closer than what he was comfortable with when he noticed the creature take a step. Its shadow was still looming over him as he hastily dug through the wreckage, trying to salvage something, anything that could possibly pass as valuable. His paws felt the engraving on a stone, usually a good sign as it meant he came upon a grave or an important building. This time though, it meant he had to waste precious time trying to hurl the damn thing, while the three-headed colossus seemed to be unsure of where it wanted to wander next. Could be right on top of him for all he knew. It was empty. The damned thing was empty. No matter how desperately he pushed mud, dirt and stone around, he couldn't find anything in the fae-sized hole that he identified as a grave. Was he wrong? Was it something else? He didn't have time to think, as the emperor finally decided which area to flatten next and it happened to be right on top of him. He had the worst luck.
Oh, I love this! Add me to the pinglist, please!
Ever since the earth was uncovered, the tombs ring empty with the cries of the forgotten.

It was his first time seeing an emperor and even from this distance the beast was terrifying. He had heard through the grapevine that all the good loot was around these parts, that the localized seismic activity the three-headed menance was producing had unearthed invaluable artifacts. He knew some dragons who would pay handsomely for these. Watching the monstrocity's march though, he started having second thoughts.

There were already some dragons scattered around the newly dug archeological site by the time he gathered enough courage to get closer. He cursed himself under his breath. Those vultures would have already raided the ruins, plucking all the broken pots and ancient sculptures and leaving nothing but scraps behind, scraps that his employers didn't pay him to dig up. Next time the beast moved, he needed to be the first behind its feet.

Trembling like a leaf, he scuttled much closer than what he was comfortable with when he noticed the creature take a step. Its shadow was still looming over him as he hastily dug through the wreckage, trying to salvage something, anything that could possibly pass as valuable. His paws felt the engraving on a stone, usually a good sign as it meant he came upon a grave or an important building. This time though, it meant he had to waste precious time trying to hurl the damn thing, while the three-headed colossus seemed to be unsure of where it wanted to wander next. Could be right on top of him for all he knew.

It was empty. The damned thing was empty. No matter how desperately he pushed mud, dirt and stone around, he couldn't find anything in the fae-sized hole that he identified as a grave. Was he wrong? Was it something else? He didn't have time to think, as the emperor finally decided which area to flatten next and it happened to be right on top of him. He had the worst luck.
779bb9748f1a01bb53ebd79bec9f8670a24bdf61.png art-shop2.png
Map update hyyypee! [quote=March 1 2021][font=century gothic][size=5]Ever since the earth was uncovered, the tombs ring empty with the cries of the forgotten. [/size][/quote] ----------- [center]Dormant sands So long they have lain undisturbed Centuries surely if not longer The sands know but they tell no such secrets to our ears And now? Gaze upon the destruction wrought by claws unknowing Feel the ground stir like the breathing of some great beast It has a name, the behemoth below A name only the sands know But they tell no such secrets to our ears The forgotten leviathan The forsaken colossus Sealed in a tomb of sand and rock Approaching now Awakening Screeching Its head breaches the sand, a monstrosity unleashed Forgotten once but never again. [/center]
Map update hyyypee!
March 1 2021 wrote:
Ever since the earth was uncovered, the tombs ring empty with the cries of the forgotten.

Dormant sands
So long they have lain undisturbed
Centuries surely
if not longer
The sands know
but they tell no such secrets to our ears

And now?
Gaze upon the destruction wrought
by claws unknowing
Feel the ground stir
like the breathing of some great beast

It has a name, the behemoth below
A name only the sands know
But they tell no such secrets
to our ears

The forgotten leviathan
The forsaken colossus
Sealed in a tomb of sand and rock

Approaching now


Its head breaches the sand, a monstrosity unleashed
Forgotten once
but never again.
See a Mirror, pick it up, all week long you'll have
too many mirrors and no more food
help me please they're eating everything
On an unrelated note, if you have nice Mirrors to sell...
[center]sorry for being a little late! anyway, enjoy today's prompt: [quote=March 2 2021][font=century gothic][size=5]Why don't you just say it directly to me? [/size][/quote] @Nightlilac @magiritsa [/center]
sorry for being a little late! anyway, enjoy today's prompt:
March 2 2021 wrote:
Why don't you just say it directly to me?
@Nightlilac @magiritsa
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writing prompts
[center]No worries! I'm late on this one too haha. Decided to use some characters from a book I'm working on just cause I might as well! Content warning I suppose? Mainly just unspecified angst but some readers might find it upsetting. Themes of implied betrayal. [quote=March 2 2021][font=century gothic][size=5]Why don't you just say it directly to me? [/size][/quote] [/center] [center]You could have told me. It would have spared us so much hurt. Both of us. It seems like everyone else knows so why didn't I? Was I that stupid? To have not noticed what everyone else already knew? Do I take the blame Let it fester somewhere in my heart and head like a horrible parasite where trust used to be? Or do I put the blame on you? The signs were there, I suppose. The absences, the way your fingers twitched Impatient The implication of inconvenience The wandering look in your eye Your mind on something else Always something else But how could I have guessed what? I had thoughts what it must be But I couldn't have guessed I couldn't have looked in your eyes and anticipated what was keeping you away. You could have just told me what was going on. You insist you couldn't You insist and insist and insist. You couldn't have told me then You can't even tell me now if the rumors really are true. Are you making excuses or am I just being unreasonable Please just look in my eyes no more voices behind my back no more consequences with no explanations if you did it won't you do me the courtesy of saying it to my face? [/center]
No worries! I'm late on this one too haha. Decided to use some characters from a book I'm working on just cause I might as well!

Content warning I suppose? Mainly just unspecified angst but some readers might find it upsetting. Themes of implied betrayal.
March 2 2021 wrote:
Why don't you just say it directly to me?
You could have told me.
It would have spared us so much hurt.
Both of us.
It seems like everyone else knows
so why didn't I?

Was I that stupid?
To have not noticed what everyone else already knew?
Do I take the blame
Let it fester somewhere in my heart and head like a horrible parasite where trust used to be?
Or do I put the blame on you?

The signs were there, I suppose.
The absences, the way your fingers twitched
The implication of inconvenience
The wandering look in your eye
Your mind on something else
Always something else
But how could I have guessed what?

I had thoughts what it must be
But I couldn't have guessed
I couldn't have looked in your eyes
and anticipated what was keeping you away.

You could have just told me what was going on.
You insist you couldn't
You insist and insist
and insist.

You couldn't have told me then
You can't even tell me now
if the rumors really are true.

Are you making excuses
or am I just being

Please just
look in my eyes
no more voices behind my back
no more consequences with no explanations
if you did it
won't you
do me the courtesy
of saying it to my face?
See a Mirror, pick it up, all week long you'll have
too many mirrors and no more food
help me please they're eating everything
On an unrelated note, if you have nice Mirrors to sell...