welcome to
- Triweekly Writing Prompts! -
This thread is no longer running. Thank you to everyone who ever gave a prompt a try or shared their writing, whether privately or publicly. You all are what kept this thread going for so long <3
3 prompts a week! feel free to use these for dragon lore, original writing, fanfiction, comics/art, poetry, whatever! i love seeing people's creative products.
want to stretch your writing skills? ever had too many ideas, and been unable to write any of them down? ever had no ideas at all? fear not, friends, for this is the place to find them!
fairly straightforward thread - every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday (that I remember to oops) I'll update the prompt with something new and interesting, and you can write whatever it inspires! prompts can be anything ranging from humor, to angst, to happiness, to motivational little things, etc. You do not have to follow the prompt exactly, and you do not have to share your writing - you can choose to post whatever you write up on this thread, pm it to me, or keep it to yourself. It's your writing, and it's up to you!
That being said, feel free to post whatever is inspired in you on this thread - this is a place for sharing your own work, commenting on other's work, interacting with eachother's writing, and all-around fun!
people on the pinglist will be pinged for each new prompt! (assume i add/remove automatically, if your name is still not on there after 24 hours feel free to ping/pm me again)
have fun writing! :D
- Triweekly Writing Prompts! -
prompt wrote:
They were always wrong. But finally, they understood why.
This thread is no longer running. Thank you to everyone who ever gave a prompt a try or shared their writing, whether privately or publicly. You all are what kept this thread going for so long <3
3 prompts a week! feel free to use these for dragon lore, original writing, fanfiction, comics/art, poetry, whatever! i love seeing people's creative products.
want to stretch your writing skills? ever had too many ideas, and been unable to write any of them down? ever had no ideas at all? fear not, friends, for this is the place to find them!
fairly straightforward thread - every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday (that I remember to oops) I'll update the prompt with something new and interesting, and you can write whatever it inspires! prompts can be anything ranging from humor, to angst, to happiness, to motivational little things, etc. You do not have to follow the prompt exactly, and you do not have to share your writing - you can choose to post whatever you write up on this thread, pm it to me, or keep it to yourself. It's your writing, and it's up to you!
That being said, feel free to post whatever is inspired in you on this thread - this is a place for sharing your own work, commenting on other's work, interacting with eachother's writing, and all-around fun!
- Prompts are posted every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday.
- Previous day's prompts are here. (I will update this... eventually...)
- I highly encourage you to read and comment/constructively criticize others' works, as long as they haven't stated they're averse to it! Interaction over one's writing is always fun.
- If you DON'T want any comments/constructive criticism on a specific piece of yours, please state so clearly at the beginning of that work!
- If you post your own writing, it would be nice if you could include the prompt so that in the future people can see which prompt it was inspired by!
- Even if you miss a day/prompt, always feel free to write for it.
- To be put on the pinglist for daily prompts, just post saying so! I'd prefer if you didn't ping me, but I won't be upset about it if you do.
- If your writing contains upsetting themes such as death, blood/violence, gore, etc. please include trigger warnings before it in a visible place. Keep in mind that this is Flight Rising, and all gore should be kept in line with existing lore.
- If you want to submit a prompt, you can pm me! Keep in mind that I may not use it, but I will appreciate it regardless. Please do not submit more than one prompt at a time, so as to not overwhelm—thank you!
- Please do not ping me if you want me to see your writing—I am subbed to this thread! You can always pm me if you want to discuss lore :D
people on the pinglist will be pinged for each new prompt! (assume i add/remove automatically, if your name is still not on there after 24 hours feel free to ping/pm me again)
pinglist wrote:
@/Nightlilac @/goldrush @/naranciag @/sunwolf @/sanzang @/Hemmalaya @/stolen @/Quarth @/WanderingPaws @/kimnoodles @/finnamony @/kawiikatz @/Peachycupcake525 @/xSTORMDRAGONx @/TheGrayGhost @/moonstrucksmorns @/CatInDisguise @/DriftingDreams @/Xuelian @/Mercurythewolf @/Pinkish13 @/SkySerenade @/pandakitty1 @/PuppyLuvr06 @/shr00mlightz @/AllHailWebby @/Hyzenthlaay @/Illusia @/AwkwardTrash @/LavenderSelkie @/wolfdragon3036 @/StarryLune @/ulvesang @/styygian @/Orodruin @/Crizona @/Lavend3rDragon @/PeacefulPyro @/ThatOneRose @/SocklessWonder @/Wyrmlight @/fuzzysherbet @/Quilava2010 @/AlterZero @/DewFeather @/LapisWings @/SouthernHawker @/Await @/darcyrambles @/supersticky @/Vershton @/Starbunnies @/Silvfyre @/PurpleSun @/Sterlingstars @/Glimmers @/FallingUpstairs @/Cinmoren @/Cotinga @/ufology @/TashaTheGraceful @/W1F1N1GHTM4R3 @/wahooley @/BlurryReflection @/Feathershine22 @/Kattata @/counterklock @/brambee @/Severynn @/Celestiyl @/Sunsire @/Juxtapose @/EagerNicol @/ButterBees @/Accismus @/Lightsun68 @/Matlock26th @/flotsamjetsam @/Juditheee @/Pocketdog @/Born2bwild @/zekrommoo7 @/itsobnoxiouslove @/DragonsofPyrrhia @/Domination @/ViolentViolet77 @/Stellunas @/winterninja @/Ainsley @/RottingFlesh @/Lestyn @/Jekra @/Palimpsest11011 @/ceruleansky @/404ANACONDA @/Ackie @/Sasha @/CiderDragonfly @/mercymii @/Zikitty @/BalticDeerOwl @/Dreamsuns @/SpectralRose @/DragonQueenHi @/Calloumi @/ponds @/VioletKatGrove @/Gadriel @/TalonsCreations @/UFO @/Hamuu @/DarkElite020 @/Potatoad @/GreenMoon @/ErthisiaKay
have fun writing! :D
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