
Creative Corner

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TOPIC | Sornieth Zodiac Event Final Rounds!
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I hate to be a bother... I just noticed (since I follow the thread too)... but am I not actually on the pinglist for participating anymore? Could I be added back, if so? (I think a couple other people around me fell off the pinglist too. @/Riff @/AlchemyFox @/Wintersphoenix)
I hate to be a bother... I just noticed (since I follow the thread too)... but am I not actually on the pinglist for participating anymore? Could I be added back, if so? (I think a couple other people around me fell off the pinglist too. @/Riff @/AlchemyFox @/Wintersphoenix)
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Those are some delightfully frosty astrals. I don't know about any of the others but I'm loving the descriptions that each individual astral is getting.
Those are some delightfully frosty astrals. I don't know about any of the others but I'm loving the descriptions that each individual astral is getting.
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@AlchemyFox Not sure how that happened, I'll make sure you guys get added back. I do keep the list I use for the rng separate in an excel file though, and you're all there, so you haven't missed your chance in any of the drawings!
@AlchemyFox Not sure how that happened, I'll make sure you guys get added back. I do keep the list I use for the rng separate in an excel file though, and you're all there, so you haven't missed your chance in any of the drawings!
Gen1 Quest:
Midnight/Midnight/Seafoam Male
Wine/Wine/light green range
[color=teal][b]Something is Wrong[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [color=teal] Oolong was the first to notice that something was off. Her creatures in the bestiary had grown restless. She was often with the unclaimed ones, taking care of and loving them, until they could find a dragon of their own. She grew worried, they were shivering, some hiding, and one that had long ago past the aggressive stage, growled from a corner. But not at her. All their eyes were focused on the entrance. She blinked and went to find her mate, Alluvium. [url=][img][/img][/url] [color=teal] One of the ancients of their clan he was the self-appointed historian and librarian, she hoped he might know what to do. She found him in deep discussion with Kyros, her best friend Alora’s mate. Searching she spotted Alora sleeping peacefully between Kyros wings, her little head at the base of his neck. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [color=teal] Alluvium smiled when he spotted her. But it quickly faded as he made his way to her. “Love? What’s wrong?” He asked gently, placing a wing around her. “I don’t know. But something is. Come…” before she could finish, the magical black cat that considered the whole clan hers, and changing sizes went from dragon to dragon, tore into the room and jumped onto Oolong. Shaking she clambered up to her preferred spot. Erasinus and Tabeitha followed looking worried. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [color=teal] “She was playing with the hatchlings then all of a sudden she freaked out.” Tabitha informed them. Erasinus nodded. “We thought it best to follow her.” His deep voice soothing. Tabitha draped herself around his horns. Oolong frown. “All my creatures are acting like this. Scared.” Alora fluttered over to her, ignoring Kyros annoyed growl. “We need to tell Torquil.” [url=][img][/img][/url] Oolong nodded with the rest. Torquil, their laidback leader. When she had first met him, she hadn’t understood why Alora would join his tiny clan or taken him as her first mate. But she had quickly seen her error. Strength didn’t have to be loud and showy. Leadership didn’t have to be stern. He didn’t demand respect, he earned it. As a rather large group they went in search of him. They found him on a hill, in the wind, his newest love, gardening beside him. Her primal eyes full of flowers. [url=][img][/img][/url] He watched them coming with his signature calm. His large eyes missing nothing. “What’s wrong?” They explained as best they could. He nodded. “Kore, please stay here, We’ll be sending the hatchling and others to you.” She blinked causing her flowers to flutter. She had never spoken a word, no one was sure if it was because she couldn’t or wouldn’t. But the clan followed Torquil’s example and accepted her as she was. Turning form her he turned to the group. “Come, we have a mystery to solve.” [size=1]@gn0me
Something is Wrong
Oolong was the first to notice that something was off. Her creatures in the bestiary had grown restless. She was often with the unclaimed ones, taking care of and loving them, until they could find a dragon of their own. She grew worried, they were shivering, some hiding, and one that had long ago past the aggressive stage, growled from a corner. But not at her. All their eyes were focused on the entrance. She blinked and went to find her mate, Alluvium.
One of the ancients of their clan he was the self-appointed historian and librarian, she hoped he might know what to do. She found him in deep discussion with Kyros, her best friend Alora’s mate. Searching she spotted Alora sleeping peacefully between Kyros wings, her little head at the base of his neck.
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Alluvium smiled when he spotted her. But it quickly faded as he made his way to her.
“Love? What’s wrong?” He asked gently, placing a wing around her.
“I don’t know. But something is. Come…” before she could finish, the magical black cat that considered the whole clan hers, and changing sizes went from dragon to dragon, tore into the room and jumped onto Oolong. Shaking she clambered up to her preferred spot. Erasinus and Tabeitha followed looking worried.
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“She was playing with the hatchlings then all of a sudden she freaked out.” Tabitha informed them.
Erasinus nodded. “We thought it best to follow her.” His deep voice soothing. Tabitha draped herself around his horns.
Oolong frown. “All my creatures are acting like this. Scared.”
Alora fluttered over to her, ignoring Kyros annoyed growl. “We need to tell Torquil.”
Oolong nodded with the rest. Torquil, their laidback leader. When she had first met him, she hadn’t understood why Alora would join his tiny clan or taken him as her first mate. But she had quickly seen her error. Strength didn’t have to be loud and showy. Leadership didn’t have to be stern. He didn’t demand respect, he earned it.
As a rather large group they went in search of him. They found him on a hill, in the wind, his newest love, gardening beside him. Her primal eyes full of flowers.
He watched them coming with his signature calm. His large eyes missing nothing.
“What’s wrong?”
They explained as best they could. He nodded.
“Kore, please stay here, We’ll be sending the hatchling and others to you.” She blinked causing her flowers to flutter. She had never spoken a word, no one was sure if it was because she couldn’t or wouldn’t. But the clan followed Torquil’s example and accepted her as she was.
Turning form her he turned to the group. “Come, we have a mystery to solve.”

8oOETBT.png Z85Oomo.png Game!
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[color=teal][b]Found[/b] Torquil first act was to send the hatchlings and weaker dragons to Kore. Next, he visited the bestiary. After watching the critters he sighed. Back in the main cavern he flew around the room deep in contemplation. Suddenly a guest of cold air moved through the cavern. Shivering he dropped to his perch. “Isn’t it summer?” He asked confused. The dragon who had stayed, all smiled, knowing he truly didn’t know for sure. “Summer indeed.” Lytra replied gravely, while his comrade and fellow warrior Riverate laughed loudly. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] Deadly warriors, both. They were in charge of taking care of the clan. They had chosen to join this clan and train the dragon in it, over fighting for their deity. Neither regretted their decision. And they stood at high alert, even with their teasing and laughter, eyes scanning for possible threats. Torquil smiled lazily at them. “Then Why am I Cold?” The dragons all grew still, realizing that they had been slowing raising their internal heat, to keep out the chill. All eyes went to Trepidare. [url=][img][/img][/url] He slowly shook his head. “It’s not me. I can see that the temperature is dropping. But I’m not doing it. My love,” his icy eyes went to Syvyys who stood with snow flakes swirling around her, “is the only one I send snow.” [url=][img][/img][/url] She rolled her eyes at him, a slight smile on her face. Torquil shivered again. His breath making a cloud in front of his face. “I believe you. But what is causing it?” Just then Scintillare fluttered in. [url=][img][/img][/url] Lighting shooting from her eyes. She smiled around her, but stopped. Blinking rapidly which caused sparks to shock some of those closest to her, she focused on one of the new comers to the clan. Suddenly she shook her head and turning to Torquil burst into rapid speech. *“Mio nonno! Lui non è un drago. Non so cosa sia! L'energia che ha. È diverso da qualsiasi cosa io abbia mai incontrato. Chi è lui? Cosa ci fa lui qui?” Torquil and Trepidare turned to look at the dragon she mentioned. Trepidare icy eyes widened, **“Lei ha ragione. C'è solo freddo che viene da lui. Nessun calore. È più freddo di un iceberg. Come può essere?” Torquil left his perch and fluttered down to meet the dragons eyes. [url=][img][/img][/url] “Who, or rather, What are you?” His voice had grown cold as the air around them. “You’ve met me. Yeineat. Remember? You let me join your clan?” He replied in a very soft voice. “Ah, but you see, I trust my Primals. They don’t see like us. They see in their element. And your energy is not a dragon's and you have no warmth at all. You might as well be ice. So I’ll ask again, what are you?” Yeineat nodded. “I knew this clan was worth preserving!” he whispered. A blizzard starting at the area where his heart should be began to swirl outwards. With it all noise fell away. Even those shouting couldn’t hear themselves. [size=1]*“Grandfather! He is not a dragon. I don't know what he is! The energy he has. It is unlike anything I've ever come across. Who is he? What is he doing here?” **“She right. There is only cold coming from him. No warmth at all. He is colder than an iceberg. How can that be?”
Torquil first act was to send the hatchlings and weaker dragons to Kore. Next, he visited the bestiary. After watching the critters he sighed. Back in the main cavern he flew around the room deep in contemplation. Suddenly a guest of cold air moved through the cavern. Shivering he dropped to his perch.

“Isn’t it summer?” He asked confused. The dragon who had stayed, all smiled, knowing he truly didn’t know for sure.

“Summer indeed.” Lytra replied gravely, while his comrade and fellow warrior Riverate laughed loudly.
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Deadly warriors, both. They were in charge of taking care of the clan. They had chosen to join this clan and train the dragon in it, over fighting for their deity. Neither regretted their decision. And they stood at high alert, even with their teasing and laughter, eyes scanning for possible threats.

Torquil smiled lazily at them. “Then Why am I Cold?”

The dragons all grew still, realizing that they had been slowing raising their internal heat, to keep out the chill. All eyes went to Trepidare.
He slowly shook his head. “It’s not me. I can see that the temperature is dropping. But I’m not doing it. My love,” his icy eyes went to Syvyys who stood with snow flakes swirling around her, “is the only one I send snow.”
She rolled her eyes at him, a slight smile on her face.

Torquil shivered again. His breath making a cloud in front of his face. “I believe you. But what is causing it?”

Just then Scintillare fluttered in.
Lighting shooting from her eyes. She smiled around her, but stopped. Blinking rapidly which caused sparks to shock some of those closest to her, she focused on one of the new comers to the clan.

Suddenly she shook her head and turning to Torquil burst into rapid speech. *“Mio nonno! Lui non è un drago. Non so cosa sia! L'energia che ha. È diverso da qualsiasi cosa io abbia mai incontrato. Chi è lui? Cosa ci fa lui qui?”

Torquil and Trepidare turned to look at the dragon she mentioned.

Trepidare icy eyes widened, **“Lei ha ragione. C'è solo freddo che viene da lui. Nessun calore. È più freddo di un iceberg. Come può essere?”

Torquil left his perch and fluttered down to meet the dragons eyes.
“Who, or rather, What are you?” His voice had grown cold as the air around them.

“You’ve met me. Yeineat. Remember? You let me join your clan?” He replied in a very soft voice.

“Ah, but you see, I trust my Primals. They don’t see like us. They see in their element. And your energy is not a dragon's and you have no warmth at all. You might as well be ice. So I’ll ask again, what are you?”

Yeineat nodded. “I knew this clan was worth preserving!” he whispered.

A blizzard starting at the area where his heart should be began to swirl outwards. With it all noise fell away. Even those shouting couldn’t hear themselves.

*“Grandfather! He is not a dragon. I don't know what he is! The energy he has. It is unlike anything I've ever come across. Who is he? What is he doing here?”

**“She right. There is only cold coming from him. No warmth at all. He is colder than an iceberg. How can that be?”
8oOETBT.png Z85Oomo.png Game!
bN7rFE2.png 50307145.png Star a
[color=teal]Losing the sound didn’t cause Lytra and Riverat more than a millisecond of pause. They had worked together for too long let this tiny hitch stop them. Lytra met Ulatl, his mate's eyes. [url=][img][/img][/url] She nodded and used her own ice powers, limited as they were, to still the blizzard around them, slightly. Giving them breathing room and allowing some sound to come back. Riverat used that to rally the dragons around him. Their training kicking in as they began using their power. The wind dragon pushing against the blizzard blast. The ice dragons pushing his powers back. Zylendaan The Fire Primal rising the temperature as high as she could get it. [url=][img][/img][/url] Scintillare and the other lighting dragons began shooting lighting at the entity. Alluvium and the other arcane dragons protected the dragons fighting. Kyros and the other earth dragons moved the earth around and under him. While Torquil healed the dragons left and right. Riverat and Lytra circled Yeineat. Riverat got to him first. And used eliminate on him. Yeineat crumpled to the ground. “You’ve killed him.” Sicily, their newest student, gasped. [url=][img][/img][/url] Torquil shook his head. “No, they just knocked him out. I’m not sure any of us have the power to kill him. Alluvium can you figure out a way to hold him until we figure out how to handle this?” “We know how.” Core announced walking into the lair from one of his many trips, his mate a few steps behind him. The oldest dragons of their clan, they looked around the lair, turned battle field, with a mixture of sorrow and shame. [url=][img][/img][/url] “Yes.” Ella agreed. “I never believed they were still at large. Or that it would happen to this clan. It happened so long ago. Alluvium you just missed it by a few months, I believe.” [url=][img][/img][/url] “Yes.” Core smiled. “He…” he nodded to the crumpled spiral, “is an Astrals. Alluvium, Ella will show you how to make an arcane ward. Well she’ll show you a book that will show you how to make an arcane ward capable of holding him.” Alluvium pale with exhaustion nodded and followed Ella out. Core looked with apology at Torquil. “I’m sorry, if only we have been here.” Torquil cocked his head. “What would that have changed?” Core shook his head. “You’re right. It was handled. And everyone is still alive.” He paused as Alluvium can back in and started doing a complicated spell, the book held for him by Oolong. “We need to send a letter to the Analemma Domains. Tell them that one has surfaced. What name does he go by?” “Yeineat.” Ella began to turn a page quickly. Stopping she began to read. “oh.” “I’ll take it, there.” Descendant volunteered. “I’ve always wanted to see those domains.” [url=][img][/img][/url] “Scintillare, care to go?” He asked with a smile. [size=2]*[/size]“Certo amore mio.” Yawning she cuddle close. The Lightning from her eyes running over his copper filigree and never touching him. “Good.” There was a bright pink flash and everyone turned in time to watch Oolong and Ella catch Alluvium and lower him to the floor. What looked like a giant pink half bubble on a hard surface behind them. The spiral still out in its center. Torquil sighed, tired to his bones. “What should the letter say? Core please explain all you know.” Torquil’s wings drooped and a fine trimmer ran through him. “Tor, you’re exhausted. Every dragon that fought, is barely standing. Ella and I can watch over the Astral, while you all get some healing rest. And Kore and the dragons you sent away can start the clean-up and watch the hatchlings. Go to sleep.” Torquil slowly nodded. And the day ended in sleep. [size=1]* “Of course, my love.”
Losing the sound didn’t cause Lytra and Riverat more than a millisecond of pause. They had worked together for too long let this tiny hitch stop them. Lytra met Ulatl, his mate's eyes.

She nodded and used her own ice powers, limited as they were, to still the blizzard around them, slightly. Giving them breathing room and allowing some sound to come back. Riverat used that to rally the dragons around him. Their training kicking in as they began using their power. The wind dragon pushing against the blizzard blast. The ice dragons pushing his powers back.

Zylendaan The Fire Primal rising the temperature as high as she could get it.

Scintillare and the other lighting dragons began shooting lighting at the entity.

Alluvium and the other arcane dragons protected the dragons fighting.

Kyros and the other earth dragons moved the earth around and under him.

While Torquil healed the dragons left and right.

Riverat and Lytra circled Yeineat. Riverat got to him first. And used eliminate on him. Yeineat crumpled to the ground.

“You’ve killed him.” Sicily, their newest student, gasped.

Torquil shook his head. “No, they just knocked him out. I’m not sure any of us have the power to kill him. Alluvium can you figure out a way to hold him until we figure out how to handle this?”

“We know how.” Core announced walking into the lair from one of his many trips, his mate a few steps behind him. The oldest dragons of their clan, they looked around the lair, turned battle field, with a mixture of sorrow and shame.

“Yes.” Ella agreed. “I never believed they were still at large. Or that it would happen to this clan. It happened so long ago. Alluvium you just missed it by a few months, I believe.”

“Yes.” Core smiled. “He…” he nodded to the crumpled spiral, “is an Astrals. Alluvium, Ella will show you how to make an arcane ward. Well she’ll show you a book that will show you how to make an arcane ward capable of holding him.”

Alluvium pale with exhaustion nodded and followed Ella out.

Core looked with apology at Torquil. “I’m sorry, if only we have been here.”

Torquil cocked his head. “What would that have changed?”

Core shook his head. “You’re right. It was handled. And everyone is still alive.” He paused as Alluvium can back in and started doing a complicated spell, the book held for him by Oolong.

“We need to send a letter to the Analemma Domains. Tell them that one has surfaced. What name does he go by?”


Ella began to turn a page quickly. Stopping she began to read. “oh.”

“I’ll take it, there.” Descendant volunteered. “I’ve always wanted to see those domains.”
“Scintillare, care to go?” He asked with a smile.

*“Certo amore mio.” Yawning she cuddle close. The Lightning from her eyes running over his copper filigree and never touching him.


There was a bright pink flash and everyone turned in time to watch Oolong and Ella catch Alluvium and lower him to the floor. What looked like a giant pink half bubble on a hard surface behind them. The spiral still out in its center.

Torquil sighed, tired to his bones. “What should the letter say? Core please explain all you know.” Torquil’s wings drooped and a fine trimmer ran through him.

“Tor, you’re exhausted. Every dragon that fought, is barely standing. Ella and I can watch over the Astral, while you all get some healing rest. And Kore and the dragons you sent away can start the clean-up and watch the hatchlings. Go to sleep.”

Torquil slowly nodded. And the day ended in sleep.

* “Of course, my love.”
8oOETBT.png Z85Oomo.png Game!
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Hey it turns out I'm not dead and I've finally finished the next chapter!!

only took me several months cuz writing is hard and life is stress
Hey it turns out I'm not dead and I've finally finished the next chapter!!

only took me several months cuz writing is hard and life is stress
[color=teal]In the morning Torquil woke to Sprite’s worried face. [url=][img][/img][/url] He sat up “What’s happened?” “He won’t eat. He just sits rocking with his claws over his ears. He flinches anytime someone makes any noise.” Sprite sighs. “I know what he tried to do. But he looks like he’s being tortured.” Torquil quickly followed Sprite to the pink bubble prison. Yeineat was exactly as described. “What’s wrong Yeineat?” Yeineat looked up with his colorless eyes. “The bubble takes my power I can’t stop the noise.” “What noise?” He just shook his head and went back to rocking. Kore stood listening to them. Shaking her head she rushed from the room. Coming back she laid a thin line of dirt around the bubble. Adding seeds to it, she closed her eyes. The seeds began to grow twinging around themselves to cover the bubble. Leaving only a tiny space for them to see him and pass him food. She then rushed away and came back with Trepidare. She pointed at his eyes, at the bubble, and then made a half circle with her hands. He nodded and the ice grew and coated the plants. Leaving just the hole visible. Kore looked through the hole and pointing at her ears, gave a question with her hands. He stared at her with his jaw hanging lose. She made a question again. Slowly he nodded. She smiled. She offered him food. He took it. She smiled and producing a flower. Handing it to Trepidare she again pointed to his eyes. The flower froze. She held it out. Yeineat nodded with approval. She shook her head and the ice began to melt, leaving the flower wilted. His eyes widened. She shrugged. He looked away. Torquil smile with pride. “Thank you Kore.” She nodded. She looked to Yeineat then widened her eyes at Torquil. “Come.” He said quietly, louder he shouted. “everyone leave the area, he needs silence to be comfortable.” The other dragons nodded and headed out in groups. “Sprite, Please Ask everyone to gather, I need Core to explain everything now.”
In the morning Torquil woke to Sprite’s worried face.
He sat up “What’s happened?”

“He won’t eat. He just sits rocking with his claws over his ears. He flinches anytime someone makes any noise.” Sprite sighs. “I know what he tried to do. But he looks like he’s being tortured.”

Torquil quickly followed Sprite to the pink bubble prison. Yeineat was exactly as described.
“What’s wrong Yeineat?”

Yeineat looked up with his colorless eyes. “The bubble takes my power I can’t stop the noise.”

“What noise?”

He just shook his head and went back to rocking.

Kore stood listening to them. Shaking her head she rushed from the room. Coming back she laid a thin line of dirt around the bubble. Adding seeds to it, she closed her eyes. The seeds began to grow twinging around themselves to cover the bubble. Leaving only a tiny space for them to see him and pass him food. She then rushed away and came back with Trepidare. She pointed at his eyes, at the bubble, and then made a half circle with her hands. He nodded and the ice grew and coated the plants. Leaving just the hole visible. Kore looked through the hole and pointing at her ears, gave a question with her hands. He stared at her with his jaw hanging lose. She made a question again. Slowly he nodded. She smiled. She offered him food. He took it.

She smiled and producing a flower. Handing it to Trepidare she again pointed to his eyes. The flower froze. She held it out. Yeineat nodded with approval. She shook her head and the ice began to melt, leaving the flower wilted. His eyes widened. She shrugged. He looked away.

Torquil smile with pride. “Thank you Kore.”
She nodded. She looked to Yeineat then widened her eyes at Torquil.
“Come.” He said quietly, louder he shouted. “everyone leave the area, he needs silence to be comfortable.” The other dragons nodded and headed out in groups. “Sprite, Please Ask everyone to gather, I need Core to explain everything now.”
8oOETBT.png Z85Oomo.png Game!
bN7rFE2.png 50307145.png Star a

Just to let you know I'm still participating! Things have been pretty hectic, but I'm getting somewhere finally vis a vis writing my entry.

Just to let you know I'm still participating! Things have been pretty hectic, but I'm getting somewhere finally vis a vis writing my entry.
I have so much reading to do! owo
I have so much reading to do! owo
Gen1 Quest:
Midnight/Midnight/Seafoam Male
Wine/Wine/light green range
1 2 ... 20 21 22 23 24 ... 26 27