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TOPIC | [Lore] The Nomads
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[center][font=candara][size=5][b]Weary Travellers[/b][/size] [i]7 January 2019[/i][/center] [font=candara]Nako’s feet hurt, and he hadn’t even been using them that much, draped as he was in his usual spot on Luna’s back. She had grown so much over the weeks that they had travelled together and she now boasted the size of a full-grown guardian. Night of the Nocturne had been an interesting experience for them, to say the least. Between the two of them, they had found and rescued no less than 26 discarded nocturne eggs, as well as 3 eggs of other elements! He had gently added all of them to the nest of twigs and feathers that he had built at the base of Luna’s neck, wedged between her spines, and now watched over them carefully as they travelled. [columns][item=secondary gene: morph] [nextcol][font=Candara][size=4][color=black]Eggs hadn’t been the only thing they had found, either. Luna had been able to paint her wings with a ghostly pattern, and the sticky smirch had latched to her at some point during the long night that stretched for two weeks, so that when the sun shone once more, it had seeped into her scales and leathery skins, changing her in a permanent way.[nextcol][item=tertiary gene: smirch][/columns] [font=candara]And then there were the Ice Twins, Jokul and Xeadas. He and Luna had stumbled onto the vicious hatchlings on the very first evening of the Night of the Nocturne, as the moon rose high in the sky. For some unknown reason Nako had been unable to turn them away despite their obvious hostility towards him and Luna, and he had helped them survive through the endless night, their steps turning the earth to ice around them, no warmer than their personalities. But even as they grew and changed throughout the two weeks, they showed no inclination to stray far from his side, and so an uneasy tolerance built between them all. [columns][item=eliminate][nextcol][font=Candara][size=4][color=black]In those two weeks Luna mastered the elimination technique and became a powerful warrior. In turn she began to train the Ice twins so that they could know how to defend themselves form any danger. They were slower to learn than she had been, their reluctance in accepting help obvious in every stiff movement and half-cocked head. Despite the twin’s disregard for Nako and Luna, the little fae found he did not regret his decision to care for them. Their extra strength and added eyes – many, in Xeadas’ case – meant that the hoard of eggs they had rescued would remain protected. At least that was one thing that all four of them agreed on. The eggs would come to no harm.[/columns] --- [font=candara]Through the endless night they had continued their journey north-east until they found themselves in an area of small mountains with greenery beginning to make its presence known amongst the earth. It had been a very long time since Nako had seen any plant looking so lush and alive – not since he had lived in a region outside of Dragonhome. He felt a pang in his stomach as his thoughts went once more to his clan mates, and he wondered if things would have been different if they had never come to this barren wasteland. As Nako looked around he found a sense of familiarity washing over him, though he was sure he had never been here before. Slowly he crawled his way up Luna’s neck – mindful of the nest – and perched on her head, stretching his neck out so that he could sniff at the air. No, he didn’t recognise the smells here at all, but that nagging sensation wouldn’t go away. There was something about this area, something that he had known or learnt about at his time at the tavern… If only he could remember. “There are unfamiliar dragons nearby.” Xeadas said, coming up beside him. It was the first she had spoken to him in days and her voice was no warmer than any other time she had chosen to converse with him. “Are they friendly?” He asked her cautiously. “How should I know?” She snapped. Nako frowned at her as she stalked away again, her tail curled around her pearl and her twin a silent presence at her back. Watching her, Nako began to remember, just a whisper of a rumour… a rumour of a clan of dragons that lived near here, who traded and stored treasures of other clans, who might be kind enough to help them and offer shelter, at least for a while. Stretching his wings and flapping a couple of times experimentally, Nako threw himself into the air, calling back to Luna to care for the eggs as he rose higher. He began to look for the dragons that Xeadas had sensed nearby… [right][font=candara][size=2][url=]back to top ^[/url]
Weary Travellers
7 January 2019

Nako’s feet hurt, and he hadn’t even been using them that much, draped as he was in his usual spot on Luna’s back. She had grown so much over the weeks that they had travelled together and she now boasted the size of a full-grown guardian.

Night of the Nocturne had been an interesting experience for them, to say the least. Between the two of them, they had found and rescued no less than 26 discarded nocturne eggs, as well as 3 eggs of other elements! He had gently added all of them to the nest of twigs and feathers that he had built at the base of Luna’s neck, wedged between her spines, and now watched over them carefully as they travelled.

Secondary Gene: Morph Eggs hadn’t been the only thing they had found, either. Luna had been able to paint her wings with a ghostly pattern, and the sticky smirch had latched to her at some point during the long night that stretched for two weeks, so that when the sun shone once more, it had seeped into her scales and leathery skins, changing her in a permanent way. Tertiary Gene: Smirch

And then there were the Ice Twins, Jokul and Xeadas. He and Luna had stumbled onto the vicious hatchlings on the very first evening of the Night of the Nocturne, as the moon rose high in the sky. For some unknown reason Nako had been unable to turn them away despite their obvious hostility towards him and Luna, and he had helped them survive through the endless night, their steps turning the earth to ice around them, no warmer than their personalities. But even as they grew and changed throughout the two weeks, they showed no inclination to stray far from his side, and so an uneasy tolerance built between them all.

Eliminate In those two weeks Luna mastered the elimination technique and became a powerful warrior. In turn she began to train the Ice twins so that they could know how to defend themselves form any danger. They were slower to learn than she had been, their reluctance in accepting help obvious in every stiff movement and half-cocked head. Despite the twin’s disregard for Nako and Luna, the little fae found he did not regret his decision to care for them. Their extra strength and added eyes – many, in Xeadas’ case – meant that the hoard of eggs they had rescued would remain protected. At least that was one thing that all four of them agreed on. The eggs would come to no harm.


Through the endless night they had continued their journey north-east until they found themselves in an area of small mountains with greenery beginning to make its presence known amongst the earth. It had been a very long time since Nako had seen any plant looking so lush and alive – not since he had lived in a region outside of Dragonhome. He felt a pang in his stomach as his thoughts went once more to his clan mates, and he wondered if things would have been different if they had never come to this barren wasteland.

As Nako looked around he found a sense of familiarity washing over him, though he was sure he had never been here before. Slowly he crawled his way up Luna’s neck – mindful of the nest – and perched on her head, stretching his neck out so that he could sniff at the air. No, he didn’t recognise the smells here at all, but that nagging sensation wouldn’t go away. There was something about this area, something that he had known or learnt about at his time at the tavern… If only he could remember.

“There are unfamiliar dragons nearby.” Xeadas said, coming up beside him. It was the first she had spoken to him in days and her voice was no warmer than any other time she had chosen to converse with him.
“Are they friendly?” He asked her cautiously.
“How should I know?” She snapped. Nako frowned at her as she stalked away again, her tail curled around her pearl and her twin a silent presence at her back.

Watching her, Nako began to remember, just a whisper of a rumour… a rumour of a clan of dragons that lived near here, who traded and stored treasures of other clans, who might be kind enough to help them and offer shelter, at least for a while.

Stretching his wings and flapping a couple of times experimentally, Nako threw himself into the air, calling back to Luna to care for the eggs as he rose higher. He began to look for the dragons that Xeadas had sensed nearby…

[center][font=candara][size=5][b]Weary Travellers[/b][/size] [i]8 January 2019[/i] ----- [font=candara][size=4][url=]-+- The Crumbling Keep POV -+-[/url][/size][/center] ----- [font=candara]Nako had spotted something from the air as he flew over the terrain, a shadow that looked as if it could be the entrance of a lair. Seeing two shapes standing guard he spread his wings wide and allowed the currents of air to tilt him, circling back in a silent glide as he returned to his companions. It would be far safer for the four of them to approach along the ground, and he knew they would appear less threatening if they did so. He landed lightly upon Luna’s snout and murmured to her what he had found. Luna’s eyes glowed bright with excitement and Nako was forced to dig his claws into her scales so that he was not dislodged as she snorted happily at the thought of making new friends. He glanced to where the twins stood nearby, wondering if he should tell them his plan, but then Xeadas, feeling him watching her, met his gaze briefly and then deliberately turned her back on him and began whispering to Jokul. Nako sighed and then crawled his way up and over Luna’s head and down onto her back, checking that the eggs were still safe. He was so tired. Even that short flight had taken a lot of his energy. “Let’s go and say hello.” he said to Luna. “I really hope they’re nice!” she replied, and he found himself smiling at her enthusiasm. The young guardian began to move forward again, and Nako found himself drifting to sleep, lulled by the gentle rocking of the guardian’s steps. [img][/img] Xeadas glared at the sleeping form of their so-called leader. He may have been older than her but it seemed as if all he did was sleep and mourn his lost clan mates. It irritated her. Only Luna’s warm presence and outspoken strength kept her and Jokul by their side. Xeadas knew that nothing would get through the guardian, and until she had grown enough to understand the world and had learned to defend herself, she had to admit that they needed to stick with someone strong, no matter how much it made her mane bristle to travel with such a lazy little fae. As the earth beneath them changed to a sandy path set between sheer mountain walls, Xeadas began to see the signs of dragon life that she had scented earlier. The sun was setting, reducing the glare on her many eyes and as the darkness of night claimed the land around them, she could see lanterns lining the path, their soft light guiding the way to the tunnel ahead, and the two dragons that guarded its entrance. Silently, Jokul released an icy breath of air and Xeadas sent it to wash over Nako, waking the fae from his slumber. “We’re here.” she hissed at him, resisting the urge to nip at his tail in her annoyance. “Huh? Where? oh.” Nako shook himself into alertness and stretched his forelegs up Luna’s neck so he could peer around her bulk and see for himself what they approached. Squinting through the gloom he could make out what appeared to be a Wildclaw and a Skydancer waiting at the tunnel entrance and watching every step his party made. “Easy now Luna,” he said. “Don’t spook them. We don’t want them to think we’re a danger to them.” Xeadas scoffed, but did so quietly. The two dragons didn’t look so tough to her, and even without training she was sure she could take them. But she also knew that there might be more dragons waiting where she could not see - just because she couldn’t scent any didn’t mean they weren’t there. Jokul pressed his flank against hers comfortingly, and she found she was grateful for his silent support. If these dragons offered them violence, they would soon learn just what the Ice twins were capable of. [right][font=candara][size=2][url=]back to top ^[/url]
Weary Travellers
8 January 2019

-+- The Crumbling Keep POV -+-

Nako had spotted something from the air as he flew over the terrain, a shadow that looked as if it could be the entrance of a lair. Seeing two shapes standing guard he spread his wings wide and allowed the currents of air to tilt him, circling back in a silent glide as he returned to his companions. It would be far safer for the four of them to approach along the ground, and he knew they would appear less threatening if they did so.

He landed lightly upon Luna’s snout and murmured to her what he had found. Luna’s eyes glowed bright with excitement and Nako was forced to dig his claws into her scales so that he was not dislodged as she snorted happily at the thought of making new friends. He glanced to where the twins stood nearby, wondering if he should tell them his plan, but then Xeadas, feeling him watching her, met his gaze briefly and then deliberately turned her back on him and began whispering to Jokul.

Nako sighed and then crawled his way up and over Luna’s head and down onto her back, checking that the eggs were still safe. He was so tired. Even that short flight had taken a lot of his energy.
“Let’s go and say hello.” he said to Luna.
“I really hope they’re nice!” she replied, and he found himself smiling at her enthusiasm.
The young guardian began to move forward again, and Nako found himself drifting to sleep, lulled by the gentle rocking of the guardian’s steps.


Xeadas glared at the sleeping form of their so-called leader. He may have been older than her but it seemed as if all he did was sleep and mourn his lost clan mates. It irritated her. Only Luna’s warm presence and outspoken strength kept her and Jokul by their side. Xeadas knew that nothing would get through the guardian, and until she had grown enough to understand the world and had learned to defend herself, she had to admit that they needed to stick with someone strong, no matter how much it made her mane bristle to travel with such a lazy little fae.

As the earth beneath them changed to a sandy path set between sheer mountain walls, Xeadas began to see the signs of dragon life that she had scented earlier. The sun was setting, reducing the glare on her many eyes and as the darkness of night claimed the land around them, she could see lanterns lining the path, their soft light guiding the way to the tunnel ahead, and the two dragons that guarded its entrance.

Silently, Jokul released an icy breath of air and Xeadas sent it to wash over Nako, waking the fae from his slumber. “We’re here.” she hissed at him, resisting the urge to nip at his tail in her annoyance.
“Huh? Where? oh.” Nako shook himself into alertness and stretched his forelegs up Luna’s neck so he could peer around her bulk and see for himself what they approached. Squinting through the gloom he could make out what appeared to be a Wildclaw and a Skydancer waiting at the tunnel entrance and watching every step his party made. “Easy now Luna,” he said. “Don’t spook them. We don’t want them to think we’re a danger to them.”

Xeadas scoffed, but did so quietly. The two dragons didn’t look so tough to her, and even without training she was sure she could take them. But she also knew that there might be more dragons waiting where she could not see - just because she couldn’t scent any didn’t mean they weren’t there. Jokul pressed his flank against hers comfortingly, and she found she was grateful for his silent support. If these dragons offered them violence, they would soon learn just what the Ice twins were capable of.

[center][font=candara][size=5][b]Weary Travellers[/b][/size] [i]8 January 2019[/i] ----- [font=candara][size=4][url=]-+- The Crumbling Keep -+-[/url][/size][/center] ----- [url=]The story of the weary travellers continues...[/url] [Google Doc] [size=2][font=candara]*red text was extracted from the journals of the Crumbling Keep. it does not express the opinions or point of view of the Nomads.[/size] ----- [center][font=candara][size=5][b]The Letters[/b][/size][/center] [columns][user=mypilot][nextcol][color=transparent]...[/color][nextcol][font=candara][color=black][size=4]Dear whomever it may concern, I believe I have come under the possession of something of yours or, rather, someone. She’s an interesting thing, although it took a bit of conversation before she was wishing to tell us her story. [/columns][font=candara]She introduced herself to us as Oscar, and she doesn’t seem to want our company despite having been the one to wind up in our camp. At the very least, she does assert that she’s more than willing to “ally” with our clan, since she is within our borders. All the same, I’m not certain anyone in Clan Frozen-Sea quite knows how to handle Oscar’s…peculiar interests. You see, since she has shown up in our corner of the Icefields, all she has done is dig tunnels. It’s quite fitting since our clan lives in tunnels beneath the snow. However, while we’ve only dug what we need, Oscar digs deep into the earth and isn’t seen for some time after. While this doesn’t bother us—not strongly anyway—we wonder if perhaps her true home is elsewhere? We write to you in the hopes that Oscar hasn’t wandered off and is being missed by someone. If it is any consolation, she does seem content in our frigid lands and hasn’t seemed at a loss for something more. Still, when she told us of someone we could contact about her past, we leapt at the chance at finding some answers on this strange and mysterious dragon of yours. Sincerely, Chief Archmage and Runemaster Mira --- [columns][user=hume][nextcol][color=transparent]...[/color][nextcol][font=candara][color=black][size=4]Dear Nako and Co, I hope you are well and I wish you many prosperous years of your clan. I believe this will reach you when you're ready.[/columns] [font=candara]This is Erebos, the clan's current scribe, from the Scarred Wasteland. I read the stars, and I felt compelled to find out where you were and send this letter to let you know how your old clanmates have settled into our clan. First, Nyoka is nonstop honking, and it terrifies the young hatchlings and the drifters. And, it irritates the clan, myself included. When she's not honking, she's in the Coliseum. She complains often that this clan is "too casual about sending dragons to your patron deity." I cannot name the number of times she has approached dragons in the lair and asked them to fight her. She seems to be getting on well, other than those things! She eats a lot and on very, very rare occasions tells Jasmine that she's doing an okay job at training dragons. But we don't mind her! Nyoka's very good at what she does in the Mire and we appreciate her contribution to the clan. Next I'll talk about Vee. She has this mysterious air about her, and I haven't heard her speak many words to anyone. She spends time with the hatchlings when we have some. They're so intrigued by her many arms and the cats she has. Right now, her cats have disappeared! We don't know what happened, we were moving stuff around the hoard and the vault. Vee seems lonely and sad without them, a little withdrawn, even. I think having a piece of her old clan, Nyoka, around is the reason why Vee hasn't left us. We won't force Vee to talk or get involved, but when she's ready, we'll support her. Sincerely, Erebos --- [columns][user=chrisondra][nextcol][color=transparent]...[/color][nextcol][font=candara][color=black][size=4][url=]A letter from Mukhfi[/url][/columns] --- [color=transparent]shhh[/color] [columns][user=after][nextcol][color=transparent]...[/color][nextcol][font=candara][color=black][size=4][i]Nako - If this letter has reached you as intended, I hope that it can provide some comfort. I am not sure if you are aware of our situation, but if you are not: I (Iglaak) am currently watching over Espero, Kiburi, Kruha, Set, Hyde, and the young Pearlcatcher Qisa. We are unharmed, but as far as we know, we are all that remains of the Clan of Tears.[/columns] [font=candara][i]We awoke several days ago to find the tavern and half our number simply gone. We had only our familiars and apparel... and a lone, empty bottle - the only remnant of you and the others. None of us recognized the territory. There were no footprints or scents of any other beings, be they dragons or beasts. At that moment Kiburi was quite ready to leave the Earth territories entirely, but thankfully Hyde managed to convince him to accompany us back to the tavern. Hyde has been... a reassuring presence of late, a center of calm stability amid this turmoil. He keeps a spare bit of parchment with him now; I believe he has written down the names of our missing clanmates so he can keep them close in memory... but I digress. Finding our tavern should have been a simple enough feat, even despite our unknown location, but for several days we never seemed to progress. The landscape remained stagnant; there were no signs of familiar boundaries drifting into sight no matter how far we ran. A strange magic resonated in the air, some ill intent bent on keeping us lost, and we likely would have remained so were it not for the strange [url=]orange[/url] and [url=]blue[/url] wisps that appeared one night and guided us. Why, we do not know, but with their aid, we did manage to return home - though unfortunately it has suffered in our absence. Upon our arrival, we could easily see that anything of value had already been taken - including the eggs, which Espero continues to mourn, and your glass bottles - but we did catch a thief sniffing around; the [url=]very same one[/url] that had evaded us previously. From him, we learned of a strange city by the name of Byzmara. The word alone has a mysterious, ancient energy. I do not know if the others can sense it, but to me, its power is evident. The thief hinted that Byzmara is the source of many curious magics and unusual things. As we lack any other leads, perhaps by finding this city we can use its power to uncover the truth of our separation and cross paths once more. We send this message in the hope that such a day will not be far off. Though we wanted to keep this bottle as a memento of you, we thought you might have greater need of it; I pray it survives the journey. I do not know what has become of our clanmates. I do not know what has become of you. All I can hope for is that you are safe, and that this bottle will find you wherever you may be. Though I have failed in protecting the Clan of Tears, I promise you I will do my best to protect what remains. - Iglaak[/i] --- Upon inspection of the parchment scraps, several shorter notes can be found. [i][s]Iggy's[/s] [b]Iglaak[/b] is so dramatic, but he's doing his best... and we are, too. Send a letter to the Sunbeam Ruins if you get this - there's a Byzmaran caravan there that'll deliver it to us. I hope we hear from you soon. And don't forget to tell me if you find any eggs! - Espero Don't worry - I'll lead everyone in your absence. Already they've agreed to - and with my guidance the Clan of Tears shall - ever again. - Kiburi[/i] (Part of the message appears to have been torn away.) [i]When you're found, drinks are on me. Until then, be well. - Hyde Though our paths may part and you lose your way, never fear, my friend - we'll meet again someday. - Kruha[/i] [item=barnacle-encrusted bottle] [right][font=candara][size=2][url=]back to top ^[/url]
Weary Travellers
8 January 2019

-+- The Crumbling Keep -+-

The story of the weary travellers continues... [Google Doc]

*red text was extracted from the journals of the Crumbling Keep.
it does not express the opinions or point of view of the Nomads.

The Letters
... Dear whomever it may concern,

I believe I have come under the possession of something of yours or, rather, someone. She’s an interesting thing, although it took a bit of conversation before she was wishing to tell us her story.
She introduced herself to us as Oscar, and she doesn’t seem to want our company despite having been the one to wind up in our camp. At the very least, she does assert that she’s more than willing to “ally” with our clan, since she is within our borders.

All the same, I’m not certain anyone in Clan Frozen-Sea quite knows how to handle Oscar’s…peculiar interests. You see, since she has shown up in our corner of the Icefields, all she has done is dig tunnels. It’s quite fitting since our clan lives in tunnels beneath the snow. However, while we’ve only dug what we need, Oscar digs deep into the earth and isn’t seen for some time after.

While this doesn’t bother us—not strongly anyway—we wonder if perhaps her true home is elsewhere? We write to you in the hopes that Oscar hasn’t wandered off and is being missed by someone. If it is any consolation, she does seem content in our frigid lands and hasn’t seemed at a loss for something more. Still, when she told us of someone we could contact about her past, we leapt at the chance at finding some answers on this strange and mysterious dragon of yours.

Chief Archmage and Runemaster Mira


... Dear Nako and Co,

I hope you are well and I wish you many prosperous years of your clan. I believe this will reach you when you're ready.

This is Erebos, the clan's current scribe, from the Scarred Wasteland. I read the stars, and I felt compelled to find out where you were and send this letter to let you know how your old clanmates have settled into our clan.

First, Nyoka is nonstop honking, and it terrifies the young hatchlings and the drifters. And, it irritates the clan, myself included. When she's not honking, she's in the Coliseum. She complains often that this clan is "too casual about sending dragons to your patron deity." I cannot name the number of times she has approached dragons in the lair and asked them to fight her. She seems to be getting on well, other than those things! She eats a lot and on very, very rare occasions tells Jasmine that she's doing an okay job at training dragons. But we don't mind her! Nyoka's very good at what she does in the Mire and we appreciate her contribution to the clan.

Next I'll talk about Vee. She has this mysterious air about her, and I haven't heard her speak many words to anyone. She spends time with the hatchlings when we have some. They're so intrigued by her many arms and the cats she has. Right now, her cats have disappeared! We don't know what happened, we were moving stuff around the hoard and the vault. Vee seems lonely and sad without them, a little withdrawn, even. I think having a piece of her old clan, Nyoka, around is the reason why Vee hasn't left us. We won't force Vee to talk or get involved, but when she's ready, we'll support her.




... A letter from Mukhfi

... Nako -

If this letter has reached you as intended, I hope that it can provide some comfort. I am not sure if you are aware of our situation, but if you are not: I (Iglaak) am currently watching over Espero, Kiburi, Kruha, Set, Hyde, and the young Pearlcatcher Qisa. We are unharmed, but as far as we know, we are all that remains of the Clan of Tears.

We awoke several days ago to find the tavern and half our number simply gone. We had only our familiars and apparel... and a lone, empty bottle - the only remnant of you and the others. None of us recognized the territory. There were no footprints or scents of any other beings, be they dragons or beasts.

At that moment Kiburi was quite ready to leave the Earth territories entirely, but thankfully Hyde managed to convince him to accompany us back to the tavern. Hyde has been... a reassuring presence of late, a center of calm stability amid this turmoil. He keeps a spare bit of parchment with him now; I believe he has written down the names of our missing clanmates so he can keep them close in memory... but I digress.

Finding our tavern should have been a simple enough feat, even despite our unknown location, but for several days we never seemed to progress. The landscape remained stagnant; there were no signs of familiar boundaries drifting into sight no matter how far we ran. A strange magic resonated in the air, some ill intent bent on keeping us lost, and we likely would have remained so were it not for the strange orange and blue wisps that appeared one night and guided us. Why, we do not know, but with their aid, we did manage to return home - though unfortunately it has suffered in our absence.

Upon our arrival, we could easily see that anything of value had already been taken - including the eggs, which Espero continues to mourn, and your glass bottles - but we did catch a thief sniffing around; the very same one that had evaded us previously. From him, we learned of a strange city by the name of Byzmara.

The word alone has a mysterious, ancient energy. I do not know if the others can sense it, but to me, its power is evident. The thief hinted that Byzmara is the source of many curious magics and unusual things. As we lack any other leads, perhaps by finding this city we can use its power to uncover the truth of our separation and cross paths once more. We send this message in the hope that such a day will not be far off. Though we wanted to keep this bottle as a memento of you, we thought you might have greater need of it; I pray it survives the journey.

I do not know what has become of our clanmates. I do not know what has become of you. All I can hope for is that you are safe, and that this bottle will find you wherever you may be.

Though I have failed in protecting the Clan of Tears, I promise you I will do my best to protect what remains.

- Iglaak


Upon inspection of the parchment scraps, several shorter notes can be found.

Iggy's Iglaak is so dramatic, but he's doing his best... and we are, too. Send a letter to the Sunbeam Ruins if you get this - there's a Byzmaran caravan there that'll deliver it to us. I hope we hear from you soon. And don't forget to tell me if you find any eggs!
- Espero

Don't worry - I'll lead everyone in your absence. Already they've agreed to -
and with my guidance the Clan of Tears shall -
ever again.
- Kiburi

(Part of the message appears to have been torn away.)

When you're found, drinks are on me. Until then, be well.
- Hyde

Though our paths may part
and you lose your way,
never fear, my friend -
we'll meet again someday.
- Kruha

Barnacle-Encrusted Bottle

[center][font=candara][size=5][b]Independent Dragons[/b][/size] [i]7 February 2019[/i][/center] [font=candara]Xeadas yawned, her many eyes blinking in the morning sunlight as she stretched. The earth under her claws was dry and scratchy, getting into grooves in her hide that she hadn't even known existed. Oh, how she hated this land. Beside her, Jokul shook, shedding layers of snow and ice from his hide that melted before they touched the ground, attesting to the strength of the sun. It had been a month since the twins had left the Crumbling Keep, and with it, broken from Nako and Lunastus. They hadn't wasted the time spent on their own, but instead they had met up with other rogue dragons, using them to train their skills until they were powerful fighters, undefeatable in battle. The dragons they trained with weren't friends, or any sort of companions. They were tools to be used, and when Jokul and Xeadas had finished training them, the twins demanded a service fee before the dragons were permitted to move on. If they couldn't pay immediately, they were forced to be useful until they could. It was a profitable business, and it allowed the twins to barter items and apparel to suit their whims. But it still wasn't enough. Jokul turned until he was facing Southwards, the longing in his eyes tugging at Xeadas's own soul. She could feel it too, the icy breath of winter that called to them from a land filled with frozen tundras. They were strong now, perhaps even strong enough to make the trip. She drew a black pouch out from the folds of her wing and emptied its contents into the dirt. The blue gems sparkled up at her as she counted them once more, calculating. It had become a habitual gesture - she knew they still did not have enough to barter passage South. Not yet. Xeadas nudged Jokul's shoulder with her snout, turning him away from his sorrowful thoughts, and together they surveyed the four dragons that stood with them; two imperials, a coatl and a wildclaw. Three that were current students, and one Imperial who was working to pay his fee. The twins had work to do. There would be no rest for the wicked. Not yet. Xeadas lifted her head and bugled at the sky. Just wait, Sornieth. The twins were just getting started. [columns][url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol][url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol][url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/columns] [right][font=candara][size=2][url=]back to top ^[/url]
Independent Dragons
7 February 2019

Xeadas yawned, her many eyes blinking in the morning sunlight as she stretched. The earth under her claws was dry and scratchy, getting into grooves in her hide that she hadn't even known existed. Oh, how she hated this land. Beside her, Jokul shook, shedding layers of snow and ice from his hide that melted before they touched the ground, attesting to the strength of the sun.

It had been a month since the twins had left the Crumbling Keep, and with it, broken from Nako and Lunastus. They hadn't wasted the time spent on their own, but instead they had met up with other rogue dragons, using them to train their skills until they were powerful fighters, undefeatable in battle. The dragons they trained with weren't friends, or any sort of companions. They were tools to be used, and when Jokul and Xeadas had finished training them, the twins demanded a service fee before the dragons were permitted to move on. If they couldn't pay immediately, they were forced to be useful until they could. It was a profitable business, and it allowed the twins to barter items and apparel to suit their whims.

But it still wasn't enough.

Jokul turned until he was facing Southwards, the longing in his eyes tugging at Xeadas's own soul. She could feel it too, the icy breath of winter that called to them from a land filled with frozen tundras. They were strong now, perhaps even strong enough to make the trip. She drew a black pouch out from the folds of her wing and emptied its contents into the dirt. The blue gems sparkled up at her as she counted them once more, calculating. It had become a habitual gesture - she knew they still did not have enough to barter passage South.

Not yet.

Xeadas nudged Jokul's shoulder with her snout, turning him away from his sorrowful thoughts, and together they surveyed the four dragons that stood with them; two imperials, a coatl and a wildclaw. Three that were current students, and one Imperial who was working to pay his fee. The twins had work to do. There would be no rest for the wicked. Not yet.

Xeadas lifted her head and bugled at the sky. Just wait, Sornieth. The twins were just getting started.




[center][font=candara][size=5][b]Wishlist[/b][/size] [img][/img] [item=unhatched Light egg][item=unhatched Lightning egg][item=unhatched Fire egg][item=unhatched Arcane egg][item=unhatched Plague egg][item=unhatched Earth egg][item=unhatched Nocturne egg][item=unhatched Ice egg][item=unhatched Shadow egg][item=unhatched Wind egg][item=unhatched Water egg][item=unhatched Nature egg][item=unhatched Bogsneak egg] [/center][font=candara][emoji=full moon] Any Unhatched Egg [emoji=gem] Pure Gems and Treasure [emoji=palette] Art for [url=]Lunastus[/url]-[url=]Nako[/url]-[url=]Jokul[/url]-[url=]Xeadas[/url] [right][font=candara][size=2][url=]back to top ^[/url]


Unhatched Light Egg Unhatched Lightning Egg Unhatched Fire Egg Unhatched Arcane Egg Unhatched Plague Egg Unhatched Earth Egg Unhatched Nocturne Egg Unhatched Ice Egg Unhatched Shadow Egg Unhatched Wind Egg Unhatched Water Egg Unhatched Nature Egg Unhatched Bogsneak Egg

Any Unhatched Egg

Pure Gems and Treasure

Art for Lunastus-Nako-Jokul-Xeadas

Replied Correspondence
9 January 2019

Dear Chief Archmage and Runemaster Mira,

I thank you considerably for contacting me regarding Oscar’s whereabouts, and I am glad to hear that she is safe and well cared for. I can assure you that the peculiarities you have mentioned in your letter are completely normal for her and nothing to be concerned with. Nor does she have an alternative home to return to, so if she is happy where she is and you are content to have her with your clan, then there is no reason to alter her circumstances, as it will only serve to upset her.

Oscar was once a member of the Clan of Tears – a group of wayward dragons who had begun as a travelling circus and eventually settled down to run a tavern and training program. Due to the painful pasts of all the clan’s members, there was much unrest and most of us kept to ourselves. Oscar was one of these. Even in the Earth territory she was content to spend much of her time underground, digging tunnels and hoarding whatever shiny stuff she finds in the earth. She had only one friend who belonged to another clan, but Cidi has since moved on to serve the deities, and so she no longer has any ties to this area.

Though originally, I was unaware of the cause of the scattering of the Clan of Tears, I have since heard from the other members and learnt that one day a storm struck the tavern and tore it apart, throwing the clan members to the far reaches of the land. Please know that I have contact from all members, and all have been reported safe and well, should it be of any concern to Oscar.

Please give the peculiar raptor my best wishes, and tell her that I hope she enjoys her new home. I will think of her fondly, as always.

Kind Regards,
Former leader of the Clan of Tears.


Dear Erebos,

I cannot tell you how glad I am to receive word from you about my old friends, Nyoka and Vee. I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble with Nyoka and her tendency to honk, as well as her irrational behaviour about the Mire in which she dwells. She has always been rather rash in her attitude and deeds, but she is the strongest fighter I have ever had the pleasure of knowing and I am glad that she has found her home with your clan.

I am not all to sure what Vee’s secrets are. During her time with the Clan of Tears she mostly kept to herself, stalking through the shadows with her cats and attacking wayward travellers. It was only Kruha that seemed to know her best, and I do not know how it was that he communicated with her. I hope you have success in integrating her into your clan.

Please give my friends my best wishes.

Kind Regards,
Former leader of the Clan of Tears.


Dear Mukhfi

My precious friend, how glad I am to hear from you. I did indeed find my way to the Crumbling Keep, and was overjoyed to find letters waiting for me – not just from you, but for each member of the Clan of Tears. I am pleased to tell you that they are all safe and well, though scattered far. Each member, it seems, has found a new home. Our clan is no more, but it is only their happiness that I have wanted.

I, myself, woke up in the middle of a barren terrain with no knowledge of how I had come to be there or what had happened to the rest of you. To my shock, there was a young guardian hatchling standing over me. She was also lost, and so we decided to travel together. I fear I was not a good leader to the rest of you, and so I saw this hatchling as my redemption of a sort, and so I named her Lunastus. We have been through much together, she and I, and have more recently been accompanied by a pair of nasty younglings that we call the Ice Twins. Their attitude towards strangers is rude and hostile, but I have hopes that perhaps I can help them find their way, yet. They did not have a good start to their lives. I only hope that I can help the rest of it be comfortable.

So it was a storm was it, that tore us from our home? It is a startling thing to imagine, but in my inebriated state, I’m sure I would indeed sleep through something so horrific. It does make me awfully ashamed that I was so oblivious, however. I can only hope that I will learn from this experience, so that I do not see a repeat of it in the future. Thank you for providing me with the answer that I have been seeking as I wandered all these weeks.

It brings me great joy to hear how happy you all are in your new home, though my heart pains for Bane. He was a good mount for me, and I will treasure my memories with him. I hope that he can find peace. Please tell him that I am safe and well looked after, and that I wish for him to be happy in his new home – I wish the same for all of you. Give my greetings to the others, and who knows, perhaps one day our paths may cross again. Until then, live your lives to the fullest and be happy where you are.

Kind Regards,
Former leader of the Clan of Tears.


Dear Iglaak and company,

I am very glad to hear from you, my friends. It should give you comfort to know that you are not all that remains of our clan, and indeed, everyone is safe and well, if scattered to far reaches. It sounds as if your journey to your new home was an eventful one, and I am glad that each of you made it there safely.

I grieve to hear that my bottles – oh my precious bottles – are gone, along with Espero’s eggs. I can only hope that whoever has taken them will care for them appropriately. Perhaps as a tribute to our thieving raptor, I, along with my new companion, have created a nest among the young guardian’s spines, and have been rescuing the eggs that we find along the way. Already we have collected over 50 of them, and will continue to watch over them carefully, in Espero’s name. I hope this news will lighten his heart, somewhat.

Thank you for the gift of this bottle. I will keep it close to me at all times and think of you dearly when I see it. In return, please accept this small chest of loot I was able to collect at some point on my journey hence. I hope that the treasures within will serve as a joyful memory to you all, of the times that we spent together in the tavern.

You did not fail, Iglaak, dear friend. You are the one most suited to watching over the errant raptors, and I know that you have done your best and will continue to do so. Thank you, as always.

Espero – One day we will meet again and I will show you the mountain of eggs that I have collected. Until then, I expect you to continue to liberate some of your own, and rebuild your nest.

Kiburi – Your strength of character and of tooth and claw will guide our friends through. Please continue to care for them as only you can.

Hyde – I will hold you to that! There is no better drink than one shared with an old friend. Be well.

Kruha – Your poetry soothes me as always. I will see you again one day, and we will sing songs of our travels.

I miss you all, friends. I know that this parting is not forever. Take care in your new home, do not cause unnecessary trouble for those who have taken you in, and most importantly, have fun!

Kind Regards,
Former leader of the Clan of Tears.

Replied Correspondence
9 January 2019

Dear Chief Archmage and Runemaster Mira,

I thank you considerably for contacting me regarding Oscar’s whereabouts, and I am glad to hear that she is safe and well cared for. I can assure you that the peculiarities you have mentioned in your letter are completely normal for her and nothing to be concerned with. Nor does she have an alternative home to return to, so if she is happy where she is and you are content to have her with your clan, then there is no reason to alter her circumstances, as it will only serve to upset her.

Oscar was once a member of the Clan of Tears – a group of wayward dragons who had begun as a travelling circus and eventually settled down to run a tavern and training program. Due to the painful pasts of all the clan’s members, there was much unrest and most of us kept to ourselves. Oscar was one of these. Even in the Earth territory she was content to spend much of her time underground, digging tunnels and hoarding whatever shiny stuff she finds in the earth. She had only one friend who belonged to another clan, but Cidi has since moved on to serve the deities, and so she no longer has any ties to this area.

Though originally, I was unaware of the cause of the scattering of the Clan of Tears, I have since heard from the other members and learnt that one day a storm struck the tavern and tore it apart, throwing the clan members to the far reaches of the land. Please know that I have contact from all members, and all have been reported safe and well, should it be of any concern to Oscar.

Please give the peculiar raptor my best wishes, and tell her that I hope she enjoys her new home. I will think of her fondly, as always.

Kind Regards,
Former leader of the Clan of Tears.


Dear Erebos,

I cannot tell you how glad I am to receive word from you about my old friends, Nyoka and Vee. I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble with Nyoka and her tendency to honk, as well as her irrational behaviour about the Mire in which she dwells. She has always been rather rash in her attitude and deeds, but she is the strongest fighter I have ever had the pleasure of knowing and I am glad that she has found her home with your clan.

I am not all to sure what Vee’s secrets are. During her time with the Clan of Tears she mostly kept to herself, stalking through the shadows with her cats and attacking wayward travellers. It was only Kruha that seemed to know her best, and I do not know how it was that he communicated with her. I hope you have success in integrating her into your clan.

Please give my friends my best wishes.

Kind Regards,
Former leader of the Clan of Tears.


Dear Mukhfi

My precious friend, how glad I am to hear from you. I did indeed find my way to the Crumbling Keep, and was overjoyed to find letters waiting for me – not just from you, but for each member of the Clan of Tears. I am pleased to tell you that they are all safe and well, though scattered far. Each member, it seems, has found a new home. Our clan is no more, but it is only their happiness that I have wanted.

I, myself, woke up in the middle of a barren terrain with no knowledge of how I had come to be there or what had happened to the rest of you. To my shock, there was a young guardian hatchling standing over me. She was also lost, and so we decided to travel together. I fear I was not a good leader to the rest of you, and so I saw this hatchling as my redemption of a sort, and so I named her Lunastus. We have been through much together, she and I, and have more recently been accompanied by a pair of nasty younglings that we call the Ice Twins. Their attitude towards strangers is rude and hostile, but I have hopes that perhaps I can help them find their way, yet. They did not have a good start to their lives. I only hope that I can help the rest of it be comfortable.

So it was a storm was it, that tore us from our home? It is a startling thing to imagine, but in my inebriated state, I’m sure I would indeed sleep through something so horrific. It does make me awfully ashamed that I was so oblivious, however. I can only hope that I will learn from this experience, so that I do not see a repeat of it in the future. Thank you for providing me with the answer that I have been seeking as I wandered all these weeks.

It brings me great joy to hear how happy you all are in your new home, though my heart pains for Bane. He was a good mount for me, and I will treasure my memories with him. I hope that he can find peace. Please tell him that I am safe and well looked after, and that I wish for him to be happy in his new home – I wish the same for all of you. Give my greetings to the others, and who knows, perhaps one day our paths may cross again. Until then, live your lives to the fullest and be happy where you are.

Kind Regards,
Former leader of the Clan of Tears.


Dear Iglaak and company,

I am very glad to hear from you, my friends. It should give you comfort to know that you are not all that remains of our clan, and indeed, everyone is safe and well, if scattered to far reaches. It sounds as if your journey to your new home was an eventful one, and I am glad that each of you made it there safely.

I grieve to hear that my bottles – oh my precious bottles – are gone, along with Espero’s eggs. I can only hope that whoever has taken them will care for them appropriately. Perhaps as a tribute to our thieving raptor, I, along with my new companion, have created a nest among the young guardian’s spines, and have been rescuing the eggs that we find along the way. Already we have collected over 50 of them, and will continue to watch over them carefully, in Espero’s name. I hope this news will lighten his heart, somewhat.

Thank you for the gift of this bottle. I will keep it close to me at all times and think of you dearly when I see it. In return, please accept this small chest of loot I was able to collect at some point on my journey hence. I hope that the treasures within will serve as a joyful memory to you all, of the times that we spent together in the tavern.

You did not fail, Iglaak, dear friend. You are the one most suited to watching over the errant raptors, and I know that you have done your best and will continue to do so. Thank you, as always.

Espero – One day we will meet again and I will show you the mountain of eggs that I have collected. Until then, I expect you to continue to liberate some of your own, and rebuild your nest.

Kiburi – Your strength of character and of tooth and claw will guide our friends through. Please continue to care for them as only you can.

Hyde – I will hold you to that! There is no better drink than one shared with an old friend. Be well.

Kruha – Your poetry soothes me as always. I will see you again one day, and we will sing songs of our travels.

I miss you all, friends. I know that this parting is not forever. Take care in your new home, do not cause unnecessary trouble for those who have taken you in, and most importantly, have fun!

Kind Regards,
Former leader of the Clan of Tears.

[center][font=candara][size=5][b]Passage of Time[/b][/size] [i]3 January 2021[/i][/center] [font=candara]Much, much time had passed since Nako had last taken the time to sit and record the events that had transpired. Anytime he had thought to do so, something else had come to demand his attention, and so it had been put off once again. Before he knew it two years had passed, and the four awkward dragons that had travelled together across the Dragonhome had become ten, something that almost resembled a clan once more, rather than a collection of Nomadic strangers. [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] It didn't happen all at once, but one by one the group of Nomads grew until they resembled a family once more. And though Jokul and Xeadas had decided to set out on their own, they soon returned too, though rather unwilling to talk about what they had experienced in their time apart from Nako and Luna. It didn't matter to him as long as they were safe, and with every new addition, Luna trained the Nomadic dragons to be strong, stronger than the clan of tears had ever been. Then came the day when they decided that they'd had enough of wandering Dragonhome. It was time to settle once more. It had taken them a long time to find a safe haven they could call their own, and even longer to settle into it, but working together had lifted the burden of hard work, and together the clan that was once fractured, became a home once more. It was no longer a tavern, but instead a cave in the true style of dragons, one that was filled with an ever growing pile of eggs, treasure and gems, and nothing else. Sure, dragons still came and went, but they were closely watched every time, and it was left to Luna and the Ice Twins to gain profit from these visitors. As for Nako, his only concern was guarding over the eggs, so none of them would ever feel the pain of being alone. ----- [font=candara]Night of the Nocturne came again at the end of the year 2020, and with it the clan worked together to rescue as many eggs as possible, sacrificing other gains to maximize what rescues they could. Staring at the rewards gained, Nako could not say that he was displeased with the results. [item=strange chest]x40 opened [item=strange chest]x1780 traded for 178 nocturne eggs [item=animated statue][item=scene: strange chests]x5[item=woeful footpads][item=plasmpool flightshroud][item=unhatched nocturne egg]x6[item=jolly jester's cap]x2[item=serpentine lamp]x2[item=bewildered broom][item=bouncy broiler][item=steadfast sweeper][item=veilspun verse][item=dancing chalice][item=tick-tock][item=writer's aid][item=poltergeist piano][item=scroll stealer][item=woeful gloves][item=vigilant spear]x2[item=woeful hood][item=overwatered seedling][item=mischievous magnifier][item=haunting amber nightshroud][item=wooden marionette][item=plasmpool hindcallouses][item=jolly jester's collar][item=seething stove][item=magic mirror][item=ghost flame collar][item=jolly jester's cape][item=woeful vial][item=silverstring harp][item=haunting amber clawrings][item=apparition lance] [right][font=candara][size=2][url=]back to top ^[/url]
Passage of Time
3 January 2021

Much, much time had passed since Nako had last taken the time to sit and record the events that had transpired. Anytime he had thought to do so, something else had come to demand his attention, and so it had been put off once again. Before he knew it two years had passed, and the four awkward dragons that had travelled together across the Dragonhome had become ten, something that almost resembled a clan once more, rather than a collection of Nomadic strangers.


It didn't happen all at once, but one by one the group of Nomads grew until they resembled a family once more. And though Jokul and Xeadas had decided to set out on their own, they soon returned too, though rather unwilling to talk about what they had experienced in their time apart from Nako and Luna. It didn't matter to him as long as they were safe, and with every new addition, Luna trained the Nomadic dragons to be strong, stronger than the clan of tears had ever been.

Then came the day when they decided that they'd had enough of wandering Dragonhome. It was time to settle once more. It had taken them a long time to find a safe haven they could call their own, and even longer to settle into it, but working together had lifted the burden of hard work, and together the clan that was once fractured, became a home once more.

It was no longer a tavern, but instead a cave in the true style of dragons, one that was filled with an ever growing pile of eggs, treasure and gems, and nothing else. Sure, dragons still came and went, but they were closely watched every time, and it was left to Luna and the Ice Twins to gain profit from these visitors. As for Nako, his only concern was guarding over the eggs, so none of them would ever feel the pain of being alone.

Night of the Nocturne came again at the end of the year 2020, and with it the clan worked together to rescue as many eggs as possible, sacrificing other gains to maximize what rescues they could. Staring at the rewards gained, Nako could not say that he was displeased with the results.

Strange Chest x40 opened
Strange Chest x1780 traded for 178 nocturne eggs

Animated Statue Scene: Strange Chests x5 Woeful Footpads Plasmpool Flightshroud Unhatched Nocturne Egg x6 Jolly Jester's Cap x2 Serpentine Lamp x2 Bewildered Broom Bouncy Broiler Steadfast Sweeper Veilspun Verse Dancing Chalice Tick-Tock Writer's Aid Poltergeist Piano Scroll Stealer Woeful Gloves Vigilant Spear x2 Woeful Hood Overwatered Seedling Mischievous Magnifier Haunting Amber Nightshroud Wooden Marionette Plasmpool Hindcallouses Jolly Jester's Collar Seething Stove Magic Mirror Ghost Flame Collar Jolly Jester's Cape Woeful Vial Silverstring Harp Haunting Amber Clawrings Apparition Lance

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