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TOPIC | [Lore] The Nomads
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[center][font=candara][size=5][b]Thunderhead Savanna[/b][/size] [i]7 November 2018 [/i][/center] [font=candara]It had been a quiet morning in the tavern, at least by their standards - only one pot had been smashed by an exuberant raptor and no one had received any new injuries, so all was going well... And then Kiburi came racing in, as arrogant as ever, and shrieked loudly, demanding the attention of everyone present. This wasn't an unusual occurrence; the strange thing was that this time everyone did in fact pause what they were doing to listen to him. Perhaps it had been the tone of his call - somehow they knew that this time he had something to say that was worth listening to. "I have made a discovery! A new hunting ground, with beasts that we have never before seen!" Nyoka was the first to respond, poking her head around from where she had been scraping her claws against a sharpening stone in the corner. "Where?" "In the lands of the lightning clans." Kiburi replied in his snootiest voice, puffing his chest out proudly. After all [i]he'd[/i] been the first of them to discover it. He liked that he had the full attention of his clan. "There are many strange beasts there; long necked skiras and hyenas that have adapted for life in the water-" "Water hyenas? They're fish?" Baku chimed in, because of course it would be her if there was anything to do with beasts of an aquatic nature. Her eyes were round with wonder as she stared at Kiburi, stepping close enough that he had to lean back to prevent her from pressing her face against his. "Back off a bit, would you? Yes, they're fish. Hyena fish." "Is there anything that would give me a challenge though?" Nyoka said, beginning to sound disinterested. Kiburi scowled at her. That raptor was so obsessed with her swamp that she often dismissed all other hunting grounds. He'd never admit it out loud, but he knew that she was likely the strongest warrior out of any of them, and yet she stayed in her swamp, training the fodder dragons for hours on end without growing tired or bored of her surroundings. He for one, wanted to explore this new Savanna, and he tried to think of a piece of information he could give them all to rouse their interest. If they all hunted there together he knew they would be able to bring back some great spoils. "Horned beasts!" he said suddenly, and then cleared his throat as Nyoka narrowed her eyes at him and hissed in warning. "There are great horned beasts that rule over this new hunting ground. They stand taller than any of us raptors, and their hides are thick and covered with stones. A large horn protrudes from the end of their snouts - like the nose of a Ridgeback, but it stretches to the sky rather than in front of them." "How peculiar." Nako muttered, unhelpfully. "Are they good to eat?" Oscar asked, looking hopeful. "How am I supposed to know?" Kiburi snapped, watching Oscar's crest flatten sadly. She was always asking the strangest things. "If the hooves of beasts do sound, and a new hunting ground is found, then it is our right to go and see, what new allies there might be." Kruha's lilting voice filled the tavern and suddenly the others seemed more interested. Forming allies was one of the three main goals of the clan, and the necromancer was right in that new beasts would offer them a good opportunity to recruit. Of course Kruha would probably just want to study the beasts for his journals, Kiburi thought, satisfied when he saw the quiet raptor tuck a field journal into his kerchief, ready for the travel. Kiburi held his head high and led the way outside. It was his duty to lead them to this new hunting ground. Nako might have been the leader of the clan, but he didn't know the way. Only Kiburi knew that, and he intended to revel in this moment as much as possible. With a commanding shriek he propelled his wings downwards and leapt into the air, flying several hundred feet before touching back down on the earth again and beginning to run. Every member of the clan could fly, but most preferred not to. Above him, the imperial mount flew with Nako and Mukhfi riding on his massive form, but the rest of the raptors and the two Mirrors ran on the ground behind him, their powerful legs able to run tirelessly for hours on end. Only Iglaak remained to guard the tavern, and watch over the akirbeak that nested within. He, and the newcomer Hyde, who was content to keep the gargoyle company. The hyenas too, stayed. If another clan was to challenge their home, it would be well defended. The clan of tears was eager to make new allies, but they were not stupid enough to think that they had made no enemies along the way. After all, the reason they had come together as a clan was because they had been driven from their previous homes. Kiburi's mind raced as he ran, picturing the horned beasts that he had discovered. If they brought one or two of those back with them to their clan, they would strengthen their alliance greatly. He didn't always like his clan very much, as strange and unusual as they all were - and they clearly couldn't see that he would be the best choice to lead them! - but they were his family, and he wouldn't allow anything to threaten them. With these new beasts, they would strengthen their alliance and become even more formidable. They ran onward, a cloud of dust trailing out behind them as they moved with great speed. Onto the Thunderhead Savanna and the new opportunities that waited there. [center][img][/img][color=transparent]bloop[/color][img][/img][/center] [right][font=candara][size=2][url=]back to top ^[/url]
Thunderhead Savanna
7 November 2018

It had been a quiet morning in the tavern, at least by their standards - only one pot had been smashed by an exuberant raptor and no one had received any new injuries, so all was going well...

And then Kiburi came racing in, as arrogant as ever, and shrieked loudly, demanding the attention of everyone present. This wasn't an unusual occurrence; the strange thing was that this time everyone did in fact pause what they were doing to listen to him. Perhaps it had been the tone of his call - somehow they knew that this time he had something to say that was worth listening to.

"I have made a discovery! A new hunting ground, with beasts that we have never before seen!"
Nyoka was the first to respond, poking her head around from where she had been scraping her claws against a sharpening stone in the corner. "Where?"
"In the lands of the lightning clans." Kiburi replied in his snootiest voice, puffing his chest out proudly. After all he'd been the first of them to discover it. He liked that he had the full attention of his clan. "There are many strange beasts there; long necked skiras and hyenas that have adapted for life in the water-"

"Water hyenas? They're fish?" Baku chimed in, because of course it would be her if there was anything to do with beasts of an aquatic nature. Her eyes were round with wonder as she stared at Kiburi, stepping close enough that he had to lean back to prevent her from pressing her face against his.
"Back off a bit, would you? Yes, they're fish. Hyena fish."
"Is there anything that would give me a challenge though?" Nyoka said, beginning to sound disinterested.

Kiburi scowled at her. That raptor was so obsessed with her swamp that she often dismissed all other hunting grounds. He'd never admit it out loud, but he knew that she was likely the strongest warrior out of any of them, and yet she stayed in her swamp, training the fodder dragons for hours on end without growing tired or bored of her surroundings. He for one, wanted to explore this new Savanna, and he tried to think of a piece of information he could give them all to rouse their interest. If they all hunted there together he knew they would be able to bring back some great spoils.

"Horned beasts!" he said suddenly, and then cleared his throat as Nyoka narrowed her eyes at him and hissed in warning. "There are great horned beasts that rule over this new hunting ground. They stand taller than any of us raptors, and their hides are thick and covered with stones. A large horn protrudes from the end of their snouts - like the nose of a Ridgeback, but it stretches to the sky rather than in front of them."

"How peculiar." Nako muttered, unhelpfully.
"Are they good to eat?" Oscar asked, looking hopeful.
"How am I supposed to know?" Kiburi snapped, watching Oscar's crest flatten sadly. She was always asking the strangest things.

"If the hooves of beasts do sound,
and a new hunting ground is found,
then it is our right to go and see,
what new allies there might be."

Kruha's lilting voice filled the tavern and suddenly the others seemed more interested. Forming allies was one of the three main goals of the clan, and the necromancer was right in that new beasts would offer them a good opportunity to recruit.
Of course Kruha would probably just want to study the beasts for his journals, Kiburi thought, satisfied when he saw the quiet raptor tuck a field journal into his kerchief, ready for the travel.

Kiburi held his head high and led the way outside. It was his duty to lead them to this new hunting ground. Nako might have been the leader of the clan, but he didn't know the way. Only Kiburi knew that, and he intended to revel in this moment as much as possible.
With a commanding shriek he propelled his wings downwards and leapt into the air, flying several hundred feet before touching back down on the earth again and beginning to run.
Every member of the clan could fly, but most preferred not to. Above him, the imperial mount flew with Nako and Mukhfi riding on his massive form, but the rest of the raptors and the two Mirrors ran on the ground behind him, their powerful legs able to run tirelessly for hours on end. Only Iglaak remained to guard the tavern, and watch over the akirbeak that nested within. He, and the newcomer Hyde, who was content to keep the gargoyle company. The hyenas too, stayed. If another clan was to challenge their home, it would be well defended.

The clan of tears was eager to make new allies, but they were not stupid enough to think that they had made no enemies along the way. After all, the reason they had come together as a clan was because they had been driven from their previous homes.

Kiburi's mind raced as he ran, picturing the horned beasts that he had discovered. If they brought one or two of those back with them to their clan, they would strengthen their alliance greatly. He didn't always like his clan very much, as strange and unusual as they all were - and they clearly couldn't see that he would be the best choice to lead them! - but they were his family, and he wouldn't allow anything to threaten them. With these new beasts, they would strengthen their alliance and become even more formidable.

They ran onward, a cloud of dust trailing out behind them as they moved with great speed. Onto the Thunderhead Savanna and the new opportunities that waited there.

[center][font=candara][size=5][b]The Glitch[/b][/size] [i]9 November 2018[/i][/center] [img][/img] [font=candara]The clan had been in the Thunderhead Savanna for two days, fighting without rest as they gathered new resources and beasts for Kruha to study and communicate with. Nako and Mukhfi had long since given up the hunt, and Bane had never really joined in to start with. Even Brys and Steeljaw were starting to show signs of weariness after battling so long and hard. But not the raptors. Oh no, they were used to farming tirelessly for days on end, until their legs gave way underneath them and their wings could hold them aloft no more. They were still fresh and eager as they had be since day one. All except Nyoka, who was utterly disinterested in her surroundings and wanted only to go back to her swamp. She glared at Kiburi through the long grass, her teeth bared in annoyance. It was his fault she was out here performing such a useless task, after all. She was [i]bored[/i]. A movement to her right caught her eye and on instinct she leaped at it, wings fanned and shrieking a battle cry. Finally, something to kill! A sharp pain knocked her backwards mid-leap and she stumbled, fighting to regain her footing, even as she looked around for what had hit her. A low buzzing filled the air around her and she shook her head, trying to clear it, thinking that she was imagining it. But then something rose from the grass in front of her, body glowing an eerie green and wings fluttering furiously to keep it afloat. The buzzing sound came from it, and it didn't sound happy at all. Nyoka lowered her head threateningly and bared her teeth, ready to attack. "Do not strike! that bug is rare. We must bring it to the lair. To study the Boolean is rare treat- from most clans it will always retreat!" Kruha's voice was raised in alarm as he caught sight of Nyoka preparing to attack something so rare. The usually quiet dragon rushed over and put himself between the bug and his clanmate. No matter what they could not let this opportunity go to waste! Nyoka froze in confusion. The beastly raptor was not usually so confrontational. She watched the bug suspiciously as it buzzed around Kruha's head, and then her eyes widened considerably as it flew at her. Every instinct she had told her to strike out at it and knock it away, but Kruha was staring at her so pleadingly. She held still, closing her eyes as it reached her lest she go cross-eyed from trying to look at it. Then the bug landed on her snout and an electric shock traveled from it into her skin and ricocheted through her entire body, locking her muscles and tearing a loud shriek from her throat. Her world went black, and the last thing she was aware of was the ground rushing up to meet her before she lost consciousness entirely. [i]What was that thing?[/i] --- Kruha whined as he saw his clanmate fall, and glared accusingly at the bug. He was torn between pulling out his field guide and recording this encounter, and helping his friend. The Boolean rose higher into the sky, buzzed angrily at him, and then disappeared in a flash of green lightning, making the decision for him. He raced to Nyoka's side, bending down to check on her even as the rest of his clan began to gather around. Nako crawled over the swampy raptor, trying to awaken her, but she remained unresponsive. The clan began to keen. [b]To be continued...[/b] [center][img][/img][/center] [right][font=candara][size=2][url=]back to top ^[/url]
The Glitch
9 November 2018


The clan had been in the Thunderhead Savanna for two days, fighting without rest as they gathered new resources and beasts for Kruha to study and communicate with. Nako and Mukhfi had long since given up the hunt, and Bane had never really joined in to start with. Even Brys and Steeljaw were starting to show signs of weariness after battling so long and hard. But not the raptors. Oh no, they were used to farming tirelessly for days on end, until their legs gave way underneath them and their wings could hold them aloft no more. They were still fresh and eager as they had be since day one.

All except Nyoka, who was utterly disinterested in her surroundings and wanted only to go back to her swamp. She glared at Kiburi through the long grass, her teeth bared in annoyance. It was his fault she was out here performing such a useless task, after all. She was bored.

A movement to her right caught her eye and on instinct she leaped at it, wings fanned and shrieking a battle cry. Finally, something to kill!

A sharp pain knocked her backwards mid-leap and she stumbled, fighting to regain her footing, even as she looked around for what had hit her. A low buzzing filled the air around her and she shook her head, trying to clear it, thinking that she was imagining it. But then something rose from the grass in front of her, body glowing an eerie green and wings fluttering furiously to keep it afloat. The buzzing sound came from it, and it didn't sound happy at all. Nyoka lowered her head threateningly and bared her teeth, ready to attack.

"Do not strike! that bug is rare.
We must bring it to the lair.
To study the Boolean is rare treat-
from most clans it will always retreat!"

Kruha's voice was raised in alarm as he caught sight of Nyoka preparing to attack something so rare. The usually quiet dragon rushed over and put himself between the bug and his clanmate. No matter what they could not let this opportunity go to waste!

Nyoka froze in confusion. The beastly raptor was not usually so confrontational. She watched the bug suspiciously as it buzzed around Kruha's head, and then her eyes widened considerably as it flew at her. Every instinct she had told her to strike out at it and knock it away, but Kruha was staring at her so pleadingly. She held still, closing her eyes as it reached her lest she go cross-eyed from trying to look at it.

Then the bug landed on her snout and an electric shock traveled from it into her skin and ricocheted through her entire body, locking her muscles and tearing a loud shriek from her throat. Her world went black, and the last thing she was aware of was the ground rushing up to meet her before she lost consciousness entirely.

What was that thing?


Kruha whined as he saw his clanmate fall, and glared accusingly at the bug. He was torn between pulling out his field guide and recording this encounter, and helping his friend. The Boolean rose higher into the sky, buzzed angrily at him, and then disappeared in a flash of green lightning, making the decision for him.

He raced to Nyoka's side, bending down to check on her even as the rest of his clan began to gather around. Nako crawled over the swampy raptor, trying to awaken her, but she remained unresponsive. The clan began to keen.

To be continued...

[center][font=candara][size=5][b]The case of the disappearing bottles[/b][/size] [i]6 November 2018[/i][/center] [font=candara]Nako was perplexed. He didn't like being perplexed because it meant that he had been thinking, and that wasn't really something he liked to do much, either. It just took so much effort, see? He'd rather spend his time lounging around in the sun and savouring the taste of spirits on his tongue, languishing in the way they burned their way down his throat and spun their grasping tendrils around his mind and vision. Instead he was here, standing on the counter of the tavern, completely confused and downright dumbfounded. He chewed at an itchy spot on the inside of his wing, adjusted his hat for maximum festiveness, and then glared at the empty spot where his bottles should be, but [i]weren't[/i]. He knew he had the right spot. It was where he always stacked his bottles - not the best kind, of course. Not the ones filled with the happy liquid that swished and gurgled and filled his belly to the brim; the kind that made him sing - no, these were the other kind of bottles. The emptied-out ones what held all his fondest memories and reminiscings and sometimes were even kind enough to provide him with the perfect place to curl up and nap, surrounded by his favourite smells. He stacked them here so that they would be out of the way of his clanmates and their daily happenings. But now he stood here, in this spot, wanting to gaze upon the very glistening cylinders that made his days joyful, and they [i]weren't there[/i]. Nako wasn't very happy. Oh no, he wasn't very happy at all. They had gone missing! But how? Why? He was pretty sure that bottles couldn't move themselves. He had tested that theory when he'd laid upon Bane's belly and demanded loudly that they up and walk themselves over to him so that he consume their delicious contents without moving. That hadn't worked at all. He'd had to put the effort in to roll over enough to look at the bicorn in his big eye and use a series of gestures until the dumb beast had understood enough to roll his bottle closer. [columns][font=candara][size=4][color=black]The exhaustion he had felt after that! So if they hadn't moved on their own, then it stood to reason that someone else had moved them. But who, and why? What possible use could anyone have for his bottles? No one else in his clan was small enough to fit inside them as he could. He turned and looked at them all suspiciously. The scoundrels. Mayhap this was a plot of theirs? A plot to overthrow him as their leader! That must be it. He was sure they were waiting until he let down his guard, and then they would plonk him in one of his pretty bottles and ship him off to sea. Not on his watch, oh no! He drew his cutlass and thrust it into the air, trilling angrily. "On guard you curs, you scallywags and hooked-beaked excuses for tumbleweed. I demand that you cease your mischief at once and return my bottles to me!" Nearby, Espero perched at a table and idly picked his teeth. It would seem as if he were ignoring his captain, but in all honesty, he had not heard him at all, such was the smallness of the fae, and the space that stretched between the two. Nako gnashed his teeth in frustration. It wasn't easy being such a daunting leader to giant, carnivorous beasts! Somewhere outside the tavern, a sack-full of empty bottles slung over his back, Set prepared himself for the journey to the market, where he would sell the glass for treasure with which he would then purchase more liquid sustenance for his respected leader. He smiled warmly at the thought of the fearsome fae dragon. Without that tiny explosion of courage, none of them would have a place to call home. Keeping him happy and plied with his favourite things was the least they could do in return.[nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [right][font=candara][size=2][url=]back to top ^[/url]
The case of the disappearing bottles
6 November 2018

Nako was perplexed.

He didn't like being perplexed because it meant that he had been thinking, and that wasn't really something he liked to do much, either. It just took so much effort, see? He'd rather spend his time lounging around in the sun and savouring the taste of spirits on his tongue, languishing in the way they burned their way down his throat and spun their grasping tendrils around his mind and vision.

Instead he was here, standing on the counter of the tavern, completely confused and downright dumbfounded. He chewed at an itchy spot on the inside of his wing, adjusted his hat for maximum festiveness, and then glared at the empty spot where his bottles should be, but weren't.

He knew he had the right spot. It was where he always stacked his bottles - not the best kind, of course. Not the ones filled with the happy liquid that swished and gurgled and filled his belly to the brim; the kind that made him sing - no, these were the other kind of bottles. The emptied-out ones what held all his fondest memories and reminiscings and sometimes were even kind enough to provide him with the perfect place to curl up and nap, surrounded by his favourite smells. He stacked them here so that they would be out of the way of his clanmates and their daily happenings.

But now he stood here, in this spot, wanting to gaze upon the very glistening cylinders that made his days joyful, and they weren't there. Nako wasn't very happy. Oh no, he wasn't very happy at all. They had gone missing! But how? Why? He was pretty sure that bottles couldn't move themselves. He had tested that theory when he'd laid upon Bane's belly and demanded loudly that they up and walk themselves over to him so that he consume their delicious contents without moving.

That hadn't worked at all. He'd had to put the effort in to roll over enough to look at the bicorn in his big eye and use a series of gestures until the dumb beast had understood enough to roll his bottle closer.

The exhaustion he had felt after that!

So if they hadn't moved on their own, then it stood to reason that someone else had moved them. But who, and why? What possible use could anyone have for his bottles? No one else in his clan was small enough to fit inside them as he could. He turned and looked at them all suspiciously. The scoundrels. Mayhap this was a plot of theirs? A plot to overthrow him as their leader! That must be it. He was sure they were waiting until he let down his guard, and then they would plonk him in one of his pretty bottles and ship him off to sea. Not on his watch, oh no!

He drew his cutlass and thrust it into the air, trilling angrily. "On guard you curs, you scallywags and hooked-beaked excuses for tumbleweed. I demand that you cease your mischief at once and return my bottles to me!"

Nearby, Espero perched at a table and idly picked his teeth. It would seem as if he were ignoring his captain, but in all honesty, he had not heard him at all, such was the smallness of the fae, and the space that stretched between the two. Nako gnashed his teeth in frustration. It wasn't easy being such a daunting leader to giant, carnivorous beasts!

Somewhere outside the tavern, a sack-full of empty bottles slung over his back, Set prepared himself for the journey to the market, where he would sell the glass for treasure with which he would then purchase more liquid sustenance for his respected leader.

He smiled warmly at the thought of the fearsome fae dragon. Without that tiny explosion of courage, none of them would have a place to call home. Keeping him happy and plied with his favourite things was the least they could do in return.
[center][font=candara][size=5][b]The Making of a Hyde[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [font=candara][b][i]9 November 2018[/i][/b] "Eat these." Oscar said, shoving a stack of High-Voltage almonds at the overly large guardian. Hyde eyed them warily, well aware of the dangers of consuming the electrified plant. "Why must I do that?" He asked the young raptor. "Because they're charged with a special kind of magic." "What sort of magic?" "The sort that will turn you into a tundra dragon with luscious fur." "And why am I being turned into a tundra?" "I thought you said you wanted to help Nyoka." "I do." "Then stop asking questions and eat the almonds. The sooner you do, the sooner you can embark on your quest." Hyde studied Oscar carefully, noting the way her eyes kept darting from the door to the dark corners of the tavern and then to her feet. Then she dipped her head down to peer at her tail from between her legs, and then snapped it back up just as suddenly to glare at him. "Eat!" She commanded. He ate. Almost immediately he felt a tingling sensation in his legs, which spread throughout his entire body. Fur sprouted from all over, and he felt himself shrinking in size with each passing moment. Oscar watched on, steepling her claws in glee. Finally it was over, and Hyde stood before her, remade into a tundra dragon, luscious fur standing on end as a result of the high-voltage that circuited his body. the young raptor threw a swift-volt skin and grey wolf cape on him as soon as the transformation had completed- "To keep you grounded." she reasoned in a rare moment of clarity. Hyde only hoped he would adjust to his new self soon. [b][i]11 November 2018[/i][/b] This time it was Baku who came to him with the next preparation for his quest. Hyde knew better than to say so out loud, as she was a rather dangerous predator, but at least to himself he could admit that he preferred the sweet perfume of her mane to the rancid odour that hung about Oscar. "What must I do now?" He asked her as she rubbed her face against his neck, enjoying the soft touch of his new fur. "We must alter your genetic colours." "You're referring to a scatter scroll?" "More than one, I am sure, as we will need you to take on a rather specific appearance. I suggest you continue to wear the voltage skin while we partake of this experiment, to hide some of the more... unseemly outcomes that may result." He nodded in complete agreement, knowing it would embarrass him to be seen with the makeup of less than ideal colouring. Especially around a clan whose beauty shone through even the strongest disturbances. With no further ado, Baku pulled the first of the scatter scrolls from a nearby basket and draped it over his neck. And so the experiments began. [b][i]15 November 2018[/i][/b] Baku tilted her head and looked at him. "It's not perfect, but it'll do. We'll just have to keep that periwinkle hidden. I'm actually surprised we got there so fast - and here we were expecting this to drain our savings!" "So what's next?" Hyde asked, looking down at his new auburn self and liking the subtlety of the colour against his camo mane. "Genes. We have to get those fur patterns just right. I'll send the others to look for a morph scroll while hunting, and in the meantime we should get Kiburi's opinion as to whether we should go with Falcon or Wasp." Hyde watched the leviathan retreat, uncertain as to whether or not he would enjoy the experience of being fussed over by Kiburi as the proud raptor unleashed his artistic talent over him. ----- [center][font=candara][size=5][b]Scatter Records[/b][/size][/center] ----- [columns][font=candara][color=black][size=4]09 Nov - White/Goldenrod/Royal 11 Nov - Stonewash/Marigold/Honey 14 Nov - Sapphire/Garnet/Purple 14 Nov - Overcast/Eggplant/Blush 15 Nov - auburn/camo/periwinkle [/columns] ----- [font=candara][url=]NASTY accents[/url] [skin=28217][skin=28218] [right][font=candara][size=2][url=]back to top ^[/url]
The Making of a Hyde


9 November 2018

"Eat these." Oscar said, shoving a stack of High-Voltage almonds at the overly large guardian.
Hyde eyed them warily, well aware of the dangers of consuming the electrified plant. "Why must I do that?" He asked the young raptor.
"Because they're charged with a special kind of magic."
"What sort of magic?"
"The sort that will turn you into a tundra dragon with luscious fur."
"And why am I being turned into a tundra?"
"I thought you said you wanted to help Nyoka."
"I do."
"Then stop asking questions and eat the almonds. The sooner you do, the sooner you can embark on your quest."

Hyde studied Oscar carefully, noting the way her eyes kept darting from the door to the dark corners of the tavern and then to her feet. Then she dipped her head down to peer at her tail from between her legs, and then snapped it back up just as suddenly to glare at him.
"Eat!" She commanded. He ate.

Almost immediately he felt a tingling sensation in his legs, which spread throughout his entire body. Fur sprouted from all over, and he felt himself shrinking in size with each passing moment. Oscar watched on, steepling her claws in glee.

Finally it was over, and Hyde stood before her, remade into a tundra dragon, luscious fur standing on end as a result of the high-voltage that circuited his body. the young raptor threw a swift-volt skin and grey wolf cape on him as soon as the transformation had completed-

"To keep you grounded." she reasoned in a rare moment of clarity. Hyde only hoped he would adjust to his new self soon.

11 November 2018

This time it was Baku who came to him with the next preparation for his quest. Hyde knew better than to say so out loud, as she was a rather dangerous predator, but at least to himself he could admit that he preferred the sweet perfume of her mane to the rancid odour that hung about Oscar.
"What must I do now?" He asked her as she rubbed her face against his neck, enjoying the soft touch of his new fur.
"We must alter your genetic colours."
"You're referring to a scatter scroll?"
"More than one, I am sure, as we will need you to take on a rather specific appearance. I suggest you continue to wear the voltage skin while we partake of this experiment, to hide some of the more... unseemly outcomes that may result."
He nodded in complete agreement, knowing it would embarrass him to be seen with the makeup of less than ideal colouring. Especially around a clan whose beauty shone through even the strongest disturbances.

With no further ado, Baku pulled the first of the scatter scrolls from a nearby basket and draped it over his neck. And so the experiments began.

15 November 2018

Baku tilted her head and looked at him.
"It's not perfect, but it'll do. We'll just have to keep that periwinkle hidden. I'm actually surprised we got there so fast - and here we were expecting this to drain our savings!"
"So what's next?" Hyde asked, looking down at his new auburn self and liking the subtlety of the colour against his camo mane.
"Genes. We have to get those fur patterns just right. I'll send the others to look for a morph scroll while hunting, and in the meantime we should get Kiburi's opinion as to whether we should go with Falcon or Wasp."

Hyde watched the leviathan retreat, uncertain as to whether or not he would enjoy the experience of being fussed over by Kiburi as the proud raptor unleashed his artistic talent over him.

Scatter Records

09 Nov - White/Goldenrod/Royal
11 Nov - Stonewash/Marigold/Honey
14 Nov - Sapphire/Garnet/Purple
14 Nov - Overcast/Eggplant/Blush
15 Nov - auburn/camo/periwinkle

NASTY accents

[center][font=candara][size=5][b]The fracture[/b][/size] [i]17 December 2018[/i][/center] [font=candara]Nako wasn't really sure what was going on. One minute, he had curled up to snooze in his favourite spot on the floor of the tavern, and the next thing he knew, he was being trodden on by a young guardian with very sharp claws. He opened a sleepy eye and blinked up at her, aware that she was quite a bit bigger and very much heavier than himself even though she was obviously not yet a day old. She pressed down on his side again and he squawked at the immense pressure, flapping his wings and flying up so fast that she leapt back. "What are you doing?" He demanded, dipping his head in irritation. Where were the others? Why weren't they dealing with this nuisance and leaving him to his rest? "Please, I'm alone and scared. I don't know what's going on." "Obviously. This is my tavern - we don't allow hatchlings in here!" "Tavern? What tavern?" Nako blinked. He looked around him, noticing for the first time that he wasn't curled on the floor of the tavern as he had first thought. In fact, he was now standing in the middle of a rocky terrain, with no recognizable landmarks in sight. He didn't know [i]where[/i] he was. "What is this place?" He asked, suddenly uncertain. Where was the rest of his clan? "I-I'm not sure. Please, I'm all alone, can I stay with you?" Nako looked at the young guardian, realising that she wasn't the only one who was alone. "Perhaps we better." He acquiesced. After all, he was just a little fae himself - he didn't know how to fight - had never bothered to learn. It was safer for the both of them to stick together. Adjusting his hat, Nako scrabbled his way up onto the hatchling's back, perching there as he looked around warily. "We should get going. What's your name, wyrm?" "Lunastus." She sounded happier now that she knew he wasn't going to leave her alone. "Luna it is then. Pick a direction and start walking. We're sure to find something recognisable eventually." At least, he hoped so. Luna nodded and shifted into movement, her waddling legs picking their way between loose stones and stale tufts of grass. It was slow going, but it wasn't as if they had a destination in mind. Nako curled around the spines on Luna's back, his thoughts on the clan of tears. He wondered what had happened to them, and if he'd ever see them again... [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [right][font=candara][size=2][url=]back to top ^[/url]
The fracture
17 December 2018

Nako wasn't really sure what was going on. One minute, he had curled up to snooze in his favourite spot on the floor of the tavern, and the next thing he knew, he was being trodden on by a young guardian with very sharp claws.

He opened a sleepy eye and blinked up at her, aware that she was quite a bit bigger and very much heavier than himself even though she was obviously not yet a day old. She pressed down on his side again and he squawked at the immense pressure, flapping his wings and flying up so fast that she leapt back.

"What are you doing?" He demanded, dipping his head in irritation. Where were the others? Why weren't they dealing with this nuisance and leaving him to his rest?

"Please, I'm alone and scared. I don't know what's going on."
"Obviously. This is my tavern - we don't allow hatchlings in here!"
"Tavern? What tavern?"

Nako blinked. He looked around him, noticing for the first time that he wasn't curled on the floor of the tavern as he had first thought. In fact, he was now standing in the middle of a rocky terrain, with no recognizable landmarks in sight. He didn't know where he was.

"What is this place?" He asked, suddenly uncertain. Where was the rest of his clan?
"I-I'm not sure. Please, I'm all alone, can I stay with you?"
Nako looked at the young guardian, realising that she wasn't the only one who was alone.
"Perhaps we better." He acquiesced. After all, he was just a little fae himself - he didn't know how to fight - had never bothered to learn. It was safer for the both of them to stick together.

Adjusting his hat, Nako scrabbled his way up onto the hatchling's back, perching there as he looked around warily. "We should get going. What's your name, wyrm?"
"Lunastus." She sounded happier now that she knew he wasn't going to leave her alone.
"Luna it is then. Pick a direction and start walking. We're sure to find something recognisable eventually." At least, he hoped so.

Luna nodded and shifted into movement, her waddling legs picking their way between loose stones and stale tufts of grass. It was slow going, but it wasn't as if they had a destination in mind.

Nako curled around the spines on Luna's back, his thoughts on the clan of tears. He wondered what had happened to them, and if he'd ever see them again...


[center][font=candara][size=5][b]Warrior Types[/b][/size] [img][/img][/center] [columns][center][font=candara][size=4][url=][img][/img][/url] Boreal Woods[nextcol][center][font=candara][size=4][url=][img][/img][/url] Crystal Pools[nextcol][center][font=candara][size=4][url=][img][/img][/url] Harpie's Roost[nextcol][center][font=candara][size=4][url=][img][/img][/url] Ghostlight Ruins[nextcol][center][font=candara][size=4][url=][img][/img][/url] Mire[nextcol][center][font=candara][size=4][url=][img][/img][/url] Golem Workshop[/columns][columns][center][font=candara][size=4][url=][img][/img][/url] Kelp Beds[nextcol][center][font=candara][size=4][url=][img][/img][/url] Glass Cannon[nextcol][/columns] [center][img][/img] [font=candara][size=5][b]The Nomads[/b][/size][/center] [columns][item=eliminate][nextcol][font=candara][size=4][b]Nako[/b] - Training to be a Boreal Brawler [b]Lunastus[/b] - Training to be a Mire Flyer [b]Jokul[/b] - Training to be a Kelp Beds Reflector [b]Xeadas[/b] - Training to be a Kelp Beds Reflector[/columns] [right][font=candara][size=2][url=]back to top ^[/url]
Warrior Types

Boreal Woods
Crystal Pools
Harpie's Roost
Ghostlight Ruins
Golem Workshop
Kelp Beds
Glass Cannon

The Nomads
Eliminate Nako - Training to be a Boreal Brawler
Lunastus - Training to be a Mire Flyer
Jokul - Training to be a Kelp Beds Reflector
Xeadas - Training to be a Kelp Beds Reflector
[center][font=candara][size=5][b]Art Resources[/b][/size] [img][/img] [font=candara][url=]Dragon Bio Resources: Comprehensive[/url][/center] [columns][color=transparent]blehbleheh[/color][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][font=candara][size=4]Serpy/Deadbattery's Bio Buttons [url=]main post[/url] [url=]extras[/url][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][font=candara][size=4]Osiem's banners and icons [url=]directory[/url] [url=]elemental icons[/url] [url=]random icons[/url][nextcol][color=transparent]blehbleheh[/color][/columns] [center][img][/img] [font=candara][url=]Mibella's Templates and Graphics[/url] [img][/img] [url=]Starkindler's Bios and Resources[/url] [img][/img] [url=]Krastei's colourful elemental banners[/url][/center] [columns][img][/img] [font=candara][size=4][url=]Lestyn: Free LineArt[/url] [url=]Lestyn chibi angels[/url][nextcol][color=transparent]ble[/color][nextcol][img][/img] [center][font=candara][size=4][url=]Roule: Free DIY adopts[/url][nextcol][color=transparent]ble[/color][nextcol][img][/img] [center][font=candara][size=4][url=]Lichtdrache: Free DYO Adoptables[/url][/columns] [center][img][/img] [url=][font=candara]Biskitten's Free to Use: Adopt Bases[/url][/center] [img][/img] [url=][font=candara]Ammoth's Free to Use Sackdoll bases[/url] [url=][font=candara]Shyad's free-to-use bases[/url] [right][font=candara][size=2][url=]back to top ^[/url]
blehbleheh zdGr5so.png Serpy/Deadbattery's
Bio Buttons
main post
cherubgeneeggivory.png Osiem's banners and icons
elemental icons
random icons
Lestyn: Free LineArt
Lestyn chibi angels
ble ScE8YM4.png ble 40De2sh.png

Ammoth's Free to Use Sackdoll bases

Shyad's free-to-use bases
[center][font=candara][size=5][b]Encounter![/b][/size] [i]19 December 2018[/i][/center] [font=candara]Luna paused, lifting one foot from the earth and placing it between her teeth, nibbling on it to dislodge the dirt and rocks that had become wedged between her claws. On her back, Nako let out a sound of protest as the movement dislodged him and sent him sliding to the ground amongst a cloud of dust. "What is it now, wyrm?" He demanded, strutting around so that he could scowl up at her face. "I'm tired, and my feet hurt from walking so far. Can we rest a while?" Luna asked. Nako sighed, his indignation leaving him as quickly as it came. The hatchling had been doing well travelling so far each day, and it wasn't as if his wings could carry them any further. He wasn't in a position to begrudge her some rest. "We'll rest a while, but not too long. It's not safe here." He cast another look to the North, taking in the wide girth of the gorge. A little further and it would be to the south of them, also. He had never been in such dangerous territory without protection before. It made him more uncertain than he cared to admit. Luna exhaled in a huff and sank to the ground, grateful enough to stop moving for a while that she didn't even mind when her tummy began to rumble with a demand for food. She was always hungry. Nako had said that it was because she was growing so fast. She began to wonder if there was anything to eat nearby. A little longer, and then Luna's tummy became demanding enough that she pushed back to her feet and began to snuffle at the ground, searching for food. Fresh meat would be preferable, but she wasn't going to be fussy. Picking up an unusual scent, Luna began to follow it, plodding distractedly past where Nako had curled on a rock, looking decidedly uncomfortable. The scent intensified as it passed behind an outcropping of rocks, and strangely it was joined by two others. More curious than ever, Luna increased her pace, not watching where she was going as she tracked the scent, until she bumped her snout into something big and solid and... alive. Looking up at what she had walked into, Luna barked in alarm, her fins flaring defensively. Nako startled awake at Luna's outburst, a downward thrust propelling him into the air. Without a second thought he glided in the direction her cry had come from, knowing instinctively that it had not been a happy noise. As he rounded the outcropping and saw what stood before her, he stumbled in mid-air, the wind disappearing from beneath his wings, and he plopped to the ground with a gasp. Cautiously, his head bobbing with trepidation, he moved up to Luna's side and surveyed the three dragons that stood before them. [columns][url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol][url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/columns] [font=candara]Luna looked up and up at the full-grown female guardian that she had bumped into, the large dragon's hide and leathery wings looking like the earth of dragonhome made living. To the guardian's left was a Wildclaw, his eyes shaded by a strange hat, and despite being not much larger then she was, there was an aura around him that made her shuffle where she stood. She didn't think he was one to be trifled with. Lastly was a coatl, stunningly beautiful with a double ring of flames encircling her head. The look in her eyes was wary, and yet behind that was a flicker of warmth, as if the coatl wasn't quite as intimidating as she appeared to be at first glance. Slowly, as if assessing the danger, the coatl bent her head to blow gently across Luna's snout. "Who are you, little one, and what are you doing out here?" she asked. Luna looked at her with wide eyes, her fins slowly flattening as curiosity chased away the fear. "My name is Lunastus, and this is my friend Nako. He looks after me." Luna said. Nako trilled a greeting, the sound coming out somewhat flatter than he had intended. He didn't like being around strange dragons, especially when they seemed as if they could swat him aside as easily as if he were a luna mith. "We're trying to get to the other side of the gorge, but it's a long way and my feet hurt. Nako says there's lots of scary things around here. What's your name?" Luna said, beginning to ramble. The coatl exchanged looks with her two companions, and Nako wondered if they were communicating silently somehow. Of the three of them, the female guardian seemed to be a little clueless as to the situation, but when the Wildclaw raked his gaze over Nako and Luna, his attention was merely considering. "My name is Calculus." The Wildclaw said, his voice calm and nonthreatening. He nodded to the Coatl. "This is Kalahari," and then to the Guardian. "And Copper. There are indeed many dangers in this area, especially for ones such as yourselves. We will stay with you until you have crossed to the other side, to ensure that no harm will come to you." Nako looked at the three of them, weighing the options. These dragons were strangers to him, but he was not capable of defending himself or Luna if they were attacked, and with the way that the coatl was gazing at the wyrm, he was beginning to see them as less of a threat and more as welcome protection against the dangers. "Thank you." He said, finally. "We would appreciate that." "Wonderful!" Kalahari said, and beckoned Luna closer to her. "Come now, little one. You must be hungry. Why don't we see about finding you some food?" "Oh, yes please! My tummy has been talking really loudly!" Luna said. Kalahari laughed as they began to wander off, and Nako sighed, wishing he could be as carefree as the hatchling was. Calculus and Copper waited for him to draw even with them, and then the three turned and began to follow after the other two. So far, so good. [right][font=candara][size=2][url=]back to top ^[/url]
19 December 2018

Luna paused, lifting one foot from the earth and placing it between her teeth, nibbling on it to dislodge the dirt and rocks that had become wedged between her claws. On her back, Nako let out a sound of protest as the movement dislodged him and sent him sliding to the ground amongst a cloud of dust.

"What is it now, wyrm?" He demanded, strutting around so that he could scowl up at her face.
"I'm tired, and my feet hurt from walking so far. Can we rest a while?" Luna asked.
Nako sighed, his indignation leaving him as quickly as it came. The hatchling had been doing well travelling so far each day, and it wasn't as if his wings could carry them any further. He wasn't in a position to begrudge her some rest. "We'll rest a while, but not too long. It's not safe here." He cast another look to the North, taking in the wide girth of the gorge. A little further and it would be to the south of them, also. He had never been in such dangerous territory without protection before. It made him more uncertain than he cared to admit.

Luna exhaled in a huff and sank to the ground, grateful enough to stop moving for a while that she didn't even mind when her tummy began to rumble with a demand for food. She was always hungry. Nako had said that it was because she was growing so fast. She began to wonder if there was anything to eat nearby.

A little longer, and then Luna's tummy became demanding enough that she pushed back to her feet and began to snuffle at the ground, searching for food. Fresh meat would be preferable, but she wasn't going to be fussy. Picking up an unusual scent, Luna began to follow it, plodding distractedly past where Nako had curled on a rock, looking decidedly uncomfortable. The scent intensified as it passed behind an outcropping of rocks, and strangely it was joined by two others. More curious than ever, Luna increased her pace, not watching where she was going as she tracked the scent, until she bumped her snout into something big and solid and... alive. Looking up at what she had walked into, Luna barked in alarm, her fins flaring defensively.

Nako startled awake at Luna's outburst, a downward thrust propelling him into the air. Without a second thought he glided in the direction her cry had come from, knowing instinctively that it had not been a happy noise. As he rounded the outcropping and saw what stood before her, he stumbled in mid-air, the wind disappearing from beneath his wings, and he plopped to the ground with a gasp. Cautiously, his head bobbing with trepidation, he moved up to Luna's side and surveyed the three dragons that stood before them.




Luna looked up and up at the full-grown female guardian that she had bumped into, the large dragon's hide and leathery wings looking like the earth of dragonhome made living. To the guardian's left was a Wildclaw, his eyes shaded by a strange hat, and despite being not much larger then she was, there was an aura around him that made her shuffle where she stood. She didn't think he was one to be trifled with. Lastly was a coatl, stunningly beautiful with a double ring of flames encircling her head. The look in her eyes was wary, and yet behind that was a flicker of warmth, as if the coatl wasn't quite as intimidating as she appeared to be at first glance.

Slowly, as if assessing the danger, the coatl bent her head to blow gently across Luna's snout. "Who are you, little one, and what are you doing out here?" she asked.
Luna looked at her with wide eyes, her fins slowly flattening as curiosity chased away the fear. "My name is Lunastus, and this is my friend Nako. He looks after me." Luna said.
Nako trilled a greeting, the sound coming out somewhat flatter than he had intended. He didn't like being around strange dragons, especially when they seemed as if they could swat him aside as easily as if he were a luna mith.
"We're trying to get to the other side of the gorge, but it's a long way and my feet hurt. Nako says there's lots of scary things around here. What's your name?" Luna said, beginning to ramble.

The coatl exchanged looks with her two companions, and Nako wondered if they were communicating silently somehow. Of the three of them, the female guardian seemed to be a little clueless as to the situation, but when the Wildclaw raked his gaze over Nako and Luna, his attention was merely considering.

"My name is Calculus." The Wildclaw said, his voice calm and nonthreatening. He nodded to the Coatl. "This is Kalahari," and then to the Guardian. "And Copper. There are indeed many dangers in this area, especially for ones such as yourselves. We will stay with you until you have crossed to the other side, to ensure that no harm will come to you."

Nako looked at the three of them, weighing the options. These dragons were strangers to him, but he was not capable of defending himself or Luna if they were attacked, and with the way that the coatl was gazing at the wyrm, he was beginning to see them as less of a threat and more as welcome protection against the dangers. "Thank you." He said, finally. "We would appreciate that."

"Wonderful!" Kalahari said, and beckoned Luna closer to her. "Come now, little one. You must be hungry. Why don't we see about finding you some food?"
"Oh, yes please! My tummy has been talking really loudly!" Luna said.
Kalahari laughed as they began to wander off, and Nako sighed, wishing he could be as carefree as the hatchling was. Calculus and Copper waited for him to draw even with them, and then the three turned and began to follow after the other two.

So far, so good.

[center][font=candara][size=5][b]Escort[/b][/size] [i]22 December 2018 [/i][/center] [font=candara]The five of them had been travelling for three days and in that time Nako had watched Luna grow at an alarming rate as the young guardian devoured copious amounts of food, endlessly searching for more sustenance. He quickly became grateful for the steady presence of their escort. Kalahari's endless patience with Luna was admirable - the way that she never seemed to tire of listening to the wyrm's stories about whatever nonsense, and even offered some of her own. And then there was Calculus and Copper, both seemingly calm and even somewhat amused at the babbling youngster with all her energy and mischief - something he wasn't sure he could match. having a bigger travelling party meant that there was more of them to gather food, too, something Nako would have been unable to do on his own. At least, not enough to satisfy his companion's growing needs. [img][/img] Nako spent his time either draped over the young guardian's back, or picking his way awkwardly along the ground beside Calculus. Of the three escorts, he found he liked Calculus's company best. He admired the way that the Wildclaw viewed the world with a quiet wisdom and thoughtful philosophy. He had always thought himself a bit of a philosopher as he stared into the bottom of his empty bottles, but Calculus's knowledge was deeper, and it offered him a new point of view. The journey itself was rather treacherous, the path often taking them right up to the edge of the gorge to where the stone began to crumble under their weight, threatening to pitch them down into the darkness. And yet they somehow managed to continue on without harm, the fast pattering of their hearts at near-misses the only sign that there had been any danger at all. Sometimes in the moments when Nako's mind was clear of spirits, he flew ahead a while and circled back, scouting the terrain and searching for any sign of ambush or nesting grounds - those were always best to avoid - and he would return to suggest a course adjustment if needed. Despite it all, their journey passed peacefully, and for that the little fae was thankful. [columns][item=unhatched wind egg][nextcol][font=candara][color=black][size=4][i]20 December 2018[/i] Nako discovered a wind dragon egg resting in the den of a small creature. Concerned for its safety, he carefully scooped it up and tucked it into his hat for safe keeping as the party continued on their way.[/columns] [font=candara]--- The party paused at the edge of the Shattered Plain, having left the dangers of the Greatwyrm's Breach behind them earlier that morning. Luna flopped to the earth and began to roll around, playing with a Roan Mouse she had unearthed just minutes before. It wasn't easy travelling with a bunch of adults. She was bigger than Calculus too, now, but she hoped she would never be as serious as he was. She screwed her features into her best impression of sternness, but soon she was giggling once more. It was no fun being so serious. "What are you doing?" Kalahari asked, coming up behind her. Luna turned and proudly showed off the mouse she had caught. "I was just seeing what it was like to be all grown up. I don't think I like it very much!" The Coatl laughed. "It's something that happens so gradually that you won't notice until suddenly you're a proper dragon!" "Well, even as a grown up, I don't think I'll ever be as grumpy as Nako!" she said. "I heard that!" Nako scowled, and Luna erupted into giggles once more. She watched as the little fae made his way over to them, his hat slipping over his face so that he tripped on a stone and nearly fell. He cursed, and Luna giggled harder, dropping her mouse and digging her claws into the ground from the force of her laughter. "It's time to say goodbye to our new friends, Luna." Nako said, and Luna stopped laughing. "Aww, already? But we were having so much fun!" she whined. "They have their own clan to get back to now, and we still have a long way to go." Luna hunched her shoulders, saddened. She didn't want to say goodbye. She was having fun travelling in a group. Nako was great, but he slept too much and didn't tell very good stories. She looked up at Kalahari. "Will I see you again?" She asked, sounding as small as she suddenly felt. the Coatl wrapped her in a warm embrace, and Luna let herself be comforted. "I'm sure we'll see each other again, one day. But just think of all the adventures you're going to have, wandering around with Nako and seeing the world! You're going to make so many new friends and have so many grand stories to tell." Luna brightened somewhat at that thought. She really liked the idea of adventures. "I'll always remember you as my first friend, Kalahari!" she said. She touched her nose to the Coatl's in farewell and hurried off to say goodbye to Calculus and Copper. Nako pretended not to see the emotion that welled in the Coatl's eyes. --- The two were subdued as they continued their journey alone, the hatchling's usual enthusiasm quelled temporarily, her thoughts no doubt on the companions they had left behind. Nako searched for a way to cheer her up once more. [columns][skin=18010][nextcol][font=candara][color=black][size=4]Shortly later, he spied just the thing - a rare little plant that, while struggling to grow in the rocky terrain, was known to thrive when paired with a dragon - it would attach itself and grow along the dragon's back and limbs, and coat their wings with a brilliant autumn sheen. The best part that it could be removed at any time without harming the dragon or the plant.[/columns] [font=candara]With a smile, he picked it and presented it to the wyrm, his heart lightening that the delight that spread over Luna's face as they gently attached it to her where her wing met her shoulder. As they continued to wander... the plant began to grow. [right][img][/img] [right][font=candara][size=2][url=]back to top ^[/url]
22 December 2018

The five of them had been travelling for three days and in that time Nako had watched Luna grow at an alarming rate as the young guardian devoured copious amounts of food, endlessly searching for more sustenance. He quickly became grateful for the steady presence of their escort. Kalahari's endless patience with Luna was admirable - the way that she never seemed to tire of listening to the wyrm's stories about whatever nonsense, and even offered some of her own.

And then there was Calculus and Copper, both seemingly calm and even somewhat amused at the babbling youngster with all her energy and mischief - something he wasn't sure he could match. having a bigger travelling party meant that there was more of them to gather food, too, something Nako would have been unable to do on his own. At least, not enough to satisfy his companion's growing needs.


Nako spent his time either draped over the young guardian's back, or picking his way awkwardly along the ground beside Calculus. Of the three escorts, he found he liked Calculus's company best. He admired the way that the Wildclaw viewed the world with a quiet wisdom and thoughtful philosophy. He had always thought himself a bit of a philosopher as he stared into the bottom of his empty bottles, but Calculus's knowledge was deeper, and it offered him a new point of view.

The journey itself was rather treacherous, the path often taking them right up to the edge of the gorge to where the stone began to crumble under their weight, threatening to pitch them down into the darkness. And yet they somehow managed to continue on without harm, the fast pattering of their hearts at near-misses the only sign that there had been any danger at all. Sometimes in the moments when Nako's mind was clear of spirits, he flew ahead a while and circled back, scouting the terrain and searching for any sign of ambush or nesting grounds - those were always best to avoid - and he would return to suggest a course adjustment if needed. Despite it all, their journey passed peacefully, and for that the little fae was thankful.

Unhatched Wind Egg 20 December 2018
Nako discovered a wind dragon egg resting in the den of a small creature. Concerned for its safety, he carefully scooped it up and tucked it into his hat for safe keeping as the party continued on their way.


The party paused at the edge of the Shattered Plain, having left the dangers of the Greatwyrm's Breach behind them earlier that morning. Luna flopped to the earth and began to roll around, playing with a Roan Mouse she had unearthed just minutes before. It wasn't easy travelling with a bunch of adults. She was bigger than Calculus too, now, but she hoped she would never be as serious as he was. She screwed her features into her best impression of sternness, but soon she was giggling once more. It was no fun being so serious.

"What are you doing?" Kalahari asked, coming up behind her.
Luna turned and proudly showed off the mouse she had caught. "I was just seeing what it was like to be all grown up. I don't think I like it very much!"
The Coatl laughed. "It's something that happens so gradually that you won't notice until suddenly you're a proper dragon!"
"Well, even as a grown up, I don't think I'll ever be as grumpy as Nako!" she said.
"I heard that!" Nako scowled, and Luna erupted into giggles once more. She watched as the little fae made his way over to them, his hat slipping over his face so that he tripped on a stone and nearly fell. He cursed, and Luna giggled harder, dropping her mouse and digging her claws into the ground from the force of her laughter.

"It's time to say goodbye to our new friends, Luna." Nako said, and Luna stopped laughing.
"Aww, already? But we were having so much fun!" she whined.
"They have their own clan to get back to now, and we still have a long way to go."
Luna hunched her shoulders, saddened. She didn't want to say goodbye. She was having fun travelling in a group. Nako was great, but he slept too much and didn't tell very good stories. She looked up at Kalahari.
"Will I see you again?" She asked, sounding as small as she suddenly felt.
the Coatl wrapped her in a warm embrace, and Luna let herself be comforted. "I'm sure we'll see each other again, one day. But just think of all the adventures you're going to have, wandering around with Nako and seeing the world! You're going to make so many new friends and have so many grand stories to tell."
Luna brightened somewhat at that thought. She really liked the idea of adventures.
"I'll always remember you as my first friend, Kalahari!" she said. She touched her nose to the Coatl's in farewell and hurried off to say goodbye to Calculus and Copper.
Nako pretended not to see the emotion that welled in the Coatl's eyes.


The two were subdued as they continued their journey alone, the hatchling's usual enthusiasm quelled temporarily, her thoughts no doubt on the companions they had left behind. Nako searched for a way to cheer her up once more.

Shortly later, he spied just the thing - a rare little plant that, while struggling to grow in the rocky terrain, was known to thrive when paired with a dragon - it would attach itself and grow along the dragon's back and limbs, and coat their wings with a brilliant autumn sheen. The best part that it could be removed at any time without harming the dragon or the plant.

With a smile, he picked it and presented it to the wyrm, his heart lightening that the delight that spread over Luna's face as they gently attached it to her where her wing met her shoulder. As they continued to wander... the plant began to grow.

[center][font=candara][size=5][b]Night of the Nocturne[/b][/size] [i]23 December 2018[/i][/center] [font=candara][url=][img][/img][/url] The night had been dark, the wind beneath her wings edged with the first stirrings of winter, the ground far below nothing but a mess of shadows that rose and dipped as she passed; insignificant. It was just like she was in that sense. She did not fly alone - instead, she was buoyed by the hundreds - thousands - of nocturnes around her, all of them taking to the skies and claiming the world as their domain. It was her first night of the nocturne, but she had been told that this flight was tradition, that she was part of something great - a claiming of new territory, a start of a new cycle. They had said as much to her face, but behind her back, she knew what they said of her. "Spider Queen" they called her - a mutation, different from them and therefore something to be avoided, even feared. She flew as one of thousands, and yet she was alone. They should have realised that having more eyes wasn't a bad thing, it simply meant that she could see better than they could - see the fear and disgust in their expressions, behind their empty smiles. She was not one of them, and they did not want her, so she saw no reason why she should stay. It was when the sun began to breach the horizon that she faltered in her flight. Having more eyes meant that she could see more clearly, but it also meant that she was more sensitive to light, and as the sun burst into the sky and brought with it the day, she screeched and dropped through the air, plummeting thousands of wingspans, the wind ripping at her wings until she managed to wrench them out once more and catch herself in the updrafts, moments before she would have met her death on the rocks below. Exhausted, she drifted the last distance to the earth and rested, her chest heaving. Above her, the nocturnes flew on, uninterested in stragglers who could not keep up with the flight. A questing nose nudged at her hide and she hissed, spinning on the offender, her eyes still watering painfully from the light as she squinted at the dark shape before her. The mirror hatchling recoiled, his double set of eyes blinking at her. They stared at each other for a long time, long enough for the shadows to be chased from the earth entirely. Eventually she exhaled and leaned forward to sniff at him curiously. She could scent no other dragons on his skin, as if he too, was alone. [right][url=][img][/img][/url][/right] [font=candara]"Who are you?" she asked. The mirror looked at her silently. "Don't you have a name?" she tried again. The mirror just blinked. "Speak!" she demanded, losing her patience. The mirror ducked his head and backed away a couple of steps, submissive. She huffed, her anger leaving her. "Do you not have a voice?" The mirror shook his head. "No wonder you're alone. I doubt your kind likes flaws any better than mine." The mirror stood and shuffled forward, rubbing his head up against her side, careful not to poke her in any of her eyes. That small consideration softened her a little, and she allowed herself to rest her face against his for an instant. "I'm going to call you Jokul." she told him as he gazed at her so calmly. "My name is Xeadas. We'll stick together from now on. Together we can grow strong and survive this world." Jokul thumped his tail against the earth in approval. --- "I know I heard something. I just want to see!" Xeadas moved in front of Jokul and bared her teeth as a rather large head poked its way into the bushes where she had concealed them to wait for the night - when it would be safer for them to travel. She hissed and snapped her teeth at it, and it withdrew with a shriek. Before she could stop him, Jokul dashed out from their shelter to confront the intruder, his head curved as he displayed his crest threateningly. Not wanting to leave him alone to fight whatever danger they now faced, Xeadas pushed her way out after him, puffing out her chest as much as she could to make her seem bigger. As she saw what stood before them, she drew up short, staring into the eyes of an adolescent guardian with a little pirate fae sitting on its back. ----- [columns][item=strange chest][nextcol][color=transparent]boo[/color][nextcol][font=candara][size=4][color=black][i]Total count[/i] x252[nextcol][color=transparent]boo[/color][nextcol][item=unhatched nocturne egg][nextcol][font=candara][size=4][color=black][i]Total count[/i] x26[nextcol][color=transparent]boo[/color][nextcol][item=tertiary gene: smirch][nextcol][font=candara][size=4][color=black][i]Total count[/i] x5[/columns] ----- [right][font=candara][size=2][url=]back to top ^[/url]
Night of the Nocturne
23 December 2018


The night had been dark, the wind beneath her wings edged with the first stirrings of winter, the ground far below nothing but a mess of shadows that rose and dipped as she passed; insignificant. It was just like she was in that sense. She did not fly alone - instead, she was buoyed by the hundreds - thousands - of nocturnes around her, all of them taking to the skies and claiming the world as their domain. It was her first night of the nocturne, but she had been told that this flight was tradition, that she was part of something great - a claiming of new territory, a start of a new cycle.

They had said as much to her face, but behind her back, she knew what they said of her. "Spider Queen" they called her - a mutation, different from them and therefore something to be avoided, even feared. She flew as one of thousands, and yet she was alone. They should have realised that having more eyes wasn't a bad thing, it simply meant that she could see better than they could - see the fear and disgust in their expressions, behind their empty smiles. She was not one of them, and they did not want her, so she saw no reason why she should stay.

It was when the sun began to breach the horizon that she faltered in her flight. Having more eyes meant that she could see more clearly, but it also meant that she was more sensitive to light, and as the sun burst into the sky and brought with it the day, she screeched and dropped through the air, plummeting thousands of wingspans, the wind ripping at her wings until she managed to wrench them out once more and catch herself in the updrafts, moments before she would have met her death on the rocks below. Exhausted, she drifted the last distance to the earth and rested, her chest heaving. Above her, the nocturnes flew on, uninterested in stragglers who could not keep up with the flight.

A questing nose nudged at her hide and she hissed, spinning on the offender, her eyes still watering painfully from the light as she squinted at the dark shape before her. The mirror hatchling recoiled, his double set of eyes blinking at her. They stared at each other for a long time, long enough for the shadows to be chased from the earth entirely. Eventually she exhaled and leaned forward to sniff at him curiously. She could scent no other dragons on his skin, as if he too, was alone.


"Who are you?" she asked.
The mirror looked at her silently.
"Don't you have a name?" she tried again.
The mirror just blinked.
"Speak!" she demanded, losing her patience.
The mirror ducked his head and backed away a couple of steps, submissive.
She huffed, her anger leaving her. "Do you not have a voice?"
The mirror shook his head.
"No wonder you're alone. I doubt your kind likes flaws any better than mine."
The mirror stood and shuffled forward, rubbing his head up against her side, careful not to poke her in any of her eyes. That small consideration softened her a little, and she allowed herself to rest her face against his for an instant.
"I'm going to call you Jokul." she told him as he gazed at her so calmly. "My name is Xeadas. We'll stick together from now on. Together we can grow strong and survive this world."
Jokul thumped his tail against the earth in approval.


"I know I heard something. I just want to see!"
Xeadas moved in front of Jokul and bared her teeth as a rather large head poked its way into the bushes where she had concealed them to wait for the night - when it would be safer for them to travel. She hissed and snapped her teeth at it, and it withdrew with a shriek.

Before she could stop him, Jokul dashed out from their shelter to confront the intruder, his head curved as he displayed his crest threateningly. Not wanting to leave him alone to fight whatever danger they now faced, Xeadas pushed her way out after him, puffing out her chest as much as she could to make her seem bigger.

As she saw what stood before them, she drew up short, staring into the eyes of an adolescent guardian with a little pirate fae sitting on its back.

Strange Chest boo Total count
boo Unhatched Nocturne Egg Total count
boo Tertiary Gene: Smirch Total count

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