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TOPIC | [T] Shock Switch Upcoming Features/Bugs
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No payout, blank screen when the game ends.
No payout, blank screen when the game ends.
I was told to post my issue here- although I imagine enough other people would post that mine will be redundant. Or maybe it's an overall games issue, in which case... Still redundant.

Anyway, I didn't get a payout for Shock Switch. There were no issues during the game, but afterwards I got a plain "Game Over" screen, with no score, time, or treasure count on it. I tried again with a very quick game, just to test it, and the same thing occurred.
I was told to post my issue here- although I imagine enough other people would post that mine will be redundant. Or maybe it's an overall games issue, in which case... Still redundant.

Anyway, I didn't get a payout for Shock Switch. There were no issues during the game, but afterwards I got a plain "Game Over" screen, with no score, time, or treasure count on it. I tried again with a very quick game, just to test it, and the same thing occurred.
This started today after the lag ended....reposting it here per Twitchy (I had made a separate thread about it):

"Well this is a new development. I played a shock switch game on hard and got to a decent speed (forget what) and it only paid 552 treasure. I was like ok, maybe i didn't do as well as I thought since I don't do hard mode that often. I just spent an hour playing the game on normal and got to over 100 speed. I know I should get more than 552 for that...What's going on...

Tested a game on normal mode. I played to 26 speed, got 552 treasure. Then I closed out the window and tried again. Played a normal mode game to 26 speed and got a blank game window when finished this treasure, no high scores. I think i was doing better before... "
This started today after the lag ended....reposting it here per Twitchy (I had made a separate thread about it):

"Well this is a new development. I played a shock switch game on hard and got to a decent speed (forget what) and it only paid 552 treasure. I was like ok, maybe i didn't do as well as I thought since I don't do hard mode that often. I just spent an hour playing the game on normal and got to over 100 speed. I know I should get more than 552 for that...What's going on...

Tested a game on normal mode. I played to 26 speed, got 552 treasure. Then I closed out the window and tried again. Played a normal mode game to 26 speed and got a blank game window when finished this treasure, no high scores. I think i was doing better before... "
I played for awhile but due to some weird connection issue, it does not pay me my winning gold coins! BUT it is not just shock switch, it's jigsaw and the runestone one too.

No idea what is going on.
I played for awhile but due to some weird connection issue, it does not pay me my winning gold coins! BUT it is not just shock switch, it's jigsaw and the runestone one too.

No idea what is going on.
Played for half an hour on very hard, no payout, blank screen at the end.
Played for half an hour on very hard, no payout, blank screen at the end.
Sounds like pretty much everyone is having the issue, but yeah no payout after playing.

Tried multiple difficulties and ending game through pause menu and through the tiles reaching the top, none showing payout or leader boards.
Sounds like pretty much everyone is having the issue, but yeah no payout after playing.

Tried multiple difficulties and ending game through pause menu and through the tiles reaching the top, none showing payout or leader boards.
Got a screen just now, only said Game Over and Play Again, my score was absent as was the high scores and I received no treasure.
Got a screen just now, only said Game Over and Play Again, my score was absent as was the high scores and I received no treasure.
I've played Shock switch twice today and didn't receive any payout either time?
I've played Shock switch twice today and didn't receive any payout either time?
No payout after playing the first time, and then I got booted mid-game the second time with a server error.
No payout after playing the first time, and then I got booted mid-game the second time with a server error.
Second Gen Sunset Coatl Auction!

Sale Thread
XXYs and XYYs, tripled gened Imps, SDs, etc.
Well glad i'm not alone in the payout problem. Played 3 games and no pay. Shockswitch doesn't pay, Runes doesn't get past level 1 and colo stalls every 2-3 battles. I'm thinkin i need to learn to like puzzles :c
Well glad i'm not alone in the payout problem. Played 3 games and no pay. Shockswitch doesn't pay, Runes doesn't get past level 1 and colo stalls every 2-3 battles. I'm thinkin i need to learn to like puzzles :c
Siggy made by Serinde
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