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TOPIC | Malwarebytes Blocking FR
Hey! I don't have a picture because I disabled it for FR site, but Malwarebytes believes that the forums are suspicious and trying to download stuff onto my pc, and everytime I hit proceed it brings me to the page with emoji #333. [img][/img] (this one) [url][/url] (this link) Any idea why this is happening? (Quick edit, it believes that this is a "scam" [it labeled it as such], I put it on the allow list, but still... this didn't happen until the recent update.) Microsoft Edge, haven't tested (as I'd have to get malwarebytes onto those).
Hey! I don't have a picture because I disabled it for FR site, but Malwarebytes believes that the forums are suspicious and trying to download stuff onto my pc, and everytime I hit proceed it brings me to the page with emoji #333.

333.png (this one) (this link)

Any idea why this is happening?

(Quick edit, it believes that this is a "scam" [it labeled it as such], I put it on the allow list, but still... this didn't happen until the recent update.)

Microsoft Edge, haven't tested (as I'd have to get malwarebytes onto those).
Feed please?
?wkGqN=party_oras.png ?q4yND=party_oras.png
If I had to guess, it's because of the repeating numbers in the file name. I believe that that can be a flag for antiviruses?
If I had to guess, it's because of the repeating numbers in the file name. I believe that that can be a flag for antiviruses?
Actually, that's a good assumption... but why just that emoji? I'm pretty sure that others have repeating numbers in them too... 111 and 222 caused no issues.

That does make a lot of sense, but if that is the case, then the other 2 may have been fixed, unlike 333.
Actually, that's a good assumption... but why just that emoji? I'm pretty sure that others have repeating numbers in them too... 111 and 222 caused no issues.

That does make a lot of sense, but if that is the case, then the other 2 may have been fixed, unlike 333.
Feed please?
?wkGqN=party_oras.png ?q4yND=party_oras.png
Antiviruses can be finicky. I've seen so many reports about one or two Coliseum enemy portraits being blocked by the users' respective antivirus but other assets were completely fine. Sometimes these things happen!
Antiviruses can be finicky. I've seen so many reports about one or two Coliseum enemy portraits being blocked by the users' respective antivirus but other assets were completely fine. Sometimes these things happen!
I'm getting this on the new venue announcement post, but not all forum posts. [img][/img] I've tried adding and to the exclusions list - all that did was change the warning message from "riskware" to "malware." Is FR using some new data-tracking that MBytes doesn't like? (Is anyone else getting this?)
I'm getting this on the new venue announcement post, but not all forum posts.

I've tried adding and to the exclusions list - all that did was change the warning message from "riskware" to "malware."

Is FR using some new data-tracking that MBytes doesn't like? (Is anyone else getting this?)
[quote name="@ErisLordFreedom" date="2024-07-17 11:29:15" ] I'm getting this on the new venue announcement post, but not all forum posts. [img][/img] I've tried adding and to the exclusions list - all that did was change the warning message from "riskware" to "malware." Is FR using some new data-tracking that MBytes doesn't like? (Is anyone else getting this?) [/quote] That happened to me for a long time because of a file hosting site, filegarden. Malwarebytes flags it as riskware, and lots of people use it on the forums (including some people on the new venue announcement thread's first page.) You could try excluding ' ' and reload a couple times 'till it goes away. As far as I know filegarden isn't itself malicious and it's used by a lot of forum users. Flight Rising isn't triggering mine anymore. I doubt it's data-tracking.
@ErisLordFreedom wrote on 2024-07-17 11:29:15:
I'm getting this on the new venue announcement post, but not all forum posts.

I've tried adding and to the exclusions list - all that did was change the warning message from "riskware" to "malware."

Is FR using some new data-tracking that MBytes doesn't like? (Is anyone else getting this?)

That happened to me for a long time because of a file hosting site, filegarden. Malwarebytes flags it as riskware, and lots of people use it on the forums (including some people on the new venue announcement thread's first page.) You could try excluding ' ' and reload a couple times 'till it goes away. As far as I know filegarden isn't itself malicious and it's used by a lot of forum users.

Flight Rising isn't triggering mine anymore. I doubt it's data-tracking.
fav FR colour: spruce
fav FR gene combo: display/lacquer/topcoat
fav FR breed: coatl
w8o0xW1.png ping me please
[quote name="Tidalgaze" date="2021-07-26 18:10:17" ] Malwarebytes believes that the forums are suspicious and trying to download stuff onto my pc [/quote] quick note, the forums (and every webpage you visit) [i]are[/i] trying to download stuff onto your pc. that's how you view them. malwarebytes isn't wrong about that part. what it objects to is what is being downloaded. in this case, is a known false positivie with malwarebytes so you can indeed safely allow it
Tidalgaze wrote on 2021-07-26 18:10:17:
Malwarebytes believes that the forums are suspicious and trying to download stuff onto my pc

quick note, the forums (and every webpage you visit) are trying to download stuff onto your pc. that's how you view them. malwarebytes isn't wrong about that part. what it objects to is what is being downloaded.

in this case, is a known false positivie with malwarebytes so you can indeed safely allow it
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