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TOPIC | Custom skin upload error
I've been trying to upload this custom accent and all I get when I upload it is "413 Request Entity Too Large". Is there any solution to this?
I've been trying to upload this custom accent and all I get when I upload it is "413 Request Entity Too Large". Is there any solution to this?
@Junaia Is your submission in the correct format and the correct size? Can you link it here?
@Junaia Is your submission in the correct format and the correct size? Can you link it here?
I'm having the same troubles. I downloaded the template from the custom skin page but when i try submitting it says that error. I'm trying to make an accent for my dragons and I'm not sure if I'm doing it right. (I don't think you need this part but I use paint tool sai for it as well.)
I'm having the same troubles. I downloaded the template from the custom skin page but when i try submitting it says that error. I'm trying to make an accent for my dragons and I'm not sure if I'm doing it right. (I don't think you need this part but I use paint tool sai for it as well.)
@samwarlbouski in the future, it would be better to make a new thread so your issue doesn't get skipped over- people don't usually check threads that have been answered, and this thread is very old!

Have you already tried the solution chespin gave?
@samwarlbouski in the future, it would be better to make a new thread so your issue doesn't get skipped over- people don't usually check threads that have been answered, and this thread is very old!

Have you already tried the solution chespin gave?

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@Shinyumbreon Wait what would be the correct size? I honestly don't know how to correctly change the size of a file like that either. The templates are 750 x 750 to start and I don't want to mess it up and have weird looking accents
@Shinyumbreon Wait what would be the correct size? I honestly don't know how to correctly change the size of a file like that either. The templates are 750 x 750 to start and I don't want to mess it up and have weird looking accents
@samwarlbouski the correct size for submission is 350x350 and your art program should have somewhere to resize your image
@samwarlbouski the correct size for submission is 350x350 and your art program should have somewhere to resize your image

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@Shinyumbreon All I know is that when i change the canvas size, the drawing/picture does not change size, but I don't want to mess it up and end up with a weird looking accent.
@Shinyumbreon All I know is that when i change the canvas size, the drawing/picture does not change size, but I don't want to mess it up and end up with a weird looking accent.
@samwarlbouski changing the canvas size would only change the drawing area's size- there should be an option for "image size" or "change image with canvas" (or something like those)

If neither of these work, you can likely use an external program to resize it from 750x750
@samwarlbouski changing the canvas size would only change the drawing area's size- there should be an option for "image size" or "change image with canvas" (or something like those)

If neither of these work, you can likely use an external program to resize it from 750x750

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@Shinyumbreon I figured it out. Thank you!
@Shinyumbreon I figured it out. Thank you!