
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | Into the Wake Hatchery (G5 Moroi)
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I would like to make a lore offering (+ 1kg) for Nadia <3 Ft. a smol mention of [url=]Neveah[/url]. [rule] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] "Checked out? What do you mean, [i]checked out[/i]?!” Her words came out far louder than she intended, and a chorus of ‘shh!’s immediately followed from various nooks and crannies within the labyrinth of a library. The librarian, an elderly pearlcatcher with particularly bad cataracts, winced sympathetically. How the woman was even able to read the check-out records was a mystery, but Nadia couldn’t care less about that at the moment. There were much more pressing matters to worry about. “I’m very sorry, my dear. I know you’ve come a very long way to find this book, too, and I understand your disappointment,” The old woman soothed. Disappointment was a vast understatement; the emotions roiling within Nadia now could better be described as apoplectic, with a hearty dash of anguish blended with urgent desperation. As a result, the platitudes had an opposite affect on her, especially because it reminded her of just why she’d come seeking that accursed tome in the first place. She was running out of time. Every hour, the infection in her spirit grew just a little bit more, tarnishing her soul and corrupting her very essence. Even now, she could feel the shadows creep ever deeper, permeating and darkening the very things that made her [i]her[/i]. Even the whispers were louder than normal, taking advantage of her compromised emotions to exploit the opening. Out of the corner of her eye, Nadia saw the shadow of her head waver and warp, completely independent of her own movement. Frustration immediately gave away to bone-chilling terror. The shadow-head shivered and twisted, growing darker and darker until it was almost completely black. '[i]Not now,[/i]' she prayed, hackles raising, but, as always, her prayers went unanswered, and she watched, helpless, as the shadow-neck began to cleave itself into [i]three parts[/i]… “Perhaps you’d like to put your name down for the waitlist? I could put a hold on it for you, when it’s returned?” The librarian suggested, completely oblivious (and mostly blind) to the eldritch horror show going on right in front of her nose. “No, thank you!” Nadia choked, watching as the three shade-heads twisted and coiled together like snakes, snapping at each other as they vied for dominance. The sense of [i]wrongness[/i] made her head spin, as her brain struggled to reconcile the three writhing shapes upon the wall before her. She knew if she turned to look over her own shoulders, she would find only her own neck attached… but she also knew, with complete certainty, that [i]the other two were there[/i]. The three shade-heads squabbled only a moment longer before their attention shifted. Like bloodhounds on the scent, they turned in unison toward the old woman’s perfectly mundane shadow. [i]Out of time.[/i] Nadia didn’t hesitate: she snatched the check-out records out of gnarled old fingers and bolted. “-Thankyouforyourhelpgoodbye!” Later, when she’d put as much distance as she could between herself and the Lanternlea Port Archives, and the serpent-like shadows had receded back into her own, Nadia drew the rumpled papers from her satchel. She allowed herself only a moment of bitterness to reflect on her poor luck and wallow in self-pity - after she’d spent months hunting down the only copy in existence, of [i]course[/i] someone else had taken the wretched book out mere hours before she’d tried to do the same! - before forcing herself to forge on. There was still work to be done, after all. She scanned down the column of book titles until she found what she sought: [i]'The Connexion Betwixt Shade and Emperor’[/i]. She followed the row across to the name of the borrower. Her eyes narrowed. “Lady Neveah of Plague,” Nadia breathed. An elegant name, lofty in title yet completely unassuming. Not much to work with, but then again, Nadia had made due with even less before. She’d come too far to give up now, especially not when the book was just barely out of her grasp. “You’re a lady, which means you’re traveling with a retinue,” she murmured, “And you’re from out of town, which means you have to have lodgings [i]somewhere[/i]. You can’t have gone far…” Hope renewed, the young imperial pulled her cloak tighter around her shoulders, and set out in search of an inn.
I would like to make a lore offering (+ 1kg) for Nadia <3

Ft. a smol mention of Neveah.


"Checked out? What do you mean, checked out?!”

Her words came out far louder than she intended, and a chorus of ‘shh!’s immediately followed from various nooks and crannies within the labyrinth of a library. The librarian, an elderly pearlcatcher with particularly bad cataracts, winced sympathetically. How the woman was even able to read the check-out records was a mystery, but Nadia couldn’t care less about that at the moment. There were much more pressing matters to worry about.

“I’m very sorry, my dear. I know you’ve come a very long way to find this book, too, and I understand your disappointment,” The old woman soothed. Disappointment was a vast understatement; the emotions roiling within Nadia now could better be described as apoplectic, with a hearty dash of anguish blended with urgent desperation. As a result, the platitudes had an opposite affect on her, especially because it reminded her of just why she’d come seeking that accursed tome in the first place.

She was running out of time. Every hour, the infection in her spirit grew just a little bit more, tarnishing her soul and corrupting her very essence. Even now, she could feel the shadows creep ever deeper, permeating and darkening the very things that made her her. Even the whispers were louder than normal, taking advantage of her compromised emotions to exploit the opening.

Out of the corner of her eye, Nadia saw the shadow of her head waver and warp, completely independent of her own movement. Frustration immediately gave away to bone-chilling terror. The shadow-head shivered and twisted, growing darker and darker until it was almost completely black. 'Not now,' she prayed, hackles raising, but, as always, her prayers went unanswered, and she watched, helpless, as the shadow-neck began to cleave itself into three parts

“Perhaps you’d like to put your name down for the waitlist? I could put a hold on it for you, when it’s returned?” The librarian suggested, completely oblivious (and mostly blind) to the eldritch horror show going on right in front of her nose.

“No, thank you!” Nadia choked, watching as the three shade-heads twisted and coiled together like snakes, snapping at each other as they vied for dominance. The sense of wrongness made her head spin, as her brain struggled to reconcile the three writhing shapes upon the wall before her. She knew if she turned to look over her own shoulders, she would find only her own neck attached… but she also knew, with complete certainty, that the other two were there.

The three shade-heads squabbled only a moment longer before their attention shifted. Like bloodhounds on the scent, they turned in unison toward the old woman’s perfectly mundane shadow. Out of time.

Nadia didn’t hesitate: she snatched the check-out records out of gnarled old fingers and bolted. “-Thankyouforyourhelpgoodbye!”

Later, when she’d put as much distance as she could between herself and the Lanternlea Port Archives, and the serpent-like shadows had receded back into her own, Nadia drew the rumpled papers from her satchel. She allowed herself only a moment of bitterness to reflect on her poor luck and wallow in self-pity - after she’d spent months hunting down the only copy in existence, of course someone else had taken the wretched book out mere hours before she’d tried to do the same! - before forcing herself to forge on. There was still work to be done, after all.

She scanned down the column of book titles until she found what she sought: 'The Connexion Betwixt Shade and Emperor’. She followed the row across to the name of the borrower. Her eyes narrowed.

“Lady Neveah of Plague,” Nadia breathed. An elegant name, lofty in title yet completely unassuming. Not much to work with, but then again, Nadia had made due with even less before. She’d come too far to give up now, especially not when the book was just barely out of her grasp. “You’re a lady, which means you’re traveling with a retinue,” she murmured, “And you’re from out of town, which means you have to have lodgings somewhere. You can’t have gone far…”

Hope renewed, the young imperial pulled her cloak tighter around her shoulders, and set out in search of an inn.
xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx
CK | she/they | FR + 1
Quest Log
Trading Post
Stars Defied: A Necromancer Lineage - Link
I'd Like to Offer 1kg for Sorin with Lore, here is what I have wrote for him with a little outfit and mentioning Livesay.
The Grand Duke

The Shade. A curse that buried deep into his blood, he was the grandson of Moroi. The eldest son of the Shade Emperor; Viorca. Below the bedrock of Sorinith, he was alone in his thoughts. There was magic in his mother’s name, just as there was magic in the name of the Emperor who scoured the Wake, but it was not the magic that captivated the young Grand Duke. That magic lingered in the shell of his egg. Bound in Earth and his mother’s magic it held the key to understanding the curse that ravaged him and his siblings. Delicately he scooped up the shell and tucked it into a small sack hanging from his bag. It was long past the time he should have left the nest, it was of little consequence that he thought he should stay, he was the eldest of her sons. As such he had a duty to journey the lands and find a cure for his mother and future siblings. Even tucked underground he had heard rumors of another Emperor and his son. Deep in the heart of the Tangled Wood. Perhaps this Emperor’s son would have a magic that kept the whispers from consuming him.
Sorin…we hunger.
Though he also heard the rumors of the Tangled Wood carrying an abyssal corruption. The Shade lingered in the dark, and the Tangled Wood was home to the Shadow and the darkness. There was a risk that the sturdiness of his nest would crumble under the corruption, but it was a risk the Grand Duke was willing to take. He carried the magic to stand firm in the depths of the Shade. If it bore an answer then it would be worth it.
In the dark he navigated the tunnels, while he might be called foolish for taking this risk, he had not lost all his senses. To emerge on the Wake was asking for trouble. The tunnels had to lead to the Tangled Wood, or at the least very close to the briar guarded wood.
Sorin, we hunger. Let us out.
The voice was getting stronger that had to mean he was getting close to the Tangled Wood, at least he hoped. Sorin did not remember when he first heard the voice, something told him it was always there, and would always be there. Fresh air hit his nose, the smell of lilies and mushrooms. His claws found the small hole, encased in living briars. Flexing his claws he began to dig, a rumbling growl leaving his lips as the briars wrapped around him, sinking thorns past his scales. Pushing his shoulder into the hole, he forced his way out. Under the moonlight he laid in the dusky colored grass. Try as he might he could not separate the living briars from him. Other dragons were quick to call him. Sorin, the Grand Duke of Briars. They were also quick to tell him of the dragon he searched for; an Apothecary named Livesay, born of the Scarred Wasteland. Perhaps this persona would give him some sort of footing to stand on with the older Dragon.

I'd Like to Offer 1kg for Sorin with Lore, here is what I have wrote for him with a little outfit and mentioning Livesay.
The Grand Duke

The Shade. A curse that buried deep into his blood, he was the grandson of Moroi. The eldest son of the Shade Emperor; Viorca. Below the bedrock of Sorinith, he was alone in his thoughts. There was magic in his mother’s name, just as there was magic in the name of the Emperor who scoured the Wake, but it was not the magic that captivated the young Grand Duke. That magic lingered in the shell of his egg. Bound in Earth and his mother’s magic it held the key to understanding the curse that ravaged him and his siblings. Delicately he scooped up the shell and tucked it into a small sack hanging from his bag. It was long past the time he should have left the nest, it was of little consequence that he thought he should stay, he was the eldest of her sons. As such he had a duty to journey the lands and find a cure for his mother and future siblings. Even tucked underground he had heard rumors of another Emperor and his son. Deep in the heart of the Tangled Wood. Perhaps this Emperor’s son would have a magic that kept the whispers from consuming him.
Sorin…we hunger.
Though he also heard the rumors of the Tangled Wood carrying an abyssal corruption. The Shade lingered in the dark, and the Tangled Wood was home to the Shadow and the darkness. There was a risk that the sturdiness of his nest would crumble under the corruption, but it was a risk the Grand Duke was willing to take. He carried the magic to stand firm in the depths of the Shade. If it bore an answer then it would be worth it.
In the dark he navigated the tunnels, while he might be called foolish for taking this risk, he had not lost all his senses. To emerge on the Wake was asking for trouble. The tunnels had to lead to the Tangled Wood, or at the least very close to the briar guarded wood.
Sorin, we hunger. Let us out.
The voice was getting stronger that had to mean he was getting close to the Tangled Wood, at least he hoped. Sorin did not remember when he first heard the voice, something told him it was always there, and would always be there. Fresh air hit his nose, the smell of lilies and mushrooms. His claws found the small hole, encased in living briars. Flexing his claws he began to dig, a rumbling growl leaving his lips as the briars wrapped around him, sinking thorns past his scales. Pushing his shoulder into the hole, he forced his way out. Under the moonlight he laid in the dusky colored grass. Try as he might he could not separate the living briars from him. Other dragons were quick to call him. Sorin, the Grand Duke of Briars. They were also quick to tell him of the dragon he searched for; an Apothecary named Livesay, born of the Scarred Wasteland. Perhaps this persona would give him some sort of footing to stand on with the older Dragon.

Less than 12 hours to go. I've already read all the entries that have been entered so far and I'm loving what I've read. This is going to be hard.
Less than 12 hours to go. I've already read all the entries that have been entered so far and I'm loving what I've read. This is going to be hard.
Empyrean Reflection: Kaveh, the Light of Kshahrewar
Hope it's not too late! We'd like to enter the contest for Sorin. Although, if somebody else wins him, we'll also enter for his nestmate, Mircea, with the same lore (with edits to make the name match)! We will offer 2kg on him! We will, however, likely need up to a two week hold on him so we can get the funds ^^


Our dragons that are featured in the lore:
The pathogen took effect on Sorin much earlier than expected. By the time he was confident in exploring outside of the nest a little, he already occasionally had a darkened look to his scales or a shade head flickering into existence. Or two shade heads. I was both a good and a bad thing, in a way. Good, because he could learn from a young age how to control it, giving it the chance to become second nature to him and all the more easier. Bad, because, well... Being a shade emperor trying to fit in wasn't the easiest thing to do.

When the time came for him to leave home and find his own place within Sornieth, he found it to be a little intimidating. Sorin was on his own, now. He'd have to fend for himself on his search for a new home.

Travelling to the Sunbeam Ruins, flying over Hewn City, Sorin thought about trying to find a clan that lived near Luminax. But stopping on an outcropping overlooking the Emperor's Wake, he thought otherwise. He could see clans trying to fight the Emperor, and he wasn't going to risk it. What if they thought of him as the same as Luminax, even though he was by no means an undead monster of death of destruction? He carried on his journey into the Tangled Wood, deciding maybe a clan there may help him.

Making his way to the heart of the Shadow territory, he searched for a clan, one that could maybe him with his curse. Or at least allow for some kind of research. But every clan he found either turned him away out of fear or couldn't help him. As time went on, the pathogen's effect got stronger. He could deal with it, control it, but it was getting difficult without guidance. Now, when the shade had it's hold on him, instead of just one or two extra heads, he'd have four and two extra tails. He had yet to sprout any new wings.

One he got to the Forum of the Obscured Crescent, Sorin looked around. The area was a little less populated than the rest of the Tangled Wood. As he continued his search, he found himself among a clearing, one that had a large kingdom in the distance. He didn't know how he hadn't seen it before, but he started towards it. Such a large, rich looking kingdom had to have some sort of library with a book or two on Emperors. And then the ground quaked beneath him.

"An opening?" A voice said, sounding almost raspy. Maybe they had a sore throat. The ground shook again, and he heard something that sounded like magic being used.

"Should check for anyone who got in," a different voice spoke, sounding almost like an evil villain from those plays directed towards hatchlings. It almost sounded like icicles dripping in a cave. Sorin was almost afraid to turn around as a large shadow of what appeared to be a seven headed imperial -no, emperor- loomed over him. He tensed, hoping that maybe, just maybe, he was too small. The being hadn't noticed him yet, by some miracle.

The wind is knocked out of Sorin as a talon that was probably almost three quarters his size knocks into him from behind. He lets out an involuntary yelp of surprise, tumbling forward. The massive dragon stumbled back, their wings flaring out in surprise. Sorin stared up in shock at the being. Sure, he was still growing, but... He hadn't realized emperors could get so big... Maybe it was because they had seven heads that the dragon before him was such a gargantuan size.

All seven heads looked down at him with a lot more expression than he thought an emperor could muster. They didn't exactly look undead either and he could see the heads talking to each other. The middle head lowered down to his level, tired eyes looking at him with a mix of concern and apprehension. "Young... Blood..." The head spoke in a quiet voice. He couldn't quite tell male or female, but he didn't think the gender of a being that could literally stomp the life out of him was very important. He took a few steps back.

"Don't be nervous..." The middle head spoke again, raising up slightly. How was he supposed to do that? "We will not bring you harm. What brings you this forgotten place?" Sorin could barely speak, tense as he backed away a few more steps.

"Y-you're an emperor," he manages to say, staring up at the seven headed being in terror. If what he knew about emperors were true, this one was more powerful than Luminax.

"As are you, no?" The middle head spoke, tilting its head. "I can smell it... The shade... It runs through you... The shadeborne child of birds would've accepted you..."

"Yeah, yeah," the far left head, which was an icy blue color, said, claiming the dripping icicle voice. "A shame he got thrown out for his charge being the shade, blah blah blah. How about we answer the question of what we're gonna do with him, huh? I guarantee none of the kingdoms will accept him." The middle head clearly isn't amused, and the head directly to the middle one's right, a deep blue in color, shot the far left one a glare. He also noticed the middle head seemed to be a of purple, black, and gold, being predominantly black.

"Do you really have to ask, Snow?" The middle head muttered, looking at him for a moment, before turning back to Sorin. "It's simple. We take care of him ourselves."

"What?" The deep blue head said. "Sakra, I thought... I thought you weren't interested in hatchlings!" Sorin notes the middle head's name as Sakra. This definitely wasn't your average emperor... Much like himself.

"Yes, Saerin, you're right," Sakra nods. "But I hardly think he counts as a hatchling. He's all the way here, without anyone else." Sakra looks back down at Sorin. "He could be helpful, and what better mentor to have for emperor powers than an emperor? Or empress, as many call us." Sakra looks down. "Even though it's only me, Averaine, and Pastfinder who are the female hosts..." She mutters under her breath.

Saerin sighs, nodding, mumbling something about her technically being correct. Sakra lowers her head down to be more eye level with Sorin, before pointing towards Snow. "You can probably guess, but that one is Snow." She motions at the head next to Snow, a bright red one. "That is Sky." She nods to the brown head directly to her left. "Severin." She looks over to her right at Saerin. "That's Saerin." She looks at a vibrant green and yellow head. "That one's Averaine." She looks at the last head on her right. "And that's Pastfinder there. I'm Sakra Kaine, but you can call me Sakra. But you can call us Unity collectively."

Suddenly, a Spiral emerged from the trees, and looked down at Sorin in surprise. "I... Was not aware of any newcomers..." The new dragon said, looking up at the empress as they were apparently called. "Sakra, what is going on?"

"A shade emperor we found..." Sakra said. "Or, rather, one who found us." She looks down at the Spiral. "We've decided to... Adopt him, Swift." The Spiral looks surprised at her words, but shrugs.

"Becoming a parent wasn't exactly on my agenda, but..." Swift looks at Sorin. "I guess a smaller perch wouldn't be too big of a deal. If he doesn't mind me perching on him, of course." She smiled slightly, and Sorin just sat in shocked silence.

"You'd... Help me with my... Curse, or whatever it is?" The emperor before him nodded, along with Swift. He shifted slightly, looking down. He couldn't quite argue against that. They'd be able to help him. And besides, Unity has to know things about emperors he didn't. He finally nodded, looking back up at Sakra. "I'm Sorin."

Sakra smiled down at him. "Sorin... A nice name," she muttered, before turning and walking towards a massive pedestal. "Come. Let's get to know each other a little more."
Some extra notes:

-Unity is basically going to be more of a mentor rather than a parent to Sorin. They're basically going to try to provide as much guidance as they can to help him with his emperor form and keeping it under control.

-Instead of urging him to hide it, Unity will likely encourage Sorin to embrace his emperor pathogen curse thing. They don't think hiding it will help him any, especially in the long run. They believe if he finds a way to control it, he'll do much better.

-He usually won't go into the Forgotten Kingdom or Glitched Palace, at least not without Unity first giving him something to help hide his emperor form better so it doesn't come out while in the kingdom. If something like that were to happen, he'd have to really hope they believe that the emperor they worship as a god actually took him in.

-He will reside in our sona tab, simply due to lore reasons. He will not become a sona of ours.

-The "shadeborne child of birds" that Unity mentions is a hatchling from a pair we own that we wrote lore for involving his charge being the shade. He got thrown out due to distrust, but we still have his brother, who might become Sorin's friend in future lore.

-Sorin might get a mate in the future. We don't have any planned lore for this, though, and might save breeding for a potential second hatchling from Vio.

-Sorin's full planned emperor form (or at least, the usual power it's at) will have 4 extra heads, two extra tails, and 4 pairs of extra wings. Unity jokingly calls him a smaller, lesser, darker version of themselves. He will also grow to probably roughly 1.5-2x his size, depending on how much the shade manifests in his emperor form. Because of this, he would be around half of Unity's size at full shade power, as Unity is around 4 times the size of an average Imperial. Also, while in his emperor state, the heads are a deep blue black color, but they can appear black at times. Unity also noticed a second pair of horns growing on each of the heads at some point, just below the original pairs and behind the ears. The appearance of the extra wings are a mix between feathered and the original kind of wings. His original pair of wings and the two larger pairs of shade wings are feathered, while the two smaller pairs are more like normal Imperial wings. There are other smaller details that are hard for us to put into words, but we will inevitably draw out a reference for his emperor form.

-He'll probably meet Banish at some point and learn about his curse. Banish would be the only one (besides a potential future mate in the case that happens) to be known to accept Sorin despite his emperor pathogen/curse. They would likely bond over there similar situations of curses they can't control that make them feel isolated.

-other things likely to happen, such as a custom skin and a lore thread, in the future that we just aren't sure enough of to list.
Hope it's not too late! We'd like to enter the contest for Sorin. Although, if somebody else wins him, we'll also enter for his nestmate, Mircea, with the same lore (with edits to make the name match)! We will offer 2kg on him! We will, however, likely need up to a two week hold on him so we can get the funds ^^


Our dragons that are featured in the lore:
The pathogen took effect on Sorin much earlier than expected. By the time he was confident in exploring outside of the nest a little, he already occasionally had a darkened look to his scales or a shade head flickering into existence. Or two shade heads. I was both a good and a bad thing, in a way. Good, because he could learn from a young age how to control it, giving it the chance to become second nature to him and all the more easier. Bad, because, well... Being a shade emperor trying to fit in wasn't the easiest thing to do.

When the time came for him to leave home and find his own place within Sornieth, he found it to be a little intimidating. Sorin was on his own, now. He'd have to fend for himself on his search for a new home.

Travelling to the Sunbeam Ruins, flying over Hewn City, Sorin thought about trying to find a clan that lived near Luminax. But stopping on an outcropping overlooking the Emperor's Wake, he thought otherwise. He could see clans trying to fight the Emperor, and he wasn't going to risk it. What if they thought of him as the same as Luminax, even though he was by no means an undead monster of death of destruction? He carried on his journey into the Tangled Wood, deciding maybe a clan there may help him.

Making his way to the heart of the Shadow territory, he searched for a clan, one that could maybe him with his curse. Or at least allow for some kind of research. But every clan he found either turned him away out of fear or couldn't help him. As time went on, the pathogen's effect got stronger. He could deal with it, control it, but it was getting difficult without guidance. Now, when the shade had it's hold on him, instead of just one or two extra heads, he'd have four and two extra tails. He had yet to sprout any new wings.

One he got to the Forum of the Obscured Crescent, Sorin looked around. The area was a little less populated than the rest of the Tangled Wood. As he continued his search, he found himself among a clearing, one that had a large kingdom in the distance. He didn't know how he hadn't seen it before, but he started towards it. Such a large, rich looking kingdom had to have some sort of library with a book or two on Emperors. And then the ground quaked beneath him.

"An opening?" A voice said, sounding almost raspy. Maybe they had a sore throat. The ground shook again, and he heard something that sounded like magic being used.

"Should check for anyone who got in," a different voice spoke, sounding almost like an evil villain from those plays directed towards hatchlings. It almost sounded like icicles dripping in a cave. Sorin was almost afraid to turn around as a large shadow of what appeared to be a seven headed imperial -no, emperor- loomed over him. He tensed, hoping that maybe, just maybe, he was too small. The being hadn't noticed him yet, by some miracle.

The wind is knocked out of Sorin as a talon that was probably almost three quarters his size knocks into him from behind. He lets out an involuntary yelp of surprise, tumbling forward. The massive dragon stumbled back, their wings flaring out in surprise. Sorin stared up in shock at the being. Sure, he was still growing, but... He hadn't realized emperors could get so big... Maybe it was because they had seven heads that the dragon before him was such a gargantuan size.

All seven heads looked down at him with a lot more expression than he thought an emperor could muster. They didn't exactly look undead either and he could see the heads talking to each other. The middle head lowered down to his level, tired eyes looking at him with a mix of concern and apprehension. "Young... Blood..." The head spoke in a quiet voice. He couldn't quite tell male or female, but he didn't think the gender of a being that could literally stomp the life out of him was very important. He took a few steps back.

"Don't be nervous..." The middle head spoke again, raising up slightly. How was he supposed to do that? "We will not bring you harm. What brings you this forgotten place?" Sorin could barely speak, tense as he backed away a few more steps.

"Y-you're an emperor," he manages to say, staring up at the seven headed being in terror. If what he knew about emperors were true, this one was more powerful than Luminax.

"As are you, no?" The middle head spoke, tilting its head. "I can smell it... The shade... It runs through you... The shadeborne child of birds would've accepted you..."

"Yeah, yeah," the far left head, which was an icy blue color, said, claiming the dripping icicle voice. "A shame he got thrown out for his charge being the shade, blah blah blah. How about we answer the question of what we're gonna do with him, huh? I guarantee none of the kingdoms will accept him." The middle head clearly isn't amused, and the head directly to the middle one's right, a deep blue in color, shot the far left one a glare. He also noticed the middle head seemed to be a of purple, black, and gold, being predominantly black.

"Do you really have to ask, Snow?" The middle head muttered, looking at him for a moment, before turning back to Sorin. "It's simple. We take care of him ourselves."

"What?" The deep blue head said. "Sakra, I thought... I thought you weren't interested in hatchlings!" Sorin notes the middle head's name as Sakra. This definitely wasn't your average emperor... Much like himself.

"Yes, Saerin, you're right," Sakra nods. "But I hardly think he counts as a hatchling. He's all the way here, without anyone else." Sakra looks back down at Sorin. "He could be helpful, and what better mentor to have for emperor powers than an emperor? Or empress, as many call us." Sakra looks down. "Even though it's only me, Averaine, and Pastfinder who are the female hosts..." She mutters under her breath.

Saerin sighs, nodding, mumbling something about her technically being correct. Sakra lowers her head down to be more eye level with Sorin, before pointing towards Snow. "You can probably guess, but that one is Snow." She motions at the head next to Snow, a bright red one. "That is Sky." She nods to the brown head directly to her left. "Severin." She looks over to her right at Saerin. "That's Saerin." She looks at a vibrant green and yellow head. "That one's Averaine." She looks at the last head on her right. "And that's Pastfinder there. I'm Sakra Kaine, but you can call me Sakra. But you can call us Unity collectively."

Suddenly, a Spiral emerged from the trees, and looked down at Sorin in surprise. "I... Was not aware of any newcomers..." The new dragon said, looking up at the empress as they were apparently called. "Sakra, what is going on?"

"A shade emperor we found..." Sakra said. "Or, rather, one who found us." She looks down at the Spiral. "We've decided to... Adopt him, Swift." The Spiral looks surprised at her words, but shrugs.

"Becoming a parent wasn't exactly on my agenda, but..." Swift looks at Sorin. "I guess a smaller perch wouldn't be too big of a deal. If he doesn't mind me perching on him, of course." She smiled slightly, and Sorin just sat in shocked silence.

"You'd... Help me with my... Curse, or whatever it is?" The emperor before him nodded, along with Swift. He shifted slightly, looking down. He couldn't quite argue against that. They'd be able to help him. And besides, Unity has to know things about emperors he didn't. He finally nodded, looking back up at Sakra. "I'm Sorin."

Sakra smiled down at him. "Sorin... A nice name," she muttered, before turning and walking towards a massive pedestal. "Come. Let's get to know each other a little more."
Some extra notes:

-Unity is basically going to be more of a mentor rather than a parent to Sorin. They're basically going to try to provide as much guidance as they can to help him with his emperor form and keeping it under control.

-Instead of urging him to hide it, Unity will likely encourage Sorin to embrace his emperor pathogen curse thing. They don't think hiding it will help him any, especially in the long run. They believe if he finds a way to control it, he'll do much better.

-He usually won't go into the Forgotten Kingdom or Glitched Palace, at least not without Unity first giving him something to help hide his emperor form better so it doesn't come out while in the kingdom. If something like that were to happen, he'd have to really hope they believe that the emperor they worship as a god actually took him in.

-He will reside in our sona tab, simply due to lore reasons. He will not become a sona of ours.

-The "shadeborne child of birds" that Unity mentions is a hatchling from a pair we own that we wrote lore for involving his charge being the shade. He got thrown out due to distrust, but we still have his brother, who might become Sorin's friend in future lore.

-Sorin might get a mate in the future. We don't have any planned lore for this, though, and might save breeding for a potential second hatchling from Vio.

-Sorin's full planned emperor form (or at least, the usual power it's at) will have 4 extra heads, two extra tails, and 4 pairs of extra wings. Unity jokingly calls him a smaller, lesser, darker version of themselves. He will also grow to probably roughly 1.5-2x his size, depending on how much the shade manifests in his emperor form. Because of this, he would be around half of Unity's size at full shade power, as Unity is around 4 times the size of an average Imperial. Also, while in his emperor state, the heads are a deep blue black color, but they can appear black at times. Unity also noticed a second pair of horns growing on each of the heads at some point, just below the original pairs and behind the ears. The appearance of the extra wings are a mix between feathered and the original kind of wings. His original pair of wings and the two larger pairs of shade wings are feathered, while the two smaller pairs are more like normal Imperial wings. There are other smaller details that are hard for us to put into words, but we will inevitably draw out a reference for his emperor form.

-He'll probably meet Banish at some point and learn about his curse. Banish would be the only one (besides a potential future mate in the case that happens) to be known to accept Sorin despite his emperor pathogen/curse. They would likely bond over there similar situations of curses they can't control that make them feel isolated.

-other things likely to happen, such as a custom skin and a lore thread, in the future that we just aren't sure enough of to list.
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@00Riku00 @counterklock @Micklanis @SakraKaine

I'll be judging all entries tonight. Winners will be announced sometime tomorrow, so keep your ears open. ^^ Good luck to everyone who entered!
@00Riku00 @counterklock @Micklanis @SakraKaine

I'll be judging all entries tonight. Winners will be announced sometime tomorrow, so keep your ears open. ^^ Good luck to everyone who entered!
Empyrean Reflection: Kaveh, the Light of Kshahrewar
Posting this a little bit after when I wanted to, because today has been a highly distracting for me. But, the winners have been chosen!

@00Riku00 you won Tyna!
@counterklock you won Nadia!
@Micklanis you won Sorin!
and lastly, @SakraKaine you won Mircea!

Every entry was very enjoyable to read through and I am in love with everyone's direction. I hope you all enjoy and love these kids as you explore and expand their lore. Viorica knows that you will take extra care of these kids and give you their blessing as they continue to look for a cute for them and all their children.

I will be sending CRs out tomorrow. (unless you have asked for a hold)
Posting this a little bit after when I wanted to, because today has been a highly distracting for me. But, the winners have been chosen!

@00Riku00 you won Tyna!
@counterklock you won Nadia!
@Micklanis you won Sorin!
and lastly, @SakraKaine you won Mircea!

Every entry was very enjoyable to read through and I am in love with everyone's direction. I hope you all enjoy and love these kids as you explore and expand their lore. Viorica knows that you will take extra care of these kids and give you their blessing as they continue to look for a cute for them and all their children.

I will be sending CRs out tomorrow. (unless you have asked for a hold)
Empyrean Reflection: Kaveh, the Light of Kshahrewar
Oh gosh!! Thank you so much for the opportunity! I can't wait to expand on Nadia's lore and shower her with love :DD
Oh gosh!! Thank you so much for the opportunity! I can't wait to expand on Nadia's lore and shower her with love :DD
xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx
CK | she/they | FR + 1
Quest Log
Trading Post
Stars Defied: A Necromancer Lineage - Link
OMG congratulations to all the winners!
I am personally excited to welcome the the bink boy into my collection of Emperors and expand on his lore and spoil him rotten :3
OMG congratulations to all the winners!
I am personally excited to welcome the the bink boy into my collection of Emperors and expand on his lore and spoil him rotten :3
Very excited to have won Mircea! He'll be very loved and Unity will do their best to take care of him! You know, once we get him XD

We'll let you know as soon as we have the gems for him!
Very excited to have won Mircea! He'll be very loved and Unity will do their best to take care of him! You know, once we get him XD

We'll let you know as soon as we have the gems for him!
ldIARQG.gif oRkijoy.png
Omg this is so exciting, congratulations to all the other winners and super happy I won tyna. :)
Omg this is so exciting, congratulations to all the other winners and super happy I won tyna. :)
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