
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | [PWYW] Fast lore writing shop! (open!)
[center][font=century][size=6][[b]OPEN[/b]|SLOTS FULL|HIATUS][/size][/font][/center] [center][font=comic sans][size=2][color=green](changed name from [i][PWYW] Let me write lore for you![/i] to [i][PWYW] Lore shop! ?/5 slots free :D[/i])[/size][/font][/color] [/center] [center][color=purple][font=bookantiqua][size=4]Hello! First time posting in the Art Sales forum! As the title says, this is a [color=darkred][b]Pay What You Want Dragon Lore[/b][/color]! What is this supposed to mean? Take a look down below :)[/font] [center][u][b][font=century][size=5][emoji=scroll size=1]INSTRUCTIONS / FORMAT:[/size][/font][/b][/u] __________[/center] [font=bookantiqua]This thread is for present lorewriters, past lorewriters who wanna get back into the lore, or the aspiring lorewriters who want to write lore but can't find the motivation to / don't know how to start! I can provide a range of lore. It can be canon to FR lore (though I may need to read up on more stuff, and my memory isn't too good sometimes and I may mess some facts up), it can be un-canon, or it can be related to a fandom that I am in, though I will discuss that later. The lengths of the lore also vary, depending on how long you want it to be. However, freewriting is always my strength, for I write best with the winds of freedom. (if you understood the reference good job!) So if you can't decide how long you want it to be, just say that you are okay with any length of the lore. Now, let's get to the forms! In the forms, there are terms you might not understand / you need the specifics of it, so you can read the section of [color=darkred][b][url=]FAQ[/url] [/b][/color]below :) [quote=form to write dragon lore] @Healoe [b]Dragon (link or widget):[/b] [b]Length of Lore:[/b] Short / Medium / Long / Freewriting / Custom: ______ [b]Canon to FR Lore:[/b] Y / N / Maybe [b][u]OPTIONAL: [/u][/b] (delete if unnecessary) if your dragon a fandragon, or a dragon that may belong to a certain non-FR fandom, do let me know! I will be glad to temporarily enter the fandom to read up on stuff to help you with your lore :) [b]Any topic?[/b] lighthearted / a little bit of issues here and there are fine / major changes in life / super duper angsty [b]What are you willing to donate / pay? [/b] [b]Any limitations?[/b] e.g. already has half written lore / fit it with the lore of my lair etc [b]Just because I am curious:[/b] Past Lorewriter / Aspriring Lorewriter / Interested Lorewriter / Present Lorewriter / Accomplished Lorewriter Where did you get the dragon? (AH, Adoption thread, Breeding of your own dragons...etc) Are you in any rush to get the lore done? Y / N [/quote]
(changed name from [PWYW] Let me write lore for you! to [PWYW] Lore shop! ?/5 slots free :D)
Hello! First time posting in the Art Sales forum! As the title says, this is a Pay What You Want Dragon Lore! What is this supposed to mean? Take a look down below :)

This thread is for present lorewriters, past lorewriters who wanna get back into the lore, or the aspiring lorewriters who want to write lore but can't find the motivation to / don't know how to start!

I can provide a range of lore. It can be canon to FR lore (though I may need to read up on more stuff, and my memory isn't too good sometimes and I may mess some facts up), it can be un-canon, or it can be related to a fandom that I am in, though I will discuss that later.

The lengths of the lore also vary, depending on how long you want it to be. However, freewriting is always my strength, for I write best with the winds of freedom. (if you understood the reference good job!) So if you can't decide how long you want it to be, just say that you are okay with any length of the lore.

Now, let's get to the forms!

In the forms, there are terms you might not understand / you need the specifics of it, so you can read the section of FAQ below :)

form to write dragon lore wrote:
Dragon (link or widget):

Length of Lore: Short / Medium / Long / Freewriting / Custom: ______

Canon to FR Lore: Y / N / Maybe

OPTIONAL: (delete if unnecessary) if your dragon a fandragon, or a dragon that may belong to a certain non-FR fandom, do let me know! I will be glad to temporarily enter the fandom to read up on stuff to help you with your lore :)

Any topic? lighthearted / a little bit of issues here and there are fine / major changes in life / super duper angsty

What are you willing to donate / pay?

Any limitations? e.g. already has half written lore / fit it with the lore of my lair etc

Just because I am curious:
Past Lorewriter / Aspriring Lorewriter / Interested Lorewriter / Present Lorewriter / Accomplished Lorewriter

Where did you get the dragon? (AH, Adoption thread, Breeding of your own dragons...etc)

Are you in any rush to get the lore done? Y / N
8PnwU.gifFrUah.gifglQPf.gif adoption thread | PWYW Lore Shop | Wishlist
[center][u][b][font=century][size=5][emoji=mystery bag size=1]FAQ:[emoji=mystery bag size=1][/size][/font][/b][/u] __________[/center] [font=century][color=darkred][b]Q: When will I get my lore?[/b][/color] A: How I usually plan my schedule is so that each FR day, I do ONE order. If there is one order in front of you and I just sent that person their lore, it means that you are getting your lore the next FR day. If you are in a rush, I may squeeze you in with the person I am gonna give lore to that day, so two orders in one day. However, if this paragraph of text makes no sense to you or you just need to clarify, just ask. [font=century][color=darkred][b]Q: How many dragons can be in an order?[/b][/color] A: Any amount is fine, as long as I get paid lmao, do note that orders from 3 dragons and up may take two days instead of my usual one day :D [i](don't chuck me 20 dragons in one order though, I plan to stay on schedule, one order per day, and plus if you do that you might be holding up the queue, so anything from 5 and below in one order is perfectly fine!) [/i] [font=century][color=darkred][b]Q: How should I show my dragon?[/b][/color] A: Widget or link would be fine! [color=darkred][b]Q: What do the lengths of the lore mean?[/b][/color] A: Here is a full guide! [LIST] [*]Short (least detailed, more summarised, 100 words or less) [*]Medium (a lil more detailed, less summary, 300 words or less) [*]Long (details go brrrr, 500 words or less) [*]Freewriting (I will choose how much I feel like writing!) [*]Custom: ______ (write the amount of words or amount that you want me to write approximately or generally) [/LIST] [font=century][color=darkred][b]Q: What does it mean by Canon to FR lore?[/b][/color] A: It means that if you want your dragons to follow the lore, it means that events that they went through or the breed or flight they are from is canon. You can choose to make it partially canon or just make it not follow the FR lore at all. [color=darkred][b]Q: Why do I have to choose which fandom I want it in?[/b][/color] A: It's okay! I just added it as an optional to anyone who has a fandragon or insert oc, so i can write lore related to that fandom. [color=darkred][b]Q: The fandom that I want isn't there...can you add it in still?[/b][/color] A: I would be glad to try! However I may or may not write the best, but I do try my best to understand the fandom and the character themself :D [color=darkred][b]Q: Can you write something NSFW?[/b][/color] A: no. that is number one: against FR rules number two: no that is inappropriate. [color=darkred][b]Q: Can you write romance?[/b][/color] A: Surprisingly yes! I didn't expect myself to be adept at writing romance, considering my little knowledge about it and not reading or enjoying much romance movies or books. edit: check out some examples in lore showcase below! [color=darkred][b]Q: Can you write violence?[/b][/color] A: Yep, just nothing too gory or detailed. Wars, killing or betrayal etc are completely fine. [i]edit: You can check out some stories I've written that are of spooky genre in certain showcases in the post below if you want examples![/i] [color=darkred][b]Q: What does Any Limitations? mean?[/b][/color] A: E.g. You have already existing lore and you would like the dragon to tie in somewhere with the lore. ORRR you have half written lore and you don't know how to finish it / you have no motivation, feel free to let me know. [color=darkred][b]Q: What do the Lorewriter Roles mean???[/b][/color] A: Again, here is another list! [LIST] [*]Past Lorewriter: You have written lore before, but maybe not in FR or you have written old lore for old dragons, but you don't write lore anymore. [*]Admiring Lorewriter: You an admiration for the lore that lorewriters write, but don't write lore or don't plan to write lore, but you like / love lore. [*]Interested Lorewriter: You want to write lore, but you don't know where to start! You might not have time, or motivation, but you want lore! [*]Present Lorewriter: You currently write lore, and you have more lore to write! It may be incomplete, or you may need some ideas to get through that writer's block. [*]Accomplished Lorewriter: You have written all lore necessary, and are a pro at writing lore! All loopholes tied up, and your job is done. [/LIST] [font=century][color=darkred][b]Q: What do you allow for payment?[/b][/color] A: I allow [emoji=treasure size=1], [emoji=gem size=1], familiars (that I hopefully don't have), [b]baldwin mats[/b] (PLEASE I NEED THE GOO AND MUCK, EVEN JUST GREEN GOO IS FINE.), food (seafood of highest priority! but any food is fine!), stuff I hoard (check 'pass me some of my hoarding obssessions' in my sig, chests too are fine. Holiday items, currency, wishlist stuff (in sig) are all fine too![b] No IRL money,[/b] thank you. [color=darkred][b]Q: Will you format all those fancy banners that some lore dragons have?[/b][/color] A: No, however I can recommend [url=]this thread[/url] for a bunch of free to use pixel sprites! do drop the creator: [b]@/DogiCrimson[/b] a note of thanks if you do use them, [b]and link the pixel art back to the original site. [/b]Here is another [url=]cool thread[/url] for tiny flags of the flights, but you [b]MUST link back to the original forum post should you decide to use it. [/b]Credit [b]@/Wakor [/b]for these wonderful flight flags. [b]For all genshin fanatics, [/b]here is a [url=]thread[/url] which links to the visions but in FR that are in my sig rn! Thanks [b]@/Shoz[/b] for these wonderful visions. I however may link places in the [b]FR world map [/b]as i usually do in my lore dragons in my lair if they are canon to the FR lore. See the examples under [b][url=]'LORE SHOWCASE!'[/url][/b] below. [color=darkred][b]Q: Help I still have more questions. [/b][/color] A: Just ask me! I am subscribed to the thread, [b]pings are very much allowed[/b]!

Q: When will I get my lore?
A: How I usually plan my schedule is so that each FR day, I do ONE order. If there is one order in front of you and I just sent that person their lore, it means that you are getting your lore the next FR day. If you are in a rush, I may squeeze you in with the person I am gonna give lore to that day, so two orders in one day. However, if this paragraph of text makes no sense to you or you just need to clarify, just ask.

Q: How many dragons can be in an order?
A: Any amount is fine, as long as I get paid lmao, do note that orders from 3 dragons and up may take two days instead of my usual one day :D (don't chuck me 20 dragons in one order though, I plan to stay on schedule, one order per day, and plus if you do that you might be holding up the queue, so anything from 5 and below in one order is perfectly fine!)

Q: How should I show my dragon?
A: Widget or link would be fine!

Q: What do the lengths of the lore mean?
A: Here is a full guide!
  • Short (least detailed, more summarised, 100 words or less)
  • Medium (a lil more detailed, less summary, 300 words or less)
  • Long (details go brrrr, 500 words or less)
  • Freewriting (I will choose how much I feel like writing!)
  • Custom: ______ (write the amount of words or amount that you want me to write approximately or generally)

Q: What does it mean by Canon to FR lore?
A: It means that if you want your dragons to follow the lore, it means that events that they went through or the breed or flight they are from is canon. You can choose to make it partially canon or just make it not follow the FR lore at all.

Q: Why do I have to choose which fandom I want it in?
A: It's okay! I just added it as an optional to anyone who has a fandragon or insert oc, so i can write lore related to that fandom.

Q: The fandom that I want isn't there...can you add it in still?
A: I would be glad to try! However I may or may not write the best, but I do try my best to understand the fandom and the character themself :D

Q: Can you write something NSFW?
A: no. that is number one: against FR rules number two: no that is inappropriate.

Q: Can you write romance?
A: Surprisingly yes! I didn't expect myself to be adept at writing romance, considering my little knowledge about it and not reading or enjoying much romance movies or books.
edit: check out some examples in lore showcase below!

Q: Can you write violence?
A: Yep, just nothing too gory or detailed. Wars, killing or betrayal etc are completely fine.
edit: You can check out some stories I've written that are of spooky genre in certain showcases in the post below if you want examples!

Q: What does Any Limitations? mean?
A: E.g. You have already existing lore and you would like the dragon to tie in somewhere with the lore. ORRR you have half written lore and you don't know how to finish it / you have no motivation, feel free to let me know.

Q: What do the Lorewriter Roles mean???
A: Again, here is another list!
  • Past Lorewriter: You have written lore before, but maybe not in FR or you have written old lore for old dragons, but you don't write lore anymore.
  • Admiring Lorewriter: You an admiration for the lore that lorewriters write, but don't write lore or don't plan to write lore, but you like / love lore.
  • Interested Lorewriter: You want to write lore, but you don't know where to start! You might not have time, or motivation, but you want lore!
  • Present Lorewriter: You currently write lore, and you have more lore to write! It may be incomplete, or you may need some ideas to get through that writer's block.
  • Accomplished Lorewriter: You have written all lore necessary, and are a pro at writing lore! All loopholes tied up, and your job is done.

Q: What do you allow for payment?
A: I allow , , familiars (that I hopefully don't have), baldwin mats (PLEASE I NEED THE GOO AND MUCK, EVEN JUST GREEN GOO IS FINE.), food (seafood of highest priority! but any food is fine!), stuff I hoard (check 'pass me some of my hoarding obssessions' in my sig, chests too are fine. Holiday items, currency, wishlist stuff (in sig) are all fine too! No IRL money, thank you.

Q: Will you format all those fancy banners that some lore dragons have?
A: No, however I can recommend this thread for a bunch of free to use pixel sprites! do drop the creator: @/DogiCrimson a note of thanks if you do use them, and link the pixel art back to the original site. Here is another cool thread for tiny flags of the flights, but you MUST link back to the original forum post should you decide to use it. Credit @/Wakor for these wonderful flight flags. For all genshin fanatics, here is a thread which links to the visions but in FR that are in my sig rn! Thanks @/Shoz for these wonderful visions.

I however may link places in the FR world map as i usually do in my lore dragons in my lair if they are canon to the FR lore. See the examples under 'LORE SHOWCASE!' below.

Q: Help I still have more questions.
A: Just ask me! I am subscribed to the thread, pings are very much allowed!
8PnwU.gifFrUah.gifglQPf.gif adoption thread | PWYW Lore Shop | Wishlist
[center]___________________________________________________________________________[/center] [center][u][b][font=century][size=5][3/5] [emoji=book 2 size=1]OPEN SLOTS:[emoji=book 2 size=1][/size][/font][/b][/u][/center] [LIST=1] [*]@/FriendlyUser [*]@/ArchRaptor [*]@/ [*]@/ [*]@/ [/LIST] (I do update on progress along the way! Do note, time or dates are given based on FRT) ___________________________________________________________________ [center][u][b][font=bookantiqua][size=5][emoji=new friend size=1]AFFILIATES:[/size][/font][/center][/u][/b][url=][PWYW] Nara's Writing Shop - Unlimited Slots![/url] ___________________________________________________________________ [center][u][b][font=century][size=5][emoji=book size=1]REVIEWS:[emoji=book size=1][/size][/font][/b][/u][/center] [quote name="FriendlyUser" date="2023-08-25 09:22:44" ] @/Healoe, that was beautiful, I loved what you wrote! I was trying to read slowly to savor every bit of it. The drama and the bonus ending made it such an interesting back story. Makes me want to do an animation XD. Poor Imogen, luckily Fuli will take great care of them. I'll send the rest of the payment now! [/quote] [quote name="KursedCurtain" date="2023-08-30 06:58:36" ] @/Healoe oh this was a lovely read! I might have to draw some of this sometime haha! Such an interesting way of putting the story into fr lore :3 such a lovely little adventurous spirit, I care this lovely line lol (And the narrator is,, an owl? I love that!) I might have to comm you again sometime! Maybe after the fest, haha! [/quote] [quote name="FriendlyUser" date="2023-08-31 08:31:54" ] @/Healoe , You welcome!! I honestly wouldn’t mind if my whole lair was filled with your writing XD. Personally as someone who adores and loves reading I have so much respect for those who can write. I’ve definitely tried, but I never get to finish it because I run into problems//loose motivation//think of a new story- I just struggle concentrating on one thing. :,) Your lore is really cool to read, it’s unique! So I would be extremely surprised if no one wanted any. I can’t agree more about how much art forums there are, it’s really overwhelming. I’ve wanted to start my own art shop but I’ve been extremely hesitant. I’ve wanted to do something a little different, like where I use my realism style to draw people’s pets! I just feel more comfortable with doing that. But I just don’t know how many people will order any art. I also have no idea how to price my art. Lol. [/quote] [quote name="XxCalypsoxX" date="2023-09-02 20:12:06" ] @/Healoe Thank you for the ping!!! the first one got lost D; sending payment now, thank you so much for the awesome lore! I love how you wrote each of the pieces <3 edit: also yes please, feel free to show them off! :D [/quote] [quote name="moriougai" date="2023-09-02 23:04:31" ] @/Healoe woah i actually wasn't expecting you to like, bring in other dragons from the clan :0 that's so epic! i love it so much! and it's totally okay to showcase her in your examples post, thank you so much for this! [/quote] [quote name="moriougai" date="2023-09-04 05:42:42" ] @/Healoe thank you for the epic lore! sending payment soon :> [/quote] [quote name="SairentoTsuki" date="2023-09-05 23:55:55" ] @/Healoe SO SORRY for the late reply I read this during rollover so I completely forgot to reply,,, but thank you so much !! I never considered them to be dancers but I think it's a rlly cute idea... But yeah it doesn't really fit Winter and Tundra so I'd love if you changed it to a fictional dragon! Edit: feel free to showcase! [/quote] [quote name="FriendlyUser" date="2023-09-06 17:10:11" ] @/Healoe , This is awesome! It makes me want to read the mythical codex XD I feel like this definitely represents Fuli, she would be a great explorer! Take your time on the coded version though! I really appreciate your effort on the first one and this one, both are absolutely amazing. Makes me smile every time I read it (Mainly because your writing inspires me a ton, but I also love it when Fuli finds Imogen and they become friends! Personally agree it's one of the best friendships. C: ) Don't forget to take your payment in Crossroads! I also don't mind at all that it was a little shorter, it was still amazing! Made me smile so big jdroiejjfireo [/quote] [quote name="BirdyDraws" date="2023-09-08 09:57:22" ] @/Healoe Aggg I absolutely LOVE it!<33 And ofcourse you may showcase her as an example^v^ [/quote] [quote name="XxCalypsoxX" date="2023-09-09 09:40:14" ] @/Healoe Thank you so much! This is such a cute lore you did for them:) [/quote] [quote name="Chaosdragoness" date="2023-09-09 10:51:34" ] @/Healoe So sorry for the late response! I posted right before I went to bed lol Thank you so much for accepting and let me know when to send payment! As for updates and when, I had meant to be a little clearer but tired brain last night lol. I had just meant to let me know when you started or if any complications arose ^^ if you can get it done by the 12th then wonderful, but as I said, there is absolutely no rush so please take your time if you need to! Thank you again! [/quote] [quote name="moriougai" date="2023-09-10 20:49:39" ] @/Healoe oh this is BEAUTIFUL and so much more than i thought i would get!! i love it!! will definitely keep coming back to you for more lore <3 and you're welcome to use iona as an example too! [/quote] [quote name="FunnyBBones" date="2023-09-11 16:00:25" ] @/Healoe Thank you so much I love it. I will be ordering from you again at some time. The Story has been added to Akeira's bio if you wish to showcase it :) [/quote] [quote name="Chaosdragoness" date="2023-09-12 10:01:37" ] @/Healoe AHHH This is absolutely amazing! I love this so much, they have such sweet and cute interactions in their povs ^^ Thank you so much for doing this and absolutely you may use them as an example! I also will definitely come back at some point if you're still going Edit: Sent payment in CR! [/quote] [quote name="Chaosdragoness" date="2023-09-12 10:40:13" ] Ahhhhhh I'm so sorry for the multiple replies/edits I did change just some very minor things, mainly just clearing up that Shale is the one who runs the clan and not King. He's in his retirement days, but is very much the one that brings in everyone to the island of misfit toys hahah [/quote] [quote name="Jekra" date="2023-09-13 09:26:29" ] I HAD THE BIGGEST GRIN ON MY FACE READING THAT IT'S SO SWEET <3 I love that so much thank you!! You can put him on your lore showcase him that's all cool :] [/quote] [quote name="Liesmith" date="2023-09-14 21:07:11" ] @/Healoe Hello and thank you so much! Ahhhh, you wrote so much more than I expected - I genuinely love it, I can't wait to format this in Wicket and Bough's profiles. Q^Q!!! Please do feel absolutely free to showcase them wherever you would like! <3 And I'll send over some baldwin mats and gems ASAP ^_^ I really love the story that you wrote - it fits both their themes and also the general themes of the snowsquall tundra that I try to work into my lair so well (which I didn't even mention in my prompt, so I feel extra appreciative of this!!) <3 And I love the contrast of their POVs, including the daily entry style of Bough's. Genuinely wonderful!! (The only edit I made is that I decided last minute that they are both going to be ladies, so I just changed Wicket's pronouns!) [/quote] [quote name="StarsAndMoon" date="2023-09-15 10:35:39" ] @/Healoe Awesome!! i love how they turned out, delightfully imposing and eerie :D I absolutely don’t mind them being in the Lore Showcase, and I’ll get payment sent over now. [/quote] [quote name="Hazelgem" date="2023-09-16 21:05:42" ] Aaaa I love it! <333 It’s amazing! Your writing is so nice to read! Would it be alright if I edit some of the words and sentences so it matches the dragon a little more? And yes you can show the writing in in your showcase post :D [/quote] [quote name="FL1GHT0F87" date="2023-09-19 05:25:11" ] @/Healoe Sorry for the late response, I wanted to wait until you were done. Yes, you may showcase it. [/quote] [quote name="Jekra" date="2023-09-19 06:42:30" ] AHAHRAGRHRHAGHR I LOVE THAT SO MUCH THAT'S SO SILLY That's absolutely perfect, you are so good at bringing these little thoughts I had to life tysm !!!!!!!!!!! Edit: Yeah you can put him up on the showcase too!! That's cool :D [/quote] [quote name="Noonchi" date="2023-09-19 09:38:24" ] @/Healoe Wow I love it!!!! especially how you included her snip of an interaction I included. Thank you so much and you can absolutely add her to your showcase :> edit; btw if you're ever in the market for lore or wanting to do a lore trade lmk! [/quote] [quote name= "winterleaves11" date= "2023-09-21 16:21:20"] [i][copied and pasted from crossroads messages][/i] thank you for the lore!! it may take a bit for me to put it in her bio, but feel free to display fauna on your page. i hope this payment will suffice!![/quote] [quote name="FriendlyUser" date="2023-09-24 11:05:14" ] @/Healoe , both stories are perfect!! XD Mix of light and darkness. Kune's ending was chef kiss, I can now imagine Fuli being extremely annoying in a funny way <33 Skyion's story was very interesting. His pursuit to end Imogen for being an outcast and him ending up being an outcast?!!!1! Love that ending as well ^^ [/quote] [quote name="FunnyBBones" date="2023-09-24 16:56:18" ] @/Healoe Sorry for the late reply but I god dam love the story and of course you can you them as an example :D I will be back for more. [/quote] [quote name="Chaosdragoness" date="2023-09-25 05:25:53" ] Once again you did an amazing job, it fits him perfectly! I especially love that you added a bit more to Alun and Belial's relationship ^^ Thank you once again for the wonderful lore! [/quote] [quote name="orcats" date="2023-09-26 10:35:21" ] @/Healoe tyty it turned out great! :D feel free to use them for the showcase! [/quote] [quote name="Jekra" date="2023-09-27 05:50:30" ] THAT TURNED OUT WONDERFUL TYSM!!! [emoji=firework size=1] [/quote] [quote name="FunnyBBones" date="2023-09-28 22:06:24" ] @/Healoe Once again you did a great god and I love it. As always feel free to use it as a example :) I will be back someday. [/quote] [quote name="NikTheBug" date="2023-09-29 04:21:59" ] @/Healoe Oh I absolutely ADORE what you've written! The only things I'll really tweak will just be very small edits, your whole story will be still the same, because oh my god it's great!! You are 100%okay to put it into the showcase too! Also if you do the update ping me again rq i dont mind pings! Once again, the writing is great and once i get the time I'll manage to edit it into the bio! [/quote] [quote name="ShinigamiGrimm" date="2023-10-02 08:44:39" ] @/Healoe This... These! These stories are amazing! I truly am in absolute awe of what you've managed to come up with! These are wonderful! You have an amazing talent and I commend you for writing as much as you did. I love how you went with what little lore I already had and expanded it into a more in-depth storyline, and the many stories for Mac and Aqua are much appreciated <3 I'm not worried about how long it took! I understand from an artists and writers perspective that it takes time to create a masterpiece ^^ You're absolutely free to showcase them, and I would like to thank you again for such wonderful work! (I'll be sending another pm with a tip!) [/quote] [quote name="FriendlyUser" date="2023-10-05 14:27:05" ] @/Healoe , I'm glad that gave you a bit of a refresher! It's totally okay though, I ordered giving you time to complete it whenever! It could have been a month and I would have still been very grateful! :) I wish you the best of luck on exams! Hopefully, you got the score you were wishing for. As always, your writing never ceases to inspire me! The story itself definitely gave off quite an eerie vibe, which is exactly what I was looking for! I can picture Cerys in agony, his condition slowly getting worse (which is quite interesting to depict- I'm not weird I promise XD I'm just in the spooky spirit! The spooky season is finally upon us WOO!!) Anyways- as I have said before, this would be a wonderful animation to construct, especially the part of Cerys entering the house. Ahhh!! I'm honestly really excited about this piece- it is so unique! On another note, I think including the Corroded Petal concept was super cool.. guess I'll have to start saving up for another order from you! I'm highly interested in that concept now XD. Thank you so so much for this amazing piece of writing! Hopefully, you won't get too overwhelmed with the writing, I wish you luck! [/quote] [quote name="FunnyBBones" date="2023-10-07 00:44:15" ] @/Healoe omg I love it. Like always you did a really great job. I take a good break and burnout is a very real thing and when you open up again I'll be here to order more of your great story's :) [/quote] [font=comic sans][size=2][i]Let me know if you don't want your review to be here (because I added this way later on and I don't wanna get perms from so many people, or if you'd like to add any comments! [/i]
  1. @/FriendlyUser
  2. @/ArchRaptor
  3. @/
  4. @/
  5. @/
(I do update on progress along the way! Do note, time or dates are given based on FRT)
[PWYW] Nara's Writing Shop - Unlimited Slots!
FriendlyUser wrote on 2023-08-25 09:22:44:
@/Healoe, that was beautiful, I loved what you wrote! I was trying to read slowly to savor every bit of it. The drama and the bonus ending made it such an interesting back story. Makes me want to do an animation XD. Poor Imogen, luckily Fuli will take great care of them. I'll send the rest of the payment now!
KursedCurtain wrote on 2023-08-30 06:58:36:
@/Healoe oh this was a lovely read! I might have to draw some of this sometime haha!

Such an interesting way of putting the story into fr lore :3 such a lovely little adventurous spirit, I care this lovely line lol

(And the narrator is,, an owl? I love that!)

I might have to comm you again sometime! Maybe after the fest, haha!
FriendlyUser wrote on 2023-08-31 08:31:54:
@/Healoe ,
You welcome!! I honestly wouldn’t mind if my whole lair was filled with your writing XD.
Personally as someone who adores and loves reading I have so much respect for those who can write. I’ve definitely tried, but I never get to finish it because I run into problems//loose motivation//think of a new story- I just struggle concentrating on one thing. :,)

Your lore is really cool to read, it’s unique! So I would be extremely surprised if no one wanted any.
I can’t agree more about how much art forums there are, it’s really overwhelming. I’ve wanted to start my own art shop but I’ve been extremely hesitant. I’ve wanted to do something a little different, like where I use my realism style to draw people’s pets! I just feel more comfortable with doing that. But I just don’t know how many people will order any art. I also have no idea how to price my art. Lol.
XxCalypsoxX wrote on 2023-09-02 20:12:06:
Thank you for the ping!!! the first one got lost D;

sending payment now, thank you so much for the awesome lore! I love how you wrote each of the pieces <3

edit: also yes please, feel free to show them off! :D
moriougai wrote on 2023-09-02 23:04:31:
@/Healoe woah i actually wasn't expecting you to like, bring in other dragons from the clan :0 that's so epic! i love it so much! and it's totally okay to showcase her in your examples post, thank you so much for this!
moriougai wrote on 2023-09-04 05:42:42:
@/Healoe thank you for the epic lore! sending payment soon :>
SairentoTsuki wrote on 2023-09-05 23:55:55:
SO SORRY for the late reply I read this during rollover so I completely forgot to reply,,, but thank you so much !! I never considered them to be dancers but I think it's a rlly cute idea...

But yeah it doesn't really fit Winter and Tundra so I'd love if you changed it to a fictional dragon!
Edit: feel free to showcase!
FriendlyUser wrote on 2023-09-06 17:10:11:
@/Healoe ,
This is awesome! It makes me want to read the mythical codex XD I feel like this definitely represents Fuli, she would be a great explorer!

Take your time on the coded version though!

I really appreciate your effort on the first one and this one, both are absolutely amazing. Makes me smile every time I read it (Mainly because your writing inspires me a ton, but I also love it when Fuli finds Imogen and they become friends! Personally agree it's one of the best friendships. C: ) Don't forget to take your payment in Crossroads!

I also don't mind at all that it was a little shorter, it was still amazing! Made me smile so big jdroiejjfireo
BirdyDraws wrote on 2023-09-08 09:57:22:
Aggg I absolutely LOVE it!<33

And ofcourse you may showcase her as an example^v^
XxCalypsoxX wrote on 2023-09-09 09:40:14:
Thank you so much! This is such a cute lore you did for them:)
Chaosdragoness wrote on 2023-09-09 10:51:34:

So sorry for the late response! I posted right before I went to bed lol

Thank you so much for accepting and let me know when to send payment!

As for updates and when, I had meant to be a little clearer but tired brain last night lol. I had just meant to let me know when you started or if any complications arose ^^ if you can get it done by the 12th then wonderful, but as I said, there is absolutely no rush so please take your time if you need to!

Thank you again!
moriougai wrote on 2023-09-10 20:49:39:
@/Healoe oh this is BEAUTIFUL and so much more than i thought i would get!! i love it!! will definitely keep coming back to you for more lore <3 and you're welcome to use iona as an example too!
FunnyBBones wrote on 2023-09-11 16:00:25:
Thank you so much I love it. I will be ordering from you again at some time.
The Story has been added to Akeira's bio if you wish to showcase it :)
Chaosdragoness wrote on 2023-09-12 10:01:37:


This is absolutely amazing! I love this so much, they have such sweet and cute interactions in their povs ^^

Thank you so much for doing this and absolutely you may use them as an example! I also will definitely come back at some point if you're still going

Edit: Sent payment in CR!
Chaosdragoness wrote on 2023-09-12 10:40:13:

I'm so sorry for the multiple replies/edits

I did change just some very minor things, mainly just clearing up that Shale is the one who runs the clan and not King. He's in his retirement days, but is very much the one that brings in everyone to the island of misfit toys hahah
Jekra wrote on 2023-09-13 09:26:29:
I love that so much thank you!! You can put him on your lore showcase him that's all cool :]
Liesmith wrote on 2023-09-14 21:07:11:
@/Healoe Hello and thank you so much! Ahhhh, you wrote so much more than I expected - I genuinely love it, I can't wait to format this in Wicket and Bough's profiles. Q^Q!!! Please do feel absolutely free to showcase them wherever you would like! <3 And I'll send over some baldwin mats and gems ASAP ^_^

I really love the story that you wrote - it fits both their themes and also the general themes of the snowsquall tundra that I try to work into my lair so well (which I didn't even mention in my prompt, so I feel extra appreciative of this!!) <3 And I love the contrast of their POVs, including the daily entry style of Bough's. Genuinely wonderful!!

(The only edit I made is that I decided last minute that they are both going to be ladies, so I just changed Wicket's pronouns!)
StarsAndMoon wrote on 2023-09-15 10:35:39:
@/Healoe Awesome!! i love how they turned out, delightfully imposing and eerie :D I absolutely don’t mind them being in the Lore Showcase, and I’ll get payment sent over now.
Hazelgem wrote on 2023-09-16 21:05:42:
Aaaa I love it! <333 It’s amazing! Your writing is so nice to read! Would it be alright if I edit some of the words and sentences so it matches the dragon a little more? And yes you can show the writing in in your showcase post :D
FL1GHT0F87 wrote on 2023-09-19 05:25:11:
Sorry for the late response, I wanted to wait until you were done. Yes, you may showcase it.
Jekra wrote on 2023-09-19 06:42:30:
That's absolutely perfect, you are so good at bringing these little thoughts I had to life tysm !!!!!!!!!!!

Edit: Yeah you can put him up on the showcase too!! That's cool :D
Noonchi wrote on 2023-09-19 09:38:24:

Wow I love it!!!! especially how you included her snip of an interaction I included.

Thank you so much and you can absolutely add her to your showcase :>

edit; btw if you're ever in the market for lore or wanting to do a lore trade lmk!
winterleaves11 wrote on 2023-09-21 16:21:20:
[copied and pasted from crossroads messages]
thank you for the lore!! it may take a bit for me to put it in her bio, but feel free to display fauna on your page. i hope this payment will suffice!!
FriendlyUser wrote on 2023-09-24 11:05:14:
@/Healoe , both stories are perfect!! XD Mix of light and darkness.
Kune's ending was chef kiss, I can now imagine Fuli being extremely annoying in a funny way <33
Skyion's story was very interesting. His pursuit to end Imogen for being an outcast and him ending up being an outcast?!!!1! Love that ending as well ^^
FunnyBBones wrote on 2023-09-24 16:56:18:

Sorry for the late reply but I god dam love the story and of course you can you them as an example :D I will be back for more.
Chaosdragoness wrote on 2023-09-25 05:25:53:
Once again you did an amazing job, it fits him perfectly! I especially love that you added a bit more to Alun and Belial's relationship ^^

Thank you once again for the wonderful lore!
orcats wrote on 2023-09-26 10:35:21:

tyty it turned out great! :D feel free to use them for the showcase!
Jekra wrote on 2023-09-27 05:50:30:
FunnyBBones wrote on 2023-09-28 22:06:24:
@/Healoe Once again you did a great god and I love it. As always feel free to use it as a example :) I will be back someday.
NikTheBug wrote on 2023-09-29 04:21:59:
Oh I absolutely ADORE what you've written! The only things I'll really tweak will just be very small edits, your whole story will be still the same, because oh my god it's great!!

You are 100%okay to put it into the showcase too! Also if you do the update ping me again rq i dont mind pings!

Once again, the writing is great and once i get the time I'll manage to edit it into the bio!
ShinigamiGrimm wrote on 2023-10-02 08:44:39:
This... These! These stories are amazing! I truly am in absolute awe of what you've managed to come up with! These are wonderful! You have an amazing talent and I commend you for writing as much as you did. I love how you went with what little lore I already had and expanded it into a more in-depth storyline, and the many stories for Mac and Aqua are much appreciated <3

I'm not worried about how long it took! I understand from an artists and writers perspective that it takes time to create a masterpiece ^^

You're absolutely free to showcase them, and I would like to thank you again for such wonderful work! (I'll be sending another pm with a tip!)
FriendlyUser wrote on 2023-10-05 14:27:05:
@/Healoe , I'm glad that gave you a bit of a refresher! It's totally okay though, I ordered giving you time to complete it whenever! It could have been a month and I would have still been very grateful! :) I wish you the best of luck on exams! Hopefully, you got the score you were wishing for.

As always, your writing never ceases to inspire me! The story itself definitely gave off quite an eerie vibe, which is exactly what I was looking for! I can picture Cerys in agony, his condition slowly getting worse (which is quite interesting to depict- I'm not weird I promise XD I'm just in the spooky spirit! The spooky season is finally upon us WOO!!) Anyways- as I have said before, this would be a wonderful animation to construct, especially the part of Cerys entering the house. Ahhh!! I'm honestly really excited about this piece- it is so unique! On another note, I think including the Corroded Petal concept was super cool.. guess I'll have to start saving up for another order from you! I'm highly interested in that concept now XD. Thank you so so much for this amazing piece of writing! Hopefully, you won't get too overwhelmed with the writing, I wish you luck!
FunnyBBones wrote on 2023-10-07 00:44:15:
omg I love it. Like always you did a really great job. I take a good break and burnout is a very real thing and when you open up again I'll be here to order more of your great story's :)

Let me know if you don't want your review to be here (because I added this way later on and I don't wanna get perms from so many people, or if you'd like to add any comments!
8PnwU.gifFrUah.gifglQPf.gif adoption thread | PWYW Lore Shop | Wishlist
[center][u][b][font=century][size=5][emoji=scroll size=2]LORE SHOWCASE:[emoji=scroll size=2][/size][/font][/b][/u] Lore are in the dragon's bios! If not, they will link to a google document in which you can read for yourself :)[/center] [url=][img][/img][/url] (my dragon) [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] (Imogen, Fuli, Kune and Sykion belonging to @/FriendlyUser 's Lair :) [url=][img][/img][/url] (Adventure Line belonging to @/KursedCurtain ‘s Lair :D) [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] (Kincaid, Melody, and the Spooky Plushie pair belonging to @/XxCalypsoxX 's Lair <3) [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] (Kismet and Iona belonging to @/naranciag ‘s lair >:D) [url=][img][/img][img][/img][/url] (Jubilation and Exuberance belonging to @/SairentoTsuki 's Lair -w-) [url=][img][/img][/url] (Phoenix belonging to @/BirdyDraws 's lair ^w^) [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] (Akeira, Parsec and Quartz belonging to @/FunnyBBones 's lair *w*) [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] (Valentin, Kokiri and Belial belonging to @/Chaosdragoness 's lair :>) [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] (Vanilla, Boombox and Quinn belonging to @/Jekra 's lair :3 ) [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] (Wicket and Bough belonging to @/Liesmith 's Lair :0) [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] (Kayava and White Noise belonging to @/StarsAndMoon 's Lair :]) [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] (Goddess and Tethys belonging to @/Hazelgem 's Lair ^^) [url=][img][/img][/url] (Philomelus belonging to @/FL1GHT0F87 's Lair ^-^) [url=][img][/img][/url] (Ashera belonging to @/noonchi 's Lair ^D^) [url=][img][/img][/url] (Fauna belonging to @/winterleaves11 's Lair ^_^) [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] (Elysium and Sherbie belonging to @/orcats 's Lair ^0^) [url=][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][/url] (Wildstep, Rumol, Verion and Hironobu belonging to @/NikTheBug 's Lair ^[]^) [size=1][font=monsterrat][if you can't tell I am very much running out of text emojis to put behind lairs :<] [i][take note: if I ever showcase a dragon from someone else, I have asked their permission to add the dragon to the list][/i]
Lore are in the dragon's bios! If not, they will link to a google document in which you can read for yourself :)
(my dragon)
(Imogen, Fuli, Kune and Sykion belonging to @/FriendlyUser 's Lair :)
(Adventure Line belonging to @/KursedCurtain ‘s Lair :D)
(Kincaid, Melody, and the Spooky Plushie pair belonging to @/XxCalypsoxX 's Lair <3)
(Kismet and Iona belonging to @/naranciag ‘s lair >:D)
(Jubilation and Exuberance belonging to @/SairentoTsuki 's Lair -w-)
(Phoenix belonging to @/BirdyDraws 's lair ^w^)
(Akeira, Parsec and Quartz belonging to @/FunnyBBones 's lair *w*)
(Valentin, Kokiri and Belial belonging to @/Chaosdragoness 's lair :>)
(Vanilla, Boombox and Quinn belonging to @/Jekra 's lair :3 )
(Wicket and Bough belonging to @/Liesmith 's Lair :0)
(Kayava and White Noise belonging to @/StarsAndMoon 's Lair :])
(Goddess and Tethys belonging to @/Hazelgem 's Lair ^^)
(Philomelus belonging to @/FL1GHT0F87 's Lair ^-^)
(Ashera belonging to @/noonchi 's Lair ^D^)
(Fauna belonging to @/winterleaves11 's Lair ^_^)
(Elysium and Sherbie belonging to @/orcats 's Lair ^0^)
(Wildstep, Rumol, Verion and Hironobu belonging to @/NikTheBug 's Lair ^[]^)
[if you can't tell I am very much running out of text emojis to put behind lairs :<]
[take note: if I ever showcase a dragon from someone else, I have asked their permission to add the dragon to the list]

8PnwU.gifFrUah.gifglQPf.gif adoption thread | PWYW Lore Shop | Wishlist
[center][u][b][font=century][size=5][emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1]BADGES:[emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1][/size][/font][/b][/u][/center] After ordering, feel free to collect one (or more!) of these badges! do link back to this post / thread if you do decide to get them. [center][quote=Past Lorewriter][url=][img][/img][/url][/quote] [quote=Admiring Lorewriter][url=][img][/img][/url][/quote] [quote=Interested Lorewriter][url=][img][/img][/url][/quote] [quote=Present Lorewriter][url=][img][/img][/url][/quote] [quote=Accomplished Lorewriter][url=][img][/img][/url][/quote][/center]

After ordering, feel free to collect one (or more!) of these badges! do link back to this post / thread if you do decide to get them.
Past Lorewriter wrote:
Admiring Lorewriter wrote:
Interested Lorewriter wrote:
Present Lorewriter wrote:
Accomplished Lorewriter wrote:
8PnwU.gifFrUah.gifglQPf.gif adoption thread | PWYW Lore Shop | Wishlist
8PnwU.gifFrUah.gifglQPf.gif adoption thread | PWYW Lore Shop | Wishlist
8PnwU.gifFrUah.gifglQPf.gif adoption thread | PWYW Lore Shop | Wishlist
8PnwU.gifFrUah.gifglQPf.gif adoption thread | PWYW Lore Shop | Wishlist
8PnwU.gifFrUah.gifglQPf.gif adoption thread | PWYW Lore Shop | Wishlist
8PnwU.gifFrUah.gifglQPf.gif adoption thread | PWYW Lore Shop | Wishlist