
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
[center][img][/img] [/center] [center][color=green][size=6][b]Noodle-Dad's Doodle-Pad![/b][/color][/size] [center]Welcome to Noodle-Dad's Doodle-Pad, Wind’s fabulous Foddart! Here’s a collection of wonderful Windy artists, writers and musicians available to offer their excellent work for your fodder![/center] [center][size=4][b]This shop will run from March 19th - 26th![/b][/size][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=5][color=green][b]Airborne Artists[/b][/color][/size][/center] [columns] [img][/img] [center][url=][b]L1BR4[/b] [/url][/center] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img] [center][url=][b]Achromaticism[/b] [/url][/center] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img] [center][url=][b]MistyGold[/b] [/url][/center] [/columns] [columns] [nextcol] [img][/img] [center][url=][b]PhantomR[/b] [/url][/center] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img] [center][url=][b]Humboldt[/b] [/url][/center] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img] [center][url=][b]Lupik[/b] [/url][/center] [/columns] [columns] [nextcol] [img][/img] [center][url=][b]Hikumi[/b] [/url][/center] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img] [center][url=][b]2BDamned[/b] [/url][/center] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img] [center][url=][b]nuue[/b] [/url][/center] [/columns] [columns] [nextcol] [img][/img] [center][url=TBA][b]TBA[/b] [/url][/center] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img] [center][url=TBA][b]TBA[/b] [/url][/center] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img] [center][url=TBA][b]TBA[/b] [/url][/center] [/columns] [center] [img][/img] [url=TBA][b]TBA[/b] [/url][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=5][color=green][b]Windy Writers[/b][/color][/size][/center] [columns] [center][url=][b]Arsenet5[/b][/url] [img][/img][/center] [nextcol] If there was two words to describe Mephis, it would be deceitful businessman. Despite the multiple attempts of him conning other dragons, his mate Amantha stays by his side, even if one day she swears he'll get killed because of one of his own cons. His first meeting with Amantha was a rather interesting affair, to say the least. He had been pulling a con where he was posing as a "Witchborne Mystic", despite the fact he had no relations to the Witchborne whatsoever, even regarding them as an old myth meant to scare hatchlings to not wander away from their parents. And then Amantha came along. At first he scoffed at the idea that she herself was a Witchborne, until she made him shut up while he was in the middle of a sentence. He's still stunned that despite the fact he tried pulling off as one of her own kin, Amantha did not kill him immediately. The only reason why Amantha keeps him around, he thinks, is because she found the whole situation funny to begin with. At least he hopes so. [/columns] [columns] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque imperdiet sodales quam, suscipit venenatis tellus maximus ac. Proin consectetur facilisis mollis. Aenean congue nunc id neque pellentesque feugiat. Etiam in lacinia tortor. Morbi laoreet accumsan nunc. Ut semper vestibulum massa. Praesent sed ligula aliquet, porttitor magna et, finibus orci. Integer sed est a nisi convallis accumsan. Cras non sapien facilisis, porttitor velit eu, rhoncus velit. [nextcol] [center][url=TBA][b]TBA[/b][/url] [img][/img][/center] [/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=5][color=green][b]Maelstrom Musicians[/b][/color][/size][/center] [columns] [color=white]_________________________________[/color] [nextcol] [columns] [center][url=TBA]'TBA' [img][/img][/url] [url=TBA]TBA [/center][/url] [/columns]
Noodle-Dad's Doodle-Pad!
Welcome to Noodle-Dad's Doodle-Pad, Wind’s fabulous Foddart! Here’s a collection of wonderful Windy artists, writers and musicians available to offer their excellent work for your fodder!

This shop will run from March 19th - 26th!

Airborne Artists
sRp1crY.png _ cframe.png _ nhvrzeK.png
62453821_bJsfMaiWGhHBVx7.png _ humbolds_frame.png _ 46c59c016b44aa590d5442d38b4ff4ba20fae714.png
fram2.png _ Untitled2286.png _ XmqvKy1.png
frame.png _ frame.png _ frame.png


Windy Writers
If there was two words to describe Mephis, it would be deceitful businessman. Despite the multiple attempts of him conning other dragons, his mate Amantha stays by his side, even if one day she swears he'll get killed because of one of his own cons. His first meeting with Amantha was a rather interesting affair, to say the least. He had been pulling a con where he was posing as a "Witchborne Mystic", despite the fact he had no relations to the Witchborne whatsoever, even regarding them as an old myth meant to scare hatchlings to not wander away from their parents. And then Amantha came along.
At first he scoffed at the idea that she herself was a Witchborne, until she made him shut up while he was in the middle of a sentence. He's still stunned that despite the fact he tried pulling off as one of her own kin, Amantha did not kill him immediately. The only reason why Amantha keeps him around, he thinks, is because she found the whole situation funny to begin with. At least he hopes so.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque imperdiet sodales quam, suscipit venenatis tellus maximus ac. Proin consectetur facilisis mollis. Aenean congue nunc id neque pellentesque feugiat. Etiam in lacinia tortor. Morbi laoreet accumsan nunc. Ut semper vestibulum massa. Praesent sed ligula aliquet, porttitor magna et, finibus orci. Integer sed est a nisi convallis accumsan. Cras non sapien facilisis, porttitor velit eu, rhoncus velit.

Maelstrom Musicians
â™”Lore Shop

â™”Bio Templates

â™”What does your username mean?
_________________________________ Wind Council
Wind Foddart
Wind's Okayest Exalter
[center][b][url=]Directory[/url][/b] - [b][url=]How to Order[/url][/b] - [url=][b]Spreadsheet[/b][/url] - [b][url=]Signatures![/url][/b] ----- [size=5][b]Slots Open[/b] | [s]Slots Closed[/s][/size] [img][/img] [size=5][b]L1br4's Human(oid) Art Shop[/b][/size] [url=][img][/img][/url] [size=6][b]200 Levels[/b][/size] I will be offering these sketchy and simply coloured humanoid busts! - Please ping me! - send dragons to me - slots will re-open as I finish them - please have a design or provide references - please be aware character design is not my forte [img][/img] [b]Slots[/b] [s]1 - Achromaticism[/s] 2 - 3 - [b]Pinglist[/b] @ [img][/img] [size=5][b]Order Form[/b][/size] [quote][b]Username:[/b] [b]Player ID Number:[/b] [b]Link to Dragon/Character & any additional refs:[/b] [b]Price:[/b] [b]Other Information:[/b] [/quote] [img][/img]
Directory - How to Order - Spreadsheet - Signatures!

Slots Open | Slots Closed


L1br4's Human(oid) Art Shop


200 Levels

I will be offering these sketchy and simply coloured humanoid busts!

- Please ping me!
- send dragons to me
- slots will re-open as I finish them
- please have a design or provide references
- please be aware character design is not my forte


1 - Achromaticism
2 -
3 -




Order Form
Player ID Number:
Link to Dragon/Character & any additional refs:
Other Information:
[center] [center][center][b][url=]Directory[/url][/b] - [b][url=]How to Order[/url][/b] - [url=][b]Spreadsheet[/b][/url] - [b][url=]Signatures![/url][/b] ----- [size=5][b]Slots Open[/b] | [s]Slots Closed[/s][/size] [img][/img] [size=5][b]Achromaticism’s Playing Card Dealership[/b][/size] [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img] [/columns] Get playing cards of your dragons! Fae, Skydancer, Mirror, Wildclaw and Pearlcatcher are currently available. [center][url=]check out here for more examples lmao[/url][/center] [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [center] [b]Fae[/b] [u][i]Sponsored Genes[/i][/u] Primary: Bar, Basic, Boulder, Cherub, Clown, Fade, Flaunt, Iridescent, Jaguar, Jupiter, Metallic, Petals, Piebald, Pinstripe, Savannah, Skink Secondary: Alloy, Basic, Bee, Blend, Butterfly, Eel, Flair, Freckle, Morph, Myrid, Noxtide, Paint, Paisley, Peregrine, Seraph, Shimmer, Spinner, Striation, Toxin Tertiary: Basic, Contour, Filigree, Firefly, Ghost, Glimmer, Lace, Opal, Peacock, Runes, Smirch, Soap, Sparkle, Stained, Underbelly Eye Type: Bright, Common, Dark Sclera, Glowing, Innocent, Pastel, Rare, Uncommon, Unusual, Primal (Arcane, Nature) [/columns] [columns] [center] [b]Skydancer[/b] [u][i]Sponsored Genes[/i][/u] Primary: Basic, Crystal, Fade, Iridescent, Metallic, Mosaic, Pharaoh, Python, Starmap Secondary: Alloy, Basic, Blend, Butterfly, Constellation, Eye Spots, Flair, Sarcophagus, Shimmer, Striation, Trail Tertiary: Basic, Capsule, Glimmer, Lace, Opal, Runes, Stained, Underbelly, Okapi, Veined Eye Type: Bright, Common, Dark Sclera, Glowing, Pastel, Rare, Uncommon, Unusual [nextcol] [img][/img] [/columns] [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [center] [b]Wildclaw[/b] [u][i]Sponsored Genes[/i][/u] Primary: Basic, Cherub, Clown, Fade, Flaunt, Pharaoh, Ribbon, Skink Secondary: Basic, Blend, Butterfly, Flair, Myrid, Spinner, Stripes Tertiary: Basic, Glimmer, Koi, Stained, Underbelly Eye Type: Bright, Common, Dark Sclera, Faceted, Glowing, Pastel, Rare, Uncommon, Unusual, Primal (Fire) [/columns] [columns] [center] [b]Mirror[/b] [u][i]Sponsored Genes[/i][/u] Primary: Basic, Fade, Fern, Skink Secondary: Basic, Blend, Eel, Edged, Flair, Shimmer Tertiary: Basic, Filigree, Opal, Stained, Runes, Underbelly Eye Type: Bright, Common, Dark Sclera, Glowing, Pastel, Rare, Uncommon, Unusual [nextcol] [img][/img] [/columns] [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [center] [b]Pearlcatcher[/b] [u][i]Sponsored Genes[/i][/u] Primary: Basic, Fade, Flaunt, Piebald, Starmap Secondary: Basic, Bee, Blend, Paint, Striation Tertiary: Basic, Smoke, Stained, Underbelly, Veined Eye Type: Bright, Common, Dark Sclera, Glowing, Pastel, Rare, Uncommon, Unusual [/columns] (Apparel/skins currently aren't available through Foddart ;u;) Additionally, you can select between the default theme and this run's Limited Edition Card Theme: [b]Artisan Apprentice![/b] This MistJam, we're learning from our talented Harpy pals as we celebrate the creative spirit of Wind. Comes with some Harpy-styled attire, a selection of art supplies and patterned suit symbol. Feel free to pick your own colours! [Design uses a 3-colour palette.] [img][/img] [img][/img] [Pick between V1 and V2 for symbol patterns - some may not show up well on certain breeds ^^;] The base price for each card will be 195 levels, with 5-30 extras per sponsored gene depending on complexity. [img][/img] [b]Slots[/b] [s](Unlimited, because apparently I'm allergic to breaks.)[/s] [s]1 - Annadrujok[/s] [s]2 - alleyes007[/s] 3 - ThesFireflies [waiting for payment] [s]4 - Aserein[/s] 5 - CatOnTheSun 6 - Ref x3 7 - Skycloud x2 8 - blackharte x2 9 - Dropdeaddrawing 10 - RubieKanary 11 - xenonentity 12 - linin 13 - ShadowRhosyn 14 - FoolishRay x2 15 - Chryssaia 16 - [b]Pinglist[/b] @Dawntalon427 [img][/img] [size=5][b]Order Form[/b][/size] [Please send dragons to acceptors rather than me! I dropped out of acceptor school and am not certified ;u;] [quote][b]Username:[/b] [b]Player ID Number:[/b] [b]Link to Dragon:[/b] [b]Price:[/b] [b]Sponsored Genes/Eye Types:[/b] Any genes that you'll be sponsoring for this card! See the breed-specific lists above to check what has and hasn't been sponsored already- if it's on that list, you get it for no additional cost. :) [b]Theme:[/b] (Normal/Artisan Apprentice) (If Artisan Apprentice, feel free to request specific colours for specific elements! Otherwise I'll just go by what seems like it'd fit + background colours.) [b]Suit:[/b] (Hearts/Diamonds/Spades/Clubs) (If Artisan Apprentice, pick between V1 or V2 for your chosen suit symbol.) [b]Background Option:[/b] (Suit Colours/Custom Colours) (Custom colours can either be chosen by you or left up to me!) [/quote] [img][/img] As soon as I give you a quote for any sponsored genes, feel free to send over the levels! [/center]
Directory - How to Order - Spreadsheet - Signatures!

Slots Open | Slots Closed


Achromaticism’s Playing Card Dealership

dfr.png _ cframe.png _ kfr.png

Get playing cards of your dragons! Fae, Skydancer, Mirror, Wildclaw and Pearlcatcher are currently available.
Sponsored Genes

Primary: Bar, Basic, Boulder, Cherub, Clown, Fade, Flaunt, Iridescent, Jaguar, Jupiter, Metallic, Petals, Piebald, Pinstripe, Savannah, Skink

Secondary: Alloy, Basic, Bee, Blend, Butterfly, Eel, Flair, Freckle, Morph, Myrid, Noxtide, Paint, Paisley, Peregrine, Seraph, Shimmer, Spinner, Striation, Toxin

Tertiary: Basic, Contour, Filigree, Firefly, Ghost, Glimmer, Lace, Opal, Peacock, Runes, Smirch, Soap, Sparkle, Stained, Underbelly

Eye Type: Bright, Common, Dark Sclera, Glowing, Innocent, Pastel, Rare, Uncommon, Unusual, Primal (Arcane, Nature)
Sponsored Genes

Primary: Basic, Crystal, Fade, Iridescent, Metallic, Mosaic, Pharaoh, Python, Starmap

Secondary: Alloy, Basic, Blend, Butterfly, Constellation, Eye Spots, Flair, Sarcophagus, Shimmer, Striation, Trail

Tertiary: Basic, Capsule, Glimmer, Lace, Opal, Runes, Stained, Underbelly, Okapi, Veined

Eye Type: Bright, Common, Dark Sclera, Glowing, Pastel, Rare, Uncommon, Unusual
Sponsored Genes

Primary: Basic, Cherub, Clown, Fade, Flaunt, Pharaoh, Ribbon, Skink

Secondary: Basic, Blend, Butterfly, Flair, Myrid, Spinner, Stripes

Tertiary: Basic, Glimmer, Koi, Stained, Underbelly

Eye Type: Bright, Common, Dark Sclera, Faceted, Glowing, Pastel, Rare, Uncommon, Unusual, Primal (Fire)
Sponsored Genes

Primary: Basic, Fade, Fern, Skink

Secondary: Basic, Blend, Eel, Edged, Flair, Shimmer

Tertiary: Basic, Filigree, Opal, Stained, Runes, Underbelly

Eye Type: Bright, Common, Dark Sclera, Glowing, Pastel, Rare, Uncommon, Unusual
Sponsored Genes

Primary: Basic, Fade, Flaunt, Piebald, Starmap

Secondary: Basic, Bee, Blend, Paint, Striation

Tertiary: Basic, Smoke, Stained, Underbelly, Veined

Eye Type: Bright, Common, Dark Sclera, Glowing, Pastel, Rare, Uncommon, Unusual

(Apparel/skins currently aren't available through Foddart ;u;)

Additionally, you can select between the default theme and this run's Limited Edition Card Theme: Artisan Apprentice! This MistJam, we're learning from our talented Harpy pals as we celebrate the creative spirit of Wind. Comes with some Harpy-styled attire, a selection of art supplies and patterned suit symbol. Feel free to pick your own colours! [Design uses a 3-colour palette.]

[Pick between V1 and V2 for symbol patterns - some may not show up well on certain breeds ^^;]
The base price for each card will be 195 levels, with 5-30 extras per sponsored gene depending on complexity.


Slots (Unlimited, because apparently I'm allergic to breaks.)
1 - Annadrujok
2 - alleyes007
3 - ThesFireflies [waiting for payment]
4 - Aserein
5 - CatOnTheSun
6 - Ref x3
7 - Skycloud x2
8 - blackharte x2
9 - Dropdeaddrawing
10 - RubieKanary
11 - xenonentity
12 - linin
13 - ShadowRhosyn
14 - FoolishRay x2
15 - Chryssaia
16 -




Order Form

[Please send dragons to acceptors rather than me! I dropped out of acceptor school and am not certified ;u;]
Player ID Number:
Link to Dragon:
Sponsored Genes/Eye Types: Any genes that you'll be sponsoring for this card! See the breed-specific lists above to check what has and hasn't been sponsored already- if it's on that list, you get it for no additional cost. :)
Theme: (Normal/Artisan Apprentice) (If Artisan Apprentice, feel free to request specific colours for specific elements! Otherwise I'll just go by what seems like it'd fit + background colours.)
Suit: (Hearts/Diamonds/Spades/Clubs) (If Artisan Apprentice, pick between V1 or V2 for your chosen suit symbol.)
Background Option: (Suit Colours/Custom Colours) (Custom colours can either be chosen by you or left up to me!)

As soon as I give you a quote for any sponsored genes, feel free to send over the levels!
"What- you, the father of all skepticism, worried?"


"Just because I don't think it happened doesn't mean I can't be worried."
[center][b][url=]Directory[/url][/b] - [b][url=]How to Order[/url][/b] - [url=][b]Spreadsheet[/b][/url] - [b][url=]Signatures![/url][/b] ----- [center][size=5][b]Slots Open[/b] | [s]Slots Closed[/s][/size] [img][/img] [center][img][/img][/center] [size=5][b][color=yellowgreen]Misty's foddart shop[/color][/b][/size] [columns][emoji=bell size=1][size=4][color=saddlebrown]Links[/color][/size][color=transparent]..........[/color] • [url=]DeviantArt[/url] • [url=]Instagram[/url] • [url=]Commissions[/url] • [url=]Toyhouse[/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]...[/color][nextcol][size=3][color=saddlebrown] Welcome to my shop! For this push I'm offering colored busts, chibis and a variety of dragon bases. Check my shop linked on my signature if you wish to pay with currency, hope you enjoy my work! All example images have links to fullsize version. [b]Send all levels to me! I'm around from 6am to 16pm FR time.[/b] [/columns] [img][/img] [size=5][b][color=yellowgreen]Colored bust: 400 lvls[/color][/b][/size] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [columns][color=transparent]...............................................................[/color] [LIST][*] [color=saddlebrown]A flatcolor bust of your character! [*] [color=saddlebrown]I can draw almost any character, but have more exerience with canines, felines and draconic creatures. [*] [color=saddlebrown]For FR dragons, apparel is up to 1 big piece or 2 small pieces, extras and overly complex ones are evalued on case by case. [*] [color=saddlebrown]Some characters can be simplified to fit my style. [*] [color=saddlebrown]Skins are evalued on case by case and will cost extra. I may simplify or decline some as I see fit to not overload myself. [*] [color=saddlebrown]Delivery may take up to 2-3 weeks. [/LIST] [nextcol][color=transparent]......[/color][nextcol][color=transparent].........................................................[/color] [b]Slots[/b] (limited 3) 1 - [url=]Jeevas[/url] 2 - [url=]sm06sm[/url] 3 - [url=]MercySewerPyro[/url] [/columns] [size=4][b][color=yellowgreen]Pinglist[/color][/b][/size] [color=saddlebrown]@/ [size=4][b][color=yellowgreen]Order Form[/color][/b][/size] [code]@MistyGold colored bust slot! [b]Username:[/b] [b]Character:[/b] [b]Apparel/skin:[/b] [b]Other info:[/b] [/code] [img][/img] [size=5][b][color=yellowgreen]Chibi: 700 lvls[/color][/b][/size] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [columns][color=transparent]...............................................................[/color] [LIST][*] [color=saddlebrown]A fullbody chibi of your character! [*] [color=saddlebrown]First example is most recent and more updated style. [*] [color=saddlebrown]I can draw almost any character, but have more exerience with canines, felines and draconic creatures. [*] [color=saddlebrown]No apparel or skins. Exceptions are small earrings, scars, etc. [*] [color=saddlebrown]Delivery may take up to 2-3 weeks. [/LIST] [nextcol][color=transparent]......[/color][nextcol][color=transparent].........................................................[/color] [b]Slots[/b](limited 3) 1 - [url=]sm06sm[/url] 2 - [url=]xenonentity[/url] 3 - [url=]Achromaticism[/url] . [/columns] [size=4][b][color=yellowgreen]Pinglist[/color][/b][/size] [color=saddlebrown]@/ [size=4][b][color=yellowgreen]Order Form[/color][/b][/size] [code]@MistyGold chibi slot! [b]Username:[/b] [b]Character:[/b] [b]Apparel/skin:[/b] [b]Other info:[/b] [/code] [img][/img] [size=5][b][color=yellowgreen]Dragon bases: 200 lvls[/color][/b][/size] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [columns][color=transparent]...............................................................[/color] [LIST][*] [color=saddlebrown]Skydancer, wildclaw, fae, imperial, pearlcatcher and coatl species available. [*] [color=saddlebrown]All genes are free of charge except: cSlime/Sludge, Crystal/Facet, Wasp/bee, Metallic/Alloy, Gembond, Opal, Soap, Koi and Capsule, which are extra 50 levels. [*] [color=saddlebrown]No skins or apparel available for foddart. Check my main shop for these! [/LIST] [nextcol][color=transparent]......[/color][nextcol][color=transparent].........................................................[/color] [b]Slots[/b] (unlimited) 1 - [url=]Leeviathans[/url] 2 - [url=]BlackRayser[/url] 3 - [url=]kitkitkat[/url] 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - . [/columns] [size=4][b][color=yellowgreen]Pinglist[/color][/b][/size] [color=saddlebrown]@/ [size=4][b][color=yellowgreen]Order Form[/color][/b][/size] [code]@MistyGold adopt slot! [b]Username:[/b] [b]Dragon bbcode:[/b] [b]Genes:[/b] [b]Other info:[/b] [/code] [img][/img] [size=5][b][color=yellowgreen]General Guidelines[/color][/b][/size] [columns][color=transparent].[/color][nextcol] [left][LIST] [*][color=saddlebrown]Send levels to me if possible! if you're in a rush a receiver though. [*][color=saddlebrown]I will only start drawing after full payment is received. [*][color=saddlebrown]Don't remove my signature! [*][color=saddlebrown]You're free to resize and crop your drawing, but further editing is not allowed. [*][color=saddlebrown]If reposting outside FR please link to one of my social media (listed at the top of this post) [*][color=saddlebrown]Feel free to ping me for any doubts or order progress! [/LIST] [/columns] [img][/img]
Directory - How to Order - Spreadsheet - Signatures!
Slots Open | Slots Closed

Misty's foddart shop
Welcome to my shop! For this push I'm offering colored busts, chibis and a variety of dragon bases. Check my shop linked on my signature if you wish to pay with currency, hope you enjoy my work!
All example images have links to fullsize version.

Send all levels to me! I'm around from 6am to 16pm FR time.


Colored bust: 400 lvls

Gp9TVI8.png _ nhvrzeK.png _ lQuFQWg.png
  • A flatcolor bust of your character!
  • I can draw almost any character, but have more exerience with canines, felines and draconic creatures.
  • For FR dragons, apparel is up to 1 big piece or 2 small pieces, extras and overly complex ones are evalued on case by case.
  • Some characters can be simplified to fit my style.
  • Skins are evalued on case by case and will cost extra. I may simplify or decline some as I see fit to not overload myself.
  • Delivery may take up to 2-3 weeks.
...... .........................................................
Slots (limited 3)
1 - Jeevas
2 - sm06sm
3 - MercySewerPyro


Order Form

@MistyGold colored bust slot! [b]Username:[/b] [b]Character:[/b] [b]Apparel/skin:[/b] [b]Other info:[/b]

Chibi: 700 lvls
UCGud1F.png _ SnkIbwg.png _ 65hbawD.png
  • A fullbody chibi of your character!
  • First example is most recent and more updated style.
  • I can draw almost any character, but have more exerience with canines, felines and draconic creatures.
  • No apparel or skins. Exceptions are small earrings, scars, etc.
  • Delivery may take up to 2-3 weeks.
...... .........................................................
Slots(limited 3)
1 - sm06sm
2 - xenonentity
3 - Achromaticism


Order Form

@MistyGold chibi slot! [b]Username:[/b] [b]Character:[/b] [b]Apparel/skin:[/b] [b]Other info:[/b]


Dragon bases: 200 lvls
uSQQfFo.png _ v394xlV.png _ OQAO0nR.png

  • Skydancer, wildclaw, fae, imperial, pearlcatcher and coatl species available.
  • All genes are free of charge except: cSlime/Sludge, Crystal/Facet, Wasp/bee, Metallic/Alloy, Gembond, Opal, Soap, Koi and Capsule, which are extra 50 levels.
  • No skins or apparel available for foddart. Check my main shop for these!
...... .........................................................
Slots (unlimited)
1 - Leeviathans
2 - BlackRayser
3 - kitkitkat
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -
9 -


Order Form

@MistyGold adopt slot! [b]Username:[/b] [b]Dragon bbcode:[/b] [b]Genes:[/b] [b]Other info:[/b]


General Guidelines
  • Send levels to me if possible! if you're in a rush a receiver though.
  • I will only start drawing after full payment is received.
  • Don't remove my signature!
  • You're free to resize and crop your drawing, but further editing is not allowed.
  • If reposting outside FR please link to one of my social media (listed at the top of this post)
  • Feel free to ping me for any doubts or order progress!
Misty | She/her | FR +5 | Artist
I can get distracted and forget stuff easily, please pm or ping if I missed something!
About | Avatar | Art socials
[center][center][b][url=]Directory[/url][/b] - [b][url=]How to Order[/url][/b] - [url=][b]Spreadsheet[/b][/url] - [b][url=]Signatures![/url][/b] ----- [size=5][s]Slots Open[/s] | [b]Slots Closed[/b][/size] [img][/img] [size=5][b]Arsene's Lore Shop![/b][/size] [columns] [center][b]Example 1 Around 100 Words[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [nextcol] Borne of the Vampyric Clan Toreador, Adam resents his forefathers. Considering them greedy and stuck-up, he fled to the Flight of Lightning, considering it the farthest place away from his homeland of the Scarred Wasteland. And he was not alone. Many other Dragonic Vampires fled away from the Scarred Wasteland, tired of the constant struggle for survival and blood against fellow Vampyric Clans and normal Dragonic Clans. All flights became quickly aware of what was happening, and are swiftly dispatching warriors fit to destroy invading Vampyric Clans. The Lightning Flight says it has completely wiped out the Draconic Vampire threat of their land, but the existence of Adam and other fellow vampires prove otherwise. And they are thriving. [/columns] [columns] Born from an egg from the Flamecaller's Domain, Goro was ill-fated from birth. Forced from a young age to work in the deepest of mines and forges, he got sick of laboring under the relentless forgemasters of the Ashfall Wastes. Running away from the clan he was born in, he headed east instead of west, finding the Magmablood Rebellion a "disorganized mess of idiots." In the Stormcatcher's Domain, he found that living in the Shifting Expanse was no more than a less hot version of the Ashfall Wastes. Upset that he would still be considered a chess piece amongst the Gods of Sornieth, Goro decided that best he should head to the Scarred Wasteland, a place he had heard of having no rules or any form of order. This was when the God of Chaos, Loki, had taken interest in him. Goro was no fool in taking a pact with Loki, realizing that he would truly be free with them by his side. Loki readily agreed, knowing fully that he would be the first in a thousand years to worship him again, something that Goro takes great pride in. Loki informed Goro of a nearby "Thieves' Guild" in the Shifting Expanse, a cause that was solely devoted to spread freedom across the lands of Sornieth, and overthrow those who would tempt to squash their rebellion and other dragon's freedom. Finding fellow sympathy with the leader of the Guild, the Joker, otherwise known as Akiren, Goro readily joined the cause. Donning the codename of the Black Mask, he now joins his fellow thieves in overthrowing false kings and so-called "Gods." [nextcol] [center][b]Example 2 Around 300 Words[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [/columns] [columns] [center][b]Example 3 Around 200 Words[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [nextcol] If there was two words to describe Mephis, it would be deceitful businessman. Despite the multiple attempts of him conning other dragons, his mate Amantha stays by his side, even if one day she swears he'll get killed because of one of his own cons. His first meeting with Amantha was a rather interesting affair, to say the least. He had been pulling a con where he was posing as a "Witchborne Mystic", despite the fact he had no relations to the Witchborne whatsoever, even regarding them as an old myth meant to scare hatchlings to not wander away from their parents. And then Amantha came along. At first he scoffed at the idea that she herself was a Witchborne, until she made him shut up while he was in the middle of a sentence. He's still stunned that despite the fact he tried pulling off as one of her own kin, Amantha did not kill him immediately. The only reason why Amantha keeps him around, he thinks, is because she found the whole situation funny to begin with. At least he hopes so. [/columns] [img][/img] Hello, welcome to my Foddart Lore Shop! The pricing here depends on the word count, with lore the length of Example 1 (Around 100 words) being 60 levels, Example 2 length (Around 300 words) being 80 levels, and Example 3 length (Around 200 words) being 70 levels. In overview, here's the price according to word count: [b] Around 100 words = 60 levels Around 200 words = 70 levels Around 300 words = 80 levels[/b] Also, expect the lore you ordered to come through a PM! [img][/img] [b]Slots[/b] 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - [b]Pinglist[/b] @ [img][/img] [size=5][b]Order Form[/b][/size] [quote] @/Arsenet5 [b]Username:[/b] [b]Player ID Number:[/b] [b]Link to Dragon/Character:[/b] [b]Price:[/b] [b]Other Information:[/b] [/quote] [img][/img]
Directory - How to Order - Spreadsheet - Signatures!

Slots Open | Slots Closed


Arsene's Lore Shop!

Example 1
Around 100 Words

Borne of the Vampyric Clan Toreador, Adam resents his forefathers. Considering them greedy and stuck-up, he fled to the Flight of Lightning, considering it the farthest place away from his homeland of the Scarred Wasteland. And he was not alone.
Many other Dragonic Vampires fled away from the Scarred Wasteland, tired of the constant struggle for survival and blood against fellow Vampyric Clans and normal Dragonic Clans. All flights became quickly aware of what was happening, and are swiftly dispatching warriors fit to destroy invading Vampyric Clans. The Lightning Flight says it has completely wiped out the Draconic Vampire threat of their land, but the existence of Adam and other fellow vampires prove otherwise. And they are thriving.

Born from an egg from the Flamecaller's Domain, Goro was ill-fated from birth. Forced from a young age to work in the deepest of mines and forges, he got sick of laboring under the relentless forgemasters of the Ashfall Wastes. Running away from the clan he was born in, he headed east instead of west, finding the Magmablood Rebellion a "disorganized mess of idiots." In the Stormcatcher's Domain, he found that living in the Shifting Expanse was no more than a less hot version of the Ashfall Wastes. Upset that he would still be considered a chess piece amongst the Gods of Sornieth, Goro decided that best he should head to the Scarred Wasteland, a place he had heard of having no rules or any form of order. This was when the God of Chaos, Loki, had taken interest in him.
Goro was no fool in taking a pact with Loki, realizing that he would truly be free with them by his side. Loki readily agreed, knowing fully that he would be the first in a thousand years to worship him again, something that Goro takes great pride in. Loki informed Goro of a nearby "Thieves' Guild" in the Shifting Expanse, a cause that was solely devoted to spread freedom across the lands of Sornieth, and overthrow those who would tempt to squash their rebellion and other dragon's freedom. Finding fellow sympathy with the leader of the Guild, the Joker, otherwise known as Akiren, Goro readily joined the cause. Donning the codename of the Black Mask, he now joins his fellow thieves in overthrowing false kings and so-called "Gods."
Example 2
Around 300 Words


Example 3
Around 200 Words

If there was two words to describe Mephis, it would be deceitful businessman. Despite the multiple attempts of him conning other dragons, his mate Amantha stays by his side, even if one day she swears he'll get killed because of one of his own cons. His first meeting with Amantha was a rather interesting affair, to say the least. He had been pulling a con where he was posing as a "Witchborne Mystic", despite the fact he had no relations to the Witchborne whatsoever, even regarding them as an old myth meant to scare hatchlings to not wander away from their parents. And then Amantha came along.
At first he scoffed at the idea that she herself was a Witchborne, until she made him shut up while he was in the middle of a sentence. He's still stunned that despite the fact he tried pulling off as one of her own kin, Amantha did not kill him immediately. The only reason why Amantha keeps him around, he thinks, is because she found the whole situation funny to begin with. At least he hopes so.


Hello, welcome to my Foddart Lore Shop! The pricing here depends on the word count, with lore the length of Example 1 (Around 100 words) being 60 levels, Example 2 length (Around 300 words) being 80 levels, and Example 3 length (Around 200 words) being 70 levels. In overview, here's the price according to word count:

Around 100 words = 60 levels
Around 200 words = 70 levels
Around 300 words = 80 levels

Also, expect the lore you ordered to come through a PM!


1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -




Order Form
Player ID Number:
Link to Dragon/Character:
Other Information:
EST timezone (+3 FR Time)
Wishlist Dragon above
[center][b][url=]Directory[/url][/b] - [b][url=]How to Order[/url][/b] - [url=][b]Spreadsheet[/b][/url] - [b][url=]Signatures![/url][/b] ----- [size=5][b]Slots Open[/b] | [s]Slots Closed[/s][/size] [img][/img] [size=5][b]PhantomR[/b][/size] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] Images above are [b]clickable[/b]! More examples available through the link. I [b]CAN[/b] draw: Most animals, FR Dragons, Human(oids), Anthros I [b]CANNOT[/b] draw: Mecha, complex character designs [size=4][u]Headshot [Sketch/Lineart] - 150 Levels[+20 per piece of apparel][/u][/size] What it says on the tin, a headshot sketch of your chosen character. This will contain [b]no or nearly no color, only lineart[/b](I am willing to do a small splash of color upon request, like colored eyes, small accessories etc). [size=4][u]Headshot [Flat Color] - 200 levels[+25 per piece of apparel][+75 if Cry/Face][/u][/size] A colored headshot of your chosen character. This will be [b]flat color[/b] and [b]will not include shading[/b](With the exception of genes such as crystal, which it is necessary to shade for and come with extra work, hence the charge) [b]You may request a [u]"clean lined"[/u] style or a messier [u]"sketchy"[/u] style for the linework. If neither style is specified, I will default to "sketchy"[/b] [b][size=4]Please:[/size][/b] -Ping me upon ordering -Be aware I may not be able to draw some apparel or other details in orders -Have a reference ready -[b]Credit me when using my art[/b][url=][Cabbagebunny on TH[/url]]. Otherwise, you have free reign with the art you order. [img][/img] [b]Slots[/b] 1 - Achromaticism 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - [b]Pinglist[/b] @ [img][/img] [size=5][b]Order Form[/b][/size] [quote][b]Username:[/b] [b]Player ID Number:[/b] [b]Link to Dragon/Character:[/b] [b]Price:[/b] [b]Other Information:[/b] [/quote] [img][/img]
Directory - How to Order - Spreadsheet - Signatures!

Slots Open | Slots Closed



62453838_Z2YJ4pQLmhIYbud.png _ 62453825_duBbcgCMpquMFRf.png _ 62453821_bJsfMaiWGhHBVx7.png

Images above are clickable! More examples available through the link.

I CAN draw: Most animals, FR Dragons, Human(oids), Anthros
I CANNOT draw: Mecha, complex character designs

Headshot [Sketch/Lineart] - 150 Levels[+20 per piece of apparel]
What it says on the tin, a headshot sketch of your chosen character. This will contain no or nearly no color, only lineart(I am willing to do a small splash of color upon request, like colored eyes, small accessories etc).

Headshot [Flat Color] - 200 levels[+25 per piece of apparel][+75 if Cry/Face]
A colored headshot of your chosen character. This will be flat color and will not include shading(With the exception of genes such as crystal, which it is necessary to shade for and come with extra work, hence the charge)

You may request a "clean lined" style or a messier "sketchy" style for the linework. If neither style is specified, I will default to "sketchy"

-Ping me upon ordering
-Be aware I may not be able to draw some apparel or other details in orders
-Have a reference ready
-Credit me when using my art[Cabbagebunny on TH].
Otherwise, you have free reign with the art you order.

1 - Achromaticism
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -




Order Form
Player ID Number:
Link to Dragon/Character:
Other Information:
[center][b][url=]Directory[/url][/b] - [b][url=]How to Order[/url][/b] - [url=][b]Spreadsheet[/b][/url] - [b][url=]Signatures![/url][/b] ----- [center][img][/img][/center] [size=5][color=#2cdb63][b]Slots Open[/b][/color] | [s]Slots Closed[/s][/size] [img][/img] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img][nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img] [/columns] HELLO I MAKE DOODLES IN PAINT! I will make them for [i]you[/i]. [/center] Send me levels, I will draw your character/dragon face! Samples in the frames above. I have also collected a little set of them in this [url=]Imgur link[/url], but here is one short-hand image in case you don't have time for that: [img][/img] [center][emoji=left wing size=1][emoji=sunglasses 2 size=1][emoji=right wing size=1][/center] Also here is Meatball. Please look at him, he is so flat and good: [img][/img] [b]One face[/b] will cost you [b]100 levels[/b]. That's 20 level 5 dragons! You can provide me with a (few) trait or vibe (happy, sad, vacant, etc) if you wish, and I will attempt it! I cannot guarantee vibe success, but I can guarantee an attempt will be made. [b][color=#2cdb63]Will Attempt[/color][/b]: [LIST] [*] Any dragon [*] Any gene, accent, etc [*] Any non-dragon oc! including people, furries, monsters, robots, etc![/LIST] [b][color=#e5580f]Be Aware[/color][/b] [list] [*] These are done in MS Paint, the medium imposes certain limits to detail [*] I will almost definitely take Artistic Liberties [*] I [i]can[/i] do apparel, but some of it I simply will not draw (silks probably). [/list] [center] [img][/img] [b][color=#2cdb63]Face Slots[/color][/b] 1. MistyGold 2. Leeviathans 3. teddy2008 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. [img][/img] [size=5][b][color=#2cdb63]Order Form[/color][/b][/size][/center] FACE - [b]100 levels![/b] [code] [b]Link to Dragon/Character:[/b] [b]Vibe[/b] (optional)[b]:[/b] [b]Must Include[/b] (optional)[b]:[/b] [b]Other Information:[/b] [/code] [img][/img] [center][b][color=#2cdb63]Additional[/color][/b] You have my permission to do whatever you want with the finished product; edit it, use it on toyhouse, in your rps, whatever, go wild, have fun! [center] thank you :D
Directory - How to Order - Spreadsheet - Signatures!


Slots Open | Slots Closed


rmGykSM.png _ ITHrknO.png _ jE0w5NW.png

HELLO I MAKE DOODLES IN PAINT! I will make them for you.
Send me levels, I will draw your character/dragon face! Samples in the frames above. I have also collected a little set of them in this Imgur link, but here is one short-hand image in case you don't have time for that:

Also here is Meatball. Please look at him, he is so flat and good:

One face will cost you 100 levels. That's 20 level 5 dragons!

You can provide me with a (few) trait or vibe (happy, sad, vacant, etc) if you wish, and I will attempt it! I cannot guarantee vibe success, but I can guarantee an attempt will be made.

Will Attempt:
  • Any dragon
  • Any gene, accent, etc
  • Any non-dragon oc! including people, furries, monsters, robots, etc!

Be Aware
  • These are done in MS Paint, the medium imposes certain limits to detail
  • I will almost definitely take Artistic Liberties
  • I can do apparel, but some of it I simply will not draw (silks probably).

Face Slots
1. MistyGold
2. Leeviathans
3. teddy2008


Order Form
FACE - 100 levels!
[b]Link to Dragon/Character:[/b] [b]Vibe[/b] (optional)[b]:[/b] [b]Must Include[/b] (optional)[b]:[/b] [b]Other Information:[/b]

You have my permission to do whatever you want with the finished product; edit it, use it on toyhouse, in your rps, whatever, go wild, have fun!
thank you :D
wind dom dork
full of bees
[center][b][url=]Directory[/url][/b] - [b][url=]How to Order[/url][/b] - [url=][b]Spreadsheet[/b][/url] - [b][url=]Signatures![/url][/b] ----- [size=5][s]Slots Open[/s] | [b]Slots Closed[/b][/size] hi, these are talking a little bit longer than I anticipated: I'm sorry! Managed to run in to a minor burnout and couldn't wrangle my focus. Back on it now! [img][/img] [size=5][b]Lupik's bog adopts![/b][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [b]BASE PRICE:[/b] 125 levels/adopt Extra 25 levels per multigaze/primal, crystal/facet or linebreaking terts. Genes are drawn 99% on a per-adopt basis, which means they're a bit rougher BUT! If you want a non-onsite variation of a gene, a skin roughly the same complexity as onsite genes, scars and other small variations? Those are all included in the price. For an additional fee (up to 50 levels, depending on complexity), i can add simple apparel or do more complex skins/accents. Feel free to ask. [u][b]Adopts will be done a week to two after the push ends.[/b][/u] Base will quite probably retire after the push. Not 100% but I just don't have capacity to maintain an adopt shop long-term. [img][/img] [b]Slots/Order Tracking[/b] [left]1 - DragonsMythos [url=](order link)[/url] cancelled. 2 - Cheypie565 [url=](order link)[/url] Finished: [url=]1[/url], [url=]2[/url] 3 - Vialheart [url=](order link)[/url] Finished: [url=]x[/url] 4 - picross [url=](order link)[/url] Finished: [url=]x[/url] 5 - CatOnTheSun [url=](ol 1)[/url] [url=](ol 2)[/url] Finished: [url=]x[/url] 6 - ktg1214 [url=](order link)[/url] Finished: [url=]x[/url] 7 - sassypants [url=](order link)[/url] Finished: [url=]x[/url] 8 - Giu [url=](order link)[/url] Finished: [url=]x[/url] 9 - GreenGalaxy [url=](order link)[/url] Finished: [url=]x[/url] [/left] [b]Pinglist[/b] @/GreenGalaxy @/Cheypie565 @/DragonsMythos @/dullanyan if reopening the base someday [img][/img] [size=5][b]Order Form[/b][/size] [quote]@Lupik [b]Username:[/b] [b]Player ID Number:[/b] [b]Link to Dragon/Scry:[/b] [b]Frill configuration:[/b] M/F [b]Extras:[/b] Scars + glowtips etc., small apparel and skin / accents pricing inquiries go here, please! [/quote] [img][/img]
Directory - How to Order - Spreadsheet - Signatures!

Slots Open | Slots Closed

hi, these are talking a little bit longer than I anticipated: I'm sorry! Managed to run in to a minor burnout and couldn't wrangle my focus. Back on it now!


Lupik's bog adopts!


BASE PRICE: 125 levels/adopt
Extra 25 levels per multigaze/primal, crystal/facet or linebreaking terts.

Genes are drawn 99% on a per-adopt basis, which means they're a bit rougher BUT! If you want a non-onsite variation of a gene, a skin roughly the same complexity as onsite genes, scars and other small variations? Those are all included in the price.

For an additional fee (up to 50 levels, depending on complexity), i can add simple apparel or do more complex skins/accents. Feel free to ask.

Adopts will be done a week to two after the push ends.

Base will quite probably retire after the push. Not 100% but I just don't have capacity to maintain an adopt shop long-term.


Slots/Order Tracking
1 - DragonsMythos (order link) cancelled.
2 - Cheypie565 (order link) Finished: 1, 2
3 - Vialheart (order link) Finished: x
4 - picross (order link) Finished: x
5 - CatOnTheSun (ol 1) (ol 2) Finished: x
6 - ktg1214 (order link) Finished: x
7 - sassypants (order link) Finished: x
8 - Giu (order link) Finished: x
9 - GreenGalaxy (order link) Finished: x



@/Cheypie565 @/DragonsMythos @/dullanyan if reopening the base someday


Order Form
Player ID Number:
Link to Dragon/Scry:
Frill configuration: M/F
Extras: Scars + glowtips etc., small apparel and skin / accents pricing inquiries go here, please!
My permadragons are in first 3 tabs of lair + first 2 tabs of hibden :)
Some dragons have pronouns in their tagline! Please use those if that's the case, ty!
[center][b][url=]Directory[/url][/b] - [b][url=]How to Order[/url][/b] - [url=][b]Spreadsheet[/b][/url] - [b][url=]Signatures![/url][/b] ----- [size=5][b]Slots Open[/b] | [s]Slots Closed[/s][/size] [img][/img] [size=5][b]Hiku's art back for MJ[/b][/size] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [b]Lineless regular art[/b] (Click pics above to see more) Bust 350 lvls || Halfbody 1400 lvls || Fullbody 3500 lvls [img][/img] [b]Lineless flat chibi [/b] (Furry or human - Pose like the samples) 280 levels [img][/img] [left][b]I will / won't draw[/b] [LIST] [*]Specialized in: Human, humanoid, anthro/furry, pokemon, couples and polycules [*]Also good: Ferals, FR and non FR dragons, MLP, object heads, most fanart, canon x canon, canon x OC (depends on fandom) [*]Won't draw: Robots/mecha, vehicles, hateful imagery, gore, NSFW [/LIST][/left] [left][b]Terms of Use/Service:[/b] [LIST] [*]By commissioning me you agree to the following terms. [*]Prices and commissions listed are for personal use only, and can't be resold. [*]I do NOT work for NFT/crypto. [*]Turnaround time is up to two weeks for FRC commissions (faster for USD if anyone wants to order in [url=]my art shop[/url]) [*]Do not remove or alter any watermarks. Do not edit the art (other than flipping, resizing or cropping). [*]I keep the right to showcase the commission in public (portfolio, social sites etc.) [*]I keep the right to decline a commission request for any reason. [*]Commissions in which I have to partially or fully (re)design the character will have an extra fee. [*]I can cancel/delay the commission for health reasons (nothing should happen tho!) [*]No wips since I don't sketch for this style. I'm ok with minor fixes on final pieces regarding adjusting colors. [*]If I missed a detail you specified when ordering I will fix and add it. If it wasn't specified or clear I will fix for an extra fee. Be clear with the refs and details! [/LIST][/left] [img][/img] [b]Slots[/b] Unlimited until I get busy or tired. Feel free to fill form, if I close I will make it clear :) [b]Pinglist[/b] @ [img][/img] [size=5][b]Order Form[/b][/size] [quote][b]Username:[/b] [b]Player ID Number:[/b] [b]Link to Dragon/Character:[/b] [b]Price:[/b] [b]Specifics: [/b](face expression, poses, small easy to miss accesories etc.) [b]Other Information:[/b] [/quote] [img][/img]
Directory - How to Order - Spreadsheet - Signatures!

Slots Open | Slots Closed


Hiku's art back for MJ

s3.png _ s1.png _ s2.png

Lineless regular art
(Click pics above to see more)
Bust 350 lvls || Halfbody 1400 lvls || Fullbody 3500 lvls


Lineless flat chibi
(Furry or human - Pose like the samples)
280 levels

I will / won't draw
  • Specialized in: Human, humanoid, anthro/furry, pokemon, couples and polycules
  • Also good: Ferals, FR and non FR dragons, MLP, object heads, most fanart, canon x canon, canon x OC (depends on fandom)
  • Won't draw: Robots/mecha, vehicles, hateful imagery, gore, NSFW

Terms of Use/Service:
  • By commissioning me you agree to the following terms.
  • Prices and commissions listed are for personal use only, and can't be resold.
  • I do NOT work for NFT/crypto.
  • Turnaround time is up to two weeks for FRC commissions (faster for USD if anyone wants to order in my art shop)
  • Do not remove or alter any watermarks. Do not edit the art (other than flipping, resizing or cropping).
  • I keep the right to showcase the commission in public (portfolio, social sites etc.)
  • I keep the right to decline a commission request for any reason.
  • Commissions in which I have to partially or fully (re)design the character will have an extra fee.
  • I can cancel/delay the commission for health reasons (nothing should happen tho!)
  • No wips since I don't sketch for this style. I'm ok with minor fixes on final pieces regarding adjusting colors.
  • If I missed a detail you specified when ordering I will fix and add it. If it wasn't specified or clear I will fix for an extra fee. Be clear with the refs and details!


Unlimited until I get busy or tired. Feel free to fill form, if I close I will make it clear :)




Order Form
Player ID Number:
Link to Dragon/Character:
Specifics: (face expression, poses, small easy to miss accesories etc.)
Other Information:
They/them | FR+9 | ASD Adult
Currently: Recovering
from burnout? oops
FR Adopt shop (Pinglist)

ztz8WZo.png 4KULg1s.png ioHFmNA.png
... FFP9LJY.png
Ud6IazM.png... I will be art
resting after
clearing out
WvI foddart

I will ping when/if
I'm ready to art!
[center][b][url=]Directory[/url][/b] - [b][url=]How to Order[/url][/b] - [url=][b]Spreadsheet[/b][/url] - [b][url=]Signatures![/url][/b] [img][/img] [size=5][font=courier][b]OPEN[/b][/font][/size] Hi hello I like Madness Combat a lot and I’m making it everyone’s problem this fine Mistral Jamboree.[/center] ----- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=transparent]##[/color][nextcol][size=5][size=4][font=courier][b]I GRUNT-IFY YOUR DRAGONS[/b][/font][/size][/size] [size=4][b]200 LEVELS[/b] || MORE EXAMPLES* [url=][X][/url] [url=][X][/url] [url=][X][/url] [url=][X][/url][/size] [sup]*NOT based off dragons[/sup] Who wants a murderous five-inch* bean? You do? Want one of your dragons as one? Because boy have I got the shop for you. [sup]*I don't actually know how big they are[/sup] All custom-drawn and very much designed to fit the vibe of your dragons much more so than they're meant to be faithful recreations. Expect more modern fashion as well. If there's any design elements you absolutely must keep, tell me in the Other Information section of the order form.[/columns] [columns][nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=transparent]##[/color][nextcol][size=5][size=4][font=courier][b]POSTERS!![/b][/font][/size][/size] [size=4][b]300 LEVELS[/b] || MORE EXAMPLES [url=][X][/url] [url=][X][/url][/size] They're posters. Mostly wanted posters, but I can sure edit the text to be motivational, or an advertisement, or a PSA, or... yeah you get the point. If you don't give me specific text it's gonna be a wanted poster for whatever crimes your dragon may or may not have committed. If you want specific text, write your custom text in the Other Information section of the order form. I can also do minor layout edits. I am willing to draw any dragon, but I may charge a complexity fee: [b]+70 levels[/b] for incredibly cluttered dragons [b]+35 levels[/b] for halos/any particularly annoying genes[/columns] [size=1][color=transparent].[/color][/size] ----- [center][size=4][font=courier][b]RULES[/b][/font][/size] I reserve the right to refuse a commission for any reason. Expect artistic liberties. I'm only doing Flight Rising dragons for this shop. Link to my userpage for credit. [size=4][font=courier][b]ORDER INFO[/b][/font][/size] Ping me when ordering. Orders will be started once payment is sent. Send fodder dragons directly to me.[/center] [quote= ORDER FORM]@2BDamned give me a grunt! / @2BDamned print me a poster! [b]Username:[/b] [b]Player ID Number:[/b] [b]Link to Dragon/Scry:[/b] If you've got any design notes/gene variations/apparel variations please throw it all in here, too! [b]Other Information:[/b] As much lore as you can possibly give me. The more lore I have to work with, the easier it is to design for you/write a list of (hopefully funny) crimes. [/quote] [center][size=4][font=courier][b]ORDER TRACKING[/b][/font][/size] Unlimited slots while shop's marked as open.[/center] 1. [s]blackharte [poster][/s] 2. Dawntalon427 [poster x2] 3. Gurrero [gunt] 4. 5. 6. [center][img][/img][/center]
Directory - How to Order - Spreadsheet - Signatures!



Hi hello I like Madness Combat a lot and I’m making it everyone’s problem this fine Mistral Jamboree.

Untitled2294.png ## I GRUNT-IFY YOUR DRAGONS
200 LEVELS || MORE EXAMPLES* [X] [X] [X] [X]
*NOT based off dragons

Who wants a murderous five-inch* bean? You do? Want one of your dragons as one? Because boy have I got the shop for you.
*I don't actually know how big they are

All custom-drawn and very much designed to fit the vibe of your dragons much more so than they're meant to be faithful recreations. Expect more modern fashion as well.

If there's any design elements you absolutely must keep, tell me in the Other Information section of the order form.

IMG_2205.png ## POSTERS!!

They're posters. Mostly wanted posters, but I can sure edit the text to be motivational, or an advertisement, or a PSA, or... yeah you get the point. If you don't give me specific text it's gonna be a wanted poster for whatever crimes your dragon may or may not have committed.

If you want specific text, write your custom text in the Other Information section of the order form. I can also do minor layout edits.

I am willing to draw any dragon, but I may charge a complexity fee:
+70 levels for incredibly cluttered dragons
+35 levels for halos/any particularly annoying genes
I reserve the right to refuse a commission for any reason.
Expect artistic liberties.
I'm only doing Flight Rising dragons for this shop.
Link to my userpage for credit.

Ping me when ordering. Orders will be started once payment is sent.
Send fodder dragons directly to me.

@2BDamned give me a grunt! / @2BDamned print me a poster!
Player ID Number:

Link to Dragon/Scry:
If you've got any design notes/gene variations/apparel variations please throw it all in here, too!
Other Information:
As much lore as you can possibly give me. The more lore I have to work with, the easier it is to design for you/write a list of (hopefully funny) crimes.

Unlimited slots while shop's marked as open.
1. blackharte [poster]
2. Dawntalon427 [poster x2]
3. Gurrero [gunt]
8aKVtucC_o.png .
| ART SHOP.. |