
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | [WIND FODDART] Noodledad's Doodle Pad!
[center][img][/img] [/center] [center][color=green][size=6][b]Noodle-Dad's Doodle-Pad![/b][/color][/size] [center]Welcome to Noodle-Dad's Doodle-Pad, Wind’s fabulous Foddart! Here’s a collection of wonderful Windy artists, writers and musicians available to offer their excellent work for your fodder![/center] [center][size=4][b]This shop will run from March 21st to March 27th![/b][/size][/center] [center]Please check back here for more details, I’ll be keeping you updated with each new step![/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=5][color=green][b]Airborne Artists[/b][/color][/size][/center] [columns] [img][/img] [center][url=][b]Giu[/b] [/url][/center] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img] [center][url=][b]MistyGold[/b] [/url][/center] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img] [center][url=][b]Levantera[/b] [/url][/center] [/columns] [columns] [nextcol] [img][/img] [center][url=][b]Ceruleanfire[/b] [/url][/center] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img] [center][url=][b]Joywing[/b] [/url][/center] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img] [center][url=][b]suflower[/b] [/url][/center] [/columns] [columns] [nextcol] [img][/img] [center][url=][b]BetaOrionis[/b] [/url][/center] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img] [center][url=][b]Fluffleduffel[/b] [/url][/center] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img] [center][url=][b]Hikumi[/b] [/url][/center] [/columns] [columns] [nextcol] [img][/img] [center][url=][b]Welgan[/b] [/url][/center] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img] [center][url=][b]Vyperwing[/b] [/url][/center] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img] [center][url=][b]SpearTheDemon[/b] [/url][/center] [/columns] [columns] [nextcol] [img][/img] [center][url=][b]Marcii08[/b] [/url][/center] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img] [center][url=][b]Andraya[/b] [/url][/center] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img] [center][url=][b]Carvaiine[/b] [/url][/center] [/columns] [img][/img] [center][url=][b]Pouffling[/b] [/url][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=5][color=green][b]Windy Writers[/b][/color][/size][/center] [columns] [center][url=][b]Joywing[/b][/url] [img][/img][/center] [nextcol] From the day she was born, Maeve was familiar with the wind and rain. A cold chill that wrapped around the body as she flew through the air, dots of water rolling off her scales. In her visions, and in reality, there were little differences of course. Direction, intensity, whether it would last for a moment or a lifetime. Yet, they all shared the same meaning: that she would have to leave again. To others, her methods seemed mysterious, an omen of the whims of the sky, but for her it was all too predictable. She would come, her mother would be paid, and she would say whatever they wanted her to say before moving onto the next. The many places she went all blurred together, never staying long enough to see anything more than the weather she watched. Her only company across those many seas were her mother and that ever-changing sky. The skies above Porto was the first one that she really saw, not as another blur in the unceasing flow of time, but as a scene rooted in the present. They were an aqua green, the blues reflected in the waves of the ocean. The colours of the sky would bleed into the waves, a beautiful sight of sunset when resting on the soft sands of the shore. The white sea foam would ebb and flow, crashing on the shore as ships departed. The world moved, but she was still. [/columns] [columns] Fertile brown soil crumbling between claws; the smell of petrichor and dusty old tomes; painstaking intimacy with the phrase if you love me let me go; tiny mushrooms in a fairy ring; star-crossed love that's infinitely fierce and painful; the sun beating down on everything, chipping away at the world; understanding, with great care, the very depths of what makes a soul; endless circles of thinking about love and then pushing it away; broken sobbing that cracks like tree roots [nextcol] [center][url=][b]Desol[/b][/url] [img][/img][/center] [/columns] [columns] [center][url=][b]Blacknovelist[/b][/url] [img][/img][/center] [nextcol] When the bolt slips yet again from stone-stiff fingers, it takes all of Caerwyn's self-control not to slam his face against the wall and scream. Instead he swallows, lays one hand flat against the worktable, and tries very hard just to breathe. With his other hand he reaches down to the cool steel bit and presses it into his palm firmly enough to ache. It's hard. Grounding. Stable and immutable, exactly what he needs against the vivid tide of phantom sensation that weighs down on every inch of him. He knows what he glimpses can't be truth, because wood and steel do not give way like scale and bone and he can feel that through the echoes, and he clings to these uncertain certainties because he's fairly sure it'll kill him if he doesn't. [/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=5][color=green][b]Maelstrom Musicians[/b][/color][/size][/center] [columns] [color=white]_________________________________[/color] [nextcol] [columns] [center][url=TBA]'TBA' [img][/img][/url] [url=TBA]TBA TBA[/center][/url] [/columns]
Noodle-Dad's Doodle-Pad!
Welcome to Noodle-Dad's Doodle-Pad, Wind’s fabulous Foddart! Here’s a collection of wonderful Windy artists, writers and musicians available to offer their excellent work for your fodder!

This shop will run from March 21st to March 27th!
Please check back here for more details, I’ll be keeping you updated with each new step!

Airborne Artists
foddart.png _ frame.png _ 8bzJ7C2.png
Untitled476_20210316183134.png _ Wind_Foddart_Example_3.png _ banner_1.png
bust_.png _ fEnQ2Ae.png _ e4.png
Scene_framed_example_2dergs.png _ 63-E42155-CD79-4370-86-D2-147804-B5-FE0-C.gif _ NdoGfH4.png
iErWe2M.png _ 3hlDINu.png _ framef.png


Windy Writers
From the day she was born, Maeve was familiar with the wind and rain. A cold chill that wrapped around the body as she flew through the air, dots of water rolling off her scales. In her visions, and in reality, there were little differences of course. Direction, intensity, whether it would last for a moment or a lifetime. Yet, they all shared the same meaning: that she would have to leave again.

To others, her methods seemed mysterious, an omen of the whims of the sky, but for her it was all too predictable. She would come, her mother would be paid, and she would say whatever they wanted her to say before moving onto the next. The many places she went all blurred together, never staying long enough to see anything more than the weather she watched. Her only company across those many seas were her mother and that ever-changing sky.

The skies above Porto was the first one that she really saw, not as another blur in the unceasing flow of time, but as a scene rooted in the present. They were an aqua green, the blues reflected in the waves of the ocean. The colours of the sky would bleed into the waves, a beautiful sight of sunset when resting on the soft sands of the shore. The white sea foam would ebb and flow, crashing on the shore as ships departed. The world moved, but she was still.

Fertile brown soil crumbling between claws; the smell of petrichor and dusty old tomes; painstaking intimacy with the phrase if you love me let me go; tiny mushrooms in a fairy ring; star-crossed love that's infinitely fierce and painful; the sun beating down on everything, chipping away at the world; understanding, with great care, the very depths of what makes a soul; endless circles of thinking about love and then pushing it away; broken sobbing that cracks like tree roots
When the bolt slips yet again from stone-stiff fingers, it takes all of Caerwyn's self-control not to slam his face against the wall and scream. Instead he swallows, lays one hand flat against the worktable, and tries very hard just to breathe. With his other hand he reaches down to the cool steel bit and presses it into his palm firmly enough to ache.

It's hard. Grounding. Stable and immutable, exactly what he needs against the vivid tide of phantom sensation that weighs down on every inch of him. He knows what he glimpses can't be truth, because wood and steel do not give way like scale and bone and he can feel that through the echoes, and he clings to these uncertain certainties because he's fairly sure it'll kill him if he doesn't.

Maelstrom Musicians
â™”Lore Shop

â™”Bio Templates

â™”What does your username mean?
_________________________________ Wind Council
Wind Foddart
Wind's Okayest Exalter
[center][b][url=]Directory[/url][/b] - [b][url=]How to Order[/url][/b] - [url=][b]Spreadsheet[/b][/url] - [b][url=]Signatures![/url][/b] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=6][color=green][b]How To Order[/b][/size][/center] [center] i. Pick a creator from the ones available (make sure to check that they have a slot open!) ii. Follow the instructions listed on the creator’s post and fill out their individual order form iii. Wait for the creator to confirm your order and give you the price in dragon levels for that art iv. Send in the required levels and await your wonderful creation![/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=6][color=green][b]Extra Information[/b][/size][/center] [LIST] [*] Wind Foddart is open to all Flights, including fellow Windies! [*] Payment is taken in dragon levels only! (Note for artists: if your dragons have been taken by an Acceptor, they will exalt them on your behalf and forward the profits to you instead!) [*] Dragon levels do not have to be even as they are cumulative! One level 25 dragon is the same as 25 level 1s! If an artist is offering work for 50 levels, you could send in two level 25s, five level 10s and so on! [*] Every dragon sent will be [b]exalted![/b] Any dragon you don’t want sent to The Big Noodle, please don’t send! [*] Please check our Acceptor list on our spreadsheet to see who can take your dragons! If your current artist is unavailable, check to see who is! [*] Creators may decide to shift prices as fodder floor fluctuates! If you’ve ordered a piece and you see the price increase, don’t worry! You won’t be expected to pay any extra, as you’ve already ordered beforehand! [*] Some of the works ordered will take more time than others! It could take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks depending on what’s been ordered, so please be patient! [*]If you should have any queries, complaints, compliments or anything in between, please don’t hesitate to send me a message! [*]Should you have any concerns about any order you have placed, please do not hesitate to fill out [url=][b]this form[/b][/url] and we'll work on getting the situation fixed![/LIST] [center][img][/img][/center]
Directory - How to Order - Spreadsheet - Signatures!
How To Order
i. Pick a creator from the ones available (make sure to check that they have a slot open!)

ii. Follow the instructions listed on the creator’s post and fill out their individual order form

iii. Wait for the creator to confirm your order and give you the price in dragon levels for that art

iv. Send in the required levels and await your wonderful creation!

Extra Information

  • Wind Foddart is open to all Flights, including fellow Windies!
  • Payment is taken in dragon levels only! (Note for artists: if your dragons have been taken by an Acceptor, they will exalt them on your behalf and forward the profits to you instead!)
  • Dragon levels do not have to be even as they are cumulative! One level 25 dragon is the same as 25 level 1s! If an artist is offering work for 50 levels, you could send in two level 25s, five level 10s and so on!
  • Every dragon sent will be exalted! Any dragon you don’t want sent to The Big Noodle, please don’t send!
  • Please check our Acceptor list on our spreadsheet to see who can take your dragons! If your current artist is unavailable, check to see who is!
  • Creators may decide to shift prices as fodder floor fluctuates! If you’ve ordered a piece and you see the price increase, don’t worry! You won’t be expected to pay any extra, as you’ve already ordered beforehand!
  • Some of the works ordered will take more time than others! It could take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks depending on what’s been ordered, so please be patient!
  • If you should have any queries, complaints, compliments or anything in between, please don’t hesitate to send me a message!
  • Should you have any concerns about any order you have placed, please do not hesitate to fill out this form and we'll work on getting the situation fixed!
â™”Lore Shop

â™”Bio Templates

â™”What does your username mean?
_________________________________ Wind Council
Wind Foddart
Wind's Okayest Exalter
[center][b][url=]Directory[/url][/b] - [b][url=]How to Order[/url][/b] - [url=][b]Spreadsheet[/b][/url] - [b][url=]Signatures![/url][/b] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=5][color=green][b]Signature Banners![/b][/color][/size][center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code][/center] [center][img][/img][/center]
Directory - How to Order - Spreadsheet - Signatures!
Signature Banners!
â™”Lore Shop

â™”Bio Templates

â™”What does your username mean?
_________________________________ Wind Council
Wind Foddart
Wind's Okayest Exalter
[center][size=5][s]Slots Open[/s] | [b]Slots Closed[/b][/size] [img][/img] [size=5][font=comic sans ms][b]Worm on a String Adopts[/b][/font][/size] [center][img][/img][/center] [center]Yes you heard it right! Dragon [s]off[/s] on a string adopts! They come with and without wings, come get yours right now![/center] [img][/img] [center][size=4][font=comic sans ms][b]PRICE[/B][/font][/size][/center] [center][b]Without wings[/b] - 100 levels [b]With wings[/b] - 150 levels[/center] [img][/img] [center][size=4][font=comic sans ms][b]GUIDELINES[/B][/font][/size][/center] [indent][left][b]> Maximum of two dragons per order[/b], if you want more you will have to wait until slots are open again. [b]> I won't do apparel or skins/accents[/b], if you want to get your dragon with simple apparel you'll have to wait until I open my personal adopt shop. [b]> I'm not charging for gene sponsoring on foddart sales[/b], so that means the price is the same for every adopt even if I don't have your dragon's genes done yet. [b]> I will prioritize orders with genes I have already done[/b], so if you order a dragon with genes I didn't do yet your order might take a while longer. You can check out my [url=]worm on a string adopt shop[/url] to check what genes I have done already. [b]> Please send the dragons trough Private Auction costing 1t each or trough the Crossroads[/b], due to my rl being very busy atm I will accept them before your order is finished, but don't worry, I'll get your dragon done asap! [b]> No breed sponsoring this time around[/b], sorry about that. [b]> Please don't erase my signature[/b], if you get caught doing so, you will be blacklisted. [b]> Putting a link back to my profile is appreciated[/b], but not necessary.[/left] [/indent] [center][size=2][u]Upon ordering you agree with the guidelines above[/u][/size][/center] [img][/img] [center][size=4][font=comic sans ms][b]DRAGONS AVALIABLE[/B][/font][/size][/center] [center][img][/img] [b]Skydancer[/b] [img][/img] [b]Pearlcatcher[/b] [img][/img] [b]Imperial[/b][/center] [img][/img] [b]Slots[/b] 1. [s]TeuthidaRegina[/s] 2. [s]wintrecat[/s] 3. [s]FrigidWings[/s] 4. [s]Angelamelinda[/s] 5.[s]Kvon[/s] [b]Pinglist[/b] @ [img][/img] [size=5][font=comic sans ms][b]Order Form[/b][/font][/size] [quote][left]@/Giu [b]Username:[/b] [b]Dragon:[/b] [b]With/Without wings:[/b] [b]Payment:[/b] [b]Notes:[/b] [/left] [/quote] [img][/img]
Slots Open | Slots Closed


Worm on a String Adopts
Yes you heard it right! Dragon off on a string adopts! They come with and without wings, come get yours right now!

Without wings - 100 levels
With wings - 150 levels

> Maximum of two dragons per order, if you want more you will have to wait until slots are open again.
> I won't do apparel or skins/accents, if you want to get your dragon with simple apparel you'll have to wait until I open my personal adopt shop.
> I'm not charging for gene sponsoring on foddart sales, so that means the price is the same for every adopt even if I don't have your dragon's genes done yet.
> I will prioritize orders with genes I have already done, so if you order a dragon with genes I didn't do yet your order might take a while longer. You can check out my worm on a string adopt shop to check what genes I have done already.
> Please send the dragons trough Private Auction costing 1t each or trough the Crossroads, due to my rl being very busy atm I will accept them before your order is finished, but don't worry, I'll get your dragon done asap!
> No breed sponsoring this time around, sorry about that.
> Please don't erase my signature, if you get caught doing so, you will be blacklisted.
> Putting a link back to my profile is appreciated, but not necessary.
Upon ordering you agree with the guidelines above






1. TeuthidaRegina
2. wintrecat
3. FrigidWings
4. Angelamelinda




Order Form
With/Without wings:
giu-eyeguy2.png @
Giu AzWEmYL.png

they/he/she FR+5
» Art Shop
» About me
[center][b][url=]Directory[/url][/b] - [b][url=]How to Order[/url][/b] - [url=][b]Spreadsheet[/b][/url] - [b][url=]Signatures![/url][/b] ----- [center][size=5][b]Slots Open[/b] | [s]Slots Closed[/s][/size] [img][/img] [center][img][/img][/center] [size=5][b][color=yellowgreen]Misty's portrait shop[/color][/b][/size] [columns][emoji=bell size=1][size=4][color=saddlebrown]Links[/color][/size][color=transparent]..........[/color] • [url=]DeviantArt[/url] • [url=]Instagram[/url] • [url=]Commissions[/url] • [url=]Toyhouse[/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]...[/color][nextcol][size=3][color=saddlebrown] Welcome to my shop! For this push I'm offering custom colored sketches and a variety of dragon bases. Check my shop linked on my signature if you wish to pay with currency, hope you enjoy my work! All example images have links to fullsize version.[/columns] [img][/img] [size=5][b][color=yellowgreen]Colored bust sketch: 280 lvls[/color][/b][/size] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [columns][color=transparent]...............................................................[/color] [LIST][*] [color=saddlebrown]A sketchy bust of your character! [*] [color=saddlebrown]I can draw almost any character, but have more exerience with canines, felines and draconic creatures. [*] [color=saddlebrown]For FR dragons, apparel is up to 1 big piece or 2 small pieces, extras and overly complex ones are evalued on case by case. [*] [color=saddlebrown]Some characters can be simplified to fit my style. [*] [color=saddlebrown]Skins are evalued on case by case and will cost extra. I may simplify or decline some as I see fit to not overload myself. [/LIST] [nextcol][color=transparent]......[/color][nextcol][color=transparent].........................................................[/color] [b]Slots[/b] 1 - [url=]MercySewerPyro [/url]- paid, finished 2 - [url=]napstabl00k [/url]- paid, finished 3 - [url=]Fluttering [/url]- paid, finished 4 - Kyra326 (private, currency) - paid, finished 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - . [/columns] [size=4][b][color=yellowgreen]Pinglist[/color][/b][/size] [color=saddlebrown]@/ [size=4][b][color=yellowgreen]Order Form[/color][/b][/size] [code]@MistyGold sketch bust slot! [b]Username:[/b] [b]Character:[/b] [b]Apparel/skin:[/b] [b]Other info:[/b] [/code] [img][/img] [size=5][b][color=yellowgreen]Dragon bases: 200 lvls[/color][/b][/size] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [columns][color=transparent]...............................................................[/color] [LIST][*] [color=saddlebrown]Skydancer, wildclaw, imperial, pearlcatcher and fae species available. Check the shop in my signature for more examples! [*] [color=saddlebrown]All genes are free of charge except: crystal/facet, slime/sludge, wasp/bee and capsule, which are extra 50 levels. [*] [color=saddlebrown]No skins or apparel available for foddart. [/LIST] [nextcol][color=transparent]......[/color][nextcol][color=transparent].........................................................[/color] [b]Slots[/b] 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - . [/columns] [size=4][b][color=yellowgreen]Pinglist[/color][/b][/size] [color=saddlebrown]@/ [size=4][b][color=yellowgreen]Order Form[/color][/b][/size] [code]@MistyGold adopt slot! [b]Username:[/b] [b]Dragon bbcode:[/b] [b]Genes:[/b] [b]Other info:[/b] [/code] [img][/img] [size=5][b][color=yellowgreen]General Guidelines[/color][/b][/size] [columns][color=transparent].[/color][nextcol] [left][LIST] [*][color=saddlebrown]Send levels to a receiver if I'm offline, otherwise send them to me. [*][color=saddlebrown]I will only start drawing after full payment is received. [*][color=saddlebrown]Slots are unlimited for both categories. [*][color=saddlebrown]Don't remove my signature! [*][color=saddlebrown]You're free to resize and crop your drawing, but further editing is not allowed. [*][color=saddlebrown]If reposting outside FR please link to one of my social media (listed at the top of this post) [*][color=saddlebrown]Turn up time is usually 4 to 7 days, but can be more or less depending on how busy I am. You can ask for progress anytime. [*][color=saddlebrown]Feel free to ping me for any doubts! [/LIST] [/columns] [img][/img]
Directory - How to Order - Spreadsheet - Signatures!
Slots Open | Slots Closed

Misty's portrait shop
Welcome to my shop! For this push I'm offering custom colored sketches and a variety of dragon bases. Check my shop linked on my signature if you wish to pay with currency, hope you enjoy my work!
All example images have links to fullsize version.


Colored bust sketch: 280 lvls

1zKYGxI.png _ odPI1dL.png _ eGmuJrX.png
  • A sketchy bust of your character!
  • I can draw almost any character, but have more exerience with canines, felines and draconic creatures.
  • For FR dragons, apparel is up to 1 big piece or 2 small pieces, extras and overly complex ones are evalued on case by case.
  • Some characters can be simplified to fit my style.
  • Skins are evalued on case by case and will cost extra. I may simplify or decline some as I see fit to not overload myself.
...... .........................................................
1 - MercySewerPyro - paid, finished
2 - napstabl00k - paid, finished
3 - Fluttering - paid, finished
4 - Kyra326 (private, currency) - paid, finished
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -
9 -


Order Form

@MistyGold sketch bust slot! [b]Username:[/b] [b]Character:[/b] [b]Apparel/skin:[/b] [b]Other info:[/b]


Dragon bases: 200 lvls
uSQQfFo.png _ v394xlV.png _ OQAO0nR.png

  • Skydancer, wildclaw, imperial, pearlcatcher and fae species available. Check the shop in my signature for more examples!
  • All genes are free of charge except: crystal/facet, slime/sludge, wasp/bee and capsule, which are extra 50 levels.
  • No skins or apparel available for foddart.
...... .........................................................
1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -
9 -


Order Form

@MistyGold adopt slot! [b]Username:[/b] [b]Dragon bbcode:[/b] [b]Genes:[/b] [b]Other info:[/b]


General Guidelines
  • Send levels to a receiver if I'm offline, otherwise send them to me.
  • I will only start drawing after full payment is received.
  • Slots are unlimited for both categories.
  • Don't remove my signature!
  • You're free to resize and crop your drawing, but further editing is not allowed.
  • If reposting outside FR please link to one of my social media (listed at the top of this post)
  • Turn up time is usually 4 to 7 days, but can be more or less depending on how busy I am. You can ask for progress anytime.
  • Feel free to ping me for any doubts!
Misty | She/her | FR +5 | Artist
I can get distracted and forget stuff easily, please pm or ping if I missed something!
About | Avatar | Art socials
[center][b][url=]Directory[/url][/b] - [b][url=]How to Order[/url][/b] - [url=][b]Spreadsheet[/b][/url] - [b][url=]Signatures![/url][/b] ----- [size=5][b]Slots Open[/b] | [s]Slots Closed[/s][/size] [img][/img] [size=5][b]Tera does stuff v2.0[/b][/size] [size=3]Character half-bodies[/size] [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img] [/columns] [size=2](My characters, lol)[/size] [img][/img] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center]-[/center] Hullo there! I'm trying something new and ambitious this year... I have been working really hard to improve at drawing humans (and also dragons!) in a different style than I am used to. Therefore I apologize for the lack of more examples, because so far I have only drawn my own characters. Thanks for taking a look~ [center]-[/center] [/columns] [quote] [center][u][b]Rules - read before ordering[/b][/u] [left][emoji=maple leaf size=1] Credit me [url=]here on FR[/url] for FR chars, or on TH everywhere else! (Username is [color=transparent]......[/color][url=]Levantera[/url] as well) [emoji=maple leaf size=1] Only send in levels once I confirm your slot! :) CR/PA ok. [emoji=maple leaf size=1] No character design this time - please bring references! [emoji=maple leaf size=1] Prefer humans/humanoid/gijinka, nothing against ToS [emoji=maple leaf size=1] Please describe any details, clothes, etc. that you'd want included to make [color=transparent]......[/color]sure I know about. [b]Ask me if you want WIP sketches![/b] [emoji=maple leaf size=1] Do not erase my signature on the image or edit it without permission. I can [color=transparent]......[/color]make some tweaks if something isn't looking right. [emoji=maple leaf size=1] Please do not steal/trace/otherwise plagiarize my work, it's hurtful.[/left] [u]Also I have smooth brian and math isn't my strong suit - if anything seems off with the level spreadsheet please don't hesitate to let me know!!![/u] [/quote] [quote] [center][u][b]Pricing[/b][/u] It will be a half-body digital drawing of your character, similar to middle and right examples. Sketch is a clean sketch that can have colored lines and a background. Tell me what colors you want, otherwise I'll choose from your character's palette. Flats will be closer to my middle example with some gradients/shading. The level of detail on full Color will be closer to the 1st example. [b]Sketch .......................... 500 level Flats ............................. 800 level Color ............................ 950 level[/b] coloring... sorry it is expensive because its a lot of effort :sweats:[/center] [/quote] [i](Perhaps you may know me for doing stained glass style art before. After a bit of a hiatus from doing stained glass comms I've decided to practice drawing people and an anime like style. I'll open a new art thread after MistJam - ask to be on the future shop's pinglist if you are interested! And don't worry, the stained glass will come back too.)[/i] [img][/img] [b]Slots[/b] [s]1 - Joywing (full color, 950) [url=]<3[/url] PAID![/s] [url=]done[/url] 2 - 3 - More slots might open depending on how popular this is, and how long it takes me o-o [b]Pinglist[/b] @ [b]Future shop Pinglist[/b] @/Joywing [img][/img] [size=5][b]Order Form[/b][/size] [left][code] @Levantera [b]Username:[/b] [b]Type:[/b] [Sketch/Flats/Color] [b]Link to Dragon/Character:[/b] [b]Price:[/b] [700/800/950] [b]Description:[/b] [pose, expression, background color/image? can also leave it up to me.] [/code][/left] [img][/img]
Directory - How to Order - Spreadsheet - Signatures!

Slots Open | Slots Closed


Tera does stuff v2.0
Character half-bodies
qe7FPtq.png _ 8bzJ7C2.png _ 4DTFmpq.png
(My characters, lol)
Hullo there! I'm trying something new and ambitious this year... I have been working really hard to improve at drawing humans (and also dragons!) in a different style than I am used to. Therefore I apologize for the lack of more examples, because so far I have only drawn my own characters. Thanks for taking a look~
Rules - read before ordering
Credit me here on FR for FR chars, or on TH everywhere else! (Username is ......Levantera as well)

Only send in levels once I confirm your slot! :) CR/PA ok.

No character design this time - please bring references!

Prefer humans/humanoid/gijinka, nothing against ToS

Please describe any details, clothes, etc. that you'd want included to make ......sure I know about. Ask me if you want WIP sketches!

Do not erase my signature on the image or edit it without permission. I can ......make some tweaks if something isn't looking right.

Please do not steal/trace/otherwise plagiarize my work, it's hurtful.

Also I have smooth brian and math isn't my strong suit - if anything seems off with the level spreadsheet please don't hesitate to let me know!!!
It will be a half-body digital drawing of your character, similar to middle and right examples.

Sketch is a clean sketch that can have colored lines and a background. Tell me what colors you want, otherwise I'll choose from your character's palette.

Flats will be closer to my middle example with some gradients/shading. The level of detail on full Color will be closer to the 1st example.

Sketch .......................... 500 level
Flats ............................. 800 level
Color ............................ 950 level

coloring... sorry it is expensive because its a lot of effort :sweats:

(Perhaps you may know me for doing stained glass style art before. After a bit of a hiatus from doing stained glass comms I've decided to practice drawing people and an anime like style. I'll open a new art thread after MistJam - ask to be on the future shop's pinglist if you are interested! And don't worry, the stained glass will come back too.)


1 - Joywing (full color, 950) <3 PAID! done
2 -
3 -

More slots might open depending on how popular this is, and how long it takes me o-o



Future shop Pinglist



Order Form
@Levantera [b]Username:[/b] [b]Type:[/b] [Sketch/Flats/Color] [b]Link to Dragon/Character:[/b] [b]Price:[/b] [700/800/950] [b]Description:[/b] [pose, expression, background color/image? can also leave it up to me.]

- fr+0

- she/her

- art shop

- adopt shop

[center][b][url=]Directory[/url][/b] - [b][url=]How to Order[/url][/b] - [url=][b]Spreadsheet[/b][/url] - [b][url=]Signatures![/url][/b] ----- [size=5][s]Slots Open[/s] | [b]Slots Closed[/b][/size] [img][/img] [size=5][b]Bouncing Skydancers? Bouncing Skydancers.[/b][/size] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b]Bouncing Pixel Skydancers[/b] 100 levels per dragon[/center] [img][/img] [size=5][b]Examples + Pricing[/b][/size] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [font=courier new][size=4]All Pixel Skydancers cost a base price of [u]100 levels[/u] regardless of genes. [img][/img] [center] [size=5][b]Guidelines + Rules[/b][/size] [left] * [b]Maximum of one dragon per order.[/b] Feel free to order another one slots reopen though! * [b]Any genes are fine.[/b] I wont charge extra for ones not premade. * [b]I will not do skins, accents, or apparel at this time.[/b] * [b]Links back to my profile or this shop are preferred.[/b] Though I won't hunt you down if you don't. *[b]Do not erase my signature please.[/b] Let me know if you'd like the adopt flipped, I can do that free of charge. ^^ * [b]Start sending dragon payment via either 1-way CRs, or 1t private auctions only once [u]I confirm your slot/order.[/u][/b] Private auctions are slightly more preferred, but it doesn't matter either way. * [b]Unless otherwise stated,[/b] I will use the image provided as reference. [b]Please be sure to provide me with a scry[/b] if you plan on [b]changing the genes of your dragon, or otherwise altering their appearance.[/b] * [b]Please ping me[/b] when ordering or asking to be put on the pinglist. I will likely not see your post if you don't. *Most genes will be [b]premade[/b], but some like fade/blend, iri/shim, and others may be [b]hand drawn[/b] each time.[/size][/left] [img][/img] [b]Slots[/b] 1 - [url=]Angelamelinda[/url] (Finished) 2 - [URL=]DarkAngelsBlood1[/url] (Finished) 3 - [url=]GuyInCorner[/url] (Finished) 4 - [url=]FrigidWings[/url] (Finished) 5 - [url=]Devonix[/url] (Finished) [b]Pinglist[/b] @/Lunyra @/CatalyticGenesis @/Fluttering @/RealityMask @/GuyInCorner @/DarkAngelsBlood1 @/Andraya @/Creatigator @/COparade @/FrigidWings [img][/img] [size=5][b]Order Form[/b][/size] [quote][b]Username:[/b] [b]Player ID Number:[/b] [b]Link to Dragon:[/b] [b]M or F Base:[/b] *Basically if you want two antennae or four* [b]Other Information:[/b] [/quote] [img][/img]
Directory - How to Order - Spreadsheet - Signatures!

Slots Open | Slots Closed


Bouncing Skydancers? Bouncing Skydancers.
Bouncing Pixel Skydancers
100 levels per dragon


Examples + Pricing

All Pixel Skydancers cost a base price of 100 levels regardless of genes.


Guidelines + Rules

* Maximum of one dragon per order. Feel free to order another one slots reopen though!

* Any genes are fine. I wont charge extra for ones not premade.

* I will not do skins, accents, or apparel at this time.

* Links back to my profile or this shop are preferred. Though I won't hunt you down if you don't.

*Do not erase my signature please. Let me know if you'd like the adopt flipped, I can do that free of charge. ^^

* Start sending dragon payment via either 1-way CRs, or 1t private auctions only once I confirm your slot/order. Private auctions are slightly more preferred, but it doesn't matter either way.

* Unless otherwise stated, I will use the image provided as reference. Please be sure to provide me with a scry if you plan on changing the genes of your dragon, or otherwise altering their appearance.

* Please ping me when ordering or asking to be put on the pinglist. I will likely not see your post if you don't.

*Most genes will be premade, but some like fade/blend, iri/shim, and others may be hand drawn each time.


1 - Angelamelinda (Finished)
2 - DarkAngelsBlood1 (Finished)
3 - GuyInCorner (Finished)
4 - FrigidWings (Finished)
5 - Devonix (Finished)


@/Lunyra @/CatalyticGenesis @/Fluttering @/RealityMask @/GuyInCorner @/DarkAngelsBlood1 @/Andraya @/Creatigator @/COparade @/FrigidWings


Order Form
Player ID Number:
Link to Dragon:
M or F Base: *Basically if you want two antennae or four*
Other Information:
'Mysterious Relief' item icon

» She/Her
» Avatar
» +2 FR Time || Pings welcome!
[center][center][b][url=]Directory[/url][/b] - [b][url=]How to Order[/url][/b] - [url=][b]Spreadsheet[/b][/url] - [b][url=]Signatures![/url][/b] ----- [size=5][b]Slots Open[/b] | [s]Slots Closed[/s][/size] [img][/img] [size=5][b]The Bunbury Gazette: Tall tales and Short Stories[/b][/size] [columns] [img] [/img] [nextcol] [i][font=verdana][size=3]Passing through a bazaar teeming with artists and writers of all stripes, you feel a paper airplane pass by your ear. It spins, before settling on your palm. Inside is a message, in a cheery scrawl:Fantastic Fables and Superb Stories: Come to the Bunbury Gazette! Looking for where the message came from, you spot a pink spiral, waving her claws with a wide grin. On her stand is an array of various papers, covered with writings of various kinds. "Pleasure to meet you!" The spiral chirps. "Perhaps a rumor might strike your fancy? A half-truth or imagined vision?" She fidgets as she talks, spinning her quill in her hands. "Whatever it is, I'm sure I can make a story for you. The Gazette never turns down a story, no matter how fantastic it may be." She winks at you knowingly, before folding another airplane.[/font][/size] [/i] [/columns] [columns] [center][b]Short (~300-500 words)[/b] [img][/img][/center] [nextcol] Bergamot’s talents beget him many names amongst his home clan. Green-clawed, Berry-scales, or even Clay clod, from his detractors. His favourite, however, was the title that truly captured his talents: Bergamot, the Garden Prince. He did not wear such a boast carelessly. From as young as a hatchling, he could feel the pulse of the earth, sense the fertility that could beget true beauty. He reigned over his domain with great care, every plant perfectly positioned to turn a landscape of dirt and clay into paradise. There would be nothing, no unearthed gem, no warrior’s stratagem that could match the elegance of his garden. Except his own looks of course, but he always knew he was exceptional. Perhaps his work was transient, a marvel that would only last a few years, wilting where the intricate carvings of his fellow Earth dragons would last millenia. Bergamot would argue that that was the point. No monarch expects to rule forever, for it is the inevitable end that makes art truly meaningful. Let the scribes and lesser kings carve their arrogance into stone, until they became mere curios and symbols devoid of their intent. The Prince would make something memorable in that lasting moment. (Read the rest [url=]here![/url]) [/columns] [columns] From the day she was born, Maeve was familiar with the wind and rain. A cold chill that wrapped around the body as she flew through the air, dots of water rolling off her scales. In her visions, and in reality, there were little differences of course. Direction, intensity, whether it would last for a moment or a lifetime. Yet, they all shared the same meaning: that she would have to leave again. To others, her methods seemed mysterious, an omen of the whims of the sky, but for her it was all too predictable. She would come, her mother would be paid, and she would say whatever they wanted her to say before moving onto the next. The many places she went all blurred together, never staying long enough to see anything more than the weather she watched. Her only company across those many seas were her mother and that ever-changing sky. The skies above Porto was the first one that she really saw, not as another blur in the unceasing flow of time, but as a scene rooted in the present. They were an aqua green, the blues reflected in the waves of the ocean. The colours of the sky would bleed into the waves, a beautiful sight of sunset when resting on the soft sands of the shore. The white sea foam would ebb and flow, crashing on the shore as ships departed. The world moved, but she was still. (Read the rest [url=]here![/url]) [nextcol] [center][b]Medium (~600-800 words)[/b] [img][/img][/center] [/columns] [columns] [center][b]Long (~800-1200 words)[/b] [img][/img][/center] [nextcol] Tywyn downed his drink of ale, taking in the burn in his throat as he counted another day’s worth of coin. Barely enough to cover his stay, and his trip to the next town. The bard sighed, pocketing the change before a thief could swipe his scraps across the table. He had always aspired to a higher standard, transcendent works that would lift his audience higher, expand their horizons above and beyond. Yet, at the end of the day, everything went back to the material. He laid his head on his palm, idly listening to the music that animated the lively tavern. A few familiar faces, some new amateurs, but all the same derivative tunes. Nothing that made his soul truly sing. Nothing worth staying up for, as he began to head to his room. A strong singular chord, cutting through the applause caught his attention, making the bard turn on his heel. A finely dressed coatl had taken his seat at the tavern piano, his head bowed as he felt the tune of his instrument. With an instinctive grace, the pianist closed his eyes, and his fingers danced across the keys. He started with a slow haunting waltz, before he added more, flitting notes like motes of light on a dark lake. Tywyn could feel himself humming the familiar tune under his breath, that which told a wondrous fairy tale, dancing on air. Yet, the musician evoked a different sense, all with a simple change of key and tempo. He wove together harmony and rhythm, evoking an almost tragic sense of loss, a yearning for fantasies that would never come again. He played like the piano was part of him, a voice that spoke in so much more than words. Before Tywyn knew it, that sublime melody was gone, concluding with a lonely, solitary note. A resonating emptiness in the heart that such wonderful music had left behind. (Read the rest [url=]here![/url]) [/columns] [img][/img] [center] [center][size=5][u][b]Prices/Rules[/b][/u][/size][/center] [center] Short is 60 levels, Medium 120 levels, Long 180 levels. If you would like something with length above what is provided, let me know and we can work something out. You may order up to two stories per slot. I will do: Backstory, dragon lore, clan lore, drabbles, short stories. This includes non-FR characters and OCs if detail is provided. An example of non-FR writing can be provided on request. I will [b]NOT[/b] do: Anything that violates FR’s terms of service, fanfiction, excessive gore/violence. When ordering, please provide details on what you’re looking for. Personality, plot, mood, relationships, etc. If you don’t want to, that’s fine, I can take creative liberty. For best results, some details help a lot! Due to being busy with various assignments and work, I will attempt to finish orders within a month-month and a half. I will refund the order should I fail to fulfil the order. I will start working on your commission after payment is sent. Please credit me when using my work![/center] [img][/img] [center][b]Slots[/b] 1 - 2 - 3 - [b]Pinglist[/b][/center] @/Looshiana @/Mudy @/Saskia @/grasssnake485 @/xxDoxxie @/naranciag [center][size=4][b]Completed Orders[/b][/size][/center] Calyx - [url=]A Small Wish[/url] Fayori - [url=]The Performance of Life[/url] Lenn and Yuna - [url=]Sparring Secrets[/url] [img][/img] [size=5][b]Order Form[/b][/size] [quote] @Joywing I’d like a story! [b]Username:[/b] [b]User ID:[/b] [b]Link to Dragon/Character:[/b] [b]Length of work:[/b] [b]Character Details (What’s your dragon/character like?):[/b] [b]Writing details (What are you looking for? Backstory, interaction, etc.):[/b] [/quote] [img][/img] [size=5][b]Slots Open[/b] | [s]Slots Closed[/s][/size] [img][/img] [size=5][b]Riverflow Studios: Humanoid Art[/b][/size] [columns] [i][font=verdana][size=3] At a secluded booth next to the chatty pink Spiral, a blue wildclaw sets up her wares. There are various pictures of strange creatures, not native to Sorineth. As you approach, she speaks. “You have seen them too? I have travelled to many strange places in my wandering.” She draws up a brush, turning it over in her claws. “It helps to keep memories on paper, pictures rather than fleeting thoughts. Perhaps I could be of help to you?” She quietly gestures to her work, leaving you to browse as she collects her tools. [/font][/size] [/i] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] Click the portraits for full-size versions! [size=5][b]Coloured and shaded half-bodies: 400 levels[/b][/size] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [size=5][b] Coloured and Shaded full-bodies: 750 levels[/b][/size] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] For more examples, check out my [url=]deviantart[/url]! [center][size=5][u][b]Rules[/b][/u][/size][/center] [center] I will do: Humanoids, Humanoid-like characters, drawing from description for extra cost. Will consider Gjinka with mostly human features. Overcomplicated designs may cost more. Backgrounds will add cost depending on complexity. I will [b]NOT[/b] do: Ferals, Anthros or Dragons, Gore, NSFW When ordering, please provide details on what you’re looking for. Personality, pose, expression, etc. If you don’t want to, that’s fine, I can take creative liberty. For best results, some details help a lot! Ask if you would like sketch WIPs! Due to being busy with various assignments and work, I will attempt to finish orders within a month-month and a half. I will refund the order should I fail to fulfil the order. I will start working on your commission after payment is sent. Please credit my [url=]deviantart[/url] when using my work![/center] [img][/img] [b]Slots[/b] 1 - 2 - 3 - [b]Pinglist[/b] @ [img][/img] [size=5][b]Order Form[/b][/size] [quote] @Joywing I would like some art! [b]Username:[/b] [b]Player ID Number:[/b] [b]Link to Character refs:[/b] [b]Price:[/b] [b]Other Information:[/b] [/quote] [img][/img]
Directory - How to Order - Spreadsheet - Signatures!

Slots Open | Slots Closed


The Bunbury Gazette: Tall tales and Short Stories
Passing through a bazaar teeming with artists and writers of all stripes, you feel a paper airplane pass by your ear. It spins, before settling on your palm. Inside is a message, in a cheery scrawl:Fantastic Fables and Superb Stories: Come to the Bunbury Gazette!

Looking for where the message came from, you spot a pink spiral, waving her claws with a wide grin. On her stand is an array of various papers, covered with writings of various kinds.

"Pleasure to meet you!" The spiral chirps. "Perhaps a rumor might strike your fancy? A half-truth or imagined vision?" She fidgets as she talks, spinning her quill in her hands. "Whatever it is, I'm sure I can make a story for you. The Gazette never turns down a story, no matter how fantastic it may be." She winks at you knowingly, before folding another airplane.

Short (~300-500 words)
Bergamot’s talents beget him many names amongst his home clan. Green-clawed, Berry-scales, or even Clay clod, from his detractors. His favourite, however, was the title that truly captured his talents: Bergamot, the Garden Prince.

He did not wear such a boast carelessly. From as young as a hatchling, he could feel the pulse of the earth, sense the fertility that could beget true beauty. He reigned over his domain with great care, every plant perfectly positioned to turn a landscape of dirt and clay into paradise. There would be nothing, no unearthed gem, no warrior’s stratagem that could match the elegance of his garden. Except his own looks of course, but he always knew he was exceptional.

Perhaps his work was transient, a marvel that would only last a few years, wilting where the intricate carvings of his fellow Earth dragons would last millenia. Bergamot would argue that that was the point. No monarch expects to rule forever, for it is the inevitable end that makes art truly meaningful. Let the scribes and lesser kings carve their arrogance into stone, until they became mere curios and symbols devoid of their intent. The Prince would make something memorable in that lasting moment. (Read the rest here!)

From the day she was born, Maeve was familiar with the wind and rain. A cold chill that wrapped around the body as she flew through the air, dots of water rolling off her scales. In her visions, and in reality, there were little differences of course. Direction, intensity, whether it would last for a moment or a lifetime. Yet, they all shared the same meaning: that she would have to leave again.

To others, her methods seemed mysterious, an omen of the whims of the sky, but for her it was all too predictable. She would come, her mother would be paid, and she would say whatever they wanted her to say before moving onto the next. The many places she went all blurred together, never staying long enough to see anything more than the weather she watched. Her only company across those many seas were her mother and that ever-changing sky.

The skies above Porto was the first one that she really saw, not as another blur in the unceasing flow of time, but as a scene rooted in the present. They were an aqua green, the blues reflected in the waves of the ocean. The colours of the sky would bleed into the waves, a beautiful sight of sunset when resting on the soft sands of the shore. The white sea foam would ebb and flow, crashing on the shore as ships departed. The world moved, but she was still.

(Read the rest here!)
Medium (~600-800 words)

Long (~800-1200 words)
Tywyn downed his drink of ale, taking in the burn in his throat as he counted another day’s worth of coin. Barely enough to cover his stay, and his trip to the next town. The bard sighed, pocketing the change before a thief could swipe his scraps across the table. He had always aspired to a higher standard, transcendent works that would lift his audience higher, expand their horizons above and beyond. Yet, at the end of the day, everything went back to the material. He laid his head on his palm, idly listening to the music that animated the lively tavern. A few familiar faces, some new amateurs, but all the same derivative tunes. Nothing that made his soul truly sing. Nothing worth staying up for, as he began to head to his room.

A strong singular chord, cutting through the applause caught his attention, making the bard turn on his heel. A finely dressed coatl had taken his seat at the tavern piano, his head bowed as he felt the tune of his instrument. With an instinctive grace, the pianist closed his eyes, and his fingers danced across the keys. He started with a slow haunting waltz, before he added more, flitting notes like motes of light on a dark lake. Tywyn could feel himself humming the familiar tune under his breath, that which told a wondrous fairy tale, dancing on air. Yet, the musician evoked a different sense, all with a simple change of key and tempo. He wove together harmony and rhythm, evoking an almost tragic sense of loss, a yearning for fantasies that would never come again. He played like the piano was part of him, a voice that spoke in so much more than words.

Before Tywyn knew it, that sublime melody was gone, concluding with a lonely, solitary note. A resonating emptiness in the heart that such wonderful music had left behind. (Read the rest here!)

Short is 60 levels, Medium 120 levels, Long 180 levels. If you would like something with length above what is provided, let me know and we can work something out. You may order up to two stories per slot.

I will do: Backstory, dragon lore, clan lore, drabbles, short stories. This includes non-FR characters and OCs if detail is provided. An example of non-FR writing can be provided on request.

I will NOT do: Anything that violates FR’s terms of service, fanfiction, excessive gore/violence.

When ordering, please provide details on what you’re looking for. Personality, plot, mood, relationships, etc. If you don’t want to, that’s fine, I can take creative liberty. For best results, some details help a lot!

Due to being busy with various assignments and work, I will attempt to finish orders within a month-month and a half. I will refund the order should I fail to fulfil the order.

I will start working on your commission after payment is sent.

Please credit me when using my work!

1 -
2 -
3 -


@/Looshiana @/Mudy @/Saskia @/grasssnake485 @/xxDoxxie @/naranciag
Completed Orders
Calyx - A Small Wish
Fayori - The Performance of Life
Lenn and Yuna - Sparring Secrets


Order Form
@Joywing I’d like a story!

User ID:
Link to Dragon/Character:
Length of work:
Character Details (What’s your dragon/character like?):
Writing details (What are you looking for? Backstory, interaction, etc.):


Slots Open | Slots Closed


Riverflow Studios: Humanoid Art
At a secluded booth next to the chatty pink Spiral, a blue wildclaw sets up her wares. There are various pictures of strange creatures, not native to Sorineth. As you approach, she speaks.

“You have seen them too? I have travelled to many strange places in my wandering.” She draws up a brush, turning it over in her claws.

“It helps to keep memories on paper, pictures rather than fleeting thoughts. Perhaps I could be of help to you?” She quietly gestures to her work, leaving you to browse as she collects her tools.


Click the portraits for full-size versions!

Coloured and shaded half-bodies: 400 levels
Wind_Foddart_Example_1.png _ Wind_Foddart_Example_5.png _ Wind_Foddart_Example_6.png

Coloured and Shaded full-bodies: 750 levels
Wind_Foddart_Example_4.png _ Wind_Foddart_Example_2.png _ Wind_Foddart_Example_3.png

For more examples, check out my deviantart!

I will do: Humanoids, Humanoid-like characters, drawing from description for extra cost. Will consider Gjinka with mostly human features. Overcomplicated designs may cost more. Backgrounds will add cost depending on complexity.

I will NOT do: Ferals, Anthros or Dragons, Gore, NSFW

When ordering, please provide details on what you’re looking for. Personality, pose, expression, etc. If you don’t want to, that’s fine, I can take creative liberty. For best results, some details help a lot!

Ask if you would like sketch WIPs!

Due to being busy with various assignments and work, I will attempt to finish orders within a month-month and a half. I will refund the order should I fail to fulfil the order.

I will start working on your commission after payment is sent.

Please credit my deviantart when using my work!


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Order Form
@Joywing I would like some art!

Player ID Number:
Link to Character refs:
Other Information:

claim :)
claim :)
Need to get rid of any of these items? You sell em, I hoard em- shoot me a private auction!
Please ping or PM me if you need my attention!
[center][b][url=]Directory[/url][/b] - [b][url=]How to Order[/url][/b] - [url=][b]Spreadsheet[/b][/url] - [b][url=]Signatures![/url][/b] ----- [size=5][b]Slots Open[/b] | [s]Slots Closed[/s][/size] [img][/img] [size=5][b]Su's One-Trick Pics![/b][/size] [size=4]Fully Rendered Busts- 450 levels Fully Rendered Fullbodies- 650 levels Custom Fully Rendered Fullbodies- 800 levels[/size][/center] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=transparent]_[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=transparent]_[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url][color=transparent]_[/color][url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img][/center] [center][size=5][b]Rules[/b][/size][/center] [list][*][b]Don't send payment right away![/b] Only send by PA or CR when I ping you back & confirm your order. [indent]Payment must be in fodder. My art's on the pricier side, so I am willing to discuss payment plans further in PMs. [*]The custom design slot is where I create an original design with your input! It will take longer than art with existing designs. [indent]The more details the better ^^ Anything from personality to expression to color palette can really help me out :D [*]Please poke me if your order's taking longer than 2 weeks! [*]Credit my FR username, please :>[/list] [center][img][/img] [size=5]I Love Drawing:[/size][/center] [emoji=familiar heart size=1] Humans & humanoids only! Gijinkas all the way. [emoji=familiar heart size=1] Colorful! But not eyeburning <.<; [emoji=familiar heart size=1] Swooshy flowy clothes and hair ;w; [emoji=familiar heart size=1] Practicing metals/glossy materials atm! [center][size=5]I Won't Draw:[/size][/center] [emoji=breeding cooldown size=1] Feral/machines (yep, [u]can't draw dragons[/u] on a site about dragons B)) [emoji=breeding cooldown size=1] Against FR Guidelines [emoji=breeding cooldown size=1] Feathered Wings [emoji=breeding cooldown size=1] Tears (Liquids, my archnemesis) [emoji=breeding cooldown size=1] Complex Scenes/Bgs (dynamic/outstretched poses are a-ok!) [emoji=breeding cooldown size=1] Older Characters, I just don't have that skill yet ^^; [center][img][/img] [b]Slots[/b] 1 - 2 - 3 - [b]Customs[/b] 1- [url=]ColorfulLava[/url] [b]Pinglist[/b] @ [img][/img] [size=5][b]Order Form[/b][/size][/center] [code]@suflower Ordering art! [b]Username:[/b] [b]Player ID Number:[/b] [b]Custom or Existing Design:[/b] [b]Details:[/b]Pose, Expression, Background, etc [b]Payment Plan:[/b] [b]References:[/b][/code] [img][/img]
Directory - How to Order - Spreadsheet - Signatures!

Slots Open | Slots Closed


Su's One-Trick Pics!

Fully Rendered Busts- 450 levels
Fully Rendered Fullbodies- 650 levels
Custom Fully Rendered Fullbodies- 800 levels
banner_1.png _ banner_4.png _ banner_2.png

  • Don't send payment right away! Only send by PA or CR when I ping you back & confirm your order.
    Payment must be in fodder. My art's on the pricier side, so I am willing to discuss payment plans further in PMs.
  • The custom design slot is where I create an original design with your input! It will take longer than art with existing designs.
    The more details the better ^^ Anything from personality to expression to color palette can really help me out :D
  • Please poke me if your order's taking longer than 2 weeks!
  • Credit my FR username, please :>

I Love Drawing:
Humans & humanoids only! Gijinkas all the way.
Colorful! But not eyeburning <.<;
Swooshy flowy clothes and hair ;w;
Practicing metals/glossy materials atm!
I Won't Draw:
Feral/machines (yep, can't draw dragons on a site about dragons B))
Against FR Guidelines
Feathered Wings
Tears (Liquids, my archnemesis)
Complex Scenes/Bgs (dynamic/outstretched poses are a-ok!)
Older Characters, I just don't have that skill yet ^^;


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1- ColorfulLava




Order Form
@suflower Ordering art! [b]Username:[/b] [b]Player ID Number:[/b] [b]Custom or Existing Design:[/b] [b]Details:[/b]Pose, Expression, Background, etc [b]Payment Plan:[/b] [b]References:[/b]
