
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | carrot's artshop // full, pinglist
[center][img alt="from left to right: a small black spiral with blue eyes and cyan ghost sat next to a large purple and cyan obelisk with blue eyes and cyan ghost point at the large words reading 'carrot's art shop'. the watermark 'decomposedcarrot' can be read at the bottom left corner."][/img][/center] [color=transparent]/////[/color] [columns][url=]intro[/url][nextcol][color=transparent]///[/color][nextcol][url=]prices & slots[/url][nextcol][color=transparent]///[/color][nextcol][url=]examples[/url][nextcol][color=transparent]///[/color][nextcol][url=]pinglist[/url][nextcol][color=transparent]///[/color][nextcol][url=]res[/url][/columns] [color=transparent]/////[/color] [font=courier]howdy !! welcome to my art shop ! i like to make art, and i like making art for others even more, especially when i’m getting paid for it :,D keep reading for more info !! [font=courier]as the artist, i retain the right to refuse or cancel any commissions. i also hold the right to use the piece you (the commissioner) commissioned me for as an example. i do send WIPs, and i may take artistic liberties with the character's design, without straying too far from the original. you may use the artwork anywhere [i][b]as long as you credit me[/i][/b]. if it is on-site, please link it back to my profile / my art shop. if it is off-site, please credit it to my - decomposedcarrot. upon commissioning me : - payment will be paid in half up front, and the rest at the end. - you may claim a slot before paying, but payment must be sent at most 7 days after claiming a slot. otherwise, you'll be removed from the slot and it can be taken by someone else my turn around time can be from same-day to a month, depending on complexity, irl work, and my mental energy. most pieces take a couple days, at most. [columns] [color=transparent]//////////////[nextcol] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [color=transparent]/// / //[/color] [font=courier][b]will do [/b] > humans > dragons (fr or other) > anthros / feral > mech / armour > gore / body horror* > fanart > banners [/columns] [columns] [color=transparent]/////////////////////[nextcol] [font=courier][b]won’t do[/b] > anything against fr’s tos > nudity** > real people [nextcol] [img][/img][/columns] [center][font=courier][i]* depends on the type / complexity. simple body horror, such as multiple eyes / eyes in places they aren’t naturally, and stylized guts are acceptable. realistic guts / gore is something i will not do. ** sfw nudity (such as a guy not wearing a shirt) and non-explicit references for characters are allowed. nsfw nudity - or content of any kind - is prohibited both on & off site, and illegal since i am a minor.[/i][/center] [center][font=courier][b]form to order[/b][/center] [code]username : subject : (image of/link to character/dragon) uma? : y / n apparel? : (how many pieces, which one(s)) payment : g / t / mixed extra notes : (pose, expression, details for background, any and everything you can think of. the more descriptive, the better)[/code]
from left to right: a small black spiral with blue eyes and cyan ghost sat next to a large purple and cyan obelisk with blue eyes and cyan ghost point at the large words reading 'carrot's art shop'. the watermark 'decomposedcarrot' can be read at the bottom left corner.
intro /// prices & slots /// examples /// pinglist /// res
howdy !! welcome to my art shop ! i like to make art, and i like making art for others even more, especially when i’m getting paid for it :,D keep reading for more info !!

as the artist, i retain the right to refuse or cancel any commissions. i also hold the right to use the piece you (the commissioner) commissioned me for as an example. i do send WIPs, and i may take artistic liberties with the character's design, without straying too far from the original.

you may use the artwork anywhere as long as you credit me. if it is on-site, please link it back to my profile / my art shop. if it is off-site, please credit it to my - decomposedcarrot.

upon commissioning me :
- payment will be paid in half up front, and the rest at the end.
- you may claim a slot before paying, but payment must be sent at most 7 days after claiming a slot. otherwise, you'll be removed from the slot and it can be taken by someone else

my turn around time can be from same-day to a month, depending on complexity, irl work, and my mental energy. most pieces take a couple days, at most.

////////////// happyshark.png ///

will do
> humans
> dragons (fr or other)
> anthros / feral
> mech / armour
> gore / body horror*
> fanart
> banners
///////////////////// won’t do
> anything against fr’s tos
> nudity**
> real people
* depends on the type / complexity. simple body horror, such as multiple eyes / eyes in places they aren’t naturally, and stylized guts are acceptable. realistic guts / gore is something i will not do.

** sfw nudity (such as a guy not wearing a shirt) and non-explicit references for characters are allowed. nsfw nudity - or content of any kind - is prohibited both on & off site, and illegal since i am a minor.
form to order
username : subject : (image of/link to character/dragon) uma? : y / n apparel? : (how many pieces, which one(s)) payment : g / t / mixed extra notes : (pose, expression, details for background, any and everything you can think of. the more descriptive, the better)
[columns][url=]intro[/url][nextcol][color=transparent]///[/color][nextcol][url=]prices & slots[/url][nextcol][color=transparent]///[/color][nextcol][url=]examples[/url][nextcol][color=transparent]///[/color][nextcol][url=]pinglist[/url][nextcol][color=transparent]///[/color][nextcol][url=]res[/url][/columns] [center][font=courier][b]prices[/b] [i]conversion rate: 1g : 1000t[/i] [/center] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol] [color=transparent]/ / / / / [/color] [center][b][i][font=courier]headshot[/b][/center] [font=courier][i]rough sketch : 200g/kt flat color : 250g/kt fully shaded : 500g/kt rendered : 1.5kg/mt [size=2]in order from left to right; rendered, rendered, colored sketch, flat/halftone shaded[/size] [/columns] [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [color=transparent]/ / / / / [/color] [center][b][i][font=courier]bust shot[/b][/center] [font=courier][i]rough sketch : 300g/kt flat color : 350g/kt fully shaded : 800g/kt rendered : 3kg/mt [size=2]in order from left to right; rendered, flat, flat, flat, rendered[/size] [/columns] [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [color=transparent]/ / / / / [/color] [center][b][i][font=courier]full body[/b][/center] [font=courier][i]rough sketch : 400g/kt flat color : 500g/kt fully shaded : 1000g/kt rendered : 8kg/mt [size=2]in order from left to right; shaded w/ bg, shaded w/ bg, flat, shaded, rendered[/size] [/columns] [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [color=transparent]/ / / / [/color] [center][b][i][font=courier]reference sheets[/b][/center] [font=courier][i]detailed sketch : 800g/kt flat color : 5kg/mt fully shaded : 15kg/mt rendered : 25kg/mt [/columns] [center][font=courier]backgrounds : + 300g/kt additional character* : +200g/kt additional apparel : + 50g/kt uma/s : +100g/kt - increases due to complexity human characters cost 1kg + base price due to complexity skins, unless said otherwise, will not be drawn. i will draw the three(3) most visible pieces of apparel, unless said otherwise. i will not draw apparel on fully rendered pieces unless specified otherwise, as i am still figuring this style out and do not want to overwhelm myself :^) [b]reference sheet options :[/b][/center] [font=courier]- front full body ref - no additional cost, default - color palette - no additional cost, default - info about character (excluding name) - 50g/kt, you provide the info - back full body ref - costs the same as a full body (i.e., if you want an additional back full body sketch, it’ll cost an additional 400g/kt) - headshot (flat / skin render [i]only[/i]) - 300g/kt for flat, 400g/kt for skin render (only applies for humanoid characters) - hand ref (flat only) - 50g/kt - eye ref (flat or rendered) - 100g/kt for flat, 300g/kt for rendered - background (flat, gradient, or image - you provide the image) - no additional cost, flat is default[/font] [code]username : subject : (image of / link to / description of character) options : (which of the options above you want!) payment : g / t / mixed extra notes : (pose, expression for headshots, any and everything you can think of. the more descriptive, the better)[/code] [rule] [img][/img] [rule] [center][font=courier][b]slots[/b] 1 : closed 2 : @.DarkHyacinth - payment recieved; in progress 3 : closed 4 : closed 5 : closed [/center]
intro /// prices & slots /// examples /// pinglist /// res

conversion rate: 1g : 1000t
Untitled118_20230531182543_50.png /
rough sketch : 200g/kt

flat color : 250g/kt

fully shaded : 500g/kt

rendered : 1.5kg/mt

in order from left to right; rendered, rendered, colored sketch, flat/halftone shaded
Untitled119_20230531230826.png /
bust shot
rough sketch : 300g/kt

flat color : 350g/kt

fully shaded : 800g/kt

rendered : 3kg/mt

in order from left to right; rendered, flat, flat, flat, rendered
Untitled119_20230531232548.png /
full body
rough sketch : 400g/kt

flat color : 500g/kt

fully shaded : 1000g/kt

rendered : 8kg/mt

in order from left to right; shaded w/ bg, shaded w/ bg, flat, shaded, rendered
BIT_refsheet_50_1_50.png /
reference sheets
detailed sketch : 800g/kt

flat color : 5kg/mt

fully shaded : 15kg/mt

rendered : 25kg/mt
backgrounds : + 300g/kt
additional character* : +200g/kt
additional apparel : + 50g/kt
uma/s : +100g/kt - increases due to complexity

human characters cost 1kg + base price due to complexity

skins, unless said otherwise, will not be drawn. i will draw the three(3) most visible pieces of apparel, unless said otherwise.

i will not draw apparel on fully rendered pieces unless specified otherwise, as i am still figuring this style out and do not want to overwhelm myself :^)

reference sheet options :
- front full body ref - no additional cost, default
- color palette - no additional cost, default
- info about character (excluding name) - 50g/kt, you provide the info
- back full body ref - costs the same as a full body (i.e., if you want an additional back full body sketch, it’ll cost an additional 400g/kt)
- headshot (flat / skin render only) - 300g/kt for flat, 400g/kt for skin render (only applies for humanoid characters)
- hand ref (flat only) - 50g/kt
- eye ref (flat or rendered) - 100g/kt for flat, 300g/kt for rendered
- background (flat, gradient, or image - you provide the image) - no additional cost, flat is default

username : subject : (image of / link to / description of character) options : (which of the options above you want!) payment : g / t / mixed extra notes : (pose, expression for headshots, any and everything you can think of. the more descriptive, the better)

1 : closed
2 : @.DarkHyacinth - payment recieved; in progress
3 : closed
4 : closed
5 : closed
[columns][url=]intro[/url][nextcol][color=transparent]///[/color][nextcol][url=]prices & slots[/url][nextcol][color=transparent]///[/color][nextcol][url=]examples[/url][nextcol][color=transparent]///[/color][nextcol][url=]pinglist[/url][nextcol][color=transparent]///[/color][nextcol][url=]res[/url][/columns] [center][font=courier]> more examples [url=][font=courier]here[/url]< [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
intro /// prices & slots /// examples /// pinglist /// res
> more examples here<

[columns][url=]intro[/url][nextcol][color=transparent]///[/color][nextcol][url=]prices & slots[/url][nextcol][color=transparent]///[/color][nextcol][url=]examples[/url][nextcol][color=transparent]///[/color][nextcol][url=]pinglist[/url][nextcol][color=transparent]///[/color][nextcol][url=]res[/url][/columns] [font=courier]just ping me if you wanna be on a pinglist ^^ [size=2]i think initially i was going to do something fancy for this, but oh well.[/size] [quote=pinglist] [/quote]
intro /// prices & slots /// examples /// pinglist /// res

just ping me if you wanna be on a pinglist ^^
i think initially i was going to do something fancy for this, but oh well.

pinglist wrote:
open for business!
open for business!
@decomposedcarrot - Not sure why you don't have any business, the art looks great! I'll get a commission! Could I get a fully shaded bust of this girl: [url=][img][/img][/url] Can pay in treasure. :)
@decomposedcarrot - Not sure why you don't have any business, the art looks great! I'll get a commission! Could I get a fully shaded bust of this girl:
Can pay in treasure. :)
With the exception of fodder dragons, I try to ensure all my prices are competitive with prices on the AH. I try to keep on top of AH prices so as not to over-charge.

alright! send half the payment, and i’ll get started when i can :)

for the apparel, what would you like me to do? i will do three pieces for free, and any thing after that costs an additional 50kt :)

alright! send half the payment, and i’ll get started when i can :)

for the apparel, what would you like me to do? i will do three pieces for free, and any thing after that costs an additional 50kt :)
@decomposedcarrot - Dealer's choice! Whatever you want to include, go nuts! As long as it retains the sleep demon aesthetic she's got going on. :)
@decomposedcarrot - Dealer's choice! Whatever you want to include, go nuts! As long as it retains the sleep demon aesthetic she's got going on. :)
With the exception of fodder dragons, I try to ensure all my prices are competitive with prices on the AH. I try to keep on top of AH prices so as not to over-charge.