
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | [S] BORING LORE STORE - temp closed
[center][img][/img] [b][u]WELCOME[/u][/b][/center] my lore store! It's a work in progress, but I'm currently [b]accepting orders[/b]. I do multiple slots at a time depending on my schedule but the number can change due to a variety of factors. If my slots are full please feel free to place an order, just be prepared for a wait time. [b]I lost my sister on the sixth of September this year very suddenly, so turnaround time will be much slower than usual, but rest assured orders will be fulfilled if you do not mind a wait time.[/b] I hope you understand. [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Rules.[/b] [LIST] [*] No NSFW, such as pornography. I'm fine with alluding to something happening in the bedroom, but I have to follow guidelines. Violence is okay as long as it doesn't break FR's own rules - I don't mind writing dark stuff. :) [*] Payment due upfront. I accept t/g or mixed payment through [b]PM or one-way CR.[/b] If it is an especially large order and you need a couple of days to come up with the entire amount, we can discuss a deposit. PM me for this. [*] Please give me a few days to write your lore before PMing me for an update. [*] Please credit me somewhere in the profile - especially if it's a longer piece. It can be small and at the very bottom, just as long as it's there! [*] I am willing to do [b]light[/b] coding for you if you have a [b]pre-existing profile code[/b], as long as you can share the code with me through pastebin or It is an extra 5k. [/LIST] [b]Prices.[/b] 100 words - 30kt/g 150 words - 45kt/g 200 words - 60kt/g 250 words - 85kt/g 300 words - 100kt/g 400 words - 130kt/g 500 words - 160kt/g Basically, every 50 words is 15kt/g. [b]10%[/b] off for Shadow members. [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Form.[/b] Please c/p this form: [quote][b]Link to dragon or OC: How many words?: Any history, personality, or anything else I need to know that you want to be included in your lore, such as any other dragon relatives you want mentioned/specific details for your lore:[/b][/quote] [b]Slots.[/b] 1. XxCalypsoxX 2. 3. 4. [center][b][u]BUTTONS[/u][/b] [img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img] [b][u]AFFILIATES[/u][/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b][u]CREDITS[/u][/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] ^ if you want beautiful graphics like mine ^

WELCOME my lore store! It's a work in progress, but I'm currently accepting orders. I do multiple slots at a time depending on my schedule but the number can change due to a variety of factors. If my slots are full please feel free to place an order, just be prepared for a wait time. I lost my sister on the sixth of September this year very suddenly, so turnaround time will be much slower than usual, but rest assured orders will be fulfilled if you do not mind a wait time. I hope you understand.

  • No NSFW, such as pornography. I'm fine with alluding to something happening in the bedroom, but I have to follow guidelines. Violence is okay as long as it doesn't break FR's own rules - I don't mind writing dark stuff. :)
  • Payment due upfront. I accept t/g or mixed payment through PM or one-way CR. If it is an especially large order and you need a couple of days to come up with the entire amount, we can discuss a deposit. PM me for this.
  • Please give me a few days to write your lore before PMing me for an update.
  • Please credit me somewhere in the profile - especially if it's a longer piece. It can be small and at the very bottom, just as long as it's there!
  • I am willing to do light coding for you if you have a pre-existing profile code, as long as you can share the code with me through pastebin or It is an extra 5k.

100 words - 30kt/g
150 words - 45kt/g
200 words - 60kt/g
250 words - 85kt/g
300 words - 100kt/g
400 words - 130kt/g
500 words - 160kt/g

Basically, every 50 words is 15kt/g. 10% off for Shadow members.

Please c/p this form:
Link to dragon or OC:
How many words?:
Any history, personality, or anything else I need to know that you want to be included in your lore, such as any other dragon relatives you want mentioned/specific details for your lore:

1. XxCalypsoxX


Ll6vMfS.gif wVKFtz8.gif7DQzRTo.gif



^ if you want beautiful graphics like mine ^
[center][img][/img] [b]PROSE/STORY-STYLE[/b][/center] [quote]It started with frost. She could feel a cold that bit through her skin, encasing the bones beneath with chill. Eyes closed, the young girl grasped blindly at her surroundings, her tongue tentative in its efforts to remove the dust of snow off of her lips. Slowly her eyelids fluttered to life, an effort of their own, trying to blink snowflakes out of her eyes. As she waited for her eyes to lose their unfocused blur, the girl who only remembered that she was named Miyu pushed herself up into a sitting position. She was freezing, with only a threadbare sundress clinging to her body, as white as the snow that surrounded her. She recognized the weather of her surroundings and could guess from the feel of the snow beneath her, the crunch of it beneath her hands, that it was winter. She also recognized that she was at a high altitude - she could feel it in the whispers and whistles of the wind, the way it sang as it tossed the brambles and trees to and fro. A daunting sound, but she did not feel quite daunted: there was something pure in her belly, a quiet fire, a purpose. Miyu’s eyes focused on the tableau in front of her. The sky was overcast, giving everything that wasn’t blanketed in white an almost grey appearance. The world smelled of pine, but it wasn’t a strong smell, diffused with snow. But she couldn’t dally in the wind-swept, frigid environment, as the snowflakes whirled up into her line of vision before being carted off on the lap of the wind. And her fingers were going numb. She frowned, plucking her fingers out of the snow and bunching them up between her palms, her mouth forming a small ‘o’ as she leaned in to breathe hotly into the between-space of her cupped palms. The skin of her fingers accepted the warmth eagerly and she could almost feel the dismay in her veins as her hands and fingers returned to the snow, as she pulled herself up off the ground and onto her feet. It was that simple, the beginning of her life… Although ‘lives’ would be more accurate. But she didn’t know that; she had no idea that her life on that winter wonderland of a mountain would be so brief. As bright and impermanent as a hard blink at the sun. - for [b]hocotate[/b] [/quote] [center][b]HISTORY/SUMMARY STYLE[/b][/center] [quote]After a coup staged by the clan's people in protest of the land's current ruler, McCall was appointed as the King by choice and not by right. Needing to take a wife, there were many suitors put on display, but none seemed to catch his eye. And so he struck up a forbidden romance with a beautiful dragon named Whittemore instead. It wasn't love at first sight. It was a whisper of a touch, the scent of lilies on the wind that carried the voices of those below the King's fantastic views; it was the initial disdain between the two, the sneer on Whittemore's lips as she passed down the hall. It was the culmination of all of these things that led to The Night, the night that Whittemore lowered her guard in the echoing stairwell where she sat, upset. And from there, they continued to lower their metaphorical spears, cultivating a solid bedrock foundation of enemies turned friends, and then finally, turned lovers. There were many hurdles that had to be overcome for them to be wed, but their marriage started the growth of McCall's current circle, and a love that he would fight to the teeth to protect. While the city and its economy pulsed with newfound life beneath their new ruler and his new queen, Whittemore became sick with a fatal disease - and after many failed "cures" it was Nogitsune, a dark warlock, who offered his services. He did not pause to ask his counsel, a mistake he might come to regret later. Instead he paid the fee and allowed Nogitsune to raise Whittemore from her deathbed using forbidden magic. But there was a price: the bandages on Whittemore's body, needing daily change, and the pearls they both must clutch are what remains of her disease. If the pearls are ever broken, it is assumed the disease will return. Some may whisper that Nogitsune should not be trusted, and perhaps they're right. But that is how McCall functions: doing anything and everything for those he loves. Often seen spending time with Stilinski, his right hand and dearest friend, or talking with Peter, his loyal knight and master of war, McCall takes his relationships very seriously. He is almost foolishly loyal and always tries to do the right thing... but can sometimes be blinded by the actions of those closest to him. - for my own dragon[/quote]

It started with frost.

She could feel a cold that bit through her skin, encasing the bones beneath with chill. Eyes closed, the young girl grasped blindly at her surroundings, her tongue tentative in its efforts to remove the dust of snow off of her lips. Slowly her eyelids fluttered to life, an effort of their own, trying to blink snowflakes out of her eyes.

As she waited for her eyes to lose their unfocused blur, the girl who only remembered that she was named Miyu pushed herself up into a sitting position. She was freezing, with only a threadbare sundress clinging to her body, as white as the snow that surrounded her. She recognized the weather of her surroundings and could guess from the feel of the snow beneath her, the crunch of it beneath her hands, that it was winter. She also recognized that she was at a high altitude - she could feel it in the whispers and whistles of the wind, the way it sang as it tossed the brambles and trees to and fro. A daunting sound, but she did not feel quite daunted: there was something pure in her belly, a quiet fire, a purpose.

Miyu’s eyes focused on the tableau in front of her. The sky was overcast, giving everything that wasn’t blanketed in white an almost grey appearance. The world smelled of pine, but it wasn’t a strong smell, diffused with snow. But she couldn’t dally in the wind-swept, frigid environment, as the snowflakes whirled up into her line of vision before being carted off on the lap of the wind. And her fingers were going numb.

She frowned, plucking her fingers out of the snow and bunching them up between her palms, her mouth forming a small ‘o’ as she leaned in to breathe hotly into the between-space of her cupped palms. The skin of her fingers accepted the warmth eagerly and she could almost feel the dismay in her veins as her hands and fingers returned to the snow, as she pulled herself up off the ground and onto her feet.

It was that simple, the beginning of her life… Although ‘lives’ would be more accurate. But she didn’t know that; she had no idea that her life on that winter wonderland of a mountain would be so brief. As bright and impermanent as a hard blink at the sun.
- for hocotate
After a coup staged by the clan's people in protest of the land's current ruler, McCall was appointed as the King by choice and not by right. Needing to take a wife, there were many suitors put on display, but none seemed to catch his eye. And so he struck up a forbidden romance with a beautiful dragon named Whittemore instead.

It wasn't love at first sight. It was a whisper of a touch, the scent of lilies on the wind that carried the voices of those below the King's fantastic views; it was the initial disdain between the two, the sneer on Whittemore's lips as she passed down the hall. It was the culmination of all of these things that led to The Night, the night that Whittemore lowered her guard in the echoing stairwell where she sat, upset. And from there, they continued to lower their metaphorical spears, cultivating a solid bedrock foundation of enemies turned friends, and then finally, turned lovers. There were many hurdles that had to be overcome for them to be wed, but their marriage started the growth of McCall's current circle, and a love that he would fight to the teeth to protect.

While the city and its economy pulsed with newfound life beneath their new ruler and his new queen, Whittemore became sick with a fatal disease - and after many failed "cures" it was Nogitsune, a dark warlock, who offered his services. He did not pause to ask his counsel, a mistake he might come to regret later. Instead he paid the fee and allowed Nogitsune to raise Whittemore from her deathbed using forbidden magic. But there was a price: the bandages on Whittemore's body, needing daily change, and the pearls they both must clutch are what remains of her disease. If the pearls are ever broken, it is assumed the disease will return. Some may whisper that Nogitsune should not be trusted, and perhaps they're right.

But that is how McCall functions: doing anything and everything for those he loves. Often seen spending time with Stilinski, his right hand and dearest friend, or talking with Peter, his loyal knight and master of war, McCall takes his relationships very seriously. He is almost foolishly loyal and always tries to do the right thing... but can sometimes be blinded by the actions of those closest to him.
- for my own dragon