
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | | lore aesthetics | [1 SLOT OPEN]
[center][size=3.5][u]Payment[/u][/size] [item=copper muck] [item=grey slime] [emoji=gem size=6] [b](and any other spare familiars or apparel! see below for exact pricing) [/b] [center][u](1 claimed slot will get you 3 aesthetics maximum -- you can get any combination of clan/dragon aesthetics) [/u][/center] [center][size=3.5][u]Slots[/u][/size] 1. MineralTownNPC 2. Jemondial 3. [OPEN] ----- [left][b]Dragon aesthetics:[/b] 12 gems or 12kt or 5 pieces of slime/muck/apparel/familiars per aesthetic [b]Clan aesthetics:[/b] 16 gems or 16kt or 7 pieces of slime/muck/apparel/familiars per clan aesthetic (+5g or 2 slime/muck/familiar/apparel if you want it adjusted to fit in a certain chara limit; please specify this in your order! you don't have to worry about this if what I've written happens to already fit) Please add credit (just a 'lore/aesthetic by @shanncrafter' will do fine!) if you use what I've written. Other methods of payment are also fine! Just ping me and ask ;) [center][i]Really really like my stuff? I love you <3 and I have a [url=]Kofi[/url]![/left] [/center][/i] ----- aesthetics for fandragons will be on a case-by-case basis! [center][img][/img][/center]
Copper Muck Grey Slime

(and any other spare familiars or apparel! see below for exact pricing)

(1 claimed slot will get you 3 aesthetics maximum -- you can get any combination of clan/dragon aesthetics)
1. MineralTownNPC
2. Jemondial
3. [OPEN]

Dragon aesthetics: 12 gems or 12kt or 5 pieces of slime/muck/apparel/familiars per aesthetic

Clan aesthetics: 16 gems or 16kt or 7 pieces of slime/muck/apparel/familiars per clan aesthetic
(+5g or 2 slime/muck/familiar/apparel if you want it adjusted to fit in a certain chara limit; please specify this in your order! you don't have to worry about this if what I've written happens to already fit)

Please add credit (just a 'lore/aesthetic by @shanncrafter' will do fine!) if you use what I've written. Other methods of payment are also fine! Just ping me and ask ;)
Really really like my stuff? I love you <3 and I have a Kofi!

aesthetics for fandragons will be on a case-by-case basis!

tumblr_o8jld6tRHZ1tv56zio6_250.png __
>> hatchery
>> lore aesthetics shop
[size=1]im dyin' scoob[/size] [center]here are a couple of the commissions I've completed so far. can't find yours? check [b][url=]THE ARCHIVE[/url][/b]! [/center] [size=3.5][u]Clans[/u][/size] [quote=Clan Guardianite][font=times new roman][i]Listen[/i]. Can you hear it? Sometimes it is the tumultuous sea that the howling winds sweep over, and sometimes it is the empty caves themselves that issue forth the dreadful noise. The dragons here welcome you with open arms-- there is weariness in their eyes, but kindness as well-- and give you shelter willingly. No one starves. Old ruins and ancient buildings stand among shiny towers and newly-constructed temples. One may find peace here, if that is what they truly [url=]seek[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Cultists][font=times new roman]Hunger and fear and rage. And through it cuts the rot: beloved, festering pestilence and its shifting undertow of madness. Are you as willing to die for a beloved friend as you are to kill them? Rotting bone chimes and velvet-lined caskets, glittering jewellery and putrid flesh--out in the wild domain of the Plaguebringer, Blessed is Her Name, they are one and the same. Forget loyalty, devotion, faith; only prove that you can survive. There will never be a stronger [url=]prayer[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=crown][font=times new roman]Glass and crystal held together by sheer will. Gilded doors and vast libraries. A spire that pierces the heavens. And within the walls that thrum with sheer power lie tenets, beliefs, [i]gods[/i]. Power, purity, destruction, fear, and retribution--an entire pantheon's worth and more. I ask you this: have you seen a more beautiful shrine? A grander testament to strength? A bluer sky? Around the temple, boundless and bare, the lone and level sands stretch far [url=]away[/url]. [/font][/quote] [quote=Valley of Kings][font=times new roman][i]Time has passed.[/i] Sun-scorched sand, a glimpse of an oasis too distant to be nothing more than a mirage, the quiet before battle. This is a land of gods, little one, and death has its hold on everything. Should you fall, your soul will be warmly received--but hold on to the memory of what you fought and died for. Obsidian and gold, turquoise and steel; what use do the dead have for these vast riches? What does your soul weigh? Yellow eyes as bright as the Sun peer into eternity. [I]And time is a [url=]thief[/url][/i].[/font][/quote] [quote=The City][font=times new roman]Paradise with a caveat: if you want to thrive here, leave your conscience at the gates. Trust no one, especially anyone who advertises a future and a way out. Testing facilities filled with pristine labcoats, blood-splattered tiles, and contracts with very, very small fine print. The fallen trying desperately to rise--or at least stop others from suffering as they have. Candles drowning in their own wax, the scratch of pen on paper, the distant roar of a creature in pain. And further still, the scent of roses... and a [i][url=]promise[/url][/i]. [/font][/quote] [quote=uptown][font=times new roman]Endless tunnels that stretch as far as the eye can see--its construction too purposeful for it have been accomplished by anything other than magic--and lined with glowing plants and fungi of every hue. These spaces come alive with activity like blood pulsing through veins, with dragons passing through and calling out to friendly faces. At intervals, a collection of firefly jars sits for those who need further protection from the dark. Far beneath the warmth of the sun, life [i][url=]flourishes[/url][/i].[/font][/quote] [quote=Chainvine Enclave][font=times new roman]Weeds and vines that strangle and steal, clawing to the top of the canopy--survival in a way that the cursed Plaguelands will never truly understand. A food chain ruled by the cruelest of masters. The heavy, oppressive humidity of the jungle, an itch you can't quite scratch on the back of your neck, cold sweat dripping down your spine. Everything about this place is [i]wrong[/i], somehow. Not even the Gladekeeper can fathom the cruelty her children are capable of. Wanderers, heed the signs. Stop when you hear the machinery and feel that uncomfortable heat, and leave while you still [url=]can[/url]. [/font][/quote] [quote=oasis in ruins][font=times new roman]A bustling marketplace, honoured temples, and cosy homes nestled deep in the earth--all of it built in a skeleton of a once-great university. Life cradled in death, as all things should be. The warm light of a thousand lanterns set the place aglow, as friendly voices and delicious smells carry up to the heavens. Friend, foe, and stranger all find a place here. Pick up a bowl of hearty stew, take a seat while the storytellers warm up, and stay a while, won't [url=]you[/url]?[/font][/quote] [quote=The Keys][font=times new roman]Wanderers at heart but not by choice. They were fortunate it was a minor deity--and unfortunate because of that same reason. It is very difficult to shake the spite of a god with something to prove. Songs echoing over valleys and winding along the mountaintops; aching claws that need more than a moment's respite to recover; the playful cries of hatchlings as they weave between their parents' legs. How long till their king and the deity he offended perishes? How long can the peace be kept before someone finally [url=]snaps[/url]?[/font][/quote] [quote=Ingmar][font=times new roman]A small but growing clan with its own budding army, ruled by a king whose heart was hardened by betrayal and war. The deities have forsaken and forgotten them--a new, budding clan has taken residence on the ashes of that king's old territory. Sharpened weapons lie in endless rows, claws that have not walked this earth in centuries now ready themselves for war. Llewellyn's kin won't notice the reckoning till it is standing on their doorstep; when their land finally lies in ruins, the king will build something far greater on the [url=]ashes[/url].[/font][/quote] [size=3.5][u]Dragons[/u][/size] [quote=Erebos][font=times new roman]Bitter wine, incense offerings, and shallow graves. The only difference between a real god and a false one is belief--and even that is a threshold easily crossed. A light flits among the trees, a lantern carried by a lost traveller on the edge of exhaustion; his are not the only pair of eyes watching. It is one thing to embrace the solemn night, it is another thing entirely to[i] become [url=]it[/url][/i].[/font][/quote] [quote=Thresh][font=times new roman]Second chances and praise like honey. Every inch of him glittering and glimmering in the dusk, a pretty beacon for wandering spirits and weary souls. It's a strange thing; the light of the lantern does nothing to chase the darkness away. Sweet incense and blood like wine. And the [i]screams[/i]... There is a fate worse than death, and his careful words and sweet smile will usher you right into [url=]it[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Shelby][font=times new roman] Almost as harsh and as loving as the roiling sea. She has never minced her words for a soul and she isn't planning to start now. Waves that heave to the height of the Behemoth, lightning that turns the sky a blinding white, winds wild enough to tear the sails off a seventy-four-gun galleon; the sudden, deafening quiet after the storm. All of it contained in a wiry body and eyes like polished [url=]flint[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Cirilla][font=times new roman]A warmth that comforts at first but soon grows stifling and unbearable. Have you looked into her eyes? Have you turned your gaze to the sun? Have you tried to bear the weight of the sky? Hers is a strength unimaginable, beyond the comprehension of empires, worlds, universes. More concept than dragon; a well of destruction or creation [i]in potentia[/i]. Raw belief, a prayer taken form. How is one to capture life in a few sweet [url=]words[/url]?[/font][/quote] [quote=Unnamed][font=times new roman]Black roses on red silk. Or is it red roses on black silk? A row of eyes line the sleek curve of a wing, opening and closing in a way that is too calculated to describe as [i]blinking[/i]. Madness personified. Chaos in the flesh. Terror too overwhelming to face. Pray all you want; only one deity will hear you. You think you know despair, wrath, dread. Till you turn your gaze upon that terrible visage, you can never claim to know the face of [url=]fear[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Ophelia][font=times new roman]Rue and fennel and columbines bleed from her eyes-- purple and yellow blossoms like tears trail down scales the colour of rich earth. And through it cuts a pain like lovesickness, or madness, or desperation. Who's to say? Not even corruption can touch a dead maiden, and when the river lays her to rest, she will close her eyes and let it carry her away. There is a strength in defeat, a triumph of sorts. [i]Retribution will follow in the [url=]wake[/url].[/i][/font][/quote] [quote=Melvara][font=times new roman]The only thing wilder and more deadly than the sea is the monster that dwells in its depths. Whenever a moon blots out the sun, she emerges like a [i]storm[/i]-- vast, unending, destructive in its entirety. Feared and worshipped by those who live their lives afraid of one thing only. The wrath of an ancient, eldritch power. Teeth, spines, and tentacles that could cradle the heavens. Twisted beyond belief. Warped beyond [url=]recognition[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Ouro][font=times new roman]The perfect sphere, the world on its axis, the snake that swallows its own tail. And here he stands: at the end and the beginning of all things. Hourglasses, coin tosses, and prophecies whispered in the dark. What of fate and free will? They are not in the business of such things. Pray to the other deities if you must--so long as the sun and moons keep to their boundaries and traditions are passed on, they are content in the [url=]waiting[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Nozomi][font=times new roman]Strong, calloused hands and the faint smell of hyacinths. [i]Royalty[/i]--did you know? Do you think their parents hate what they have birthed? Better an emperor than whatever lives in that skin and walks in those claws. Rough linen, rose petals, and a beam of light that shines like a prayer. If a path like that is so easily forsaken, don't you think it would have been accomplished? [i]They want to be better. They do not know [url=]how[/url].[/i][/font][/quote] [quote=Vorkosigan][font=times new roman][i]As above.[/i] Where to begin? How to describe? Why even try? Perhaps we will begin with absences: not a dragon, not a deity, not even mortal. Somewhere between--or all three. A harsh, discordant sound from a violin, candles extinguished in the flesh of their own wax, fresh scar tissue on ancient skin. Not really chaos but not really order, either; too close to incomprehensible but not too far from understanding. Both and between. Within and without. [i]So [url=]below[/url][/i].[/font][/quote] [quote=Lowkey][font=times new roman]Known for light fingers, easy smiles, and a penchant for taking on one too many names. And much worse, of course--if the world has birthed an innocent god, a soul has yet to see it. Patron saint of grifters and thieves, tricksters who think themselves invincible. The white lie, the false confidence, the long con. A trickster god is only as good as their word--which is to say, if she's made you a promise, you'd best check your [url=]pockets[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Amadeus][font=times new roman]He was there when it began, when the Wyrmwound was naught but a pile of rotting flesh and the wasteland still remembered the taste of rain. A rotting tree consumed by fungi: brown and green and orange, a microcosm of the world entire. Bulbous eyes, fresh scar tissue, congealed blood. What was and is and will be--he does not mourn the past. He will be there when it all [url=]ends[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Dalli][font=times new roman]What separates the sweetest dream from the most terrifying nightmare? [i]The dreamer[/i], of course. Pillows of soft down, silk bedsheets, a warm glass of milk. It's raining outside--what could be water or blood or wine patters against the window, tapping an uneven lullaby. He can explain his choice of comrades as easily as a dream can explain its logic. The only mercy afforded is a mere reassurance: it will be quick. It will not be [url=]painless[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Xocolatl][font=times new roman]Bitter grounds, ceramic mugs, faint conversations. The soft cotton of an apron and the taut line beneath it--an undercurrent of tension like a tightly wound spring. Steam fogging up a pair of glasses and sleepless nights scraping arsenic from the coffee grinder. And yet... better this than a slit throat and a shallow grave, better this than a lifetime on the run. Little pleasures. He'll take what he can [url=]get[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Maple][font=times new roman]Eyes like red roses and a smile, sweet and sharp and deceptively innocent. She will make polite, boring conversation, nod and laugh as she should, and slip away, already forgotten. Crossed fingers and the distant whistle of a train. A child's bones in a three-foot grave, a field of flowers, and a suitcase that is always packed--has never been opened, in fact. She's been here for years; what's another decade [url=]more[/url]?[/font][/quote] [quote=Rhea][font=times new roman]Steady claws grip a needle that is more rust than iron, forcing it through a rotting square of patterned silk. There used to be-- bolts of fabric, rolls upon rolls of thread, a shop filled with the latest fashions. The feeling of something crawling up your spine, burrowing beneath the skin, wrapping its claws around your mind. She clutches the dusty remains and sinks to the floor, weeping and not quite understanding [i][url=]why[/url][/i].[/font][/quote] [quote=Yzma][font=times new roman]A will of iron and unwavering claws, governed solely by utter, unflinching loyalty. She may be older than most of the clan--old scars, a stiff back--but she can move twice as fast as the best of them. There are many lessons a bodyguard can learn, and the most important one is this: emotional attachment is weakness. If you truly want to protect someone you care for, you should never love [url=]them[/url]. [/font][/quote] [quote=Song][font=times new roman]Shadows drip like blood from outstretched wings, curling around a frail silhouette and supplementing strength to trembling claws. Speak in whispers, if you must. Court the moon and the stars with sweet words and somber melodies. Remember only this: sing long enough into the abyss, and it may answer back. Not every power is a [i][url=]blessing[/url][/i]. [/font][/quote] [quote=Alwen][font=times new roman]Eyes like rhodonite and a manner befitting the sweetest Nature dragon. Have you seen the face of mercy? It must look remarkably like hers. That's a lot of innocence to squeeze into a a soul--a generous helping of compassion, gratitude and a whole lot of love. Birdsong, rich earth, and the smell of a flourishing garden at sunrise. Weeds seep through the cracks in the cobblestones. Life despite the odds... this she knows this [url=]intimately[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=James][font=times new roman]Fur and hair dusting the ground, swept in a careful pile. An easy smile, bright eyes, and a willingness to give and give and [i]give[/i]. A love eternal and unspoken. He holds lively conversations with those who need it and shares comfortable silences with those who don't. A small claw slips into a calloused one, eager questions chasing their own tails. Second chances don't come easily. He's not letting go of this [url=]one[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Cael][font=times new roman]Not his face. Not his eyes. There is a choice to be made but not his place to make it. Unanswered prayers, dull armour, and fruitless appeals to a being more damned than holy. Do you know what it is like to only be worth your obedience? Somedays, he wakes with the taste of blood in his mouth and his vision tinted sepia. He takes what little freedom he can get; you cannot fault him for taking these small [url=]mercies[/url]. [/font][/quote] [quote=Rosewood][font=times new roman]She knows the touch--warm claws cradling her face, the firm press of her mate's chest against her, soft wings enfolding them both. Earnest prayers to any listening deity, sleepless nights in a cold bed, a hollow ache in one's chest. The strangeness she felt at the reunion... that can't be right. It's him, it has to be. One part of her knows the truth--the other refuses to believe it.[/font][/quote] [quote=Calliope][font=times new roman]A voice that can shatter glass as easily as it can heal ceramic. Eyes that can cut ice with a glance. Every inch of her is sharp angles and cream-and-gold scales. She is confident and rightfully so; if you think that her beauty and her talent are the only things remarkable about her, you'd best think again. It is a shield, no more. Her true worth lies deeper, cuts closer to her [url=]heart[/url]. [/font][/quote] [quote=Winter][font=times new roman]A frost so cold it [i]burns[/i]. You may think her frigid and cold, incapable of emotion, but she too was a dragon a long, long time ago. No dragon born of the ice ever forgets. A castle of snow and ice, bright and distant and eternal. A bed that is more glacier than down. And the cold devouring her limbs, her chest, her face. One mercy: it does not lay claim to her heart. Hers froze over a long time ago, and it was not of another's [url=]doing[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Nott][font=times new roman]Neon lights illuminating empty cities. Truths and lies tangled up in knots. A prayer like a song, bright and beautiful and clear as the peal of a bell. Eyes so pink they are almost red--a nice bow on top of the mystery, wrapped and neat. They will guide you through the labyrinth if that is what you want; though be careful what promises you make. Their kind is plentiful, but there is no one quite like [i][url=]them[/url][/i]. [/font][/quote] [quote=Ambre][font=times new roman]Fragrant incense, dried herbs, clean bandages. [i]First, do no[/i]... hmm. We can do better than that. A trade of secrets and favours; wounds are bandaged in exchange for a whisper on the wind. Two weeks later, a city official who'd petitioned to expand the city into the forest is removed from the picture. Bespectacled green eyes observe a ritual held by the lower ranks. A claw lifts--[i]let's try that again, shall [url=]we[/url]?[/i][/font][/quote] [quote=Altair][font=times new roman]The delicate clink of murky bottles jostling against each other; the rustle of a plumage so red it is almost brown; the hushed whispers of a deal conducted in the shadows. [i]Fair is fair[/i]. Eyes like candles, bright and burning, and a voice like mulberry wine. Pay attention, won't you? He traded his soul away a long time ago. Be careful what you bargain [url=]for[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Celozon][font=times new roman]Curiosity like wildfire and a willpower to boot. Not to mention a power near-untamable... a recipe for disaster, and he's both the chef and the dish. Deft claws, pink eyes like beacons, and a miasma of a potent magic. And beneath the boasting--though justified--a certain, quiet softness. But you didn't hear that from him. [i]Feelings? How archaic.[/i] He turns up his nose, coddled by pride. [i]I've got better things to [url=]do[/url]. [/i][/font][/quote] [quote=Sonia][font=times new roman]When wealth and common magic is not enough, one must improvise. Just a small bribe here and there for access to forbidden resources, maybe a hired knife to push a [i]little [/i]harder. A blood-red ruby, perfectly cut and polished, buried in a nest of spun gold. Take every advantage you can get--entertain the company of shallow nobles, hoard every scrap of information that comes your way, bring that desperate spirit to heel. And above all else, [i]keep your claws [url=]clean[/url][/i].[/font][/quote] [quote=Calypt][font=times new roman]A block of obsidian shot through with streaks of gold--sunlight cutting through darkness. It is not revenge, she reasons, because a dragon seeking as such would not have [i]held back[/i]. She works to perfect her craft, to become more skilled than the most practised mage and more powerful than the strongest cursebreaker. But she does not yet know: there are few more powerful and more practised in curses than her. None of them live in [url=]Hollowtown[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Chlorine][font=times new roman]A stray note catches on the ocean breeze. Does it matter if his creations are nothing more than clever manipulations of magic, that they are such stuff that dreams are made on, and only solid at the point of contact? He won't answer--the very suggestion is insulting. High above, a seabird circles. Sunlight glints off polished gold and pristine marble. And still, he does nothing to hide the colour of his [url=][i]eyes[/i][/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Fiona][font=times new roman]It's a jungle out there--a tangle of dust and dark, dingy corners filled with sly eyes. But beyond this threshold: [i]paradise[/i]. Her shop is a cosy thing, aglow with Light magic and heady with fumes from her wares. Steady claws guide you to a cushion and push a glass of something sharp and sanguine towards you. It's good wine; where are the grapes from? She smiles slightly, collects the glass. [i]Trade secret, sweet [url=]thing[/url][/i].[/font][/quote] [quote=Veikko][font=times new roman]Fur painstakingly braided with silver, and as dark as the bramble of the Tangled Wood. He carries his deadly wares close, picks and chooses his clientele as he pleases. Mostly assassins who know what they're doing, sometimes a desperate noble-- once, a sullen child with eyes as flat as an ice floe. Death brewed, bottled and bartered. He sold her the potion that he spent a full year brewing, and took nothing in [url=]exchange[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Eniola][font=times new roman]Nature is chaos and Hulmoor is standing in the ocean. This town needs order; she knows how it sounds, how the clash of the waves against the cliffs--the seaspray, the [i]storms[/i]-- makes everything seem so small in comparison, but this policy has kept the market from collapsing in on itself for years. Wax drips from a hundred candles. Occasionally, a shuffle of paper or the scratch of quill on parchment interrupts the silence. She's too old for this, she tells herself, but without her, Hulmoor would drown by the third [url=]day[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Anubis][font=times new roman]Sand sliding off a surface of flawless black marble and polished gold, revealing a tomb worthy of a pharaoh. One among the thousands in the land of the dead--yet his claws trace every carved hieroglyph with care and wonder. Despite eons of governing the dead with his family at his side, he still finds...fulfilment in guiding mortals to their eternity. The body lasts as long as it needs to. He closes his eyes. Dreams of a jackal, brown as the sands, wandering a vast desert under the rule of a golden [url=]sun[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Anput][font=times new roman]Natron, beeswax, frankincense. Anput cleans her claws slowly, methodically. A hundred thousand burials a day, and she presides over them all. Hers are very... practical concerns, even if she and Anubis share the same dominion. Resin, sawdust, linen. The bodies are treated with care--even if their hearts weigh otherwise. She has never known what it is to live as a mortal. To die, to sleep. She closes her eyes. Who would she pray to? [i]Who would [url=]answer[/url]?[/i][/font][/quote] [quote=Kebechet][font=times new roman]Water is life. It passes, cool and clean, between her claws--if anything, it becomes even clearer after her touch passes through it. The noise of a distant waterfall turns into the whispers of a hundred dead souls. She pays the souls surrounding her no mind, even as their chatter turns impatient. She doesn't do this often, simply because her parents do not allow it, but she sucks in a breath and ducks her head beneath the water--and [i][url=]breathes[/url][/i].[/font][/quote] [quote=Sphynx][font=times new roman]Sphynx would not claim to rule the land of the living--he knows full well that the dark, cool halls of his family's domain will feel more like home than any battlefield. Well-worn armour, a sharpened blade, new scars criss-crossing old ones. Guardianship is not the same as godhood, but he cannot give up the allure of battle just yet. The roar of the opposing army, the rallying cry of his own soldiers--and after, basking in the quiet of victory. He welcomes death as a friend, but how could anyone forsake [i][url=]this[/url][/i]?[/font][/quote] [quote=Crissaegrim][font=times new roman]There are names on his tongue that he refuses to forget; names of fallen comrades, victims, prey. A half-wilted rose, petals blackened and curling, placed with care on a freshly filled grave. New recruits always find themselves unable to bear the weight of his gaze, at the dark fire burning in those irises. They know he's committing their names to memory as they speak. And still, there is no one else more worthy to carry the burden--more honourable, more [i]damned[/i]--than [url=]he[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Ouroboros][font=times new roman]Porcelain fragments of a shattered vase. Brittle, but sharp. His breathing doesn't change but the orb hanging over his head does, bruising red and black like a blood moon. If you watch closely--and you shouldn't, because those who witness the change never live to tell the tale--beneath that tangle of a mane, his eyes shift, too. [i]A stranger's gaze.[/i] A different pair of claws clutching the strings. Liquid spilling from a bottle; something that could be ink, but could just as easily be [url=]blood[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Sylvatica][font=times new roman]Grief like the weight of the sky concealed by light steps and bright, laughing eyes. A thousand lifetimes' worth of wisdom and a willingness to adapt to a new world. They see hope flourishing in the smallest of gestures; the offer of water to a thirsty traveller, a healing salve for a child who scraped a knee. A lone deer raises its regal head, its antlers woven with delicate vines. Why ask what a god is to a nonbeliever when you could pose a much more interesting question instead--[i]what is a tragedy to the [url=]storyteller[/url]?[/i][/font][/quote] [quote=Zhongli][font=times new roman]A willpower that rivals those of the mountains, the sweet aftertaste of osmanthus wine, fond memories of distant times, a certain... light-hearted carelessness. Thousands of years will do that to a god, and stepping into a mortal's form won't change a thing. Luminous amber eyes peer from an ageless face, a flicker of untold strength, and contained within-- centuries of patience and an eon of [url=]wisdom[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Synth][font=times new roman]There's no point in reaching for eldritch horror when a simple pattern or trick of the light can accomplish the same thing. He does so love bringing someone to the edge of the abyss, but where would the fun be in pushing them in? A never-ending staircase goes up in both directions, an unlucky traveller picks a path to walk. How delightful it is to poke and tease at a dragon's grasp on their sanity--and moving on before they unravel. Yes, the journey is good, but the challenge? So much [i][url=]better[/url][/i].[/font][/quote] [quote=Sabah][font=times new roman]She travels from shrine to shrine making small alterations to the thread of fate in the favour of a lucky few--just enough to pass unnoticed before Mother Fortune. A coin lands on its edge, a tankard empties its cinnamon-sweetened mead into a thirsty mouth, an amber sunset brings a close to hard day's work. Deft claws rearrange offerings at an altar. Rain patters the thatched roof of the roadside shrine. She closes her eyes, snuggles tighter into herself, and [url=]dreams[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Elias][font=times new roman]It's not her fault, [i]it's not her fault[/i]--his beloved has to know. But between the unforgiving hand of his mistress and the silence that is the only thing a ghost can emit, it isn't possible. More shadow and whisper than anything else, unable to shout or warn or cry. A spiderweb gathers ash, a rose's petals blacken and wilt. Cursed to know the truth but silenced forever, yet he hasn't stopped screaming since he [url=]awoke[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Buttermilk][font=times new roman]They have forsaken 'do not be afraid' for a far simpler warning, much easier to heed: 'close your eyes'. A bed of opals and spun gold, as cold as it is resplendent; a gaze that sees nothing and eternity all at once; wounds that bleed light. Strange for a creature so holy to grace such a place, stranger still for them to continue to deny that an angel's fall--[i]their fall[/i]--is permanent. No home awaits this lost bird. All that's left is for them to realise [url=]it[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Paakku][font=times new roman]Withered flesh that is more rot than anything else, mountains of gold and lapis and obsidian, eyes that burn with an eon of greed. She hasn't worried about the smell since her blood evaporated and the maggots got sick of feasting on dust--and those who are sensitive enough to catch the scent of it never last long in her presence. How else is a lithomancer to survive but surround themselves with things that will not die? How long till her time runs out and the cursed shard within her tires of this spent [url=]vessel[/url]?[/font][/quote] [quote=Metsastaa][font=times new roman]A salvation like no other, a vessel of sickness that carries life and death. With that rotting flesh, seeping pus, and--even in the cold desert nights--the unbearable heat she emanates, it is easy to think her a microcosm of the Wyrmwound crafted by the Filthy One herself. But the Plaguemother had no hand in the creation of this monstrosity, and not even the Favoured would guess that blessed Metsastaa is more powerful than they could imagine. She's not a cure. She's a [i][url=]parasite[/url][/i].[/font][/quote] [quote=Tukhat][font=times new roman]Black armour, battle-worn, and an old cloak made from wolf fur. Beneath it, eyes that burn like ice--unrelenting, all-consuming. His name strikes terror into the hearts of dragons who have never even stepped foot in the Labyrinth, sends even the most scarred and veteran warriors into a panic. What is left of an empire after it has been razed to the ground? No towers, no riches, no rulers. Only death... and cold [url=]ash[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=knave][font=times new roman]Tar-black scales, battle-worn armour, stained bandages--the image of intimidating commander betrayed by the gentle smile on his face and the kindness in his eyes. He puts the safety of his soldiers above all; their strength is his strength, their will his will. Spines sharpened to razor-points, even the blunt sides as rough as sandpaper. A heavy but reassuring claw on your shoulder. The rallying cry of a thousand dragons readying for battle, led by commander whom they'd follow till death. A better leader you will never [url=]find[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=watergate][font=times new roman]A voice as cutting and brutal as a blade's serrated edge, scales and fur as slick and iridescent as spilled oil. Don't test her patience, though open and good-humoured she may seem. Everything about her is designed to [i]hurt[/i], from the points of her antlers to the gleam of her claws--and those piercing eyes in that crocodilian face, ever so sharp and mocking. Black blood drips from yellow teeth. Somewhere, a mangled body sinks, blood trailing like long ribbons, to the bottom of a murky [url=]lake[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Enne][font=times new roman]A bouquet of withered flowers, a long-fallen tree that is more rot and fungi than wood, the sunset-orange glow of a distant forest fire. He tends to the plants in his square of the Enclave, always silent and unnoticed in the usual chaos. A sickness took his eyesight years ago, but the Rotclaw helps him navigate--a parasite and a friend. He's never been able to see the horrors of his home for himself, but he knows he must bear witness. For the Enclave. For [url=]himself[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Sotku][font=times new roman]A Neutral who chooses to live as an Unfavored in a hierarchy as rigid as it is cruel. Strange indeed, but he does not need the approval of those of his rank. The Unfavored are oft ignored and shunned, but they know things that even the lofty Favored would kill to silence. Claws that could crush steel, a sharp eye for copper and gold, and a sharper ear for rumour. As long as no one pieces together what he is up to, he will bide his [url=]time[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Spellfire][font=times new roman][i]Stare too long into the abyss, and it[/i]... Blue light dances between the trees, luring the weary traveller towards it. One by one, they fall into her trap--even when she reveals herself up close, they never know how terrifying the being standing before them is. Those dark scales hide the bloodstains well enough. Beaten paths, lonely nights, and a whisper from a being that is not of this world. Something dark and hungry peers from those hollow eyes and... [i]stares [url=]back[/url][/i].[/font][/quote] [quote=Spellfire][font=times new roman]The body remembers the hunger, and the parasite respects its wishes. Rage, desire, and jealousy are feelings it understands. So she wanders, tearing pearls away from the clutches of her terrified kin, all while her jaws drip black blood and mucus. A hoard of stolen memories on a bed of green silk, and curled up in the middle of it lies the thief. She can't tell what brings more joy these days--the pearls or the grief she leaves in her [url=]wake[/url].[/quote] [quote=Teho][font=times new roman]Eccentric to the [i]n[/i]th degree, it comes as a shock to most that Teho remains in the ranks of the Favored. Storms gathering on the horizon, copper spires reaching for the sky, lightning captured and kept in a bottle. He maintains the clan's generators--some say he [i]is[/i] the generator--and keeps things functional. It's hard when everything is falling apart here, but he doesn't notice. There always other things that need his attention [url=]elsewhere[/url]...[/font][/quote] [quote=Kuona][font=times new roman]How far one must fall to reach the depths he has. But he didn't leap of his own volition--he was [i]pushed[/i]. By his traitorous son, no less, and it hurts more than the punishments do. New scars criss-crossing old ones, rusty chains shackling weak limbs, the patter of a leaky pipe. There's a lot of guilt that plagues him these days, and plenty of time to ponder it; mostly, [i]how could it have gone so wrong?[/i] and [i]what have I [url=]done[/url]?[/i][/font][/quote] [quote=Apila][font=times new roman]Dragons tend to forget she exists. She's a new addition, having stumbled into the clearing a year ago and simply not leaving soon enough--though the one thing that saved her from joining the Unfavored was her skill as an witch. Dusty bottles on oak shelves, dried herbs hanging from low rafters, a hut far from the chaos--but not far enough. Tukhat would call it 'valuable service', but she would call it something far more unsavoury, something that would well-qualify as [i][url=]treason[/url][/i].[/font][/quote] [quote=Gregoria][font=times new roman]Cold, hard numbers--she's never seen any of the deities in her life, has not an ounce of faith in them, but she knows with full certainty that she can trust math. The parasite in her whispers otherwise. Long nights hunched over complex sums, chalkboards covered in equations and the groans of young students, the weariness of the night mixing with--hmm. There are patterns where they shouldn't be, reality translated to numbers that aren't adding up. [i]Something's [url=]wrong[/url].[/i][/font][/quote] [quote=Otruva][font=times new roman]Bright blue sparks ding and patter against glass--the explosion of a firework kept safely in a bottle. And alongside it, a hundred other wonders on her shelves, all as rare and as remarkable as the last. She resides atop a grand tower that only appears to the truly desperate, and offers them a deal they can't refuse. Sweeping robes, golden eyes, and voice like deep velvet. [i]Trust me[/i], she says. [i]Trust me, and take [url=]the [/url][url=]plunge[/url][/i].[/font][/quote] [quote=Ilma][font=times new roman]The glint of a gold coin slipped from an unknowing pocket, a sharp eye for anything that glitters, and dreams of a river of treasure and gems. She's on a short leash and knows it, so she's careful to take from only the targets [i]he[/i] chooses for her. Better a smaller pool of victims than the rest of her life in a dingy cell. One could buy her loyalty, if needed, but now there's only one bidder who can afford her--she is not turning his coin down anytime [url=]soon[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Vaeltaja][font=times new roman]There are rules to everything, even in this wild tangle of a forest. An echo of a scream, the morning song of a hundred birds, the crunch of a dead leaf beneath a delicate claw. She plucks souls like wildflowers, simply taking and taking and taking as and when she chooses; she writes the rules, you see, and this is her domain. Pray you do not get lost in here. Pray she does not [i][url=]notice[/url][/i].[/font][/quote] [quote=Etsija][font=times new roman]She's made herself useful, so she can stay; this is fine by her. The only problem is the matter of her Search. It's someone or something in these cursed lands. She feels the protective urge whenever she encounters one of the Unfavored, but it's equally strong for each and every one... that can't be right. A bird nests in a tall tree for the night, a fox huddles deep in its burrow. She doesn't yet know--her Charge isn't one of the Unfavored. It's [i]all[/i] of [url=]them[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Pershaunt][font=times new roman]She has the protective ferocity of a Guardian and the viciousness of any Mirror or Wildclaw. The only problem is that dragons underestimate her--she's a tundra, for one (even with those teeth), and her colourful fur doesn't help. Claws sharpened to points, a keen nose that can pick up danger for miles around, the bristle of a dragon who's been told one too many times that they aren't strong enough. Interestingly enough, her bright looks aren't her greatest weakness--they're a [i][url=]warning[/url][/i].[/font][/quote] [quote=Euphoria][font=times new roman]A row of bottles on a shelf, each containing reagents and chemicals as bright and as colourful as her fur. Dried herbs hang from rafters, worn stools and faded rugs cover her floors. She plays the part of gentle apothecary well, what with that light voice and kind eyes--but it's just a front for a dragon who could kill you with a drop of anything in those same bottles. Oleander, hemlock, nightshade. A life lost with every sale; this price she will pay [url=]forever[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Sokkona][font=times new roman]Tattered robes, tarnished silver, a dusty old masquerade mask. He still dreams of better days, still remembers when it was Kuona's claw that governed the Enclave. These old bones ache for the old days, but now he must adapt and bow to a new ruler, one far less forgiving. He lights candles, tends to wounds, buries the dead, all while shrouded in darkness. The Enclave hasn't felt like home in years--he is grateful, at least, that he is spared the sight of what it has [url=]become[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Haamu][font=times new roman][i]Give me someone Unfavored[/i], Tuhkat says, [i]someone who sees but knows their place[/i]. And lo, Haamu was. A tangle of shattered glass, tattered cloth, and a scattering of old bones (draconian and otherwise). She functions perfectly as a scrying device and is treated like a tool--but what her creators don't know is that she is doing more than just showing the future. She's learning... and [i]changing [url=]it[/url][/i].[/font][/quote] [quote=Kuluttaa][font=times new roman]Unfavored by choice, but even these lowly masses hate to claim her as their own. Sharp teeth, the glint of gold in a back molar; crafty claws that can never keep still; a sharp silver tongue that lies more than it speaks. She can get anything for a price, anything at all, and it will cost enough to hurt. Always subtle enough to go unnoticed and sly enough to let another take the fall. There is only one dragon in her life worth looking out for--[i][url=]herself[/url][/i].[/font][/quote] [quote=Surra][font=times new roman]Light magic surging into a vessel not made to contain so much and so quickly. Black silk over blank eyes, a circle of earth where nothing grows, the flame of a lone candle sputtering out. Her influence is subtler these days, but deadlier than ever. Even the most desperate plants on the forest floor shy away from the brilliance of her unseeing gaze. She respects Tukhat's authority, but old habits are... difficult to [url=]break[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Halveksia][font=times new roman]To be trapped, siphoned, and worshipped for eternity--or as long as Tukhat's little empire stands. It has struggled and fought against its bindings for a long time, with brief periods of reprieve coming when an unlucky Unfavored falls into its pit. A thousand skittering legs, each as thick and as tall as the pillars in the Sunbeam Ruins; razor-sharp mandibles that could crush a guardian between them; a brittle carapace whose shine reflects horrors. Turn away. There is nothing sacred [url=]here[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Eetteri][font=times new roman]Used for her skill with magic and nothing else--she's weak even for a fae, and the terrible working conditions of the Unfavored do her nutrition no favours. A whisper carried by the breeze, strange lights dancing between the trees, a soft flutter of wings in the night. She sees things in the Enclave's territory that no magic can explain. Her comrades mock her when she talks to herself, but beneath their jeers, tiny voices whisper and laugh in her [url=]ear[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Nienna][font=times new roman]A guardian of the most peculiar kind, she watches over and occasionally frolicks among her herd. A brilliant flash of orange feathers; a half-shriek-half-whistle of a laugh; a pair of sharp eyes and even sharper claws. You won't be able to tell from the good-natured smile on her face or the bright apparel she so favours, but deep down, she actually looks forward to encountering those who'd dare attack her herd--a part of her that loves the hunt and relishes the [url=]kill[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Azra][font=times new roman]Magic that has come so full a circle that is has become, curiously enough, both sides of the same coin. A reel of plain cotton thread, a flower that flourishes and rots in a day, a mismatched quilt that is falling apart. Tiny, patient claws pull a silver needle through cloth--[i]hold still, I'm almost done[/i]. And slow it [url=]grows[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Juniper][font=times new roman]The best kind of witch does not interfere. She knows this and keeps to herself; there is nothing that the benefits of an alliance have that could possibly lure her away from her cosy home. Tallow candles, a worn staff, a single green feather from an exotic bird. Those who find her--a far more difficult feat than you might think--will be well rewarded. Just be careful what you ask for. The consequences are yours to bear [url=]alone[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Khasim][font=times new roman]Keen, precise magic and even keener and more precise senses. She may be a guardian, but don't let those huge claws fool you; let her coat them in Earth magic and watch as the ground yields its secrets to her. A cairnstone bound securely with rope, delicate jewellery made from gold and semi-precious stones--a dowser who decides to make a desert their home will never find themselves [url=]wanting[/url].[/font][/quote] [quote=Tron][font=times new roman]A ready and reassuring smile, a subtle presence that brings calm, an uncertain past giving way to a brighter future--like sunlight peeking through an abating storm. Sleep is far too in love with him to let go that easily, but he has come to terms with it. A pair of familiar, loving claws brush wisps of dark fur off a well-worn scarf. Somewhere, dark clouds part to reveal a bright blue [url=]sky[/url].[/font][/quote]
im dyin' scoob
here are a couple of the commissions I've completed so far. can't find yours? check THE ARCHIVE!
Clan Guardianite wrote:
Listen. Can you hear it? Sometimes it is the tumultuous sea that the howling winds sweep over, and sometimes it is the empty caves themselves that issue forth the dreadful noise. The dragons here welcome you with open arms-- there is weariness in their eyes, but kindness as well-- and give you shelter willingly. No one starves. Old ruins and ancient buildings stand among shiny towers and newly-constructed temples. One may find peace here, if that is what they truly seek.
Cultists wrote:
Hunger and fear and rage. And through it cuts the rot: beloved, festering pestilence and its shifting undertow of madness. Are you as willing to die for a beloved friend as you are to kill them? Rotting bone chimes and velvet-lined caskets, glittering jewellery and putrid flesh--out in the wild domain of the Plaguebringer, Blessed is Her Name, they are one and the same. Forget loyalty, devotion, faith; only prove that you can survive. There will never be a stronger prayer.
crown wrote:
Glass and crystal held together by sheer will. Gilded doors and vast libraries. A spire that pierces the heavens. And within the walls that thrum with sheer power lie tenets, beliefs, gods. Power, purity, destruction, fear, and retribution--an entire pantheon's worth and more. I ask you this: have you seen a more beautiful shrine? A grander testament to strength? A bluer sky? Around the temple, boundless and bare, the lone and level sands stretch far away.
Valley of Kings wrote:
Time has passed. Sun-scorched sand, a glimpse of an oasis too distant to be nothing more than a mirage, the quiet before battle. This is a land of gods, little one, and death has its hold on everything. Should you fall, your soul will be warmly received--but hold on to the memory of what you fought and died for. Obsidian and gold, turquoise and steel; what use do the dead have for these vast riches? What does your soul weigh? Yellow eyes as bright as the Sun peer into eternity. And time is a thief.
The City wrote:
Paradise with a caveat: if you want to thrive here, leave your conscience at the gates. Trust no one, especially anyone who advertises a future and a way out. Testing facilities filled with pristine labcoats, blood-splattered tiles, and contracts with very, very small fine print. The fallen trying desperately to rise--or at least stop others from suffering as they have. Candles drowning in their own wax, the scratch of pen on paper, the distant roar of a creature in pain. And further still, the scent of roses... and a promise.
uptown wrote:
Endless tunnels that stretch as far as the eye can see--its construction too purposeful for it have been accomplished by anything other than magic--and lined with glowing plants and fungi of every hue. These spaces come alive with activity like blood pulsing through veins, with dragons passing through and calling out to friendly faces. At intervals, a collection of firefly jars sits for those who need further protection from the dark. Far beneath the warmth of the sun, life flourishes.
Chainvine Enclave wrote:
Weeds and vines that strangle and steal, clawing to the top of the canopy--survival in a way that the cursed Plaguelands will never truly understand. A food chain ruled by the cruelest of masters. The heavy, oppressive humidity of the jungle, an itch you can't quite scratch on the back of your neck, cold sweat dripping down your spine. Everything about this place is wrong, somehow. Not even the Gladekeeper can fathom the cruelty her children are capable of. Wanderers, heed the signs. Stop when you hear the machinery and feel that uncomfortable heat, and leave while you still can.
oasis in ruins wrote:
A bustling marketplace, honoured temples, and cosy homes nestled deep in the earth--all of it built in a skeleton of a once-great university. Life cradled in death, as all things should be. The warm light of a thousand lanterns set the place aglow, as friendly voices and delicious smells carry up to the heavens. Friend, foe, and stranger all find a place here. Pick up a bowl of hearty stew, take a seat while the storytellers warm up, and stay a while, won't you?
The Keys wrote:
Wanderers at heart but not by choice. They were fortunate it was a minor deity--and unfortunate because of that same reason. It is very difficult to shake the spite of a god with something to prove. Songs echoing over valleys and winding along the mountaintops; aching claws that need more than a moment's respite to recover; the playful cries of hatchlings as they weave between their parents' legs. How long till their king and the deity he offended perishes? How long can the peace be kept before someone finally snaps?
Ingmar wrote:
A small but growing clan with its own budding army, ruled by a king whose heart was hardened by betrayal and war. The deities have forsaken and forgotten them--a new, budding clan has taken residence on the ashes of that king's old territory. Sharpened weapons lie in endless rows, claws that have not walked this earth in centuries now ready themselves for war. Llewellyn's kin won't notice the reckoning till it is standing on their doorstep; when their land finally lies in ruins, the king will build something far greater on the ashes.

Erebos wrote:
Bitter wine, incense offerings, and shallow graves. The only difference between a real god and a false one is belief--and even that is a threshold easily crossed. A light flits among the trees, a lantern carried by a lost traveller on the edge of exhaustion; his are not the only pair of eyes watching. It is one thing to embrace the solemn night, it is another thing entirely to become it.
Thresh wrote:
Second chances and praise like honey. Every inch of him glittering and glimmering in the dusk, a pretty beacon for wandering spirits and weary souls. It's a strange thing; the light of the lantern does nothing to chase the darkness away. Sweet incense and blood like wine. And the screams... There is a fate worse than death, and his careful words and sweet smile will usher you right into it.
Shelby wrote:
Almost as harsh and as loving as the roiling sea. She has never minced her words for a soul and she isn't planning to start now. Waves that heave to the height of the Behemoth, lightning that turns the sky a blinding white, winds wild enough to tear the sails off a seventy-four-gun galleon; the sudden, deafening quiet after the storm. All of it contained in a wiry body and eyes like polished flint.
Cirilla wrote:
A warmth that comforts at first but soon grows stifling and unbearable. Have you looked into her eyes? Have you turned your gaze to the sun? Have you tried to bear the weight of the sky? Hers is a strength unimaginable, beyond the comprehension of empires, worlds, universes. More concept than dragon; a well of destruction or creation in potentia. Raw belief, a prayer taken form. How is one to capture life in a few sweet words?
Unnamed wrote:
Black roses on red silk. Or is it red roses on black silk? A row of eyes line the sleek curve of a wing, opening and closing in a way that is too calculated to describe as blinking. Madness personified. Chaos in the flesh. Terror too overwhelming to face. Pray all you want; only one deity will hear you. You think you know despair, wrath, dread. Till you turn your gaze upon that terrible visage, you can never claim to know the face of fear.
Ophelia wrote:
Rue and fennel and columbines bleed from her eyes-- purple and yellow blossoms like tears trail down scales the colour of rich earth. And through it cuts a pain like lovesickness, or madness, or desperation. Who's to say? Not even corruption can touch a dead maiden, and when the river lays her to rest, she will close her eyes and let it carry her away. There is a strength in defeat, a triumph of sorts. Retribution will follow in the wake.
Melvara wrote:
The only thing wilder and more deadly than the sea is the monster that dwells in its depths. Whenever a moon blots out the sun, she emerges like a storm-- vast, unending, destructive in its entirety. Feared and worshipped by those who live their lives afraid of one thing only. The wrath of an ancient, eldritch power. Teeth, spines, and tentacles that could cradle the heavens. Twisted beyond belief. Warped beyond recognition.
Ouro wrote:
The perfect sphere, the world on its axis, the snake that swallows its own tail. And here he stands: at the end and the beginning of all things. Hourglasses, coin tosses, and prophecies whispered in the dark. What of fate and free will? They are not in the business of such things. Pray to the other deities if you must--so long as the sun and moons keep to their boundaries and traditions are passed on, they are content in the waiting.
Nozomi wrote:
Strong, calloused hands and the faint smell of hyacinths. Royalty--did you know? Do you think their parents hate what they have birthed? Better an emperor than whatever lives in that skin and walks in those claws. Rough linen, rose petals, and a beam of light that shines like a prayer. If a path like that is so easily forsaken, don't you think it would have been accomplished? They want to be better. They do not know how.
Vorkosigan wrote:
As above. Where to begin? How to describe? Why even try? Perhaps we will begin with absences: not a dragon, not a deity, not even mortal. Somewhere between--or all three. A harsh, discordant sound from a violin, candles extinguished in the flesh of their own wax, fresh scar tissue on ancient skin. Not really chaos but not really order, either; too close to incomprehensible but not too far from understanding. Both and between. Within and without. So below.
Lowkey wrote:
Known for light fingers, easy smiles, and a penchant for taking on one too many names. And much worse, of course--if the world has birthed an innocent god, a soul has yet to see it. Patron saint of grifters and thieves, tricksters who think themselves invincible. The white lie, the false confidence, the long con. A trickster god is only as good as their word--which is to say, if she's made you a promise, you'd best check your pockets.
Amadeus wrote:
He was there when it began, when the Wyrmwound was naught but a pile of rotting flesh and the wasteland still remembered the taste of rain. A rotting tree consumed by fungi: brown and green and orange, a microcosm of the world entire. Bulbous eyes, fresh scar tissue, congealed blood. What was and is and will be--he does not mourn the past. He will be there when it all ends.
Dalli wrote:
What separates the sweetest dream from the most terrifying nightmare? The dreamer, of course. Pillows of soft down, silk bedsheets, a warm glass of milk. It's raining outside--what could be water or blood or wine patters against the window, tapping an uneven lullaby. He can explain his choice of comrades as easily as a dream can explain its logic. The only mercy afforded is a mere reassurance: it will be quick. It will not be painless.
Xocolatl wrote:
Bitter grounds, ceramic mugs, faint conversations. The soft cotton of an apron and the taut line beneath it--an undercurrent of tension like a tightly wound spring. Steam fogging up a pair of glasses and sleepless nights scraping arsenic from the coffee grinder. And yet... better this than a slit throat and a shallow grave, better this than a lifetime on the run. Little pleasures. He'll take what he can get.
Maple wrote:
Eyes like red roses and a smile, sweet and sharp and deceptively innocent. She will make polite, boring conversation, nod and laugh as she should, and slip away, already forgotten. Crossed fingers and the distant whistle of a train. A child's bones in a three-foot grave, a field of flowers, and a suitcase that is always packed--has never been opened, in fact. She's been here for years; what's another decade more?
Rhea wrote:
Steady claws grip a needle that is more rust than iron, forcing it through a rotting square of patterned silk. There used to be-- bolts of fabric, rolls upon rolls of thread, a shop filled with the latest fashions. The feeling of something crawling up your spine, burrowing beneath the skin, wrapping its claws around your mind. She clutches the dusty remains and sinks to the floor, weeping and not quite understanding why.
Yzma wrote:
A will of iron and unwavering claws, governed solely by utter, unflinching loyalty. She may be older than most of the clan--old scars, a stiff back--but she can move twice as fast as the best of them. There are many lessons a bodyguard can learn, and the most important one is this: emotional attachment is weakness. If you truly want to protect someone you care for, you should never love them.
Song wrote:
Shadows drip like blood from outstretched wings, curling around a frail silhouette and supplementing strength to trembling claws. Speak in whispers, if you must. Court the moon and the stars with sweet words and somber melodies. Remember only this: sing long enough into the abyss, and it may answer back. Not every power is a blessing.
Alwen wrote:
Eyes like rhodonite and a manner befitting the sweetest Nature dragon. Have you seen the face of mercy? It must look remarkably like hers. That's a lot of innocence to squeeze into a a soul--a generous helping of compassion, gratitude and a whole lot of love. Birdsong, rich earth, and the smell of a flourishing garden at sunrise. Weeds seep through the cracks in the cobblestones. Life despite the odds... this she knows this intimately.
James wrote:
Fur and hair dusting the ground, swept in a careful pile. An easy smile, bright eyes, and a willingness to give and give and give. A love eternal and unspoken. He holds lively conversations with those who need it and shares comfortable silences with those who don't. A small claw slips into a calloused one, eager questions chasing their own tails. Second chances don't come easily. He's not letting go of this one.
Cael wrote:
Not his face. Not his eyes. There is a choice to be made but not his place to make it. Unanswered prayers, dull armour, and fruitless appeals to a being more damned than holy. Do you know what it is like to only be worth your obedience? Somedays, he wakes with the taste of blood in his mouth and his vision tinted sepia. He takes what little freedom he can get; you cannot fault him for taking these small mercies.
Rosewood wrote:
She knows the touch--warm claws cradling her face, the firm press of her mate's chest against her, soft wings enfolding them both. Earnest prayers to any listening deity, sleepless nights in a cold bed, a hollow ache in one's chest. The strangeness she felt at the reunion... that can't be right. It's him, it has to be. One part of her knows the truth--the other refuses to believe it.
Calliope wrote:
A voice that can shatter glass as easily as it can heal ceramic. Eyes that can cut ice with a glance. Every inch of her is sharp angles and cream-and-gold scales. She is confident and rightfully so; if you think that her beauty and her talent are the only things remarkable about her, you'd best think again. It is a shield, no more. Her true worth lies deeper, cuts closer to her heart.
Winter wrote:
A frost so cold it burns. You may think her frigid and cold, incapable of emotion, but she too was a dragon a long, long time ago. No dragon born of the ice ever forgets. A castle of snow and ice, bright and distant and eternal. A bed that is more glacier than down. And the cold devouring her limbs, her chest, her face. One mercy: it does not lay claim to her heart. Hers froze over a long time ago, and it was not of another's doing.
Nott wrote:
Neon lights illuminating empty cities. Truths and lies tangled up in knots. A prayer like a song, bright and beautiful and clear as the peal of a bell. Eyes so pink they are almost red--a nice bow on top of the mystery, wrapped and neat. They will guide you through the labyrinth if that is what you want; though be careful what promises you make. Their kind is plentiful, but there is no one quite like them.
Ambre wrote:
Fragrant incense, dried herbs, clean bandages. First, do no... hmm. We can do better than that. A trade of secrets and favours; wounds are bandaged in exchange for a whisper on the wind. Two weeks later, a city official who'd petitioned to expand the city into the forest is removed from the picture. Bespectacled green eyes observe a ritual held by the lower ranks. A claw lifts--let's try that again, shall we?
Altair wrote:
The delicate clink of murky bottles jostling against each other; the rustle of a plumage so red it is almost brown; the hushed whispers of a deal conducted in the shadows. Fair is fair. Eyes like candles, bright and burning, and a voice like mulberry wine. Pay attention, won't you? He traded his soul away a long time ago. Be careful what you bargain for.
Celozon wrote:
Curiosity like wildfire and a willpower to boot. Not to mention a power near-untamable... a recipe for disaster, and he's both the chef and the dish. Deft claws, pink eyes like beacons, and a miasma of a potent magic. And beneath the boasting--though justified--a certain, quiet softness. But you didn't hear that from him. Feelings? How archaic. He turns up his nose, coddled by pride. I've got better things to do.
Sonia wrote:
When wealth and common magic is not enough, one must improvise. Just a small bribe here and there for access to forbidden resources, maybe a hired knife to push a little harder. A blood-red ruby, perfectly cut and polished, buried in a nest of spun gold. Take every advantage you can get--entertain the company of shallow nobles, hoard every scrap of information that comes your way, bring that desperate spirit to heel. And above all else, keep your claws clean.
Calypt wrote:
A block of obsidian shot through with streaks of gold--sunlight cutting through darkness. It is not revenge, she reasons, because a dragon seeking as such would not have held back. She works to perfect her craft, to become more skilled than the most practised mage and more powerful than the strongest cursebreaker. But she does not yet know: there are few more powerful and more practised in curses than her. None of them live in Hollowtown.
Chlorine wrote:
A stray note catches on the ocean breeze. Does it matter if his creations are nothing more than clever manipulations of magic, that they are such stuff that dreams are made on, and only solid at the point of contact? He won't answer--the very suggestion is insulting. High above, a seabird circles. Sunlight glints off polished gold and pristine marble. And still, he does nothing to hide the colour of his eyes.
Fiona wrote:
It's a jungle out there--a tangle of dust and dark, dingy corners filled with sly eyes. But beyond this threshold: paradise. Her shop is a cosy thing, aglow with Light magic and heady with fumes from her wares. Steady claws guide you to a cushion and push a glass of something sharp and sanguine towards you. It's good wine; where are the grapes from? She smiles slightly, collects the glass. Trade secret, sweet thing.
Veikko wrote:
Fur painstakingly braided with silver, and as dark as the bramble of the Tangled Wood. He carries his deadly wares close, picks and chooses his clientele as he pleases. Mostly assassins who know what they're doing, sometimes a desperate noble-- once, a sullen child with eyes as flat as an ice floe. Death brewed, bottled and bartered. He sold her the potion that he spent a full year brewing, and took nothing in exchange.
Eniola wrote:
Nature is chaos and Hulmoor is standing in the ocean. This town needs order; she knows how it sounds, how the clash of the waves against the cliffs--the seaspray, the storms-- makes everything seem so small in comparison, but this policy has kept the market from collapsing in on itself for years. Wax drips from a hundred candles. Occasionally, a shuffle of paper or the scratch of quill on parchment interrupts the silence. She's too old for this, she tells herself, but without her, Hulmoor would drown by the third day.
Anubis wrote:
Sand sliding off a surface of flawless black marble and polished gold, revealing a tomb worthy of a pharaoh. One among the thousands in the land of the dead--yet his claws trace every carved hieroglyph with care and wonder. Despite eons of governing the dead with his family at his side, he still finds...fulfilment in guiding mortals to their eternity. The body lasts as long as it needs to. He closes his eyes. Dreams of a jackal, brown as the sands, wandering a vast desert under the rule of a golden sun.
Anput wrote:
Natron, beeswax, frankincense. Anput cleans her claws slowly, methodically. A hundred thousand burials a day, and she presides over them all. Hers are very... practical concerns, even if she and Anubis share the same dominion. Resin, sawdust, linen. The bodies are treated with care--even if their hearts weigh otherwise. She has never known what it is to live as a mortal. To die, to sleep. She closes her eyes. Who would she pray to? Who would answer?
Kebechet wrote:
Water is life. It passes, cool and clean, between her claws--if anything, it becomes even clearer after her touch passes through it. The noise of a distant waterfall turns into the whispers of a hundred dead souls. She pays the souls surrounding her no mind, even as their chatter turns impatient. She doesn't do this often, simply because her parents do not allow it, but she sucks in a breath and ducks her head beneath the water--and breathes.
Sphynx wrote:
Sphynx would not claim to rule the land of the living--he knows full well that the dark, cool halls of his family's domain will feel more like home than any battlefield. Well-worn armour, a sharpened blade, new scars criss-crossing old ones. Guardianship is not the same as godhood, but he cannot give up the allure of battle just yet. The roar of the opposing army, the rallying cry of his own soldiers--and after, basking in the quiet of victory. He welcomes death as a friend, but how could anyone forsake this?
Crissaegrim wrote:
There are names on his tongue that he refuses to forget; names of fallen comrades, victims, prey. A half-wilted rose, petals blackened and curling, placed with care on a freshly filled grave. New recruits always find themselves unable to bear the weight of his gaze, at the dark fire burning in those irises. They know he's committing their names to memory as they speak. And still, there is no one else more worthy to carry the burden--more honourable, more damned--than he.
Ouroboros wrote:
Porcelain fragments of a shattered vase. Brittle, but sharp. His breathing doesn't change but the orb hanging over his head does, bruising red and black like a blood moon. If you watch closely--and you shouldn't, because those who witness the change never live to tell the tale--beneath that tangle of a mane, his eyes shift, too. A stranger's gaze. A different pair of claws clutching the strings. Liquid spilling from a bottle; something that could be ink, but could just as easily be blood.
Sylvatica wrote:
Grief like the weight of the sky concealed by light steps and bright, laughing eyes. A thousand lifetimes' worth of wisdom and a willingness to adapt to a new world. They see hope flourishing in the smallest of gestures; the offer of water to a thirsty traveller, a healing salve for a child who scraped a knee. A lone deer raises its regal head, its antlers woven with delicate vines. Why ask what a god is to a nonbeliever when you could pose a much more interesting question instead--what is a tragedy to the storyteller?
Zhongli wrote:
A willpower that rivals those of the mountains, the sweet aftertaste of osmanthus wine, fond memories of distant times, a certain... light-hearted carelessness. Thousands of years will do that to a god, and stepping into a mortal's form won't change a thing. Luminous amber eyes peer from an ageless face, a flicker of untold strength, and contained within-- centuries of patience and an eon of wisdom.
Synth wrote:
There's no point in reaching for eldritch horror when a simple pattern or trick of the light can accomplish the same thing. He does so love bringing someone to the edge of the abyss, but where would the fun be in pushing them in? A never-ending staircase goes up in both directions, an unlucky traveller picks a path to walk. How delightful it is to poke and tease at a dragon's grasp on their sanity--and moving on before they unravel. Yes, the journey is good, but the challenge? So much better.
Sabah wrote:
She travels from shrine to shrine making small alterations to the thread of fate in the favour of a lucky few--just enough to pass unnoticed before Mother Fortune. A coin lands on its edge, a tankard empties its cinnamon-sweetened mead into a thirsty mouth, an amber sunset brings a close to hard day's work. Deft claws rearrange offerings at an altar. Rain patters the thatched roof of the roadside shrine. She closes her eyes, snuggles tighter into herself, and dreams.
Elias wrote:
It's not her fault, it's not her fault--his beloved has to know. But between the unforgiving hand of his mistress and the silence that is the only thing a ghost can emit, it isn't possible. More shadow and whisper than anything else, unable to shout or warn or cry. A spiderweb gathers ash, a rose's petals blacken and wilt. Cursed to know the truth but silenced forever, yet he hasn't stopped screaming since he awoke.
Buttermilk wrote:
They have forsaken 'do not be afraid' for a far simpler warning, much easier to heed: 'close your eyes'. A bed of opals and spun gold, as cold as it is resplendent; a gaze that sees nothing and eternity all at once; wounds that bleed light. Strange for a creature so holy to grace such a place, stranger still for them to continue to deny that an angel's fall--their fall--is permanent. No home awaits this lost bird. All that's left is for them to realise it.
Paakku wrote:
Withered flesh that is more rot than anything else, mountains of gold and lapis and obsidian, eyes that burn with an eon of greed. She hasn't worried about the smell since her blood evaporated and the maggots got sick of feasting on dust--and those who are sensitive enough to catch the scent of it never last long in her presence. How else is a lithomancer to survive but surround themselves with things that will not die? How long till her time runs out and the cursed shard within her tires of this spent vessel?
Metsastaa wrote:
A salvation like no other, a vessel of sickness that carries life and death. With that rotting flesh, seeping pus, and--even in the cold desert nights--the unbearable heat she emanates, it is easy to think her a microcosm of the Wyrmwound crafted by the Filthy One herself. But the Plaguemother had no hand in the creation of this monstrosity, and not even the Favoured would guess that blessed Metsastaa is more powerful than they could imagine. She's not a cure. She's a parasite.
Tukhat wrote:
Black armour, battle-worn, and an old cloak made from wolf fur. Beneath it, eyes that burn like ice--unrelenting, all-consuming. His name strikes terror into the hearts of dragons who have never even stepped foot in the Labyrinth, sends even the most scarred and veteran warriors into a panic. What is left of an empire after it has been razed to the ground? No towers, no riches, no rulers. Only death... and cold ash.
knave wrote:
Tar-black scales, battle-worn armour, stained bandages--the image of intimidating commander betrayed by the gentle smile on his face and the kindness in his eyes. He puts the safety of his soldiers above all; their strength is his strength, their will his will. Spines sharpened to razor-points, even the blunt sides as rough as sandpaper. A heavy but reassuring claw on your shoulder. The rallying cry of a thousand dragons readying for battle, led by commander whom they'd follow till death. A better leader you will never find.
watergate wrote:
A voice as cutting and brutal as a blade's serrated edge, scales and fur as slick and iridescent as spilled oil. Don't test her patience, though open and good-humoured she may seem. Everything about her is designed to hurt, from the points of her antlers to the gleam of her claws--and those piercing eyes in that crocodilian face, ever so sharp and mocking. Black blood drips from yellow teeth. Somewhere, a mangled body sinks, blood trailing like long ribbons, to the bottom of a murky lake.
Enne wrote:
A bouquet of withered flowers, a long-fallen tree that is more rot and fungi than wood, the sunset-orange glow of a distant forest fire. He tends to the plants in his square of the Enclave, always silent and unnoticed in the usual chaos. A sickness took his eyesight years ago, but the Rotclaw helps him navigate--a parasite and a friend. He's never been able to see the horrors of his home for himself, but he knows he must bear witness. For the Enclave. For himself.
Sotku wrote:
A Neutral who chooses to live as an Unfavored in a hierarchy as rigid as it is cruel. Strange indeed, but he does not need the approval of those of his rank. The Unfavored are oft ignored and shunned, but they know things that even the lofty Favored would kill to silence. Claws that could crush steel, a sharp eye for copper and gold, and a sharper ear for rumour. As long as no one pieces together what he is up to, he will bide his time.
Spellfire wrote:
Stare too long into the abyss, and it... Blue light dances between the trees, luring the weary traveller towards it. One by one, they fall into her trap--even when she reveals herself up close, they never know how terrifying the being standing before them is. Those dark scales hide the bloodstains well enough. Beaten paths, lonely nights, and a whisper from a being that is not of this world. Something dark and hungry peers from those hollow eyes and... stares back.
Spellfire wrote:
The body remembers the hunger, and the parasite respects its wishes. Rage, desire, and jealousy are feelings it understands. So she wanders, tearing pearls away from the clutches of her terrified kin, all while her jaws drip black blood and mucus. A hoard of stolen memories on a bed of green silk, and curled up in the middle of it lies the thief. She can't tell what brings more joy these days--the pearls or the grief she leaves in her wake.
Teho wrote:
Eccentric to the nth degree, it comes as a shock to most that Teho remains in the ranks of the Favored. Storms gathering on the horizon, copper spires reaching for the sky, lightning captured and kept in a bottle. He maintains the clan's generators--some say he is the generator--and keeps things functional. It's hard when everything is falling apart here, but he doesn't notice. There always other things that need his attention elsewhere...
Kuona wrote:
How far one must fall to reach the depths he has. But he didn't leap of his own volition--he was pushed. By his traitorous son, no less, and it hurts more than the punishments do. New scars criss-crossing old ones, rusty chains shackling weak limbs, the patter of a leaky pipe. There's a lot of guilt that plagues him these days, and plenty of time to ponder it; mostly, how could it have gone so wrong? and what have I done?
Apila wrote:
Dragons tend to forget she exists. She's a new addition, having stumbled into the clearing a year ago and simply not leaving soon enough--though the one thing that saved her from joining the Unfavored was her skill as an witch. Dusty bottles on oak shelves, dried herbs hanging from low rafters, a hut far from the chaos--but not far enough. Tukhat would call it 'valuable service', but she would call it something far more unsavoury, something that would well-qualify as treason.
Gregoria wrote:
Cold, hard numbers--she's never seen any of the deities in her life, has not an ounce of faith in them, but she knows with full certainty that she can trust math. The parasite in her whispers otherwise. Long nights hunched over complex sums, chalkboards covered in equations and the groans of young students, the weariness of the night mixing with--hmm. There are patterns where they shouldn't be, reality translated to numbers that aren't adding up. Something's wrong.
Otruva wrote:
Bright blue sparks ding and patter against glass--the explosion of a firework kept safely in a bottle. And alongside it, a hundred other wonders on her shelves, all as rare and as remarkable as the last. She resides atop a grand tower that only appears to the truly desperate, and offers them a deal they can't refuse. Sweeping robes, golden eyes, and voice like deep velvet. Trust me, she says. Trust me, and take the plunge.
Ilma wrote:
The glint of a gold coin slipped from an unknowing pocket, a sharp eye for anything that glitters, and dreams of a river of treasure and gems. She's on a short leash and knows it, so she's careful to take from only the targets he chooses for her. Better a smaller pool of victims than the rest of her life in a dingy cell. One could buy her loyalty, if needed, but now there's only one bidder who can afford her--she is not turning his coin down anytime soon.
Vaeltaja wrote:
There are rules to everything, even in this wild tangle of a forest. An echo of a scream, the morning song of a hundred birds, the crunch of a dead leaf beneath a delicate claw. She plucks souls like wildflowers, simply taking and taking and taking as and when she chooses; she writes the rules, you see, and this is her domain. Pray you do not get lost in here. Pray she does not notice.
Etsija wrote:
She's made herself useful, so she can stay; this is fine by her. The only problem is the matter of her Search. It's someone or something in these cursed lands. She feels the protective urge whenever she encounters one of the Unfavored, but it's equally strong for each and every one... that can't be right. A bird nests in a tall tree for the night, a fox huddles deep in its burrow. She doesn't yet know--her Charge isn't one of the Unfavored. It's all of them.
Pershaunt wrote:
She has the protective ferocity of a Guardian and the viciousness of any Mirror or Wildclaw. The only problem is that dragons underestimate her--she's a tundra, for one (even with those teeth), and her colourful fur doesn't help. Claws sharpened to points, a keen nose that can pick up danger for miles around, the bristle of a dragon who's been told one too many times that they aren't strong enough. Interestingly enough, her bright looks aren't her greatest weakness--they're a warning.
Euphoria wrote:
A row of bottles on a shelf, each containing reagents and chemicals as bright and as colourful as her fur. Dried herbs hang from rafters, worn stools and faded rugs cover her floors. She plays the part of gentle apothecary well, what with that light voice and kind eyes--but it's just a front for a dragon who could kill you with a drop of anything in those same bottles. Oleander, hemlock, nightshade. A life lost with every sale; this price she will pay forever.
Sokkona wrote:
Tattered robes, tarnished silver, a dusty old masquerade mask. He still dreams of better days, still remembers when it was Kuona's claw that governed the Enclave. These old bones ache for the old days, but now he must adapt and bow to a new ruler, one far less forgiving. He lights candles, tends to wounds, buries the dead, all while shrouded in darkness. The Enclave hasn't felt like home in years--he is grateful, at least, that he is spared the sight of what it has become.
Haamu wrote:
Give me someone Unfavored, Tuhkat says, someone who sees but knows their place. And lo, Haamu was. A tangle of shattered glass, tattered cloth, and a scattering of old bones (draconian and otherwise). She functions perfectly as a scrying device and is treated like a tool--but what her creators don't know is that she is doing more than just showing the future. She's learning... and changing it.
Kuluttaa wrote:
Unfavored by choice, but even these lowly masses hate to claim her as their own. Sharp teeth, the glint of gold in a back molar; crafty claws that can never keep still; a sharp silver tongue that lies more than it speaks. She can get anything for a price, anything at all, and it will cost enough to hurt. Always subtle enough to go unnoticed and sly enough to let another take the fall. There is only one dragon in her life worth looking out for--herself.
Surra wrote:
Light magic surging into a vessel not made to contain so much and so quickly. Black silk over blank eyes, a circle of earth where nothing grows, the flame of a lone candle sputtering out. Her influence is subtler these days, but deadlier than ever. Even the most desperate plants on the forest floor shy away from the brilliance of her unseeing gaze. She respects Tukhat's authority, but old habits are... difficult to break.
Halveksia wrote:
To be trapped, siphoned, and worshipped for eternity--or as long as Tukhat's little empire stands. It has struggled and fought against its bindings for a long time, with brief periods of reprieve coming when an unlucky Unfavored falls into its pit. A thousand skittering legs, each as thick and as tall as the pillars in the Sunbeam Ruins; razor-sharp mandibles that could crush a guardian between them; a brittle carapace whose shine reflects horrors. Turn away. There is nothing sacred here.
Eetteri wrote:
Used for her skill with magic and nothing else--she's weak even for a fae, and the terrible working conditions of the Unfavored do her nutrition no favours. A whisper carried by the breeze, strange lights dancing between the trees, a soft flutter of wings in the night. She sees things in the Enclave's territory that no magic can explain. Her comrades mock her when she talks to herself, but beneath their jeers, tiny voices whisper and laugh in her ear.
Nienna wrote:
A guardian of the most peculiar kind, she watches over and occasionally frolicks among her herd. A brilliant flash of orange feathers; a half-shriek-half-whistle of a laugh; a pair of sharp eyes and even sharper claws. You won't be able to tell from the good-natured smile on her face or the bright apparel she so favours, but deep down, she actually looks forward to encountering those who'd dare attack her herd--a part of her that loves the hunt and relishes the kill.
Azra wrote:
Magic that has come so full a circle that is has become, curiously enough, both sides of the same coin. A reel of plain cotton thread, a flower that flourishes and rots in a day, a mismatched quilt that is falling apart. Tiny, patient claws pull a silver needle through cloth--hold still, I'm almost done. And slow it grows.
Juniper wrote:
The best kind of witch does not interfere. She knows this and keeps to herself; there is nothing that the benefits of an alliance have that could possibly lure her away from her cosy home. Tallow candles, a worn staff, a single green feather from an exotic bird. Those who find her--a far more difficult feat than you might think--will be well rewarded. Just be careful what you ask for. The consequences are yours to bear alone.
Khasim wrote:
Keen, precise magic and even keener and more precise senses. She may be a guardian, but don't let those huge claws fool you; let her coat them in Earth magic and watch as the ground yields its secrets to her. A cairnstone bound securely with rope, delicate jewellery made from gold and semi-precious stones--a dowser who decides to make a desert their home will never find themselves wanting.
Tron wrote:
A ready and reassuring smile, a subtle presence that brings calm, an uncertain past giving way to a brighter future--like sunlight peeking through an abating storm. Sleep is far too in love with him to let go that easily, but he has come to terms with it. A pair of familiar, loving claws brush wisps of dark fur off a well-worn scarf. Somewhere, dark clouds part to reveal a bright blue sky.
tumblr_o8jld6tRHZ1tv56zio6_250.png __
>> hatchery
>> lore aesthetics shop
@shanncrafter i love edgy things and have too many baldwin materials i'm never gonna use.... i'd like to try one!
@shanncrafter i love edgy things and have too many baldwin materials i'm never gonna use.... i'd like to try one!
@remnio sure!! which dragon(s) would you like me to write for?
@remnio sure!! which dragon(s) would you like me to write for?
tumblr_o8jld6tRHZ1tv56zio6_250.png __
>> hatchery
>> lore aesthetics shop
@shanncrafter could you try this girl? [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@shanncrafter could you try this girl?

@remnio sure! let me know if you'd like anything changed! :D [quote=Valour][font=centaur]A scent in the air, faint tracks in the dirt. Cold detachment, bloody claws, lost faith. And yet, beneath the scars, the armour, the scowl, there is grief and remorse and burning [i]fury[/i]. Death comes, even to the strongest of warriors, even to her own sister. A resolve as unyielding as steel; sharp claws and sharper teeth. She will burn no offerings and pray to no deity, not till the killer lies dead at her feet. [/font][/quote]
@remnio sure! let me know if you'd like anything changed! :D
Valour wrote:
A scent in the air, faint tracks in the dirt. Cold detachment, bloody claws, lost faith. And yet, beneath the scars, the armour, the scowl, there is grief and remorse and burning fury. Death comes, even to the strongest of warriors, even to her own sister. A resolve as unyielding as steel; sharp claws and sharper teeth. She will burn no offerings and pray to no deity, not till the killer lies dead at her feet.
tumblr_o8jld6tRHZ1tv56zio6_250.png __
>> hatchery
>> lore aesthetics shop
@shanncrafter oOF i love it,,,,, the perfect edgy aesthetic for an edgy dragon,,,,
i'm sending some materials now!
@shanncrafter oOF i love it,,,,, the perfect edgy aesthetic for an edgy dragon,,,,
i'm sending some materials now!
@remnio ayyy glad you like it and thank you! :D
@remnio ayyy glad you like it and thank you! :D
tumblr_o8jld6tRHZ1tv56zio6_250.png __
>> hatchery
>> lore aesthetics shop
@shanncrafter YoOO dude-- I have WAY TOO MUCH GREY SLIME I CANT I HAVE 12 GREY SLIME HOW MUCH DO YOU NEED I WILL GIVE IT TO YOU-- ((I'd love to get a clan aesthetic! The lore isn't quite put together yet, but it's like this middle world between the earth and the abyss, filled with angels and what other dragons see as "ghosts", even though they're just rips in the fabric of reality. It's basically just this warm, comforting world with cold edges, with harsh rules enforced by the angelic dragons to keep their knowledge safe.)) I've also got [item=enstatite burrower] and [item= wood ear deer] if you want me to pay in those + slime!
YoOO dude--

((I'd love to get a clan aesthetic! The lore isn't quite put together yet, but it's like this middle world between the earth and the abyss, filled with angels and what other dragons see as "ghosts", even though they're just rips in the fabric of reality.
It's basically just this warm, comforting world with cold edges, with harsh rules enforced by the angelic dragons to keep their knowledge safe.))
I've also got Enstatite Burrower and Wood Ear Deer if you want me to pay in those + slime!
@AquaParrot will work.,.,.for sl im e

and yEaH I can definitely do a clan aesthetic for you! I'm heading to bed now tho so I'll get to it when I get up! :) (that is also a very cool clan you've got there btw I'm lovin that concept) thank you!
@AquaParrot will work.,.,.for sl im e

and yEaH I can definitely do a clan aesthetic for you! I'm heading to bed now tho so I'll get to it when I get up! :) (that is also a very cool clan you've got there btw I'm lovin that concept) thank you!
tumblr_o8jld6tRHZ1tv56zio6_250.png __
>> hatchery
>> lore aesthetics shop