
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | Ink's Sketch Shop {T/G/Items} [OPEN]
Oh my goodness that is amazing! Thank you so much!
Oh my goodness that is amazing! Thank you so much!
@Geese glad you like it! The file should be updated with the halo (oops) and a bit darker lines so if you saved it to your computer/device make sure you save it again!
@Geese glad you like it! The file should be updated with the halo (oops) and a bit darker lines so if you saved it to your computer/device make sure you save it again!
aUBv6Nx.png ... ~ Ink / fr__water_by_baelfin-d8uyn80.png / all pronouns -/-/-/-/-/-/- Pinkerlocke | f2u Bio Banners
cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc...ccccccccc...Inkpot Accent Shop

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Empty your mind.
Be formless. Shapeless, like water. //
Aha so that's what was missing. I saw your note and was so confused for a second because I couldn't see anything wrong. Is it fine if I toss it in his bio? Just wanted to run it by you to make sure ^^
Aha so that's what was missing. I saw your note and was so confused for a second because I couldn't see anything wrong. Is it fine if I toss it in his bio? Just wanted to run it by you to make sure ^^

Yeah totally! :D

Yeah totally! :D
aUBv6Nx.png ... ~ Ink / fr__water_by_baelfin-d8uyn80.png / all pronouns -/-/-/-/-/-/- Pinkerlocke | f2u Bio Banners
cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc...ccccccccc...Inkpot Accent Shop

_ ______________ _ _ _

Empty your mind.
Be formless. Shapeless, like water. //
@Ink would you be willing to do a headshot drawing with two dragons ( no apparel & minimal coloring ) in one image for the price of two dragons...? I completely understand if it is something you do not do though ^^ and I unfortunately only have 200kt and 135g right now so Im not sure if that amount would even cover the price if you do so happen to be down for it :D please let me know and I can see what I can do (: Thank you!
@Ink would you be willing to do a headshot drawing with two dragons ( no apparel & minimal coloring ) in one image for the price of two dragons...? I completely understand if it is something you do not do though ^^ and I unfortunately only have 200kt and 135g right now so Im not sure if that amount would even cover the price if you do so happen to be down for it :D please let me know and I can see what I can do (: Thank you!
@Irrelevant I could do something like that! If you wanted minimal/simple coloring and no apparel that would be 200k, barring some of the more complex genes (crystal, jaguar are the two major ones) which cost just a bit extra because there's no way for me to really simplify those genes.
@Irrelevant I could do something like that! If you wanted minimal/simple coloring and no apparel that would be 200k, barring some of the more complex genes (crystal, jaguar are the two major ones) which cost just a bit extra because there's no way for me to really simplify those genes.
aUBv6Nx.png ... ~ Ink / fr__water_by_baelfin-d8uyn80.png / all pronouns -/-/-/-/-/-/- Pinkerlocke | f2u Bio Banners
cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc...ccccccccc...Inkpot Accent Shop

_ ______________ _ _ _

Empty your mind.
Be formless. Shapeless, like water. //
[font=times new roman]@Ink alright, sounds good, thank you so much! (: here's the two dragons without their apparel or skins (hopefully, this makes it a bit easier for you :P) Andreas, my imp, has jaguar so please just let me know how much extra it would cost ^^[/font] [img][/img] [img][/img]
@Ink alright, sounds good, thank you so much! (: here's the two dragons without their apparel or skins (hopefully, this makes it a bit easier for you :P) Andreas, my imp, has jaguar so please just let me know how much extra it would cost ^^


@Irrelevant I know you mentioned you're a bit tight on treasure, so feel free to toss a couple apparel items, some gems, or some baldwin items my way to cover the extra! Something around 10-15k in value should be fine.

What's the relationship these dragons have? I was going to ask if they were a breeding pair but it looks like they're both male, so do they have some sort of lore based relationship? o:
@Irrelevant I know you mentioned you're a bit tight on treasure, so feel free to toss a couple apparel items, some gems, or some baldwin items my way to cover the extra! Something around 10-15k in value should be fine.

What's the relationship these dragons have? I was going to ask if they were a breeding pair but it looks like they're both male, so do they have some sort of lore based relationship? o:
aUBv6Nx.png ... ~ Ink / fr__water_by_baelfin-d8uyn80.png / all pronouns -/-/-/-/-/-/- Pinkerlocke | f2u Bio Banners
cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc...ccccccccc...Inkpot Accent Shop

_ ______________ _ _ _

Empty your mind.
Be formless. Shapeless, like water. //
@Ink okay I can do that (: and regarding their relationship, I haven't written any lore or anything yet cuz Im lazy lmao but they are in fact- not a breeding pair- but together romantically. If that bothers you in any way at all, please let me know and I can send in a commission for another one of my dragons individually ^^ thank you and I apologize for not letting you know ahead of time ><
@Ink okay I can do that (: and regarding their relationship, I haven't written any lore or anything yet cuz Im lazy lmao but they are in fact- not a breeding pair- but together romantically. If that bothers you in any way at all, please let me know and I can send in a commission for another one of my dragons individually ^^ thank you and I apologize for not letting you know ahead of time ><
@Irrelevant no worries! Not a problem at all, I was just curious so I know how to pose them/what expressions to give them. I didn't want to make them all cuddly and cute if they're sworn enemies or business partners or something x3
@Irrelevant no worries! Not a problem at all, I was just curious so I know how to pose them/what expressions to give them. I didn't want to make them all cuddly and cute if they're sworn enemies or business partners or something x3
aUBv6Nx.png ... ~ Ink / fr__water_by_baelfin-d8uyn80.png / all pronouns -/-/-/-/-/-/- Pinkerlocke | f2u Bio Banners
cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc...ccccccccc...Inkpot Accent Shop

_ ______________ _ _ _

Empty your mind.
Be formless. Shapeless, like water. //